Consciousness does not play a significant role in human behavior? The Syrian opposition insists on the resignation of Bashar al-Assad.

Boundary control to sections 1 and 2.


in the discipline "Social science (including economics and law")

1 course, 1 semester

Option 1.


With the development of science and technology, the advent of machines in industrial production,mental ( physical) labor has been increasingly replacedphysical ( mental) .

2. Add the missing concept.

There are two types of communication:

    verbal communication;

    ………………… .. . ( nonverbal communication)

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

Mythological worldviewproclaims ( denies) ability to comprehend and explain the world.

There are several functions of culture:

    regulatory function;

    ……………………… ...; ( educational function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… ...; ( unifying function)

    …………………………… . ( relay function)

    Fill the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities

1. The right to receive knowledge.

2. The right to transfer from one educational institution to another.

3. The right to enter a university.

4. The right to receive scholarships, financial assistance.

5. The right to live in a hostel, preferential travel.

6. The right to deferment from military service.

1. Obligation to comply with academic discipline, fulfillment of educational tasks

2. The obligation to comply with educational norms and standards.

3. The obligation to take care of the property of the educational institution, to maintain cleanliness and order in the premises.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

The sciencenot ( not - redundant) associated with practical activities, therefore (not - add) unimportant are the relations of science in general and the scientist in particular with society.

Option 2.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

Satisfying needs ismeans ( goal) labor activity.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

There are several forms of communication:

    ………………………… .; ( household)

    business conversation;

    ………………………… .; ( convincing)

    ………………………… ..; ( educational)

    cultural communication;

    …………………………… ; ( intercultural)

    …………………………… ; ( scientific)

    ritual communication, etc.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

spiritual productionnot at all ( directly) associated with material production.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

There are several types of values:

    …………………… .; ( values ​​of society as a whole)

    values ​​of individual social communities, classes, groups.

5. Fill in the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities


Science originated historicallybefore ( later) other types of human activity.

Option 3.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

In modern society, the role of knowledge, qualifications, moral qualities is significantlydeclining (rising) .

    Fill in the missing concepts.

Depending on the methods of interaction, communication is distinguished:

* …………………….; ( perceptual)

* verbal;

* ……………………. . (interactive)

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

The level of education and general culture of the individual directly affects the consumption of spiritual values. The higher the culture of a person, the higher the level of his education, theless ( more) he seeks to allocate funds and time to satisfy spiritual needs.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

There are several forms of culture:

    ……………………… .; ( folk)

    ……………………… .; ( elite)

    Mass culture.

5. Fill in the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities

6. Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

The question of the social responsibility of a scientistnot ( not - redundant) plays a significantoh ( essential) rolland ( role) none ( In some) from the fields of science.

Option 4.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

During the period of formation and development of industrial production, the worker began to be considered, along with machines, asactive subject production ( machine appendage) ; such an approach excluded initiative in the performance of labor duties.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

Communication performs several important functions:

    information function;

    …………………………… ..; ( learning function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… . ( the function of supporting the joint activity of people)

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

Spiritual production is aimed at satisfyingmaterial ( spiritual) human needs.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

The main elements of culture are:

    ……………………… ; ( colloquial)


    ……………………… . ( norms)

5. Fill in the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities

6. Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

doing sciencenot ( not - redundant) require special training, the availability of basic knowledge and skills in the use of special research tools, special education.

Agglutination occurs with all interactions except: 2. A+b

Agglutinins α and β are included in the following components of the blood: four . plasma

Agglutinogens A and B are found in: 3.erythrocytes

Agranulocytosis is characterized by: 4. absence or significant decrease in the absolute number of all types of granulocytes

The activity of the fibrinolytic system is assessed by: 5. determination of antithrombin III

Alimentary factor that increases the peptic activity of gastric juice: 5.frequent consumption of meat food

Arrhythmias are the result of a violation of the properties: 4) their combined disorders

Arterial hypotension can develop when: 3.heart failure

Arterial hypertension is divided depending on: 5) all of the above is correct

Atrioventricular blockade of the III degree is characterized by: 5) complete separation of the atrial and ventricular rhythms

Paleness and decrease in skin temperature in patients with congestive heart failure is associated with: 3. increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system

Depending on the minute volume of the heart, arterial hypertension is: 2.hyper- and eukinetic

In protecting the gastric mucosa from acid-peptic aggression of gastric juice plays a role: 2.bicarbonate secretion

Excess cAMP accumulates in cardiomyocytes as a result of: 5) a decrease in K-ATPase of the plasma membrane

The blood of the second blood group contains: 3. A-agglutinogen and b-agglutinin

The blood of the third blood group contains: 2. agglutinogen B and agglutinin

The blood of the fourth group contains: 2. agglutinogens A and B

In the mechanism of platelet-vascular hemostasis, the following is important: 1. adhesion, aggregation of platelets and their release of biologically active substances (thromboxane-A2, etc.)

