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Ecological newspaper for children of the senior group of the kindergarten "The sun on the leg"

Kotova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher.
MKDOU No. 7, Poldnevoy village, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region

Ecological newspaper "The sun on the leg" is a part of the ecological project. It is designed for preschool children and parents.
Target: education of ecological culture in children and parents, the formation of a careful attitude to nature, the development of emotional responsiveness.
1 page
The Russian name for the flower - dandelion - was formed from the verb to blow. This name reflects the peculiarity of the plant - its pubescent seeds are blown away by the wind. Dandelion blooms in May, bears fruit with achenes with a white crest - from June. There are about 200 of them on one head.
medicinal properties. In Russia, Dandelion officinalis (Taraxacum officinale) is more common than others, the leaves of which contain iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, E.
Dandelion root treats many different diseases. In autumn, if you see a dandelion that has not bloomed and has not given all its strength to flowering, dig it up, it is most useful.
2 page

Honey plant. Honey from dandelion nectar is golden yellow in color, thick in consistency, with a strong aroma and sharp taste.
Cosmetics. Dandelion is also widely popular in folk cosmetics: a mask of its fresh leaves nourishes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, and an infusion of flowers whitens freckles and age spots.
Dandelion salad. In early spring, you need to collect dandelion leaves, soak them in salt water for two hours to remove bitterness, and make a salad. Soup was cooked from its leaves, and the roots were fried.
Interesting Facts.

At exactly 6 o'clock in the morning, the yellow baskets unfold and close at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; inflorescences also react to atmospheric humidity - in cloudy weather, the baskets also close, protecting pollen from moisture.
The roots of some dandelions contain rubber.
Dandelion for us is a bright yellow flower. However, in the Caucasus there are dandelions of an unusual purple color, and in the Tien Shan - lilac.
3 page POEMS

wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress;
Grow up - dress up
In a white dress
Light, airy
Obedient to the wind. (E. Serova)

Dropped the sun
Golden beam.
rose dandelion
First, young.
He has wonderful
Golden color.
He is a big sun
Little hello. (O.Vysotskaya)

Dandelion golden
He was handsome, young
Wasn't afraid of anyone
Even the wind itself!
Dandelion golden
He got old and gray-haired.
And as soon as he turned gray
Fly away with the wind. (Z. Alexandrova)


On a sunny summer day
Golden blossomed flower.
On a high thin leg
He dozed all the way,
And woke up - smiled:
- Here I am fluffy!
Oh, I'm afraid I'll fall apart
Hush, meadow wind!

early morning sun drops
Appeared in the meadow.
It's in a yellow sarafan
Dressed up…

On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.

Golden and young turned gray in a week,
A day later, two bald head,
I'll hide the former in my pocket ...

Burned in the dewy grass
Flashlight golden.
Then faded, faded
And turned into fluff.

I am a fluffy ball
I whiten in a clean field,
And the wind blew -
The stalk remains.

MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 52"

Ecological newspaper for parents

healthy planet

2015-2016 year.

"Our news"

Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, and intelligence.

To reveal the beauty of nature to a child and teach him to see it is a difficult task. To do this, the teacher himself must be able to live in harmony with nature, and the children must be ready to imitate his every movement. They are very observant and attentive to the words of the teacher, well distinguish positive and negative in the actions of adults. Ecological education, sincere love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding and knowledge.

Thus, the most important condition for the successful implementation of an integrated approach is the creation of an environment in which adults, by personal example, demonstrate to children the right attitude towards nature and actively, to the extent possible, participate in nature protection activities together with children.

In groups, corners of nature have been created that introduce children to indoor plants, the conditions necessary for their growth and development, for observation and work in nature.
On the territory of the DOE there isecological trailwith a description of natural objects and speech material for them. The ecological path performs a cognitive, developing, aesthetic and health-improving function. On the ecological trail we carried out: observations, games, theatrical classes, excursions ..

Excursions - one of the main types of occupations and a special form of organization of work on environmental education. On excursions, children got acquainted with plants, animals and at the same time with the conditions of their habitat. Thanks to excursions, children develop observation, there is an interest in nature.

walks widely used for environmental education of children. We introduced children to the changes in nature through the seasons.

We use in classliterature, musical works.Nature fiction deeply affects the feelings of children. We spend with childrenquizzes, crossword puzzles,Mind games.

