What not to do during the session. Student signs

Tips for students to pass exams

We will tell you what signs exist for students and how to use these signs correctly so as not to harm yourself.

In the student environment, there are a huge number of all kinds of signs and rituals. The vast majority of them are related to the situation of passing exams - and it is not surprising, because the session is the culminating moment of a whole semester of student life, an intense dramatic experience associated with the “struggle for grades”, and the arrival of the session is inexorable, like the change of seasons. Regardless of whether you are an all-round A student or an eternal C student, you pass your first session or the tenth, each exam is always an event. Before the exam, you feel great excitement, a certain tension, mentally assess the degree of your knowledge and ignorance, think about which ticket you will get. No matter how much you study, you always know something better, something worse - hence the lack of complete confidence in your knowledge, although you try not to show it. It is only later, when you pull out a ticket, all emotions go away and a clear, concentrated work of thought begins. Unless, of course, I was preparing for the exam, and I have something to work on.

Students have long had signs, and some of them have several centuries of their history and come directly from the merry medieval students-Vagants.

When preparing for an exam, it is strictly forbidden to throw open books and notes so that what has already been read is not forgotten. In general, the book must be closed every time, thereby symbolically “locking” knowledge in your head. If you still decide to sleep the night before the exam, then this must also be done correctly. The surest remedy in this case is to put lecture notes or a textbook under the pillow for the course that is to be taken in the morning. It is believed that in this case the study of the subject does not stop, so to speak, neither day nor night. Although there is another version of this sign - just the opposite. It is believed that before going to bed on the night before the exam, it is necessary to close and put away all the written materials that were used in the preparation - textbooks, lectures, manuals, etc.

And there is another good tradition: before leaving the house for an exam, sit down on the path, placing a textbook or a notebook with lectures under you.

But with good luck and no fluff you have to be extremely careful. Despite the general opinion that these are happy wishes, they help some, while others, on the contrary, harm. There were cases when anything happened at a completely trifling exam or test - and all because someone willingly wished "no fluff." It should still be remembered that this wish was born in an attempt to deceive evil spirits so that the hunter would return to his tribe with rich prey, but the wish itself remained the same and literally means “to return to you empty-handed.” So, it is better to limit yourself to neutral wishes of good luck - this helps almost everyone who taught, of course. And one more rule - you need to wish sincerely, then luck will certainly accompany the wish itself.

Some students ask their family or friends scold them during the exam- This is also an excellent magic tool that helps in passing the exam. How did it come about? All the same fear of the evil eye gave rise to the belief that the one who is scolded will not be exposed to the evil eye, and therefore will achieve the best results. It seems to be so simple, but nevertheless, millions of students and applicants believe in this sign. But there is a clear rule: scolding, you should never call a person a fool, a dumbass, a fool It's all about the exam though. And for the rest, you can not be shy in expressions, the main thing is that others do not hear.

Also among students going to an important exam, the rule is popular - do not wash your hair the day before the exam. It is believed that in this way you can “wash” all the knowledge gained from your head.

And here is another common sign among students, popular since pre-revolutionary times. It refers to the so-called "lucky penny", which is a five-ruble coin placed in the right shoe. You only need to go to the exam in these happy shoes. Some on the way to the exam still do the obligatory ritual: if they meet a pregnant woman along the way, then this is good luck. You just need to ask her for the ticket number! Well, this sign, as they say, is completely with a “beard” and has been going on since the Neolithic period, when a pregnant woman was considered a symbol of abundance and prosperity. In general, the continuity of generations is observed in its purest form.

famous catching a freebie- an indispensable part of student folklore, and even if you know the subject very well and generally go for a red diploma with confidence - anyway, at least once take part in catching a freebie so that you have something to remember later. This is done simply: on the eve of the exam, lecture notes or even the record book itself are put out of the window, and the student loudly shouts: “Freebie, come here!” or "Freebie, get caught!". Immediately after this, it is necessary to tightly close the notebooks or the record book and do not open them until the exam itself, so that the freebie does not disappear. Some, especially incredulous students lure her in addition, carrying sweets in their pockets - for freebies. Moreover, sweets must be necessarily expensive - after all, the subject of bargaining is serious.

Another rule that is firmly observed by students is do not take exams in new things, who have never been dressed. It is much better to go to the exam in the old, already time-tested, happy thing. At first glance, this is an ordinary superstition, but if the clothes are new, some especially suspicious students are distracted by how they look in it, and besides, if it is also uncomfortable, then unless it’s before the exam, which safely fails.

And there is another sign, also quite old - to cross the threshold of the examination room with the right foot, pull the ticket with the right hand, and try to start everything with the right hand or foot so that evil spirits cannot harm.

In general, there are many beliefs and they are almost all observed by students at the next session - after all, this not only promises to pass the exam successfully, but also just fun.

Perseverance, erudition and long hours spent with a tutor are not at all a guarantee of success when entering higher educational institutions, as well as passing exams there, some applicants and students believe. Therefore, many student signs and superstitions associated with the examination period were invented. For example, in order to remember what you have learned well, you need to kiss the textbook on both sides when you go to bed and then put it under the pillow.

