The dragonfly and the ant are moral fables to read. Moral of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant"

In 1808, Ivan Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” was published. However, Krylov was not the creator of this plot; he translated into Russian the fable “The Cicada and the Ant” by Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695), who, in turn, borrowed the plot from the Greek fabulist of the 6th century BC. Aesop.

Aesop's prose fable "The Grasshopper and the Ant" looks like this:

In winter, the ant pulled out its supplies, which it had accumulated in the summer, from a hidden place for drying. A starving grasshopper begged him to give him food to survive. The ant asked him: “What did you do this summer?” The grasshopper replied: “I sang without resting.” The ant laughed and, putting away the supplies, said: “Dance in winter, if you sang in summer.”

Lafontaine changed this plot. Aesop's male grasshopper has turned into La Fontaine's female cicada. Since the word “ant” (la Fourmi) in French is also feminine, the plot is not about two men, like Aesop, but about two women.

Here is a translation of La Fontaine's fable "La Cigale et la Fourmi" / The Cicada and the Ant from N. Tabatchikova:

Summer whole Cicada
I was happy to sing every day.
But the summer is leaving red,
And there are no supplies for the winter.
She didn't go hungry
She ran to Ant,
If possible, borrow food and drink from a neighbor.
“As soon as summer comes to us again,
I’m ready to return everything in full, -
Cicada promises her. -
I’ll give my word if necessary.”
Ants are extremely rare
He lends money, that's the problem.
“What did you do in the summer?” -
She tells her neighbor.
“Day and night, don’t blame me,
I sang songs to everyone who was nearby.”
“If so, I’m very happy!
Now dance!”

As we see, the Cicada does not just ask the Ant for food, she asks for food on credit. However, Ant is devoid of usurious inclinations and refuses her neighbor, dooming her to starvation. The fact that Lafontaine predicts the death of the cicada between the lines is clear from the fact that the cicada was chosen as the main character. In Plato’s dialogue “Phaedrus” the following legend is told about cicadas: “Cicadas were once people, even before the birth of the Muses. And when the Muses were born and singing appeared, some of the people of that time became so delighted with this pleasure that among the songs they forgot about food and drink and died in self-forgetfulness. From them later came the breed of cicadas: they received such a gift from the Muses that, having been born, they do not need food, but immediately, without food or drink, they begin to sing until they die."

Ivan Krylov, having decided to translate La Fontaine’s fable into Russian, was faced with the fact that the cicada was little known in Russia at that time and Krylov decided to replace it with another female insect - the dragonfly. However, at that time two insects were called dragonflies - the dragonfly itself and the grasshopper. That’s why Krylov’s “dragonfly” jumps and sings like a grasshopper.

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang;
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died;
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.
Everything has passed: with the cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:
“Don’t leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm! -
“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?” -
Ant tells her.
“Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that my head was turned.” -
“Oh, so you...” - “I’m without a soul
I sang all summer.” -
“Did you sing everything? this business:
So come and dance!”

Krylov's ant is much more cruel than Aesop's or La Fontaine's ants. In other stories, the Grasshopper and the Cicada ask only for food, i.e. it is implied that they still have warm shelter for the winter. From Krylov, the Dragonfly asks the Ant not just for food, but also for warm shelter. The Ant, refusing the Dragonfly, dooms it to death not only from hunger, but also from cold. This refusal looks even more cruel, considering that a man refuses a woman (Aesop and La Fontaine communicate with same-sex creatures: Aesop has men, and La Fontaine has women).

Dragonfly and ant. Artist E. Rachev

Dragonfly and ant. Artist T. Vasilyeva

Dragonfly and ant. Artist S. Yarovoy

Dragonfly and ant. Artist O. Voronova

Dragonfly and ant. Artist Irina Petelina

Dragonfly and ant. Artist I. Semenov

Dragonfly and ant. Artist Yana Kovaleva

Dragonfly and ant. Artist Andrey Kustov

Krylov's fable was filmed twice. The first time this happened was in 1913. Moreover, instead of a dragonfly, for the reasons already mentioned, Vladislav Starevich’s cartoon features a blacksmith.

