Engineering sapper troops special work. Engineering Troops

(company, platoon, squad, crew (calculation), their specialization and tasks

1. Engineer troops are designed to perform the most difficult tasks of engineering support and inflict losses on the enemy with engineering ammunition in various types of combat.

2. They consist of units of engineering reconnaissance, engineer-sapper, engineering obstacles, controlled mining, demining, robotic means, trawling, engineering-road, mechanized bridges, engineering-bridge-building, pontoon, amphibious, floating transporters, engineering-positional, equipment points management, engineering, engineering structures, engineering camouflage, field water supply, field power supply, special works, etc.

3. Engineering intelligence units designed to conduct engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects. They operate independently or as part of the intelligence agencies of combined arms formations (subunits).

4. Engineering and sapper units designed to conduct engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects; device and maintenance of engineering barriers, production of destruction; making and maintaining passages in engineering barriers and destruction; clearance of terrain and objects.

5. Divisions of engineering obstacles and controlled mining are intended for the device and maintenance of mine-explosive obstacles and the production of destruction.

When preparing for a battle, as a rule, subunits of engineering barriers install mine-explosive barriers in a mechanized way, with the start of tactical operations they are an element of the battle order and operate as part of a mobile barrier detachment (POZ).

6. Demining, robotic, minesweeping units are designed for demining (complete demining) of terrain and objects, ensuring that troops overcome obstacles and destruction, including massive ones.

7. Engineering and road, mechanized bridges and engineering and bridge building units are intended for preparation and maintenance of movement routes and maneuver of troops, equipment and maintenance of crossings over obstacles, construction of low-water bridges.

8. Pontoon, crossing and landing units, units of floating transporters designed for equipment and maintenance of landing, ferry and bridge crossings when overcoming water barriers.

9. Engineering - positional, divisions of equipment of control points, engineering and technical designed for fortification equipment of lines, positions and areas, engineering equipment for deployment areas of command posts, equipment for water extraction and purification points and field power supply to troops.

10. Engineering structures divisions are intended for preparation of structures of fortifications and low-water bridges.

11. Engineering camouflage units designed to perform tasks of hiding and simulating troops and facilities using engineering weapons, local means and materials.

12. Field water supply units designed for equipment and maintenance of points (areas) of water production and purification.

13. Field power supply units designed to meet the needs of troops in electrical energy.

14. Special work units are intended for preparation (production) of destruction of buildings and structures, elimination of the consequences of fires (explosions) in warehouses, bases and arsenals of ammunition.

15. Engineering troops units perform the following tasks: engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects; fortification equipment of lines, positions and areas; arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers, destruction; making and maintaining passages in engineering barriers and destruction; clearance of terrain and objects; preparation and maintenance of troop movement and maneuver routes; equipment and maintenance of crossings on water barriers; equipment and maintenance of points (areas) of water production and purification; concealment and imitation of important areas and facilities using engineering weapons, local means and materials; field power supply of troops.

16. Under combat use units of engineering troops is understood as their organized use in combat, as a rule, in cooperation with formations (subunits) of military branches, special troops and other military formations, as well as independently in order to fulfill assigned tasks.

17. To perform the tasks of engineering support, subunits of engineering troops can be attached to combined arms formations (subunits) or perform tasks in their interests, remaining subordinate to their immediate superior.

18. The combat use of engineering troops subdivisions is personally organized by the commander of an engineering troops subdivision on the basis of preliminary combat, combat orders of a higher commander (chief).

19. Basic principles combat use of units of engineering troops: maintaining constant combat readiness; decisive concentration of efforts to fulfill the tasks of engineering support; perseverance and continuity in the performance of assigned tasks; the use of units in accordance with their combat mission and capabilities; coordinated use and close interaction with units and subunits of combat arms, special forces and among themselves; full tension of moral and physical strength, the use of the moral and psychological factor in the interests of fulfilling the tasks set; continuous management; compliance with international humanitarian law.

20. Maintaining constant combat readiness subdivisions of the engineering troops is to organize and carry out a set of measures aimed at maintaining their ability in any conditions of the situation in an organized and timely manner to complete the task. The most important elements of combat readiness of units are: knowledge and understanding by unit commanders of the assigned tasks and timely preparation for their implementation; high combat and special training of personnel; maintaining weapons and engineering weapons in readiness for use; provision with everything necessary for the successful completion of the task; high vigilance of personnel.