With a fig in my pocket

If a student does not want the teacher to ask him in a seminar session, he must definitely keep the figs in his pockets.

“To pass the exam perfectly,” you need to go to the open window with a record book at midnight the night before, open it in the right place, blow off non-existent dust from it in the wind and say three times: Freebie, come in!

Washing your hair before an exam is a rather bad omen: they say that everything that you have learned is washed away.

Before the exam, in no case should you do cleaning in the apartment or in the room - you will fail.

Going to the exam, you need to put a coin under the heel of your right foot for good luck.

No matter how many exams, they should go to the same clothes. In this case, it should be remembered that it cannot be erased until the end of the session.

If on the first exam you got a bad mark, it is possible that the whole thing is in unhappy clothes, and you need to change it.

For the exam, you should wear only the clothes in which you were most successful in past sessions. You should not forget about lucky amulets for you that bring good luck. It can be an ordinary badge, and a comb, and other trifles.

Try to be the first to say hello to the examiner so that he does not accidentally jinx you.

You should take a ticket only with your left hand, while standing on your right foot. Taking a ticket and sitting down, you need to hold on to your right ear with your left hand, not letting go for a second until you leave the office.

On the night before the exam, you can put a coin or a stack of papers with ticket numbers written on them under the pillow “for luck”. Waking up in the morning, pull out one piece of paper without looking - you will most likely pull out the same ticket during the exam.

During the exam, your acquaintances, who know about it, should scold you, but you can’t use words such as “fool”, “idiot”, as well as obscene expressions.

Rub your dog's nose - you'll get credit!

For additional guarantees of passing exams, students and applicants often turn to famous monuments that, in their opinion, have mystical power.

In Moscow, one of the places of pilgrimage for "abitura" is the fountain complex on Manezhnaya Square. There are two magical "points" here, which, according to students, help to enter the university. The first is a fountain with horses. In order to pass the entrance exams without any problems, you should climb into the fountain, go around it in a circle, touch the hoof of one of the mares and then plunge headlong into the water.

The second "point" is a sculpture of an old man with a goldfish. To make a wish come true, the fish must be rubbed three times clockwise.

Young people come to the Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station to ask for good luck before the exam near the sculpture Scout with a Dog. If you rub your dog's nose, you will get a test, if you rub your paw, you will pass the exam. At the height of the session, to stroke the marble dog, a whole line of superstitious students sometimes line up here.

But these are not the “main” Moscow monuments associated with student signs. The main one was installed a couple of years ago in the metropolitan area of ​​Maryino. It is a bronze structure, which includes worn shoes, a record book with the coveted mark "excellent". and a huge stump.

In order to pass the exams “excellently”, you should stand in bronze shoes, take a small coin and try to get into the very center of the big penny.

“Among the students of the Moscow Conservatory, there is a tradition to thank the statue of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky standing in front of the alma mater for successfully passed exams. According to the ritual, the future musician, apologizing, climbs onto the monument and inserts a festive bouquet into his bent hand. Those pranksters who decide to put a bottle instead of a bouquet, as they say, can easily lose their hearing.

For future writers, the patron is the monument to Herzen, standing in front of the Literary Institute.

“Students of the Socio-Economic Institute are trying to climb the horse monument in Kuzminki Park. The horse lost its tail somewhere (or was beaten off) and now young people periodically climb on the animal, who believe that this will allow them to pass the session without tails.

By the way, near one of the buildings of the State University in Tula in 2007, a monument was erected specifically to the academic Tail! On his first birthday, students from different countries staged a costume show around him, in which plush dragons performed along with rather aggressive-looking African shamans. As the students explained, both of them help in passing the exams.

The student's "tail" is depicted in the form of a dragon (without a tail) a little over 20 cm high. During the time that the monument stands on a pedestal, Tula students already have a new sign - to touch it before the exam for happiness. They say it helps.

The tail is made of "lucky" copper nickels. A total of 91 coins were included in the alloy.

St. Petersburg students have a special reverence for the monument to Catherine the Great, installed in the Catherine Garden. During the examination period, the neckline of the empress shines brightly: it is the young students who are constantly stroking the intimate place of the great woman before the session.

Students of the Samara Pedagogical University believe that you can get a good mark if you pass between two large stone balls located in front of the entrance to the university building before the exam.

At Kazan State University, a bronze monument to young Vladimir Ulyanov is considered the best friend of students before exams. Many students and applicants try to sit at least five minutes on a bench next to the pedestal to the future leader of the world proletariat and ask him for help.

In the campus of the Sevastopol National University, a monument was erected to the ball - the Ukrainian sister of the Russian Freebie. This is a hollow, transparent ball, which contains a bottle of vodka and cheat sheets. Before exams, students dance around Shara or cover it with small coins.

Dark night in the cemetery

Which ticket will come across in the exam? This sacramental question worries some students more than anything. Knowledgeable people advise in this case to take exam tickets an hour before bedtime, tear them into small pieces, put them in a kettle of water and put on fire. After boiling, pour the "infusion" into a mug and, when it cools down, drink, then go to bed. If you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, immediately look at the clock: how many minutes will be on them, this will be the ticket number!

