How to become a master of your craft essay. Participation in joint projects with a photographer and other specialists in the beauty industry

I want to become a master. But what qualities do you need to have for this? Where to go master training how much to study and what results can be achieved? We'll find out today.

Quite often in everyday life we ​​say: this person is "Jack of all trades", "The work of the master is afraid" or "Master of his craft", etc. Faced with the concept of a master, we do not even think that this is not only a personal characteristic of a person, but also a type of professional activity.

It turns out that in many spheres of social life one can meet representatives of this profession, who, by the way, were once trained as masters.

For example, a production foreman is the head of a small production area; a foreman in consumer service organizations is a skilled worker; and the master mentor is an example for the beginning worker; in the field of education - a master of industrial training, which organizes the process of training in working professions, and even a master of sports - a title, a qualification level in sports.

In other words, the training of masters is only a general expression, since a master is a person who has a huge stock of knowledge, skills and abilities in his professional activity and has reached a high level in his field and, most importantly, is ready to transfer his accumulated experience to future specialists.

Not every highly qualified specialist can become a master. Then how can you get such a profession and where to get training for masters?

Where to start training as a master and how to become one?

First, you need to get a good professional education, which is not a problem today. In Chelyabinsk, a large number of educational institutions provide educational services. But the master is not only a leader of a certain level in a labor organization, he is also a teacher-mentor for young professionals.

Secondly, when starting to train as a master, you need to think about the responsibility that this specialist bears. So, for example, the main task of the industrial training of the foreman is the development and education of future workers and the result of training directly depends on the pedagogical and professional literacy of the teacher. He is a teacher of the profession, who passes on to the younger generation all his experience and skills and forms a conscious attitude to work.

Thirdly, having completed training, the master can work both in production and independently, offer his services in training and in the field of professional activity. Then it is necessary to formalize the right to individual entrepreneurship, obtain all the necessary documents for doing business.

Fourthly, in order to organize a successful educational process, the master must have a sufficiently high level of general culture and a broad outlook.

He must be familiar with popular science literature, works of art, know and understand the youth subculture - without this, certain difficulties arise when working with adolescents.

Industrial training for a foreman cannot be conducted without using the knowledge of related academic disciplines and information from everyday life. Thus, showing the connection of theoretical knowledge with practice.

In Chelyabinsk, many educational organizations offer training in the specialty of a master. Upon completion of the full course of study, a diploma and a guarantee of prestigious employment are issued.

The process of training masters

The process of training masters takes place in several stages.

The first stage is the study of the theoretical foundations of the future profession, which provides for classroom and extracurricular work. Such training sessions are conducted directly by the practicing master, who is ready to actually demonstrate the basic methods of work, point out typical mistakes and show the merits of this kind of professional activity.

The second (main) stage is practical exercises. Here you will have to work hard to gain your own practical experience in organizing the educational process. And most importantly, you can always use the help of an experienced specialist.

  • learn to acquire knowledge under the guidance of a mentor and independently;
  • to teach how to work, including to form the ability to evaluate the results of work and correct it;
  • to teach how to live, that is, to be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions of production, to realize oneself both in personal and professional fields of activity;
  • learn to live together: to form a stable system of value relations to the world, people and society.

The third stage of the process of training masters is the passage of industrial practice. It is organized in accordance with the requirements for a particular field of activity. The place of practice is chosen by the educational organization or the student independently (there may be a direct place of work). According to its results, a qualification of a certain level can be awarded.

After completing the training, the masters are issued documents confirming the development of the corresponding level of vocational education - this is a certificate and a certificate.

The master of education in this field of activity becomes a teacher who, on the one hand, has a scientific mindset, and, on the other hand, has a huge creative potential. Such people are aware of the achievements of pedagogy and teaching methods, are constantly in search of something new.

Today I.Q. Review offers you an introduction to the profession of manicure, pedicure and nail extension. This specialty is purely female, creative, it’s not difficult to learn, it’s real to earn money. Readers of our magazine should be interested. More details about his work, as well as the difficulties that everyone who wants to master this interesting profession will have to face, will be told by a master of nail service with great experience.