21. Resolute concentration of efforts subdivisions of the engineering troops to perform the tasks of engineering support is achieved through skillful maneuver of forces and means, covert advance and sudden actions.

22. Perseverance and continuity when performing assigned tasks, they are ensured by the constant desire, readiness and ability of unit commanders and all personnel to carry out assigned tasks, while acting boldly, energetically, showing creative initiative, perseverance and perseverance, skillfully moving from one method of action to another, based on the current situation .

23. Application of units in accordance with their combat mission and capabilities, it is ensured by a clear statement of tasks, taking into account the effective use of engineering weapons. The most appropriate is the centralized use of units without excessive fragmentation.

24. Consistent application and close collaboration with units and subunits of the military branches, special troops and among themselves is achieved by the timely organization of interaction in terms of goals, tasks, places, time and methods of fulfilling the assigned tasks.

25. Full tension of moral and physical strength, the use of the moral and psychological factor in the interests of fulfilling the assigned tasks is the most important condition for achieving success and is ensured by: the formation of the readiness and ability of the personnel to successfully perform the assigned tasks in a difficult environment; achieving moral and psychological superiority over the enemy; maintenance of law and order and military discipline; ensuring the psychological stability of personnel; reduction of psychogenic losses; protection of personnel from information and psychological impact; social protection of military personnel.

26. Continuous control allows the most efficient and complete use of the combat capabilities of subunits and ensures the successful completion of their assigned tasks on time, in any conditions of the situation.

27. Respect for international humanitarian law provides for the rejection of prohibited methods and means of performing the tasks of engineering support, taking into account its principles, as well as the implementation of all possible measures in order to avoid, and if this is not possible, then minimize losses among the population and damage to civilian objects.

2. Formations created from units of engineering troops in various types of combat

28. During the preparation and during the battle, temporary formations can be created from the units of the engineering troops: engineering observation posts (INP), engineering photography posts (IPF), engineer reconnaissance patrols (IRD), officer engineer reconnaissance patrols (OfIRD), engineer reconnaissance groups (IRG) ; mobile barrier units (POZ), airborne mobile barrier units (POZ (B)); mobile detachments of sea barriers (POZ (M)); traffic support units (OOD); detachments and groups of obstacles (ORazg, Grazg).

Engineer units may be part of assault squads and groups.

29. Engineering observation post (INP) Designed to conduct engineering reconnaissance of the enemy and the terrain in the specified sector. 2-3 observers are assigned to the INP, it is equipped with observation devices, a map or a map of the area, an observation log, a compass, a clock, means of communication and transportation. The results of the observation are recorded in the observation log, put on a map (diagram) and reported to the commander (chief) who posted the post, as well as to the commander in whose sector the observation is being carried out.

30. Engineering photography post (IPF) designed to conduct engineering reconnaissance with the receipt of documentary data (photographs) about the engineering activities of the enemy and the terrain. Two or three people are appointed to the IAP, it is equipped with photographic devices, means of transportation and communication. Visual observation and photography can be carried out using helicopters using a special helicopter reconnaissance kit (HCR) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which provide an increase in the depth of photography and observation.

31. Engineering reconnaissance patrol (IRD) designed to conduct engineering reconnaissance during the battle and the movement of troops, and officer engineering reconnaissance patrol (OfIRD) for reconnaissance of especially important objects, verification of conflicting data or their clarification. The IRD is assigned from squad to platoon, in the OFIRD - one or two officers and one squad. They are equipped with means of communication, movement and means of engineering reconnaissance.

The removal of the IRD sent from the unit of engineering troops for reconnaissance of the area of ​​​​the task (section of the terrain) depends on the conditions of the situation, the task, the capabilities of means of communication and movement, and may be up to 20 km. It can operate on foot, by car, engineering reconnaissance vehicle, armored personnel carrier or helicopter.

32. Engineering Intelligence Group (IRG) designed for reconnaissance of enemy engineering measures and terrain in front of the front line and behind enemy lines. It is created from specially trained personnel of engineering reconnaissance units and other units of engineering troops and operates independently in front of the front line, and behind enemy lines, as a rule, as part of combined arms reconnaissance groups.

The IRG is equipped with a radio station, surveillance devices and other special reconnaissance equipment, depending on the task and the nature of the reconnaissance object. The IRG advances to the mission area on foot, in armored personnel carriers or helicopters.

