Hyperactive child 9 years old. What to do if the child is hyperactive? Exercise "Wonderful bag"

Recently, we are increasingly hearing the concept of a "hyperactive" child. What is he? What are the causes of hyperactivity in a child? What to do in this situation. Our topic today will be devoted to children's hyperactivity.

Signs of a hyperactive child.
Usually they say about such a child that he is with a “motor” or “perpetual motion machine”, “all on hinges”. Especially naughty are the hands of a hyperactive child, because they are constantly touching, breaking, throwing something. Such a child is constantly on the move, he cannot walk calmly, he is constantly running somewhere, jumping. Such children are very curious, but their curiosity is momentary, they do not try to see more, so they rarely get the point. Curiosity is not characteristic of a hyperactive child; he does not ask questions “why”, “why” at all. But if he suddenly asks, he forgets to listen to the answer to it. Despite the constant movement in which the child is, he still has some coordination disorders: he is awkward, clumsy, often drops objects in motion, breaks toys, often falls. The body of a hyperactive child is constantly bruised, scratched and bumped, but he does not draw a conclusion from this, and again stuffs bumps in the same place. Characteristic features of the behavior of such a child are distraction, restlessness, negativism, inattention, frequent mood swings, irascibility, stubbornness, aggressiveness. Such a child often finds himself at the center of events, since he is the noisiest. A hyperactive child has difficulty learning skills and does not understand many tasks. Most often, the self-esteem of such a child is underestimated. The child is not relaxed during the day, calms down only during sleep. Usually such a child does not sleep during the daytime hours, even in infancy, but the nighttime sleep is very restless. Being in public places, such children immediately attract attention, because they grab something, touch it all the time and do not listen to their parents at all. It is very difficult for parents of hyperactive children from the very first day of his life. It is necessary to constantly be near such a child and follow his every step.

Causes of child hyperactivity.
Today, there are a lot of opinions on the causes of hyperactivity in children. But the most common are:

  • genetic (hereditary predisposition);
  • biological (organic brain damage during pregnancy, birth trauma);
  • socio-psychological (microclimate in the family, alcoholism of parents, living conditions, wrong line of education).
Child hyperactivity is often noticed by adults at preschool age, from the age of four. As a rule, at home, hyperactive children are often compared with older brothers or sisters, familiar peers (from which they suffer a lot), who have exemplary behavior and good school performance. Parents, as a rule, are annoyed by their obsession, indiscipline, restlessness, carelessness, emotional instability. Hyperactive children cannot be responsible for the implementation of any assignments, help their parents. At the same time, comments and punishments do not give the desired results. Over time, the situation only worsens, especially when the child goes to school. Difficulties arise in mastering the school curriculum, hence poor academic performance, self-doubt, disagreements in relationships with the teacher and classmates, and behavioral disorders are also increasing. Often it is at school that a violation of attention is found, since it is a priority in the learning process. However, despite all this, hyperactive children are intellectually well developed, test results show this. But during classes, a hyperactive child experiences difficulties in completing tasks, since it is difficult for him to concentrate and organize his work. Hyperactive children quite soon turn off the process of completing the task. Usually their work looks sloppy, with a lot of mistakes, which are mainly the result of inattention, failure to follow the instructions of the teacher.

Hyperactive children are often impulsive, which manifests itself in the fact that the child often does something without thinking, in the classroom he cannot wait for his turn, constantly interrupts others, often answers inappropriately to the question asked, because he does not listen to him to the end. During games with peers, one often does not follow the rules, which causes conflict situations with the participants in the games. Hyperactive children, because of their impulsiveness, are prone to trauma because they do not think about the consequences of their actions.

A hyperactive child with impaired attention function is uncollected, unable to independently complete the task to the end, cannot concentrate on repeatedly repeated activities that do not bring momentary satisfaction, are often distracted from one lesson to another.

By adolescence, hyperactivity in children is significantly reduced or disappears. But attention deficits and impulsivity tend to persist into adulthood. However, at the same time, an increase in behavioral dysfunctions, aggressiveness, difficulties in relationships in the family and school, and deterioration in academic performance are possible.

What to do?
First you need to establish the cause of hyperactivity, for which you need to consult with specialists. If a neuropathologist prescribes a treatment course, massage and adherence to a special regime, it is necessary to strictly follow his recommendations.

To create a calm, favorable environment around such a child, since any disagreements in the family only charge the child with negative emotions. Communication with a hyperactive child should also be soft, calm, as he is receptive to the mood of his parents and people close to him.

It is necessary to observe a single line of conduct for parents and all family members in raising a child.

It is very important not to overwork the child, do not exceed the load and work hard with him. For example, to send a child to several sections or circles at once, jumping over age groups. All this will lead to whims and deterioration of the child's behavior.

In order to prevent overexcitation of the child, it is very important to observe the daily routine, which includes mandatory daytime sleep, early evening going to bed, it is necessary to replace outdoor games and walks with calm games, etc.