The second time Krylov’s fable was filmed in 1961 by director Nikolai Fedorov.

Hello! The other day, the editors of “I and the World” came across an amazing essay about the well-known fable by I. A. Krylov “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. Krylov is best known as a Russian publicist, poet, fabulist and publisher of satirical and educational magazines.

The fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” has the following moral: the very moment always comes when you have to pay for your idleness. Therefore, you need to be able to not only have fun, but also work.

Usually the person who read this work always agreed with this opinion. At school, our teachers taught us exactly this - study, work, and have fun later.

However, the child who wrote this essay saw a completely different moral in the fable and expressed it in his school work.

And here is the fable itself, in case you’ve already forgotten the text:

Fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant"

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang,
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died,
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

Everything has passed: with the cold winter
Need, hunger is coming,
The dragonfly no longer sings,
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:
Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm!

Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?
Ant tells her.

Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that it turned my head.

Oh, so you...

I sang all summer without a soul.

Did you sing everything? This business:
So come and dance!

The same essay by a schoolboy:

The parents of this young man posted a photo of the essay on the Internet. They didn’t even suspect how much interest there would be around this school creation.

Unusual for everyone, this child’s opinion cannot be called incorrect. And it has a right to exist.

People simply need to see the beauty that surrounds us, and not just work tirelessly.

And dragonflies probably exist for this purpose, to add bright colors to the everyday life of our lives.

It is impossible to remain indifferent to the conclusion of this free-thinking student!

He showed a completely different side of the moral of this famous fable.

Be surprised with!

We all remember Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” very well from childhood. The moral of the fable is known to every schoolchild: work will be rewarded, and idleness will be punished. But is the essence of the fable limited to this brief formulation? Let's try to answer this question.

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What is Krylov’s merit?

Fable is a specific genre of short poetic parable, almost completely exhausted in Russian literature by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. He was the sole author of the majority fables he wrote, and some of them are translations into Russian of the works of La Fontaine, who, in turn, borrowed them from Aesop - as happened with the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. Despite the fact that this is a translation, Krylov’s fable spoke in a completely different way, in a new way. In this regard, the Russian-speaking reader is very lucky, because only a native Russian speaker can fully appreciate the true depth of Krylov’s vision of timeless plots.

Language means of conveying the author's message

Ivan Andreevich worked on each of his fables with the painstaking care of a jeweler, mercilessly getting rid of all unnecessary words, honing the text to perfection. That's why they're so easy to learn by heart. At the same time, Krylov never compromised on content; in very rare cases he could allow himself some grammatical clumsiness or shifting of emphasis, but he did not omit the necessary words that accurately expressed his thought for the sake of the beauty of the verse.

It will be incomplete without an analysis of linguistic techniques. Here you can highlight several bright means that help the author convey the main idea.

Features of age perception

Many people think that it is too early for schoolchildren to read, for example, War and Peace or Crime and Punishment. What about our favorite fables? They are useful to read both in childhood and in adulthood. After all, with age, many People begin to look at classic literary works differently, and the fable, in which, it would seem, everything is extremely clear, is no exception. Analyzing the works of the classics, it is easy to delve into such a jungle that the classics themselves would be amazed. But the good thing about their books is that every reader - young or old, layman or scholar - will find something of his own in them, see through the prism of his own perception of life.

Moral of the fable at school

Introduction to the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” takes place in primary school and has two main goals:

  1. educational - teach children to work with a literary work, analyze it, highlight the main idea;
  2. educational - to convey morality to students, or rather, to make them understand it themselves: you need to work for the future, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Thus , educational goal at this stage coincides with the actual mission of the genre - to illustrate a simple truth with a short, but capacious and colorful example. This is exactly what should be reflected in a student’s reading diary.

Perception of fable depth in adulthood

An adult, after re-reading the fable, will notice that it talks about justice, while between the lines one can also see injustice . After all, Krylov created at the beginning of the 19th century, when the country had a clear social stratification due to serfdom. The peasants worked hard all their lives, and for their owners, the “red summer” never ended. The role of the dragonfly could be impoverished nobles who, being unsuited to any kind of work, suddenly found themselves without a means of subsistence.