Much attention is paid to didactic games, they play an important role in the environmental education of children. With their help, systems of basic ecological concepts are formed in children and a consciously correct attitude to objects and natural phenomena is brought up.

"The Complaint Book of Nature"Don't pollute nature!

We kindly request: do not litter nature - do not throw garbage and do not form garbage dumps!

With such a call, the surrounding nature appeals to us. Our village, Bereznyaki, is very beautiful, attractive, but we, the inhabitants of the village, spoil this beauty.

Nature must be protected for us and future generations!

Is it possible that those who pile garbage in public places will store it at home? Of course not! So what kind of work is it worth, taking out in your car from a dacha (or home), to bring garbage to a waste container, rather than throwing it on the road? So that everyone can see what a mess we live in! This is our indicator of the standard of living and development! Think carefully before throwing a bag or a bag of garbage - that someone will have to clean it up, .. and if you yourself clean up what you did not throw? .. And what is it like for people to live in the houses nearby the landfill? Imagine that one of these houses (next to the junkyard) is yours?!.!

And the problem is not with anyone, but with you and me. Start with yourself and don't blame anyone for anything.

Russian nature from time immemorial was considered the most beautiful!

So why can't you and I keep such beautiful places clean? Nature is already littered with ... and industrial waste ... and waste from our life. So be human - do not throw garbage, do not litter the territory and stop cases of violation of generally accepted rules, warn other people from this!

Take care of your native nature!

No one but you and me will take care of her!

Dear parents, joint family walks in nature will bring you many positive emotions.

Being able to listen to the silence of nature is also an art. Try to listen together to your surroundings and guess who or what makes a variety of sounds. Try to find out what the birds are singing about, whether birch and oak rustle their leaves the same way. What are they telling us? Who rustles in the grass? Funny sounds can be heard by putting your ear to an old, empty tree inside, knocking on its trunk. Listen carefully to everything that surrounds you on a walk, and you will discover a new world of sounds for yourself and for your child.

Looking at nature and seeing it is not the same thing. Observing, the child turns into a researcher, his senses, thinking develop, he tries to understand the world around him and makes a lot of discoveries that are so necessary at this age. Support him in this! Try to teach your child to see the beauty of the world around him: a single flower, a butterfly, and a sunset or sunrise. Draw the children's attention to how nature is rich in colors and their shades, how diverse the world around us is. Say more often: “Look how beautiful it is!” or “Look how interesting!”

It is possible and necessary to perceive nature not only with the eyes: invite the child to determine how trees or shrubs differ in smell, taste, touch. Or lead to several trees - let him determine "his own". Feel the nature, too, must be able to.

Say that today he will see and hear a completely different world, other colors, other sounds, and discover the secrets of nature. Try to determine with him the “mood” of the forest (tree): what is it like today - sad or cheerful?

Water is the most familiar and simple substance for us. At the same time, water is fraught with many mysteries. Scientists still continue to explore water, finding more and more interesting facts.

Water is a necessary condition for the existence of all living organisms on our planet. “Water is more precious than gold” – believed the Bedouins, who roamed the sands all their lives and knew the price of a sip of water. They understood that no amount of wealth would save a traveler in the desert if the supply of water ran out.

Water is one of the most essential human needs. Only oxygen is more important, without which life is simply not possible at all.

How much do we know about water?

Fact. A person can live without water for no more than 2-3 days.

Fact. On average, according to statistics, the body of animals and plants contains more than 50% of water.

Fact. Our body is 65-70% water.

Fact. The oceans cover approximately 71% of the planet's surface, with an average depth of 4 km, and contain 97.6% of the world's known free water reserves.

Fact. Water is the only substance in nature that is freely found on Earth, the density of which in the solid state is less than in the liquid state. That is why ice does not sink in water, and reservoirs, as a rule, do not freeze to the very bottom (although this is possible at extreme temperatures).

Fact. Sea water freezes at -1.91°C.

Fact. A person in one year consumes about 60 tons of water only in the process of eating.

Fact. The water sometimes freezes even at positive temperatures.

Fact. About 80% of the Earth's surface is covered with water and only 1% of this water is drinkable.

Fact. Polluted groundwater is purified over several millennia.

Water is our priceless wealth...

