All conjugations in Russian table. What is verb conjugation? Personal verb endings

The definition of the conjugation of the verb puts many in a stupor. Although when writing a business letter or a post on a forum, the word “conjugation” itself may not even arise in the mind. However, in order not to be considered illiterate, the endings of verbs should be written correctly.

What is verb conjugation?

Conjugation is just that grammatical category of the verb, which, determining its change by persons and numbers, dictates which letter to write in its dubious ending.

There are two known conjugations of the verb: the first and the second, respectively. Depending on which of them the verb belongs to, the choice of the letter that must be written at its end occurs.

It is worth remembering that past tense verbs do not have conjugation, since there is simply nothing to doubt.

How to determine the conjugation of a verb?

How to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian, grade 5 will probably answer you in chorus. Unless, of course, the children themselves figured out the complex algorithm presented in the textbooks.

So, let's figure it out.

To find out the conjugation of a verb and determine which vowel to write in its ending, we first look at where the stress falls in the word. If the ending is stressed, then everything is immediately clear with the vowel. She stands in a strong position, and there should be no doubt. Conjugation is determined by the vowel itself. So, if the vowels e, y, u are stressed, then the verb of the first conjugation, and if in a strong position and, a or I, then the verb of the second conjugation. For example: sleep - ch. 2 questions; bear - ch. 1 ref.
All cards can be confused by the prefix you- in the verb. Usually, the emphasis always falls on it (for example, burn out). In this case, you need to discard the hindrance and consider the word without the prefix.

For example: burn out - burn out - burn out - Ch. 2 ref.

If the stress does not fall on the end of the verb, its conjugation is determined by the infinitive. For those who have forgotten: this is an indefinite form of the verb that answers the questions what to do? / what to do?. For example: verb (what to do?) draws - infinitive (what to do?) draw. verb (what to do?) say - infinitive (what to do?) to say.
Verbs of the second conjugation are verbs whose infinitive ends in -it. Then, in personal endings, the verbs will have vowels and, a, ya. For example: spend_t - spend - spend, go_te - walk - walk.
All other verbs can be safely attributed to the verbs of the first conjugation. For example: get up - get up - get up; pobor_t - to overcome - they will overcome.
There are exceptions to every rule. From this too. So, the verbs of the second conjugation include 4 verbs in -at: drive, hold, hear, breathe - and 7 verbs in -et: look, see, depend, endure, twirl, offend, hate. For example: look - look, drive - driven.
And the verbs of the first conjugation include verbs on -it: shave, lay, build up (i.e., build on), sway (i.e., swing, fluctuate). For example: shave - shave, build up - build up.

Memorization methods

Verb conjugation is one of the most difficult rules of the “great and mighty”. And today invented great amount options for his memorization algorithms, comic rhymes and songs, tables. But the essence is the same: it is important to track the dependence of the letter in the unstressed personal ending of the verb on the letter in the infinitive, as well as keep in mind 15 exception verbs, and you will determine the conjugation even before you start writing the verb.

How to determine the conjugation of verbs in Russian, the table will best show. Visualization also helps to connect visual memory.

And here is a rhyme that helps with the answer to the question of how to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian:

To the second harness

We'll take it without a doubt

All verbs that on -it,

Excluding shaving, laying.

And also look, offend,

Hear, see, hate,

Drive, hold, breathe, endure,

And depend, and twirl.

One verb - two conjugations

Known in Russian and the so-called heterogeneous verbs. These are those in which the letters of the first conjugation are used in some forms, and the second conjugation in others. Among them are the verbs to eat, want, give, run, honor, glimpse.

For example: honor - honor (2 ref.) - honor (1 ref.), want - wants (1 ref.) - want (2 ref.).

An example is given for "OH", that is, the third person. Most of the time it causes problems. How can you guess which conjugation a verb belongs to? The fact is that each conjugation of the verb has its own set of endings for different persons. And if it is not clear which ending to put in the 3rd person (knows or knows), you can see what endings are put in other persons and in the infinitive, and find your bearings.

We determine the conjugation of the verb by personal ending

Here are the personal endings for the verbs "to know" and "to speak".