33. Mobile detachment of obstacles (POZ) It is intended for the installation of mine-explosive barriers and the production of destruction in the areas of enemy operations. A subdivision of engineering barriers or an engineer-sapper subunit with minelayers is assigned to the mobile detachment of obstacles. A mobile obstacle detachment, as a rule, operates jointly with an anti-tank reserve, but can also perform tasks independently, interacting with troops in the zone (zone) of responsibility of their actions.

In some cases, there may be mobile detachments of obstacles air (POZ (V)) and sea (POZ (M)).

34. Movement support unit (OOD) is an element of the marching order and is designed to directly ensure the movement of columns of troops. The basis of the traffic support detachment is made up of road engineering units. A traffic support detachment, as a rule, includes groups: reconnaissance and demining, road and bridge and combat support.

Depending on the affiliation, by order of the combined arms commander, it may include: road engineering, engineer-sapper, bridge-building and other units of engineering troops, as well as units of the NBC protection, motorized rifle (tank), artillery and air defense.

35. Detachments and groups of obstacles (ORazg, Grazg) designed to ensure that the troops overcome obstacles and destruction during the battle.

Demining units (engineering and sapper), engineering and road units with means of reconnaissance of mine-explosive obstacles and making passages in them, devices for crossing non-explosive obstacles and obstacles are allocated to the detachment and the blocking group.

Detachments and groups of obstacles may include subunits of military branches. Their composition is determined by the decision of the combined arms commander.

36 . Subdivisions of engineering troops assigned for reinforcement to combined-arms formations (subunits) come under the command of the commander for the entire period of preparation and conduct of combat.

Upon arrival in the specified area, the commander of the engineering troops unit reports to the commander and head of the engineering service (NIS) of the combined arms unit on the arrival, condition and capabilities of the subordinate unit and subsequently organizes the execution of tasks in accordance with the order received.

Chapter Two

Engineering Troops

Lev Keel. Russian officers of the Corps of Engineers of the era of the Napoleonic Wars

Included in Type of

The engineering troops finally separated from the artillery, taking shape in an independent branch of the military. By the end of the first quarter of the 19th century, their number exceeded 21 thousand people, which accounted for about 2.3% of the entire armed forces. In 1873, a Special Conference on the strategic position of the country was established in Russia, which, on the basis of a plan developed by E. I. Totleben, decided to carry out a complex of military construction work. For 35 years, military builders built the fortresses Novogeorgievsk, Warsaw citadel, Zegris, Brest-Litovsk, Osovets, Kovno, Ivangorod, the Dubro outpost and various fortifications and structures.

According to the Combat Charter of the Ground Forces of the USSR Armed Forces, engineering support includes:

  • engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects;
  • fortification equipment of positions, lines, areas, command posts;
  • the arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers, and the production of destruction;
  • installation and maintenance of nuclear mines and land mines;
  • destruction and neutralization of enemy nuclear mines;
  • making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction;
  • arrangement of passages through obstacles;
  • clearance of terrain and objects;
  • preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes, transportation and evacuation;
  • equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing water barriers;
  • engineering measures to camouflage troops and facilities;
  • engineering measures to restore the combat capability of troops and eliminate the consequences of enemy nuclear strikes;
  • extraction and purification of water, equipment of points of water supply.

The engineering troops performed the tasks of engineering support, requiring special training of personnel, the use of engineering equipment and engineering ammunition. In addition, their tasks include defeating enemy equipment and manpower with mine-explosive and nuclear-mine weapons.


Soviet engineering troops were created together with the organization of the Red Army. The divisions were supposed to have an engineering battalion, and in the rifle brigades - an engineer-sapper company. Special engineering units have been formed. The engineering troops were led by the inspector of engineers at the Field Headquarters of the Republic (1918-1921 - A.P. Shoshin), the chiefs of engineers of fronts, armies and divisions. The leadership of the troops is entrusted to the Main Military Engineering Directorate. By 1929, full-time engineering units were available in all military branches. After the start of the Great Patriotic War in October 1941, the post of chief of the Engineering Troops was established. During the war, engineering troops built fortifications, created barriers, mined the terrain, ensured the maneuver of troops, made passages in enemy minefields, ensured the overcoming of his engineering barriers, forcing water barriers, participated in the assault on fortifications, cities, etc.