"Safety Rules in Nature"

Try to remember simple rules that are not difficult to follow.

  • You can admire plants and flowers as much as you like, but in no case should you pluck, let alone take unfamiliar plants into your mouth. Some plants, if handled, cause severe skin irritation that can last for several weeks.
  • With the mushrooms you found inforest also need to be very careful. Collect only the mushrooms you know and be sure to show the collected mushrooms to an adult who understands them. When walking in the forest, do not touch the toadstools: they are very poisonous.
  • Do not drink raw water, from any body of water: rivers, lakes or streams.
  • To protect against insect bites (ticks, wasps, bees, mosquitoes), when going for a walk in the forest, wear long trousers, a long-sleeved shirt and be sure to wear a hat. Apply an insect repellent to exposed areas of the body.

During hiking and country walks, you must not harm nature!

  • If you made a fire, then, when leaving, do not forget to put out the fire so that a forest fire does not flare up. The fire must be filled with water or covered with sand.
  • Do not break trees, do not destroy bird nests - do not violate the beauty and harmony of nature.
  • Don't leave trash behind! In a clearing that is littered with paper wrappers, plastic bags, plastic boxes and bottles, no one wants to stop. Garbage that cannot be burned (glass bottles, iron cans) must be taken with you to be thrown away in a designated place.

Ecological games

Dear parents, play with children, talk, observe and you will understand that it is necessary for you and your beloved baby.

"Which plant is gone?"

Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing

"Wonderful bag"

The bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc. Children get food for animals, guess who it is for, who eats what. Approach the toys and treat them.

"Earth, water, fire, air"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while uttering one of four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the driver said "land", the one who caught the ball must quickly name the one who lives in this environment; the player answers the word “water” with the name of fish, the word air with the name of birds. At the word “fire,” everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands.

"Guess the Plant"

Now each of you will think of a houseplant, tell us about it, without naming it. And we will guess the plant from the story and name it.

"Flies, swims, runs"

The teacher shows or names an object of wildlife to the children. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word “bunny”, children begin to run (or jump) in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.

"Chronicle of our events"

Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should carefully and carefully treat it, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.

The cooperation of the kindergarten with the families of children in the ecological direction, jointly organized events not only help to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also bring into this process the special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child.

The most effective way to implement the tasks of environmental education is to organize project activities together with parents and children. Participation in environmental campaigns, subbotniks, gardening, work on environmental projects is a unique opportunity for children and parents to prove themselves, to benefit the natural environment of their native land.

In our kindergarten, a favorable environment has been created for the study of the surrounding nature. Children, together with their parents and the teaching staff, participate in environmental events.

  • "Plant a tree."
  • "Battery"
  • "Waste paper collection"
  • "Paper bags"
  • The novelty of the ecological project lies in the use of information computer technologies. The main fact that ensures the effectiveness of the educational process is the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life. Using new technologies that are exciting for a new generation, this inclusion can be ensured. The project allows children and parents to do what they love and at the same time benefit the world around them. Only by joint efforts can we solve the main task - to educate an environmentally literate person.

Hello. The topic of my report: "Ecological newspaper at school."

1 slide. Outside the 21st century. Today, we are all worried about the information that we are on the brink of disaster: we breathe dirty air, eat food contaminated with impurities and drink the same water, and at the same time we give nature only the products of our life. And what will happen next? What happened to nature? How to get rid of impending troubles? The science of ecology helps us to understand these and many other questions.

2 slide . It is worth noting that our school has only nine classes. Although it is not large and rural, there are still people in it who care about what will happen to the planet in the future. Unfortunately, the subject "Ecology" starts from grade 10, so we are in a sense deprived of some knowledge. A way out of this situation was found by a biology teacher who, together with his students, publishes a school environmental newspaper, Ecological Echo. The newspaper is young - the first issue was published in November 2014. But now it is in demand among schoolchildren.

3 slide . An environmental newspaper for students at school is a great opportunity to realize their creative abilities, it is a place for self-expression of those who have something to say to the whole world: school poets, writers, artists, project authors ... It will unite people of all ages who are not indifferent to environmental problems . In addition, the publication of their own newspaper contributes to the development of positive traditions of community and school. I would also like to say that the publication of a newspaper sharpens knowledge in the field of using a computer.

