Interactive lesson: learning technology. Teaching methods

Technologies used in the lessons
Nefedova Elena Alexandrovna

technology teacher

MOU KSOSH named after Hero of the Russian Federation I.V. Sarychev, Korablino

In today's rapidly changing learning environment, teachers can only succeed if they manage to take their methods to the next level. Teachers are forced to work flexibly, creating new systems of relationships, both with students and with their parents, other teachers, develop strategies adequate to the ongoing changes, review priorities in building and conducting a lesson and developing the personality of schoolchildren.

At present, modern methods of teaching students that have migrated from the West are beginning to enter Russian practice more and more actively.

Tasks my pedagogical activity: to give students a solid knowledge of the subject, to promote the creative development of the student, both in the classroom and outside the classroom, to create positive motivation for learning, to educate children in independence, honesty, personal initiative, self-confidence.

In my work I use the following methods: mentoring, metaphorical play, behavioral modeling, shadowwing training, buddying training, brainstorming and others. Most of these methods are active, since the subject itself involves the use of them in their work, since most of the lesson is practical tasks. The use of a variety of methods in the learning process contributes to improving the quality of education.

Clarifying the learning objectives makes it possible to answer the question: what is the most appropriate teaching method? At the same time, one should not forget about the personal characteristics of the student who is supposed to be taught.

Thus, good teaching requires an individual approach to the needs of each student. Any method has its advantages and disadvantages. This must be taken into account when designing the curriculum.

The choice of teaching method should be approached differentially - they differ both in the level of complexity and in the duration of the impact.

Methods are classified into passive and active, individual and group.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. And the main criterion when choosing a particular method is its effectiveness in achieving the learning goals of each individual student.

Teaching methods can also be divided into traditional and active. It is not easy to separate teaching methods unambiguously into active and inactive. Some of them are transitional to practical exercises and independent work. Undoubtedly, case studies, behavioral modeling, as well as educational and practical conferences for the exchange of experience can be attributed to active teaching methods. Varieties of active teaching methods with special opportunities for the formation and development of socio-psychological qualities are role-playing analysis of a specific situation (staging), a metaphorical game.

Modern teaching methods integrate all of the above types of schoolchildren education. This includes both active and passive teaching methods, group and individual, etc.

Each method has its own characteristics.

metaphorical game

This is a form of organizing the active work of participants, aimed at developing new forms of activity and changing attitudes in behavior.

The main task of the metaphorical game is to find a new way to solve the situation.

The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that a metaphor is taken to solve a learning situation. I apply this method in this situation: it is necessary to find new approaches to choosing the main dish for the dinner table. For this task, we can use the metaphorical game "Dish of the Day". Participants are immersed in a situation where the hostess needs to make a choice from several dishes. In order for each "chef" to be able to present their dish and win, it is prepared by a "support group". The tasks of the "support group" include studying the dishes of competitors, developing an optimal strategy to win the favor of the hostess. The task of the cooks is to apply the developed strategy in order to get the favor of the hostess. At the end of the game, it is analyzed in order to identify effective behaviors and use them in other learning situations.

The use of this form of training helps to activate the creative abilities of the participants, provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the competitive situation and change the prevailing stereotypes.

A metaphorical game can be used and applied to any problem situation. It can be based on fairy tales, parables, legends that convey the problems of relationships in various situations.

Benefits of using a metaphorical game:

- Development of students' creativity;

- Decreased anxiety of participants about solving a particular problem;

- Encouraging participants to independently find a solution to a given situation.

Behavioral Modeling

Behavior modeling is a relatively new method of teaching interpersonal skills and attitude change. Mostly this method is used in the framework of practical exercises that involve a wider use of active learning methods, to which this method also belongs. It teaches specific skills and attitudes related to the performance of a professional activity through the following steps:

- presentation of a "behavioral model" (example, ideal) of professional behavior that is proposed to be mastered - in most cases, this is a teacher who teaches a lesson;

The practice of students when they are asked to reproduce the proposed "behavioral model" as accurately as possible in educational or work situations;

- providing feedback and reinforcement indicating the degree of success in mastering the relevant behaviors.

I apply this method in such a situation: I show the student an example of how to work with something, for example, tools, materials. The student, in turn, must “copy” my activity, and reproduce it as accurately as possible. I also use the method of behavioral modeling when explaining new material. As one of the options: the students themselves pronounce most of the information on the new topic (using subjective life experience), while the child’s mental activity is activated, and they also record the information on the blackboard (behavioral “model” of the teacher) and in notebooks.

Role models that are offered to students when using the method of behavioral modeling are designed so that they correspond as much as possible to the working situations in the lesson, so behavioral modeling has a very high degree of positive transfer.

Behavioral modeling is effective when the following requirements are met:

- a role model should be attractive to the student and inspire his confidence and readiness to follow the proposed model;

- a role model should demonstrate the desired sequence or correct course of action in a standard situation;

- the student must see that compliance with the desired sequence or order of actions is rewarded in one way or another (saving time, insurance against errors, solving tasks, etc.).

The teacher should pay special attention to changing the students' attitudes in the right direction.

The method of behavioral modeling is the more effective, the higher the level of motivation of students, the better they understand the importance of the modeled behavior for the successful solution of the tasks that they face in their educational activities.

Advantages of the behavioral modeling method:

- Allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of trainees;

- Flexible enough to allow more time for slow learners.

Behavioral modeling is carried out either on an individual basis in a student-teacher pair or in small study groups of up to 12 participants.


The method involves the transfer of the experience of a mentor and the inculcation of a work culture to a weaker student or not competent enough in the field of manufacturing any products using various technologies. Mentoring plays an essential role in the development of personal qualities of all participants in the process.

Mentoring differs from other teaching methods in that learning takes place at the student's place of study during a lesson or extra class. The purpose of this method is to minimize the period of mastering new technologies by students in the workplace, with the help of which I solve the following tasks:

- I improve the quality of preparing students for the development of new technologies;

- I develop a positive attitude towards work in girls;

- provide students with the opportunity to quickly achieve the indicators they need to receive the grade they need (usually “good” or “excellent”);

- I provide mentors with opportunities for professional growth, encourage them for good work, recognize their merits to the class team.

As a rule, one or two wards are assigned to one mentor. Tasks for the mentor:

- to teach the wards the basic methods of work;

- to help in the development of a new topic, new technology, new techniques;

- to control the current result of work;

- help in solving urgent issues.

Benefits of the mentoring method:

- The learning process of all students becomes better;

- The level of motivation of girls experienced in any technology of manufacturing products increases;

- The teacher additionally assesses the managerial potential of the mentor.

The advantages of this method of teaching are the more complete implementation of the work plan in the lesson, the acquisition of skills in a short time.

There are 5 main stages of training in the mentoring process, which can be described as follows:

- “I will tell, and you listen”;

- "I'll show, and you look";

- "Let's do it together";

- "Do it yourself, and I'll tell you";

- "Do it yourself and tell me what you did."

The mentoring process is supervised by the teacher.