Ambiguity of heroes

The names of the heroes of the fable have become household names. He works like an ant, we say - this is a positive review. And when we call a girl a dragonfly, for example, we mean her traits such as mobility, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and carelessness.

Based on this, it cannot be said that Dragonfly is a uniquely vicious hero. Perhaps a role in this assessment was played by the fact that the modern idea of ​​dragonflies has changed since the time of Krylov, when a dragonfly was called “the one who chirps” - a grasshopper, or a cicada, as in La Fontaine. There was no talk of any beauty, and if schoolchildren feel sorry for the dragonfly, justifying it by saying that it decorates the world with its existence, it turns out that they did not read the fable exactly as it was written.

I always felt sorry for the dragonfly. The ant, in fact, sent her to die.

Anechka Balyakina

We went through this fable at school. Well done ant, respect to him. I've been plowing all summer, so now let me rest and not feed parasites.

This article describes the history of the creation of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant", its plot, morality and main idea.

A fable is a moralizing work that ridicules the vices of people. The characters in a fable are usually animals, things, plants or insects. With their help it is easier to understand the essence of morality. Who wrote the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant"? The moral, main idea and reasoning can be found in this article.

Who and when wrote the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: author, history of creation

"Dragonfly and Ant"

But the creator of this work was not Krylov. He simply rewrote the fable of the French writer Jean de La Fontaine “The Cicada and the Ant” from another language into Russian. La Fontaine is also not the author of the fable, since he borrowed the plot from Aesop, a Greek fabulist who lived in the 6th century BC. But it was Krylov who made the translation into Russian. The result is a work that we know now, and on which many generations have been brought up.

Fable by I.A. Krylov “Dragonfly and Ant”: text

The text of the work is small. Primary school children are assigned to learn it. It is easy to remember. Here is the text of I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”:

Fable text

I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: morality, main idea

Like any other work, Krylov’s “Dragonfly and Ant” contains a moral and a main idea.

  • The moral is in the ending, but before that an interesting plot unfolds. The dragonfly was not prepared for winter; it sang and danced all the warm summer days. But when winter came, she came to the Ant and began to ask him to eat and warm up.
  • The ant worked hard from the beginning to the end of summer to be ready for the winter cold. Therefore, he answered the Dragonfly with a hint of sarcasm: since she sang all summer, let her go and dance now.
  • The main idea of ​​the fable is that Dragonfly did not work in the summer, and in the winter he was left with nothing - without a home and food. The ant worked all summer, so he has a place to live and something to eat.

Human vices are hidden under the actions of the Dragonfly in this fable. After all, there are also people who do not like to work, but when they need something, they ask those who worked.

I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: a summary for the reader’s diary

Primary school students in Russian literature need to keep a reading diary in which they write down brief summaries of the works they read. This helps you remember stories and fables better. Here is a summary for the reader’s diary of I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”:

Jumping Dragonfly did not work all summer, but only sang and danced. Under each sheet she had both a table and a house ready. But the summer quickly ended. The Dragonfly had neither food nor a home, and she decided to go to the Ant, who had been working all summer. The Ant asks the Dragonfly, what did she do all summer? The dragonfly has nothing to answer except: “Sang.” “Oh, were you singing? So go ahead and dance,” the Ant answered her.

How to characterize the heroes of the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: characteristics of the heroes

"Dragonfly and Ant"

At school they are asked to characterize the characters of this fable. With the help of characteristics, you can understand which character is positive and which, on the contrary, is negative.

  • The characteristics of the Dragonfly are frivolous and proud. Doesn't like to work, but only sings and dances. Cheerful, lively, joyful, but at the end of the fable - sad and preoccupied.
  • Characteristics of the Ant: wise, loves to work. Serious and always insists on his decision. Smart, because he understands that in order to have food and shelter in winter, you need to work all summer.

If these characters are characterized in two words, then the Dragonfly is flighty and uncalculating, and the Ant is reasonable and businesslike.

Why did the Dragonfly turn to the Ant, what did the Dragonfly ask the Ant to do?

