How is a meteorite crater formed?

To make it easier to remember what the traffic controller shows, there are several unspoken rules of the road:

1. All signs and traffic lights become invalid

2. For vehicles, you can only move along the arms of the traffic controller, i.e. without crossing the torso!

3. When the hand is raised up - movement is prohibited!

4. For trams - movement only on the hands of the traffic controller.

traffic controller signals in pictures with explanations

The hand of the traffic controller is raised up - movement is prohibited, except for clause 6.14 of the traffic rules

Hands to the sides or lowered, the traffic controller stands sideways - the tram is allowed to move straight, trackless vehicles straight and to the right. Pedestrians are allowed to cross the road.

Hands to the sides or lowered, the traffic controller is facing you or with his back - the movement of all vehicles is prohibited. Pedestrians are not allowed to cross the road.

The right hand is stretched forward, the traffic controller stands to you with his left side - the tram is allowed to move only to the left, trackless vehicles in all directions. Pedestrians are allowed to cross the road only behind the back of the traffic controller.

The right hand of the traffic controller is extended forward and he stands to you with his right side - the movement of all vehicles is prohibited. Pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway only behind the back of the traffic controller.

The right hand of the traffic controller is extended forward and he is facing you - all vehicles are allowed to move only to the right. Pedestrians are not allowed to cross the road.

The right hand of the traffic controller is extended forward and he stands with his back to you - the movement of all vehicles is prohibited. Pedestrians are not allowed to cross the road.

In our time, traffic controllers are like Ussuri tigers - they are quite rare, and when we meet, we get scared and try to avoid contact with them. And all because we do not know the signals of the traffic controller, which are actually elementary. We suggest that you resolve the issue with these signals once and for all and forget that once one sight of a traffic controller waving a baton could put you in a stupor.

Despite the fact that the traffic controller has long moved into the category of anachronisms, every driver is simply obliged to know his signals, because there are situations when only a living person can handle the jumble at the intersection. Even ultra-modern traffic light control systems can easily fail, therefore an experienced traffic inspector is always ready to replace electronics, who, with the help of a magic striped stick, can give orders to multi-ton cars that obediently fulfill all his requirements.

Since the traffic controllers rarely go to intersections, many drivers have no idea how to behave at one or another signal. And this is despite the fact that in driving schools the study of traffic controller signals is mandatory.

The traditional image of the traffic controller is a man in uniform and with a staff in his hands, which is sometimes replaced by a disk with a reflector or a red signal. However, neither the wand nor the disk is a requirement. This toolkit is used only to increase the visibility of the given signals. This means that the driver in no case has the right to ignore these signals given by the traffic controller simply with his hands, that is, without the use of improvised means.

The peculiarity of the traffic controller is that it has priority over traffic lights and road signs, canceling their meaning. In other words, all the duties of laborious traffic lights are shifted to the fragile shoulders of the traffic controller. And here you need to focus on one nuance: the signals of the traffic controller must be able to correctly interpret not only drivers, but also pedestrians. As you know, ignorance of the rules and laws does not exempt from responsibility. So, fellow pedestrians, as well as “pedesides” and “pedestrians”, the time has come to attach elementary knowledge of the signals given by the traffic controller to a simple traffic light scheme.

Raised hand: imaginary red light

If the traffic controller raises his hand up, this means that neither pedestrians nor vehicles have the right to move in any direction. This signal allows you to clear the intersection of all road users.

This is necessary, for example, in order to give way to special vehicles that go through the intersection.

Spread to the sides or lowered hands - red!

Both of these signals are identical. The question arises - why complicate the task so much if it was possible to receive one signal? In fact, everything is simply explained. There are situations when a narrow intersection is regulated or large vehicles are driving, and arms spread apart can significantly complicate the movement of cars, but first of all, the further functioning of the traffic controller.

Now let's talk about the actual meaning of this signal. Immediately mentally imagine that the hands of the traffic controller are barriers that we are used to seeing at railway crossings. If you are in a position in front of the chest or back of the traffic controller, then you are prohibited from further movement. In the event that the traffic controller is standing sideways to your car, you can go straight or to the right.

But trams can only go straight, forgetting for a while about the existence of such a direction as "to the right." In general, trams should be guided by one simple rule, which can be formulated as follows - "in the sleeve - out of the sleeve." In other words, the driver must mentally enter the traffic controller's sleeve, which is closer, and leave the one that is farther away.

Right hand extended forward

If the driver has turned his chest to you and pointed his striped pointing finger at you, then you can safely turn the steering wheel to the right and put pressure on the gas. It is impossible to move in other directions, except to the right.

Those vehicles that are behind and to the right of the traffic controller are required to stop and wait for their turn.

