Spanish is difficult or not. I am a problem - forgetting Spanish words

Everyone who starts learn spanish, wonders whether it is possible to quickly and effectively learn a foreign language and which of the existing methods is the most effective.

There are many different methods and curricula, each of them has its pros and cons, but no matter how you decide to learn a language - on your own or with a tutor, in a group or individually, in a language course in Barcelona or at home - there is some important rules to help you learn spanish quickly and gain solid and solid knowledge.

1. Exercise regularly

Invest in learning Spanish at least a few minutes a day. It is important to accustom yourself to study regularly, because discipline is the only factor that can resist laziness and the desire to do anything, just not to learn words and not to study grammar. Opening the textbook only once a week, it is difficult to achieve success! Get yourself interested - think of learning Spanish as something you're very interested in, not just a necessity. Be passionate about the process! And then, every day you will want to learn something new. But don't overload yourself. Even after a day, the brain already forgets what and in what order was studied last time, and if you rarely do it, then half of the lesson time is spent simply on repetition! Assimilation of the material in small portions, but continuously, gives the best result. So remember: regular practice is the key to success!

2. Move from simple to complex

No need to try to remember many words at once or understand all tenses of verbs or memorize all prepositions. It is necessary to obtain material little by little and in small volumes. In foreign language classes, as in sports, you should not immediately take the heaviest weight and strive to perform the most difficult exercise. Need increase the load gradually and gradually take all the new more difficult levels.
Training takes place in three stages:
- introduction, - you learn new things, it is difficult for you to immediately understand and remember;
- assimilation, - you repeat, you are already familiar and understandable, but you have not yet remembered;
- memorization you know and remember perfectly, it is not difficult for you to use.

3. Use a dictionary, learn new words

A dictionary for learners of Spanish is an essential tool in learning. You can use both online services that provide the ability to translate words, or you can purchase the usual printed version of the dictionary. It is good if you buy a dictionary of a small format, for 5-10 thousand words, which you can always carry with you and, if necessary, find a word for communication.
Use predominantly monolingual dictionaries, do not try to translate every word into your native language. For beginners, a dictionary with a Russian-Spanish translation direction is preferable, because. in your native language, you know the name of all objects and how to express the idea, so you can use the dictionary to find out the Spanish equivalents of words that may interest you at any time. Thus constantly expand your vocabulary. As soon as you feel more confident, be sure to try to explain new unfamiliar Spanish words with the help of synonyms, phrases, antonyms, whole phrases - this way words will be easier to remember and consolidate in memory.

4. Remember words in context

Never memorize words individually, alphabetically or in random order! Better words are remembered in context as they are used in speech. For example, you can memorize words in a phrase with an adjective or a verb. For each new word, come up with three options in the phrase, or even better, make a few simple sentences. Then this word will definitely be better absorbed and not forgotten. In addition, remembering words in context helps to learn other words, as well as to learn derivatives of these words and other forms: for example, pintado - pintar - pintarse - el pintor - pintoresco - la pintura etc.

5. Master the grammar

No matter how difficult and uninteresting at first glance, but without grammar knowledge it is impossible to freely build correct phrases and sentences in a foreign language. You can try to remember phrases by heart, without understanding, but the older a person becomes, the worse he will remember words in an intuitive way, as children do, the more he will be remembered in a logical way - not on the basis of imitation, but on the basis of understanding. Grammar is important for understanding what you want to say.

You should not be afraid to make grammatical errors in a sentence, because the Spaniards themselves often speak with errors. But at a certain stage of learning without grammar, it will be very difficult to move on. If grammatical errors interfere with understanding, or if the lack of skills in the correct use of articles and verbs in the right form interferes with communication, your interlocutors will at one point simply get tired of guessing from your facial expressions and intonation what you meant if you don’t know which word order must be in a sentence.

6. Combine techniques in practice

It is important to pay attention to various aspects of language acquisition - not only to listen to the text, but also to speak, not only to read, but also to write down a summary, ask questions. There is no one universal technique that would suit everyone and everyone. Learning a foreign language is a very individual process, it depends on age, abilities, communication skills in the native language, motivation, diligence and many other factors. Find your own method what you like - for example, watch movies in the original or read books, additionally use methods such as - chatting on skype in Spanish, chatting with someone, etc.

