Admission to PSGU. St. Tikhon University - budget places

St. Tikhon's University stands apart among higher educational institutions. First, it is a non-state university. Secondly, by and large, this is the only university where a person who does not belong to the church can receive a theological education. The university began with spiritual and educational lectures held by priests in the mid-1980s in Moscow. In 1990 the Theological Catechism Courses were opened. A few years later they were transformed into the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute, which later received the status of a university.

Benefits of St. Tikhon University

  • This year, the university has become one of the most efficient Russian universities. It received the highest marks in the following criteria: scientific research, international and educational activities, employment of graduates.
  • Thanks to the extensive international connections of the university, its students undergo internships in different countries. The doors are open for them at the University of Belgrade (Serbia), the University of Nis (Serbia), the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy), the Georgian University. Andrew the First-Called (Georgia), the University of Bucharest (Romania), etc. In addition, students of PSTGU can apply for Swiss federal scholarships.
  • The university has its own icon-painting workshop, where teachers, graduates, and senior students work. They not only continue the traditions of the Russian and Byzantine styles, but also develop the foundations of a new iconography.
  • The structure of the university includes a choir school and the Theological Institute, as well as 9 research centers and laboratories.
  • In the ranking of popular universities in Russia for 2016, the university takes 3rd place.

How hard is it to get into the budget?

Unfortunately, since this is a private university, there are few budget places allocated, but the passing score is quite low.

  • Theology - from 155 points, in all profiles - 20 budget places;
  • Religious studies - from 152 points, in total 15 budget places;
  • Philology - from 157 points, 12 budget places in all profiles;
  • Social work - from 149 points, 8 budget places
  • History - from 185 points;
  • Pedagogical education - from 150 points, 13 places;
  • Painting - from 166 points;
  • Sociology - from 152 points, 8 places;
  • Mathematical support and administration of information systems - from 160 points, 10 places;
  • Economics - from 166 points, etc.

There are 51 areas of training in total. Forms of education: full-time, bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate studies.

Enrollment Benefits on the budget have all categories of persons provided for by federal law. Without exams, winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian and International Olympiads for schoolchildren are accepted.

Individual achievements are counted as follows:

  • the status of a winner or prize-winner of international sports competitions, a silver or gold TRP badge - 2 points;
  • school certificate with honors, gold and silver medal - 5 points;
  • college diploma with honors - 5 points;
  • certificates of the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiads held by the university - 5 points;
  • volunteer activity - 3 points.

The sum of additional points cannot be more than 10.

Disadvantages of the university

According to individual students, St. Tikhon's University is... A specific educational institution. They have a negative attitude towards unchurched people, forgetting that PSTGU is still not a seminary. Another disadvantage: strict rules, it will not be possible to combine with a part-time job even in senior courses, a session can include up to 10 exams. Most students believe that education here is good, but it is “completely unclear” where one can get a job with an Orthodox diploma, except for church organizations (the main thing here is to have suitable acquaintances). Secular institutions are wary and hired, rather, as an exception, it is extremely difficult to find something worthwhile. Therefore, if you cannot call yourself a person close to the Russian Orthodox Church, it is better to choose, say, a more secular educational institution.

In contact with

In the results of evaluating the effectiveness of private universities published on December 12 on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science, St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities, the only non-profit private university in the country, is called the owner of "signs of inefficiency." The situation is commented on by the rector of PSTGU Fr. Vladimir Vorobyov.

- For us, this result is quite unexpected, and we believe that this is the result of some kind of mistake. The assessment was carried out on the basis of a form sent by the Ministry, which we ourselves filled out. Therefore, we know that, according to the criteria declared by the ministry, PSGU passes not only among non-state universities, but also among state ones, which is more difficult.
According to the terms of the ministerial rating, a university that lacks points in four out of five criteria can be recognized as insufficiently effective. However, PSTGU satisfies four of the criteria announced by the ministry!
In terms of USE scores for applicants, the threshold value is 60, and we have almost 63. In terms of funds spent on scientific research, everything is also quite good at the University - this year alone, we attracted 11 grants for various scientific projects (including three presidential, grants from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, RFBR), carried out two state contracts for scientific work. The total amount of expenses for science in 2011 exceeded 27 million rubles. For foreign students, PSTGU also fits into the performance indicators, although attracting foreigners is absolutely not our profile - the threshold value for private universities is only 0.7% of foreigners among graduates, while we have about 1.5%. At the same time, the total share of foreign students is already about 6%, although to a large extent these are students from the CIS countries. In terms of providing study space per “admitted student” (this is such an average student, when a full-time student counts as one, an evening student counts as 1/2, and a part-time student counts as 1/10), the figure is also within the criteria of the Ministry of Education.
We were seriously concerned about only one criterion - the profitability of the university (income from all sources per one scientific and pedagogical worker). The fact is that we are a church university that sets itself the task of charitable education of students in the full-time department. For 20 years, in the most difficult time, when there were crises and defaults, when there was poverty bordering on hunger, we taught students for free, and we are the only non-state university that teaches diaries for free. We want to teach talented kids who have no money. Our university lives on donations. And in this sense, we are not a commercial university. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to calculate our profitability and apply this criterion to us.
But it is much more strange that according to the remaining criteria, according to our assessment, we pass --- in a number of cases even the higher requirements for state universities. And at the same time, for some reason, we ended up on the list of “ineffective”.
We believe that this is some kind of misunderstanding, and we hope that it will be cleared up.

