Recommendations for self-study. How can a student organize his learning process

Today, thousands of people are eager to find among the many opportunities that gold mine, which will give them a chance to forget about the lack of money forever and move to a fundamentally new financial level. And one of the most promising business opportunities available to the average citizen is making money on training courses. So, in this review we will talk about how to open training courses.

Why training courses are relevant

To begin with, it is worth noting the fact that we live in a time when two completely different generations have crossed.

In each city, side by side, those people who were born at the beginning of post-Soviet capitalism and are guided by more modern principles of worldview, and those who at one time managed to absorb the bright mentality of Soviet society, rotate side by side. What's with the training courses?

The fact is that quite often young people show interest in various types of activities and want to develop professionally in them.

For example, questions about how to open a hairdressing course and how to start their own car sales business may be important to them. Moreover, young people can master several directions at once. Entering universities in various specialties is the lot of the few who have enough enthusiasm and money for such a maneuver. Plus, by the time the technology is released, the trends will change a lot, and therefore the relevance of training may be low.

But the training courses last much less than studying at the university, and the information that is given in such courses has the maximum level of relevance.

Salvation for people in the form of courses

If we talk about people who were taken by surprise by the collapse of the Soviet Union, then courses that teach a new specialty are a lifeline for them. After all, in a relatively short period of time they will be able to master a new profession that is in demand in the labor market.

Thus, training courses are more than an actual direction of entrepreneurial activity. With their help, you can combine, for example, the needlework business and sports.

Local courses

The first option that you can use to earn money is local courses for teaching popular specialties and just interesting activities. You can conduct them in a rented or your own premises. For example, owners of beauty salons can open manicure or hairdressing courses on the basis of their company.

If there is no own real estate suitable for classes with a group, then nothing prevents you from taking advantage of the rental option.

However, in the courses themselves, the room does not play a major role, although it is important. For example, in order to understand the question of how to open needlework courses, your office may not be required. You can easily cope at home. Especially if you have the right skills.

Training can become popular thanks to the reviews of satisfied customers. If, after a set of classes, newly minted specialists master specific skills well enough to get a job or start providing services on their own, then the rating of the courses will be high.

Find qualified professionals

In order to understand how to open training courses, you need to find professionals. In this regard, one fact becomes clear - the qualifications of the specialists who will train must be high. As a rule, courses are opened by those who are already professionals in some field of activity and are ready to transfer knowledge to others at a decent level. This factor must be specified when drawing up a business plan.

English courses, for example, require a professional approach. And if the necessary skills are not available, it is necessary to attract specialists from outside. But in this case, the invited professional will have to pay, which will reduce the profit margin. Although in the case of hired personnel for training, you can go in a very profitable way and make courses that will include training in various specialties. Such a move will provide a much greater flow of people, and hence a different level of income.

Of course, in the case of opening multidisciplinary courses, you will need to pay more for renting the premises, however, with the correct formation of the price for education, all costs will be easily compensated.

Marketing activities

In order for advertising to reach the representatives of the target audience, it is necessary to determine which sources of advertising information in a given region are most effective. And only after that invest in an advertising campaign. At the same time, one “but” remains: the number of people who can pay for education is limited at best by a specific region, at worst by a city. And despite the fact that in this area there is competition.

In order to expand the circle of potential customers, it is worth bringing your training system to the Internet space, where people can buy it not only from all regions of the country, but also from other countries. Such a move could increase the sales market for the training course hundreds of times.

Learning on the web

An information product is a very popular way to sell your knowledge and experience, as well as the skills of other people, to thousands of users from all over the world. This type of activity can be easily combined with local training courses. But if you wish, there is an opportunity to turn online learning into the main and stable source of high income. How to open training courses on the web?

What are the forms and types of work with the personnel reserve? Where to order training and development of personnel in the organization? What are the methods for identifying staff training needs?

Hi all! Today I, Alla Prosyukova, propose to talk about staff training.

The rapid development of technology makes employers take care of the constant improvement of the level of staff through its training. Professional personnel increase the competitiveness of the company and its profits.

Upgrading the skills is beneficial for the employees themselves. They perform better on tasks, which leads to higher salaries and career advancement. But in order to achieve the desired results, you need to know the main points of organizing staff training. This is what will be discussed in my new article.

Those who have read to the end will receive a bonus - useful tips on the topic of the article and interesting video material.

1. What is staff training and why is it carried out?

We hear it all the time: “staff training, staff training”. But what this process actually is, not many can clearly explain.

So let's start with a basic definition.

Training is the development of professional skills, abilities and knowledge of employees in accordance with the goals and strategy of the company.

