New criteria for certification of educators in the year. Risks of the reformed model

Everything flows, everything changes... But, as practice shows, not all changes adopted by the Government lead to the best, although the first opinion is sometimes erroneous. After the latest changes in teacher certification, which will be introduced in 2018, messages and comments from dissatisfied teachers appeared on forums and websites. What is planned to be changed and why educational workers consider themselves offended, we will understand further.

Not so long ago, the deputy of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev told the media that next year it is planned to adopt a new model for certification of teachers. According to him, such measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers and improving their qualifications. The results of the VPR checks, the comparison of grades in the USE and grades in schools and classes show that some teachers overestimate grades, in other words, they do not correspond to the actual knowledge of students. This phenomenon is especially observed in the provinces. Muzaev believes that the reason may lie in the lack of awareness of the teacher, the small baggage of his knowledge.

A new form of certification of teachers in 2018, according to the official, is being developed jointly with the teaching staff, which will eliminate mistakes in the preparation of assignments to test the professional suitability of teachers. The new model for checking educational workers will consist of three main blocks:

  1. Checking the level of knowledge in the subject.
  2. Checking psychological characteristics.
  3. Testing pedagogical skills.

This approach will determine not only the level of knowledge of the teacher, but also his ability to present material, find a common language with children, and so on. So far, there is no information about the form in which knowledge, psychology and pedagogy will be tested, since the schemes and methods have not been fully developed, and the proposed options cause indignation among educational staff.

Weaknesses of the new form of teacher certification in 2018

It is known that a new certification of teaching staff from 2018 will be carried out every 4 years. Earlier, Rosobrnazdor stated that the inspection should be carried out more often - every 2-3 years, but so far such a proposal has not been implemented.

Despite the fact that while the new teacher verification model has not been approved and is in the process of being developed, a wave of indignation is sweeping the Internet and schools. Here are the main points that cause dissatisfaction of teaching staff:

  1. Teachers are invited to write an essay that will assess their horizons. The question arises as to who will check their work and by what criteria. It is possible that the assessment will be biased, and the requirements are significantly overstated. It is also possible that essays will replace KIM (like the USE). It will include both general and specific questions on the subject.
  2. It is proposed to check the psychological characteristics based on the analysis of the teacher's video lesson. But technical difficulties arise, since the video should not be filmed on a phone or other gadget, but made by a professional. But this requires financial costs, as well as permission to shoot from all the parents of the students, which is basically impossible.
  3. Confirmation of pedagogical suitability from a legal point of view can be challenged in court, since the presence of the necessary skills is indicated by a document (diploma) obtained after graduating from a higher educational institution.

A similar situation with the test of skills affected drivers. After officials introduced a mandatory retake of the test and a test of driving skills when exchanging a driver's license. Drivers managed to prove in court that they had already passed such a test when passing the exam before obtaining a license. It is possible that the situation will repeat itself and teachers will be able to defend their rights.

What will happen to teachers who did not pass certification in 2018?

Since the certification of teachers in 2018 will become tougher and it is possible that not everyone will be able to pass it, a natural question arises about what will happen to those. According to Anzor Murzaev, teachers will not be fired or punished, since the goals of the changes are completely different - the formation of highly qualified teaching staff with a high level of knowledge. The more a teacher knows, the more knowledge he can pass on to his students.

Teachers who failed to pass the certification will be sent for advanced training. Such an approach will make it possible to get rid of weak workers in the educational sphere, but not through dismissal, but through training. Rosobrnadzor emphasized that teachers have nothing to fear, and new changes will bring the education sector to a new level.

The new certification of teachers in 2018, tested in the fall in a number of regions of Russia, was developed last spring and is designed to eliminate gaps in teachers in core subjects. About 30% of teachers are not able to independently solve problems, accurately write a dictation. What kind of qualitative leap in education can we talk about if the basic training of a teacher is lame? Attestation, which now teachers will take place every 4 years, is aimed at eliminating gaps in specific disciplines, increasing the level of general knowledge, including psychology. This, according to the ideas of the developers, will serve as a rapprochement with students, an increase in the prestige of the profession. Is the new form of teacher certification really capable of this?