The Frank-Starling compensatory mechanism is based on: 1.increase in cardiac tension in response to myocardial tension

In the pathogenesis of leukemia, the formation of a malignant autonomous cell clone is of decisive importance: formation of malignant genes or activation of oncogenes in stem cells of the 11-111 order

In the pathogenesis of edema in congestive heart failure is important: 4.increased levels of aldosterone and vasopressin in the blood

In the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer of the stomach, the mechanism does not play a significant role: 2.reduction of parasympathetic influences on the gastric mucosa

In the pathogenesis of primary arterial hypotension, it does not matter: 1. damage to the adrenal cortex, accompanied by a decrease in glucocorticoids

In the pathogenesis of sinus (respiratory) arrhythmia, 1) the formation of an ectopic focus of impulsation 2) fluctuations in vagal tone

In the pathogenesis of sinus bradycardia is important 1) slowing down spontaneous depolarization of the membrane of cardiomyocytes

The first blood group contains: 4.a- and b-agglutinins, agglutinogens A and B are absent

In the first phase of coagulation hemostasis occurs: 5.formation of prothrombinase

As a result of the second phase of coagulation hemostasis, the following occurs: 5 . thrombin formation

Mast cells and basophils produce an active anticoagulant: 2. heparin

An important difference between hypertension and other arterial hypertension is: 5. occurs against the background of the absence of significant organic lesions of the internal organs involved in its regulation

Substances that block the various phases of blood coagulation are called: 4.anticoagulants

Extraintestinal manifestation of enteritis: 2.significant reduction in body weight

Possible cause of arterial hypotension: 2) hypohydration of the body

A possible cause of intestinal autointoxication can be: 5.acholia

A possible cause of left ventricular failure is: 1.infarction of the lateral wall of the left ventricle

A possible cause of right ventricular failure may be: 1.ventricular septal defect

A possible consequence of chronic arterial hypertension may be: 5.All listed

Possible reasons for a decrease in the secretory activity of the pancreas are: 1.decrease in the production and secretion of secretin

The occurrence of steatorrhea is caused by the following digestive disorders: 3. insufficiency of the synthesis of intestinal lipases

Absorption of certain vitamins is significantly impaired in acholia: 2. vitamin B2

Is it always possible to detect blast forms in peripheral blood in leukemia?? 2) no

Select manifestations that characterize the erectile phase of shock: 2) arterial hypotension

The release of leukocytes from the depot leads to distributive leukocytosis with: 1. excitation of the vagus nerve

There are the following types of pathological leukocytosis: 2.traumatic

There are the following types of neutrophil shift to the right: degenerative

There are the following forms of essential arterial hypertension: 5) all of the above is correct

Hematomas are typical for: 4. deficiency of plasma factors

Hemodynamics in heart failure is characterized by: 1.increased venous pressure

1. increase the sensitivity of adrenoreceptors to pressor factors

Hypernatremia contributes to the development of arterial hypertension through: 3.increasing the vasomotor component of vascular tone

Hyper-regenerative shift to the left manifests itself: 2. an increase in the total number of leukocytes 20-25 x10 / 9

Hypersecretion in the small intestine occurs as a result of: 2.excess production of gastrin

Hyposecretion (ahiliya) is the cause of insufficient absorption of ions: 2.iron

Hyposecretion and achilia in the stomach is most often observed with: 4.atrophic gastritis

Hypotension is characterized by: 2) a decrease in vascular tone

The hormonal mechanism that provides an increase in vascular tone in heart failure is: 1. release of mineralocorticoids

The hormonal mechanism that provides an increase in vascular tone in heart failure is: 3.activation of the cortico-hypothalamic-pituitary system

Humoral factor that inhibits gastric motility: 4.serotonin

Humoral factor that enhances gastric motility include: 2.gastrin

ActionHelicobacterpylorion the mucosa is determined: 1.production of urease

dissociation with interference is: 4) a decrease at rest in the frequency of generation of excitation impulses by the sinus-atrial node below the norm with the same intervals between them

Esophageal dysfunction is characterized by: 4. difficulty in passing food through the esophagus to the stomach

Diffuse spasm of the esophagus is characterized by: 3. contraction of the smooth muscles of all parts of the esophageal wall while maintaining the tone of the lower sphincter

Which of the following diseases is characterized by pancytosis (an increase in the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets in the blood)? erythremia (Wakez disease);

Left ventricular failure is characterized by the following manifestations: 4.decreased cardiac output

The leukemoid reaction is characterized by: 1. a significant increase in the number of mature forms of leukocytes

For acute leukemia in the expanded stage in the peripheral blood are characterized by: a sharp shift of the formula to the left and leukemoid failure

For pancreatic achilia is not typical: 1.bulimia

Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia is characterized by: 3. Heart rate exceeds 250/min

For the course of all phases of hemocoagulation, the participation of ions is necessary: 4. calcium

For disorders of intestinal digestion with insufficient or complete cessation of the flow of bile into the intestine is not typical: 2. Acceleration of digestion and absorption of fats

The regenerative shift to the left is characterized by: 3.increased segmented

The third stage of hypertension is characterized by: 2) damage to target organs and violation of their function

The protective value of vomiting on the body is: 1. elimination of toxic substances from the body

Excessive alkalization during hypersalivation leads to: 2. decrease in peptic activity of gastric juice

Perversion of appetite is called: 5.pararexia

Changes in the parameters of the gas composition and CBS in acute DN are as follows: hypoxemia, acute respiratory acidosis;

The nuclear shift index reflects: 1. the sum of all young forms of neutrophils

The intensity of the functioning of hypertrophied cardiomyocytes in the phase of stable compensation: 1.reduces to normal

The use of cytostatics for the treatment of leukemia in insufficient dosage can accelerate the development of tumor progression, because: 3) the selection of the most malignant clones from leukemia cells is possible

True leukopenia develops due to: 4. all of the above

True leukocytosis is characterized by: 4. qualitative changes in leukocytes

True leukocytosis: due to an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood vessels of the intestine after eating