What do the trainee, the mentor and the class as a whole get from this form of education? Within the framework of the mentoring system, the relationship "mentor - trainee" can have a positive impact on the qualities of both parties, such as self-confidence, self-esteem, especially as the professional development level and abilities of the trainee increase. The student feels the constant support of the mentor, analyzes his own strengths (strengths - weaknesses), becomes less prone to interpersonal conflict with the teacher, develops the necessary skills, abilities, competencies that affect the quality of work (quality of workmanship), readiness to take responsibility for self-education and professional development.

The teacher, thanks to the mentoring system, has well-prepared students with an optimal period of adaptation to a new type of work (new technology for manufacturing products), raises the cultural level of children, helps students interact in the lesson, both vertically and horizontally, has a positive impact on the attitude to learning .

Shadowing training

This teaching method is now actively used in the West, namely in the UK. The literal translation of this term is "being a shadow." You can use this form of training for all students who are more or less prepared for any activity. The scheme of work is very simple.

For example, in order for an individual student to become better versed in any issue and practically apply this knowledge and skills in practice, I give him the opportunity for about two lessons (at least) to be the “shadow” of a more experienced and skilled student.

In the role of a “shadow”, the student is immersed in the study of the entire process of work, observes and captures moments, throughout the entire time. Thus, the child becomes a witness of "two hours in the life" of a more experienced student, receives information about what features the technology of manufacturing the product he has chosen has, what knowledge and skills she lacks, what tasks she has to solve.

After the work done, the student informs me about the conclusions that she made for herself.

I use this method in high school, where the project method is used (several products are made simultaneously by different students, possibly using different technologies). Thus, the girl who completed the project (making a product) in the decoupage technique had the opportunity to be the “shadow” of the student who completed the project in the quilling technique, and two lessons were enough to decide if she also wants to work in this technique, and what She lacks the skills and knowledge to do so.

I can use this form of training in the process of implementing projects, that is, for a fairly long time (from one to several months).

Using shadowing, you can improve the integration within the team and increase the coordination of actions between different students, "specialists" in their fields (in the implementation of their projects).

Benefits of using the Shadowing method:

- Simplicity and economy;

- Accelerates the process of adaptation of the student to a new type of activity;

- The child has the opportunity to immerse himself in the "real" environment.

Buddying training

The essence of the method lies in the fact that a “buddy”, a partner, is assigned to a student who successfully completes his part of the work (practical task). His task is to provide constant feedback on the actions and decisions of the student to whom he is assigned. In a working situation, in a hurry, it is sometimes difficult for students to track how professionally and competently they perform the work assigned to them by the teacher, solve certain situations. Sometimes it is very useful to look at your actions and reactions from the outside, "buddy" provides such an opportunity. The buddying method is based on providing information or objective and honest feedback while performing tasks that are primarily related to learning new skills, and secondarily related to current responsibilities.

What distinguishes buddying from mentoring is that its participants are absolutely equal. In this form of work, there is no "senior" and "junior", mentor and ward, student and student.

Of course, before embarking on such a method, I train students to give objective feedback, draw conclusions, and present information competently.

Benefits of using the Buddying method:

- I provide an opportunity for the student to receive objective information about their work;

- The opportunity to identify points of personal and professional growth, as well as to see shortcomings and correct them;

- I create interactive communication, I try to improve interpersonal skills.

The choice of a teaching method depends on the specific goal: to gain new knowledge, to form skills, to develop an attitude at the level of thinking, values. If we talk about achieving these goals in a complex, then it is necessary to use several teaching methods.

Abstract of the overview lecture

for students of the specialty H0101 "Mathematics»

Makarova N.P. PhD, Associate Professor

Question 34

Method (from the Greek. metodos - way to something) means a way to achieve the goal.

In didactics, teaching methods are understood as methods of local th activity of the teacher and students, and ways of organizing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. In solving the problem of teaching methods in informatics, we will be guided by the formulation of the well-known didact Yu.K.

Explanatory-illustrative , reproductive methods are associated with the assimilation of ready-made knowledge that is communicated by the teacher and then reproduced by students. They correspond to a story, an explanation, a lecture, a demonstration, work with a textbook, a computer, etc.

Problem method involves the active participation of schoolchildren in solving the problem formulated by the teacher in the form of a cognitive task. The method finds expression in the demonstrative presentation of the material by the teacher, in the textbook, book, demonstration, excursion, etc.

Using partial exploratory method, students are involved in creating a hypothesis, solving problems through observation, experiment, drawing up a plan or algorithm for solving a cognitive problem, designing, etc.

Research method, includes observation, experiment, work with a computer, posters, etc. In this case, the teacher acts as an organizer of the students' independent search activity.

programmed The method makes it possible to greatly intensify the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. It is a special type of independent work of students on specially selected and built in a certain order educational material.

modelmethod in modern literature is seen as the future of the school. When using it, students are given the opportunity to organize an independent creative search. This type of methods includes a business game, the construction of a mathematical or computer model, etc. The computer acts as a means of activating model learning.

Project methodis an example of an activity approach to learning (more precisely, computer technology), when it comes to the development of an educational project - a purposeful activity organized in a certain way in such a way that the student not only independently finds and assimilates information, but also generates new ideas.

Let us give a brief description of some methods and the possibilities of their use in teaching computer science, depending on the objectives and content of the course.

Explanatory-illustrative methodIt is used when familiarizing trainees with new theoretical material, forming their initial skills in working with a computer, software, in developing skills in working with a computer keyboard. In particular, the teacher can resort to a story when it is necessary to inform the students of certain facts in a finished form. For example, when working with textual or graphic information, it is advisable to tell students about the emergence of writing and graphic images, about the evolution of the transmission of graphic information. During the initial acquaintance with any software (PS), the teacher reports the necessary commands, explains the purpose of the keys, demonstrates the keys, pressing which leads to the result, gives a sample exercise for subsequent work performed by students on their own.

Such methods (story, presentation, explanation) are effective in cases where the educational material is informational in nature or is a description of the methods of practical activity. Considering that the listed methods do not activate the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, they must be combined with such methods as demonstration, illustration. So, when explaining the principles of working with a particular software tool, the teacher projects the material presented on the screen, makes requirements for students, which they are guided by when performing training exercises to develop certain skills in the environment of this tool.

Simultaneously, demonstration and illustration are methods that are often used in practical classes. The teacher in the lesson can demonstrate an educational film with a subsequent discussion of its content, watch TV recordings or a specially created video film together with students. However, the most common type of work using these methods is working with a software tool. To concentrate attention, it is desirable to turn off the student computer (SPU), conduct the demonstration on the host computer or on the demo screen. You can use programs that demonstrate the capabilities of a particular PS. In this case, it is advisable to use students' computers. It is necessary to clearly dose the time, as a long demonstration weakens the attention of schoolchildren.

Methods such as demonstration and illustration should preferably be combined with verbal and practical teaching methods.