The less comments you make, the better. In this situation, it is better to distract him. The number of bans should be adequate to the age. Such a child really needs praise, so you need to do it very often, even for a trifle. But praise should not be too emotional, so as not to cause overexcitation of the child.

Try not to make your requests carry several instructions at once. When talking to a child, you need to look him straight in the eye.

In order to develop fine motor skills and general organization of movements, it is necessary to involve hyperactive children in choreography, tennis, dancing, swimming, and karate classes.

It is necessary to introduce the child to outdoor and sports games, the child must understand the purpose of the game and learn to obey the rules, plan the game.

When raising a hyperactive child, one should not go to extremes: on the one hand, show excessive softness, and on the other hand, increased demands that he is unable to fulfill, combined with harshness and punishment. Frequent changes in the punishment and mood of the parents have a negative impact on the hyperactive child.

Spare no time and effort to develop obedience, accuracy, self-organization in your child, develop in him a sense of responsibility for his actions, the ability to plan and complete what he has begun.

To improve the concentration of attention when doing homework, it is necessary to remove, if possible, all annoying and distracting factors, it should be a quiet place where the child can concentrate on work. During the preparation of homework, it is necessary to look at the child to make sure that he continues to work. Every 15-20 minutes, allow the child to take a five-minute break, during which you can walk around and relax.

Always try to discuss his behavior with your child and express comments to him in a calm and friendly manner.

It is very important to increase the child's self-esteem, self-confidence. This can be done by acquiring new skills, success in school and daily life.

A hyperactive child is very sensitive, he reacts especially sharply to comments, prohibitions, and lectures. Sometimes it seems to such children that their parents do not love him. Such children, more than others, need warmth, care, attention and love, love not for something, but because it exists.

It is very common, and sometimes parents do not know what to do in this situation. After all, such children never sit still, they constantly need to move, run, jump, they are inattentive and whiny. The parents of such children cannot rest even at night, as the kids sleep very poorly, constantly wake up and cry.

Parents very often confuse active children with hyperactive ones. How to determine that a child is hyperactive, and what is hyperactivity in general?

It is important to understand that hyperactivity is not a lack of proper education, but a medical problem that doctors and psychologists can help solve.

Hyperactivity: what is it?

Back in the 60s of the last century, hyperactivity was considered a pathological condition, and this was explained by minor disorders of brain functions. But numerous studies that have been conducted for more than 20 years have shown that excessive activity is an independent disease, which is caused by disorders of the central nervous system.

And also studies have shown that hyperactivity in almost all cases is accompanied by attention deficit disorder. So this disease got its name - ADHD, that is, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The brain of such a child is very difficult to perceive information - both external and internal. Such children cannot concentrate their attention on one subject for a long time and differ from healthy children in restlessness, inattention, impulsivity, and also inability to control their movements. If treatment is not started on time, then there is a high probability that it will be very difficult for a hyperactive child to adapt to society, and he may also have problems with his studies.

Restlessness, inattention, constant whims and attempts to attract attention are symptoms of ADHD

How to define hyperactivity?

ADHD is very common between the ages of 2 and 3. But he can also manifest himself at a later age - during the period of study at school, that is, at the age of 6-8 years. Hyperactive children have problems with learning and communicating with peers. They are not subject to punishment or persuasion. They seem to ignore everything that they are told. They violate the rules of conduct established by parents or educational institutions.

Symptoms of ADHD include the following:

  • restlessness (the child cannot sit in one place without moving for more than 2 minutes);
  • inattention (the child is not able to concentrate his attention on one subject for a long time);
  • emotional instability (frequent mood swings, tearfulness);
  • fussiness and anxiety;
  • sleep problems (the child cannot fall asleep for a long time and often wakes up at night);
  • ignoring the rules and norms of behavior;
  • delayed speech development.

If you observe at least one symptom of ADHD in your child, you should contact a neurologist who will tell you how to treat the disease, what to do with the emotional instability of the child, and help your baby adapt to society.

Wrong lifestyle, smoking during pregnancy - these are the true causes of child hyperactivity

The reasons

Medicine has not identified certain causes of hyperactivity in a child, but there are factors that can trigger the development of the disease. It:

  • complications during pregnancy: if during pregnancy the expectant mother suffered from toxicosis and high blood pressure, and intrauterine asphyxia was detected in the fetus, the likelihood that a hyperactive child will be born is very high;
  • the wrong lifestyle of a pregnant woman can also lead to the birth of a child with ADHD. Under the wrong lifestyle means drinking alcohol during pregnancy and smoking;
  • complications during childbirth: rapid or, conversely, prolonged labor can also lead to a violation of the central nervous system of the baby.

Only a neurologist can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment - you need to contact him at the first alarming symptoms

How to treat?