Chiefs of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Engineering equipment and weapons

  • Heavy mechanized bridge "ТММ", "ТММ-2", "ТММ-3" and "ТММ-6"
  • Trailer minelayer "PMZ"
  • Ferry-bridge machine "PMM" "PMM-2" and "PMM-2M"
  • Helicopter mine spreader "VMR"

TW VS by country

  • Israeli Engineering Troops ( English)
  • Canadian Forces of Engineers ( English)
  • Australian Corps of Engineers ( English)
  • British Engineer Troops ( English)
  • German Engineering Troops ( English)

see also



  • Nikiforov N.I. Assault brigades of the Red Army in battle. - Eksmo Yauza, 2008. - 416 p. - (Great Patriotic War: The Price of Victory). - ISBN 978-5-699-25628-0
  • Engineering and Railway Troops: In 2 volumes - St. Petersburg: Type. V. D. Smirnova, 1909-1911. on the Runivers website
  • Engineering troops on July 15, 1901 - St. Petersburg: Type. P. P. Soykina - 48 p. on the Runivers website


  • About the Engineering Troops on the official. website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • Engineering troops in the battles for the Soviet Motherland (Tsirlin A. D., Biryukov P. I., Istomin V. P., Fedoseev E. N. - M .: Voenizdat, 1970.)
  • Sapper Museum - Engineering Troops: Emblems, badges, uniforms, photos of personal monuments to military engineers
  • Monuments of military engineering art: historical memory and new objects of cultural heritage of Russia

Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are military formations of special troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, intended for engineering equipment of the territory of combat operations, engineering reconnaissance and escort of troops in the offensive. The engineering troops include engineer-engineer, engineering-road, pontoon and other units. Emblem of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

At the end of the 12th century, the process of fragmentation of feudal Russia into many principalities led to the construction of fortresses and structures of various types throughout almost the entire territory. The high level of Russian military engineering art of that time is evidenced by both the skillful construction of fortifications and the improvement of engineering measures to ensure the offensive operations of the troops. In 1242, the Russians defeated the Germans on the ice of Lake Peipsi. At the same time, Russian troops skillfully used both long-term defensive structures and field fortifications, made taking into account the characteristics of the terrain. Another example is the capture of Kazan in 1552 by Ivan IV. Ivan the Terrible decided to build the Sviyazhsk fortress on the banks of the Sviyaga River at its confluence with the Volga, 25 km from Kazan. The procurement of wooden parts was carried out on the Volga in the Uglich region. Then they were delivered by water to the mouth of the Sviyaga, where, for the first time in the history of construction, a fortress-city was built from them in 28 days, which played an important role as a support base during the siege of Kazan.

In 1692 and 1694, under the leadership of Peter I, probably the first engineering training maneuvers were carried out, during which the construction of defensive structures was worked out. It is known that when developing engineering measures, Peter I used the work of the most famous military engineer of this period, Marshal Vauban of France. Creating regular armed forces, Peter I paid special attention to the development of artillery and engineering troops. The first legislative act, which dealt with military engineering, was the decree of Peter I of January 21, 1701 on the opening of the Pushkar Order School. Peter paid great attention to the training of officers.

By the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, there were already 10 miner and pioneer companies in the active army. The fighting was also provided by pontoon companies, consisting of artillery. 14 pioneer and miner companies were in the fortresses. There were no soldiers in these companies, but only specialist officers and conductors. The labor force for engineering work was recruited from among the local residents. By the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war. engineering troops accounted for 2.8% of the field army (20.5 thousand people). New specialties reappeared in the engineering troops: aeronautics and pigeon communication. By the end of the 19th century, as a technical branch of the army, engineering troops were intended to support the combat operations of infantry, artillery and cavalry, conduct fortress construction, perform engineering tasks during the siege and defense of fortresses, mine warfare, arrange routes and crossings, telegraph lines and included sappers , pontooners, miners, electricians, aeronauts, military railway workers, signalmen.

Soviet period: As in the days of the USSR, and at the present time, the main purpose of the Engineering Troops is the engineering support of combat operations. Engineering support for military operations of troops was organized and carried out with the aim of creating the necessary conditions for the troops for timely and covert advancement, deployment, maneuver, for the successful completion of combat missions, for increasing the protection of troops and objects from all types of damage, for inflicting losses on the enemy, for complicating enemy actions.

According to the Combat Charter of the Ground Forces of the USSR Armed Forces, engineering support includes: engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects; fortification equipment of positions, lines, areas, command posts; the arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers, and the production of destruction; installation and maintenance of nuclear mines and land mines; destruction and neutralization of enemy nuclear mines; making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction; arrangement of passages through obstacles; clearance of terrain and objects; preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes, transportation and evacuation; equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing water barriers; engineering measures to camouflage troops and facilities; engineering measures to restore the combat capability of troops and eliminate the consequences of enemy nuclear strikes; extraction and purification of water, equipment of points of water supply.