4 slide . Before releasing the first issue of the newspaper, the school held a survey: “Does the school need an environmental newspaper. A total of 50 students were interviewed. It turned out that 79% of students would like the school to have such a newspaper:

5 slide . In addition, the survey revealed what our newspaper should be: interesting, informative, reflecting aspects of ecology, beautiful and covering world environmental problems:

6-7 slide. The Ecological Echo, like many school newspapers in Russia, is not published by professionals in the newspaper word, and, of course, there are shortcomings in it. But still:

    The materials reflect various aspects of the environment.

    When preparing materials, various sources of information are used, there are links to them.

    Various genres, types of articles and even entertaining ruble were used.

    Reading and understanding a newspaper does not require special environmental knowledge or reference books.

    The materials are based not only on information with a negative connotation.

    The materials reflect different points of view so that the reader himself can critically comprehend them and draw his own conclusions.

    The materials of the newspaper are based on fresh and up-to-date information.

8 slide . Of course, in general, publishing a school newspaper is a difficult task. We faced such difficulties as:

Lack of experience in designing school newspapers;

Lack of material and technical means;

9-11 slide. Despite this, a solution was found. Thanks to the modern and progressive view of the school administration, it became possible to design a special stand at the school next to the library and display the numbers on the school website.

Each issue features an editorial reflecting on global environmental issues. When preparing material for the newspaper, the children organize and conduct sociological surveys, interviews with interesting people, school drawing competitions on environmental topics. The newspaper covers a wide range of readers, these are not only students and teachers of our school, but also parents and guests of the school. We hope that this work will draw the attention of a wide audience to the environmental problems of our village and the planet, but also form a careful attitude to the world around us.

12 slide

One day in the life of a flower.

My name is Rosa. I used to grow up in a flower pot that stood on the windowsill in the Russian language classroom. I lived there for three years in one place and, thanks to this, I learned a lot about the Russian language. Recently, an extraordinary adventure happened to me.

At the break, the teacher took the pot in her hands and carried it somewhere. I closed the buds from fear. Opening the buds, I saw that I was in a new room. It was a biology class.

The Russian language teacher handed me over to the biology teacher and left. She put me on the windowsill, poured water on me and went to get ready for the lesson.

Went to 6th grade. There was a cheerful and perky noise. But the bell rang, the class calmed down and all the guys sat down at their desks. The teacher opened the magazine and asked the students the question: “What did we talk about last lesson?”

We talked in the last lesson about families of the Dicotyledon class. There was a loud voice from the last desk.

Good. Could you please tell us which family we considered? The teacher asked the class.

Rosaceae family.

“And this is interesting. Probably, now they will talk about me. ” I thought happily.

We open notebooks, write down the date and the topic of our lesson: “Dicotyledonous class. Rosaceae family. Today we will consider in detail such representatives of Rosaceae as rose and wild rose.

"And exactly!" - I was immediately cheered up.

Petya, what do you know about such a flower as a rose? - The teacher turned to the student for the first desk.

Rose is a universally recognized favorite. - He answered.

“I am a universal favorite! It is very good!" - I wanted to jump and dance right in the flower pot.

Soon the bell rang. All the lessons flew by unnoticed, the guys hurried home .. I felt sad.

I turned to the window and saw kids playing snowballs. It got a little more fun. And then a girl from the 6th grade waved to me. I was very pleased, and I decided to wave to her. From the outside, it looked like a slight draft touched the leaves of a rose that grew in a flower pot on the windowsill.

The next day, this girl came to biology class. I knew there was a bully in her class. He ran up to me and threw a candy wrapper into the flower pot. The girl, without hesitation, came up, removed the wrapper and stroked my petals. I felt very warm at heart from the fact that such good guys study at my school.

This is how I live!

Slovyankov Yaroslav, 6 B class

"Whom I want to become"

I'm at the age when it's time to think about what I want to become: a lawyer, a physicist, a driver, a stuntman ... Or maybe a biologist?

What is biology? Biology is the science of life in all its manifestations. Already in antiquity, scientists tried to observe living organisms, plants, fungi, insects and microbes.