As I wrote above, employee training is important not only for the employer, but also for the employees themselves.

Benefits for the employer:

  • highly professional personnel capable of solving the most complex tasks;
  • reduction in staff turnover;
  • formation of a personnel reserve;
  • reducing recruitment costs;
  • increasing the motivation of employees.

Benefits for the employee:

  • acquisition of new professional knowledge and skills;
  • salary increase;
  • promotion;
  • confidence in the future;
  • lack of fear of losing a job;
  • growth of respect and appreciation;
  • increasing labor motivation.

2. What are the types of staff training - TOP-3 main types

Personnel training is classified according to various criteria. By type, it is divided into training, retraining and.

Here I will introduce you to them in more detail.

Type 1. Personnel training

The purpose of employee training is to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to perform certain tasks.


Dasha graduated from high school this spring and tried to enter the university. However, she didn't score. The girl decided not to go to the paid department, but to prepare and try again next year. In the meantime, you have to go to work! Of course, she had no profession.

Based on the situation, Dasha chose the nearest supermarket for her employment. Convenient schedule, "live" work close to home, plus education and training of staff right at the workplace. And you master the profession, and the salary goes.

Type 2. Retraining of personnel

From the name of this type of training it becomes clear that retraining- this is the acquisition of knowledge by employees in connection with a change in profession, or changes in the requirements for it.


Natalia Kozina had a higher economic education and 4 years of experience as an accountant. On duty, she closely interacted with the planning and economic service. Therefore, when the position of an economist was vacated in the company, the management decided to offer it to Kozina.

But Natalia did not have the necessary knowledge. The management decided to send her for a short-term retraining in their own training center.

Type 3. Professional development

This type involves obtaining additional knowledge by employees in connection with a change in qualification requirements for a particular position, specialty, etc.

Such training will help the employee adapt to new conditions without loss and continue to perform their duties at the proper level.

Sometimes upgrading your skills is the only way to keep your job.

3. Basic methods of training personnel in the workplace - 6 main methods

Various methods are used to train staff. Their choice depends on the method of obtaining knowledge: on-the-job training or off-the-job training.

We will consider methods related to both methods. Let's start by looking at 6 methods used in training staff in the workplace.

Method 1: Copy

Everything is very clear here. The new employee observes the actions of a more experienced employee, repeats all his movements, as if reading them.

The more accurately he repeats them, the faster the beginner will develop the necessary professional skill.

Method 2. Production briefing

You probably remember how, when you were hired, you were given a production briefing.

Production briefing - generalized information about the upcoming functionality, which makes it easier to enter a new position and soften getting used to a new workplace.

Method 3: Mentoring

This method has its roots in the distant years at the dawn of the young Soviet republic.

Mentoring- training of a young specialist by an experienced employee, who is assigned to a newcomer for a certain period, takes patronage over him.

A distinctive feature of this method is that training is carried out directly at the workplace during working hours, under the supervision of a mentor and with his constant support.

Mentoring in its development goes through 5 stages.

8. Conclusion

For staff training to be effective, you should know its main types and methods. This is exactly what I told you, dear readers, in my article. Now you know the basic nuances of the process, which means you are ready to start organizing training in your company!

Question for readers

What types of training are accepted in your company? Do you think lecture-based learning is effective?
What is personnel development - a complete overview of the concept and methods of personnel training in an organization + 5 stages of personnel development using personnel rotation

The Mir Detstva company provides information support to the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Play Culture of Modern Childhood", which will be held on September 28-30, 2016 in Moscow. For three days, the conference participants will discuss at various venues in Moscow: on September 28, sectional meetings will be held at the Moscow City Pedagogical University; September 29 - practical day of meetings in different organizations; September 30 - plenary session. One of the tasks...

I plan to pick up a teenager, he studies in a correctional school, there is an opinion that he studies there by chance. Where we live, there is no correction school, there is an ordinary rural school. Question: how to organize training? The child is 13 years old.


In such a situation, I gave it to a mass school without losing a class, because. The client was already overgrown. We had to fight, but the law is on our side.
Graduated with C grades, studying in college. It has more prospects than after the correction.

IMHO, in an ordinary rural school it's almost like in a correctional school :) At least that's how it was in the school that I saw. Plus mom's help.

Decided to ask here. Boy, 12.5 years old, 6th grade. He studies at the language gymnasium and at the same time at the school of arts (choreography), also 6th grade. The gymnasium is far away, and dancing - 5 days a week. Comes home when at 7, when at 9 pm. This year, studies went - there were troikas. She loves dancing and dances well. The teacher is very good and it is terribly a pity to quit. In order to stretch out his studies, he did not attend dances for a week - the grades went up sharply. To study in the art school for 8 years, in two years already a diploma...