Naturally, in no case should you self-medicate and “prescribe” medications for your child on your own. Since here we are not talking about the usual runny nose, but about the nervous system of the baby. If you have a hyperactive child and you do not know what to do about it, you should contact a specialist. He will examine the baby. If age permits, the doctor may conduct special tests that determine abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. He will also need to conduct a family analysis, in which he will ask parents about the course of pregnancy, about past diseases - both by the mother during pregnancy and by the baby after birth.

In addition, the doctor will need parents to independently characterize their child. During the examination, the specialist will subjectively assess the behavior of the child and issue a verdict.

To confirm the diagnosis, he must also prescribe an examination, which includes an electroencephalological study or a study using magnetic resonance imaging.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment and, if necessary, a sedative to normalize sleep and eliminate feelings of anxiety. It will also tell you what to do with the baby when he is overly excited.

To “calm down” the baby’s nervous system and establish a sleep pattern, you need to put your child to bed every day at the same time.

What to do?

So, if you have a hyperactive child growing up and you don’t know what to do with it, then you just need to create a microworld for your child, which will have certain rules that must be observed, where he will receive the attention he needs from adults, but not through punishment or screaming, but normal communication, which is accompanied by physical contact, that is, hug him more often and stroke his head, especially when he cries.

In this microcosm must exist all the conditions for a normal existence. Write him down in some circle or sports section. There, a hyperactive child will splash out his energy and at the same time learn discipline. But the most important thing is that your child should like this activity.

Also, this microcosm should be as predictable, calm and stable as possible for the baby. There should be a strict regime of the day, the implementation of which is necessary and in which there are no "good" reasons not to adhere to it. That is, getting up at 8:00, toilet, washing, brushing your teeth, breakfast, classes. In the evening at 10:00 you need to go to bed, before going to bed, active games, loud music, in general, everything that irritates and excites the nervous system, must be excluded for an hour. We bathe, drink kefir, read a fairy tale and go to bed.

In addition, you should also take an active part in your child's life, especially if he is hyperactive. Play with him more often, do some crafts together, you need to interest the baby, so you will teach him to concentrate on one thing.

You can also alternate active games with calm ones. Run with the baby, play with the hair, and then seat him at the table and draw together.

If the child is hyperactive, he needs the attention of adults. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor, because only he can tell you what to do in this situation. And you will succeed! A hyperactive child is not a punishment for the family. The sooner you seek professional help, the better for your child and for you.

In medical practice, hyperactivity is a complex behavioral disorder that does not require any medical intervention and manifests itself in early preschool age.

The disorder can affect the child's success in school, affect interpersonal relationships, be noticeable by excessive mental and motor activity.

Signs of the disorder in different children can be detected in different ways. In most children, the disorder is associated with spontaneous reactions that the child cannot suppress. Reactions affect the child's mobility, speech and attention. They are considered signs of an unbalanced nervous system, among adults they are called excessive emotionality.

With hyperactivity, the child has difficulty concentrating, cannot sit still, wait in line. He shouts out answers before other children, stretches his hand to be the first to answer the question, shows disorganization, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

Due to hyperactivity, the child does not do well at school, is not able to carry out assignments with high quality, he moves a lot, talks a lot, interrupts the conversation of peers and adults.

Signs and symptoms of the disorder typically begin before the age of seven. They can be confused with another disorder - attention deficit disorder, as well as normal child behavior. Therefore, if parents notice one or more signs of a disorder in a child, this does not mean that the child is hyperactive. Conversely, if the signs are present in all situations - at home, at school, during extracurricular activities and on walks - it's time to get to know a psychologist and a doctor better.

Causes of hyperactivity in a child

The underlying causes of hyperactivity can be:

Various infections;

Birth trauma, difficult childbirth, childbirth before or after the term;

Poisoning with heavy metals and hazardous chemicals;

Wrong diet, poor daily routine.

Studies show that hyperactivity is more common in boys. It can be accompanied by sleep disturbance, enuresis, various speech disorders, and heart disorders. The disorder often occurs as part of attention deficit disorder.

The main signs of hyperactivity

You can recognize hyperactivity in a child by the following signs:

1. The child almost always has restless movements of the limbs. He cannot sit on a chair, gets up, turns, fidgets, turns, fiddles with clothes when he should sit quietly.

2. The child shows high motor activity for no reason. He aimlessly runs, jumps, climbs onto chairs, sofas, armchairs, and even in situations where this cannot be done.

3. The child cannot concentrate on the game, quietly and calmly do something. He screams, squeaks, performs sharp unconscious movements.

4. In a conversation, the child is very unrestrained, cannot listen to the end of the question, answers questions out of place, without thinking.

5. The child cannot stand and wait in line in any situation, begins to get nervous and act up.

6. The child interferes with other children, sticks to others, wedged into someone else's game, interferes with his behavior.

7. At night and during the day, the child sleeps very restlessly, rolls over from one side to the other, knocks off the sheet, throws off the blanket and at the same time loves the pose of a ball.