Example 1. The teacher provides students with the necessary theoretical material when considering issues related to the text editor. Analyzing the principles of text editors, he shows a diagram:

The students are then shown how to put the principle into practice. The network operating system (OS) is loaded first. Next, the teacher displays the disk directory on the demo screen (due to the slow network operation, it is undesirable to offer students to do this on their computers). Students find the file name of a text editor, the names of text files recorded on disk. They are encouraged to load a text editor into the random access memory (RAM) of each student computer. At the same time, it is noted that after loading the editor, there is no text in the window (as shown in the diagram). After the text file is loaded into the buffer, the text (part of the text) is displayed in the window and the file is saved to disk at the same time. Working in a text editor MIM (for KUVT "Corvette"), this can be checked as follows: open a second window and read the same text file again using the blitz command<О>+< F 1>, move cursor to<имя текстового файла>and press the key< ESC >. The teacher performs these operations n and the host computer.

reproductive method in informatics lessons it is used when working with simulator programs (for example, a keyboard simulator), teaching and controlling programs (for example, the principle of computer operation, control of knowledge of theoretical material), performing various types of introductory, training exercises, exercises with comments.

Introductory exercises are used during the initial acquaintance with the software and are performed, as a rule, under the guidance of a teacher.

Example 2. After explaining and demonstrating the work of the graphic editor, students perform introductory exercises on building a segment, polyline, rectangle, circle, etc., using the appropriate icons.

Example 3. Working with a text editor After loading the editor and. text file in the RAM of computers, students move the cursor to the screen point indicated by the teacher. Press the key or key combination named by the teacher. Observe the state of the screen, draw a conclusion and write it down in a workbook.

Commenting exercises are used in the development of trainees' skills to work with operations that are difficult to master. So, commenting is useful when working on formatting or copying text, moving blocks of text.

Commenting encourages the student to comprehend each action, allows the teacher to make adjustments to the actions of students, eliminate incorrect interpretations and actions.

Training exercises are aimed at repeating actions or operations in order to develop skills and abilities. Such exercises are combined into a system of tasks, which involves a gradual increase in complexity and creative independence of students. An example of such an exercise is the following group of operations:

a) the teacher demonstrates a certain action on the host computer or demonstration screen;

b) students perform the exercise according to the model or according to the algorithm scheme proposed by the teacher;

c) students perform training exercises only on assignment.

Problem Method (problem issues, situations) it is advisable to use when working with graphic information. If a graphical editor is used GRIN , then students should pay attention to the absence of the Eraser icon in it. When it becomes necessary to erase the entire screen or part of the picture, then the students should be asked the question: "Is it possible to erase part of the picture using the existing editor icons? If yes, then how can this be done in practice?" Students may suggest wiping with a filled rectangle, having previously set the desired background color.

Let us give an example of creating a problem situation when students work with a spreadsheet.

Students are encouraged to imagine that they are involved in preparing a school fair to sell homemade goods. It is planned to receive X rubles from the sale. It is required to calculate how to get the planned amount. To do this, you need to define:

a) what price to set for each product;

b) how many products of each type are to be sold.

First, students fill out a spreadsheet: design headings, form the necessary columns, enter the expected data (the number of goods sold and their price). Then they start solving the problem. To achieve the desired result, repeatedly change the entered data, analyze the subtotals and the final result until the desired or acceptable result is achieved.

Programmed learning method is to use training programs in informatics lessons. This method is especially effective when studying the topics "Digital Fundamentals of Computing", "Software". In training programs, the studied material is presented in a strict sequence. Each frame contains a portion of new material, security question or task.

Programmed learning in computer science involves:

a) correct selection and division of educational material into small portions;

b) control of knowledge and skills (each portion of the educational material ends with a control question or task);

c) transition to the next portion only after the correct answer, or familiarization of the student with the nature of the mistake made or the correct answer;

d) providing each student with the opportunity to work at his own speed of mastering the material.

Programmed learning is closely related to algorithmization, which has two aspects in computer science lessons: teaching students how to build algorithms and building learning algorithms.

Teaching students the principles of working with any software tool has a single algorithm:

1) the teacher's story about the purpose of the studied software (SW), the basic principles of its work and application in various industries;

2) demonstration of the capabilities of the tool, showing work with the main functions and commands;

3) organization and implementation by students of training exercises and tasks of varying complexity;

4) control over the fulfillment of tasks and theoretical knowledge on this topic.

In turn, the study of each specific tool has its own algorithm. For example, studying the principles of working with a text editor can be carried out in the following sequence:

1. Loading a text file into the student computer's RAM.

2. Move the cursor through the text in different directions.

3. Work with letters of various alphabets and fonts.

4. Screen editing:

· character replacement;

Removing a character, word, line, part of a line, etc.;

Inserting one or more characters, line or lines, etc.;

Cutting/gluing a string;

Rollback changes;

Copying a character, word, line, block, etc.

5. Formatting.

An example algorithm for learning to edit a spreadsheet using the command EDIT:

1. If the active cell is the required one, then go to step 3.

2. Move the cursor to the cell requiring editing information.

3. Enter the first letter of the command EDIT< E >.

4. Press the enter key..

5. Edit the contents of a cell using the edit keys.

6. Press the enter key..

Model method includes the construction of a mathematical or computer model, the "top-down design" method, etc.

To The computer science teacher of the base school resorts to building models when working with spreadsheets. In accordance with the task received, the student builds a mathematical model or receives it in finished form. These models become the objects of study in the future.

The method is also applicable when using other software tools. In the 9th grade of the basic school, the algorithmic language Kumir (IntAl) is used to build models. Schoolchildren are offered the task: "Create a computer model of a cybernetic mouse that moves in a maze bounded by walls that form rectilinear corridors. A cybernetic mouse behaves as follows:

· starting from a fixed starting position, the "mouse" enters the labyrinth and, examining all the corridors, looking for "cheese";

· as soon as the "cheese" is found, the "mouse" returns to its original position;

· the set time is delayed in the starting position;

· takes the shortest path to the "cheese" and stops there.

Here are examples of other models that can be offered to students.

1. You need to make a flight in a hot air balloon on a given course. It is required to rationally use fuel and achieve the goal.

2. Travel is planned. The goal is to safely reach the end of the journey, rationally distributing the money allocated for the purchase of provisions during the journey.

With such an organization of cognitive activity, a student, in addition to the skills of using a computer and modeling programs, studies some facts from history, geography, and economics.

Top-Down Method - decomposition, the division of a complex task into simpler ones, which in turn can be subjected to decomposition. The method is based on analysis. This method contributes to the competent use of software, the development of structured thinking of students.

Let's give an example of using the method when studying the topic "Problem. Model. Computer". When solving problems using the model, the work of students is organized in stages:

Formulation of the problem;

Evaluation of available information and choice of a plan for creating a model;

Model creation;

Checking the adequacy of the model;

Obtaining a solution to the problem using the model.

