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(1) I wish I knew where it comes from! (2) If it were possible to drive him away as soon as possible. (3) But it is like the weather: no one knows where, when, why ... (4) Unlike the weather, there are not even predictors for our changing mood. (5) You just need to submit.

(6) No, by no means! (7) There can be no question of humility!

(8) A bad mood should obey us!

(9) A bad mood is not what I am, not what happens in the depths of my soul, it only indicates how I feel about it, and then what I let other people feel. (10) The last two circumstances are in our power: we dispose of them, and they must submit. (11) Whoever has not yet understood this should learn to understand as soon as possible, because this refers to the foundations of self-control.

(12) A bad mood arises from internal discord, the main knot of which remains in the subconscious, and is not easy to unravel. (13) This discord or, as doctors who heal the soul, this “conflict” did not arise suddenly; most likely, it persists from childhood and can suddenly revive or become slightly aggravated. (14) Perhaps I will get rid of him; but it is also possible that I will carry it with me until my death. (15) Yes, I will carry it in myself and endure it, I will come to terms with its existence, I will be forced to put it at the service of the cause, in a word - I will deal with it creatively. (16) Heavenly God, this is not the reason for a “bad mood”!

(17) There is hardly a person in the world who has not had to deal with a spiritual conflict. (18) Everyone has his own, and everyone would like to get rid of him. (19) Is that why everyone has the right to a bad mood? (20) Should everyone, for this reason, become sullen, walk with angry faces, or even shout at each other?

(21) Internal discord should be taken seriously, absolutely seriously. (22) He belongs to what I am. (23) It denotes one of my inner life tasks. (24) It can escalate, create mental stagnation, cause a bad mood. (25) This bad mood remains unclear, impenetrable for me; it enters into my conscious life and into my general well-being as an inexplicable fact. (26) I feel depressed, helpless, sad. (27) Because of this, I get annoyed, and I give vent to this irritation of mine in the form of a “bad mood” in society. (28) This is how it really looks. (29) But it is impossible for it to be so in the future.

(30) It is clear that there is a conflict behind a bad mood. (31) This conflict should be seen as a kind of creative charge and dealt with accordingly. (32) It's good that there is this charge; After all, you can’t shoot from an unloaded gun. (33) It is not at all scary that this charge has not yet been subdued: it means that there is a task and it must be solved. (34) Mental stagnation is unpleasant. (35) But trouble is just a shell of new strength and new life. (36) Split a nut - you get a sweet core. (37) There is no reason for a bad mood! (38) However, there is a bad mood. (39) Carry it calmly and confidently! (40) You already see through him. (41) Look, conflict is a promise, and soon you are already a winner.

(42) You are not at all helpless. (43) You gained courage, and depression disappeared. (44) The bad mood dissipated.

(45) Or not yet? (46) So you understood its creative and intimate nature and you will beware of making the secret public property.

(47) It's your own business, how you feel about your internal conflict, about this anticipated charge of new forces. (48) If you don’t know how to establish yourself as a winner inside yourself, if you are so ungrateful that, facing the main task of your life, you see only “difficulties” and “troubles” and become “gloomy”, then do not at least take out your cowardice! (49) A strong character rejoices at difficulties and smiles at troubles. (50) The more difficult the test, the more joyful the victory. (51) If you have not yet found these forces in yourself, be nevertheless sure that you will find them. (52) You can’t be alone - look for help, but most importantly - pray: sincere prayer will always be heard. (53) But just don’t show your transient weakness in front of strangers!

(54) It is indecent to blurt out secrets; and a bad mood does it. (55) How childish - cry in pain; and a bad mood is a crybaby. (56) How criminal it is to infect others with your disease; bad mood is contagious.

(57) Don't you know how calmly and sweetly the one who surpasses you can smile? (58) This smile for a bad mood is unbearable.

(According to I. Ilyin)

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Each person owns self improvement. Making errors, we are working on fixing them and try not to stop there. What contributes to the self-education of a person? I.A. Ilyin suggests thinking about this problem.

The author addresses a topical moral problem. The Russian philosopher is sure that "the more difficult the test, the more joyful the victory." After all, the most serious results are achieved by those who can survive difficult situations, overcome themselves and their fear. People should hide their bad mood from others so as not to seem weak, this is self-education. “It is indecent to blurt out secrets, and a bad mood does it,” writes Ilyin, arguing that in a bad mood people can do rash acts, the consequences of which are rather unpleasant for others.

The author believes that you need to be able to manage your mood and smile at difficulties in order to become better and stronger. People should learn to meet trials with joy, which only temper character and help to establish themselves in their strength. Only work on oneself forms a strong personality.