My story is similar to thousands of stories of other girls who have chosen the profession of a manicure and pedicure master. But let's go in order. My name is Tatyana, I am 45 years old, I live in Vladivostok, and for 25 years now I have been a nail service master. Not a manicurist! We really dislike this word. Of course, you don’t need to tell what a manicure is, because any woman at least once in her life had a manicure in a salon, and some men too. But, nevertheless, for the uninformed, I will say that a manicurist is a specialist in caring not only for nails, but also for the skin of the hands.

Patterns on nails

For me, choosing a profession is fate. I got married very early, so I had no profession. After the birth of a child, I got a job as an administrator in a beauty salon, because I didn’t know how to do anything else. They accepted me because of my attractive appearance and the ease with which I got along with people. As a friend, I chose a girl from the manicure room, I often ran to chat with her, and so that the hostess would not grumble, I signed up for her manicure. At that time, I didn’t even think that I myself would become a manicure master. Everything came out by itself.

My friend got married and moved to another city. The salon urgently needed a manicure master, and Tamara Petrovna, the owner of the beauty salon where I worked, in an ultimatum form sent me to training courses for manicure masters.

What is taught in nail service courses?

Manicure courses were organized in one of the departments of the famous hairdressing academy. I listened to the masters with my mouth open, I wanted to remember and write down absolutely everything. As it turned out, most of the information was never useful to me. But still, I’ll tell you in detail what you will be taught in manicure and nail extension courses.

  1. The first thing they pay attention to in the courses is the hygiene of the master. However, from everything that we were told in the courses, elementary knowledge about the use of overalls was enough.
  2. The next item in the training is the processing of tools. Of course, an important point, but an experienced master can teach this in practice in 20 minutes.
  3. The topic "Structure of the nail" is covered in detail. All the smart names that we were stuffed with in the courses, I safely forgot a year later.
  4. The most incomprehensible topic for me was “Communication with the client”. Do you think you will be taught how to communicate with a client? Here are the bastards! You will not be told in the courses that clients are silent and they come to you for beautiful hands, and not to discuss city news. Nor will they tell you how to properly understand a client when they are trying to describe the color of the nail polish and the shape of the nail they want. All they can do is repeat again and again that it is necessary to communicate with the client.
  5. The most important of the theoretical topics, I consider the topic "Diseases of the nails." Be careful here, because there is nothing worse for the reputation of the master, how to infect a client with a fungus. Although, in my opinion, the time allotted for the study of this topic is being used incorrectly. Pupils are forced to study diseases of the nails and skin in detail, but it would be much more useful to simply show photographs with diseased nails and examples of skin diseases, and say that if it looks like this, then a manicure cannot be done, there is a danger of infection or it is harmful to the client. And if it looks like in these photos, then you can safely take it, because this disease will not harm anyone.
  6. The main topics in the profession - directly to manicure, extension and nail design - are given so little time that you will not learn anything if you do not practice on friends and relatives.

How to find your first job

Female manicure

How to get a job? Looking for a job in a beauty salon

Now I will tell you how to find a job as a manicurist. To get into a more or less decent salon, you need to have experience. If you have neither a course completion certificate nor work experience, you can only rely on the fact that you will be taken as an apprentice to the master, and will be sent to courses from the salon. But the competition in the service market is so high that such an option is unlikely.

However, even if you completed the courses and received a master's degree in any, even the best academy, this does not mean that you will become a good specialist. What kind of master you will be is up to you. When you leave the training center, you will know a lot, but you will hardly be able to do anything. As for experience, experience is different from experience. Suppose a graduate of courses working in a salon with low traffic, albeit very expensive and prestigious, will never have the same experience as the girl who, after completing the course, came to work in an economy class salon with huge traffic.

Workflow - how to earn your customers

If we talk about the peculiarities of the profession, get ready for the fact that sometimes you will have to sit alone in the salon for days on end, because not a single client may come for the whole working day. Be prepared for the fact that there will be many such days, and even when you become a master, empty days will still happen. This is one of the disadvantages of the profession, but you can not do without it. People are such that they do not want to go to a beginner, even if you are at least three times a master, they do not know about it yet. And if a good master with a huge client base also works in the salon, then be prepared for the fact that visitors go to him, and if he is busy, then they sign up for him the next day, refusing to be served by you. It's time to crack up here! On such days, you want to drop everything, spit and leave.