To find out in which subject your teacher can flunk you on the exam, on a full moon, lay your textbooks on the floor in a dark room around you, light a candle and start reading the following verse aloud:

"Marie Curie brewed mashed potatoes,

And Herodotus is compote,

One, two, three, here…”

At the same time, very quickly bring a burning candle with each word to the next textbook. On which candle goes out - on that exam you will be cut off!

To successfully pass the exam, you should look for a lilac flower with five petals in front of it and, having found it, immediately eat it. But if you eat a flower with three petals - to failure.

Finding a four-leaf clover is also considered everywhere a sign of great luck, and some students, knowing this, spend their free half an hour before the exam walking in the city square in the hope of finding such a clover.

The glory of the four-leaf clover comes from an ancient legend, according to which Eve took this particular plant with her when she and Adam were expelled from paradise.

It is also believed that a young man with a four-leaf clover in his buttonhole would never be drafted into the army.

Cemetery divination is considered the strongest and most effective among students.

You should come to the cemetery at night, find a grave with the same age and name as yours, with your left hand pick the seeds of grass growing nearby, and immediately count them. Remember the number and return home.

At home, add to this number the number of the day on which the exam is scheduled. For example, there were 20 seeds in the hand, and the day was May 19. If the number came out odd, then you will fail miserably in the exam, and if it is even, everything will be fine with you. At the same time, of course, it should be borne in mind that cemetery divination is valid only for those students who chronically do not prepare for exams, hoping for a chance.

There are students and "their" saints. The Holy Great Martyr Tatyana is considered the main intercessor and helper of all young students, because it was on her day that the famous Moscow University was founded. You can also pray to St. Nicholas - he helps everyone. But Sergei Radonezh patronizes mainly those who studied hard. The brothers Cyril and Methodius will also contribute to a good exam, if you ask them well about it ...

| Denis Ivanov | 5246

Any student fears and fears exams, be he the most literate and intelligent, because during the exam the most stupid person can ask much more than the most intelligent person can answer.

The session for students and exams for applicants is a very difficult time, when you have to be nervous and worried a lot, sleep little and constantly prepare for the upcoming tests. Everyone wants to pass all the exams for a high score, therefore, in addition to rereading and memorizing notes, many rely on signs that will help them not to fail the exam.

In addition to cheat sheets and learning material before and during the session, many students have special rituals that they believe will help them pass the exams. They adhere to various signs, perform such actions that in normal times may even seem a little strange. But what won't you do for a good mark!

Notes before the exam

Signs of students- this is the association of some phenomenon with whether the exams will be successfully passed. Students have a huge number of superstitions and signs. Someone believes in some of them, someone in others, but, one way or another, the vast majority of students resort to interpreting signs during the session. There are the following notes before the exam:

You can’t cut your hair, shave your beard, and also wash your hair before the exam, since you will certainly forget everything that you have learned;

On the night before the exam, you need to lean out the window with a record book in your hands and shout “Freebie, come!” several times. It is believed that the stronger and louder you shout, the greater the opportunity to catch a freebie and pass the session perfectly;

You need to turn all the chairs in the house upside down. It is believed that this sign will bring good luck;

On the way to the university on transport, do not be stingy and pay for the fare. Your generosity and conscientiousness are also a good student omen;

Warn all your loved ones what time you have an exam, and ask them to scold you at this time. This is done in order to confuse evil forces and not allow them to scare away luck from the student;

If on the way to an educational institution you met a pregnant woman, consider yourself lucky and the exam will be successful. But a meeting with a policeman or a fireman does not bode well, and you will have to work hard for a positive mark;

In the morning before the exam, before getting out of bed, make sure that it is the left foot that touches the floor first, as this will also bring good luck and luck in the exam;

At the exam, pull the ticket with your left hand. Then surely pull out what you know.

Unusual student signs

Signs of students are very diverse and may differ in minor details in different localities, but in general they are similar for all students. But among them there are some that cause bewilderment or a smile from others.

You must come to all exams in the same clothes, without washing them between them;

Pull the ticket, standing on the left foot and covering the right eye;

Enter the auditorium with your back;

During preparation, do not leave textbooks and notebooks open, otherwise you risk forgetting what you have learned;

Do not look into the record book, do not even open it;

Before going to the exam, sit down on the record book to enhance memory;

Do not step on manhole covers on the way to the exam.

Thus, student signs are very diverse and sometimes it is absolutely not clear how they can help pass exams. But in addition to signs, there are also special rituals that also help to ensure that luck does not turn away during the exam tests.

Rituals before exams

These rituals require a lot of preparation and planning. They can be used not only for passing the session, but also for other purposes: . Make a wish to pass an exam or test, sitting between two people who have the same name;

Go to the monument (preferably not far from the educational institution) and rub his nose;

Put your textbook under your pillow the night before the exam. It is believed that when you wake up, your knowledge will be much stronger;

Do not forget to prepare a talisman and take it with you to the exam. It can be a randomly received ticket from the bus with fives, a token from the wardrobe. Or maybe it's your little thing, thanks to which you feel more confident.