The Dragonfly turned to the Ant because he is a hard worker and worked all summer so that in winter he would have a place to live and something to eat. The Dragonfly admitted its mistake and asked the Ant politely for shelter and food, so that he could feed and warm it.

What is condemned and ridiculed in the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”; what does the fable teach?

"Dragonfly and Ant"

The work “Dragonfly and Ant” condemns frivolity and narcissism. It also ridicules such human vices as laziness, carelessness and idleness. The fable teaches people to be hardworking, wise, serious and responsible. In addition to holidays and fun, there are also workdays, when you need to work so that you have something to eat and where to live.

How does the author relate to the Dragonfly and the Ant in Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”?

The dragonfly evokes sympathy. She cannot realize that she did the wrong thing, she is used to living one day at a time and having everything ready. She is ready to accept advice, but only for a while, since basically Dragonfly is only capable of a carefree existence. She is not a negative hero, but she is not worthy of being an example for others.

Why I liked the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: reasoning

All fables are moralizing and therefore adults and children like them after reading them. After all, with their help you can see vices and learn not to make the same mistakes that the characters do. Here is a detailed discussion of why I liked the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant:

Even though the dragonfly didn’t work all summer and didn’t store food or shelter for the winter, but only sang and danced, I still feel sorry for it. She is not worthy of being an example for others, but she is regrettable. Dragonfly asked Ant to shelter her only until spring. But he refused because she did not realize her mistakes, which she would repeat again and again. The diligent and hardworking Ant, on the contrary, worked all summer, and it is clear why he refused to help the Dragonfly. He knows that it is necessary to take care of tomorrow. But I still do not agree with the moral of this fable, since the Ant could have shown mercy and let the Dragonfly live with him for the winter.

With the help of this fable, the author gives advice to readers on how to live: not to be lazy, but to work. But you also need to rest. The ant worked all summer, and in winter he rests, because it is cold outside, but he has shelter and food. The following advice can be given to the Ant: to remain as serious and hardworking, and to the Dragonfly to gain intelligence, work and think about the future.

The fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: a plan for an essay, what questions can be asked?

The Dragonfly came to the Ant to ask for food and shelter.

Primary school students are asked to write an essay at home or in class on the theme of the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. Here is the outline for the essay

  1. Dragonfly Entertainment.
  2. Asking Ant for help.
  3. How did he teach Dragonfly a lesson for idleness?

To make it easier to write an essay, you can pose questions, and the answers to them are a finished essay. Here are the questions:

  1. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?
  2. What changed in her life with the onset of cold weather?
  3. Who did Dragonfly turn to when she needed help? What did she ask?
  4. What did Ant answer her? How to understand his words: “You sang everything? This business. So go and dance”?
  5. Do you feel sorry for Dragonfly? Give a detailed answer.
  6. What would you do if you were Ant and why?
  7. Which lines contain the main idea of ​​the fable?
  8. With the help of this work, what did the author want to convey to us?
  9. Using the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant, what should people not do?

When writing an essay, it is important to understand the main idea of ​​the work. In this fable, it lies in the fact that you don’t need to act thoughtlessly, otherwise you may be left with nothing later.

What popular expressions and proverbs can be extracted from the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”?

Catchphrases and aphorisms from this work are used even by modern people in colloquial speech. This suggests that this work is truly interesting and instructive. Winged expressions that can be extracted from the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”:

This expression means spending time without benefit, a waste of time.

This expression indicates the fleetingness of time. Summer is short and passes quickly, followed quickly by winter.

Dragonfly had treats everywhere. You can sleep and eat anywhere.

This expression indicates that you don’t even want to do your favorite things if you’re hungry and cold.

Frivolous behavior always leads to a person forgetting about important matters.

The following proverbs fit the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”:

Proverbs that fit the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

Any fable by Krylov can be learned within half an hour. You need to use some tricks. Here are tips on how to quickly learn the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”:

  1. You can sing the words of the work. Three or four such repetitions to your favorite melody, and the fable will quickly be remembered.
  2. Imagine yourself as a great reader and read the fable in front of the mirror.
  3. Imagine the events that are described in the fable. Also imagine the sequence of plot development. Of course, you won’t be able to remember it the first time, but you can peek while you’re memorizing it - 30 minutes and the fable is memorized without difficulty.
  4. You can also repeat it in quatrains. First learn the first 4 lines, then the second and so on. Then repeat the entire piece 3 times.