The creation of engineering troops was necessary for the reason that it was necessary to perform tasks that related to engineering support during hostilities. These are special forces that have been trained by personnel and struck the enemy with the help of engineering ammunition.

The history of the creation of engineering troops

The engineering troops began their existence in ancient Greece, in those days they were called digging detachments. Their task was the construction of defensive structures along the border and the arrangement of camps.

In the annals of 1016, it was indicated that these were builders who were in military service and were well versed in martial arts. Engineer troops received their legal existence since 1701. A little later, they already became an independent army, and by the time the Russian-Turkish war began, their number was already 2.8% of the entire field army. They lived up to expectations during the Patriotic War and the Battle of Borodino.

When the First World War began, the Russian army, under the clear guidance of the engineering troops, erected various defensive structures that were thousands of kilometers long. One of such defenses was the heroic Osovets and the Brusilovsky breakthrough.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the engineering troops had at their disposal a lot of educated military builders, their number was up to 6% of the entire army.

The main tasks of military engineers

The Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation must perform the following important tasks:

  • conducting engineering reconnaissance of the terrain and enemy facilities;
  • control over fortifications during the construction of defensive positions;
  • barrier device;
  • creation of various facilities for water crossings;
  • preparation of routes along which the movement and maneuver of troops will take place;
  • carrying out all measures to camouflage the army;
  • carrying out water purification and points for the water supply of the army;
  • direct participation in the cleansing of the territory where the use of weapons of mass destruction was carried out;
  • the destruction of the chemical industry and much more.

21 January celebration

Engineer Troops Day in Russia is celebrated on January 21st. This holiday began to be celebrated from the moment the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree in 1996. The head of state singled out this day for the invaluable contribution of the Russian army to the country's defense potential. In the same year, the Minister of Defense of the country issued a decree to celebrate January 21 every year as the day of the Russian engineering troops.

This date will be remembered by all residents due to the fact that, according to the Decree of Peter the Great, a special school was established in Moscow on January 21, 1701. At first, the school prepared military engineers for service, but a year later all the graduates became part of the Russian army.

Engineering troops: our days

Today, the engineering troops of the Russian Federation consist of units, subunits and formations, each of which has its own purpose. The troops are divided according to their purpose into:

  • assault barrage engineers;
  • engineering and sapper troops;
  • positional;
  • camouflage engineers;
  • bridges;
  • pontoons;
  • water treatment and extraction engineers;
  • engineering and construction;
  • amphibious.

The engineering troops, the photo of which is provided below, exist in various structures: in the Federal Border Service, in the Ministry of Defense, in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 100% hope is placed on these troops to solve the most difficult tasks with regard to engineering support. These decisions imply the availability of modern equipment and weapons, as well as well-trained personnel.

One of the main tasks of the troops is the complete counteraction to mine terror. This was due to the fact that the threat of world terrorism has sharply increased recently. This issue is today included in the task of many law enforcement agencies and is still being solved by them.

The sapper army entered one of the organizations of the engineering troops at the time when the Patriotic War began. Their task was to carry out the construction of rear lines for defense in a timely manner, build and repair roads, bridges, and also train engineering units for the front.

Engineer-sapper troops were invited to carry out mine clearance in the area of ​​​​the active front. These troops made a huge contribution to the engineering preparation of the defense not only of Moscow, but also of other equally important cities.

The first and third sapper armies, together with residents near Moscow, built the following:

  • more than 3,700 firing structures were erected;
  • anti-tank ditches were dug, which stretched for 325 kilometers;
  • more than 1,300 kilometers of forest blockages have been developed.

The sapper army is the main base where the accumulation of the military takes place for training in the engineering unit of the army and front subordination. From this base, more than 150,000 people replenished front-line formations, as well as rifle ones.

Famous figures of the engineering troops

Many famous figures, composers, generals, scientists and inventors were included in the engineering troops of Russia. These included Field Marshal Kutuzov, Marshal Ogarkov, Marshals of the Engineering Troops Shestipalov, Proshlyakov, Aganov, Vorobyov, Kharchenko and many others. A lot of military engineers were named Heroes of Russia, and this figure is very high.

In 2002, Daniil of Moscow was declared the patron saint of the Heavenly Engineer Troops. This event indicated that the devoted work of the engineering troops found understanding in the Orthodox Church.

January 21, the Day of Engineering Troops, in addition to the Russian Federation, is also celebrated in Belarus.