Project method is a new teaching method, where the activities of the trainees are organized in accordance with the activities of the developer of automated work systems, designing a new workplace. A computer course for studying a specific topic, a logic game, a model of laboratory equipment modeled on a computer, thematic communication by e-mail, etc. can act as a project. When using the project method, a number of conditions must be taken into account:

1. Students should be given a wide enough choice of projects to realize the possibility of a real choice (both for individual implementation and collective).

2. Due to the lack of project activity skills among schoolchildren, each project must be accompanied by instructions for working on the project, taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren (written instructions, oral explanations, an example, etc.).

3. The educational project should imply completeness and integrity for the performer in a playful or imitative form, the presentation of the completed project and attention to it from peers and adults.

4. It is necessary to create conditions for discussion between schoolchildren of their problems. At the same time, mutual learning occurs, which is important for both parties.

5. The project method is focused primarily on mastering the techniques of working with a computer.

When organizing the educational activities of students, various methods are combined. When choosing and combining teaching methods, an informatics teacher must be guided by the correspondence of the methods to the goals and objectives of teaching and each specific lesson, the content of the material being studied, the age characteristics of schoolchildren, the teacher's capabilities and the conditions in which the learning process takes place. At the same time, it is advisable to take into account the features of the methods themselves. Some of them allow you to systematize a large amount of material and provide a high level of presentation, but do not form practical skills (verbal methods). Other methods, providing students with accessibility to the content of the material, do not develop their speech, thinking (visual methods). Still others are used to form practical skills, but do not properly solve the problem of equipping schoolchildren with theoretical knowledge (practical methods).

Knowledge of the comparative possibilities of methods is an important condition for their optimal combination and the effectiveness of a modern lesson.

Lesson summary:


The purpose of the lesson:

Checking formed ideas about information, ways of working with it;

Checking the skills of algorithmic, logical thinking;

Testing the ability to work with ready-made computer programs.

Requirements for knowledge, abilities, skills of students:

Know about the basic ways of organizing information;

Own concepts: file, directory, access path, operating system;

Know the basic rules (assumptions, restrictions) in the description of files and directories;

List and specifics of the most used file and directory extensions;

Be able to search for the necessary information in a given structure, describing the access path;

Purpose of MS-DOS, syntax of some commands for managing files and directories;

Give examples of organizing information by type of tree from everyday life;

Work with a group of commands in the MS-DOS operating system;

Follow the proposed algorithm;

Describe the activity in the form of an algorithm,

To classify groups of objects according to the levels of hierarchy.

Lesson plan

1. organizational part. 5 minutes.

2. Work in micro-groups. 30 minutes.

3. Summarizing. 5 minutes.

Organizational part

Division into micro-groups. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher divides the class (at his own discretion or the principle of random selection) into micro-groups-teams of 3-4 people; The team nominates one captain.

Description of itineraries. Work in groups is based on route sheets (see Appendix 1), which contain a description of the three main stages of work, indicating theoretical and practical tasks. The route sheet clearly defines the order of the team from stage to stage.

Work rules. Micro-groups work synchronously, so the teacher clearly sets the time allotted for each task. At the initial stage of work, the teams get acquainted with the hint, designed as text with inserts in the form (),, * * (see Appendix 1). It is necessary to insert appropriate terms in these gaps. 1-4 minutes are allotted for completion (time can be changed at the discretion of the teacher). Upon completion of work with a hint, all teams simultaneously proceed to a blitz tournament on questions that are proposed by the teacher (see Appendix 2). The theoretical part takes from 3 to 6 minutes. Thematic questions prepare the group for the final practical part. In the route sheet, the practice is highlighted with the heading TASK.

The practical part varies in time depending on the nature of the task from 2 to 8 minutes. The work with hints and questions is carried out by the whole group; the captain appoints 1-2 team members to complete the practical task.

Grading system. The individual and collective answers of the teams on theoretical questions are entered into a summary table, pre-filled by the teacher on the blackboard:

stage number 1 group 2 group 3 group




The theoretical question is estimated at 0.5 points (in the table, the * icon); the conclusion made by the team at the end of the next stage of work - 1 point (an icon in the table!). Estimates for the implementation of practical tasks are set in the route sheet of the team (according to a 5-point system).

Work in micro-groups.

Clue. Before each stage, the team briefly gets acquainted with the main concepts. In the gaps delimited by , () or * *, you must enter the appropriate terms.

Theoretical part. Teams are offered a list of questions related to the topic at this stage of work. Theoretical questions are given in Appendix 1.

Practical part. The practical part of the tasks is performed by groups on a PC or at a desktop in the following sequence:

1a - test tasks on a PC;

1b - task at the table;

1c - test tasks on a PC;

2-task at the table;

3 - task at the table.


Team captains count the total number of points scored on the route sheets. The teacher calculates the number of points in the summary table. The overall result of the work of members of micro-groups is the sum of all types of tasks.

36 - 40 points "5"

31-35 points "4"

25-30 points "Z".

Attachment 1
Surnames: _______________

1. Information in the PC is organized in the form () and ().

() is a named area on disk for storing information. Each () is given a name and an extension. The name must consist of no more than () characters.

Points: ________

() - are used to combine () on the disk into groups.


Points: ________

2. The structure of the ordered () and () on the disk resembles the shape ().


Points: ________

To determine the exact location of () or () on disk, you must specify ().
() is a sequence of directory names, subdirectories separated by "\". Using () specifies the location () on the disk, i.e. the route by which the computer will look for the required ().


Points: ________

2. The computer and information are controlled using user commands. All control commands are combined into a common system called ().


Points: ________

Annex 2

Stage 1

1a. What is a file?

What is assigned to each file?

How many characters are allowed in the file name, extension?

What characters are excluded from use in a filename?

List some of the most commonly used file extensions with their brief description (what they contain, what they are intended for)

1b. What is a directory?

Differences in writing files and directories?

What is root directory, subdirectory?

1c. What shape do the organized files and directories on disk resemble?
- Establish a correspondence between the elements of the information structure and the elements of the tree structure?
- Give examples from everyday life when information can be organized according to the type of tree?

Stage 2

What is a path?

What is the separator used between directory and subdirectory names in a file path?
- Comment on the order and pattern of the route entry?

Stage 3

The name of the operating system. which combines file and directory management commands?
- Functions of the operating system at the time of computer boot?

Purpose and possibilities of OS MS-DOS?

List known MS-DOS file and directory manipulation commands?
At the request of the teacher, you can modify and supplement the list of theoretical questions.

Appendix 3

Practical tasks

1a) Test tasks no NORTON COMMANDER and file system MS DOS-like operating systems.

Match file types to their content or purpose
apteka.txt Text file


apteka. exe Executable program ARTECA

apteka. bat ARTEK batch file

apteka. pas The text of the ARTEC program in PASCAL

apteka. bass The text of the ARTEC program in BASIC

Select the file that is the executable program

A program ready for execution is of type .EXE or .COM

Select files (not directories)

1 b) From the list of proposed tasks, the team is given the opportunity to select only the names of the directories. (Previously, the teacher prepares for each team a package of cards with a list of arbitrary files and, selectively, those directories that are included in task 1 c).