But I didn't leave. I got my clients in about a year. And big earnings began after 2 years. In the work of a nail service master, it is important to be not only professionally trained, but also a little bit of a psychologist. Clients come across different, you also need to be prepared for this. You need to understand what the client wants.

Not all people can explain what they want. Not always the oval shape of the nails actually turns out to be oval, but red varnish red. Ask clarifying questions.

Start a portfolio to show examples of your work, then it will be easier for the client to navigate her expectations. It's normal to be scared at the very beginning of your career. You may be afraid of cutting the client, afraid that after the service the client will say that you are a useless master. All these fears pass, confidence appears, and over time you won’t even remember how you overcame your fears.

Why do I work in a salon and not at home?

Different patterns on the nails

Many girls, having learned the craft of a manicure master, do not find jobs in salons, but work at home or go to clients. I'm sure this isn't the best use of your skill. I think it's unprofessional. The sterility of instruments suffers, if you go home to a client, you do not always know exactly what instruments you may need, so you will either forget something or carry extra things. Lighting may be poor, the client may be distracted by household members. You can arrange an office at home and work calmly as a manicurist at home, you say.

Of course, I have 2-3 girlfriends whom I serve at home, but I'm not ready to put it on stream, my house is not the place where pieces of other people's nails and skin will roll around. A separate conversation about all those papers that need to be drawn up so that everything is in accordance with the law. You may have a different opinion, but I personally think that working in a salon is much more convenient, although you don’t put all the money you earn in your pocket.

How much does a manicurist earn

As you understand, your earnings will directly depend on your skills, the salon in which you work, the services that your salon provides. Is it profitable to be a manicurist? You can't say for sure. Probably, there are salons where the salary is “white”, but the vast majority of salons work according to “”, so you won’t have to count on a full social package. However, receiving a salary “in an envelope”, a good craftsman may well save for a future retirement and at the same time live comfortably.

Once, in one of the printed publications, I saw a list of professions whose employees are satisfied with their earnings even in a crisis. In the first place there were manicure masters, cosmetologists and hairdressers. People want to look good at all times, so the profession will always be in demand. In addition, customers bring flowers and sweets, coffee and elite spirits to their masters as a token of gratitude, and this is not only pleasant, but also economically beneficial.

The earnings of masters can range from a couple of thousand rubles to several tens of thousands. For example, at the very beginning of my activity, I did not receive even 3 thousand rubles (if we focus on today's prices). Now my average salary is 63 thousand rubles a month. But, again, I note that this is an average figure. Before the New Year or graduation parties, I can earn more than 100 thousand rubles. Earnings include tips left by grateful customers. Yes, it happens, and quite often.

Pros and cons of the profession

The job of a nail technician

The work is creative, for a person who is passionate about his work, it is interesting and pleasant to work. But, like any profession, there are obvious minuses.

  1. You need to carefully monitor your health - most masters develop back diseases over the years - because you will constantly sit in one position, bend over to the client's hand. Here you will be helped by at least a five-minute exercise in between work.
  2. You constantly work with chemicals, breathe them, take out tools from disinfectant solutions, so many craftsmen have allergic diseases, skin diseases, and respiratory diseases.
  3. You need to be prepared for the fact that your earnings will not always be stable. For example, in winter they are significantly reduced - women wear gloves.
  4. Sometimes you get so tired of communicating with clients that you no longer want to talk to anyone, and you probably have a family that is waiting for your attention. Be prepared for such difficulties.

If you're still sure you want to be a manicurist, then here's my only piece of advice: Always do your job with 100 percent. Be careful and diligent - customers notice everything, and if you don’t try, but do your job carelessly, then they won’t come back to you anymore.

Try to learn new techniques, improve your skill level. Whenever possible, participate in competitions, attend seminars. And then there will be no end to your customers. And smile! A positive attitude in this work is simply necessary. Watch your appearance, because the proverb "Shoemaker without boots" in our profession is equal to disaster. The client is almost constantly looking at your hands, keep them in perfect order, just like the workplace. By following these rules, you will become an excellent manicurist, I have no doubt about it.