And today scientists - biologists find and study new types of living organisms. I think this is very important, because for many years scientists around the world have been working on the development of drugs for AIDS, cancer, Ebola, etc. Biologists are trying to invent vaccines to help people save them from serious illnesses. It is hard work. Why? Yes, because biologists work a lot of time in laboratories and clinics. They must know a lot and correctly apply their knowledge in the field of anatomy, physiology, microbiology. And it is also necessary to have a good understanding of chemistry, physics, medicine and even Latin.

Maybe I can become a biologist to benefit people. What if I can invent some kind of medicine or vaccine! And thus help people!

Sotnikov Dmitry, 5 A class

Publication date: 05/13/2014 20:38:29

Ecological newspaper

as one of the tools for shaping environmental behavior

Romanovtseva O.N., methodologist

MBOU "Secondary School No. 6", Yugorsk, KhMAO-Yugra.

We have learned to fly in the sky like birds.

We have learned to swim in the ocean like fish.

Now it remains to learn how to live on earth like people.

George Bernard Shaw

The problem of new environmental ethics, environmental education and enlightenment are recognized by UNESCO as global. After all, no improvement in the ecological situation will occur until the broad mass of the planet's population is ready to abandon destructive consumerism, does not want to take care of its environment, every citizen about his small homeland and acquires a new environmentally oriented worldview.

The new situation requires from humanity and from young people, first of all, a new self-determination and a meaningful program of action. Children, adolescents, and youth of Russia today find themselves in a difficult situation, when old ideals are "knocked out" and there are simply no new ones, so they are looking for a way out in negative actions. All this obliges us to start concrete actions for the social rehabilitation of the younger generation and its adaptation to qualitatively new relations that are taking shape in society.

Solving the issues of environmental education today is not only the study of biological science about the relationship of the body with the environment, but also the creation of conditions for instilling a sense of patriotism in the younger generation. In addition, environmental education is also the practice of human survival in the face of an environmental crisis and an impending environmental catastrophe. It is no coincidence that the 21st century has been named the “Centenary of the Environment” by the Institute for European Environmental Policy.

Ecologically, moral and value principles and norms are assimilated if they are experienced as personally significant. The most important thing is to always remember that our future depends not on someone, but on each of us personally. And even if we cannot do much yet, at first it will be enough not to litter, not to break bottles, not to break trees. It is enough to look more often at the life of a fragile spring flower and a lizard basking in the sun, listen to the birds singing and the splashing of river waves.

Why is the newspaper format suggested? In fact, this form of printed word has a number of advantages.

  1. Newspapers are relatively cheap to publish. In terms of price-to-result ratio, the newspaper has practically no equal in its impact on a large number of people.
  2. You can place a huge amount of information in a newspaper, and if you do it correctly and interestingly, then people will read it.
  3. It is very important that even now in the 21st century in Russia there are a lot of people who do not have access to the Internet or who do not use computer and electronic media.
  4. Our goal is to find and provide access to our newspaper to people who want to know more about health, environmental issues and nature.
  5. Students will receive a true opinion about existing problems and their solutions.

Rationale for the choice of the theme of the project "Ecological newspaper".

The children's and youth press has become a massive and ubiquitous phenomenon in our lives.

Children and adolescents need periodicals where they themselves collaborate and where topics that are important and interesting to them are touched upon.

When knowledge passes through the sphere of feelings and experiences of a person, in the course of reflection, analysis, comparisons with one's own experience, they develop into beliefs.

Of great importance is the practical experience of communicating with nature, including educational studies of regional environmental problems.

Imagination, observation develops

Methods of irrational nature management cause internal protest, desire and readiness to protect the environment.

Pedagogical tasks

  • To create an environment for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children, skills of project activities.
  • To deepen knowledge about nature and the role of man in it. Increase students' interest in the nature of their native land. Contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge in the field of ecology, biology, environmental protection, computer science.
  • To involve students in practical activities for the protection of nature through the organization of actions and labor landings.
  • Develop interpersonal communication skills using ICT.
  • To exchange experience between the participants of the project on organizing environmental education and environmental protection activities in their city, district.
  • To form in children elementary ideas about plants and animal organisms in their relationship with the environment, about the value of nature and human responsibility for its conservation
  • To use ecological knowledge as a necessary condition for developing the right attitude towards the world around.
  • To help ensure that knowledge is of an emotionally effective nature and is expressed in the form of cognitive interest, humanistic and aesthetic experiences, practical readiness to create, protect all living things, handle things with care, not only because it is someone’s work, but also because materials of natural origin were spent on their manufacture.