- What could be the consequences of this entry into the list of ineffective and what do you plan to do to resolve the situation?
— I think the main consequence is the moral damage. However, it may be more difficult for us to get the so-called state-funded places - that is, funding from the state for some of our students. Last year, at the competition for budget places, we received funds for 191 places (more than 200 were requested). We successfully passed this competition, this spring we also successfully passed another state accreditation, for which the same data and indicators are collected in many respects as in the new rating. So the information published yesterday surprised us quite a lot, there is no consistency in this.

The methodology for calculating this new performance rating is not entirely transparent. The Ministry requested more detailed information than the five criteria discussed (the request from the Ministry included many more indicators). We had certain difficulties filling in these forms - the fact is that a number of indicators can be calculated in different ways. But the main problem lies elsewhere. It is not clear why, in the end, these five criteria, which are generally quite random and not universal, were chosen, why they became decisive.

With state universities, there were cases of revision of the assessment, an interdepartmental commission was created that considered controversial decisions. As a result, for a number of universities, the assessment did not change, for others it was revised, including because their specificity was taken into account (for example, creative universities, such as Moscow Architectural Institute) or special importance for their region.

In principle, university rankings are the right idea. In the 90s, many educational institutions were created, and there was a need to evaluate their work. The whole world is doing this - there is the Shanghai rating, the Times rating, there are also less well-known ratings, among them several domestic ones. So we welcome the very fact that the ministry has begun such work. As always, at the beginning of a new business, mistakes and failures are inevitable. It is necessary that there be a clear and transparent procedure for clarifying such situations.


Out of 168 private universities in Moscow, only 19 agreed to be tested

Participation in the monitoring was voluntary. According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 446 non-state universities and 661 of their branches are registered in Russia. 70 universities and 97 branches agreed to provide data. In Moscow, 19 universities agreed to participate, but 149 refused. The study recognized 41 universities and 55 branches as ineffective, in Moscow - 11 universities.

In September, the Association of Non-State Higher Educational Institutions of Russia addressed the Ministry of Education and Science with a proposal to conduct monitoring. “Initially, 300 universities agreed to participate in the monitoring, but then their number decreased. They believe that the monitoring will not bear any fruit, and do not believe in state support,” Vladimir Zernov, chairman of the Association, commented on the results of the study to the Kommersant newspaper.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Klimov notes: “The readiness of universities to provide data and participate in monitoring is one of the most important factors in the confidence of applicants and their parents in an educational institution. After the adoption of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, participation in the monitoring will become mandatory for all universities”

Universities were evaluated according to five main criteria - the average USE score of students admitted to the first year, the amount of research and development work (measured in the funds spent on them), the number of foreign students, university income from all sources (state support and grants , payment of tuition by students, assistance of sponsors) per teacher. The total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings per student was also estimated.

The results of the monitoring are presented on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science, however, they do not disclose either specific assessments of universities for each of the criteria, or a comparison of universities. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science refused to disclose detailed information, recommending contacting each of the universities.

Insufficient effectiveness according to one or more criteria, the study assigned to the Academy of the International Independent Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU), the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after. Litovchina, Institute of Public Administration, Law and Innovative Technologies, Institute of Continuing Education, Institute of Professional Innovations, Institute of Management, Economics, Law and Art, Moscow Institute for the Humanities, Moscow Institute of National and Regional Relations, Moscow Institute of Management and Service, First Moscow Law Institute, Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University.

The program was recognized as effective by the International Law Institute, the Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova, Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte, Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy", National Institute named after Catherine the Great, Russian School of Economics (Institute), Russian New University.