So, exams are a very difficult and psychologically difficult thing, no matter how confident you are in yourself and your abilities. Despite the fact that you can know a lot and be prepared for the exam, there is a certain amount of uncertainty in every student. Then everyone resorts to the help of rituals and observance of signs, hoping thereby to attract good luck to their side and pass the exams perfectly.

Signs may change from year to year, but faith in an excellent rating remains!

Expert opinion

Golovin Nikolai, chairman of the primary trade union organization of students:

- Student years give not only knowledge, but teach to believe in miracles. A session for a student is like a parachute jump: there is a sea of ​​adrenaline, the mood of teachers is changeable like the wind, and most importantly, someone lands “excellent” the first time, someone is helped by a “reserve parachute”, and someone has to continue flying with diploma of incomplete education.

Students, no less than skydivers, believe in omens before "flying to the session." This and putting a mountain of textbooks under the pillow to better remember! Eat plenty of chocolate to keep your head working! At midnight, shout out the window three (three hundred thirty-three) times: "Come Freebie!"

And in the morning, finally, before leaving, put a five-ruble coin in your shoes in order to pass only perfectly!

I sincerely wish all students that signs help in an excellent passing of the session, but still "hope for signs, but don't make a mistake yourself"! Prepare for exams in advance and rely only on your strength!

Victoria Verina, 4th year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages:

- Signs and superstitions in exams are a good topic. It would seem that the older we get, the less we should be worried about, they say, experience and everything else. But everything is not so simple, even now, being in the 4th year, most students have their own special rituals. I won’t talk about the banal, I’d rather note the funny ones ;-) For example, in the first 2 years, one of my classmates always wore a loaf of white bread for the exam, but what, after active brain activity, you definitely want to have a bite to eat.

I myself listen to music in the language that I have to take, for example, in German.

Another classmate carries bug-eyed plush toys with her in her backpack, she started with one, now there are three of them.

Signs may change from year to year, but faith in an excellent rating remains!

Let's start with the main student sign: "If at the entrance to the classroom you are asked to pull out a ticket, then most likely you are in the exam." If on the night before the test and exam you decided or decided not to prepare and get enough sleep, then to calm your nervous system, you should perform one or, to completely calm down, several of the above rituals are better. As a result, you will have a sound sleep with pictures of 800x600 in True Color mode!