The role of engineering troops in peacetime

  • Maintain the combat potential of the military army to commit combat readiness to repel the strike.
  • Preparation of command and control bodies for the conduct of hostilities with their direct appointment.
  • The accumulation of military equipment, weapons and supplies, in the amount in which it is necessary for the conduct of hostilities.
  • Acceptance of direct participation in the restoration of peace and its maintenance.
  • Acceptance of direct participation in the destruction of the consequences of disasters.
  • Carrying out operational equipment of the territory of the country.

The role of engineering troops in wartime

The engineering troops, the photo of which is provided below, perform the following role in wartime:

  • carry out the implementation of all tasks that are clearly indicated in the plan for strategic deployment;
  • suppress all military conflicts as much as possible;
  • carry out repulsive actions against enemy aggression with military troops ready for attack;
  • jointly with other troops carry out defensive and offensive operations to destroy the enemy.

The invaluable contribution of the troops

Troops have always taken an active role in all battles to defend the Fatherland. They successfully carried out military operations during the Patriotic War, during the defense of Sevastopol, during the First World War and the Russo-Japanese War.

They received a special distinction during World War II. For their exploits and defense of the Motherland, many were awarded orders, some received the title of Hero, and some became holders of the Order of Glory.

January 21, the Day of the Engineering Troops of Russia, is significant for the siege of Izmail, as well as for the provision of military operations in Afghanistan, the successful resolution of cases in Abkhazia, Herzegovina, Tajikistan and many other countries.

For three hundred years the troops have occupied one of the highest places in the Russian Armed Forces. They make an invaluable contribution to the elimination of the consequences of accidents, catastrophes, and mine clearing of the area from explosive objects.

One of the very important exploits of the engineering troops was the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Today, the most recognized battalion is the engineering battalion, which is engaged in reconnaissance and mine clearance. Their work is full of danger every day, for which they are respected by the entire Russian people. Today they are mastering a completely new technique - military excavators, various means for detecting explosives and stations for complex water treatment.

In the Russian Armed Forces, engineering troops have an excellent record, which shows their commitment to the Motherland, the traditions and heroism of military engineering.

Today, the engineering troops courageously continue the work of their fathers and grandfathers. They help save thousands of human lives during natural disasters, carry out dangerous service in the hottest spots on the planet and eliminate man-made disasters and the consequences of accidents.

EQUIPMENT AND WEAPONS No. 3/2008, pp. 2-5


Chief of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel GeneralSerdtsov Nikolay Ivanovich.

Born April 21, 1948 in Chelyabinsk. He graduated from the Tyumen Military Engineering Command School, the Military Engineering Academy, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. He served as commander of an engineering battalion, commander of a pontoon bridge regiment, chief of the Army Engineering Troops, chief of staff of the Engineering Troops of the Central Group of Forces, chief of the Engineering Troops of the Transcaucasian Military District, chief of the engineering service of the Strategic Missile Forces.

From April 1999 - Chief of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. For the skillful leadership of the engineering troops, personal courage shown in the performance of military duty, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland IV degree, "Courage", "For Military Merit", "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 111 degree, medals. Laureate of the State Prize and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, candidate of military sciences.

The publication in the journal "Technique and Armament" No. 2/2008 of a report on the planned classes of the Engineering Troops aroused wide interest among readers. Today, the head of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General N.I. Serdtsev kindly agreed to answer questions from the editors.

- Nikolay Ivanovich! It is known that in terms of the range and variety of tasks to be solved, the Engineer Troops in the Armed Forces are perhaps the most "loaded". What are the modern Engineering Troops in organizational terms?

Engineering troops today are more than 300 military formations, among which it is necessary to mention the Nizhny Novgorod and Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command Schools, the Scientific Research Institute, four interspecific regional training centers, several engineering and engineering brigades, organizations of engineering and technical security.

The basis of the troops is made up of engineering and engineer-sapper formations and military units of constant combat readiness and reduced strength, capable of performing the volume of engineering tasks in peacetime with an increase in standard terms.

Organizationally, the troops consist of brigades, regiments, battalions, separate companies, arsenals, bases, warehouses, military educational institutions and are part of associations, formations and units of the branches of the Armed Forces, military branches, special troops, Logistics, Technical support, Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs , border service of the FSB, EMERCOM of Russia. The calculations of the specialists of the Engineering Troops are in the special units for ensuring public security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Customs Service and the Drug Control Service.