1c) It is proposed to arrange the selected directories on the students' desktop according to the type of tree. (Checking the correctness of this task is task 3).

3. Test tasks for NORTON COMMANDER and the file system of similar MS-DOS operating systems.

The dekanat.doc file is located in the DOC directory,
the DOC directory is located in the PFI directory,
The PFI directory is located on the C: drive.
Choose the correct and full path to the dekanat.doc file.

When specifying a path, the drive name is first specified, then the names of the directories nested into each other, separated by a slash, and lastly you must type the name of the file you need.
The etilen.pcx file is located in the HEMY directory,
the HEMY directory is located on the D: drive.
Choose the correct and complete path to the etilen.pcx file
HEMY\etHen.pcx .
When specifying a path, the drive name is specified first, then the directory name separated by a slash, and lastly you must specify the name of the file you need.

Select the correct and complete path to the kttren.exe file according to this tree.
a:\pruf\kltren.exe c:\urok\kltren.exe
The path of klaw\kttren.exe is correct but incomplete. It will work if you are in the UROK directory.

Select the correct and complete path to the info.wps file according to this tree.
The path pruf\info.wps is correct but incomplete. It will work if you are in the UROK directory.

3. For the tree structure presented in the task, an algorithm for accessing a single file in the diagram is given. All commands are sorted incorrectly. It is necessary to write out the command numbers in the required sequence; translate the entry form from Russian into the MS-DOS command language.

1. Enter the RUSSIA catalog;
2. Create a EUROPE catalog;
3. Enter the EUROPE directory;
4. Clear the screen;
5. Create a file Luzhniki.txt;
6. Create a Russia directory;
7. Enter the catalog Moscow;
8. Create a catalog Moscow.

Monitoring and evaluation should be carried out at each lesson.

Evaluation of students' activities. The rich experience of many generations of teachers and the basic provisions of didactics suggest that if you want to instill solid knowledge and skills, then in the classroom it is necessary to monitor and evaluate them. At the same time, any assessment that the student considers fair, no matter whether it is positive or negative, affects the motives, becomes a stimulus for their activities and behavior in the future.

Based on my lectures

According to the nature of the relationship between the teacher and students in the classroom, three main learning models can be distinguished () :

Passive learning model

Passive learning model built on subject-object relationship between teacher and student. In the subject-subject relationship, the feedback (from the student to the teacher) is weakly expressed, it is carried out only sporadically. In passive learning, the subject is the teacher, and the object is all the students in the class or the entire academic group at once. This is shown schematically in the figure.

The teacher works with everyone mostly at the same pace. Taking into account the individual characteristics of students in this model is not provided. The teacher can use individual tasks, but even in this case, he does not seek to take into account the individual characteristics of each student, guided by other considerations (in order to increase the intensity of the exercises and the independence of their implementation, increase the number of students surveyed, increase the accumulation of grades, etc.).

Main disadvantages of this learning model:

  • working with everyone at the same pace, the teacher focuses on the average student (they are in the majority in the class), while the stronger student is bored and idle after completing the task, and the lagging one cannot cope with the volume of educational work planned for the class; as a result, a strong student slides down to the level of an “average student”, and a lagging one falls behind more and more;

  • the passive role of the follower assigned to the student limits the possibilities of his individual development.
And if it is still possible to fight the first drawback by dividing the class into three groups (strong, average and weak students) and organizing the activities of each group in accordance with their learning capabilities, then overcoming the second drawback in the passive learning model is impossible in principle.

Of course, this model has its own dignity. So, it greatly simplifies the teaching methodology, saves the teacher time preparing for the lesson and checking student work, and at the same time, it can be used to achieve good memorization of the material, the correct reproduction of actions.

However, in modern conditions, the model of passive learning is ineffective. We inherited it from those times when the main value of education was knowledge, and not an active developing personality, as it is today, and the key to successful learning was obedience and passive following of the teacher.

Active learning model

Active learning model also based on the subject-object relationship. The difference from the previous model is that the object of learning is not the class as a whole, but each student(see picture).

In an effort to intensify the activity of all students, the teacher uses an individual approach to each of them, for example, selecting tasks in accordance with the educational capabilities of the child, with the nature of his educational difficulties, with the most preferable types of educational work for him. With active learning, a strong student does not get bored in the lesson, because the teacher gives him tasks of increased complexity, developing his abilities. The weak one does not lag behind, but reduces the lag, pulling himself up to the average level.

In addition, in the model of active learning, the teacher has the opportunity to identify in students such qualities that can help improve their learning opportunities. For example, among the “average students” there may be children with undiscovered potential who, over time, will replenish the number of strong students or will be capable of creativity, to a unique result of its kind.

Individualization of the educational process, activation of educational activities are related to the benefits of active learning.

However, this model is not free from shortcomings.

Firstly, the individualization necessary for active learning requires a lot of time and effort from the teacher, and with a large class size in a mass school, this often becomes impossible. The principles of calculating the salaries of teachers also do not contribute to individualization: wages depend primarily on the number of hours of study load, and in order to spend the largest number of hours, individual work has to be reduced as much as possible (it requires additional preparation for the lesson, more frequent checking of student work; this, as a rule, , is not taken into account in the study load).

Secondly, the subject-object nature of the interaction hinders the individual development of students: they develop as much as the teacher can and wants to develop them.

Interactive learning model fundamentally different from the previous two in that it is based on subject-subject relationship between teacher and learners. Both of them are full-fledged subjects, the activity vector is directed both from the teacher to the student and from the student to the teacher (see figure).

This means that the student is involved in the planning and organization of their educational activities, in its evaluation. He can choose the ways of mastering the educational material, means and sources of training. His activity in the educational process is maximum.

The teacher acts to a greater extent not as a source of information leading the student, but as an organizer and coordinator of independent learning activities. However, behind the beautiful words about independence and cognitive activity in the model of interactive learning, there is still a great work of the teacher. Thus, the teacher creates different routes for students with different levels of complexity and different rates of mastering educational material, for each route he forms sets of training tasks using various means, including information and communication technologies, electronic educational resources, Internet sources. In other words, with an interactive model, the student is free to choose methods and means, but the teacher made sure that the choice made leads to the goal of learning.

The model of interactive learning uses technologies for organizing the educational process, which provide for independent search and comprehension of information, the manifestation of initiative and creativity by students, the creation of a new product of activity, the discussion of the action plan and the achieved result with the teacher and classmates.

Main advantages of the interactive learning model: the greatest opportunities for the development of the personality of students, the formation of their cognitive independence, skills of self-education and self-development using modern means and methods of activity.