Behind the desk with the students

The assessment block is shaped like an exam sheet, so elementary and secondary school employees will have to sit at a desk with students. However, in essence, the new model is noticeably different. Mentors will be encouraged to tick off the answers they believe are correct, and to be creative by writing an essay or essay suggesting their own approach to teaching.

The intentions designed to raise the general level of professional competence of teachers are understandable, but not fully worked out. Most experts are inclined to believe that the new form of certification of teachers in 2018 should include 3 main sections.

  1. The unit of knowledge of the subject in which the teacher specializes. The teacher is obliged to answer questions, show imagination, solve independent work.
  2. A block in psychology, which is designed to assess the communication skills of a mentor. The results of the section show how much the teacher manages to find a common language with the students.
  3. A block evaluating the teacher's pedagogical training. Its results will become a criterion for the ability to get out of difficult situations, smooth out conflicts.

What annoys educators

Representatives of the Ministry of Education assure that the new rules for certification of teachers in 2018 are not a punitive measure aimed at reducing the number of teachers, who are already in short supply. Mentors who fail the exam will be sent to advanced training courses, where they will be able not only to prepare for the second exam, but also to increase their rank, which will positively affect income. However, good intentions sound great on paper, but it is not clear how this will be organized in practice, which causes fair indignation among teachers. The weakest points of the new attestation rules, according to employees of school institutions, are the following factors.

  1. The mechanism for checking creative works is not defined. It is not entirely clear who and by what criteria will check essays and essays written during the assessment.
  2. The level of psychological abilities of the teacher is supposed to be assessed on the basis of a video recording of the lesson. However, this requires equipment and parental consent.
  3. Teachers can challenge professional competence in court on the basis of existing diplomas. Professional suitability or incompetence is problematic to establish.

Should I be afraid of the upcoming certification?

Despite the obvious shortcomings, a program to improve the level of training of specialists has been launched. It should hardly be regarded as a panacea capable of dramatically and quickly transforming the existing concept of education. However, even if ten, twenty, one hundred cases of unsuitability of a teacher are found, then this is not bad, because it will save the school from people who are not doing their job. At the same time, we are not talking about instant dismissal: if desired, each mentor will have the opportunity to raise the level of knowledge in the relevant courses, to think about future prospects in the chosen field.

Do not forget that a significant part of teachers were exempted from the new certification of teachers in 2018. Among them are pregnant women, employees with a qualification category, employees who left after illness or maternity leave.

There is no need to be afraid of certification - when it comes to raising the level of education of the younger generation, any means are good. The methodology has not yet been worked out, but life itself will offer the best certification options. It remains to be hoped that positive innovations will have a real impact on the professional growth of teachers, and will not become a formal empty space and fertile ground for scandals.

The certification of teachers for 2017-2018 is a completely new set of rules, regulations and charters, and the whole process is carried out and carried out in two stages, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. For example, at the very beginning, the teacher will definitely have to demonstrate and show all his professional suitability. But only then the teacher needs to prove the right to acquire the declared category.

The only thing that has not changed is that the decision is made based on the results of a special commission, which evaluates the level of competence of a given teacher.

But, about everything in more detail, because here everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Types of certification.

As mentioned above, the process of certification of teachers has a small variety and classification. This is a mandatory and voluntary certification, which differ significantly from each other.