It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of a well-known publicist. Indeed, the role of self-education in human life is enormous. Only the desire to become better makes a person analyze his mistakes and correct them. The main thing is to move forward and achieve your goals.

This problem is reflected in the pages of Russian literature. Let's remember Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". In the work


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If the mood is bad, you should not be silent about it. Complaining about life turns out to be very useful. When we open up and report: “I’m so tired,” “Nothing works,” we intuitively use the advice of psychotherapist Frank Jones, author of How to Manage Mood: “You need to share your bad mood and not be shy and talk about it out loud.” Everyone. Even to your boss. As an example, the book describes the story of a patient who worked as a lead programmer in a large company. When the boss called him and said: “We are late with the project, we can lose a lot of money. Is it possible to hurry up? ”, The employee burst into tears instead of answering. He admitted that he could not do anything since his girlfriend left him. The chief said the project would wait and gave him an extra day off. It sounds unrealistic, but respect for emotions and personal experiences is really found, although they say that earlier, 30 years ago, everything was tougher. And today, it seems that psychologists and doctors are about to lobby for the law "On respectful attitude to bad mood and emotional instability of citizens."

name the problem

"Say words!" - asks a teacher in an ordinary American school, when the child, without knowing why, for no apparent reason, begins to cry or get angry. It usually takes him a little time to realize that there is no reason, or she, for example, is like this: “I hate these green pants that my mother put on me.” After the secret is revealed and expressed, he immediately changes the minus mood to a plus.

In the UK in recent years, as an experiment, 50 schools have conducted special lessons during which teenagers learn how to express their emotions correctly, manage their mood and make friends.

Assess your past

Bad mood is enough at any age. And, according to many experts, we have the attitude to life that we were able to adopt from our parents. Psychologist Marcel Pick is sure that our mood is not so much our present as our past, with childhood problems, family priorities, resentment, stereotypes. Some people are more accustomed and more comfortable to be sad than to rejoice, because ... they simply do not know, they have not seen how it is done.

Singer Ashlee Simpson, the younger sister of star Jessica Simpson, once looked like a sad Pierrot with a long nose. A series of plastic surgeries turned her into a beauty, and her mood ... still remained bad. Now Ashley "misses her old face", she decided on the operation only because she was tired of suffering and being in the shadow of her sister. She tried to solve the problem of mood cardinally. It was not possible, she could not feel renewal and joy - this is how experts comment on her condition.

Only by changing the attitude towards their past, people can change their mood. It succeeds in units. And the strong and famous sometimes take it upon themselves to change the mood of millions. And they do it, for which we love them. Popular comedian, show host Bill Cosby is trying to "educate" a new mood among the black population of America - he focuses on opportunities, and not on the humiliating slave past that gave many African Americans an offended expression.

Take sadness by the horns

Everything should be under control - this is what many are trying to achieve. “I am a very organized person” is not a boastful, but a common characteristic of oneself. Such people are usually successful in everything, and even if they are angry, sad or madly happy, then for the benefit of themselves and others.

But look at the greats: for example, Abraham Lincoln was no stranger to melancholy. Contemporaries-comrades-in-arms described that sometimes he sat for a long time with his head bowed low, but after a couple of hours he delivered a vivid speech, which now schoolchildren must learn by heart.

It is believed that longing and attempts to overcome it sometimes give a striking result. “Make sadness work for you!” psychologists say. And with the permission of Hollywood stars, they post an official list of people who are not just sad, but get depressed from time to time and are not ashamed to talk about it. Who is not there: the beautiful Halle Berry, actors Harrison Ford and Jim Carrey, director Francis Coppola, publisher Larry Flynt ... A dimensionless list of people who not only cope with this condition, but know how to live with it, work, achieve results and even smile.

The founder of the film company "Metro" Goldwyn Mayer, according to legend, was an uneducated man. But he subtly felt the mood of the audience and gave the viewer what he needed. After reading the play "Romeo and Juliet", which was being prepared for the film adaptation, the magnate said:

The story is good, but the ending is not good.

But it's Shakespeare! - quietly objected someone.

- Well, tell your Shakespeare, let him rewrite!

Personal opinion

Olga Prokofieva:

It’s good if you are a woman to be told a few compliments in the morning. There is such a recommendation for male leaders: if you want to increase the productivity of the female team, then give all the women a compliment in the morning, this will immediately cheer them up! Compliments in the morning are great to cheer up! And treat yourself to something. If you love coffee, shell out and buy yourself the best and tastiest coffee you can enjoy. Life is too short to waste it in a bad mood.