Among her shortcomings relate…

  • the comparative complexity of managing educational activities (due to the high activity and independence of students);

  • the need to use in the educational process a variety of ways of cognition, means and sources of learning (to provide students with the opportunity to choose them).
In general, the model of interactive learning is the most preferable today, and its characteristic variability of individual educational routes in combination with modern educational IR technologies and control tools make it possible to individualize educational and cognitive activity even in a mass school. In addition to the list of similar pages, random links are automatically selected for you: Home > Overview

"Model teaching method" (classes in the form of business games, lessons such as: lesson-court, lesson-auction, lesson-press conference) "Model teaching method" in the interpretation of V.V. Guzeev“There is reason to believe that the future of the school is connected with the model method of teaching, since this method provides the student with the greatest measure of independence and creative search. Several examples of its long and successful use can be cited, and almost all of them relate to the subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle. One such example is teaching geometry on a geoplane in Hungary. The geoplan is a square board on which there are pins at the nodes of the square lattice. The student has a set of multi-colored rubber rings, which he can pull on the pins, getting various geometric shapes. This allows you to experiment, put forward hypotheses, creates a need for evidence (it is known that the motivation of evidence is the most difficult element in the activity of a mathematics teacher). The teacher manages the process through the appropriate setting of tasks. The course starts with simple tasks. For example, pull the elastic band over three pins so that you get a right triangle. Then do the same with other locations. Further, it is indicated that these different triangles are obtained using translations and rotations. Now there is room for action. We will not deny ourselves the pleasure of looking at the complete example of the problem from the textbook by T. Varga (1978). A task.How many ways do you think you can make such a rubber triangle, given all the possible shifts and (per. pp. 14-15) turns? Write down your opinion here: ___________________ Check your assumption empirically by experimenting ... And everything that will appear on the board, sketch on checkered paper. When looking for the triangles that interest us now, be sure to keep in mind the following three circumstances:All our triangles should be the same shape.
Each new triangle must have a different position than all the previous ones.
None of the possible cases should be missed.
By the way, is the triangle we are considering now really the smallest of all possible ones? Are there any smaller ones? _____________________________
This extensive quotation is given to illustrate the teacher's work. Further, in the same way, the course unfolds to very non-trivial facts - such as the Peak formula for the area, and others. In the domestic education system, the model teaching method has also been widely used for a long time, but in a specific area - military training. This is training in tactics on the so-called "box of sand" - a variable terrain model on a large table with sides, with the help of which a tactical situation is created and various combat options are played. The teacher evaluates whether the trainees achieve the planned results and gives them advice and guidance. Similarly, this tool can be used in the study of elements of the geography course: landscapes, river basins, geological structures, etc. Another variant of the same method is traveling on maps in geography or history lessons. Since the mid-80s, various lessons in the form of business games have become increasingly popular in schools: a court lesson, an auction lesson, a press conference lesson, and the like. . All business games are the implementation of a model teaching method. Consider, for example, the typical organization of a press conference lesson. Let it be a chemistry lesson on the topic "Production of sulfuric acid." The situation is introduced by a teacher leading a press conference as follows: in a certain area, it is planned to build a plant for the production of sulfuric acid and its derivatives. Responsible persons and leading experts of the future production arrange a press conference to prepare a favorable public opinion. Numerous questions are raised during the press conference, the answers to which give a complete and clear picture of the material being studied. Let's say, in response to a question from the newspaper Primordial Beauty about the harmful effects of production on nature, an environmental specialist talks about the system for protecting against emissions of harmful substances, and the chief technologist talks about the features of the technological process. At the request of TV journalists, a public relations specialist spoke about the number of jobs created and the benefits that the local budget will receive from taxes and deductions. For journalists of the popular science almanac, the chemical reactions underlying the technological process are once again explained. For the radio station of transport workers, the sources of raw materials, the geography of product sales and the prospects for the development of the communications system are disclosed. And so on. Thus, we see that, while playing their roles, students model professional activities, setting initial conditions on their own, returning to them and refining them. This is training by means of a model method. Since it is impossible to prepare a lesson-press conference using only a chemistry textbook, the lesson plan necessarily includes a discussion of the results of students' independent work with additional sources of information. By definition, this is a lesson in the form of a seminar. Thus, the lesson-press conference is a model seminar. If we now consider the lesson-court, it turns out that he, despite a different set of characters (prosecutor, lawyer, accused, victims, witnesses, judges, and others), is a model seminar. The means used in the lesson-press conference and the lesson-court may even be the same. Different actors lead only to differences in the set of pedagogical techniques. Therefore, we can consider that the lesson-press conference and the lesson-court represent two learning models that coincide at the level of method, form and means. It doesn't matter if they differ in content. The same can be attributed to other “lessons with hyphens” (auction lesson, wedding lesson, and the like). Saturation of educational institutions with powerful electronic computers is a means of activating model learning. There is already a considerable amount of relevant software and new ones are being created. For example, in the United States, a little over ten years ago, one of the first packages of such programs appeared, which was created at the Institute for Information and School Research (IRIS) at Brown University (Yankelovich N. et ai., 1985): "Introduction to Nuclear Disarmament Problems", "Conservation of Energy", "Geography of the Middle East and North Africa", "Linguistic Approach to Reading". From examples of quite recent times, we are pleased to mention the program “Decisions, (transl. pp. 16-17) decisions ...” demonstrated by Irwin Kaufman, in which the student acts as the mayor of a small town in the mining region and, on the eve of elections, must make important decisions from the field of economics, ecology, politics, social sciences; moreover, his decisions can be influenced by advisers, campaign manager, trade unions and the population. From domestic developments, we will name the program "Sections of polyhedra by a plane" by V. L. Shamshurin (Moscow Pedagogical University). The author has already managed to see about three dozen such programs” [Guzeev V.V. Educational technology: from reception to philosophy / M.: September, 1996. - C. 14-17] Varga T. Mathematics 2. Plane and space. Trees and graphs. Combinatorics and probability: (Mathematical games and experiments) / Per. with him. -M.: Pedagogy, 1978. -112 pp.: illustrations. Yankelovich N., Garrett L. N., Roeth J., Smith K., Waymire E. The Sampler Companion: Four Educational Software Samples // Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. - Golden, Oct. 19-22, 1985. -N.Y. -P.273-283.