Drivers who are located to the left of the traffic controller are the most fortunate: they are allowed to move in all directions. And trams passing through the tunnels of the sleeves can only move to the left.

Road users who move on their own can cross the road behind the back of the traffic controller.


If the traffic controller changes the position of the hands and body, you can complete the maneuver without fear of being charged with a traffic violation.

So, let's formulate general rules that will later make it much easier to understand the signals and gestures of the traffic controller and their meanings.

  • a person with a wand allows traffic only from two sides of the intersection;
  • the outstretched hands of the traffic controller always show in those directions from where movement is allowed;
  • the back of the traffic controller is always equated to a red traffic light;
  • trams can only go along the arms of the traffic controller, and cars are also allowed to move to the right.

If you are still afraid of traffic controllers, then it's time to get rid of your unfounded phobia. And even if the traffic controller appears before you in the form of a formidable uncle who waves his arms and actively swears, remember that he is your assistant first of all.

On the roads of our country, situations often occur when a traffic light stops working at a busy intersection, and a traffic controller standing in the middle of the intersection takes over the control and coordination of traffic according to traffic rules.

The traffic controller takes full control over the regulation and direction of cars standing at the intersection. Accordingly, each driver needs to fully know and clearly follow all the signals of the traffic controller, which are given in accordance with the traffic rules.

As a rule, the functions of the traffic controller at the intersection are performed. Simply put, it is an analogue of a traffic light, as a result of which the correct movement occurs and no traffic jams are created. It gives signals to all road users, from cars to trams and trolleybuses, as well as to pedestrians crossing the carriageway of intersections.

For regulation, he uses accepted and unified hand gestures and his body. Gestures can be in the form of outstretched arms or extended only the right arm forward, as well as the position of the chest, back and shoulder in relation to cars and pedestrians.

The traffic controller can also use a wand and a special disk with a red color to help him. These devices allow you to better determine and understand the actions of the traffic police officer responsible for road safety. He is also allowed to use additionally various hand gestures that will be understandable to all drivers.

Standard and Boolean Values

During training at a driving school, a special course is given to study the gestures and signals of the traffic controller. During it, all cadets are introduced to the standard positions of the hands and wands, which replace the operation of traffic lights. After studying this course, each cadet in a driving school takes the appropriate ones, which allow you to consolidate the knowledge gained.

To refresh your memory, below are the main all possible gestures and signals that the traffic controller uses:

Basic and simple memorable gestures:

  • Turned "back" - means;
  • The arm is stretched up - movement is prohibited for everyone, i.e. red light for everyone;
  • Turned by the right shoulder with outstretched arm - also a red light;
  • The shoulders are turned parallel to the road - it means the green light of the traffic light.

An important point is that the traffic controller has a higher priority than a working traffic light.

Regulation rules

As practice shows, while driving on the roads in the city, you can rarely meet a traffic controller, so most drivers forget the meaning of his gestures and signals over time. And if the settlement is a small town with a population of about 50 thousand, then it can appear there very rarely, almost once every hundred years. At its core, all its signals have their own logical meaning and there should be no difficulty in remembering them.

1. Raised hand up

  • Tram: ride is prohibited;
  • TS: no driving allowed;
  • Pedestrian: Walking is prohibited.

If the traffic controller raises his hand, it is absolutely forbidden for all participants on the road to move. Everyone should stand and wait for his next order.

2. Arms extended or lowered down

This gesture of the traffic controller has two identical values ​​of traffic rules: with arms outstretched up or lowered down.

a) for those who stand in front and behind:

  • Tram: ride is prohibited;
  • TS: no driving allowed;
  • Pedestrian: Walking is prohibited.

b) for those who stand on the sides:

  • Tram: you can only move straight;
  • TS: only go straight and turn right is allowed;
  • Pedestrian: you can cross the road.

3. Right arm extended in front of you forward

This signal and gesture of a police officer is the most confusing in terms of complexity. It has four different traffic rules for all participants. If you follow the logic, then most of them will be understandable.

a) for the one who is on the side of the right shoulder:

  • Tram: moving is prohibited;
  • TS: no movement allowed;
  • Pedestrian: Walking is prohibited.

b) for those who are behind:

  • Tram: ride is prohibited;
  • TS: no driving allowed;
  • Pedestrian: allowed.

c) on the left side:

  • Tram: you can make;
  • TS: allowed to move in any direction;
  • Pedestrian: prohibited.

d) front:

  • Tram: move to the right;
  • TS: move right.
  • Pedestrian: prohibited.

Summarizing, one can do following output:

The traffic controller can appear on the road only in two cases: when the traffic light is not working or when there is a traffic jam. You can rarely see him at the crossroads of the city, but you need to know all his gestures. If suddenly there are difficulties with understanding any signal, then you can focus on the flow or how everyone else is moving.

