How to sign a diary school sample. Requirements for keeping diaries and notebooks

Especially in childhood it was interesting to watch card tricks. For some, it seemed incredible, but for magicians it became a vocation - people's entertainment.

Watching tricks with cards is interesting for both young and old people, and unraveling the secrets of card tricks is not so easy. Below are instructional videos with the secrets of magic tricks, from the simplest to the more complex. Video training clearly shows and tells how to do these tricks.

Make a good impression on your acquaintances and friends with just one deck of playing cards and the acquired skill of a magician.

Card trick "Inverted card"

This card trick "Reversed Card" is very simple, and at the same time allows you to fully engage the viewer, who will be surprised to see the same chosen card, but already in an inverted state.

Isn't it a simple card trick that is very easy to learn?

Focus with cards "Robin Hood"

A fitting name for a Robin Hood card trick. You choose from the Ace of Spades deck. You sort through the deck, and at that moment you are stopped. You do not know on which card you were stopped, connect the decks and shoot like a real Robin Hood into the deck with an ace. Then lay out the deck face down. You ask if the ace hit the adjacent hole cards, but there is no hit. The closed card will not be that arrow (ace of spades), but will be the chosen card.

The tutorial video of the Robin Hood card trick is a little more complicated, but it is sure to surprise friends and acquaintances.

Training in the card trick "Black and Red"

In this card trick, you can make a real seer and psychic out of the viewer, he himself did not even know about such abilities before.

A simple trick with cards, the secret of which you just saw in the tutorial video.

The Secret of the Hand and Coin Card Trick

From the selected card, you look for the one that the spectator has chosen, and find the desired card by choosing the spectator and the coin, choosing from heads or tails.

Learning this trick with cards is not difficult. You give the choice to the viewer, but in fact you choose the right card yourself.

A simple trick with "Faith in the Magician" cards

The spectator chooses absolutely any card, then puts it into the deck. The magician begins to shuffle the deck, after which he finds a card.

The simplest card trick from childhood.

Easy trick with the help of "Shopot" cards.

The spectator chooses a card, and the magician will surely guess it.

So you learned some card tricks and their secrets, watched the training video. Now you can surprise your friends with real magic.

Focus is a visual trick performed with the help of optical illusion, distracting maneuvers, sleight of hand, special equipment and prepared props. In order to correctly show card tricks, one should master the movement of the hands invisible to the viewer, which is the secret of any trick.

And in order to do card tricks correctly, you need to hone all movements to automatism, not draw attention to your hands, and even more so, do not look at them yourself. In addition, thirty basic card manipulations and their variations should be studied.

It's also no secret that many card solitaire games and tricks are based on counting and memorization skills. Therefore, such fun is useful for the development of the above qualities.

Demonstrating card tricks at an amateur level and playing solitaire is not just an enjoyable activity, but also a good way to develop mindfulness, improve memory, logical thinking and computational abilities.

Here are some simple descriptions so that you can learn how to do magic tricks with cards for friends.

Guess the cards in order.

The deck must be divided into two halves and, turning one of them over, put together. The audience should be in front of you. The deck must be held so that you can see one front side of half the deck, and those present can see the other.

First you need to remember the first card. Then call it, take your hands behind your back, and, turning over, shift the bottom card up. Show the deck to the guests, and at this time remember the last card facing you. This trick is not difficult, you can do it after just a few workouts.

Guess whether it is a curly card or a simple one.

The secret of the trick lies in the fact that the cards recognize by touch. To do this, you need to mark the cards that you are going to guess. For example, figures are pricked with a thin needle so that small tubercles remain on the back of the card. These tubercles are invisible to the eye, but palpable by hand. When removing the card, the tubercle is probed and called whether it is a curly card or a simple one.

Find out which cards have been selected.

Pre-divide the deck so that one part is all red and the other is black, but do not tell them about it. Distribute these pieces to two viewers, face down. After that, have each spectator take one card from their pile. Invite everyone to remember the cards they have taken, swap without showing a card, and put them in their decks. You can ask to mix them, but separately, without mixing with each other. Then, looking at the decks carefully, it is easy to tell which cards were chosen, because they are of a different color.

Unlike other ways like playing musical instruments, it is easier and cheaper, a deck costs much less than the same guitar. You don’t need to have an ear for music, to have an innate ability to sing, a sense of rhythm, you just need to willingness to learn and manual dexterity.