1.4. Case study method ("analysis of specific situations")

History of the Case Study MethodThe “homeland” of this method is the United States of America, and more precisely, the Harvard Business School.” It was first used in 1924. “The culturological basis for the emergence and development of the case method was the principle of “precedent” or “case”. “The Case Study method is most widely used in teaching economics and business sciences abroad. … At an early stage of its origin, this method was widely used in MBA graduate courses … This method of studying economics was proposed at Harvard University in America and has recently found wide distribution in the study of medicine, law, mathematics and other sciences. “In Russia, the use of the case method in teaching began in the 80s, first at Moscow State University, and then at academic and industry institutes, later at special training and retraining courses" [Smolyaninova O.G. Educational site on the case method of teaching and methods of its use in the educational process of KSU.]An educational resource for the Case Study method.“The case method allows demonstrating academic theory in terms of real events… It "allows students to be interested in studying the subject, contributes to the active assimilation of knowledge and skills in collecting, processing and analyzing information that characterizes various situations" [Smolyaninova O.G. Educational site on the case method of teaching and methods of its use in the educational process of KSU. ]: "A good" case ", as a rule, teaches to look for non-trivial approaches, since it does not have the only correct solution. “I especially appreciate the independence of thinking in the method of working with “cases,” says Peter Ekman. “In real business, there are five or six ways to solve a problem. And although there is a classic solution for every situation, this does not mean that it will be optimal "You can make a good decision, and its results will lead to bad consequences. You can make a decision that everyone around you considers bad, but it will lead you to the desired results." The CASE STUDY method promotes the development of various practical skills. “They can be described in one phrase - creative problem solving and the formation of the ability to analyze the situation and make a decision” The CASE STUDY method develops the following skills: 1. “Analytical skills.
These include: the ability to distinguish data from information, classify, highlight essential and non-essential information, analyze, present and extract it, find gaps in information and be able to restore them. Think clearly and logically. This is especially important when the information is not of high quality. 2. Practical skills.
The level of complexity of the problem presented in the case, reduced in comparison with the real situation, contributes to the formation in practice of the skills to use economic theory, methods and principles. 3. Creative skills.
One logic, as a rule, CASE does not solve the situation. Creative skills are very important in generating alternative solutions that cannot be found in a logical way. 4. Communication skills.
Among them are the following: the ability to lead a discussion, to convince others. Use visual material and other media - means, cooperate in groups, defend one's own point of view, convince opponents, write a concise, convincing report. 5. Social skills.
During the discussion of CASE, certain social skills are developed: assessing people's behavior, the ability to listen, support in a discussion or argue an opposing opinion, control oneself, etc. 6. Introspection.
Disagreement in the discussion contributes to the awareness and analysis of the opinions of others and one's own. Emerging moral and ethical problems require the formation of social skills to solve them. [Smolyaninova O.G. Didactic possibilities of the case-study method in teaching students.]CASE STUDY construction technology.There are the following main stages of creating CASEs: definition of goals, criteria selection of the situation, selection of necessary sources of information, preparation of primary material in CASE, examination, preparation of methodological materials for its use [Smolyaninova O.G. Didactic possibilities of the case-study method in teaching students.]“1st stage. Determine the purpose of creating CASE, for example, training in effective communications within the enterprise. To do this, you can develop a CASE for a specific well-known enterprise, describing its communications used by managers to organize work with personnel within the company. Develop questions and tasks that will allow students to master various types of communications (meetings of different levels, annual report, in-house newspaper, announcements, briefings, etc.). 2nd stage. Identify a specific real situation or firm (sector of the economy) corresponding to the goal. 3rd stage. Carry out preliminary work on finding sources of information for CASE. You can use keyword search on the Internet, analysis of catalogs of printed publications, magazine articles, newspaper publications, statistical reports. 4th stage. Gather information and data for CASE using a variety of sources, including contact with the firm. 5th stage. Prepare a primary version of the presentation of the material in CASE. This stage includes layout, material layout, presentation form definition (video, print, etc.) 6th stage. Obtain permission to publish CASE, if the information contains data on a specific company. 7th stage. Discuss CASE with as wide an audience as possible and get peer review before trying it out. As a result of such an assessment, the necessary changes and improvement of CASE can be made. 8th stage. Prepare guidelines for the use of CASE. Develop tasks for students and possible questions for conducting a discussion and presentation of CASE, describe the expected actions of students and a teacher at the time of the discussion of CASE. . So, for example, at the stage of collecting information, various sources based on modern communications are used: television, video, computer dictionaries, encyclopedias or databases accessible through communication systems. Often these sources provide more extensive and more up-to-date information. The next stage of working with information is its processing, i.e. classification and analysis of the set of available facts to present a general picture of the phenomenon or event under study. For the convenience of working with numerical information, it is necessary to present it in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams. In this case, spreadsheets are the most effective tool. Next, students are faced with the question of the presentation form Case, depending on which, you can use either the means of creating electronic multimedia presentations or desktop publishing systems. [Smolyaninova O.G. Didactic possibilities of the case-study method in teaching students.]A distinctive feature of this method CASE STUDY is the creation of a problem situation based on real life facts. “The CASE STUDY method illustrates real life… In order for the learning process based on CASE to be effective, two points are important: a good CASE and a certain methodology for using it in the learning process… CASE is not just a truthful description of events, but a single information complex that allows you to understand the situation. In addition, it should include a set of questions that push to solve the problem. A good CASE should meet the following requirements:
– have an appropriate level of difficulty
– illustrate several aspects of economic life
- do not become obsolete too quickly
- have a national color
- be up-to-date
- illustrate typical business situations
- develop analytical thinking
- provoke discussion
– have multiple solutions Some scientists believe that there are “dead” and “live” cases. “Dead” cases include cases that contain all the information necessary for analysis. To "revive" the case, it is necessary to build it in such a way as to provoke students to search for additional information for analysis. This allows the case to develop and remain relevant for a long time.” [Smolyaninova O.G. Didactic possibilities of the case-study method in teaching students.] There are several ways to get a "case" suitable for use in the educational process. First, you can buy a ready-made "case". It is inexpensive (Margvelashvili E., online article) “It is inexpensive, for example, one copy of a “case” developed at Harvard or Darden costs only $10. In the West, buying and selling "cases" prepared in business schools is a whole industry. Harvard alone produces about 700 "cases" a year. The full list of "cases" that can be purchased for use in the educational process from the same HBS includes more than 7,500 items. There are even special organizations like the European Case Clearing House that distribute "cases". In particular, ECCH brings together about 340 different participants, including business schools INSEAD, IESE, London Business School.” “Information for the “case” can be obtained in two ways: conduct a special study (field research), which involves the collection of financial and other information directly in the company, or work with open sources. "The first method is widely used by Western business schools, and the second (since there is no money stands out), has become widespread in Russia. According to some estimates, the cost of field research ranges from 500 to several thousand dollars. As a rule, every major Western university or business school allocates a separate item in the budget for this, and a significant part of it is formed from the income that the university receives from the sale of its textbooks and student aids. But the budgets of Russian business schools, you understand, do not provide for such expenses. The main problem faced by the authors who implement this method in Russia is the closeness of our business. “Representatives of companies,” notes Eleonora Vergiles, “sometimes interpret the concept of “trade secret” too broadly. Often, the authors have to change specific data, qualitative indicators, figures taken from the financial documents of the company that provided information about itself in the “case”. However, the general trend persists, demonstrating positive or negative dynamics in the development of an enterprise or company. In turn, the “desk method” is also imperfect. "Case studies" written using it, as a rule, suffer from a lack of technological, strategic information, the absence of specific figures that can only be taken from the company's financial and accounting documentation - and in Russia it does not fall into open sources. Actually, we have no one to write "cases". Russian business schools are mostly taught by theorists - people who have excellent academic background, but who are completely unaware of the real business environment. In addition, you also need to be able to write "cases", this is not a free-form essay for you. There are only a few specialists in Russia who have undergone appropriate training.” “The cases themselves are usually written by experienced teachers or groups of students (graduate students) under their strict guidance. Compiling such training material requires painstaking work to collect facts and figures. The fate of each case writing project largely depends on whether the company wants to disclose real information about its activities. Many case authors describe the real problems of the company's management, and then agree with its management to change the numbers in the appropriate proportion. Often the names have to be changed. However, it also happens the other way around, when the company's management provides all kinds of assistance. Most of the cases used in world business schools are written in American educational institutions. In particular, such well-known schools as Harvard and Wharton specialize in their preparation. Russian schools have not yet proven themselves in this field. This is understandable: firstly, such work is expensive. Secondly, companies are not interested in providing reliable information about themselves. “Those who prepare cases are even refused to be given the balance sheet of the enterprise, which the company sends to the tax office, although ideally it should be published in the press,” Igor Lipsits testifies. “Therefore, it is very difficult to find a good case on the material of Russian reality.” However, , something has already been written and even published. At the II Moscow case competition, one of the organizers of which was Mr. Lipsitz, the participants were offered cases from Russian business practice for analysis. And the National Training Foundation has even begun a large-scale project to create a database of Russian cases. Work with "cases" is also dealt with in the framework of the MBA Advising courses offered by a number of Russian companies. So examples can already be found, and if you want to successfully study at a Western business school, our advice to you is to train, and the more the better.” [Davidenko V. How does a "case" differ from a suitcase?]“In Russia, the market of “cases” is still only at the stage of formation. According to Konstantin Kontor, the main difficulty lies in the unwillingness or inability of business schools to pay a lot of money for "cases". Therefore, everyone strives to "pull" the material for free - for example, to borrow a collection of practical tasks and business games from a friend who has visited some Western business school, make the required number of photocopies from it and use them in their teaching practice. Unfortunately, this method is very common. And as long as the situation remains as it is, the market will not form in a normal civilized form.” [Margvelashvili E. About the place of the "case" in the Russian business school // "Education abroad" No. 10, 2000 /]“Initially, cases contained only real information, but in Russian practice, due to limited access to information and the high cost of practical research, fictitious situations are often used.” [What is the case study method and why is it needed? ]

