Hsv definition. What is CVD and how to get rid of it? CVW is it good or bad

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you use social networks or play online games, you have probably come across this tricky abbreviation. As well as many others that I have already written about (denoting , ).

In the youth slang, the CSV went wild in earnest. Use it right and left. Trying to offend, you can write an unpleasant comment with these three letters, you feel that they want to pry you, but there is no complete understanding of what this means and how exactly to answer.

Familiar situation? Let's get out of an uncomfortable situation together, especially since these three funny letters can be applied to you on business and it makes sense to look at yourself and your behavior without rose-colored glasses.

What does CHSV mean?

Often used and not understood by everyone is always intriguing. What is it or, maybe, who is CSV? Is it appropriate to use this expression in communication?

CHSV is an abbreviation, and its decoding is - sense of self-importance. When a person considers himself better than others, does not listen to anyone and does not accept the beliefs of other people, he runs the risk of receiving these three cheerful letters in response.

Asking a question, such a person (realizing his own importance) does not want to hear your answer, it is important for him to be heard. There is an expression very close in meaning, but already from the field of medicine - megalomania.

Some Internet users decipher CHSV as sense of self-importance, which is also applicable and does not distort the meaning. In the Latin we love, Persona grandis means an important person. The second decoding option, Persona exaltatio, in translation is a majestic personality, there is another interpretation - a person with pride.

- Well, everything is clear! You exclaim in relief. “It doesn’t concern me, I’m a shirt guy with a bunch of friends.

Do not rush to conclusions, gentlemen.

Self-importance in youth and not only

Absolutely all people have a sense of self-importance. It is instilled in us from childhood. In a consumer society, where we were not lucky enough to be born, this is indispensable. Remember how you were told that you need to be the first, study better, play sports, compete with peers, get ahead of everyone in beauty, harmony, clothes.

Especially HR is exacerbated in young people. A teenager needs the praise and support of others, strives to win recognition and popularity among peers at any cost, despite the "mountains of corpses" behind.

Not only deciphering is interesting, but also the interpretation of CSF in some circles of the youth environment. For example, among gamers it is taken as an insult, addressed to participants with inflated self-esteem, which has no basis.

They overestimate their own importance too much, losing the ability to think clearly, which becomes the cause of most personal problems. Gamers (?) are, first of all, people who know how to play in a team, where too arrogant will only interfere with everyone.

In the eyes of the community, this is a negative character trait that a normal person needs to quickly get rid of. Do you want to know what CHSV means in VK?

Indication of misbehavior! This hint is upsetting, sobering, forcing you to pay attention to your own shortcomings.

They really believe in their own uniqueness. They need to feed the awareness of their greatness. Therefore, invented feats and talents are used. Have you looked in the mirror? Did you see such a person there? Well, good.

Why is CVD dangerous?

The danger of CVD is that it takes energy our personality every day. With the remaining forces, we are only enough to surrender to the mercy of society and its rules. So thought the thinker Carlos Castaneda.

And now about the danger of an overestimated sense of self-importance seriously. Here is a video with food for thought.

And not only arrogant self-satisfied personalities have an inflated CSF. Feeling like a loser, a worthless person is also a manifestation of a sense of self-importance. The motivation for megalomania and self-pity is the same. These thoughts and emotions with opposite signs become the causes of daily insanity.

How to curb your sense of self-importance

Are you saying that this statement does not apply to you? Then answer your questions:

  1. how we humans can mercilessly use nature, people and at the same time scream about pollution, injustice, total selfishness;
  2. why we can't just observe without criticizing, without labeling;
  3. how significant a role we play in the universe.

Castaneda wrote that the CSF is our most powerful and main enemy. The insults and attacks of others reach the goal with our permission and make us weaker.

Pride makes us feel insulted, humiliated. We are losing the strength that would help us expand our vision of the world. By getting rid of HFV, we become invincible.

Do you think there is something to think about?

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In his books, he describes it as a moral feeling of exaltation over someone or something, emphasizing the significance of himself and his actions. In other words, a sense of self-importance is self-evaluation. Since a person is usually constantly in this state, it prevents him from soberly assessing the situation and making the necessary decision. According to Castaneda's books, it is the feeling of self-importance that takes away most of our energy in everyday life, thus leaving it only to live according to social prescriptions and conventions.

It does not matter whether our sense of self-importance is positive or negative. The belief that you are a failure is as much an expression of self-importance as the belief that you are better than others. Overestimation of oneself, megalomania, arrogance and narcissism are identical in their main motivation to self-compassion, an inferiority complex, repentance and martyrdom. All these and similar motives imply that too much importance is attached to one's own person - at least enough to justify the daily madness that follows. A sense of self-importance puts blinders on us, reducing the world to selfish interests and allowing us to see only what is directly related to our person. This is the only way to explain how we manage to exploit nature and the people around us and at the same time complain about environmental pollution, social injustice and the widespread spread of selfishness. We are absolutely unable to observe the world and ourselves without making judgments about it, and come to a view of things in which we do not play any significant role, which in the vast majority of cases is true.