The list of educational programs for which admission is announced for the 2017/2018 academic year, the list and priority of entrance examinations for admission to study in educational programs

The code Training program (realizable profiles) Form of study Entrance tests The lower limits of scores for each entrance test
Choral school
53.02.06 Choral conducting full-time 1. Conducting and performing the program on the piano. The results of entrance examinations are evaluated according to the credit system
2. Solfeggio and musical literacy (written and oral).
48.03.01 full-time 1. History
2. Russian language
3. Social studies
48.03.01 full-time 1. History
2. Russian language
3. Social studies
47.03.03 full-time 1. History
2. Russian language
3. Social studies
45.03.01 Philology (foreign philology, classical languages) full-time 1. Foreign language
2. Russian language
3. Literature
45.03.01 Philology (foreign philology, ancient languages ​​of the Christian East) full-time
47.03.03 Religious studies (theoretical and religious profile) full-time 1. History
2. Russian language
3. Social studies
51.03.01 Culturology (Russian culture) full-time 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
43.03.02 Tourism (technology and organization of excursion services) full-time 1. Geography 50
2. Russian language 37
3. History 33
39.03.02 Social work (social work with youth) full-time 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
correspondence 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
39.03.02 Social work (social work in the system of non-profit organizations and development of the volunteer movement) full-time 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
correspondence 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
39.03.02 Social work (information technology in social work) full-time 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
correspondence 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
46.03.01 Story full-time 1. History 50
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
45.03.01 Philology (foreign philology, Spanish) full-time 1. Foreign language 50
2. Russian language 45
3. Literature 45
45.03.01 Philology (foreign philology, English) full-time 1. Foreign language 60
2. Russian language 45
3. Literature 45
45.03.01 Philology (applied philology) full-time 1. Russian language 60
2. Literature 40
3. History 40
45.03.01 Philology (domestic philology with knowledge of the modern Slavic language) full-time 1. Russian language 60
2. Literature 40
3. History 40
45.03.01 Philology (teaching of philological disciplines, Russian language and literature with in-depth study of the modern European language) full-time 1. Russian language 60
2. Literature 40
3. History 40
44.03.01 Teacher education (primary education) full-time 1. Russian language 37
2. Mathematics 33
3. Social studies 43
44.03.01 Pedagogical education (preschool education) correspondence 1. Social studies 43
2. Russian language 37
3. History 33
44.03.01 Pedagogical education (religious culture, ethics, cultural and educational and volunteer activities at school) correspondence 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
54.05.02 Painting (artist-restorer, tempera painting) full-time
(painting, copying)
2. Creative test
(view works, drawing)
3. Russian language 37
4. Literature 33
54.05.02 Painting (artist-painter, church-historical painting, icon painting) full-time 1. Professional test
(painting, copying)
2. Creative test
(view works, drawing)
3. Russian language 37
4. Literature 33
54.05.02 Painting (artist-painter, church-historical painting, monumental art) full-time 1. Professional test
(painting, copying)
2. Creative test
(view works, drawing)
3. Russian language 37
4. Literature 33
50.03.03 art history full-time 1. History 33
2. Russian language 37
3. Social studies 43
54.03.02 Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts (church sewing) full-time 1. Creative test
(view works)
2. Russian language 37
3. Literature 33
53.03.05 Conducting full-time 1. Creative test
2. Russian language 37
3. Literature 33
53.05.02 Artistic direction of the symphony orchestra and academic choir (artistic direction of the academic choir) full-time 1. Creative test
(conducting, music theory - orally, music theory - in writing, piano)
2. Russian language 37
3. Literature 33
39.03.01 Sociology full-time 1. Social studies 50
2. Mathematics 33
3. Russian language 37
38.03.01 Economics (applied economics) full-time 1. Mathematics 33
2. Social studies 50
3. Russian language 37
02.03.03 Mathematical support and administration of information systems (administration of information systems) full-time 1. Mathematics 50
2. Physics 40
3. Russian language 37
48.04.01 Theology (systematic theology of the confession) full-time Modern problems of theology 70
48.04.01 Theology (general and Russian Church History) part-time
47.04.03 Religious studies (historical and religious profile) full-time Modern problems of religious studies 70
47.04.03 Religious studies (religious aspects of Russian culture of the 19th - early 20th centuries) part-time History of Russian culture of the XIX century. 70
(religious aspects and the role of the Russian Church)
45.04.01 Philology (ancient languages ​​and patristic literature) full-time Portfolio Contest 40
46.04.01 History (history of Russia and the history of the Russian Orthodox Church in modern and contemporary times) full-time Historiography of the history of Russia 70
45.04.01 Philology (media and social communications in a philological perspective) full-time Portfolio Contest 60
45.04.01 Philology (general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics) full-time General linguistics 60
45.04.01 Philology (English language and literature of English-speaking countries) full-time English language 65
44.04.01 Pedagogical education (communication in religious pedagogical culture) full-time Portfolio Contest 70
44.04.01 Pedagogical education (pedagogy of primary education, spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren) full-time
44.04.01 Pedagogical education (Orthodox theology and culture in the content of education) part-time
50.04.03 Art History (History and Theory of Christian Art) full-time art history 30
38.04.01 Economics (economic theory and financial and credit relations) full-time Economy 40
48.04.01 Theology (Orthodox theology and philosophy in contemporary discourse) correspondence Portfolio Contest 60
(with the use of DOT in full)
48.06.01 Theology (theology) full-time 1. Philosophy
2. Foreign language
3. Special discipline (theology)
47.06.01 Philosophy. Ethics. Religious studies (philosophy of religion and religious studies) full-time 1. Philosophy
2. Foreign language
3. Special discipline (religious studies)
45.06.01 Linguistics and literary criticism (classical philology, Byzantine and modern Greek philology) full-time 1. Foreign language
2. Special discipline (classical languages)
46.06.01. Historical sciences and archeology (domestic history) full-time 1. Philosophy
2. Foreign language
3. Special discipline (history of Russia)
45.06.01 Linguistics and literary criticism (Russian literature) correspondence Foreign language 60
Special discipline (Russian literature) 80