In addition, memorization can be helped by imagining yourself as a Dragonfly. You also need to talk through everything according to a pre-drawn plan. The plan and questions for the fable were written above. Designate for yourself the sequence of events and then learning the piece will not be difficult.

Staging of a fable, script for a theatrical production for the autumn holiday “Dragonfly and Ant”: words, text

The fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” is small and can be told in 30 seconds. But this does not mean that it will not be possible to make a theatrical production with this work. You can come up with an original dramatization of the fable, for example, for the autumn holiday. Here is the script for this fable - words, text:

Fable dramatization: characters
Dramatization of the fable
Dramatization of the fable: next scene

A dragonfly goes to an anthill, wrapped in a dry leaf. Ant looks out.

Dramatization of the fable: ending

This skit is for 5 minutes. It will turn out to be interesting and fun. The scenery and costumes of the characters play an important role. The autumn holiday with a dramatization of Krylov's fable will be memorable, since the work “Dragonfly and Ant” is loved by everyone - both adults and children.

Video: Dragonfly and Ant. I.A. Krylov. Fable

Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant": morality, analysis of expressive means,

Home > Literature > I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: morality and depth

We all remember Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” very well from childhood. The moral of the fable is known to every schoolchild: work will be rewarded, and idleness will be punished. But is the essence of the fable limited to this brief formulation? Let's try to answer this question.

  • What is Krylov’s merit?
  • Features of age perception
  • Moral of the fable at school
  • Ambiguity of heroes

What is Krylov’s merit?

Fable is a specific genre of short poetic parable, almost completely exhausted in Russian literature by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. He was the sole author of most of the fables he wrote, and some of them are adaptations into Russian of the works of La Fontaine, who, in turn, borrowed them from Aesop - as happened with the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. Despite the fact that this is a translation, Krylov’s fable spoke in a completely different way, in a new way. In this regard, the Russian-speaking reader is very lucky, because only a native Russian speaker can fully appreciate the true depth of Krylov’s vision of timeless plots.

This is interesting: allegory in literature - what it is, examples.

Language means of conveying the author's message

Ivan Andreevich worked on each of his fables with the painstaking care of a jeweler, mercilessly getting rid of all unnecessary words, honing the text to perfection. That's why they're so easy to learn by heart. At the same time, Krylov never compromised on content; in very rare cases he could allow himself some grammatical clumsiness or shifting of emphasis, but he did not omit the necessary words that accurately expressed his thought for the sake of the beauty of the verse.

An analysis of a fable will be incomplete without an analysis of linguistic techniques. Here you can highlight several bright means that help the author convey the main idea.

  1. Epithets. Krylov calls the dragonfly “jumping,” and this is enough to understand its essence. The reader can easily figure out for himself that she is a lazy person, a windbag, and so on. The author endowed the nature and feelings of the characters with characteristic features: summer - “red”, days - “bright”, winter - “cold”, melancholy - “evil”. The first part of the fable is filled with epithets, the content of which immerses the reader in its atmosphere and sets up the dialogue of the characters in the second part.
  2. Verbs. Krylov does not waste a single word, and this is especially noticeable on verbs. The dragonfly “sang” summer - which means that summer flew by for her like one day, which she thoughtlessly spent on entertainment, and all this is said in one word. Winter has not just arrived, it is “rolling into your eyes”: here you can hear despair caused by the sudden end of summer and, in fact, of life. Krylov’s field was not empty, not frozen, but “dead” - another sign of fate, the rapid approach of the end. The Dragonfly “no longer sings”, it “crawls” to the Ant, begging her “not to leave” - a hopeless request! And the final word of the fable is “dance!” - is actually a sentence, and clearly expresses evil irony.
  3. Oppositions. The entire text is built on them, and they help to understand not only its content, but also the character of the characters. The ant has not received a single epithet at all, and, nevertheless, its image stands out clearly. How did the author achieve this? “The angry one is depressed, she crawls towards the Ant” - the very fact that the hungry Dragonfly came to the Ant makes the latter its antipode, and the reader has no questions about his qualities. The dragonfly sang and jumped all summer, but the ant, on the contrary, worked and prepared for winter. Summer and winter, fun and work, prosperity and need, and finally, the Dragonfly and Ant themselves - the entire text is clearly demarcated into black and white, like a yin-yang sign.