Loss of self-importance is the main prerequisite for achieving the state warrior, along with such as erasing personal history and taking responsibility for actions.

These prerequisites are explicitly highlighted in the third book, Journey to Ixtlan, where each item is devoted to a separate chapter. Other books also constantly mention the key role of the HRW in our limitations as human beings.

Loss of self-importance

The loss of CSV leads to the restoration of our primordial energy resources, which can be applied to the expansion of our perception of the world. Mankind used to think that self-esteem is an important element of personality, however, according to Castaneda, this is not so. A person without a sense of self-importance does not critically reduce self-esteem, but does not take it into account, and therefore it loses its meaning for him. Thus, the view of the world can be more conscious if this feeling is avoided. That's the concept

For the nagual Julian, self-importance was a monster with three thousand heads. And the one who entered into battle with her could defeat her in one of three ways. The first way was to cut off each of the heads in turn, the second was to achieve a mysterious state of being called the place of no pity, which destroyed its own importance, slowly killing it with hunger, the third was to pay for the immediate destruction of the thousand-headed monster with its symbolic death.

(Carlos Castaneda "The Power of Silence")

One of the ways to deal with CSF is to "use" petty tyrants, because the constant humiliation on their part allows you to train your control over this feeling.

To perceive this thing, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda - don Juan Matus - very correctly used the term feeling because importance is not some kind of moral inference, but only a sensation, a feeling.

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See what "CSV" is in other dictionaries:

    CHSV- a sense of self-importance CSV is a member of the family of a military man… Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    hsv- Abbreviation. It stands for "Feeling of Self-Importance". negative quality of a person. Theoretical maximum heart rate is 8500. For some, it goes over 9000. Don’t fuck off, lower your heart rate ... Internet slang ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

"ChSV" what does this abbreviation mean in the language of the Internet? Online communication is a special world with its own jargon. Without knowledge of this language, it will not be possible to communicate on equal terms with opponents. If the meaning of some abbreviations comes intuitively: XZ (I don’t know), ATP (thank you), then others must first be deciphered. What is HRW in youth?

CHSV: what does it mean, the origin and history of the term

Wikipedia answers the question about hsv unequivocally: a sense of self-importance, a sense of one's own greatness. The abbreviation came into speech from the book of the outstanding mystic writer Carlos Castaneda "Journey to Ixtlan". The protagonist, Don Juan, claims that for many people, their own personality obscures the whole world, sharply shifts all accents. A person with hypertrophied conceit is confident in his own exclusivity. He considers everyone around less developed in mind, education, experience, ability to think, express an opinion, do something.

Don Juan is sure that such people are like beetles, preoccupied only with themselves, not noticing the world around them. The tendency to overestimate one's own role prevents one from adequately perceiving the world, makes one constantly prove personal exclusivity, and leads to negative consequences, for example, to suicide.

The desire to end life on their own is an extreme manifestation of the ego, when a teenager tries to prove exclusivity and difference from other peers by death.

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Signs of a sense of self-importance

Persons with an overdeveloped ego, unlike knowledgeable and authoritative people, are not self-confident. They do not wait to be asked for their opinion, but impose their point of view, foaming at the mouth, proving its superiority. They want opponents to meekly agree with them, to recognize their significance.

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When communicating with a person suffering from hypertrophied CSV, the interlocutors note the following features for him:

  • disregard for other people's opinions;

What does ChSVshnik mean, how to behave with carriers of ChSV

The appearance on the forum of a person with an exacerbated CSF, the so-called "chsvshnik", becomes an unbearable test for the other participants in the conversation. It is impossible to calculate it immediately. The first remarks and arguments look adequate. If the opponent does not object, he may not show the FSF. But one has only to object, the subsequent conversation will turn into a skirmish and insults.

To continue normal communication, it is necessary to exclude the private from the number of interlocutors. You should not react to his comments, it is useless to join the dispute. The safest position is total disregard.

Important! A sense of self-importance is contagious. It is possible to stop the disease only in the early stages. Therefore, everyone should regularly take the test for CSF, analyzing the behavior in disputes. There is a suspicion of a growing ego? You need to urgently go to a psychologist, otherwise it may reach psychiatrists.

What does CHSV mean in other interpretations

There are other versions of the decoding of the abbreviation. So, for Dota players, it does not have an initially negative connotation and determines the level of skill. But excessive demonstration of achievements can also lead to conflict situations, braggarts are not liked in any social group.

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In the game, Dark Age is translated as the number of the power of things important to protect and play the game. This is an objective indicator that characterizes the level and capabilities of the player.

Arrogance, arrogance, unreasonable show-off. Before you blame people, you need to take a close look in your direction. If a person has stopped noticing personal shortcomings, then soon they will say about him.

Video: "ChSV what does it mean"

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Active Internet users often encounter the abbreviation CHSV. Also, fans of computer games are familiar with this concept firsthand. What does CHSV mean, how is it deciphered?

HR value

Often this abbreviation is used in the phrases "HRF is off scale", "HRV is overestimated" and "increased HRV". What does the user mean by using these words?