My daughter and I made a schedule of "truancy" in the 7th grade. But her problem was rather not in time, but in the intersection of different activities: violin, dancing, artist. She ended up missing one thing once a week. Moreover, she alternated days of passes (she would skip folk dances, then classics, then a drawing, then a composition)
I think it will help you if you talk to the dance teacher and offer him an option when the son will miss 1-2 classes a week.

It was like this with us :) only a girl, she graduated from art school, choreography, a year later she graduated from art school, everything was successful, although at your age they also thought to leave one thing, but managed :) they are very satisfied with this. In the 9th grade, I defended my diploma in art, which did not stop me from passing the GIA, success, you can do it too!

Working Mom and Helper Kids: 4 Housework Strategies

We are going to move to another country. Due to the peculiarities of the climate (UAE), I plan to live there from October to April. There are two children, the youngest goes to grade 1 in September, the eldest goes to grade 4. A Russian school is planned in the new country (there is one there, it works according to the state program). Is it possible to go to our Moscow school in September, then take some transcripts with grades, and return at the end of April (also with grades, quarter results)? Will we be kept in our Moscow school, like...


A friend's daughter studies at a Moscow school (but rarely), most of the time she lives in Vienna, she studies there at the Vienna University of Music, and goes to school in the 10th grade in Russian at the embassy.

She is enrolled in a Moscow school, and when she comes to Moscow, she brings statements with grades, and the teachers close everything to her here. When she studies in Moscow, she brings an extract with grades to Vienna, and there, at the school at the embassy, ​​everything is also closed to her. Thus, it turns out that she is enrolled in two schools. In which of them will receive a certificate - has not yet been decided.

But the point is that no one is driving them out of the Moscow school. The personal file lies to itself, and the child is assigned to the class.

Mom wrote a statement addressed to the director about a partial external study, attached a certificate from her place of study in Vienna and from the school at the embassy that she was studying there in such and such a class.

In a Russian school, I would organize home schooling. About two schools at the same time - it depends mainly on the child: one will be fine, and the other will be too much, but until you try it yourself, you won’t understand. Unfortunately, someone else's example is often not indicative. With zero English it is absolutely possible to go to the first class. With your child, they will simply be additionally engaged, perhaps they will determine special education for him. program until it catches up. I think by the end of the year he will be at the middle level of the class. In international schools, the program, as a rule, is one year behind the Russian one, since their children go to the first grade at the age of 6. So even for your senior first year in int. school, KMK, will be quite humane - a great opportunity to adapt and improve the language. One minus of two schools at the same time is the price. In int. schools also have a considerable entrance fee, which, however, as a rule, is returned upon leaving the school.

Maybe some of the question will seem too glamorous. Excuse me :) I really need the advice of reasonable people. I really want to send my child (eldest son) next summer - he will be almost 13 years old - for 3 weeks to England in a language school. I want him to practice the language (I will order minimal lessons, more sports and clubs) and generally look around there, try a foreign land alone, because there is an intention to send him to study abroad at the age of 16, first to school, then to university ...

I really need some advice, please help! How to improve the performance of a boy in the 2nd grade? Interested in mathematics and Russian. Harmony program + every day, except Friday, an additional lesson (rhetoric, live mathematics, rhythm, 3rd English lesson). They study in trimesters. Daily routine: from 8.30 lessons to 2 pm, lunch at 2 pm, from 2.30 pm to 3 pm a walk, then they go to do their homework on an after-school program. One day instead of physical-ry is also a walk. I pick up at 17.30, earlier I ask not to pick up, because can not get in time...


Hello, tell me how to pull up a child over the summer, he moved to 3rd grade. And in the 2nd grade I had a grade of -3, I would like 4!

08/01/2017 08:58:11, Daria0412

I can't force my boy to learn a verse or read a book.