Here we decided to sniff around on the topic of the tattoo industry, so that you, our creative and income-seeking reader, take a closer look at this interesting and multifaceted area. Namely -
I tried myself as a tattoo artist. If, when looking at a pencil, paper, canvas and paints, you are immediately drawn to draw obscenity, then all is not lost. Well, if in the parental home the sixth layer of old wallpaper is painted with beautiful reproductions of paintings by William Blake and Aivazovsky, and in the corners there are traces of booze after the end of the artist, then for you, in general, all doors are open and you really can become a tattoo artist.

How this happens, we decided to find out in one good St. Petersburg tattoo studio ROY TATTOO. The guys have been working tirelessly and machines for 10 years now, delighting their customers with countless masterful works (see them in the VK group), which means they can answer the most popular questions responsibly and honestly.

How cool do you have to be as an artist to become a tattoo artist? People of what other professions / specialties are starting to do this?

Of course, artistic skills are necessary for this specialty. But there is a large selection of different styles, and each style has its own skill. It is quite difficult to become a master in realism without art education (rare exceptions of nuggets do not spoil this rule). Just like in order to become a master in the old school, you do not need to graduate from an art academy at all. A lot depends on intuition, which is taught to listen in art institutions. You can give basic knowledge on the feeling of composition, the balance of spots / lines / dots, but often an artist with a higher education behind him can be inferior to a nugget with a high level of intuition in this matter. Education is just not enough. If you decide to suddenly get into a tattoo in adulthood, you can always find private art courses for yourself, while initially indicating your needs - not everyone needs realism, and it is important first of all to learn not photography, but composition. A person of any profession can retrain as a tattoo artist if he has eyes, hands and a sense of beauty (or a sense of humor).

What should a tattoo artist be able to do? Especially interesting, how do you manage to come up with cool unique drawings non-stop? What goes on in the mind of a tattoo artist?

The master of artistic tattoo must first of all be able to sit on the priest. Hard work requires perseverance, when the work is large-scale and thoughts are already appearing in the head about what to order for lunch now or not to pretend to be dead - you need willpower to drive these thoughts and continue to cause beauty to the client. When he is far from the first for this day, when the process cannot be interrupted halfway, when he appeals to your sympathy for the pain caused, when the finger is numb from vibration, and Allegrova sings in his head, outwardly the master is flint. It will not be superfluous to be able to maintain verbal contact with the client - this calms him down and distracts him from pain. At the same time, establishing contact is a guarantee of good memories of the session for both the master and the client. The emotional component is very important.

Against this background, it is not always possible to come up with unique drawings. If the light bulb lights up immediately and contact with the client is found, this is luck. If there is no confidence in the success of a quick sketch, it is better to take measurements from the client, discuss, write down all ideas, exchange contacts and postpone the development of the sketch for a quieter free time. It is better to spend a little more time on the preparatory stage, because the tattoo is ideally planned for the rest of your life. Fuss in this matter can do much harm.

What income can you expect at the beginning and after a few years, for example? What does this income depend on, and why are the services of some tattoo artists more expensive than others?

At the beginning, the master has no skills, confidence, perhaps cheap equipment, and there is nothing to declare to a potential client about himself - this is how the relationship between a beginner and a freebie lover is built. Not everyone is ready to provide their body as a blank canvas for experiments - only the most courageous, as a rule, young and not tempted by money, or very close and sympathetic friends of the master, who secretly believe in success. The speed of learning is different for everyone - some have a month, some have no progress and 5 years. At the time of training, the price tag is for consumables. For the speedy development of a portfolio, prices also cannot be at the level of eminent masters. At first, in fact, there is no income - there is an acquisition of experience, and with the proceeds you need to continue to replenish your tools, palette of colors and the like. When the reputation starts to work for you and a client base appears, you can already talk about income.

But voicing the numbers, frankly, seems unethical - the spread is very large: someone makes one expensive one a week, while the other makes 15, but cheaper ... this is not a stable salary for an accountant or programmer. How much you tried, how much you earned. The main thing is to prioritize not profit, but development.

In short, if you want to try - go ahead. And even if you don't have the right education, you can still take painting and tattoo courses to develop your dormant creative skills.

