Books The School of the Seven Dwarfs free download annual course. Books School of the Seven Dwarfs free download annual course 7 Dwarfs training program

“School of the Seven Dwarfs” is a comprehensive system of child development from birth to school. By creating it, the specialists of the MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS publishing house sought to professionally help parents in raising and educating their children.
“School of the Seven Dwarfs” is extremely popular both in Russia and abroad. It meets modern educational standards and covers the entire scope of knowledge necessary for a preschool child, and most importantly, classes in the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” do not require any special training and... available to every parent.
The School of the Seven Dwarfs series includes:
- Annual sets of developmental benefits (one for each year of the child’s life).
- Board games “Game Library of the School of the Seven Dwarfs” and “English in Games”.
- Workbooks “Recess at the School of the Seven Dwarfs”
- Books for reading “Library of the School of the Seven Dwarfs”.

Annual kits “School of the Seven Dwarfs”
There are 7 annual sets in the series - one for each year of the child’s life. It is impossible to get confused, because each age has its own color, its own hero and its own tasks.
Each set contains 12 colorfully illustrated educational aids. Each manual fulfills its own task, and together they not only contain the full range of knowledge necessary for a child of this age, but also provide maximum flexibility in the lesson system. Thus, you can build the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of your child as fully as possible, without focusing only on age recommendations.
In addition to the educational material, the manual has a tab with a didactic game, toy or stickers, and for parents there is a “parental page”, which describes in detail what the classes in this book develop, what benefits it will bring to the child, and how to conduct the classes.
In addition to developmental aids, you will find a certificate of completion of the course in the kit, so you can record your baby’s first successes.
You can start studying at the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” at any age. If you find a “gap” in your child’s knowledge on some topic from the “previous age” course, you can always purchase the necessary manuals separately.

Board games “Game Library of the School of the Seven Dwarfs” and “English in Games”
Since play is an important part of the educational process of young children, we recommend using the “Seven Dwarfs School Game Library” series of board and printed games as an addition to the annual kits.
The games are intended for use with children aged 1 year and older; each of them performs a specific developmental task. In the box you will find a set of cards with bright pictures (they attract children and help them better understand the material), as well as instructions with methodological recommendations and game scenarios.
Three-year-old children are already capable of learning foreign languages; for them we have created a series of board games “English Games”. In a playful way, the child will be able to expand his vocabulary, master standard sentence structures and strengthen his memory.

Workbooks “Recess at the School of the Seven Dwarfs”
Colorful workbooks from the “Recess at the School of the Seven Dwarfs” series are intended for additional activities with children aged 5-7 years in kindergarten and at home. The child will have to complete many exciting tasks that contribute to the development of logical thinking, fine motor skills, attention, intelligence, spatial thinking and imagination.

Books to read “Library of the School of the Seven Dwarfs”
The “Seven Dwarfs School Library” series contains complete, non-adapted texts of the best works of classical and modern children's literature. With hardcover and stunning illustrations, these books are a worthy addition to any family library.

Books “School of 7 Dwarfs” is a unique comprehensive system of developmental benefits for children from birth to school, meeting the standards of modern education.

The benefits of the School of the Seven Dwarfs not only contribute, but also allow you to organize interesting games. That is why they are perfect for and.

When a child is born into a family, after the first joys and worries, loving parents are faced with the question: how to properly develop their child? Maybe there’s no need to worry, because there will be a kindergarten and school?

Now moms and dads can breathe easier, because leading experts in early childhood development have created a unique project called.

  • "School of the Seven Dwarfs" » collected the cream of the crop from the best developers;
  • “School of the Seven Dwarfs” is a system for the development of a child from birth until he enters school;
  • the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” course touches on all the most important aspects of a child’s development (mental, physical, aesthetic, personal, social development);
  • the books of the Seven Dwarfs School have a convenient format - they are bright, colorful publications that children REALLY like;
  • Most textbooks from the School of the Seven Dwarfs have a parent page that describes the developmental features of children of different ages. Useful recommendations are given for the development of a child with and without benefits;
  • a wide variety of the School of the Seven Dwarfs series: finger painting, composing drawings from individual parts, etc.
  • affordable prices. Buy books from the School of the Seven Dwarfs possible in the form of annual sets and individually - .