05/15/2017 23:25:31, Kheda

Son is 9 years old. Home for almost 4 years. Objectively, everything is fine except for studies and school. A resume of a psychologist to whom we have been going for 2 years - re has not gone through all the stages of development and now, in theory, he has a period of games. And until he passes it, there is no need to expect accomplishments from him. We have no one to play with and no time. Lessons take all the time + there are no small children in the vicinity. We play once a week with a psychologist. She says the games are primitive at the level of 5 years. I'm already thinking of transferring to individual training, whatever remains ...


you know, the problem is no different from the same in blood children. In our class and with friends, children periodically appear from country houses along Dmitrovka. So they all eagerly begin to communicate at school. And who didn’t stop) although he has been studying since the 1st grade, and now, for example, the 8th
Your psychologist's theory is beautiful, but... How many psychologists have beautiful fairy tales about the causes of problems. They all know how to live correctly and what will happen. But I don't believe in it. Since I know closely two very dear and skillfully teaching psychologists (but in fact they themselves have a snowball of problems both on the personal front and with children, and it does not improve). Clients look into their mouths and find more and more tales about the causes of failure thanks to their creativity. Yes, things are still there. A shoemaker without boots in this profession is like a cook who does not know how to cook, but teaches this.
You need a visiting teacher to master the technologies and techniques of working on homework. It is trite to teach to learn, to teach to search for information, to teach the organization of work.
Order of execution dz. Plan. How to do the exercise quickly and correctly? How to learn a verse? How to read tasks and understand them? What if the problem is not solved. Make these working techniques a habit; If you sow a habit, you reap a character. A lot of fives in a portfolio is the best motivation to study.

Have you ever wondered why, even if the child is born (you can’t write off the genes, the parents are medalists) is healthy, played and plays a lot :-), but still there is no responsibility? I think this quality is largely innate. I was never taught this, we have hyper-responsibility, they didn’t teach my brother - we have a healthy indifference. Parents are alone, the method has not changed. So with children who do not have this quality in their subcortex, the development of habits and reflexes, technologies, motivation, regimen and reasonable organization of time are reasonable. Like in the army. 8 hours for lessons a day will not teach a child to do them himself, only develop disgust. Opinion is, of course, personal. But I don’t know of a single case where for years they sat over the dz until sunset and then suddenly an insight came “I will do everything myself and quickly”

06.12.2012 09:40:07, Temurika

and, well, my brother is 2.5 years younger - it was always the most for games, until he caught up.

moderators, do not transfer, plz, to age conferences. the question is about children in general, and I am interested in the opinion of the participants in this conference, as to the best of mature, cynical ladies who have children aged from and to the question: is it necessary to rape a child, the budget and your nerves with your studies if a smart child does not want to study? yes, no, at what age? a smart child - well, let's say intelligence is above average for his age group. those. with the application of certain (with the TK of the parent and teachers - minimal - efforts, the child ...


Transfer to another school, better to a gymnasium, change teachers. Most likely, everything will work out, the child will want to study, he does not like learning: his class, his friends in the class, or they are not there, the teacher is too strict or dry, he presents the material uninterestingly, the situation at school, the lack of school interesting events. We transferred the child from an ordinary school to a gymnasium, and immediately interest in learning increased, academic performance soared, the teacher is an object of love, interesting events, performances at school concerts, the gray mouse girl turned into a local star. She flies to school like a holiday.

Necessary. Need. Just necessary. Here with age borders - individually very much. "Methods of violence" can also be different; 0) And motivation must be thought through carefully.
I somehow overheard a young colleague saying that his parents didn’t chase him much in childhood)) Age - a university graduate.
On occasion, I asked my son this question, a sophomore. The answer is identical))) Despite the fact that I spent quite a lot of effort and nerves on his upbringing and education)))
It’s just that at some point my strength left me, it seemed, well, that I stuck to the guy! He is already more successful than the vast majority - the school was strong, olympiads, language, sports ...

Behind the months of intense study, the joys and sorrows of the first academic year, endlessly long and happy summer holidays are ahead. Only how to spend them with benefit - so that yesterday's first-grader gets a proper rest and gains strength, but at the same time does not completely forget everything that with such efforts was achieved for the first grade? How to properly allocate time during the holidays and organize classes without prejudice to rest?
...How to correctly allocate time during the holidays and organize classes without compromising rest? Notebooks will wait! Do not rush to seat the child for classes. The first 2-3 weeks are more important to run, walk, play enough with peers, forget about the problems that have accumulated during the year. This, of course, does not mean that the child should be left to himself. It is very important that he has a regime even during the holidays, albeit less strict than in ...


the title of the post is cool!!! at school I would know exactly where to put a comma))

Informative article. In general, I am in favor of teaching in a soft, playful way for young children. What can I say, even for adults it is interesting when they are not forced, but involved - in the learning process. In this regard, I like Itec's programs - many of my friends send their children to study in the summer (there is no experience of their own, because my daughter is too small for such events :), or even start / continue learning the language with them. Here you have fresh air, excursions, and new acquaintances - why not an alternative to a summer vacation with a list of must-read books? Moms - do not waste time in the summer - study is a constant process :)

Why should you open your own kids club?