Every person who studies or works, most often works on weekdays, and rests on weekends. But all people relate to these days differently. In most cases, society does not like everyday life and constantly waits for weekends or holidays in order to relax, have fun and enjoy life.

The main problem of the original text is the problem of people's attitude to everyday life. But why don't people like them? And how can you change your attitude towards them?

In his text, I.A. Ilyin tries, firstly, to convince his readers that weekdays must be perceived as a gift of fate, as an opportunity to work and comprehend one’s activity: “You need to understand the serious meaning of your profession and take care of it in the name of its high meaning. We must take ourselves seriously, and therefore, our own profession, and our own everyday life. ”, and, secondly, the author makes us understand that it is impossible to live without meaning, because without it a person cannot exist, since joy in life: “Senseless is joyless. Man was created in such a way that he cannot live joylessly.

I fully agree with the position of the author, because almost every person spends most of his life studying or working, and if he does not comprehend his occupation, he will not know real joy in life and its moments. Many Russian writers have dealt with this problem in their works.

For example, in M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time", the protagonist suffered from boredom. He was bored not only with noble ladies, but also with the "savage". Pechorin left for the Caucasus in the hope that boredom would not overtake him there, but he was mistaken, and even the whistle of Chechen bullets ceased to affect his state of mind. The hero did not learn to enjoy the moments in the present tense, did not comprehend his activities and did not appreciate the people who are next to him. Subsequently, he realized that he was absolutely unhappy and could not find a spiritual home for himself.

And in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,” the protagonist was a prisoner whose life, it would seem, is incredibly difficult. But Ivan Denisovich was able to brighten up his everyday life and realized that even in the Stalinist camp there is an opportunity to make life, albeit a little, but more pleasant. The hero was incredibly resourceful: he waited for the parcel of his bedmate and helped him, after which he was rewarded with a second portion of dinner and dishes from this parcel, and carried a small piece of saw past the guards. But the most important thing is that Ivan Denisovich was happy about his work - construction. He performed it with joy, understood the meaning of this activity and learned to appreciate every moment of his life.

Weekdays should not be painful for us, because there are many more of them than weekends or holidays. And our life is incredibly small in order to so mindlessly hate the days intended for work. To find happiness, we all need to fill our work with meaning, and only then life will become a “luminous thread”.

Essay-reasoning on the topic "Bad mood" based on the text of Ilyin

All people know that the world we live in is far from perfect. There is a lot of hatred and anger in it, so we are not comfortable with each other: we walk with an eye and often expect a trip from our neighbor, and not help. It so happened because we do not know how to pacify hatred either in ourselves or in the people around us. It is about this problem that the philosopher I. Ilyin writes.

He compares sympathy and antipathy with rays that penetrate the human soul and carry a certain emotional charge. When the sun of goodness gently shines on us, we feel good and calm. When dark rays of distrust and misunderstanding are gathering around, we feel bad, even if we move away from the conflict and the person who creates it. This negative emotion remains with us as a burden on the heart, which is not so easy to throw off.

The author suggests a rather difficult, but the only possible way to solve this problem: anger must be answered with kindness. Often we ourselves are to blame for the fact that a person has become our enemy. Perhaps we accidentally touched him, perhaps he is so harassed by the circumstances of his difficult life that he hates the whole world. In any case, in any enmity there may be a share of our fault. Therefore, in response to unmotivated aggression, we must say a kind word, because people become hardened because they do not hear it. Love disarms them, not accustomed to mercy and compassion. In addition, such an approach to conflicts will not leave an unpleasant burden and sediment on the soul, we will not stain it with hatred. I fully agree with the author, since I have read about friendship and enmity in books more than once and I know what the power of good and the poison of evil are.

As an example, I can cite the novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The protagonist meets with Pugachev, a dangerous rebel who spares no one and shows no mercy to anyone. On his account, dozens of deaths, Grinev would have suffered the same fate, but he was able to evaluate Pugachev's actions in a human way, without class prejudice. Peter could not help Pugachev because of the oath, but he understood the motives of the revolutionary, sympathized with him, but did not betray his idea. For this decent attitude, the rebel did not kill the nobleman: thanks to the kindness of Petrusha, he was able to defeat the fierce beast in himself.

As a second argument, I would like to cite Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. In it, the heroes did not forgive each other's insults, as a result, the enmity ended in a duel. Pechorin deliberately provoked a friend to meanness, and Grushnitsky went mad with jealousy and committed this meanness. They both tried to fight back and respond to anger with anger. All this led to a shameful outcome, and yet it was enough to show at least a little understanding, and the fatal consequences of enmity could have been avoided.