This is interesting: generalized personal sentences, their examples in the literature.

Features of age perception

Many people think that it is too early for schoolchildren to read, for example, “War and Peace” or “Crime and Punishment.” What about our favorite fables? They are useful to read both in childhood and in adulthood. After all, with age, people begin to look at many classic literary works differently, and the fable, in which, it would seem, everything is extremely clear, is no exception. Analyzing the works of the classics, it is easy to delve into such a jungle that the classics themselves would be amazed. But the good thing about their books is that every reader - young or old, layman or scholar - will find something of his own in them, see through the prism of his own perception of life.

Moral of the fable at school

Introduction to the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” takes place in elementary school and has two main goals:

  1. educational - teach children to work with a literary work, analyze it, highlight the main idea;
  2. educational - to convey morality to students, or rather, to make them understand it themselves: you need to work for the future, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Thus, the educational goal at this stage coincides with the actual mission of the genre - to illustrate a simple truth with a short, but capacious and colorful example. This is exactly what should be reflected in a student’s reading diary.

Perception of fable depth in adulthood

An adult, after re-reading the fable, will notice that it talks about justice, while between the lines one can also see injustice. After all, Krylov worked at the beginning of the 19th century, when there was a clear social stratification in the country due to serfdom. The peasants worked hard all their lives, and for their owners, the “red summer” never ended. The role of the dragonfly could be impoverished nobles who, being unsuited to any kind of work, suddenly found themselves without a means of subsistence.

Ambiguity of heroes

The names of the heroes of the fable have become household names. He works like an ant, we say - this is a positive review. And when we call a girl a dragonfly, for example, we mean her traits such as mobility, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and carelessness.

Based on this, it cannot be said that Dragonfly is a uniquely vicious hero. Perhaps a role in this assessment was played by the fact that the modern idea of ​​dragonflies has changed since the time of Krylov, when a dragonfly was called “the one who chirps” - a grasshopper, or a cicada, as in La Fontaine. There was no talk of any beauty, and if schoolchildren feel sorry for the dragonfly, justifying it by saying that it decorates the world with its existence, it turns out that they did not read the fable exactly as it was written.

I always felt sorry for the dragonfly. The ant, in fact, sent her to die.

Anechka Balyakina

We went through this fable at school. Well done ant, respect to him. I've been plowing all summer, so now let me rest and not feed parasites.

Maxim Kantova

It’s like this with insects: whoever doesn’t store food is lost. If the dragonfly were a person, and at the same time sang and danced well, it would be paid money for it, and more than the ant who spent the whole summer dragging grain from the collective farm fields.

Karina Galimova

Analysis of Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

Ivan Andreevich Krylov considered some of his fables borrowed. He took the plots of these fables from ancient fabulists. But the poet-critic Zhukovsky called Krylov’s translated fables also original.

In order to understand at what height Krylov stands in comparison with all his predecessors, it is enough to compare any borrowed fable with the original and imitations. For example, Chemnitzer and Krylov both imitated La Fontaine in the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

This is how this fable looks like in La Fontaine: “The dragonfly, having sung all summer, was left without reserve when winter came. She went to her ant neighbor and asked to borrow a few grains to live until spring, promising to repay the debt with interest. The Ant did not want to lend the Dragonfly and asked what she had been doing all summer? She sang day and night. You sang, now dance.

Chemnitzer made a poetic translation of this fable by La Fontaine, but did not change anything in the plot. His translation is quite simple and naive.

Krylov, in his version of the fable, describes in detail the character of the characters. First, he introduces the readers to Dragonfly, agile, playful, with a lively temperament and cheerful character. Describing the Dragonfly, he did not simply say “jumping”, but used the word “jumping”; he found in the Russian language a word that cannot be translated into every language. And, moreover, he used it in order to give Dragonfly a moral quality, to designate not the best trait of her character - frivolity.