  • First, mandatory certification. This type implies certification, which is mandatory without exception for all employees. It should be noted that in 2018 it will be held in accordance with all the innovations that were introduced and implemented in 2017. It is worth saying that all those teachers who began their careers directly in 2015 are not suitable for this type of certification, and those teachers who have just returned from maternity leave do not fall under it, even though the term of the previous one is already expired or expired. Moreover, those teachers who, for some reason, did not work during the last 4 months, can also refuse attestation on quite legal grounds.
  • Secondly, voluntary. This type implies direct certification for everyone who wants to improve their qualification category ahead of schedule. The main objective of this attestation is to create stimulation of professional growth among those teachers who really need it. If you want to become a participant in this type of certification, then in 2018 you must write and submit an appropriate statement of your desire and intentions and, of course, send it to the director of the educational institution. As a rule, the application must be considered within one month, but no more. In the event that the answer is positive, then a special commission is assembled, which will decide the future fate of the teacher. According to the law, the entire certification process takes no more than 2 months. If for some reason the teacher does not agree with the decision of the attestation commission, then he has the right to convene another commission capable of resolving this dispute, or go to court.

It is probably no secret to anyone that advanced training implies an increase in wages.

New regulations and rules.

Already from the beginning of the new 2017-2018 academic year, each teacher must familiarize himself with the introduced transformations and changes in the issue of certification. What changes and provisions should be named and noted first of all?

It is worth saying that after the expiration of the established period, or rather, 1 month, the applicant must receive a notification letter to his home address, where the place and time of the certification will be indicated in detail. As a rule, the certification schedule for the first and highest qualification category is established and approved by the Ministry of Education in advance.

As you can see, the process of attestation of teachers has really undergone a number of serious changes that the teaching staff must cope with, because everyone already has some experience and their own store of knowledge.

The main task of certification of educators is not only to determine the qualification level of a teacher, but also to provide him with financial incentives for the success achieved in work (paragraph 3 of Chapter 1 of the Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012). Teachers who have been assigned the corresponding category according to the results of the knowledge assessment can receive an award for knowledge and skills. Regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 276 of 04/07/2014, 273-FZ of 12/29/2012, etc.

Last changes

While the certification of teachers in 2018 is going on in the old way, the latest changes that are still being prepared will bring some changes to the process. Currently, additions to the national project "Education" are being discussed. For example, they propose to abandon the current certification system and switch to a unified professional exam. The All-Russian Popular Front emphasizes that the exam must meet the requirements of the teacher's professional standard and federal standards of general education.

In the future, for example, if a teacher is certified for category 1 in 2018, there will no longer be a need to present a portfolio. And also you will not need certificates and additional materials proving the competence of the teacher.

It is expected that inspections under the new rules will begin in 2020. At the same time, its periodicity and division into mandatory and voluntary will remain.

When is the certification

There are currently two types of certification:

  1. Mandatory. It is carried out to confirm compliance with the position held at least once every five years. According to the Certification Procedure, some employees are exempted from it. We will talk about them further.
  2. Voluntary. Such a check is carried out to establish the qualification category. Usually appointed at the request of the educator who wants to improve their skills. It can be carried out after two years from the date of assignment of the previous qualification. If the review is denied, a re-application can be submitted one year after the rejection.

If the qualification is not confirmed in due time, it will be cancelled. In this case, a teacher with the first category must apply for attestation to receive the first category. If the employee had the highest, then it will be the first.

The previously adopted rule, according to which the highest category was assigned to an employee who had worked 20 years in the profession for life, was canceled. Now you need to confirm your qualifications and be tested every five years.

List of required documents

To pass the verification, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Application for certification of a teacher, for the highest category (2018), for example.
  2. A copy of the result of passing the previous check (if any).
  3. Copies of diplomas confirming specialized education (secondary and higher pedagogical education).
  4. Documents confirming the presence of the first or highest category.
  5. If the surname has changed, copies of related documents (marriage certificate, for example).
  6. Submission from the place of work, which can serve as confirmation of the professional competence of the employee.
  7. If the certification of the teacher is carried out in 2018, a portfolio may be needed.

In addition, the teacher can provide an analytical report of the educator on the Federal State Educational Standard for certification 2018. This document not only describes the work done, but also represents a kind of introspection of the pedagogical activity of the teacher of the preschool educational institution for certification.

You will find samples at the end of the article, and now we will consider how to compose them correctly.