  1. You can't cut your hair before a test or exam. For those who go to extremes, it is better not to cut your hair at all from the very beginning of your studies, then closer to the session you will be enviably different from your classmates in terms of shaggy hair. Under the luxurious head of hair, you can safely hide the microphone (hands free). Or, in extreme cases, the teacher will no longer want to see you on numerous retakes and will put at least something more or less satisfactory in the transcript :). Your hair resembles Einstein's hairstyle, you are incredibly lucky - it can become a weighty argument when grading or offsetting! Also, you can’t cut your fingernails before the test or exam (most likely, because we hold a pen with our hands, so nothing is said about toenails, it’s better not to cut it either, you never know!) On the eve of exam tests, the male half of humanity cannot shave, no there are no restrictions in terms of shaving on the female half of humanity!
  2. My head is dirty, unwashed, terrible. The day before the test or exam, you can not wash your hair. This is most likely due to the fact that all the knowledge accumulated in this short period of time is simply washed off with water and shampoo ... For the most daring, you can not wash at all, but for those who like to surprise others with their behavior, you can stop washing not only your head , but the body is somewhere a month or more before the session, then at the test or exam, the green-faced teacher, tired of inhaling the aromas of the student's body of a month's endurance, will either let the student go in peace, or put on a gas mask and continue to ask tricky questions. Relaxation - washing half of the head: if the exams are in the exact sciences, then you can’t wash the left half of the head so as not to wash the knowledge that has settled in the left hemisphere, if in the humanities, you can’t wash the right half so as not to lose knowledge from the right hemisphere.
    An explanation for this ritual was found - in far, far away times, when all the water was turned off in the hostel during the summer session, and therefore students went to exams not shaved, not washed, not combed. At the session, one could observe a picture of how at 9 o'clock in the morning a crowd of sleepy, bearded, and not very fresh students went to the next exam. But one day, one small but very smart student noticed that the exams at the summer session began to be taken much easier, more often the freebie visited students' records. That's how it happened...
  3. Left handed life. We woke up, do not rush to get out of bed, remembered that in about an hour the "student apocalypse" would come, and got up from our left foot, brush our teeth with our left hand, which we also comb our hair with, and eat, and hold a mug of tea or coffee, say hello the left hand is not recommended (they can be considered an adherent of Hitler’s ideas, only the Fuhrer gave his left hand at the meeting!), waved the mourners with his left hand, if there are none, then you will also have to lock the door with your left hand. We enter the bus or car from the left foot, into the audience too. If you want to spit - spit only over your left shoulder :). Before entering the audience, standing on the left foot, we make the desired assessment. We stand on our left foot in front of the table with examination cards, you can also grab the table, and if the table is wooden, knock on it three times. You should pull the exam ticket with your left hand, with which you can pull not just a ticket you like, but a specific one (lucky numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, some take the thirteenth in a row), for those who like extremes - look at everything that happens with your left eye. The explanation of this belief is based on the belief that the heart is located on the left side, and the heart does not know what ticket is just waiting for you to pull it out and crack it like a nut! Before reaching for a ticket, be extremely careful and do not mix up your hands, maybe you should sign your left hand with a felt-tip pen so that you don’t grab the ticket with your right in the pre-exam jitters! The only misunderstanding that can happen is a teacher forcibly handing out tickets! The only way to resist the teacher's authoritarianism is to put the spurs in the left pocket, but at the same time using the right hand, which later will have to quietly remove them!
  4. Reading the abstract. If you have time left to prepare for the exam, then here are a few beliefs so that your efforts do not come to naught: “Don’t read notes while eating” (jamming memory), “Don’t watch TV while reading notes” (the most powerful distraction), “ Do not listen to loud music when reading notes ”(quiet classical music can serve as an alternative, they say it helps to better remember information). When organizing a break, it is forbidden to leave notes and textbooks open so that the memorized does not disappear!
  5. Excellent student, where are you? The sign is as follows - in order to successfully pass the exam, you need to hold on to a person who has just passed it perfectly! Maybe the remnants of light energy of knowledge that has not yet evaporated can help. They held on, crossed their index and middle fingers on their hands, and on their feet just in case, so as not to jinx them - they made a mark and go ahead for a ticket!
  6. Household notes.“You can’t return after you left the house” - if the situation forces you to return, notes are forgotten, spurs, a working iron, it’s even worse when the record book is forgotten (as an option - in the freezer), then countering this sign is to look in the mirror and show it yourself your own tongue :) A trip for an assessment can end in failure if you come across a grandmother with an empty bucket on your way, so you can neutralize superstition by throwing a candy wrapper into the bucket, or at worst spit in it :) If a black cat crosses the road (he who crosses this path will suffer failure ...), then you need to go the other way, and if time is running out, then let someone in front of you or spit over your left, or even better over both shoulders, and the best option is to have time to cross the road before the cat, let the poor Your four-legged friend is unlucky today! If you meet a man first on the way, you are lucky, but if you don’t meet a woman, there’s nothing you can do about it - “this is fate”! And if you take into account professional affiliation: meet a pregnant woman or a naval officer at arrival (you will pass the exam or you will receive a credit); a bum, a firefighter or a policeman - at a loss (not to see the offset as your own ears). It is not recommended to step on the covers of sewer manholes - the bad energy circulating under our feet through the metal penetrates our body - if it was not possible to miss the “sewer coin”, then you can neutralize the threat by crouching or touching something or someone with your hand in order to give back bad energy ... Before the exam, you should not take out the garbage that has accumulated in the trash can yourself, apparently, along with the "rubbish from the hut" the accumulated knowledge also flies into the garbage chute! And if you sweep the floors in the apartment before the exam, wash them, and even take out the bucket later, then it’s better not to go to the exam - anyway, there will be no time left for preparation :)

The following rituals require systematic preliminary work - to think about passing exams when you get a good ticket on the bus, to make a wish while sitting between two namesakes, twins or namesakes (it’s better to ask permission first, anything can happen - there was a case when namesakes flatly refused to let someone between them sometimes sat down, citing the fact that “your wish will come true - and we will have more trouble”), wishing good grades for a shooting star or passing under a bridge over which an electric train passes. And you can count rare items before the exam, the number of which potentially ranges from 2 to 5, for example, fire engines, ambulances, counting minibuses, like blondes, it is not recommended, but pink-haired girls on roller skates, please ...