Of course, if you don’t teach a child anything, then life will teach him something anyway. However, gaps may remain irreparable. After all, while a child grows, he absorbs knowledge like a sponge.

It is difficult to teach an adult anything. And there are many examples of this:

By the age of five, children know their native language perfectly, and most adults study a foreign language for 15 years (at school and college), but the level of proficiency is limited: “I read and translate with a dictionary.”

Soldiers in the tsarist army were recruited from peasants who practically did not distinguish between left and right sides. The commanders, no matter how hard they fought, could not teach the peasants the simplest commands: “left”, “right”, “left foot, right foot”.

The problem was solved only when they began to tie a piece of hay to one soldier’s leg and straw to the other. The teams were accordingly “hay-straw” (instead of “left-right”). The peasants were not mistaken in such teams, because they knew how to distinguish hay from straw from the cradle.

And although modern people distinguish between the right and left legs, nevertheless, we have many gaps. This is due to omissions in preschool age. So give your child the best chance in life by starting his education as early as possible.

In bookstores there are many educational aids that are simply eye-opening. Most methods cover only one side of a child’s development. A lot of books and manuals are devoted to teaching a child writing, counting, reading, etc.

It is almost impossible to sift through a bunch of methods on your own and choose the best one for your baby. After all, in addition to reading educational literature, mom has to do a lot of homework, and dad has to provide for the family financially.

7 Dwarfs Books come here to help parents, because here is a whole series of seven annual developmental benefits.

Why seven dwarves and not eight or nine? The first seven years of a child’s life are like the seven colors of the rainbow.

Therefore, each year has its own rainbow color for the Seven Dwarfs School series:

  • red color - for children 6-7 years old;
  • orange - for children 5-6 years old;
  • yellow - for children 4-5 years old;
  • green - for children 3-4 years old;
  • blue - for children 2-3 years old;
  • blue - for children 1-2 years old;
  • purple - for babies from birth to one year.

Each annual course of the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” has 12 books, adapted specifically for a given period of life. Each subsequent course in the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series complements the previous one (last year).

Books from the School of the Seven Dwarfs can be used for several years, returning to them and developing the child at a new, higher level.

“What professions are there” - (for 2 years).

What professions are there (from 3 to 4 years).

For example, for children 2-3 years old there is a book “ What professions are there?". This book from the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series offers the following professions: doctor, cook, fireman, builder and policeman. A 2-3 year old child only needs to know the name of the profession and a few tools related to this profession.

For children 3-4 years old, a book of the same name is used. But it presents more complex professions: teacher, musician, car mechanic, tailor, artist, fisherman.

At 4 years old, a child understands the purpose of most tools and is able to describe the actions of a person in a particular profession.

At 5 years old, a child can talk about various things in more detail.

The “School of the Seven Dwarfs” manuals have tabs in the form of a lotto game “Professions”: a person in overalls and tools for different types of professions. Even schoolchildren enjoy playing this game.

From our brief review you learned about 7 dwarfs school books . We will look at the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” method for children of different ages on the pages of our blog next time. Click this link and subscribe to new articles.

"? And why exactly seven? Such questions arose in me when I first heard the name of this educational children's series of benefits. It turned out that everything is very simple. From birth to the first trip to school, a child (especially in the current situation, when getting into a kindergarten, especially a good one, is tantamount to flying to the moon), his development and education falls entirely or mostly on the shoulders of his parents, most often his mother. Developed Daria Denisova, Yuri Dorozhin, Larisa Burmistrova and other authors, a series of these manuals is a lifesaver for a mother who simply has no right in the current situation, when all the responsibility for the child’s preschool education falls on her, to miss something.