I want to open a kids club in my small town because I am a teacher. I have two diplomas: kindergarten teacher and music teacher. Higher education. Such clubs already exist, but I would like to create my own where both development and games take place with the help of music.

02.11.2018 19:18:53, Yarullina Landysh Afraimovna

A healthy pregnant woman may well organize her life in such a way as not to leave her favorite job and not drop out of her studies at the institute. However, various difficulties may lie in wait for it, which it is better to know about in advance. Maybe they will scare you away, and you will completely devote yourself to motherhood, postponing your career. And for those who cannot and do not want to interrupt their work or study activities, it will be interesting to learn how to avoid problems and overcome difficulties. Rules for those who...

And then Maxim's mother decided to transfer her son to family education. A year later, Maxim had already learned to write properly. So in the second grade, he continued his studies as usual. Who suits? How to understand which of the schoolchildren the classical way of learning prevents them from successfully realizing their potential? There are several types of children in the "risk group". Type one. The child does not know how to communicate, hear each other ...

When will the "eternal" child grow up?

Is infantilism a reluctance to grow up or an immaturity of a person? Is it possible to help a child match his age?


Yes, we are already 15 years old already ... I read about infantilism - it looks like us, I read about neurasthenia - it also looks like, now I'm afraid to read psychiatry ... a 3rd year illness at a medical institute, when you find all the diseases from the textbook at home, except for fever during pregnancy.

Europeans plan to stop issuing pocket money to children no earlier than their offspring finish their education and start working full time. Now let's move from statistics to practice. Let's try to bring to your attention some simple tips on how to organize the cash flow from you to your child. When and how to give pocket money to children At what age to give pocket money to a child depends both on you and on the child. However, it does not hurt to find out if your offspring's friends already have pocket money: children do not like to be very different from each other. The main reason to give money to children is because...
... A Russian high school student in his free time from school would rather pore over textbooks or study with tutors than deliver pizza or mow neighboring lawns. The "issue price" of entering a university on the first attempt is too high in our country. Therefore, we will not talk about the personal earnings of high school students, but let's move on to students. Suppose our children successfully passed the exams for the institute and began to combine study with part-time work. It's time to make a decision, will a teenager's earnings play a role in the family budget? Will we take part of the money "for food and rent"? Or will we leave the entire amount to the teenager "for entertainment, transport and a mobile phone"? In any case, it is useful to remember - this, in general, is not our, parental, money. This money belongs to our...


I have a conflicting attitude towards pocket money. On the one hand, the travel card was bought, the money was thrown into the card for meals at school - and why then the money?
On the other hand, this eternal "but everyone has it" arises. on the third hand - no cash, no chips and cola)) I'm really lost ...

09/06/2004 04:44:50 PM, Olga

The contract must be signed by the head, chief accountant of the future employer and certified with a seal. If you do not have time to submit the contract to the selection committee within the prescribed period, then you will be removed from participation in the competition for targeted training. During the study, force majeure circumstances are possible, which are also agreed in advance in the contract. For example, if you are expelled from the university for poor study, then you will not be reinstated on the same conditions. If the reason is valid, then the contract will have to be concluded again, but taking into account the previous training period. There should be provision for postponing the fulfillment of contractual obligations in cases such as maternity leave, parental leave or academic leave. There is a problem ... To act in the direction ...

Therefore, all possible measures should be taken to maintain breastfeeding. Try to arrange with the dean's office to delay leaving school for at least a month, and then try to organize the daily routine in this way: feed the child once or twice before you leave and two or three times in the evening; breastfeed only on weekends and holidays; keep night feedings and ask the person who replaces you during your absence not to feed the baby for two hours before you return. If you are unable to breastfeed your baby for a long period of time...


And I can say one thing - in no case do not take an academician. My child is 4 months old, and I just passed the session as one of the best in the group - and now I will receive a scholarship (although I did not receive it before). Academic stupidity - when a child is a year or two, he will need much more attention from his mother than a newborn who eats and sleeps and smiles. And by the way, having passed the session, in no case did I pay less attention to the child - I just tried to keep up with everything. I did it and I'm proud of it!