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Working on the program of L. V. Zankova for more than 15 years, she came to the conclusion that the high theoretical level of the content of the program, low diagnostic indicators of the mental and mental development of children, new requirements for the formation of mental actions required the use of the most effective methods and teaching methods. One of them is modeling method.

"Modeling- this is a method of indirect cognition, in which we study not the object of interest to us, but its substitute (model), which is in some objective correspondence with the cognitive object, capable of replacing it in certain respects and at the same time providing new information about the object " (L.M. Fridman)

Modeling contributes to the formation of a dialectical-materialistic worldview. The introduction of the concepts of model and modeling into the content of education significantly changes the attitude of students to the subject, makes learning activities more meaningful and productive. At the same time, it is important that students themselves master the modeling method, learn to build models, reflecting various relationships and patterns. And finally, simulation can act as a learning tool:

a) To fix a visual representation of the indicative basis of the action (model - a diagram of a step-by-step program, operations, in the form of a graph, etc.) This is an indispensable tool for the formation of mental actions.
b) To fix a visual representation of the studied abstract concepts
b) To fix and visualize the general methods of action to solve any problems.
d) Acts as a means of clarity and is of a generalized nature.
e) Can be used effectively to summarize the studied material.

I will present some of the techniques of the modeling method that are used to develop mental abilities in mathematics lessons.
Among the goals of teaching mathematics in primary school, an important place is occupied by the mastery of the mathematical language, the ability to operate with sign-symbolic means. In younger students, due to age characteristics, visual-figurative thinking is better developed, therefore, the most accessible for them is the subject and graphic language. The textbook of mathematics by I.I. Arginskaya involves the use of the modeling method. So, in the textbook for grade 3 there are tasks of the form: “Is it correct to say: of two fractions with the same denominators, the one with the larger numerator is larger. If the statement is true, write it down in general form. Compare with this entry:
a > d, then a / c > d / c.

In order for students to confidently navigate in such tasks by grades 3 and 4, it is necessary to introduce sign and letter models from the first grade.

1 block - study natural numbers.
2 block - the use of models for computing techniques
3 block - modeling math stories and problems (Attachment 1 ) In this case, I used traditional sign and graphic models.

Example. The guys prepared 5 kg of mountain ash and 6 kg of watermelon seeds for the birds. How many kilograms of food did the children prepare in total?
After establishing interrelated statements (name the first number, what does it mean, the second number, what does it mean) and requirements (what is asked in the task?), we move on to sign and graphic models:

We introduce these models not immediately, but gradually, convincing children that the task can be “showed” in different ways. Similar work is being done on all types of tasks. Many logical tasks it is impossible to solve without using tables, diagrams, drawings.

Example. On four crossed paths in the garden lay 3 apples, 2 apples on each. How can it be?

Children perform a schematic drawing:

The textbook by I.I. Arginskaya is interesting in that each topic contains certain new knowledge (subtopics). For example, v. “Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers” (M-3). In one lesson, oral cases of addition of the form 245 + 432 are considered, in another lesson - mass units - centner and ton, the next lesson - addition of the form 4 12 + 549, then - area units - sq. dm, then subtraction of the form 767 - 624, etc. The question arose before me: will the student be able to remember everything that he studied by the end of the topic (after 15-20 lessons)? And this is necessary to check and correct your knowledge. In this regard, I used the technique - theme modeling. As we study a certain topic, we draw up each new knowledge gained in the lesson in the form of a model. By the end of the study of the topic, its model is created:

At a certain stage, the study of this topic according to the model is convenient to check knowledge and correct them before the final test. We use this model in the generalization of knowledge. I will describe a fragment of the lesson on the topic “Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers”” (M-3). According to the model presented on the board, the children determined the topic of the lesson, set goals: repeat knowledge about addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers, practice addition and subtraction, apply addition and subtraction techniques in solving problems. Then, according to the model and the results of independent work (they were carried out for each reception), the children analyze their knowledge according to the “Independent Work Sheet” ( Annex 2 ) choose those tasks in which they still find it difficult. The teacher or students act as consultants.

When solving compound expressions, I use the modeling of knowledge and skills in the form cluster.

Example. 744 – 456: 8 + 142 * 2

With a systematic analysis of the cluster, the student is aware of his problems and eliminates them in the course of training exercises.
Teaching mathematics by means of a simulation is essential. Firstly, the main didactic principle is implemented - from simple to complex, from complex to simple; secondly, the heuristic base is enriched; thirdly, children master a complex mathematical language; fourthly, important mental abilities are formed.


  1. L.M. Fridman, K.N. Volkov. Psychological science - to the teacher. - Moscow: Education, 1985.
  2. V.V. Davydov, Types of generalization in teaching - Moscow: ACADEMA, 1991.
  3. N. G. Salmina. Sign and symbol in education - Moscow, 1988.
  4. Second generation standards. – How to design universal learning activities in elementary school. - Moscow: Education, 2010.