  1. Scold the student in absentia. While the student is at the exam, relatives, acquaintances, buddies, friends sitting at home blaze him with all sorts of dirty words, recalling all the bad things that he managed to do! The effectiveness of this method is increased by mentally imagining the dealer or reading from a photograph. With a limited vocabulary of curse words, a dictionary of native Russian words and expressions will help. The more perverted the curses, the greater the effect, and the three-story one is even welcome! You can increase the effectiveness of the spell by saying curses out loud! Be careful with this belief, as there is a side effect: as soon as a person is remembered, then he has incessant hiccups! Options for counteracting a side effect are to inhale and hold your breath (the effect is weak), reach the upper palate with your tongue (it does not help everyone), drink water while holding your hands behind your back (ballerinas use this technique - a very effective method, the effect is instantaneous). Use without the consent of the examiner is FORBIDDEN ...
  2. Cams. On the day of the exam, you need to ask a friend or girlfriend during your exam to "keep your fists for you." Let them simply clench their fists at a certain interval of time (not necessarily strongly ...). I'm not sure that exam success will increase with an increase in the number of fists for you :), so the most effective option will be when your boxer friend clenched his fists!
  3. Clothes and exams. You can’t come to the exam in new clothes or in clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time. The meaning of this commandment is probably explained by the fact that the teacher in a new outfit simply does not recognize you and will claim that you are a malicious truant and missed all the lectures. You can fend off these attacks to girls by saying: “What are you talking about ... I just cut my hair and dyed my hair!” The best option would be to wear their bringing good luck socks, shorts or a hat... What, you still don't have good clothes - then remember the first year, how cleverly you passed exams then, clear brains and seething energy (where did it all go now ...) , and now the most difficult thing is to forcefully remember what clothes you were wearing then! They remembered - I was sure that everything would work out - now we put on a good piece of clothing and, turning to our favorite blouse, belt or suspenders, whisper - “Baby, thank you for helping me out when I was still quite a youngster, help me now when my mind was clouded by study and the mountains of material learned during the first years of study ... Save me, as happened more than once! And do not forget to stroke the little thing - a trifle, but nice ... If you have already managed to pass one exam with excellent marks, then it is recommended to go to the next exams in the same clothes, for lovers of extremes - you can also prepare in these clothes ... Schoolgirls in Poland put on red underwear for success in the exam - I don’t know who checked it :)
  4. "Damn, go to hell!" The sign is as old as the world, but it is used by the majority of respondents ... Before the exam, mourners and condolences wish the person going to the exam “No fluff, no feather!” to which the already nervous student must answer “To hell!” and with a proudly raised head head to the place of the exam ... To be honest, it is not at all clear what this pre-exam dialogue affects, but you should not neglect it! As the saying goes, “what the hell is not kidding” ... When entering an institute / university, the phrase is modernized: “No fluff, no feather, no deuce, no stake!” to which the student must also respond "To hell!"
  5. Take care of your book like the apple of your eye. During the session, do not show your record book to anyone, so as not to jinx it! The only exceptions are teachers ... By the way, a good excuse not to show your success to your parents :) And one more observation - you can’t put the first test in physical education, you run into it later ...
  6. It's not an elbow - it's a NOSE! Rub your nose ... but not your own, but at the monument! From time immemorial, the size of the nose testified to the mental abilities of a person, therefore, in this ritual, “size matters:)” At UGATU, for example, we rub our nose at the monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze, located in the dressing room of the eighth building, wow and big-nosed uncle ...
  7. Food sketches. Everyone is familiar with the student drug - chocolate, which replenishes mental strength, allowing you to learn a dozen more tickets in one day! I give the ritual of eating chocolate: at night we put a bar of chocolate in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs, all night the chocolate absorbs the knowledge coming out through the legs, and in the morning it is eaten by a hungry student in order to return all the knowledge to its place ... You will find out where the student's knowledge comes from at night by reading the following believe me! Remember how in childhood everything stuck to sticky hands, and how well the plastic parts of the designer were fastened if you dip them in jam or compote ... So here is the following belief: before the exam, rub something sweet in your hands (prunes, raisins, dried apricots) and pull the ticket so that only good ones stick ... You can try not to drink for three days before the exam, yes ..., after all, it will be better to take it sober :)
  8. Diffusion of knowledge. On the night before the exam, if you are supposed to go to bed, then you need to put lecture notes or a couple of textbooks on the subject under the pillow. The meaning of this commandment is probably due to the fact that in a sleepy state, information from a summary or textbook freely penetrates through the pillow into the brain! The main thing is not to forget to take a summary to the university in the morning ... Hypothesis "As the number of books increases, the amount of knowledge in the head of the sleeping person increases in proportion to the number of pages in these books!" so it remained unconfirmed. Sleeping in an embrace with books is not recommended, but for a change you can try ... Although the process of mastering knowledge in this case is not effective, since it falls on the lower hemispheres of the brain :). In order to be strong in hindsight too - sit down on the abstract ... for a while :)
  9. A copper Soviet penny is placed in the shoes under the left heel. Student belief does not reveal the technology of putting a coin in a shoe - putting a coin in socks or tights, or maybe you shouldn’t put something extra on your feet at all - it’s closer to the body ... The meaning of this commandment is probably that copper helps from a headache or a nickel, acting on certain points on the heel, opens the student's access to the subconscious!
  10. "Catch, freebie." On the night before passing the exam or test, we open the grade book (our own, opening someone else's can be unpredictable) and place it on the floor, then grab the broom and turn around the axis 5 times (or any number of times a multiple of 5), sweep the motes, dust , household garbage on our little book (open on the page where the test or exam should be affixed), saying “Freebie, catch!”, Then, without shaking it off, we close it and wait for tomorrow. The most important thing is that at the moment of calling out a freebie, no one scares her away with cries of “You need to learn!” Only a specialist of our firm can decipher this ornate cryptographic pattern on the pages of your gradebook, left by household garbage, so we strongly recommend that you contact us, specialists in cryptanalysis... This method should be used rarely, as the quality of the gradebook is lost...
    There is a sparing option - to wave an open record book at midnight through the window, singing the strange words “Freebie, come!” For those who are completely tight with knowledge, you can try more complex options - lean out the window with a record book, go out onto the balcony and from there shout “Freebie, come!” a variant of the ritual is to jump out into the street in your underwear and already there wave a record book! In any of the options, after the magic phrase is uttered, you should slam the record book, tie it with a thread and, for complete safety, put it in the freezer so that the Freebie does not pop out! You can open a record book only at the exam! The result of this procedure is pulling out a “lucky” ticket in the exam, and the teacher will not torment you with additional questions! Options were considered when they tried to catch Freebie, and who wants to be caught - so it’s better to feed, for example, pour bread crumbs into the record book (on the right page), smear the desired line with vodka or alcohol, so Freebie sticks to the record book and does not try to run away .. And how nice it will be to smell your gradebook in the morning, although some teachers dislike this aroma, and it’s not easy to write at least something on alcoholized paper! You can appease Freebie by doing good deeds, for example, clean the apartment, not quarrel with parents, sisters and brothers, fulfill the requests of household members as far as possible... On the day of the exam, to appease Freebie, you can scatter sweets on the way to the university...
  11. Talismans. A talisman is a useful and irreplaceable thing in a student's household... An occasional talisman can be a number in the dressing room with numbers divisible by five, a lucky ticket on the bus, or with the sum of the first three digits divisible by five. In general, everything related to numbers that are multiples of five can be your personal talisman, but no one should know about it, otherwise the efficiency drops! Both a favorite “lucky” fountain pen and a car keychain can serve as a talisman (I remember how a friend constantly clicked a keychain before tests, by the way, this belief in a talisman did not prevent him from successfully completing tasks, and his sister took with her until the eighth grade school for tests of her favorite baby doll). A good talisman can be a stone (don't laugh, it's not around your neck...), suitable for your zodiac sign, mounted in a ring, brooch, bracelet! A pebble for happiness can also be just an unusual pebble, for example, with a hole, and of natural origin! All possible figurines, erasers, clocks, melodies listened to before the exam, all this can instill in you confidence in the successful passing of the exam, and you only have to believe very strongly that the exam will be passed and everything will come true!
  12. Religion and exams. If you are a follower of any of the religions, then most likely you know the rituals that help in your studies... For example, take an icon to the exam, go to church before the exams and ask the saints to patronize you in passing these difficult but inevitable exams! You can always ask God for help...
  13. "Grandma said in two more" Mostly schoolchildren (students are usually not familiar with the number and contents of tickets) use the sign, who on the day of the exam try to find out the number of the ticket that they get from a passing grandmother ... Only the effectiveness of this sign is directly proportional to whether you thank your grandmother or not, therefore, if you don’t have candy in your pocket, then you must thank at least a sincere “Thank you”! And do not forget to warn your grandmother about the range from which you need to choose ... By the way, in addition to the old woman, a grandfather or any person you do not know can help in the implementation of this sign in extreme cases ... and why a person, even if you ask your cat or dog - let him poke his nose into the sheet with tickets ... maybe you'll be lucky!
  14. “Dance while young, single, day off, THE SESSION HAS NOT COME” So, believe it or not, don't want it - whatever you want ... Based on their own observations - the first-rate students who went to celebrate admission (it doesn't matter where it takes place - the main thing is mass character) are thinking about the future! Since they have not passed the first session yet, but they are already celebrating ... Here, pass first, study, get comfortable - and then mark the remaining courses with young people :) Here are the statistics that deduct in the first session and then mainly those who attended this event ahead of time!