"Symptomatic" arterial hypertension does not include: 3.essential

Nutritional factors that increase the peptic activity of gastric juice include: 5.frequent consumption of meat food

Allorhythms include: 4) all of the above

The arrhythmogenic effects of an increase in the extracellular content of K ions include: 3) lowering the threshold of excitability of cardiomyocytes

Biological factors that directly damage the digestive organs include: 3. deficiency or excess of vitamins

Substances with vasoconstrictive effects do not include: 3.aldosterone

Possible complications of arterial hypertension include: 4.myocardial infarction


Possible consequences of chronic arterial hypertension include: 3.myocardial infarction

Secondary anticoagulants include: antithrombin IV

Patients at high risk of developing arterial hypertension include: 3) with proteinuria and creatinemia 1.2-2 mg/dl

Patients with a very high risk of developing cardiovascular complications include: 2) associated diseases (angina pectoris, heart failure, etc.), regardless of the degree of blood pressure

Intrapulmonary causes of DN do not include: 3) Damage to the respiratory muscles;

Intrapulmonary causes of DN include: 1) violations of ventilation-perfusion ratios;

The clinical signs of malabsorption syndrome do not include: 3.weight loss

Combined arrhythmias include: 5) all of the above is correct

The compensatory mechanism associated with dysfunction of the heart include: 2.change in minute volume

Metabolites with antihypertensive effect include: 1) nitric oxide

The mechanism of development of hypertension does not include: 2.depletion of the function of the adrenal cortex

The mechanism of urgent cardiac compensation of hemodynamic disorders in heart failure does not include: 4. myocardial hypertrophy

The mechanism of urgent extracardiac compensation of hemodynamic disorders in heart failure includes: 2. increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system

The molecular-cellular mechanism for the development of heart failure includes: 1.defects in genes and their expression

To the molecular-cellular mechanism of development of heart failure: 4. damage to the membrane apparatus

Conduction disorders in the heart include: 4) change in the speed of the impulse (slowdown, blockade)

Nomotopic arrhythmias as a result of a violation of the automatism of the heart do not include: 1) atrioventricular rhythm

Complications of arterial hypertension do not include: 1) decrease in cardiac output

The main mechanism for reducing the contractile function of the myocardium in heart failure does not include: 5.Cell degranulation

The main manifestations of acute DN do not include: 1) bradypnea;

The main properties of the myocardium do not include: 5.glycolytic metabolism of carbohydrates

Membrane digestion features include: 1.carried out by enzymes fixed on the membrane of the intestinal brush border

The reasons for the development of heart failure in the myocardial type do not include: 5. aortic stenosis

The causes of essential hypertension include: 3. genetic defects of the centers of the autonomic nervous system

The manifestation of malabsorption syndrome includes the factor: 5.all listed factors

The following type of heart failure can lead to the development of cardiac asthma: 4.left ventricular and total

Distributive leukocytosis leads to: 2.anaphylactic shock

The reflex-adaptive mechanism of the heart in heart failure includes: 2. increased heart rate (Starling's law)

Symptomatic hypertension does not include: 1.essential

Sick sinus syndrome includes: 5 - all of the above

The vasoconstrictor effect of angiotensin 2 does not include: 1.stimulation of glucocorticoid secretion

The stage of compensatory hyperfunction of the myocardium does not include: 5.completed myosclerosis

Typical changes in the number of leukocytes per unit volume of blood include: leukocytosis

The following leads to an increase in intestinal perelstatics: 5.ahiliya

Risk factors for developing hypertension do not include: 5.cachexia

The factors not involved in the pathogenesis of belching include: 3.cardiospasm

The factors that determine the strength of heart contractions in heart failure include: 5.sympathetic reflexes

Cardiac overload factors that increase afterload include: 3.arterial hypertension

Risk factors for developing hypertension do not include: 5.spicy food

Physiological leukocytosis includes: 3.traumatic

The functional characteristics of lymphocytes include: 3.produce histamine

Among the endogenous substances that reduce blood pressure by reducing peripheral vascular resistance do not include: 1. catecholamines

Extrapulmonary reasons for the development of DN do not include: myasthenia gravis;

The emergency mechanism for compensating for heart failure includes: 2.tachycardia

How will bleeding and protein synthesis change in liver failure: 3 decrease in protein synthesis, procoagulants e increase in bleeding

How does the evacuation of food masses from the stomach change with an increase in the secretion and acidity of gastric juice: 1.slow down

How does the amplitude change during gasping breathing: decreases;

How does the amplitude change during hasting breathing? increases, then decreases.

What is the value of blood pressure in mm Hg. indicates the presence of hypertension in people aged 20 to 60 years: 4.170/110

What types of arrhythmias are heterotopic: (6) 5) idioventricular rhythm

What types of arrhythmias are nomotopic: 2) AV rhythm

What changes in external respiration parameters are typical for severe DN (3 stages): increase in MOD;

What cells are descendants of B-lymphocytes: 4.plasma cells

What medical and social factors do not affect the increase in the incidence of DN: 3) a decrease in the birth rate;

Which breath is not terminal: gasping breath.