8. The child is unable to recognize other people's needs and desires.

9. The child is prone to emotional turmoil and cannot control emotions - both good and bad. The child may get angry at the wrong time or throw tantrums for absolutely no reason.

10. The child shows interest in many things, but almost always has problems understanding things. For example, he becomes interested in drawing, but leaves the drawing unfinished and switches to playing ball, while completely losing interest in drawing.

11. The child is unable to concentrate, even when he is addressed looking in the face. He hears the speech, but cannot repeat the conversation, or what was said to him.

12. The child often makes mistakes due to inattention.

Symptoms and deviations are clarified by specialists by observing and evaluating the child and his actions.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity in children

If others say that the child is hyperactive, this may mean that he also has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD can only be determined by a doctor based on the opinion of several specialists - a psychologist, a psychotherapist and a pediatrician. The doctor during the examination will also try to find out signs of other disorders and diseases that are similar to ADHD and need different types of treatment.

If the doctor determines that a child has ADHD, he or she offers the parents help in dealing with the problem. Many children are prescribed medication to help control their behavior. At the moment, there are a huge number of medicines that can completely cure this condition. Medicine can help children: focus attention, calm the nervous system, balance behavior, improve memory and attention.

Some medicines the child will take only before school, some - every day as part of the treatment course. Medicines are offered to children in the form of sugary liquids, tablets, capsules and gummies. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, after consultation with the parents.

Children with ADHD need not only medicine, but also lifestyle changes. In this case, the therapist and psychologist can offer parents an individually designed lifestyle change plan, give advice on what will be useful and what should be avoided.

Children also benefit greatly from relaxation and behavioral therapy. In relaxation therapy, the doctor will teach the child to relax, calm down, do deep breathing exercises, and relax various muscle groups. Behavioral therapy can teach children to set goals and achieve them.

If a child is hyperactive (that is, such a diagnosis has been made), not only relatives and a doctor must know about this, but also teachers and the director of the school that the student attends. Then the child will be able to get additional help with their studies, if necessary. The school can offer parents an individual learning plan, a quiet place in the classroom, provide additional time for completing assignments.

In most cases, children with ADHD have a normal, happy childhood, and with the right approach, they completely eliminate the disease.

Positive effects in children with hyperactivity

In addition to problems, attention deficit disorder has positive aspects. Numerous studies have found that children with ADHD tend to be:

1. Very creative and imaginative. A child who dreams and has dozens of different thoughts in his head can become a great master in the future, solving complex problems and throwing out a fountain of ideas. Children with ADHD can be easily distracted, but unlike others, they see things that others do not.

2. Very flexible and quirky. The child can simultaneously consider several options for solving a problem and is open to various ideas.

3. Enthusiasts. Children with ADHD are rarely bored. They are interested in a huge number of things and bright personalities. They attract people around them, have a huge number of friends.

4. Very energetic and unpredictable. When children are motivated by an idea, they work and complete tasks much faster than normal children. It can be difficult to distract them from a task if they are interested in it and if it is associated with an active lifestyle.

It is worth noting that ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence and talent. Many hyperactive children are highly intelligent and artistically gifted.

Psychologists around the world believe that if children show signs of hyperactivity due to a behavioral disorder, they should be eliminated, the sooner the better. This will avoid disappointments and difficulties that can arise from low self-esteem, as well as friction and stress accumulating in family and others.

If a child has symptoms of hyperactivity that are similar to ADHD, do not neglect the help of a qualified doctor and psychologist. You can eliminate hyperactivity in time by applying simple public measures.

Today, there are a lot of options for eliminating the disease. As therapeutic measures, a change in diet, a set of physical exercises, a change in the home environment, visits to children's circles, and any other distractions that will minimize the problem can be prescribed.

A hyperactive child requires a lot of strength and attention from adults. The child must always be listened to, helped him complete the tasks he has begun, taught to be diligent. Hyperactive children need effective parenting strategies that develop structure, consistency and clear interaction with the outside world. They need rewards and encouragement, lots of parental love, support and approval.

Psychologists advise:

1. Clearly organize the child's daily routine and do not change it for a long time. In this situation, the child will be able to acquire the necessary reflexes, for example, to go to bed after reading a fairy tale.

2. Create a calm, predictable environment for the child, without any irritants. This will minimize the occurrence of energy release.

3. Organize an active physical regime for the child with visits to sports sections and classes.

4. Do not limit the child in performing active actions when the situation allows it. This will allow you to spend excess energy.

5. A hyperactive child should not be punished, forced to sit still for a long time or perform any tedious work.

Experience shows that eliminating the problems of hyperactivity in children is doable. The child should be allowed to spend excess energy outside the walls of educational institutions, arouse interest in learning and creativity.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex disorder characterized by excessive activity, constant distraction and inability to concentrate.

Children with this disease easily cross all established boundaries, and often even shock adults with their behavior. Faced with such a diagnosis, parents, first of all, want to know how the disease manifests itself, what are its features, and, most importantly, how to help children overcome the difficulties associated with it and fully socialize in society.