7. Surround yourself with Spanish

A very effective technique is immersion technique. It is important to surround yourself with a foreign language from all sides. You can use the old method - stick around the house cards with the names of objects in a foreign language, posters and tables of irregular verbs. Let three forms of verbs hang in the bathroom, prepositions and adverbs at the dinner table, and a table of articles in the living room. The main thing is to change them to new ones from time to time, otherwise over time they will no longer be perceived and will simply be part of the interior.

Translate contact and facebook into spanish, listen to news and spanish radio in the background while you're stuck in traffic, listen to audiobooks in spanish. The language level does not allow? There are plenty of audio and video tutorials for beginners, start simple. Please note that when listening to audio for the first time, you may not make out a word, do not be lazy, and turn on audio playback a second time and you will be surprised that you have already sorted something out, after listening to the third time, you will understand most of it, and take it for yourself note a few new words from the context.

8. Practice the language

Without repeated use in speech, words tend to be forgotten! Write letters, find friends who speak Spanish, communicate on social networks, on forums - where they communicate in Spanish. A great way to practice Spanish and learn new words! If you want to learn 10 irregular verbs by tomorrow - come up with a short story of ten sentences, each with one verb. It's easier and more reliable to remember!

9. Maintain your interest

In order to constantly want to learn, it is very important to maintain interest in the Spanish language, for this it is enough to be interested in culture, cuisine, politics, sports of the country, famous people, recent events. Choose what interests you personally. If you have an incentive to go to Spain for your holidays, friends you speak Spanish with, a goal to go to university or find a job, all of these will help keep the interest level at the right level. Find motivational goals for yourself (read literature in the original, learn new things in Spanish, watch interesting series on Spanish TV), they will help you find the time and energy to study. Make the learning process fun for yourself!

10. Review the past!

Yes, in Spanish - it is important to return to the materials already covered as often as possible, do not be lazy to review the rules already passed in the textbook and exercises for them again and again. Do not repeat, you can only those topics that bounce off your teeth!

These simple rules will help you achieve the best results in learning Spanish. Look for yourself, try different techniques, do not stop there! Good luck and success!

Every year the interpenetration of peoples is gaining momentum. Globalization is intensifying, and with it the formation of new international corporations and other organizations of small and medium-sized businesses. In our country, too, there are similar systems. Different countries become partners, but most often these are the states of Europe. To communicate with foreigners, you need to know a foreign language, most often English, since it is the world language. However, other European dialects are gradually gaining popularity - French, German, Italian, Spanish.

You can learn a language in courses or with a tutor. The cost of classes, as a rule, is quite high, so not everyone can afford such pleasure. What to do if there are no funds for training, but you need to know the language in the near future? Many try to do it on their own at home, and most succeed. How to learn from scratch on your own, is it possible, what is necessary for this - these and other questions will be discussed in the article.

Language description

Refers to the Romanesque, which originally came from Latin. English, French and other European dialects are considered related. Their similarity resembles More than 60% of their structures and grammatical systems, as well as vocabulary, have many coincidences.

The birthplace of Romanesque is Rome. Latin gave its "children" grammar, most of the morphology and syntax. The differences are significant, but the basis is the same everywhere, and when analyzing the foundation of each of the languages ​​of this group, the similarities are obvious.

Language prevalence

The state that is the carrier of the described dialect is Spain. Almost the entire population owns it. However, there are some areas where vernaculars have taken root, but if necessary, their inhabitants can also use classical Spanish.

In addition to Europe, the language is actively used in the countries of South America, where it was brought several hundred years ago by colonists. It took root there quite firmly, which is why it became state in such countries as Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, and others.

Language complexity

If you understand whether it is difficult to learn Spanish, then you can approach from two sides.

  1. Knowing another European language makes it easier to remember the next one. This rule should be attributed to the relationship of dialects. They come from the same beginning, therefore, in part, all grammatical, lexical and other constructions will be similar, which will facilitate learning. However, each language is built on vocabulary, so learning new words, pronunciation, is still quite difficult.
  2. The new language is the first. When there is no certain basis in the head or a general idea of ​​​​the foundation, learning will be difficult. You will have to memorize the basics of grammar, syntax, etc. from scratch. On the other hand, for many, this can be a plus, because there will be no confusion and incorrect associations with another language in the head.

Beginners to foreign speech often wonder how to learn Spanish. It is possible to do this at home, but you need to know where to start and what you need. This will be written below.

Materials for self-study

To learn Spanish from scratch on your own, you will need a large amount of learning materials.