What is the terminal breath? Biota;

Which of the following medical and social conditions does not affect the increase in the incidence of respiratory failure (RF): widespread diseases of the cardiovascular system;

What pathological condition is accompanied by inspiratory dyspnea: diphtheria;

What condition leads to an increase in intestinal statics: 5.ahiliya

What phenomenon underlies the compensatory pause after ventricular extrasystole? one) decrease in excitability of cells of the sinoatrial node of refractoriness 4) positive dromotropic effect of extrasystole

What type of hypoxia develops in acute arterial hypotension: 2.circulatory

Which of the following options is most typical for a typical course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia? marked leukocytosis with absolute lymphocytosis.

Which of the indicators most likely characterizes a violation of the systolic function of the left ventricle of the heart? 2) decrease in stroke volume of the heart (SV)

Which of the ECG signs reflects the presence of a focus of necrosis in the myocardium? 5) shift of the ST segment upwards from the isoline

Which of the ECG signs reflects the presence of a focus of subendocardial ischemia in the myocardium? 3) positive "coronary" T wave

What process is a peculiar form of infiltrative growth in leukemia? displacement of other germs of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow;

What type of breathing develops with stenosis of the larynx? infrequent deep breathing with difficulty inhaling.

What type of leukemia is most common in childhood: acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Which factor is usually more important in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer: 1.acid-peptic aggression

The clinical manifestation of the defeat of the respiratory center is: apnestic breathing;

Coagulation hemostasis includes the following stages: 5. formation of thromboplastin, thrombin, fibrin

Combined rhythm disturbances are caused by: 4) a combination of changes in the properties of excitability, conductivity and automatism

The compensatory mechanism that ensures the normal gas composition of blood in DN is: hyperventilation;

Bleeding in the early stages of acute leukemia is associated with: inhibition of megakaryocytic germ

Laboratory indicators for DIC in the stage of hypocoagulation have the following values: 3. blood clotting time and prothrombin time are increased


A leukemoid reaction can develop when: 3.liver dystrophy

A leukemoid reaction can develop when: 3.acute infectious process

Leukopenia manifests itself: 3.activation of myelopoiesis

Leukopenia is characterized by: 1. a condition characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes per unit volume of blood above 9x10 9 / l

Medicines that contribute to the development of leukopenia: 1.sulfonamides

The mechanism of absolute erythrocytosis is associated with: activation of the sympathoadrenal system

The mechanism of DIC in the stage of hypercoagulability is associated with: 3. activation of both coagulation cascades

The mechanism of formation of a white blood clot is associated with:

The mechanism of formation of a white blood clot is associated with: 2. Adhesion, aggregation and agglutination of platelets.

The mechanism of formation of a red thrombus is associated with: 4. Activation of procoagulants.

The mechanism of formation of a red thrombus is associated with: 4. Activation of procoagulants.

The mechanism of relative erythrocytosis is associated with:

The mechanism of primary erythrocytosis is associated with: stem cell mutation (CFUe type)

The mechanism of development of the leukemoid reaction is: 3. focal hyperplasia of normal sprouts of erythropoietic tissue

The mechanism of development of the leukemoid reaction is due to: 1.hypovolemia

The mechanism of intracardiac compensation during overload with blood volume (pressure) is: 2. homeometric compensation mechanism

The mechanism of damage to membranes and enzymes of myocardial cells in heart failure is: 5.excessive intensification of SPOL

Myeloma (plasmocytoma) is associated with the appearance of a mutant clone from: B-lymphocytes

Myocardial heart failure develops when: 2.intoxication

Can neutropenia be combined with a leukemoid reaction? 1) yes

Name the extrapulmonary etiological factor in the development of DN: damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

Name which cells are present in the leukocyte formula in chronic myeloid leukemia: a large number of myeloblasts;

Name the cell that exocytes TNF (tumor necrosis factor): Tissue macrofvg

Name the cell that does not take part in the process of metastasis: Macrophage

Name the methods of laboratory diagnostics that allow to detect clusters of differentiation of blast cells: immunophenotyping with monoclonal antibodies;

Name the main method for diagnosing forms of acute leukemia: cytochemical study;

What are examples of diseases in which the likelihood of developing leukemia is increased: Klinefelter's syndrome;

Name the cause of secondary pulmonary emphysema: 4) bronchial asthma.

Name the extrapulmonary etiological factors of DN: strokes;

What is the cause of graft-versus-host disease? develops as a result of transplantation of donor T-lymphocytes;

What is the morphological substrate of chronic leukemia: relatively differentiated cells of the hematopoietic tissue;

What is the result of changes in the cell genome? transformation of normal hematopoietic cells into tumor cells;

Name the etiological factors leading to the development of leukemia: carcinogens;

The most common cause of the development of centrogenic arterial hypertension due to organic damage to brain structures is: 5) brain tumors

Presence of what cells in peripheral blood is typical for acute myeloid leukemia? 2) myeloblasts, promyelocytes, stab neutrophils, segmented neutrophils

Presence of what cells in peripheral blood is typical for chronic myelogenous leukemia? 1) myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, stab neutrophils, segmented neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils

Violation of the diffuse properties of alveolo-capillary membranes plays a major role in the development of respiratory failure in: interstitial pulmonary edema;

Violation of gastric motility does not lead to the development of: 4.constipation

Violations of what properties of the heart lead to the development of arrhythmias? 2) automatism

The initial and leading link in the pathogenesis of adult respiratory distress syndrome is: pulmonary edema;

The initial and leading link in the pathogenesis of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome is: reduction in the amount of surfactant;

Not a risk factor for circulatory failure: 4.lack of fat in the diet

Heart failure from overload with increased volume (preload) develops in the following cases: 2.hypervolemia

1. Prothrombin time (Quick time)

The activity of anticoagulants is judged by: 5. determination of antithrombin III

One of the reasons for the development of obstructive respiratory failure is: collapse of bronchioles with the loss of elastic properties of the lungs;

One of the mechanisms for the development of leukocytosis is: hemodilution

One of the typical changes in the number of leukocytes per unit volume of blood is: 1.leukemia

One of the possible causes of leukopenia is: 1.tumor activation of leukopoiesis

The main cause of alveolar hypoventilation is: violation of centrogenic mechanisms of regulation of external respiration.