Exam success algorithm:

In order to successfully pass any exam according to the Universal Scheme (developed by students of all times and peoples, systematized and supplemented by QSA inc.), you must:
one). Skip as many classes as possible during the semester, while if you are currently at the university, you can safely catch the eye of your teachers. They will not recognize you, especially if you have begun to adhere to the rules for growing hair and refusing to wash, given above;
2). Pay a minimum of attention to this subject in terms of its study;
3). During the session (see point 2);
4).* On the night before the exam, you must (!):
4.1). Get drunk (get stoned, conduct some other experiment with your own consciousness) half to death;
4.2). Go to a club, cinema, billiards, striptease bar, ice rink or other institution that was not enough “for complete happiness” or “to which you were going to go during the session, but could not get out” and get this happiness in full;

5). At 24:00, being in the window opening (if steps 1-4 were completed before, it is recommended to tie yourself with suspenders or other durable products to the battery) with a record book at the ready to shout 3 times “Catch, Freebie!” (while waving an open record book, if steps 1-4 were completed before, then it is recommended to glue the record book to the palm of your hand with “MOMENT” glue) and go to bed with a feeling of complete moral satisfaction (or continue the banquet).

Entries in Vovochka's school diary (so this is where the signs come from):
“Dear parents! Get to school right now! Otherwise, I'm fine. I kiss you firmly, your Maria Fominichna ... "
“... Your son runs around the desks during the lesson. Bad sign..."
"...I was reading a book at a physical education lesson..."

It's a bad omen when a black cat with empty buckets crosses your path.