First you need to buy textbooks. You can choose classic school books or special ones marked "Tutorial". In the first option, a standard program will be presented, where the lessons will go in order without additional explanations, which the teacher usually does. In the second - after each new material there will be notes, nuances will be signed. Knowledge will become more structured and its acquisition will be more consistent. Which one to choose depends on the personal desire of the person.

Another important part of learning is listening. Many students are familiar with unloved listening, aimed at understanding the speaker. You have to concentrate, but even that is hard enough to do. As unpleasant as these activities are, they make a decisive contribution to learning a new language. When communicating with a native speaker, you will first need to be able to listen to him and understand what he is talking about. How to learn Spanish on your own from scratch? Constantly analyze foreign speech by ear. CDs are very often attached to printed materials, where listening tasks are included. If there are none, you can search for TV shows or films in the target language with subtitles, try to watch them and listen to the speech.

Self-learning scheme

You should always start from the basics. As a rule, good teaching materials teach lessons as they get more difficult, so you can follow them and not think about what to learn first. Each new lesson needs to be carefully worked out, for several days, until the construction or vocabulary is completely planted in the head. Figuratively speaking, even waking up at night, a person should name a new material without hesitation, then you can move on to a new one. This is the second nuance that answers the question of how to learn Spanish on your own from scratch.

It is advisable to add audio material to each lesson. Do not neglect them, because memorization is much better when different senses are involved. Visually, the design will be in memory, and if you listen to it a few more times, then it is unlikely to be erased by time.

As the material becomes more complex, it is necessary to begin to pronounce it. Having learned a couple of words, say them out loud, listen to the sound, remember the intonation of the speaker from the recording, repeat. Such procedures should be done as often as possible, because then the language will be memorized at the physical level.

Self-study programs

Despite the fact that the algorithm of actions in almost all training schemes is the same, some programs stand out significantly from the rest.

Most striking is Zamyatkin's program. His method is very unusual, it seems stupid and incredible to a simple person. The scheme is built on only one listening and pronunciation of texts. The training materials include several dialogues in the target language. The author himself writes that you need to listen to them until each sound becomes clear. Along with the audio material, a printed version of the dialogues in the target language is attached, which also needs to be constantly reviewed. When the stage of understanding sounds is passed, the texts need to be spoken, and exactly as the speakers themselves say.

After a certain understanding of the language is formed, you need to start watching movies, reading books in an unfamiliar dialect, try to do this without subtitles and, accordingly, a dictionary. The author claims that understanding will come by itself.

Actions must be done with all dialogues. Learning takes a lot of time, but for each it is individual. It all depends on the ability of the person and his desire to learn.

Each language is interesting and complex in its own way, but you can learn absolutely any. The main thing is not to forget about additional materials in the form of literature or cinema.

It is very useful when studying to begin to be interested in the whole culture of the country that is the carrier of the dialect. Then a special foreign atmosphere will penetrate into the whole being of the student, will be overcome more quickly, and understanding will come.

For how much you can learn Spanish - this question will have an individual answer for everyone, because it all depends on the efforts of a person and the desire to learn new things.

What language is spoken in Mexico? Why, when traveling in Mexico, English can not only not help, but also interfere? How to learn basic Spanish quickly and fairly easily? I will try to give answers to these and other questions in this article.

What is the language in Mexico?

Do you think that in any country you can safely travel and feel comfortable if you know English? Let me tell you a secret: if you are going to Mexico, English will not help!

How so? What is the language in Mexico? - you ask. Answer: Spanish. Yes, thanks to the Spanish conquistadors.

Do Mexicans really not speak English at all? It is very, very rare to find such a valuable specimen. Perhaps in quite touristic areas, such as Cancun (where we have not yet reached), the situation is a little better, but I would not count on it much. During the four months of traveling in Mexico, Andryusiks and I met literally a few people who at least somehow speak English (they can be counted on the fingers, perhaps even one hand is enough).

The whole point is that English can not only not help you in Mexico, but also play a cruel joke. It turns out that Mexicans do not like English just as much as they dislike their northern neighbors who speak this wonderful language. It happens that even knowing English, a Mexican basically does not want to speak it. He may not answer you a question asked in English, pretending that he does not understand anything at all, or he will communicate very reluctantly and not very friendly. But one has only to say a few words in Spanish, as they are ready to show and tell you everything.

So, my friends, Spanish!

The main thing is to have a goal

And what to do now? How to travel to Mexico? Learn at least the basics of the Spanish language. That's exactly what I decided when Andryusiks and I decided to go on a long Mexican trip. The situation was facilitated by the fact that I really liked Spanish and was interesting.