The main cause of disorders of the digestive function of the intestine: 4.disorders of bile secretion

The main reason for the development of leukopenia as a result of a violation of the formation of leukocytes is: 4. exit of a large number of leukocytes from the vascular bed

The main reason for the development of hypersecretion of the stomach is: 1. increase in the mass of secretory cells

The main mechanisms of violations of coagulation hemostasis: deficiency of one or more plasma factors

The main properties of a malignant autonomous clone of leukemic cells: release of growth inhibitors, migration of malignant cells,

The main link in the pathogenesis of congestive heart failure with heart defects is: 1. imbalance between the increased mass of actomyosin and the mass of mitochondria with an outcome in relative energy deficit

The main mechanism for the development of "true" lymphocytic leukocytosis is: 4. increased proliferation of agranulocyte cells

The main mechanism for the development of hypertension according to E. Gelgorn's hypothesis is: 1. hypersecretion of renin in the JGA of the kidneys

The main mechanism for the development of a leukemoid reaction is: entry into the vascular bed of an excess of blood cells

The main mechanism for the development of leukopenia is: 3.hemoconcentration

The main pathogenetic mechanism for the development of dumping syndrome is: 2. decrease in the reservoir function of the stomach

The main factor determining the level of blood pressure is: 4) cardiac output and total peripheral vascular resistance

The main ECG sign of the Wolf-Parkinson-White phenomenon is et: 2 – the presence of a “delta wave”

Features of the pathogenesis of chronic leukemia: most of the mutant blast cells differentiate, there is no "leukemoid" dip

Relative lymphocytosis is accompanied by: 3.tuberculosis

Describe the concept of "leukemoid reaction": changes in hematopoietic tissue and in peripheral blood, similar to leukemia;

Describe the concept of "leukemoid reaction": conditions characterized by changes in the organs of hematopoiesis, in peripheral blood and in the body as a whole, similar to leukemia.

Describe the concepts of tumor progression: the mechanism of increasing the degree of malignancy of cells as a result of changes in their genetic program;

It does not play a significant role in the total volume of freight and passenger traffic, although it is out of competition in terms of speed of delivery over long distances. The first regular flights in the former USSR were launched in 1920 Moscow - Kharkov.

Airway elements:

Rolling stock (transport aircraft),



Parking lots for maintenance and repair of rolling stock,

Ground air navigation equipment.

The advantages of air transport are manifested from a distance of 200 km.

The airport occupies 25-50 km2, Dallas - 70 km2. Due to flight safety and noise, about 120 km2 is uninhabitable.

Interaction with the environment is associated with flights of all types of aircraft and helicopters, and such with the construction and operation of airports, maintenance and repair enterprises, which, as a rule, are located near large industrial centers.

In aviation, 2 types of fuel are used: kerosene and gasoline, which differ somewhat in the composition of combustion products. Leaded gasoline (C 4 - C 12) is used in aircraft with piston engines, gives Pb in the exhaust gases, i.e. emissions are similar to motor vehicle emissions. The role of aircraft with piston engines is insignificant and is constantly decreasing (now about 5% of piston aircraft - Yak-12, LA, AN-2, LI-2).

The majority of aircraft use gas turbine (jet) engines, running on kerosene - heat engines in which the air-fuel mixture is first compressed and heated (in the combustion chamber), and then the energy of the compressed and heated mixture is converted into mechanical work. The efficiency of gas turbine engines (GTE) reaches 50%.

Fuel consumption for different stages of the flight depends on the length of the flight: with a flight range of 550-570 km, 50% is used for takeoff and climb, 25% for cruising, and 25% for descent and landing. With a 2-fold increase in range, 45% of the fuel goes to takeoff and climb, and 15% of the fuel goes to descent and landing. With a 3-fold increase in range, fuel consumption for cruising flight increases to 63%. At altitudes above 21-15 km, the specific fuel consumption increases due to the deterioration of the combustion efficiency.

The combustion products of fuel (kerosene) in gas turbine engines contain non-toxic CO 2, steam H 2 O, N 2, as well as CO, NOx, hydrocarbons (methane, acetylene, ethane, ethylene, propane, benzene, toluene), aldehydes (formaldehyde, acrolein CH 2=CH-CHO, acetaldehyde), solid soot particles forming a smoky plume behind the nozzle. In addition, aircraft also throw out the original fuel not only in emergency situations, but also when purging and emptying tanks, after an unsuccessful engine start or after it is turned off after a flight.