In Russia, unlike warm countries, summer is short, and Krylov outlined this feature of the Russian climate twice: firstly, because of this short duration, it is dearer to us and that is why people call summer beautiful: “The red summer sang.” Secondly, Dragonfly didn’t even have time to look back when summer flew by and winter came.

La Fontaine makes no mention of the transience of summer, and this is quite understandable - summer in Europe is much longer than in Russia. Krylov further emphasizes the charm of our summer when he paints a picture of winter fields: “The pure field has died.” For Krylov, winter does not come, as in La Fontaine’s fable and Chemnitzer’s translation; for Krylov, winter arrives on a sleigh, and in Russian, quickly: “I didn’t have time to look back, As winter rolls into my eyes.” La Fontaine's Dragonfly does not change its behavior with the onset of winter. And in Krylov she is no longer able to fly or jump: “She is crawling towards the Ant.”

With just two words, “jumping” and “crawling,” the brilliant fabulist marked the beginning and end of a whole drama in the life of an insect.

Dragonfly’s appeal to the Ant “Don’t leave me, dear godfather!” reflects the ancient patriarchal custom by which a Russian person addresses his neighbors using related names, thereby showing that he views his people as a single family. Krylov's Dragonfly hopes to survive the winter at the expense of the Ant in his home.

In La Fontaine there is no talk of any gratuitous help; the Dragonfly in his fable only asks for a loan, promising to return both capital and interest. This pattern of behavior is more typical for residents of Europe.

It is impossible not to notice that Krylov entered much deeper into the nature of the insect and psychologically correctly depicted the innate frivolity of the Dragonfly. She does not repent, does not promise to change her lifestyle and work, but only “... She is depressed with evil melancholy.” The dragonfly is still under the spell of summer entertainment and cannot tear itself away from it:

“Was it before, my dear? In the soft ants we have Songs, playfulness every hour,

So much so that my head was turned!”

Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade "Fable by I.A. Krylov "The Dragonfly and the Ant""

Every adult knows who the Dragonfly and Ant are. It's time to introduce your child to these bright characters from the famous fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.

Fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant".

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang,
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died,
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

Everything has passed: with the cold winter
Need, hunger is coming,
The dragonfly no longer sings,
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:
Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm!

Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?
Ant tells her.

Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that it turned my head.

Oh, so you...

I sang all summer without a soul.

Did you sing everything? This business:
So come and dance!

Moral of Krylov's fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.”

The moral of the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” about a hardworking ant and a frivolous dragonfly is contained in the last two lines of the work with the meaning that you cannot live in today’s day all the time and only have fun, you also need to work, even if you don’t want to do it at all, because no one else , of course, you yourself will never take care of you.

Analysis of the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.

At its core, the fable “Dragonfly and the Ant” is a translation of one of the fables (“Cicada and the Ant”) by another author, Jean de La Fontaine, the plot of which is also not original. It is borrowed from the works of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop. Nevertheless, it is difficult to call the works of both Lafontaine and Krylov a simple translation, since each of them is adapted to a specific people and their way of life, characteristic of the time and place of residence of the author.

Krylov wrote the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” at the beginning of the 19th century, so it is not surprising that its main positive hero was the hardworking ant, who, like all peasants of that time, worked tirelessly all summer in order not to starve in the winter. At this time, the dragonfly lived for its own pleasure, had fun and did not even think about what it would do when the cold came. When the cold came, Jumper had no choice but to go to the Ant to beg. The Ant, having carefully inquired what the Dragonfly was doing all the time, understands that the Dragonfly itself is to blame for all its troubles, so instead of shelter and food, it playfully mocks the frivolous insect. Hence the moral about the need to take care of the future today.

Winged expressions from the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.

  • “Did you sing everything? This is the thing: So come and dance!” – from the moment the fable was written, it means ridicule/reproach to a carefree person.
  • “Jumping Dragonfly” is used in modern speech to characterize a frivolous, frivolous woman.