How to make an application

Often, the basis for certification is an application for the highest category of preschool teacher (2018) according to the Federal State Educational Standard (or for the first). The document is drawn up according to the established pattern. In the upper right corner, the attestation commission to which the application is sent and its address are indicated. Next, the applicant's data is entered: full name, position, address, phone number, e-mail address. Please include all contact information.

  • a request for attestation for the selected category;
  • information about the qualification at the moment and the period of its validity;
  • grounds for assigning a qualification category;
  • information about the applicant. Data on education, general teaching experience, work experience in the last place. If the employee has certificates, documents on the completion of advanced training courses, it is advisable to reflect all of them by attaching supporting documents.

When compiling a statement, special attention should be paid to the pedagogical achievements of the educator. For example, the use of innovations in the classroom, methodological development, the use of multimedia presentations. Examples of such developments may be attached to the application. They will show the level of competence of the teacher.

A sample application for a qualification test can be downloaded at the end of the article.

How to fill out an analytical certificate

Analytical reference for certification, for the highest category of educator, for example, is a document showing the level of qualification of a teacher. It must indicate all the achievements for the time of work or the time passed between certifications for qualifications.

The analytical report of the educator for the first category (sample) according to the Federal State Educational Standard includes the following sections:

  • annotation;
  • analytical part;
  • design part;
  • conclusion;
  • applications.

In the header, an analytical report for certification, for the first category of educator, for example, contains data about the applicant:

  • education data;
  • general experience;
  • work experience as an educator;
  • experience in the institution that sent for certification;
  • skill level (category) at present.
  1. Goals and objectives of the teacher's activity.
  2. Analysis of the results of pedagogical activity.
  3. Application of innovations in pedagogical activity.
  4. Data on the professional activity of the teacher. This includes information about the composition of the group of pupils, positive dynamics in their development, the formation of their personal qualities, the results of various events and other indicators.
  5. Application of knowledge of psychology in the process of professional activity.
  6. Positive feedback on the pedagogical activity of the educator from the parents of pupils.
  7. Information about the implementation of measures aimed at preserving the health of children and the prevention of a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Data on teacher training, advanced training courses, participation in competitions, etc.
  9. If there were publications on the upbringing and education of children and other materials related to professional activities, they should also be indicated.
  10. Prospects for the personal and professional development of the applicant: plans for training, etc.
  11. Date and personal signature of the applicant.

It should be noted that these data will be subject to scrutiny by the Commission.

This document is a kind of self-analysis of the preschool teacher for category 1 for certification 2018 according to the Federal State Educational Standard. It is not worth mentioning that all the data indicated in the document must be reliable and preferably confirmed by additionally attached official papers.

The analytical report of the educator for the highest category, a sample, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, can be downloaded at the end of the article.

How is the certification

From now on, the desire of the employee and his length of service do not affect the need for a mandatory assessment. If for some reason he did not pass it within the prescribed period, then the qualification category is lowered, and incentive payments are withdrawn along with it. For example, if an employee has lost the highest category, then the first one is assigned to him. And it will be possible to apply for certification for the highest category of educator (in 2018) in order to restore it only later. If after five years the teacher fails to pass the knowledge test again, he will lose the first one.

The programs of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the certification of educators (testing 2017) are not freely available. Therefore, training should be based on the literature, the experience of colleagues and your own.

There are employees who are exempted from mandatory testing and assessment of knowledge. Among them:

  • employees who have worked in their position for less than two years;
  • pregnant women;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • employees who are on leave to care for a child under the age of three;
  • persons absent from the workplace for more than four months due to illness.

The knowledge of the first four categories of employees is tested two years after they start work.

Previously, twenty years of teaching experience was a guarantee of lifelong preservation of the second category, but now such a norm is irrelevant.

Mandatory assessment of knowledge includes the following steps:

  1. Commission formation. It should consist of a chairman, his deputy, a secretary and members of the commission. It may include representatives of federal authorities, regional authorities, local governments, trade unions, scientific organizations, educational institutions, etc. The decision is made in the absence of the examinee by open voting.
  2. Preparing a list of employees to be reviewed and scheduling an assessment.
  3. Preparing a presentation for each employee being examined.
  4. Conducting a check.
  5. Registration of certification results.