And then there was a specific tangible goal. After all, it is much easier to go forward when there is a reward waiting for you. We all need motivation.

So, if you have a desire to feel comfortable in the wonderful country of Mexico, set yourself the goal of getting to know the local language better and speaking it.

Spanish - easy and fast

Hooray! You are going to Mexico, there is still time before the trip (I think that such long-distance trips are more or less planned in advance). A reasonable question is how quickly, and even easily learn Spanish? I must say right away that I don’t know the secret a la “I wanted in the evening, woke up in the morning and spoke in Spanish”. Personally, I took care of this issue about three months before the trip. These three months I actively studied the language. So I can’t say that it was very easy for me to speak Spanish. You will also have to work. But I think three months is a very short time.

What makes you very happy? The fact that Spanish (especially its Mexican version) is considered a fairly easy language. Firstly, the pronunciation is very similar to our native one, there is no French “rrr” here (well, you understand what I mean), nor English “rrr”, which is also very unusual for us. Secondly, in Spanish, words are both heard and written, how they are written and read. You will have to remember a couple of rules, but there are at least exceptions.

The question of which foreign language to learn can baffle anyone, since there are more than enough opportunities for this now. Many learn or already speak English quite well, but would like to learn another language. For some, a foreign language  is a prerequisite for a career and work, for others  just a hobby.

Spanish combines everything at once:

    the ability to use it at work (especially in the field of tourism and hotel business)

    Spanish is really very exciting, many would like to learn this language just because it is native to their favorite singers and actors

    Spanish is an excellent choice for people who already know English (you will be able to understand almost all Americans, both North and South).

If you would like to learn Spanish, but you are not completely sure of your choice, then you may need information about this wonderful language and some experienced tips.

I had a desire to learn Spanish at school, after a trip to the Spanish resort of Costa Brava (a suburb of Barcelona) during the summer holidays. Then, like many of my peers, I studied English at school and in classes with a tutor. A trip to Spain changed a lot. Acquaintance, albeit fleeting at first, with this country, its rich culture, friendly and very sociable inhabitants, instilled in me the desire to learn how to speak Spanish (of course, not forgetting about English :).

This desire came true at the institute, I chose Spanish as my first language (the second was English). I did not regret my choice, the further I studied this language, the more I fell in love with its unique sound and imagery. The Spanish language turned out to be the golden key to the rich history and culture of not only Spain itself, but also numerous countries in Latin America, in which Spanish is also the official language. In addition, the study of a second language allowed me to compare the ways of thinking of different peoples, which are so clearly manifested precisely through different ways of expressing the same thought.

It was hard at first to get used to the new pronunciation and reading rules, English sounds constantly broke through, especially such as, which in Spanish, unlike English, are pronounced without aspiration. It was also quite difficult to get used to the fact that in Spanish vowels are practically not reduced and with the need to "growl" every time a word starts with [r] or has . Helped daily swotting, reading aloud, listening to cassettes. Gradually my pronunciation began to approach more or less similar to Spanish. After a couple of weeks of hard and painstaking work, I could already read Spanish quite tolerably.

In fact, learning how to read and pronounce Spanish words correctly is not so difficult. In Spanish, unlike English, there are quite clear reading rules, thanks to which, you can correctly read any, even an unfamiliar word, without resorting to a dictionary and transcription. The main thing is to force yourself to devote at least an hour a day to reading, not to be lazy to re-read complex sentences several times. If it's really tight, you can record yourself on a cassette, and then listen to the & nbsp from the side of the error appear more clearly. You can bring the tape to your teacher and ask him to comment on your mistakes and advise on how to correct them.

The Next Obstacle to Learning Spanish  grammar. For me personally, the most difficult thing to get used to is the huge number of Spanish endings, each of which corresponds to the person in which the corresponding verb is, tense and mood (indicative, subjunctive & nbsp the famous Spanish Subjuntivo or imperative). Also frightened by the number of deviant and irregular verbs. It seemed to me that in English everything is arranged much more simply. I learned 3 forms of irregular verbs, remembered that in the third person singular of the present tense, verbs take the ending -s, and no problem. And then ... However, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. In the end, everything turned out to be not so scary. The main thing at the first stage is not to rush, to scroll through the entire paradigm of the verb in your head in search of the desired form, to clearly imagine in what tense and mood you want to say this or that phrase.