Studies of the combustion products of the engines of the Boeing-747 aircraft have shown that the content of toxicants in the combustion products significantly depends on the mode of operation of the engines. About 42% of the total fuel consumption and high concentrations of CO and hydrocarbons are typical when the engine is operating at reduced modes (idling, taxiing to and from the runway, approaching the airport, landing approach), and the NOx content increases significantly under operating modes close to nominal ( takeoff, climb, flight mode). From start to takeoff, the aircraft burns about 2000 liters of fuel. The total emission of toxic substances into the atmosphere by aircraft with gas turbine engines is constantly growing, which is associated with an increase in fuel consumption up to 20-30 tons / hour and an increase in the number of aircraft in operation.

One of the types of social roles, a set of expected patterns of behavior (or norms) for men and women. Role in social psychology is defined as a set of norms that determine how people should behave in a given social position. First… … Gender Studies Terms

Nonna Mordyukova: the best roles- Nonna Mordyukova died in Moscow on Sunday evening at the age of 83. The funeral of the People's Artist of the USSR will be held on Wednesday at the Kuntsevo cemetery. During her career, Nonna Mordyukova starred in about 60 films. Her film debut took place in 1948 ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

MAIN ROLES, Russia, film studio "Agat", 2003. Series (12 episodes). The main characters of the television series are two friends, Ira and Zhenya, who came to Moscow from Voronezh. They dream of conquering the capital, Ira dreams of becoming an actress, Zhenya's passion is cars. In Moscow they... Cinema Encyclopedia

SEX ROLES- - differentiation of activities, statuses, rights and obligations of individuals depending on their gender. Differentiation P. r. manifested in the age and sex division of labor, the system of sexual stratification, the distribution of power and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Contents 1 Releases of the show 1.1 On the BBC 1.2 On Thames Television ... Wikipedia

Administrative division of the state of Rajasthan The population of the state of Rajasthan is distinguished by the presence of a large number of ethnic, ethnic ... Wikipedia

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't matter, it's the tenth thing; poorly; anyway, unimportant, bad, nasty, bad, shitty, everything is one, spit, on the drum, unimportant, disgusting, disastrous, shitty, indifferent, well ... ... Synonym dictionary

Patrick Warburton Patrick Warburton ... Wikipedia

Market- (Market) The market is a system of relations between the seller (producer of services / goods) and the buyer (consumer of services / goods) The history of the emergence of the market, the functions of the market, the laws of the market, the types of markets, the free market, government regulation ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

ALCOHOLISM- a term first established by the largest Swedish fighter for sobriety Magnus Huss om (1852), who meant by it all the stalemate. changes in the body that develop under the influence of alcohol. Over time, this term in the works ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia


  • Working with risk. It's hard to be macho. Decoy. Classmate. ru, Andrey Kivinov. A large construction supermarket "Planeta House" finds itself at the epicenter of criminal events. Against this explosive background, the passionate love of the head of security and ...
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One of the most common pieces of advice would be "don't think". “Don’t think about it”, “get it out of your head” and other such recommendations would undoubtedly help us change our well-being if our brain quickly and unquestioningly obeyed such simple instructions. But, unfortunately, such statements do not contain a recipe for exactly how to act, what exactly to do in order to reduce the incessant stream of obsessive thoughts. Today we can start filling this gap. In addition to the possibility of a more complete regulation of the activity of one's consciousness, an additional effect of this exercise is the ability to learn to fall asleep at any time and in any place of one's own free will.

But before proceeding to the technical procedure for performing this exercise, it is necessary to give some explanations of a theoretical nature for a more accurate understanding of the mechanism of action of this technique.

If we conditionally distinguish two leading processes that dominate in consciousness, then these processes will be thinking and perception. And they are antagonistic. The more resources, energy (in the scientific, and not the esoteric sense of the word) takes away, “pulls” onto itself thinking, the less volume of consciousness is occupied by perception. This can be compared with the country's budget: if someone was given more money, inevitably (with a limited amount of these funds) someone will get less. It is the same with the body: if we think deeply about something, then perception significantly reduces its representation in consciousness. Think of a time when you thought hard about something. Focusing on your thoughts, you gradually stop noticing extraneous sounds, details of the environment, and most of the sensations of your own body. Sometimes, having fixed our gaze on one “point”, we stop noticing what is happening around us, and sometimes we do not even see the “point” itself, despite the fact that our eyes are still open. Our gaze is turned "inward", in such situations, thinking reigns in our minds.

Sometimes, most often spontaneously, perception "achieves" a short-term superiority. This happens if you are fascinated by some melody, admire the view from the top of the hill in admiration, watch the most beautiful sunset, or you slowly plunge into a warm bath and feel how your body relaxes. At that moment, thoughts receded, they were replaced by sensory information, that is, perceived by your senses, in other words, perception.

This leads to one very important conclusion, which underlies our exercise. It is this: by filling the mind with perception, we can reduce the volume of thinking in proportion to how much we manage to focus on the process of perception.

Let us give an example of how this psychophysiological law works in everyday life. At the same time, this will be an example of how ignorance of the functioning of one's own psyche can turn into big troubles. An example is the game of "thimble". Its technical performers, most often lively young people, whom we can still meet on the streets of our cities to this day, are probably unaware of the subtle psycho-physiological mechanisms that they use. Most likely, they only know the procedure, the technical set of actions. So, let's analyze what happens in the course of such a game in order to understand why sometimes intelligent and diligent people voluntarily part with large sums of money and other valuables, commit obviously rash acts.