How to start learning?

Magician's Tools

I think you wondered - how to learn to do magic tricks with cards? Video training would be a great option.

There are hundreds of card-themed channels on YouTube. They will help you start from scratch, everything you need buy a deck and turn on the video. If you don't want to watch, you can learn from text lessons, it all depends on your preferences.

Today, if only he so desires. To study simple illusions may only take a couple of hours , even taking into account the fact that up to this point you knew absolutely nothing in this area. I note that it usually takes about two months to master the initial skills of playing a musical instrument, at least one for sure.

Important: video lessons with maps, like text lessons, have one minus . Your viewers can easily expose you by finding a technique on the Internet. As you can see, the availability of material has its drawbacks. Although it is worth mentioning the existence of unique materials.

What is the focus to start with?

I suggest starting with a focus "Maps Through Glass" famous illusionist David Copperfield it is characterized by high simplicity and extreme effectiveness.

Since you are completely new, you probably do not know what it looks like. And it looks like this:

  • Spectators and the illusionist gather near the glass of a supermarket or car door.
  • The magician takes an unpacked deck and offers to choose any card, the one who chooses signs on it, and then returns it.
  • The illusionist dries it from the marker, puts it on everyone, shuffles and returns them.
  • Disperses with the audience on opposite sides of the glass.
  • The assistant smears the deck on the glass, and he takes out the same card directly from the glass.

At first glance, it looks like magic, but in reality everything is extremely simple. You need to be technical to do it "false shuffle" and "palming" .

It will not be difficult for you to learn them from video lessons with cards. In the process of learning the technique of performing some magic tricks, you will learn various techniques that will definitely come in handy for others. The first thing to master is, of course, the “false shuffle”, which is used in most tricks.

How to choose lessons?

Card tricks are easiest to learn from video tutorials

There is a lot of material on the Internet. There is no big difference in which lessons to study, any videos are almost the same.

  • Choose videos with good shooting quality.
  • If you are going to study on YouTube, then it is better to choose channels of people with a large number of subscribers and records. These parameters may indicate the authority of the author, and there is also a chance that there will be videos on the channel that teach all the movements that the author used in this particular illusion.

If you watch several different videos teaching the same trick, you can notice the difference in technique between the authors. Here you will have a question: “what is the right way”? Does not exist single correct option everyone has the right to exist. Learn the option that you like well, or the one that looks spectacular.

Important: if you have already decided to start learning, then immediately remember - you do not need to show one trick several times in a row, otherwise you could be exposed.


card fan

Such tricks are easy to learn, do not require much time compared to other options, any innate abilities are not so important, it is important to bring your technique to automatism.

They can be shown anywhere, no need to spend a lot of money on inventory.

To all this, you can add everything in common, even from a simple illusion.

Hello everyone!

Today I decided to make a description of the next focus. If someone is not familiar with me yet, then I am the author of this site. My name is Sergey Kulikov and I have been fond of cards since school.

If you were brought to this site by the question: “How to do simple magic tricks with cards?” , then you will receive the answer to it from this article. And not only from this article, because most of the tricks on my site are simple. And to know how to do them, you need to know the secret of the focus.

So that's just the description of the trick with the secret, I'll give you now!

As soon as you finish reading the article to the end, you will learn how to do it 100% without any effort at all!

What does focus look like?

Recently, quite by accident, I remembered this simple trick. The bottom line is that you offer the viewer to remember one card. When he remembers, you put it in the deck, but so that it sticks out a little from the deck.

And cover it with a few more cards. Then you push these cards into the deck, but the spectator's card sticks out from the other side!

The focus is very simple. Suitable to show people who do not drag in the cards at all. For example, it will go well if you show it to children.

Focus secret.

2) Place 6 cards on the table. Three cards in a row and two columns. Short as in the picture.

3) Now ask the spectator to memorize one card. In the picture, I turned it upside down for clarity. In fact, the viewer takes it, remembers it and puts it back. In the example, this is the Six of Clubs.

4) Divide the remaining deck into two parts. Leave one part on the table, and take the other in your hand.

5) Now we need to put the cards from the table on this part, which is in your hands. When doing this, remember that the spectator's card should be in the middle. Therefore, we put it as the third card in a row. It is important!

6) First, we take the first card from the table and put it so that it sticks half above the deck.