Symptoms of hyperactivity in a child

The first signs of hyperactivity in a baby can sometimes appear even before the year. At the same time, the following symptoms:

  • Hypersensitivity to light, sound and other external stimuli;
  • Excessive excitability;
  • Violent reaction to manipulation;
  • Delayed physical development;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Delays in the development of speech.

But, if the above listed signs appear occasionally or not fully, they should not be attributed to pathology. Indeed, at this age, there are many other reasons for such behavior. For example, teething.

Features of hyperactive children - how to calm them down

It is possible to more accurately determine whether a baby is hyperactive at 2 to 3 years. At this age, the onset of the first crises is possible.

From typical symptoms most often observed:

  • disobedience;
  • impulsiveness;
  • difficulty getting into bed
  • slowdown in the development of memory and attention.

The little man becomes uncontrollable, and this is a very difficult test for parents. Communication with such children is a whole art, which is very difficult to master.

So, in order to calm a baby with ADHD, it is advisable to minimize the influence of external stimuli, offer him a glass of water or soothing tea, bathe and massage.

Hyperactive children - causes of hyperactivity in children

Hyperactive children are not uncommon these days. They make up about 18% of the total number of patients examined by pediatricians. Regarding the causes of such a serious illness, scientific debates have been ongoing for a long time.

For the most part, doctors agree on the genetic predisposition of the disease. But others are also called causes of pathology:

  • threats of termination of pregnancy;
  • problems during childbirth;
  • mother's use of alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • nervous tension, stress.

Hyperactive child what to do?

If the child is hyperactive, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the manifestation of ADHD. But there is also some general recommendations to work with such children:

  • Set a clear algorithm of actions. Issue commands one by one, trying to formulate it as specifically as possible.
  • Formulate prohibitions, avoiding the “not” particle. Instead of: "Don't walk in puddles!" Better say: "Try to avoid puddles" or "Walk where it's dry."
  • Stick to the logical sequence in tasks. Try to avoid confusion, do not jump from one task to another.
  • Keep track of time. Set a clear time frame for the little man to complete the work and make sure that he adheres to them, warning about this in advance.

If the baby is overexcited, but it is impossible to calm him down, try using psychological recommendations in:

  • Change the environment to a more calm one;
  • Try to hug your child;
  • Help take a soothing bath;
  • Read or just flip through a book;
  • Get a relaxing massage;
  • Turn on some light relaxing music.

In addition, modern psychologists offer the following recommendations parents hyperactive children:

  • Teach the little man to observe the daily routine;
  • Try to create the most comfortable conditions for him at home and in the team;
  • Be positive, use praise;
  • Clearly set the framework for what is possible and what is not;
  • Give your child the opportunity to expend excess energy to the maximum.

Treatment of hyperactivity in a child

To help the little man, parents should know that the treatment of the disease may include four constituent:

1. psychotherapeutic methods;
2. psychological and pedagogical correction;
3. the use of medications;
4. non-drug therapy.

Of course, first of all, preference is given to non-drug methods. But only a doctor can determine and prescribe them. Parents, first of all, should take care of observing other important recommendations:

  • calm atmosphere;
  • full sleep;
  • quality food;
  • long walks;
  • constant physical activity;
  • gentle teaching methods.

hyperactive child- This is a baby suffering from excessive motor mobility. Previously, the presence of hyperactivity in the anamnesis of the baby was considered a pathological minimal disorder of mental functions. Today, hyperactivity in a child is referred to as an independent disease, which is called a syndrome. It is characterized by increased physical activity of children, restlessness, easy distractibility, impulsivity. At the same time, individuals with a high level of activity have a level of intellectual development that meets their age norm, and for some, even above the norm. Primary symptoms of increased activity are less common in girls and begin to be detected already at an early age. This violation is considered a fairly common disorder of the behavioral-emotional aspect of mental functions. Children with overactivity syndrome are immediately noticeable in the environment of other babies. Such crumbs cannot sit still for a minute in one place, they are constantly moving, rarely bring things to an end. Symptoms of hyperactivity are observed in almost 5% of the child population.

Signs of a hyperactive child

Diagnosis of hyperactivity in a child is possible only after long-term observation of children's behavior by specialists. Some manifestations of increased activity can be seen in most children. Therefore, it is so important to know the signs of hyperactivity, the main of which is the impossibility of concentrating attention for a long time on one phenomenon. When this symptom is detected, it is necessary to take into account the age of the baby, since at different stages of child development, the inability to focus attention manifests itself differently.

A child suffering from increased activity is too restless, he constantly fidgets or rushes about, runs. If the baby is in constant aimless movement and he has an inability to concentrate, then we can talk about hyperactivity. Also, the actions of a baby with increased activity should have a certain amount of eccentricity and fearlessness.

The signs of a hyperactive child include the inability to combine words into sentences, a strong desire to take everything in hand, disinterest in listening to children's fairy tales, and the inability to wait in line.