July 27, 2004 12:30:27 pm

I, as a teacher and a former mother-student, would still advise taking an academy. IMHO, not to be in time for everything - it is impossible to study properly and pay enough attention to the child. Most likely, you will receive credits and pass exams - we joke that pregnancy and small children are absolute indications for receiving credits and exams, but what will remain in your head? No one can replace a mother in the first months of life for a child. It is by refusing the academy that you lose a year - the most important year in your baby's life, which will never happen again.
I took the academy, although my parents, as usual, persuaded me to give birth "on the job" - we'll manage somehow. But I didn't want to manage somehow and the child and the studies were very important to me. As a result, I didn’t lose anything - I graduated from the institute with honors and there were no grades received out of pity, I have a wonderful daughter and I can remember every happy day from this “lost year”.

The schedule is incorrect if the highest score falls on the first and last days of the week, or if their number is the same for all school days. Parent's notebook The question is answered by the head of the press service of the Moscow Department of Education A.V. Gavrilov. - At the school where my son studies, the security work is not very well organized. Anyone can freely enter the building, although we regularly donate money to pay for the services of the private security company. Despite the complaints of parents, the situation does not change. Moreover, the principal of the school refuses to provide documents confirming that this private security company has the right to protect the school. Is this a violation? Where can we get...

But time dictates its own rules: this form of education is in demand and promising, so more and more universities use it in their practice. The most interesting thing is that officially this form of education does not exist. Of course, this does not mean that universities are breaking the law. Formally, a weekend group is a type of distance learning, and how to organize this very training - each university decides in its own way. It turns out that classes on weekends are a kind of adaptation of universities to the needs of students. As for the future diploma that the graduate of the weekend group will receive, the situation here is rather vague. According to all the rules, this document should indicate the correspondence form of education. But alone in...
... There are also a lot of positive aspects: you can combine study and work on weekends, but there is a vacation that you don’t have to spend on a session (as in a regular “correspondence”), and after the end of the working day you are absolutely free (unlike the evening department) you will constantly communicate and consult with teachers, you will have to pay less for tuition in a weekend group than for tuition at a full-time or evening department in many universities in a group in ...

Here are a few main reasons when it is more expedient not to force a child to go to school every day, but to transfer him to home schooling: The child is significantly ahead of his peers in mental development. Often you can observe a picture when a child has studied the entire program before his peers and he is not interested in sitting in class. The kid spins, interferes with classmates, and as a result, he may lose all interest in learning. You can, of course, "jump" after a year (and sometimes after several years) and study with older guys. But in this case, the child will lag behind classmates in physical, mental and social development. The child has serious hobbies (professional sports, music, etc.). Combining school with professional...

Older children have a better understanding of the emergency nature of the situation and are somewhat more vulnerable to stressful experiences than younger children. They may even blame themselves for not being able to prevent what happened. In order for children to feel secure, it is necessary to create familiar conditions for them as soon as possible - to involve them in the life of a new community, organize schooling, play with peers, sports activities and other forms of recreation, a regular diet and sleep schedule. If the child's stress reaction is prolonged and becomes acute, he should be provided with qualified assistance. Drawing or playing with dolls and toys help children express their feelings and adjust to stressful environments.

But, after thinking and rummaging around here and there, my daughter and I fantasized and brought to life just such a holiday. So... The first item is invitations. My daughter typed and printed them herself in green, with the name of each invited guest, in the style of invitations to study at Hogwarts, as Harry himself received at the beginning of the first book. I will not give the exact text of the invitation, because we had all the texts in Hebrew (we live in Israel), we tried to copy the beginning of the invitation from the book. But at the end, instead of a list of books and necessary supplies, it was added: "Necessary supplies can be purchased locally." At the top of the letter...

I would very much like to know in more detail how your child's studies are organized alone with the teacher, without contact with the children. It's not that I'm aiming to limit communication. In general, we do not make a decision about external studies in connection with communication, it is just a side result. The fact is that I was just told about a school where literally "various payment options are possible depending on the number of consultations." I immediately thought if this is your option. If possible, please describe in more detail how...

Please explain why in all articles on raising children parents are agitated to teach children to play and nowhere (for some reason I did not come across) is there any mention of the reverse side of the game (not specific, but in general, as a process). Although, perhaps, it means that if the child did NOT learn to play by himself, but was taught, then the game is of better quality and more useful? The fact is that no one taught my daughter (now 9.6 years old) to play, she has been playing since the year herself, in the same way and approximately the same games as I used to ...


And I would not agitate parents to teach children to play :)
I would campaign for just giving the kids a place to play.
Finding a normal adult to teach you how to play is a lucky break in the life of a seven year old. And not every child gets this lucky ticket.
Having a place to play is already great!
Learning is learning. The game is a game.
I do not recommend mixing the learning process in the classroom with the game in the yard.
Another thing: to have a place where you can go to play, after studying, and from where to go to the lesson again. And the children themselves will figure out how to play the lesson, and how to rely on the game while studying ...
Give time and space for both.