7) We take the second card from the table and put it so that it lies flush with the rest of the deck in our hands. In this case, the first card remains half sticking out of the deck.

8) We take the spectator's card and put it in the same way as the first half sticking out. There is an alternation as you understand - it sticks out, then it doesn’t. In the pictures, the map is turned upside down only for the concept of the process itself. When you show focus, you don’t need to do this!

Final stage

9) Now we take a hundred tables of the fourth card and put it flush with the rest of the deck. The spectator's card, as we see, sticks out halfway.

11) We put the sixth card flush with the main deck.

12) Take the remaining half of the deck from the table and cover our protruding cards. They will be in the middle. And of these three cards, the middle card is the spectator's card.

13) Hold the deck in your left hand, and with the index finger of your right hand, begin to slowly knock on the protruding cards, as if hammering them into the deck. The cards will slowly start to appear from below.

15) Now knock on the cards that have come out from below. One card will start to appear on top. This will be the spectator's card!

16) Knock until the bottom cards completely go into the deck, and one card comes out from the top. This will be the viewer's card. You can take it out and show it to him!

As you understand, this trick is very simple. The point is that when you pocket cards from the top, they push out two cards from the bottom. We put these two cards flush with the main deck. And when we start knocking on these two cards from below, they push up the middle card of the first three, namely the spectator's card!

Now you know how to do simple tricks with cards and one easy trick in your arsenal has become more.

If you are interested in such tricks, then here you can see more similar

And of course, in addition to you, a collection of simple tricks

This trick is 1000 years old in the afternoon and I think many have seen and done it. And who does not know how, then you have already learned!

- the dream of most children and many adults. The ability to perform tricks will help you attract the attention of the public, envelop your person with a certain halo of mystery - after all, not everyone knows how to deceive the human imagination.

Attributes of a magician

Many children, teenagers and even adults are wondering how to learn how to do magic tricks. To do this, they buy thematic books, read detailed instructions on the Internet. But perhaps the most optimal and frequently used training option is watching video tutorials .

But it should be remembered that in some cases, excessive striving leads only to negative consequences - if you rush, learn to perform tricks the wrong way, that is, there is a risk that you will not be able to relearn.

Simple tricks with cards

H fading classics are magic tricks with cards.By using our video training you will learn the basics, learn how to independently perform the most spectacular of simple card tricks:

It is from watching video lessons that beginners, both children and adults, should learn. Correct, unhurried, thoughtful perception of information is a guarantee that in the future you will be able to surprise an excited audience or your acquaintances with the spectacular skill of visual deception. And exactly video training will help you achieve the desired result.

To perform tricks based primarily on mathematics . Knowledge of the basics of this powerful science will help you in them, as well as the ability to practically apply the basic calculation formulas. All this is the key to success in demonstrating a bunch of spectacular card tricks. For example, a trick where you need to guess the intended card. And not only.

Math-based card trick

This trick is suitable for those who can count well in their minds.

It's called "Instant settlement". To complete it, you need to be able to count well in your mind. You are trying to guess the card that the spectator, being behind you, took from the deck.

What's the point?

  • The sum of the numbers from all the cards is three hundred and twelve.
  • King, in this counting system - zero, queen - 12, jack - 11.
  • Summing up all the values ​​​​from the deck (from the 51st card), you will receive the required amount.
  • Then - subtract this number from the total - this is the card drawn.
  • If the result is 312, then the King was taken from the deck.

Spectacular card trick

Simple but effective magic tricks always impress the viewer

Easy to perform, but beautiful and effective tricks with cards, amenable even to a beginner, always make a good impression. Take, for example, focus "Four Aces".


  • The spectator calls a random number from ten to twenty, you do card shifts, and then put aside four aces from the deck being shown.
  • The trick is that from the whole pack you count the number named by the viewer. The pack is extremely small.
  • You remove from it the cards, the sum of which is the numbers named by the viewer, the rest remain in place.
  • After that, turn over the set aside cards.
  • They miraculously turn out to be those very aces.

The main scam is this: in a card deck, aces fit exactly in places from the ninth to the twelfth. Thus, the magician can always easily find them in a common pile.

That's all! Just two simple tricks that can become the basis of your subsequent training in this direction. Everything is like in mathematics: the trick will turn out if you thoroughly calibrate each action, calculate all possible options.