As you can see, in the third person plural, the ending of the first conjugation is "UT" (know), and the second - YAT (they say).

In general, the endings are:

As you can see, the endings for the first and second conjugations are different.

So if you're not sure how to write "he KNOWS" or "he knows", then try to think about how to write "they KNOW" or "they KNOW". They know it sounds right, right? So, as you can see from the table, this is the verb of the first conjugation. And you need to write "he knows." If with the word "they" it is also not clear how it is correct, then try to determine the conjugation using the infinitive. To be honest, it would be better to start with the infinitive, as it is easier.

Learn the conjugation of the verb by the infinitive

Learning the conjugation of the infinitive is very simple. Because in the infinitive the ending is obvious, it usually has an accent or such a letter that it is not to be confused.

If in the infinitive the ending is "it", then this is the II conjugation, otherwise the I conjugation.

So, to learn the conjugation by the infinitive:

  • Put the verb in the indefinite form by asking the question "what to do".
  • Look at the ending and determine the conjugation.
  • to know - AT, I conjugation
  • play - AT, I conjugation
  • SPEAK - IT, II conjugation
  • SAW - IT, II conjugation

Remembering exceptions

The previous rule with the infinitive has exceptions. Here they are:

Drive, hold, look and see, breathe, hear, hate. And depend, and twirl, and offend, and endure.

Despite the fact that these verbs, judging by the infinitive, would belong to the 1st conjugation, in fact they belong to the 2nd conjugation.

He looks, depends, sees, etc.

The second verse for memorizing verbs:

drive keep - exceptions

Don't Forget Conjugated Verbs

Some verbs have first and second conjugation endings.

For example, the verb "want":

  • The kids want to eat ice cream. 2 ref.
  • Do you want to walk the dog in the yard or stay at home? 1 ref.
  • Do you want to book tickets for a boat trip? 2 ref.

Or the verb "to run":

  • I'm running with the wind. 1 ref.
  • The road runs through the hills, winding like a hare. 2 ref.
  • Thoughts run wild. 1 ref.

Fortunately, there are few such verbs.

Good afternoon, dear student! Today we will talk about one of the most difficult types of parts of speech in Russian - the verb. It is not surprising that foreigners always have difficulties when studying this part of speech, because even Russian-speaking people often make mistakes. So what is conjugation?

Conjugation is a change in the form of a verb in persons and numbers. There are only 2 types of conjugation in Russian: 1st and 2nd, but there are quite a few exceptions that need to be remembered. A person in Russian is a category of a verb, with the help of which it is indicated who performs the action. As far as we know from previous articles, that in Russian there are 3 persons: 1- include pronouns I, we. 2nd person refers to you, you. The 3rd refers to - he, she, it, they.

To understand which conjugation a particular verb belongs to, we need to know that stress plays an important role here. The fact is that conjugation is determined by the endings and suffixes of the verb.

1. According to the stressed personal endings of present tense verbs.
2. If the ending of the verb is unstressed, the conjugation is determined by the suffixes of the indefinite form. Consider how to determine the conjugation by personal endings, the highlighted letters are under stress:

1 conjugation

Face Ends h. Endings Mn. Ch. Example
1 -u/u -eat Rice at u/Rust yo m
2 -eat -et Rice at eat / grow yo those
3 -et -ut/ut Rice at em/rice at ut

2 conjugation

If our endings are unstressed, then in order to determine the conjugation of the verb, we need to turn to the indefinite form and determine the desired conjugation by the suffix. But in Russian there are many exceptions, which I wrote about above.

Verbs of the 1st conjugation are represented by the following suffixes:

  • verbs in the indefinite form with the suffix -et, except for 7 exception verbs: see, offend, hate, depend, endure, watch, twirl.
  • verbs that have the suffix -at in the indefinite form, except for exception verbs: breathe, drive, hear and hold.
  • three verbs with the suffix -it: to build (based on something), lay and shave.
  • all verbs with suffixes: -ot, -ut, -t: shod, weed, grind.
Verbs 2 conjugations:
  • all verbs with the suffix - it, except for 3 verbs that were described in 1 conjugation.
  • seven verbs with the suffix - et: which were described in 1 conjugation.
  • four exception verbs with the suffix - at: described in the 1st conjugation.
However, in Russian there are a lot of conjugated verbs that can refer to both the 1st and the second conjugation, for example,

Want, honor, run, forgive

These verbs belong partially to 1 and 2 conjugations.



Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: WATCH

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

What is the conjugation of the verb, every literate person knows. But for many, this topic still raises a lot of questions, because the verb is one of the most mysterious parts of speech, which has the largest number of morphological features. We will tell you more about how not to get confused in them.

First conjugation

In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of endings, you need to know what the conjugation of the verb is. What is meant by this concept? Linguists call conjugation the change of absolutely all verbs in categories such as person and number.

Depending on the endings, two types of endings are usually distinguished, which are usually called "first" and "second". In order to correctly determine the conjugation, put the verb in a form called the infinitive, answering the question what to do (to do)?

After that, we look at what the word ends with. The last letters “-ot”, “-et”, “-at”, “-yat”, “-yt” tell us that we have the first conjugation of verbs: words weed, hurt, think, shoot, wash.

What should you do if the last postfix in the word is “-sya”?

In words fight, fight, fight it is not difficult to determine the conjugation. You just need to drop the “-sya” suffix, look again at how the word ends, and use the same algorithm to determine the conjugation. Word fight without a postfix ends in "-ot", which means it refers to the first conjugation.

As with any rule, there are exceptions to this too. The words shave and lay usually referred to as the first conjugation. This is due to the historical change of these words.

Second conjugation

In order to distinguish it from the first, you need to know how the words of this group end in an indefinite form. Knowing what the conjugation of the verb is, it will not be difficult to do this. Infinitives ending in "-it" (except those already mentioned shave and lay) will refer to the second conjugation: talk, laugh, catch, love.

Ignore the "-sya" return suffix. It doesn't change the conjugation at all: pray, boast, build.

However, here you need to be more careful, this group of verbs has as many as eleven exceptions: drive, breathe, hear, hold, endure, twirl, depend, look, hate, see, offend. All of them, despite the fact that they do not end in the combination "-it", also belong to the second conjugation. These verbs must be learned, otherwise mistakes are inevitable.

Application of the rule in practice

Now we know which conjugation the verb belongs to if it is in the indefinite form. But often in oral and written speech we use this part of speech, put in the right person and number.

For example, we have the verb “thinks”. It is in the form of 3 liters. singular. It is necessary to determine its initial form: what to do? Think - ends in "-at", does not belong to the list of listed exceptions, and therefore belongs to the first conjugation.

Another example is the verb "to live". Everything seems to be clear: the ending is “-it”, and therefore the second conjugation. But here you should be more careful: if you put the word in the plural form of 3 persons, you get “live”.

Let's recall the table of personal endings of verbs: if it is stressed, then we will attribute to conjugation 1 words with the endings -et in the singular and -ut (yut) in the plural.
To the second, we will define with -it (singular) and -at (yat) in the plural.

Thus, we see that the word "live" has a personal stress ending "ut", and therefore we will refer it to the first conjugation.

We conclude that we will determine by the infinitive in the case when the ending in the personal verb is unstressed. It is worth considering this carefully so as not to make spelling errors. In a word with a stressed personal ending, there will be no problems with spelling: they bake (1 question), they are silent (2 questions).

Two conjugations in one word

The Russian language is known for its ornate spelling and morphology. It would seem that we have named both groups of conjugations, found out what exceptions are in each of them, and learned the ending of personal forms.

But here we have the word "wants". The ending "-et" tells us that this is the first conjugation. But it is worth putting it in the plural, and we get "want." As you know, "-yat" refers to the second. What is the peculiarity of conjugation of verbs? The fact that some of them have endings of both groups. Such words are called heterogeneous. In addition to the verb "want", they include the word "run", as well as "honor".

Now, knowing what the conjugation of the verb is, you can easily determine it. To be able to do this correctly means not to make mistakes in the spelling of endings.