Hyperactive children have a decrease in appetite along with an increased sense of thirst. These babies are difficult to put to sleep, both during the day and at night. Older children with overactivity syndrome suffer. They overreact to completely ordinary situations. Along with this, they are quite difficult to comfort and reassure. Children with this syndrome are overly touchy and quite irritable.

Obvious harbingers of hyperactivity in the early age period include sleep disturbances and decreased appetite, low weight gain, anxiety and increased excitability. However, it should be borne in mind that all of the listed signs may have other causes that are not related to hyperactivity.

In principle, psychiatrists believe that a diagnosis of increased activity can be made to babies only after they have overcome the age of 5 or 6 years. In the school period, manifestations of hyperactivity become more noticeable and pronounced.

In learning, a child with hyperactivity is characterized by the inability to work in a team, the presence of difficulties with retelling textual information and writing stories. Interpersonal relationships with peers do not add up.

A hyperactive child often shows in relation to the environment. He is inclined not to fulfill the teacher's requirements in the classroom, he is distinguished by restlessness in the classroom and unsatisfactory behavior, often does not do his homework, in a word, such a baby does not obey the established rules.

Hyperactive babies, in most cases, are overly talkative and extremely awkward. In such children, usually, everything falls out of their hands, they touch everything or hit everything. More pronounced difficulties are observed in fine motor skills. It is difficult for such children to fasten buttons or tie their own shoelaces on their own. They usually have bad handwriting.

A hyperactive child can be broadly described as inconsistent, illogical, restless, distracted, rebellious, stubborn, sloppy, clumsy. At the older age stage, restlessness and eccentricity usually go away, but the inability to concentrate remains, sometimes for life.

In connection with the foregoing, the diagnosis of increased activity in children should be treated with caution. You also need to understand that even if the baby has a history of hyperactivity, this does not make him bad.

Hyperactive child - what to do

Parents of a hyperactive child should, first of all, contact a specialist to determine the cause of this syndrome. Such reasons may be a genetic predisposition, in other words, hereditary factors, socio-psychological reasons, for example, the climate in the family, living conditions in it, etc., biological factors, which include various brain lesions. In cases where, after establishing the cause that provoked the appearance of hyperactivity in a child, appropriate treatment by a therapist is prescribed, such as massage, adherence to a regimen, taking medications, it must be strictly followed.

Corrective work with hyperactive children, first of all, should be carried out by the parents of the kids, and it begins with the creation of a calm, favorable environment around the crumbs, since any disagreements in the family or loud showdowns only “charge” them with negative emotions. Any interaction with such kids, and in particular, communicative, should be calm, gentle, in view of the fact that they are extremely susceptible to the emotional state and mood of loved ones, especially parents. All adult members of family relationships are encouraged to follow a single model of behavior in raising a child.

All actions of adults in relation to hyperactive children should be aimed at developing their skills of self-organization, removing disinhibition, building respect for surrounding individuals and teaching accepted norms of behavior.

An effective way to overcome the difficulties of self-organization is the hanging of special flyers in the room. To this end, it is necessary to determine the two most important and most serious things that the baby can successfully complete during daylight hours, and write them on pieces of paper. Such leaflets should be posted on a so-called bulletin board, for example, in the children's room or on the refrigerator. Information can be displayed not only through written speech, but also with the help of figurative drawings, symbolic images. For example, if the baby needs to wash the dishes, then you can draw a dirty plate or spoon. After the baby completes the assigned assignment, he must make a special note on the memo sheet opposite the corresponding assignment.

Another way to develop self-organization skills is to use color coding. So, for example, for classes at school, you can get certain colors of notebooks, which in the future will be easier for the student to find. In order to teach the child to put things in order in the room, multi-colored symbols also help. For example, on boxes for toys, clothes of notebooks, attach leaflets of different colors. Labeling sheets should be large, highly visible and have different designs to represent the contents of the boxes.

In the primary school period, classes with hyperactive children should mainly be targeted at developing attention, developing voluntary regulation, and training the formation of psychomotor functions. Also, therapeutic methods should cover the development of specific skills of interaction with peers and adults. The initial corrective work with an overly active baby should be done individually. At this stage of corrective action, it is necessary to teach a small individual to listen, understand the instructions of a psychologist or another adult and pronounce them loudly, express independently during classes the rules of behavior and the norms for performing a specific task. It is also desirable at this stage to develop, together with the crumbs, an order of rewards and a system of punishments, which will subsequently help him adapt in a peer group. The next stage involves the involvement of an overly active baby in collective activities and should also be implemented gradually. First, the child must be involved in the game process or work with a small group of children, and then he can be invited to participate in group activities that involve a large number of participants. Otherwise, if this sequence is not followed, the baby may become overexcited, which will cause loss of control of behavior, general overwork and a lack of active attention.

At school, it is also quite difficult to work with overly active children, however, such children also have their own attractive features.