But, as the guys mentioned, you will need equipment and materials, without which the master is like without hands. From the very beginning, you will have to train on something, honing your skills and gaining experience. And when things go uphill, you will need to buy good equipment and consumables, which will make up a significant expense column. But, as you understand, in this case, you can not save on quality. Especially during the training period - we do not urge you to buy everything that is most expensive, but absolutely budget options should be avoided. The fact is that excessive savings will lead to the fact that your achievements and development will begin to be limited to poorly tuned or weak machines, blunt needles or expired paints. If there is no development, and instead of them there are problems and shitty results, then in the process itself you can be disappointed - it's like learning to ride a bicycle with flat tires. Therefore, you will need a place where you can buy everything you need at reasonable prices and with good quality.

In the store you will find everything from anesthesia, paints and tattoo needles to power equipment and a variety of budget and premium tattoo machines. All products are provided with a normal human description, and in the articles of the store you can find interesting information. So for a beginner tattoo artist, Ta2workshop is a great companion along the way. And if there are difficulties with the choice, then the store employees will help you decide, as they have been working in the tattoo industry for many years. In a word, a suitable store for their own.

The profession of a nail service master today is a rather capacious concept. A master can have one narrow focus, or maybe a generalist, performing, in addition to nail services, also eyelash extensions, depilation and much more. The master can combine other areas of this industry - a leader, teacher, organizer, entrepreneur. It is about such masters that will be discussed in this article.

Let's define the terminology.
Under the masters who have achieved success, I mean those who have achieved significant results in any direction of the nail industry - for example, the number of awards in the competitions of the master himself and his students, the presence of a well-known name / brand / salon / school. By "famous", I mean the recognition of the name among the masters of different levels in different regions and countries.

What distinguishes successful masters from all the rest?
Why are some names known to the whole world, while others are known only to a narrow group of people?

  • Having a goal.
  • Clear plan.
  • commitment.
  • Obsession.
  • Facts, not dreams.
  • Following your principles.

1. Having a goal.
The principle is extremely simple, but not everyone follows it.
To achieve a goal, you need to define it in order to know which way to go.
All successful people, not just in the beauty industry, have a well-defined goal.

Remember Alice in Wonderland:
- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
"It depends a lot on where you want to go," replied the Cat.
- Yes, I almost do not care - began Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.

This quote by Lewis Carroll is the best way to describe the importance of having a clearly defined goal.
Where would you like to come? What goal to achieve?
Maybe you dream of becoming a stellar master - inventing nail designs for Lady Gaga and Madonna's music videos? Or our stars, for starters.
Become famous teachers? Win the world championship? Open a network of salons?
Surely you have some ideas in your head, but so far they are only at the stage of thoughts, they are ephemeral. Right now, clearly state the goal you want to achieve and write it down. Trust me it works.
Five minutes of wasted time is worth trying.

5. Facts, not dreams.
Bold dreams, ambitious goals, grandiose plans - there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, to have the courage to dream, to set goals - these are the necessary qualities to achieve success. At the same time, one must be able to face harsh facts.
What do you do better than others?
What type of work do you have an inclination towards?
Are you good at expressing your thoughts and explaining to other people what you are good at? Most likely, you can become a good teacher.
Do you prefer to do everything yourself, scrupulously bringing every detail to perfection? You have every chance to become an international level master, to reach the top in competitions.

Think about what kind of work you do the easiest, what abilities you have from childhood, and direct your maximum efforts to this area.

6. Following your principles.
Goals and principles are very important. However, their presence and complete inaction in relation to their implementation is of no importance in itself.
If you know but don't do it, it's tantamount to not knowing.
Successful masters followed their principles and dreams to the end. Nobody likes to talk about failures and defeats, so you will hardly hear in an interview with famous masters of history about how many times they lost in competitions, lost clients, experienced difficulties in various areas of life. However, this did not affect their unwavering drive and led to victory.

If you want to succeed, you need to double the number of failures. Thomas John Watson

Use these principles and success is guaranteed. If you apply only a few of them in your life, then the result will most likely be the same - partial, half. Write a plan and follow it. Cross off completed tasks not for the sake of a “tick”, but when you are really convinced that you have fully completed what you planned. After all, this is not an exam, but your life, and only you can decide how to live it.

The last, main principle that will help you succeed is to act. Right now.