I was not taught to play. And I didn’t play much as a child because of language classes, etc., plus if I didn’t know how, I didn’t really want to, I liked reading more. in my experience, this is fraught, and fraught with some pretty serious things.

First, there are communication problems. The role-playing game is good because it imitates real life, develops communication skills and behavior in different situations. Especially if the child is taught to play it (adults or older children), because in this way he learns more complex models than he himself can think of. in the absence of play in childhood, then there are significant problems with communication. they, of course, are not fatal, they can be overcome, but why - if you can warn.

Secondly, there are big problems with creativity (any), since the game, like nothing else, develops the imagination. It cannot be replaced by knowledge. And it is VERY difficult to compensate in adulthood.

Thirdly, problems (I have now) in games with my own child. Just don't know how to play than to play. Involuntarily, it turns out to be a bias again into intellectualism - books, encyclopedias, mosaics, insert frames ... Ie. there is a recurrence, if not aggravation, of problems. Even the simplest role-playing game with a doll is difficult. Fortunately, we have a nanny who had a more normal childhood :) Otherwise, there would be a serious danger.

So I'm like exactly as you write, a well-mannered child I regret that I did not have a game. Thank God, at least no one jammed the fantasy - otherwise, how would I earn a living now :)))

How can a student organize his learning process?

Studying at a university is not the same as studying at school. Everyone must have heard about this from their teachers, who like to scare future students with the hardships that await them in adulthood. You can understand teachers - in this way they are trying to raise discipline in the class entrusted to them for the duration of the lesson, but, honestly, it would be better if they did not scare, but taught how to build this life.

It is no secret that the curriculum of a university often includes much more material than a student can physically (!) master during the course of study. For example, if we take a list of literature required reading by students of philological faculties, then we can see that a full reading of all works is possible only if the student magically gains insomnia for several months. It is clear that something needs to be done about this. First of all, because you need to go to the session with knowledge, and not with complaints about the unsuccessfully organized educational process. So take matters into your own hands and take action!

First of all, you need to decide what you need to transfer to another course or semester. Everything else can be safely thrown aside, or rather reduced, since it’s impossible not to study any subject at the university at all. As a rule, the dean's office strictly controls attendance, but, most often, the latter is monitored by the teachers themselves, and, fortunately, not all of them. It is the last circumstance that must be used. At the beginning of each semester, it is worth going to all classes regularly and finding out where your absence will go as unnoticed as possible. These subjects with a clear conscience can be excluded from the list of time wasters, and it is easier to take information on them for correspondence within other classes in which your presence is recorded, but the learning process remains on your conscience.

As experience shows, in one unhurried lecture and even practice, you can quite manage to write down both what the teacher says and what his colleague said a few hours earlier. Obviously, obstetrics and gynecology, read as part of the anatomy course, will be less needed for the same philologists at the session than an artistic analysis of Borges's work, and, therefore, you should not even try to waste your precious time on them. You need to be able to prioritize.

As for the information obtained independently, that is, "assigned to the house", then here you can cheat. Having cooperated with another student, in whose mind and ingenuity you have no doubt, you can write notes together, providing each other with the main part of this swamp of information.

Do not neglect the auxiliary materials thrown into the book market or on the Internet. Brief summaries of literary works, basic sets of physical and chemical formulas, short answers to economic or historical questions, other people's abstracts - all this can become a quick source of information. In the face of time pressure and pre-session fever, any well-articulated knowledge base is worth its weight in gold.

The school year is starting and you want to be a successful student. You need a good start! This means that you need to properly organize your studies. You should prepare in advance for the school year and properly plan your studies throughout the year. This will help you achieve academic success.


Organization of studies in primary school

    Prepare everything you need before the start of the school year. Prepare everything the teacher mentioned. Perhaps the teacher will hand out a list of school supplies you will need for the new school year ahead of time. In this case, ask your parents to help you get everything you need before the start of the school year. As a result, you will be sure that you have everything you need to study.

    Put your school supplies in a separate place just for them. After you collect all the necessary accessories, you should place them in one place. It can be a suitable pencil case or a compartment in a school bag. Make sure that all school supplies are located in one place, separate from other things.

    • You can set aside two separate places for school supplies. In one it is convenient to store items that you use daily, and in the second - those that you need much less frequently.
    • It is best to use a pencil case specially designed for school supplies, as it can conveniently accommodate all the items.
  1. Keep your workplace clean. If you have your own desk with a drawer, don't lump it all together. Instead, neatly arrange all school supplies. So you keep them clean, do not wrinkle notebooks and you can easily find everything you need.