In order to successfully pass the exam, the student needs to have knowledge and need to be in good psychological shape in order to state everything competently and to the point. Hence the conclusion: knowledge is the best sign! As one of the greats said, “the exam is the last opportunity to get at least some knowledge on the subject,” otherwise there is always not enough time to read all the lectures during the session (tell me, how many times after passing the exams did you swear that in the next semester you would take up mind and you will study during the session ... well, well, don’t make excuses - I myself know what happened, but nothing special happened next semester and lectures were read en masse on the night before the exam ... Therefore, I think that exams are a fair form help the student in learning new knowledge :)).

Karina Akhmetgalina (IST-202v) shared her omen, I think that this thesis will help to justify their behavior to many students “LEARN, LEARN - GET TWO!” And the history of this statement is as follows: “In front of my eyes, a teacher in economic theory searched a student from head to toe in search of spurs, did not find it, but said: “You wrote off everything - it’s impossible to learn!” And kicked him out. And he really knew this subject (smart man)!!!"

A few folk signs:

  1. If you don’t feel like studying for the third day, then today is Wednesday;
  2. If you woke up in the morning and you don't have to get up, then you slept standing up;
  3. If you drank well, then it’s bad in the morning! If it's good in the morning, it means that you drank badly!!!
  4. If you are driving in a car and you are hit hard - get out and look: if it hit from behind - to add money, and if in front - to decrease;
  5. The condom found by your wife in your coat - to buy suitcases ...
  6. If your head hurts, then you have it...
  7. If a husband opens a car door for his wife, then it is either a new car or a new wife;
  8. The better the chest is visible, the worse the face is remembered;
  9. If children go to school dressed up and bring flowers, then soon they will have to dig potatoes;
  10. If, leaving the room, hook on the door handle, then you will definitely return there;
  11. If circles appear around the sun, it's time to air the room and wash the windows;
  12. If vodka is drunk heavily and strained - wait for it back!
  13. Low-flying pigeons overhead - for washing;
  14. If in rainy weather you forgot your umbrella, then you will definitely get wet;
  15. If you swear quietly, then you have a cold in your throat;
  16. If dandruff moves, it's lice!
  17. Who seeks, he knows something!
  18. A minute of laughter adds a year of life. Conditionally...
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The exam is a lottery, because even an excellent student may come across a question to which he does not know the answer, so on session days, students become more superstitious than ever. So they come up with various signs before the exam, helping to pass through the test with success.

Signs related to clothing

  • You need to get a good set of clothes that helped you pass the first exam easily and simply with excellent marks. It must be worn, without washing, for the entire session.
  • You can’t put on recently bought things, only worn for a long time, so that they have time to soak in the energy of a person.
  • Among students living in the same room, it is customary to wear the same things. During the exams, this rule is taboo.
  • A thing worn inside out on the day of the exam promises failure.
  • It is not recommended that other people, only the student, touch the examination clothing.

Signs related to personal hygiene

  • During the session, it is not customary to cut your hair, shave, and even wash your hair. But many students, worried about scaring the examiner with their appearance and smell, refuse hygiene procedures only the day before the exam.
  • Before the session, you need to buy a personal hygiene product and use it only yourself.
  • You can’t comb your hair on the day of the exam; it’s undesirable for girls to walk with their hair loose.

Signs associated with talismans

  • To get an excellent mark, you need to put a nickel under your heel.
  • You need to take the same pen with you to the exam with which you prepared for it.
  • In the pocket of the clothes you need to put a handkerchief tied in three knots. These are knots for memory, so as not to forget the information received.
  • You can tie a thread on your left hand, on which you can hang a bead. If you rub it, it will help you remember the information you need to successfully pass.

Sleep-related clues

  • Before going to bed, you need to call a “freebie”: shout the phrase “Freebie, come” three times through the open window! At the same time, open the account. After the freebie has arrived, close the record book and go to sleep on it. Only the teacher should open the record book.
  • Under the pillow, you need to put open textbooks with notebooks where lectures are recorded, they will be absorbed during sleep into the head of a sleeping student. Close them in the morning without getting out of bed.
  • You need to sleep only in solitude and no intimate relationships.
  • You need to get out of bed with only your left foot, do not look out the window until the textbooks are closed, otherwise all the information will fly away.

Notes on the way to the exam

  • Do not let anyone into the room until you return from the exam.
  • Do not step on sewer manholes.
  • Pay attention to what gender the first person you meet: male - to luck, female - to problems.
  • You can not go back, so as not to lose your luck. But if you still had to do it, touch the mirror with your hand.
  • On the way to meet a pregnant woman - to good luck, a homeless person - to trouble.

Notes in the audience

  • Enter the auditorium with your left foot only.
  • Give the note to the teacher.
  • Take the ticket only with your right hand to be right. Some believe that it was the fifth - the number of excellent change, or the thirteenth - in spite of prejudice.
  • Before you sit down at the table, you need to spit there three times.

Just omens

  • It is impossible for physical education to be the first in the record book.
  • As soon as you start preparing for the exam, ask the pregnant woman to say any number - this will be the ticket number.
  • If there is an animal in the house, “ask” him to suggest which topic is better to learn. Put the textbook and turn the pages, which animal points to with its paw, and teach that one. This is especially true for cats. Those in general can fall asleep on the right page.