We contact the real world of material objects and physical phenomena in only one way - with the help of perception - that is, with the help of the senses. Consider, for example, the organ of vision. A stream of light falls on the retina of the eye, passing through the opening of the pupil and refracted by the lens. A single particle of this stream, a photon, hitting a certain light-sensitive cell (if you remember from school, “rods” and “cones”, the masses of which line the fundus of the eye), leads to a chemical reaction inside this cell, which, in turn, forms a nerve pulse. The flow of impulses from all cells of the retina rushes along the nerve pathways to the occipital region of the cerebral cortex, where it is subjected to "analysis". From here it is possible to single out "receptors" - that which perceives information, "conductor paths" - that by means of which this information is transported, and "analyzers" - where the received information is processed and analyzed.

In the process of playing the “thimble”, perception is “loaded”. After a person has started to play, having obeyed the emotion of excitement provoked by swindlers and the feeling of a possible easy win, the psycho-physiological mechanism of loading consciousness with perception comes into play. First of all, the visual channel of perception, the most significant for most people, begins to be actively exploited. About 70-80% of the conscious attention of a person who took part in the "game" is directed to tracking the movement of thimbles (glasses, cards and other items). At the same time, there is an active involvement of the auditory perception channel. Those who have watched these "games" may recall that the "leader", usually an active young man, is always talking. Moreover, at first glance, these words are some kind of “baby talk”, phrases like: “I’ll twist it, I’ll wrap it up, I want to confuse everyone” and similar “joke jokes”. In fact, this is a very important component of consciousness loading, “loading” it by another 15-20%. And in order to finally “load” and even “overload” consciousness with sensory information, a conditionally distinguished kinesthetic channel of perception (touch, proprioceptive reception, temperature sensitivity, etc.) is activated. A person feels the position of his body in space, the temperature of the surrounding air with open areas of the skin, skin contact with clothing, etc. To enhance the flow of information coming from the body, there is a “support group” - several people who actively spin, push and rub in in the truest sense of these words around the "victim" of these manipulations. As a result, the amount of sensory information turns into quality - at least put up a sign “everyone went to the front” - at the moment when it is necessary to make a conscious, deliberate choice - whether to part with money or leave, there is, in fact, no one to think, or rather nothing. Overloaded with sensory information, the head acts thoughtlessly in every sense of the word, obeying the emotion of excitement. Intelligence at this stage no longer plays a significant role, since it is very problematic to use conscious thinking.

This was an example of how the mechanism of loading consciousness with perception can be used against our interests with manipulative influence from outside. With conscious use, such a mechanism can work for our benefit, because it is with its help that we can follow the advice to “think less”.

The psychophysiological mechanism we are discussing is the scientific basis of meditation. At the heart of most meditation practices is the process of contemplation. Contemplation, using scientific terminology, is a non-judgmental (descriptive) perception. An Indian sitting in the lotus position and looking at the flower of the same name is busy with the perception of this flower, and not with an assessment of its beauty or form. It is the habit of Europeans and other representatives of Western civilization to almost automatically think about and evaluate what they perceive that most often prevents them from mastering meditation. Of course, the cultural and historical environment from the very childhood forms a special attitude towards perception in the resident of the East. So, for example, “our person”, if he does not have special knowledge and training, having got into the Zen Buddhist “rock garden” in Japan, will first of all think what kind of stones are they and why are they arranged here like that. The rational position of a representative of Western civilization pushes him, by virtue of the prevailing stereotype, to think about everything and everything. The habit of constantly thinking about something - "mental chewing gum" - is developed from childhood and is constantly stimulated in the future. And it does not matter whether it is useful for us to think at this moment or even harmful, thoughts continue to be persistently present in the mind.

It is generally accepted that looking at the flowing water and the flames is calming. Try to test these statements for yourself. Go to the shore of a river or sea and look at the waves. The waves will calm you down only in one case - if you do not have a single claim to any of the waves, if you are ready to accept them all as they are, not appreciating them, but only watching them indifferently.

Evaluation brings consciousness out of an indifferent state, out of a state of balance and stability, and provokes an emotional response. The emotions provoked by the evaluation will be positive or negative, in any case they will take the consciousness out of the state of balance and stability.

You can sleep soundly, despite the working TV, and wake up, barely hearing its echoes behind the wall. The sound of train wheels lulls many people, but the same rhythmic knock of neighbors on the wall is unlikely to put you to sleep. The fact is that a certain assessment implicitly dominates: you can knock on the wheels, it’s even good - it means that we don’t stand, and therefore we are not late, but knocking on the wall at night is “absolutely unacceptable”.

Breath should be treated as an object of perception. Three parameters will allow us, as anchors, to "catch" on perception. These parameters are: the movement of the chest, the passage of air through the airways and the sound of breathing.

Focus all your conscious attention on these three parameters for 5-10 minutes. Track them, but don't judge your breath!

Initially, extraneous sounds, bodily sensations not directly related to breathing (for example, your own heartbeat), and most importantly, thoughts, will distract you every second and, accordingly, knock you off the necessary focus on perception. However, don't give up! If you are patient and consistent, then after a certain time the quantity will turn into quality. Gradually, periods of calmness, a certain peace of mind and harmonious balance will begin to appear (and will lengthen). First for one second, then after some time for two, three, five seconds you will be able to stay in this state. After one and a half to two months of regular practice, you will be able to achieve this state voluntarily and without much effort (only by focusing on the procedure for performing the exercise). But the regularity of performing this exercise is a necessary “payment” for the formation of a strong and high-quality skill in its use. This exercise must be done at least 4-5 times a day for 5-10 minutes during the first two months.