November 11, 2017

Every driver knows that intersections are regulated by a traffic light sign. But there are situations when there is a traffic controller on the road and sets the direction of your movement. Sometimes motorists face difficulties, forgetting what his commands mean.

Instructions can be either a wand or a hand. This does not change the meaning of the command. To attract attention, the traffic controller may use a whistle.

A police officer or a military automobile inspectorate can act as a traffic controller. This person's instructions apply to drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Signs of the traffic controller according to the rules of traffic rules

  1. Right hand stretched up. This command means that the driver should not pay attention to road signs and traffic lights. The road user must stop at the stop line and wait for the traffic controller's signal to continue driving. It does not matter how the employee is turned towards you. It is necessary to immediately respond to his action. The command applies not only to drivers, but also to pedestrians. The traffic rules say: if the driver fails to stop at the command of the traffic controller, he has the right to complete the maneuver. This rule also applies if the driver managed to drive to the intersection before the sign of the traffic controller. In this case, the employee himself allows you to complete the maneuver and clear the roadway so as not to interfere with other participants. The raised hand is associated with a yellow traffic light signal, which shows the road user that it is necessary to prepare for further action.
  2. Hands spread out to the sides or lowered. This position indicates that it is forbidden to move on the chest and back of a police officer. Movement to the right and straight can be continued by those to whom he stands sideways. This rule also applies to pedestrians. They can only continue to move parallel to the traffic controller.
  3. Hand points forward. If the traffic controller is looking at us, then it is only allowed to go to the right. If he stands on his right side, then movement is prohibited. The driver does not have the right to continue driving even if the traffic controller is standing with his back, regardless of which commands he shows. If he stands on his left side, movement is allowed in all directions.

How to learn and not forget the signals of the traffic controller?

Basic rules to quickly and easily memorize signals:

  • the extended wand sets the vector in which direction the driver can start moving;
  • drivers do not have the right to move on the back of the traffic controller, regardless of what signals he gives;
  • trams can only move along the inspector's hands, and motorists have the right to turn right.

Theoretical knowledge about traffic rules when there is a traffic controller on the roads is not always enough. Even an experienced motorist may be confused and not understand how to act at the sight of a police officer. But the verse about the traffic controller will help you easily and simply remember the rules of movement in such a situation:

The stick is directed upwards - she tells everyone to stand.

If the stick points to the right, you have no right to go.

If the stick is facing your mouth, make a right turn.

If the stick points to the left, ride like a queen.

"Naked" chest and back - a wall for the driver!

Such a memory will help you remember all the nuances and confidently continue the maneuver when faced with manual traffic control.

But in addition to drivers, it is important that pedestrians also know how to behave correctly if there is a traffic controller on the roadway. For this there is a rhyme for pedestrians:

I stand facing you

Be patient, be young.

I look at you strictly -

So the road is busy.

If I raise my hand

Nobody moves.

Now I've turned sideways

The path is clear ahead

Don't yawn, move on.

We remember the signals of the traffic controller in the picture

There is another good technique that will allow you to quickly remember the signals of the traffic controller - from the picture. This method is suitable for those who are clearer with visual examples than with words.

So, before you start or continue driving, you need to pay attention to the position of the hands of the traffic inspector. Most of all, questions arise when the traffic controller points at you with one hand, and the other is pressed along the body. In this case, mentally raise your lowered hand, and it will immediately be clear what directions the traffic controller sets for movement. The arms form a right angle that cannot be crossed. Therefore, from the right hand side, drivers can turn right. From the side of the mentally raised hand, you can move in any direction. For a better example, take a look at the image.

In general, it is very simple to understand the gestures of the traffic controller: he sets the movement only to those vehicles that he points to with his hand. The rest doesn't interest him.

Despite the fact that during the regulation of traffic by a specialist, you should pay attention only to his instructions, you should not forget about road signs. You can only ignore those signs that directly contradict the signals of the traffic controller. For example, if an inspector is standing at an intersection where a traffic light is installed, in this case the driver follows only his instructions. But besides this, there are also markings and standard signs on the road, with which the traffic controller does not come into conflict. They must be followed, otherwise an emergency may arise.

Additional signs of the traffic controller

In addition to the main signs, there are additional ones that you should also follow and be sure to pay attention to:

  • the traffic controller twists the wand in front of the chest - you need to speed up your movement. Distributed for drivers moving from the side of the right and left shoulder;
  • if he suddenly lowers his hand and points to the left - drivers need to quickly complete the turn to the right;
  • the police officer showed a stop signal, but you drove to the intersection - complete the maneuver if the inspector is looking at you.