Seven gnomes- these are seven steps, one year each, by climbing (or joyfully jumping) along which the child learns the necessary skills, gets an idea of ​​the world around him, understands abstract concepts, develops logical thinking and creative abilities. On each step there are twelve books, just like there are twelve months in a year. Don’t think that according to the book – for a month. Study as much as you want and whenever you want - you can solemnly introduce your baby every first day to a new book from your favorite series, or you can take them out when you get bored with the previous one.

In each manual book everything is laid out on the shelves, so that both the parent and the baby, even if they want, will not get confused - especially for the mother, there are detailed recommendations for conducting classes, working with cards, as well as didactic material and educational games. Working with them is a pleasure for both mother and baby, the manuals are so well thought out and well executed. Let's walk up all the steps of this staircase together with the seven dwarves.

From birth to one year

One of the most favorite books for preschoolers, both children and their parents, is “Jokes for Little Ones.” As anyone says, the baby never gets tired of this activity. He can listen for a long time to his mother talking about the dog." aw-aw", kitty " Meow meow" and a cow " mooooo" But you won’t envy your mother. After only fifteen minutes of such articulation training, she begins to get tired and get confused in the language of animals. In response to my mother’s thoughtful: “ Bird qua-qua", - the child will indignantly begin to correct " Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet!!“To diversify your repertoire, you can use the book “Jokes for Babies.” Funny and varied nursery rhymes will amuse the baby and make life much easier for parents and diversify the child’s vocabulary. This, as well as similar books for children " My favorite toys», « Color pictures», « My first book"constitute the first stage of the Seven Dwarfs series "From birth to one year"

From one to two years

It's one year old - it's time to rise higher, but don't forget about old acquaintances from the first step. From one to two years of age, the author of the manual suggests introducing the child to the city, village and country house, shape and color. The cut-out pictures in books that the child is asked to assemble are very interesting - making a whole from parts becomes an exciting game for the child, during which he can get acquainted with a variety of concepts and objects with the help of books. A very successful find in this series – “ My first dictionary" Objects whose names the baby already knows well are cut out and mixed. Now you need to sort them into groups, and at the same time get acquainted with collective concepts “ dishes», « cloth" etc. An equally fascinating book is “Finger Painting,” which will help your child enjoy not only the drawing process, but also the result, because it will be easy to create a “masterpiece” - just touch the outline of the fish with your finger - and the scale is ready. A little patience, and the fish will look like the sample carefully placed side by side.

Two to three years

At two years old, it’s time to start learning the alphabet, because there is so much written around, but the child cannot yet read. A classic alphabet with pictures of objects beginning with all the letters of the alphabet is a great start. Among the books of the third stage there are many thematic ones - about the seasons, pets, and one of the most successful - “ What professions are there?" In this book, the child will not only learn about the most common and interesting professions, get acquainted with what people do, but, most exciting for any child, he will learn what tools and clothes are needed for representatives of different professions. It is with these objects that the child associates them first. We continue to get acquainted with shape and color, paint with our fingers and sculpt from plasticine, but the tasks are becoming more complicated and more interesting.

Three to four years

At the sixth step, it’s time to seriously prepare for school, which means you need to be able to get to it first, so we learn to behave on the road with the book “How to Cross the Road.” Well, in order not to get into trouble in class, we continue to work hard on counting, writing and developing speech. No one runs “ahead of daddy.” The recipes are very complex, but still childish. The child will get to know the letters in due time, but writing them will not be difficult for him, because having learned to draw such patterns in a special copybook, it will be easy to master even the most complex letter element. During literacy lessons, the child will become familiar with riddles, crosswords and puzzles. You can’t imagine a better preparation for reading (unless after all these activities your baby has yet started reading on his own). A wonderful book from this series “Logic and Thinking”. Not every adult can complete some tasks, but a child who has become familiar with “logic and thinking” at an earlier stage solves them without problems.