CHSV is sense of self-importance. Another interpretation of the abbreviation - sense of self-importance.

A person with an overestimated heart rate believes that he is much better informed in all matters than other people. He has a personal point of view on all events and thinks that only she is correct.

Such a person has a high opinion of his judgments. He does not listen to the opinions of others, ignoring or ridiculing their words. He considers himself the most important and the most important.

History of the abbreviation CHSV

The ancestor of this abbreviation is the writer Carlos Castaneda. He developed the concept of CSF and used it in many of his writings.

Castaneda had a negative attitude towards greatness and selfishness, he wrote how to overcome his ego in order to see all the colors of the world around him. Getting rid of CSF releases a lot of energy and endows a person with limitless power. It is not easy to do this, because a person, as a rule, is filled with 90% of HSF.

Don Juan, the alter ego of Carlos Castaneda, teaches the reader to stop putting the individual in the center and encourages us to "take off the crown." He compares a person to a beetle, who may also have a high heart rate and see this world through the prism of personality. This prevents us from knowing the world, enjoying the harmony of the universe and knowing the joy of being.

Signs of CHSV

To understand what it is, it is necessary to highlight a number of signs that are characteristic of a person of this type:

  1. Selfishness and egocentrism
  2. Self-praise of one's talents
  3. Constant demonstration of superiority over others

The concept of HRW has become a popular internet meme. This meme characterizes people who, in comments or interviews, emphasize their own importance and constantly make references to the importance of their person. Such people are arrogant, they are completely false, and communication with such personalities brings little joy.

Origins of CSF

From the point of view of psychology, a person with an overestimated heart rate has many complexes. He hides his fear and insecurity behind selfishness. A person hides complexes so diligently that he himself does not know about their existence.

Also, individuals with FSW intuitively repel other people, as they are afraid of communication. They hide their essence behind loud statements and false praises addressed to themselves. People with a high HR have a subtle sense of their inferiority and inferiority. They are afraid of change, and therefore they are forced to pass all events through their personality and give them an accurate description.

Competent work with a psychologist will help to identify the cause of such behavior. What is this? This is a trauma, most often it lies in childhood. Resentment and tears forced the little man to put on the armor of the ChSV. To become a harmonious personality, one must free oneself from it.

How to get rid of CSF

To stop putting your personality above other people, it is worth remembering the aphorism: "Be simple, and people will reach out to you."

  • Learn to laugh at yourself. Make fun of your own actions. Criticize yourself. And it is better to do it in the presence of other people. Don't be afraid to be funny or stupid.
  • Try to increase your awareness of life. Do not criticize change, do not hide from the inevitable. Look at the events from a bird's eye view and be surprised how everything that happens is beautiful and harmonious.
  • Do not forget about spiritual growth. Find a list of books that have a positive effect on personality. Start with the classics, try to find answers to your questions in the masterpieces of world literature. Fill your library with books on spiritual growth and development.

A person with an overestimated heart rate is an egoist who is not able to take a sober look at things.

Among the thousands of current memes on the Internet, you must have come across hundreds of jokes about an overestimated heart rate. This slang expression is most often used in the youth environment.

Today you will find out what HRW means in a person! We will talk about deciphering the word and other interesting details related to this meme.

How stands for

Let's start with the most interesting - with decryption.

ESW - feeling of self-importance. By the way, some users decipher this as a sense of their own greatness, which can also be considered the right option. Unfortunately, in our time, this ailment is found in many, and especially among young people.

A teenager whose heart rate goes off scale requires special treatment. He quite sincerely considers himself better than other guys, is endowed with self-confidence and has his own opinion on everything.

But in fact, the importance of such young people is greatly exaggerated. By the way, if someone made a joke about the fact that you have an overestimated heart rate, you should know that this is by no means a compliment!

It seems to us that people who now and then amuse themselves with a sense of their own importance can be called selfish!

How is CHSV translated

It's just slang that comes from a contraction of the words Self-Importance and does not translate in any way. In other words, it's just an abbreviation that means absolutely nothing in English.

Adolescent CHSV

CHSV is most often used in youth slang and for a reason. The transitional age is directly related to the appearance of an excessive (and even painful) sense of self-importance.

It's just that young people need the approval of others, they need to earn the respect of their peers at any cost. After all, you want to be popular and in demand. The children's CSF is gaining momentum, but, unfortunately, the results are very disappointing.

A teenager with an inflated sense of self-importance appears vain and self-centered. And this, as a rule, repels others from him.

Even the friends and parents of the child find it hard to endure this state of affairs, so conflicts and quarrels are brewing. Relationships crack, and the teenager begins to suffer.

At first glance, CHSV is just a funny meme and the sharp jokes associated with it. But if you dig deeper, it becomes clear that this is a very negative character trait that you need to get rid of as soon as possible.

Overestimated heart rate

People with high heart rate are very easy to identify! It is enough to look at their manner of communication, behavior with friends and relatives, and at least once to see a person in an uncomfortable environment for him. Everything immediately becomes clear.