In a series of single predicates, there should be the same forms - NECESSARY (WHAT TO DO?) - perfect view - REALIZE, LOVE, and then you have - (what to do?) - imperfect view - GET ... TRY. Here it is better to use imperfective verbs when there is no limit to the action, like perfective verbs: IT IS NECESSARY TO REALIZE ... LOVE ... RECEIVE ... TRY. By this we will show that a person must daily .... what to do? REALIZE, etc., and if you use the Soviet view, it turns out that on some one of the working days, REALIZE ... and that's all - the limit of action.

What does SUFFICIENT mean? In what sense? How did you determine the "dose" of time - sufficient or insufficient ... Wrong choice of word, by the way, now it is very "" fashionable "". A LOT of time (a LARGE amount) would be more correct ...


You write. that he had a lot of things to do, but then - "" the result ... loss of meaning ...", Yes, that's right. So, just Onegin was bored everywhere and always (and in the theater) (and he didn’t have much to do). This, I think, is a logical error, although it can also be attributed to the actual one, remember, for example: "" The village where Onegin was bored "" ...

Weekdays. They are a complete mess. Eternal care. Tough boredom. Constant noise, interrupted from time to time by another failure. Oh bad mood! And Monday is a prototype of weekdays.
Yes, then things are going badly with life! But you can not shift the blame for this on "life". You lack the art of living; it would be foolish to expect that life will give you a solemn reception. So create yourself and transform, otherwise everyday life will overcome you. And in life there is no greater shame than to be defeated - and not by a giant, not by powerful enemies, not by illness, but by the gray everyday life of existence. So - the art of living! First of all: calmly and courageously look into the eyes of the enemy! We will never get rid of everyday life. They will always be. They make up the material of our life. And if a holiday serves only to illuminate the grayness of everyday life and expose everyday life, like lightning, then it is harmful to us and we are unworthy of it. Only he deserved the joy of the holiday, who fell in love with his everyday life. How to achieve this?
This can be achieved by finding the sacred meaning in your everyday work, plunging it into the depths of the heart and illuminating and igniting everyday life with a ray of its light. This is the first requirement, even the fundamental principle of the art of living. What are you in the universe? What are your deeds before the Fatherland?
Haven't figured it out yet? Don't you know it yet? How do you live? Pointless, blind, stupid and wordless? Then it is easy to comprehend the “continuous soundness” of your everyday life. And boredom, and a bad mood, and everything that accompanies them.
It is impossible to blindly perceive daily work as meaningless work under compulsion, as galley torture, as flour from paycheck to paycheck. You have to change your mind. You need to understand the serious meaning of your profession and take care of it in the name of its high meaning. You need to take yourself seriously, and therefore, your own profession, and your own everyday life. Everyday life remains, but they need to be transformed from the inside. They should be filled with meaning, come to life, become multicolored; and not remain "continuous wakefulness."
It's pointless - it's pointless. Man was created in such a way that he cannot live joylessly. He who seems to live without joy has certainly invented a substitute for joy. Joy should, however, grow out of everyday work, even if only in the sense that you work better and better, improve the quality of your work, thereby moving up the steps of improvement.
If you have found the high meaning of your work and joy in its quality, can you still talk about “solid deepness” after that? Life will then become a luminous thread for you. And takeoff in your life is guaranteed. For joy releases creative forces; creative forces create quality; and the quality of work causes joy from work.
Look: this is how your everyday life gets into a good circle of spiritual health. And now for you there are no more viscous everyday life.
(I. Ilyin)

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What is the attitude of people to everyday life? What needs to be done so that life ceases to seem like a “gray everyday life”? I.A. Ilyin reflects on these and many other questions.

The text cited for analysis raises several problems, but the most important, in my opinion, is the problem of a person's attitude to everyday life.

The author reveals the problem posed, talking about everyday life. He notes that many perceive workdays as "continuous soundness", "viscous boredom". However, it is impossible to get rid of everyday life, since they constitute the "matter of life" of a person. That is why, according to Ilyin, you need to learn how to transform your life, to make every day a holiday.

The position of the author is expressed clearly and clearly. The writer is convinced that everyday life needs to be changed, filled with meaning and not perceived daily work as “torment from paycheck to paycheck”. After all, only then will life become a "luminous thread."

It is difficult not to agree with the opinion of I.A. Ilyin. Indeed, working days should be meaningful. So that everyday life ceases to seem boring, a person you need to realize the usefulness of your activity, love your work, enjoy doing business and try to improve.

The problem of a person's attitude to everyday life is reflected in the pages of the works of many Russian classics. An example would be


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