    • Also keep order in the school bag and in the workplace at home. If you do not clean up the backpack from time to time, this can lead to damage to school supplies, important papers and notebooks.
    • To keep your workspace tidy, place each item in its designated area. So you keep order and can easily find everything you need.
    • If you find it difficult to keep organized, try storing small items in a stationery organizer.
  2. Do your homework. Even in elementary school, you will be given tasks to complete on time. When the next assignment is given, the teacher will tell you the deadline for its delivery. You may need a diary to record various tasks. It will help you plan your homework and meet deadlines.

    • As soon as you receive your next homework, write down the due date in your diary. Don't forget to take your diary with you to school.
    • If you find it difficult to keep track of all the tasks, ask your parents to help you and remind you of current tasks. They should do this in advance so that you have time to complete tasks on time.
    • When you get home after school, don't forget about your homework for tomorrow. If any additional materials are needed for homework, be sure to bring them to school.

    Organization of studies in secondary school

    1. Decide which type of workbook is right for you. This is a very important question. Some prefer a spiral-bound notebook for note-taking, while others prefer a loose-leaf binder. Choose the most suitable and convenient notebook for you.

      Create a separate folder for each item. In the classroom, you may be given a large amount of educational material, including for homework. In this case, it is convenient to have folders for individual items. Label the folders and put the appropriate materials in them.

      • Take folders with you to school. If you are given study materials on a particular subject, after viewing, put them in the appropriate folder.
      • If you are afraid that the sheets may fall out of the folders, use envelope folders or other tight-fitting folders.
      • Clean out your folders once a week. Take out old unnecessary papers from folders and free them for new materials.
      • Some spiral bound notebooks have pockets. This is convenient for storing additional sheets. If you have just such a notebook, use a separate pocket for each subject and do not mix sheets for different subjects.
    2. Purchase other school supplies. You will need pencils, pens, a ruler, paper, and a host of other things. It is also possible that before the start of the new school year it is worth buying a new satchel or backpack.

      • If different subjects are taught by different teachers, many supplies will be useful for several subjects at once. Look through the lists of the necessary items for different items and compare them with each other. There are likely to be common supplies, such as pencils, that you can use in different lessons.
      • Stock up on all the supplies the teacher mentioned. So you will properly prepare for the lessons and will not lack anything necessary.
    3. Keep your workplace clean and tidy. If you have your own locker, keep it organized. In this case, you can easily find the necessary textbooks, folders and notebooks as soon as necessary.

      • It is possible that you will have to share a locker with another student. He may be less tidy than you, and you will have to divide the interior of the locker in order to keep at least your half in order.
      • Set aside a place for each item in your closet. For example, books can be put on a shelf, a jacket and a backpack can be hung on a hook, replacement shoes can be put down, and so on. This will make it easier for you to keep your closet organized.
      • If it's hard for you to keep organized day after day, set aside one day a week for this (a few minutes will suffice). On this day, put things in their places and take everything you don't need home. You can set aside Friday for this so that you can start each new week with a clean and tidy locker.
    4. Keep track of homework assignments and due dates. This is a very important aspect of learning. For good academic performance, you need to know when to start performing a particular task and remember about the deadlines for its delivery. There is nothing worse than showing up to class and finding that you forgot to do your homework.

      • It is best to use a paper or electronic diary for this. Record all important dates and deadlines for assignments. So you can easily determine which tasks are top priority and by what time they need to be completed.
      • Mark the required deadlines as soon as you know about them. This also applies to those cases when the teacher postpones these deadlines. This way you won't forget important dates. To do this, you must always have a diary with you and make the necessary notes in it.
      • Try marking assignments in different subjects in different colors in your diary. Choose a color for each item and mark the corresponding tasks with them to easily distinguish them.
    5. Use the right supplies at school and at home. With the right organization of studies, you will be able to determine what school supplies you will need to complete a particular task. This applies to both homework and school work.

      • Indicate in the entries in the diary what you need to complete the corresponding tasks. This will make it easier for you to select the accessories you need.
      • If necessary, the teacher will tell you what to bring to the next lesson. It depends on the specific subject and the topic being studied.
      • You don't always want to carry heavy textbooks. However, sometimes it is simply necessary in order to do your homework properly.
    6. Don't put off your homework until the last minute. For successful study, you need to plan your time correctly. Do not delay until the last minute and do your homework on time.

      Set aside a separate area for homework. Don't do anything there other than schoolwork. This will help you focus on your work and not be distracted by anything.