In the conditions of optimization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the improvement of the command and control system is also taking place in the Engineering Troops. The organizational structure of the Engineering Troops is being improved to increase the combat potential. Unfortunately, it can be said with bitterness that proposals that bring operational and economic benefits in increasing the combat capabilities of the Types and Arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not find understanding among individual leaders due to narrow departmental interests.

What is the specificity of the modern tasks performed by the Engineering Troops? Is it possible to talk about changes in the nature of the use of the Engineer Troops for their intended purpose within the framework of the concept of modern combat?

The specifics of the fulfillment of tasks by the Engineer Troops will primarily consist in ensuring the mobility of their troops and the counter-mobility of the aggressor's troops.

In the conditions of modern combat, the nature of the use of the Engineer Troops has not changed significantly. Time parameters and volumes of engineering support tasks are changing. An analysis of the operations carried out by the US military contingents and their allies over the past 10-15 years shows a steady trend towards achieving goals not only and not so much through the use of manpower, but through the widespread use of precision weapons at infrastructure and life support facilities. From here, such tasks as camouflage, counteracting reconnaissance and destruction weapons, maintenance of roads and traffic routes, ensuring maneuver, transportation and evacuation, protection of existing bridges by engineering means, equipment and maintenance of floating bridges, ferry, landing crossings, construction of low-water bridges come to the fore. , ensuring the functioning of objects of great importance.

- What do you see as significant in foreign experience in the use of engineering troops?

Comparative analysis of engineering support tasks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
tion and, say, in the army of the United States of America shows that in the USA these tasks are assigned to one state structural unit - the Corps of Military Engineers, while in Russia, in addition to the engineering troops, this is done by the Federal Agency Spetsstroy, the Cantonment and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Railway and Road troops of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, troops of the RKhBZ and engineering and airfield units of the rear of the Air Force.

In the United States, the dispersion of forces and means, the maintenance of parallel and duplicating structures, the problems of training specialists, organizing interaction, and blurring responsibility were initially eliminated. This clearly achieves significant savings in funds, human resources and efficiency in solving problems. Just think about what service and administrative component is behind all this, and also add a system of universities and training centers. Then the price of misunderstanding and blocking of our proposals based on bloody experience and in-depth study of new world and state realities will become clear.

We have several departments solving the same tasks, giving rise to operational, technical, financial, administrative and other problems.

We believe that the tasks of engineering support, which are currently being solved by various structures of the armed organization of the state, should be transferred to the Engineering Troops. This is necessary to create an optimal, efficient engineering management structure capable of successfully solving the entire range of problems in peacetime and wartime conditions within the framework of sufficient and reasonable expenditures of human, financial and economic resources.

Another important point is the funds invested in the development of troops and the development of engineering weapons. Take the same USA - there 300 million dollars have been allocated only for the development of a new mine detector. And, by the way, they are adopting the experience and the solutions that have been developed in our country and which, alas, we have not implemented in our country.

- What problems in the development of the domestic Engineering Troops do you consider the most acute?

The nature of the employment of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the period up to 2015 will not undergo significant changes. The requirements for the efficiency of the system of operation and military repair of engineering weapons will increase. Insignificant deliveries of new samples of engineering equipment will not significantly affect the volume of basic engineering support tasks to be solved. Obsolescence and physical deterioration will have a negative impact.

In this regard, the main goal of engineering and technical support for the period up to 2015 is to maintain the fleet of engineering equipment in readiness for combat use, to ensure the required coefficient of technical readiness, in the first place, formations and military units of constant readiness, with the supply of modern technological equipment to military repair bodies. and diagnostic equipment, improving the system of training repairmen.

And what is the condition of the material part of the troops today? How is the modernization and technical re-equipment of the Engineering Troops going?

Given that technically the Engineer Troops are among the most comprehensively equipped, they have to be directly dependent on the state of weapons and military equipment. On average, each serviceman has from 35 to 90 units of various types of equipment, while the same indicator in other types and branches of the military is 6-8 units. The range of engineering weapons is about 2000 items, including engineering equipment, engineering ammunition and engineering equipment.

On the whole, the state of engineering weapons makes it possible to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks facing the troops. However, a comparison of domestic weapons with foreign analogues shows that we have an advantage in terms of means of overcoming water barriers, we are at a parity level in terms of mechanization of earthworks, fortifications and field water supply, but in others we have lagged behind.

It just so happens that the problems of the Engineering Troops are remembered during the wars, and in peacetime they are, as it were, relegated to the background. The war is punishing. A number of research and development works are currently being carried out in order to increase the efficiency of engineering weapons, reduce their range, and eliminate the backlog from foreign counterparts.