45.06.01 Linguistics and Literary Studies (Russian) full-time Foreign language 70
Special discipline (Russian language) 50
44.06.01 Education and pedagogical sciences (general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education) full-time 1. Philosophy
2. Foreign language
3. Special discipline (general pedagogy)
50.06.01 Art history (musical art) full-time 1. Foreign language
2. Special discipline (Musical art)
1. 60

: PSTGU Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities (PSTU)

The Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University was established in 1992 with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II (until 2004 the university was called the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute). The university trains missionaries, lecturers, scientists, teachers of theological disciplines and social workers.

The structure of PSTGU includes 10 faculties: theological, historical, missionary, pedagogical, philological, church singing, church arts, the faculty of social sciences, the faculty of computer science and applied mathematics, as well as the faculty of additional education. Students of all faculties receive a basic theological education.

In accredited areas, graduates receive a state diploma. These areas include: theology, religious studies, philology, history, pedagogy, as well as specialties - the methodology of primary education, historical and archival studies, art history, conducting, arts and crafts, social pedagogy, painting.

Upon admission, a recommendation from a confessor or a Bishop is welcome (but not required), written on a church letterhead with a seal.

At the full-time department, education is free, at full-time and part-time - for a fee.
The biggest competition, according to data for recent years, is for the Faculty of History - about 4.7 people per seat. Also quite popular among applicants are such areas as "Pedagogical education", "Economics", "Sociology".

You can enter the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities on the basis of the results of the USE scores competition in general subjects. Applicants who do not have up-to-date results of this exam are given exams in the Russian language (exposition); in literature, history, mathematics, physics, geography, social science - in the form of written testing; in a foreign language (written testing, orally). In the form of a creative exam, exams are held in solfeggio, music theory, piano, conducting, viewing works, drawing, copying, painting, general art history.

According to the data for 2012, the total number of applicants was 564 (at the full-time department - 411 people).

At PSTGU, you can take courses to prepare for entrance exams. Enrollment in preparatory courses takes place after an interview and review of works or music listening (for the relevant areas of study). Courses of different durations are offered, ranging from two-year courses to short-term courses (7 weeks). Training is paid. The subject "Fundamentals of Christianity" is read for free.

For full-time students of PSTGU and for applicants under the age of 25 and unmarried, a hostel is provided. Foreign citizens are not provided with a hostel for the period of entrance examinations. Deferment from the army is valid for students studying in accredited areas.

At the Faculty of Church Singing, there is a Choir School - enrollment takes place starting from the 9th grade.
PSTGU has several workshops: six icon-painting workshops, one for the restoration of icons, three church sewing workshops, two mosaic and fresco workshops.

Truly believing people who want to further benefit their work for the benefit of the church and society enter PSTGU.

Official website of PSTGU.