You can easily determine the correctness of the implementation of one approach on your own, evaluating it by the end result. If you managed to calm down and relax or sink into a nap, then you count this approach, if not, then continue again, taking into account the mistakes made. Therefore, the first approaches may take not 5-10 minutes, but even an hour or more. But do not worry, with subsequent completed approaches, the time will be reduced.

One Zen parable beautifully demonstrates the effective possibilities of shifting attention from thinking to perceiving. But, before including it in the book, we, the authors, were tormented by doubts for a long time. It seems like a book with a positive intention, but here is such a rather vivid, but at the same time sad example. And in the end, after tiring reflections, we decided. And this is what convinced us of this: there is nothing more effective for revealing the potential of a person than an extreme situation. But we are opposed to you, the readers, experiencing such experiences in order to gain new psychological possibilities. It is better to read in comfortable and safe conditions, look from the outside: no one has yet canceled the effectiveness of learning through observation. And that is why the parable found a place on the pages of this book.


Once, while walking across the field, a man met a tiger. He ran, the tiger followed him. Having reached the edge of the abyss, he grabbed the roots of a wild vine and hung over the abyss. The tiger began sniffing him from above. Trembling with fear, the poor fellow looked down: there, far below, another tiger was waiting for him. Only the vine has held him back so far.

Two mice, black and white, began to slowly gnaw at the roots of the vine. Next to him, a man suddenly noticed a ripe juicy strawberry. Holding on to the vine with one hand, he plucked a berry with the other. How delicious it was!

Stopping thoughts

Those negative emotions, that informational stress that a person experiences, he himself causes with the help of the so-called internal negative self-talk. Negative self-talk is a negative assessment of the actions, actions of a person and himself as a whole, as well as negative forecasts for the future. Internal negative self-talk, as a rule, is not realized. It is a stream of thoughts, "increasing" discomfort. In order to stop this destructive process, it is necessary to use the thought-stopping technique.

The technique comes in three versions. The most easy to learn and use options number 2 and 3.

The effectiveness of the techniques is determined by the fact that during their correct execution you will shift the focus of your attention from the flow of negative thoughts, thereby breaking their course and normalizing your emotional state.

Option number 1
  • Concentrate on the flow of thoughts that are passing at this moment, that is, be aware of them. (At the same time, if the situation allows, you can close your eyes.)
  • Mentally, quite harshly, say "stop" and stop the flow of thoughts. (Instead of the word "stop", a representation of visual symbols of equivalent effect, such as a stop sign or a barrier, can be used.)
Option number 2
  • Move the focus of attention outward, i.e. direct it to external objects, sounds, sensations.
  • Moving your attention, list everything that you perceive, according to the principle “What I see, I sing about”:
    • I see…
    • I hear…
    • I feel...

In other words, just "release" your attention, in the free flight mode, contemplate the world around you in all its variety of colors, shapes, sounds, smells and sensations.

Option number 3

It is a modification of option No. 2. It differs from it in that you choose one external object and describe it in detail. At the same time, it is necessary to strive for non-judgmental statements: mentally describing an object, indicate only what it really has, and is not your conjecture.

For example:

That's right - "Computer. Monitor. The screen is flat. The case is plastic, white, etc.”

Wrong - "Computer. Damn monitor! Only 60 Hz! Is it possible to work on this? Etc.".

In the example labeled "incorrect", there is an estimate. Still, assigning a monitor the characteristic “stupid” is a subjective opinion. And any value judgment increases the risk of negative emotional experiences and the development of stress. But it is almost impossible to completely rid yourself of assessments of what is happening in the surrounding reality; for this you need to be a Zen Buddhist monk.

To increase tolerance to stress factors, it is enough to use the described technique and, when performing it, strive for a non-judgmental statement of the perceived.

Application to the Attention Switching Technique

Application to the technique of switching attention, or the story of how Masyanya got rid of depression

In the famous computer series "Masyanya" there is one film in which the heroine is sad. She is so sad that her friends, Shaggy and Khryundel, call Masyanino's condition simply - depression. Indeed, if we analyze what is happening with Masyanya, then the evidence of signs of depression is indisputable. Masyanya's mood is lowered, which is noticeable to others, Masyanya's pleasure that previously pleased does not bring, all her attention is focused on the gloomy aspects of life and the girl's appetite is gone. Typical depression. According to the plot, it is not known what caused Masyanya such a state: maybe the shock experienced, maybe an existential crisis, or maybe seasonal mood swings manifested themselves in this form. But on the other hand, the film vividly shows how she managed to overcome her depression. And in this Masyan was helped by the use of the technique of switching attention. Perhaps Masyanya did not know that she was practicing this particular psychological technique, but applied it intuitively. However, what Masyanya did is fully consistent with what we told you about. What did Masyanya do? She went to the Gulf of Finland, sat down on a pebble and continued to grieve. But at some point, her attention was attracted by the movement of the waves. She began to look at them, that is, she shifted the focus of her attention from depressive thoughts outside - to the water, to the movement of the waves. And thus destroyed the flow of depressing thoughts and stopped negative self-talk, which returned her life-affirming mood. The mechanism that supported depressive experiences was stopped. That's how Masyanya managed to get rid of depression. Of course, real life is not as simple as the life of animated characters. But that doesn't mean you can't successfully use attention shifting to overcome depressive experiences caused by stressors. To do this, practice in addition to this technique and others that we have already managed to talk about, and those that we will talk about on the following pages.

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