One of the important areas in the work of the troops is the maintenance of engineering equipment in combat readiness. This is facilitated by the improvement in recent years of financing of the Engineer Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Allocation of appropriations for the maintenance, operation and current repair of engineering equipment in 2008 increased. This will allow us to maintain the combat and technical readiness of units and weapons.

What priority areas of development in the field of military equipment for the Engineering Troops are set for the military-industrial complex?

In carrying out R&D, the main attention is paid to the modernization and development of tools that cause the greatest difficulties in performing engineering tasks: reconnaissance, overcoming minefields, preparing and maintaining roads and routes, counteracting reconnaissance and weapon guidance systems, concealing troops and facilities, protecting people, maintaining the stability of the defense with the defeat of the attacking side.

Caterpillar mine layer GMZ-3.

The main efforts are aimed at completing the ongoing work. In particular, the creation of a multi-purpose engineering reconnaissance complex with automated information processing continues, which ensures the detection of all types of mine-explosive obstacles in any soil and under any weather conditions, an anti-helicopter mine, a mechanized bridge complex and a number of other means.

It is worth noting, for example, the emergence of such new means as an armored road demining vehicle (DMR), created on a wheeled chassis. DMR will be used in the depth of defense and in the rear to ensure the movement of troops, and more expensive BMP on a tank chassis will be used in combat formations at the forefront. In addition to increasing the speed of work, this will significantly reduce costs. The cabin and power plant of the DMR are protected by armor, it is equipped with additional shock-absorbing devices, which ensures the safety of the calculation in case of detonation of land mines. A loaded trawl moved forward 10 meters when a landmine is detonated does not allow a hard blow to the machine, which is also equipped with a wide-band mine detector, a mine countermeasure system with a radio fuse, devices for destroying wired control lines and marking passages. In 2008 we are purchasing the first serial machines, the need for them is significant.

The engineering troops will receive a modernized BMR-ZM combat demining vehicle and a demining support vehicle (MOR).

MOR has a body, a protected cabin; the ammunition to be destroyed is placed in the body using a remotely controlled crane installation. Remote demining tools and mine detectors based on new physical principles have also been developed, as well as devices that make it possible to eliminate or completely block any radio-controlled explosive devices.

How is the training of specialists of engineering troops organized now? What military schools train them?

The level of training of specialists for the Engineering Troops is of particular importance. There can be no template in the actions of engineering units and subdivisions. There are no two identical demining operations, there are no two identical crossings even on the same river, not even two identical sources of water supply. It is not for nothing that military engineers were once called "reasons" in Russia.

Currently being prepared:

Officers with the highest military operational and tactical training - at the Military Institute (Engineering Troops) of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (duration of training is 2 years);

Officers with full military special training - in the Nizhny Novgorod and Tyumen higher military engineering command schools and in the military training center at the Ural State Technical University (training period is 5 years).

In addition, the training of reserve officers in the military specialties of the Engineering Troops is carried out at the military departments of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, State University for Land Management (Moscow), South Russian (Novocherkassk) and Ural (Yekaterinburg) State Technical Universities and the Siberian Road Institute (Omsk).

Junior specialists are trained by interspecies training centers. In each training period, the troops receive more than 3,000 servicemen, which meets their needs.

In order to organize mine action and carry out mine clearance tasks in peacetime, there is a training center in which 150 officers are trained annually in the specialties "Clearing the area and objects from explosive objects (mine clearance)" and "Mine detection service". At the same time, of course, all the combat experience gained by our troops in all wars and local conflicts was taken into account. A kind of "golden fund" of demining experience has been collected, which is being studied by military personnel.

- And these specialists constantly find work even outside the so-called “hot spots”.

- I can say that in 2007, sappers went out 1210 times at the request of the population and local authorities to carry out the tasks of clearing the territory of explosive objects, including those left over from the Great Patriotic War, and during this time 759 thousand ammunition was destroyed . Of these, about 30 thousand explosive objects were liquidated in Chechnya. At the same time, there were no losses during the performance of demining tasks in 2007.

Of course, the Engineer Troops could also participate in international cooperation on issues of humanitarian demining. But they do not want to invite us, although the experience is perceived with great interest.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the modern service of the Engineering Troops is far from being limited to mine and mine action, it is connected with everyday hard work that requires high professional qualifications.

The material was prepared jointly

with information service

and public relations

Ground forces.

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