Questions about the signals of the traffic controller are studied in detail in a driving school, and are included in the exam tickets for knowledge of traffic rules. For a better memorization of the rules, a verse was invented about the traffic controller - a memorizer: if the stick looks into your mouth - make a right turn, the stick is directed up - she tells everyone to stand. In order to remember the signals of the traffic controller easily and simply, we will further analyze in detail how to adjust the movement using the example of this poem.


The traffic controller is a “live” traffic light, its signals equally apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians. Inspector's signals are mandatory and take precedence over traffic lights, then you should pay attention to signs and markings.

He is in charge of the road.

He is important as a director.

And look with a strict look

At all traffic inspectors.

Everything is important in the work of the traffic controller: the position of the hands, the body, additional gestures. Signals are given by a disk equipped with a red reflector or a white-and-black striped baton; when changing position, a sound signal is usually given by a whistle.

And if the traffic light is broken,

A traffic jam has been created.

The regulator will help everyone,

With a rod he will lay the route.

A certain code will give,

Let the traffic pass.

But even if there are no special means in the hands of the traffic controller, his signals are mandatory for road users to follow.

Let the traffic light flash

Our inspector is more important

Machine directs

With my wand.

Trams and trolleybuses

Vans, dump trucks

They will go in that direction,

Where did he show them?

How to learn and not forget traffic controller signals

Despite the theoretical acquaintance, the traffic controller on the road is a rare phenomenon, drivers regard his appearance as marvelous, and sometimes even experienced traffic participants are lost in such a situation. To easily remember the signals, they came up with a rhyme about the traffic controller.

The stick is directed up - she tells everyone to stand.

If the stick points to the right, you have no right to drive.

If the stick is facing your mouth, make a right turn.

If the stick points to the left, ride like a queen.

"Naked" chest and back - a wall for the driver!

The general scheme suggests how the participants in the movement, located on different sides of the inspector, should behave

Next, we will analyze the signals of the traffic controller in detail. The memory verse about the traffic controller reads: “The stick is directed up - she tells everyone to stand.” If the inspector raised his hand up, and it doesn’t matter which part of the body he turned to you, then all traffic participants on the road without exception: both drivers of vehicles and pedestrians must stand still. Movement in any direction is strictly prohibited.

Be careful all the time

And remember ahead:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

The "hand up" signal is needed to clear the intersection, and is mainly used to allow special traffic to pass.

If the traffic controller raised the stick up, then pedestrians and drivers are required to stop

We recall further the rhyme about the traffic controller: if the stick points to the right, you have no right to go. The signal should be regarded as a red light of a traffic light, which means: vehicles that are on the right of the inspector-regulator must stop and wait for the next instructions.

If the baton points to the right, and the inspector turns his back or face to you, the vehicle must stop

We continue to analyze the rhyme about the traffic controller: if the stick looks into your mouth, make a right turn. If the inspector turned his chest to you and pointed the rod in your direction (directly at you), then you can safely turn right, but you are prohibited from moving in other directions.

The wand is pointed straight at you, which means you can only turn to the right

If the stick points to the left, ride like a queen. In this case, the traffic controller stands sideways to you, the memorization verses clearly reflect his signal: you can move in all directions. The exception is trams that move through the tunnels of the sleeves, they are allowed to move only to the left.

If the inspector's rod is pointed to the left, then you can safely move in any direction, but you should not forget about the signs and markings

"Naked" chest and back - a wall for the driver! - if the inspector turned his back or face to you, any traffic is prohibited. This signal of the traffic controller is identical to the rule: "The stick is up - it tells everyone to stand."

Stop, car!

Stop, engine!

Brake quickly

The question arises, why complicate, if you can get by with one signal? When the inspector is facing you or turned with his back, and his arms are spread to the side, then you are strictly prohibited from moving, and cars moving along a perpendicular lane can go from sleeve to sleeve.

If the traffic controller turned his back or face to you - this is equivalent to a red traffic light, movement is strictly prohibited

In conclusion, we offer a video instruction for viewing, in which the inspector explains in detail all the signals of the traffic controller.

The pedestrian, as well as the driver, is a full participant in the road traffic, therefore it is important for both categories of citizens to know the traffic rules and the signals of the traffic controller.

The culture of how to behave competently on the road, respect for other road users, as well as the ability to cross the roadway correctly, must be instilled from childhood. To teach your child the rules of road safety, we offer an easy-to-remember verse about the traffic controller. In a playful way, children remember information better.

I stand facing you

Be patient, be young.

I look at you strictly -

So the road is busy.

If I raise my hand

Nobody moves.

Now I've turned sideways

The path is clear ahead

Don't yawn, move on.