Note. For this study, the experience of Western stars of the nail industry, recognizable around the world, was used.

Bestseller this spring!

Just two drops are enough, and the thickened varnish will become convenient for application!
Suitable for any brand.

Take care of your nerves and time, dilute your gel polishes and work for your own pleasure!

The world of tattoo artists is a closed community that lives by its own unwritten laws. It is extremely difficult to break through there, especially if you have never encountered real specialists in the past. So let's talk about how to become a tattoo artist? Where to start your career? What documents are needed for work? And how to reach the pinnacle of mastery?

A sober look at your capabilities

Today, many artists are thinking about how to become a tattoo artist. On the one hand, this allows you to engage in art, and on the other hand, it brings a good income. What is true, the vast majority of dreamers do not dare to take this path, because, unlike drawing on paper, tattooing on the skin is fraught with many dangerous moments.

Therefore, all professional tattoo artists first of all advise beginners to think carefully about their choice. Will they really be able to fill a pattern on a human body, or is it just another illusion? In addition, you need to take into account your creative abilities, so that in the future you do not have to blush in front of customers.

What does it take to become a tattoo artist?

To begin with, let's take a look at the stages of the entire path of becoming a tattoo artist. This will help you not only plan your actions correctly, but also speed up the whole process. So, here is how to become a tattoo artist from scratch:

  1. Get a quality education. Alas, many believe that you can become a tattoo artist with only innate talent. But it's not! In fact, you need to graduate from a tattoo school in order to get a master's certificate.
  2. You should gain experience. After all, the fact that a person draws well on paper does not mean that he can do the same on the body. Therefore, upon completion of studies, you will have to fill your hand for several more months in order to achieve perfect ownership of the typewriter.
  3. You need to find a suitable job. In this case, the choice comes down to only two main areas: a tattoo parlor or work at home.
  4. And finally, you will need to create your own unique style. Indeed, in fact, there are many good masters, but only a few are considered unsurpassed. And it is to them that visitors line up in kilometer-long queues.

Tattoo artist education

Today, there are many schools that can clearly explain how to become a tattoo artist. In general, during the training, a person needs to master the following points:

  1. Classification and structure of tattoo equipment.
  2. Features of the selection of colors and their colors.
  3. Rules for the arrangement of the workplace.
  4. Equipment sterilization methods, as well as sanitary control standards.
  5. The most effective ways to anesthetize the skin.
  6. Tattoo care tips.

In addition, the school will give the opportunity to try to get a tattoo on a leather substitute, and later on a living person. But, most importantly, upon graduation, the specialist will be given a certificate or diploma that allows him to work as a tattoo artist.

First steps in a new business

The main problem is not how to become a tattoo artist, but how to become a real professional. After all, it is one thing when you practice under the supervision of an experienced teacher, and quite another when you have to work on your own.

Therefore, for a beginner, it is better to work a little under the auspices of an experienced mentor. For example, when you get an internship at a tattoo parlor, you can come to an agreement that initially you will be entrusted with only simple work: inscriptions, abstractions, and black and white images. This approach will help you get used to the machine and how it behaves on human skin.

Choosing between a tattoo parlor and work from home

First, let's talk about how to become a tattoo artist in a salon. In general, this is not difficult, unless, of course, you have a certificate. You just need to go around the local workshops and ask around if they have vacancies. As for the benefits, working in the salon will allow you to start “beating” the tattoo without investing your own funds. Among the minuses, the main one is the interest rate that management will have to pay for the use of their equipment.

Working from home has more prospects, especially if you equip one of the rooms with a professional workshop. That's just for such a pleasure you have to pay out of your own pocket, which is not available to everyone. It is also necessary to independently look for clients for themselves, who at first will not particularly trust the “basement” tattoo artist.

Creating your own style

A true professional never stops at the achieved level of skill. He constantly improves his style, making it unique and inimitable. Such tattoo artists are highly respected among their colleagues, there is always a queue of clients for them.

Therefore, no matter how good an artist is, he must always continue to improve himself. Thanks to this, in the future he will be able to demonstrate his talent to a wide audience, for example, at the All-Russian tattoo competition. And this, in turn, will allow him not only to earn good money, but also to enter the legends of the world of tattoo artists.