Possible variants of the release of the newspaper.

NEWSPAPER-APP. This is a satellite newspaper that is published by guys working in certain areas (sports, local history, national culture, etc.)

NEWSPAPER-LIGHTNING. A special type of newspaper. It contains emergency information about one or more events in the life of the city, school (i.e. "lightning" - a special edition of the newspaper with a message about an important event). Information "lightning" requires an immediate response.

LIVING NEWSPAPER” is a thematic newspaper that shows pressing problems. Relevance and topicality are important for a “living newspaper”.

PRESS BULLETIN. This is a newspaper that informs the reader about the course of some event, highlighting its most important moments, giving an assessment, summing up. The press bulletin is issued at rallies, festivals, during competitions, environmental press conferences, etc.

EXCHANGE NUMBER. This is a newspaper that is made for your friends, a team of guys with whom you are friends. It is usually prepared jointly by the editorial board of the newspaper of another school. The goal is to help friends publish a good newspaper, to learn for themselves.

The purpose of the students' activity is:

  1. Knowledge of the native land and specific environmental activities.
  2. Joint creative solution of local environmental problems, finding supporters and partners among various departments, authorities.
  3. Carrying out educational work among their surroundings, informing the local population about the results of their research and success in the conservation of nature.
  4. Participation in environmental competitions, olympiads of all levels, exchange of experience with peers.
  5. Getting pleasure in the emotional sphere from their creative activity.

What can you write about?

  • On the relationship of people to the environment.
  • The fact that people should take care of wildlife.
  • How to Cultivate Green Habits.

Specialized information and news sections:

Environmental News - "Just the Facts";

- "Red Book Views of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra";

- "Our park";

- "The best of the best";

- "Ecological calendar";

- "Medicinal plants";

Entertaining section with crosswords, jokes and much more.

Results of the project implementation.

1. Regulations on the school environmental newspaper have been developed.

2. There are several options for the names of the environmental newspaper.

3. The release of ecological leaflets was organized: "Ecohouse", "Ecopolis", "My Red Book of Ugra".

4. In environmental leaflets, slogans-headings were used:

Think green!

Touch everything in nature only with your heart.

Let's build a Green City!

Let's make the world a better place!

More life!

5. The project involved 8 students of the 8th grade who managed to:

  1. learn how to publish your own newspaper - a leaflet in one page format;
  2. get acquainted with the main newspaper business;
  3. learn how to find relevant material for the newspaper;
  4. learn how to work with the Publisher-Point program;
  5. learn how to interview correctly;
  6. expand the scope of environmental education;
  7. to involve students of grades 2-5 in environmental activities through participation in competitions and promotions announced by the leaflet newspaper.

In the practice of working on the implementation of the Ecological Newspaper project, the following problems were identified:

  • some children came to the elective course "Ecology for All" out of obligation, so they were not active in working on the newspaper;
  • there was no leader motivated to organize work on a common newspaper, each student published his own newspaper;
  • not enough time to publish a newspaper (1 hour per week);
  • lack of automated workstations with Internet access for students.

In order to form the key competencies of students in the process of project implementation, a system-activity approach was used. Main technologies used: design, research, information and communication. Experience shows that the organization of practical activities of students is of particular importance in order to consolidate the primary skills of participation in environmental actions: modeling of environmental situations, development of applied environmental skills, emotional and aesthetic perception of the nature of one's region. Thus, 3 students of grades 2-5 took part in the competition "Animals of the Red Book - through the eyes of children". 30 students of grades 2-5 took part in the action "Your good footprint in nature". As a result of the action, all participants received a gratitude from the director of the school for active environmental behavior. Environmental leaflets were issued in the process of working on the "ecological newspaper", under the heading - "My page in the Red Book of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug" (Appendix-1). 5 students took part in the district competition of ecological leaflets. Thus, we were convinced that the "environmental newspaper" is one of the effective forms of development of environmental awareness and behavior of students.

Sources of information

  1. Vachevskaya A.Yu.
  2. Novosibirsk Ecological Public Movement "GREEN PLANET". Vkontakte:
  3. Email: [email protected], [email protected]
  4. Organization Blog
  5. DVFEZ "Green energy and the house of the future"