Hyperactive children at school are characterized by a fresh spontaneous reaction, they are easily inspired, always willing to help teachers and other peers. Hyperactive kids are completely forgiving, they are more enduring than their peers, relatively less often than classmates are prone to diseases. They often have a very rich imagination. Therefore, teachers are recommended to choose a competent strategy of behavior with such kids to try to understand their motives and determine the model of interaction.

Thus, it has been practically proven that the development of the motor system of babies has an intense effect on their comprehensive development, namely, on the formation of visual, auditory and tactile analyzer systems, speech abilities,. Therefore, classes with hyperactive children must necessarily contain motor correction.

Working with hyperactive children

Three key areas involve the work of a psychologist with hyperactive children, namely the formation of mental functions that are lagging behind in such babies (control over movements and behavior, attention), the development of specific abilities to interact with peers and an adult environment, work with anger.

Such corrective work occurs gradually and begins with the development of a single function. Since a hyperactive baby is physically unable to listen to the teacher with the same attention for a long time, restrain impulsiveness and sit still. Once stable positive results have been achieved, one should proceed to the simultaneous training of two functions, for example, lack of attention and behavioral control. At the last stage, you can introduce classes aimed at developing all three functions at the same time.

The work of a psychologist with a hyperactive child begins with personal lessons, then you should move on to exercises in small groups, gradually connecting an increasing number of children. Since the individual characteristics of babies with excessive activity prevent them from concentrating when there are many peers nearby.

In addition, all activities should take place in an emotionally acceptable form for the kids. The most attractive for them are classes in the form of a game. A hyperactive child in the garden requires special attention and approach. Since with the advent of such a baby in a preschool institution, many problems arise, the solution of which lies with the educators. They need to direct all the actions of the crumbs, and the system of prohibitions should be accompanied by alternative proposals. Game activity should be directed to stress relief, lowering, the formation of the ability to focus attention.

A hyperactive child in the garden has a hard time withstanding a quiet hour. If the baby is not able to calm down and fall asleep, then the teacher is recommended to sit next to him and gently talk to him, stroking his head. As a result, muscle tension and emotional arousal will decrease. Over time, such a baby will get used to a quiet hour, and after it he will feel rested and less impulsive. When interacting with an overly active baby, emotional interaction and tactile contact have a rather effective effect.

Hyperactive children in school also require a special approach. First of all, it is necessary to increase their educational motivation. For this purpose, non-traditional forms of correctional work can be used, for example, using older students to teach children. Older students act as instructors and can teach the art of origami or beadwork. In addition, the educational process should be focused on the psychophysiological characteristics of students. So, for example, it is necessary to change activities if the child is tired, or to realize his motor need.

Teachers need to take into account the eccentricity of disorders in children with hyperactive behavior. Often they interfere with the normal conduct of classes, because it is difficult for them to control and manage their own behavior, they are always distracted by something, they are more excited than their peers.

In the course of schooling, especially at the beginning, it is quite difficult for children with excessive activity to complete a learning task and be neat at the same time. Therefore, teachers are recommended to reduce the requirements for accuracy in such children, which in the future will help them develop a sense of success, increase self-esteem, which will result in an increase in learning motivation.

Very important in the corrective impact is the work with the parents of a hyperactive child, aimed at explaining to adults the characteristics of a child with excessive activity, teaching them verbal and non-verbal interaction with their own children, and developing a unified strategy for educational behavior.

A psychologically stable situation and a calm microclimate in family ties are key components of the health and successful development of any baby. That is why it is necessary, first of all, for parents to pay attention to the environment surrounding the baby at home, as well as in a school or preschool institution.

Parents of a hyperactive child should ensure that the child does not overwork. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed the required load. Overwork leads to children's whims, irritability and deterioration of their behavior. In order for the crumbs not to become overexcited, it is important to follow a certain daily routine, in which time for daytime sleep is necessarily allotted, outdoor games are replaced by calm games or walks, etc.

Also, parents should remember that the less they make comments to their hyperactive child, the better it will be for him. If adults do not like children's behavior, then it is better to try to distract them with something. You need to understand that the number of prohibitions should correspond to the age period.

For a hyperactive child, praise is very necessary, so you should try to praise him as often as possible. However, at the same time, one should not do this too emotionally, so as not to provoke overexcitation. You should also try to ensure that a request addressed to a child does not carry several instructions at the same time. When talking with the baby, it is recommended to look into his eyes.

For the correct formation of fine motor skills and the comprehensive organization of movements, children should be actively involved in choreography, various types of dances, swimming, tennis or karate. It is necessary to attract crumbs to games of a mobile nature and sports orientation. They must learn to understand the goals of the game and obey its rules, and also try to plan the game.

When raising a child with high activity, one should not go too far, in other words, parents are advised to adhere to a sort of middle position in behavior: one should not show excessive softness, but one should also avoid excessive demands that children are not able to fulfill, combining them with punishments. The constant change of punishments and moods of parents has a negative impact on kids.