If we talk about the progress in learning Spanish, I can say that at the end of the first year I could already conduct small dialogues, read and discuss simple topics, in the second year there was an active replenishment of grammatical and lexical material, the improvement of phonetics and conversational skills. Then we began to take on more complex and serious topics (problems of terrorism, drugs, politics and economics, etc.), studied new and repeated grammar material. The fourth and fifth courses were devoted mainly to grammatical subtleties, vocabulary replenishment, active discussions of various topical topics, reading and translating articles (from Spanish into Russian and from Russian into Spanish), lectures on the history of the language and linguistics (in Spanish). With such a flow of new material, simple words and expressions began to be forgotten from the first year. It was very funny when, having discussed all the possible problems of today's youth, we began to think about how to say something like "Pass me a cup of tea" correctly :) Therefore, sometimes it is very useful to go back to the very first lessons and remember the very basics.

In general, my teachers personally helped me a lot, who were always happy to give advice and help to understand the most difficult moments. The most important thing  is not to leave anything misunderstood, to understand everything at once. If this is not done, then errors will accumulate like a snowball and then it will be really difficult to fix anything. Some students in our group went through almost the entire paradigm of the verb before they got to the form they needed, but it was enough just to figure out what time is used when and devote more time to homework. This was very disturbing, especially at the stage when it was already necessary to discuss a topic, instead of choosing suitable phrases, we had to return to the material we had already covered, which slowed down the work of the whole group.

Concerning educational material, this is also an important point. As you know, a boring textbook can completely discourage any desire to learn a language. At the institute, we studied textbook edited by A. I. Patrushev and E. I. Rodriguez  Danilevskaya. This is a two-part tutorial for beginners and advanced learners. We passed both :). The rules in this manual are explained quite well and completely, so that it was almost not necessary to use additional grammar materials. With themes a little worse, the standard set: mi family, en el restaurante, Madrid etc. Some of the texts used in the textbook are also rather outdated. Nevertheless, the lexical material is chosen, in my opinion, well. The exercises are designed to reinforce what you have learned. For variety, we used printouts from Spanish manuals that teachers took from the Cervantes Institute, short stories, and then books by Spanish and Latin American writers. In the first year, we read and retold fairy tales and small funny stories, read tongue twisters, sang songs & nbsp all this contributed to a faster vocabulary replenishment, besides it was a lot of fun, so the lessons flew by unnoticed.

From dictionaries First of all I can advise A large Spanish-Russian dictionary edited by B. P. Narumov and Large Russian-Spanish Dictionary, edited by G. Ya. Turover(if you are really serious). If you need Spanish only for communication, you can buy a small but good enough dictionary edited by K. A. Martsishevskaya(Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish). I cannot fail to mention one more vocabulary, which is simply necessary to understand the Spaniards, who, as you know, like to insert very expressive and often far from literary expressions into their speech. it Colloquial Spanish Dictionary edited by Sllavka Simeónova. On the cover of the dictionary, the notorious Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are depicted exchanging just such phrases: Hola, tronco, ¿que tal?  ¡De puta madre! However, it is worth noting that you can use this dictionary only after accumulating a certain amount of knowledge, since the words and expressions in it are translated not into Russian, but into Spanish, only a literary language.

Of course, all the difficulties in learning Spanish, like any other, cannot be listed. However, these difficulties should not stop a person who decides to learn Spanish. It is a beautiful language, bright and expressive, you will immediately fall in love with it, you can trust me! The main thing is perseverance and self-confidence, and everything will work out! As the Spanish proverb says: "No hay atajo sin trabajo"  "You can't even take a fish out of a pond without effort."

Julia Baltacheva

It's not that I'm really sorry about something, after all, the length of time plays a rather large role in the successful study of the language, no matter what anyone says. But after I started learning Spanish on my own in 2003 or 2004, I crawled up to B2 level in 2014, even though you could have become a Spanish god in that time. I don’t want to blame myself for anything, because until recently, many of the benefits of civilization such as unlimited Internet, unlimited textbooks, italki and much more were not available to me. After all, hubiera no existe (“if only” does not exist).

  1. Learn the language "on the table"? No, gracias

It makes me laugh when people complain that they have been learning the language for half a year and still do not speak it. I studied Spanish for 6 or 7 years before speaking it aloud for the first time, and even then not with a native speaker. Do you think I was afraid? Whatever it was, I just had no one to be with! For several years I retold texts aloud to myself, answered questions aloud to myself, too, pathetically, right?