How does voluntary certification work?

All caregivers are eligible for voluntary assessment. This opportunity may be of interest to professionals who are committed to professional growth and development.

The category is valid for five years. If the last time the candidate was denied confirmation of qualifications, then he will be able to test his knowledge next time in a year.

Each employee has the right to independently initiate a test of their knowledge. To do this, it is enough to submit an application to the director of the educational institution. The document must indicate the motives for the desire to participate in the trials.

The procedure for conducting a voluntary qualification check and knowledge assessment includes the following steps:

  1. Verification of the application.
  2. Establishing a review period. Its duration should be no more than 60 calendar days from the start of the holding until the decision is made.
  3. Written notification of the examiner about the place and time of the test is made within 30 days after receiving the application.
  4. Grade.
  5. Formulation of results.

Examples of test tasks

Test tasks are formed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Each set of tests defines its purpose, structure and content. That is, all questions are thematically divided into sections, which are given a brief description and the number of questions is indicated, indicating the maximum number of points that can be scored.

Based on the results of testing, the candidate is issued a certificate indicating the number of points scored. To successfully pass the test for the highest category, you need to score at least 90 points.

It is advisable to prepare for the procedure in advance. To do this, you need to study the requirements for the qualification category for which the teacher is applying. After that, collect the relevant material: certificates, diplomas, certificates, developed methodological programs, and so on. Well, it is desirable to write an analytical report not on the last day before the day of the qualification test.

Here are some examples of questions that may be included in the test.

Examples of test tasks

Which educational areas correspond to the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education:

  • physical, aesthetic, mental education, speech development, etc.;
  • Physical Culture; safety; socialization; communication; knowledge; labor, etc.;
  • environmental, patriotic, labor education, etc.

What activities are leading in preschool age:

  • gaming activity;
  • educational activity;
  • subject activity.

In the educational process, parents (persons replacing them) of pupils act as:

  • controllers of the educational process;
  • assistants in the organization of the educational process;
  • participants in the educational process.

An approximate list of tasks can be downloaded in our article.

Certification of educators is considered a regular and rigorous procedure. Recently, the procedure for certification of teachers has changed a little. The main goal of checking the professional level today is to improve the quality of education in the country. How to check whether the qualifications of an employee meet the professional standard? What is the essence of the procedure?

Photo from the site

It should be noted that the certification of teaching staff is carried out in order to confirm the compliance of employees with their positions based on an assessment of their professional activities.

For Russian teachers, modern rules provide for two types of certification: mandatory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification applies to all teachers and ensures that the level of education that is already available is maintained.

With the help of voluntary - a teacher can improve his qualifications, as well as professional growth. Voluntary certification will be of interest, first of all, to those employees who pursue the goal of raising wages.

According to Anzor Muzaev, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, such measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers.

The results of the VPR and the Unified State Examination showed that some teachers overestimate their grades. Anzor Muzaev believes that the reason lies in the insufficient knowledge of the teacher.

The predicted validation model will consist of three blocks:

  • subject knowledge testing;
  • verification of pedagogical skills;
  • psychological test.

This model, according to officials, can determine the level of knowledge of the teacher, as well as his ability to present the material. It is already known that such certification of teachers will be held every four years.

Note that such a certification model is still under development. However, many provisions already cause dissatisfaction among teachers. For example, when assessing employees, they want to introduce writing an essay, but there is no confidence in an objective assessment, since there are no clear criteria.

And most importantly, if the teacher does not pass such certification, Rosobrnadzor proposes to send him to advanced training.

Despite the tightening of legislative changes, one can hope that such an approach to the selection of teachers will help improve the quality of education in general. What do you think? How is certification in your region?

You will find even more materials, including samples of the necessary local acts (Regulations on attestation, Order on the establishment of an attestation commission, etc.), in our Directory system.

You will be able to see the questions of your colleagues with the answers of a lawyer, as well as ask your questions in a special form.