Parents should spare no effort or time for the formation and development of obedience, accuracy, self-organization in children, for the development of responsibility for their own actions and behavior, the ability to plan, organize and bring to completion what they have begun.

To improve concentration during lessons or other tasks, if possible, eliminate all annoying and distracting factors for the baby. Therefore, the child needs to allocate a quiet place in which he can concentrate on lessons or other activities. In the process of doing homework, parents are advised to periodically look at the baby to check whether he is completing tasks. You also need to provide a short break every 15 or 20 minutes. Discuss with the child his actions and behavior should be in a calm and benevolent manner.

In addition to all of the above, corrective work with hyperactive children also consists in increasing their self-esteem, gaining confidence in their own potential. Parents can do this by teaching children new skills and abilities. Also, success in school or any achievements in everyday life contribute to the growth of self-esteem in babies.

A child with increased activity is characterized by excessive sensitivity, he inadequately responds to any remarks, prohibitions or notations. Therefore, children suffering from excessive activity, more than others, need the warmth of loved ones, care, understanding and love.

There are also many games aimed at mastering hyperactive children's control skills and learning to manage their own emotions, actions, behavior, attention.

Games for hyperactive children are the most effective way to develop the ability to concentrate and help relieve disinhibition.

Often, relatives of children with increased activity experience many difficulties in the process of educational activities. As a result, many of them, with the help of harsh measures, are at war with the so-called childish disobedience, or, conversely, in despair, “give up” to their behavior, thereby giving complete freedom of action to their children. Therefore, work with the parents of a hyperactive child, first of all, should include enriching the emotional experience of such a child, helping him to master elementary skills, which helps to smooth out the manifestations of excessive activity and thereby leads to a change in relationships with close adults.

Treatment of a hyperactive child

Today, the question arose about the need for treatment of hyperactivity syndrome. Many therapists are sure that hyperactivity is a psychological condition that must be corrected for further adaptation of children to life in a team, while others are against drug therapy. The negative attitude towards drug treatment is a consequence of the use of amphetamine-type psychotropic drugs for this purpose in some countries.

In the former CIS countries, the drug Atomoxetine is used for treatment, which does not belong to psychotropic drugs, but also has a number of side effects and contraindications. The effect of taking this drug becomes noticeable after four months of therapy. Choosing drug intervention as a means of combating hyperactivity, it should be understood that any drugs are aimed solely at eliminating the symptoms, and not at the causes of the disease. Therefore, the effectiveness of such an intervention will depend on the intensity of manifestations. But still, drug treatment of a hyperactive child should be used only in the most difficult cases. Since it can often harm the child, due to the fact that it has a huge number of side effects. Today, the most sparing medications are homeopathic remedies, since they do not have such a strong effect on the activity of the nervous system. However, taking such drugs requires patience, since the effect of them occurs only after accumulation in the body.

Non-drug therapy is also successfully used, which should be comprehensive and developed individually for each baby. Typically, such therapy includes massage, manual manipulation of the spine, and physiotherapy exercises. The effectiveness of such drugs is observed in almost half of the patients. The disadvantages of non-drug therapy are the need for an individual approach, which is practically impossible in the conditions of modern healthcare organization, huge financial costs, the need for constant correction of therapy, the lack of qualified specialists and limited effectiveness.

Treatment of a hyperactive child also involves the use of other methods, such as the use of biofeedback techniques. So, for example, the biofeedback technique does not completely replace treatment, but it helps to reduce and adjust the doses of drugs. This technique belongs to behavioral therapy and is based on the use of the latent potential of the body. The key task of this technique involves the formation of skills and mastering them. The biofeedback technique belongs to modern trends. Its effectiveness lies in improving the ability of toddlers to plan their own activities and understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior. The disadvantages include inaccessibility for most families and the inability to obtain effective results in the presence of injuries, displacement of the vertebrae and other diseases.

Behavioral therapy has also been used quite successfully to correct hyperactivity. The difference between the approach of specialists in software and the approach of followers of other areas lies in the fact that the former do not seek to understand the causes of the phenomenon or predict their consequences, while the latter are looking for the origins of problems. Behaviorists work directly with behavior. They positively reinforce so-called "right" or right behaviors and negatively reinforce "wrong" or inappropriate ones. In other words, they develop a kind of reflex in patients. The effectiveness of this method is observed in almost 60% of cases and depends on the severity of symptoms and the presence of concomitant diseases. The disadvantages include the fact that the behavioral approach is more common in the United States.

Games for hyperactive children are also methods of corrective action that contribute to the development of skills to control motor activity and control their own impulsivity.

Comprehensive and individually designed treatment contributes to the onset of a positive effect in the correction of hyperactive behavior. However, one should not forget that for the maximum result, the jointly directed efforts of the parents and other close circle of the baby, teachers, doctors and psychologists are necessary.