How would I do now. Approximately at the A2 level, I would have phoned the carrier, whom I would have previously found on or or even VKontakte, there are plenty of them. Ideally, about a month and a half should pass for me from the start of regular classes. If I have conversation clubs in my city (in Kyiv, this is somehow not very good), I would start visiting there around the same time.

2. Learn a language without a textbook? No, gracias

Before I got Rodriguez-Danilevskaya's textbook, I learned Spanish for three and a half years on some forums, from songs, from a short grammar at the end of the dictionary, from some lessons from the Internet ... When I bought the textbook, I had so many puzzles, who would have known. A system appeared, all the material began to be ironically worked out, however, I didn’t know then that the vocabulary in that textbook was a little outdated.

How would I do now. I would buy Español en vivo. Having typed a little vocabulary and grammar, I would supplement it with authentic Prisma, Español en marcha, Uso interactivo del vocabulario, Gramática de uso del español.

  1. Learn a language without listening to it? No, gracias

Due to the fact that Rodriguez-Danilevskaya did not have audio, and I did not have other manuals until 2010, having studied Spanish for more than 6 years, I realized that I did not understand anything. When I got to Spain, I did not understand what the passers-by on the streets were answering me. When I turned on the movies, some kind of Mandarin Chinese sounded from the screen. With the series, things were better - you could force yourself to watch 5 episodes, and over time I began to understand specific actors. Over the past two years, listening has improved a lot, but it could have been done much earlier.

How would I do it now:

  • Firstly, Nuzhdin (Español en vivo) and almost all of the above courses have audio.
  • Secondly, I would listen to a podcast, on average 1-2 episodes a day. There are a lot of Spanish podcasts our Yana made a selection on them. At some point, you can stop learning podcasts, go to and just listen to podcasts in Spanish that are made for native speakers, not for learners.
  • Thirdly, I would watch TV shows with subtitles from the very beginning, gradually switching to TV shows without them. Once again, I will take this opportunity to promote my favorite Mexican series Las Aparicio (“Women of the Aparicio Family”), which is posted all around you know where with Russian subtitles.
  • Fourthly, I would not be afraid to watch a huge number of films in Spanish almost from the very beginning. Even though I don't understand much. I have repeatedly convinced myself that listening comprehension is purely a matter of habit, and the sooner it is developed, the better.
  1. Learn a language and not read it? No, gracias

I read the first adapted book in 2012, I think. The first non-adapted one - in 2014. Ok, it’s not my fault, until some year adapted books were simply not available to me, but now I have a difficulty because of the large selection, and I don’t really need them, now I read ordinary books .

How would I do now. Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and is being studied by millions, thank God. Therefore, the choice of manuals on it is simply huge, including adapted literature. Already having an A1 level, you can read a few thin books and gain new vocabulary. Many books are available with audio. I would pay attention to the Pepa Vila series, Lola Lagos (these are detectives), as well as adapted books from the Edinumen publishing house. There are even books available for specific varieties of Spanish such as those from Colombia, Mexico and Argentina. Starting from level B1, I would start reading magazines in Spanish (now it's not a problem to find a pdf). On B2 you can already read newspapers online (El País, El mundo).

  1. Learn a language for 10 years and not be able to write a coherent text? No, gracias

    I realized that it was hard for me to write a long text in Spanish when I decided to take the DELE C1. And I don’t mean stupid essays of the exam format, I’m talking about some long reflections or, for example, about such an article as I am writing now. There was a whole week in the marathon, which I devoted to writing and every day I wrote texts for 2000 characters on average. It turned out that it’s hard to move out in writing when you don’t know something, in oral speech it’s easier. In oral speech, spelling errors are not visible :) Well, when you suddenly realize that you are not sure of some conjugation, you can quickly pronounce it so that no one will notice. It doesn't work that way in writing.

How would I do now. Now I would use and to the fullest. Up to the point that I would throw my written assignments from textbooks there. There is no need to awkwardly ask anyone to check your work, because these sites are for language exchange.

Well, and, perhaps, the most important thing is that I would not stretch out active study for such a period. You can reach level B2 in a little over a year, if you do all of the above in a complex, the main thing here is awareness, consistency and constancy. The last two points came to me only two years ago, but I will not make these mistakes with other languages.

Guest article written by Alena Dudarets, our Super Curator Language Heroes in Spanish, for which many thanks to her on behalf of beginners to learn Spanish :)

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