Six to seven years old

Children's books of this last stage are for preschoolers. While studying them, take a closer look at your child, how he copes with the proposed tasks, plays educational games, and solves puzzles. This is a kind of test before school, which will help to understand how parents coped with the task of raising their child and preparing him for school. A special book for this level is “ Tests for school preparation", the diagnostic tablets of which will help parents assess the abilities of their child, and he himself will certainly have many exciting moments when, solving them, he will be able to apply all the knowledge and skills that his parents gave him with the help of the seven dwarves.

“School of 7 Dwarfs” is a comprehensive system of activities with a child from birth to entry into school, with 12 colorful developmental aids for each year of a preschooler’s life.

Each age has its own color, its own tasks, its own books. For example, all books for children aged 1 to 2 years have blue covers. Seven years before school - seven colors of the rainbow.

The manuals have been developed in accordance with modern educational standards and will be useful to both parents and specialists: educators, methodologists, tutors.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 0 to 1 year. Full year course

The set of books from 0 to 1 year includes the following benefits:
1. My first book.
2. Merry round dance.
3. Fold the picture.
4. Color pictures.
5. Who does what?
6. Jokes for the baby.
7. Cat-cat.
8. Day and night.
9. My favorite toys.
10. Square and circle.
11. What does it sound like?
12. What color is this?


Read about other developmental activities with a child under one year old.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 1 to 2 years. Full year course

The set includes books:
1. Who is this? What is this?
2. Big, small.
3. Finger painting.
4. Cheerful. Sad.
5. Walks around the city.
6. Plasticine snowball.
7. Whose ponytail is this?
8. Form. Color.
9. Whose voice is this?
10. In the village and at the dacha.
11. My first dictionary.
12. My home.

You can purchase the course in printed form in stores OZONE, MY-SHOP And READ.

Read about other developmental activities with a child aged 1 to 2 years.

A selection of educational books for children aged 1 to 2 years.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 2 to 3 years. Full year course

The set includes books:
1. Plasticine pictures.
2. One. A lot of.
3. Finger painting.
4. What is good?
5. Smart cutter.
6. Who lives where?
7.ABC for kids.
9.In a forest clearing.
10. What types of professions are there?
11. Color. Form.
12. Seasons.

You can purchase the course in printed form in stores OZONE , MY-SHOP And READ.

About other educational activities with a child from 2 to 3 years oldread.

A selection of educational books for children aged 2 to 3 years.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 3 to 4 years. Full year course

The set includes books:
1. Count, shape, size
2. Logic. Thinking
3. Recipes for kids
4. Time. Space
5. Literacy lessons
6. Speech development
7. What types of cars are there?
8. What is in the basket?
9. What types of professions are there?
10. I won't be greedy
11. I count to five
12. I study nature

You can purchase the course in printed form in storesOZONE , MY-SHOP And READ.

Read about other developmental activities with a child aged 3 to 4 years.

Manuals “School of the Seven Dwarfs” 0+

It's no secret that the developmental environment in which a child grows up contributes to his successful development and upbringing.

It is very important that everything that surrounds the child gives him positive emotions, enriches him with new knowledge and impressions, and contributes to the intellectual, creative, emotional, physical and speech development of children.

There is a very simple way to give a child what he needs for his development at a given age - these are the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” manuals published by the Mosaika-Sintez publishing house. And the many good reviews regarding these benefits that come to our website confirm this.

But at the same time, questions also come to the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” website; many mothers ask to tell us what kind of manuals they are, how to use them with their baby, and in what order to offer books. In this article we will try to answer all possible questions that parents may have regarding benefits. .

So, "School of the Seven Dwarfs" is a comprehensive system of classes for children from birth to entry to school.

Every year, a gnome of a certain color will introduce the child to 12 colorful developmental aids, which contain exactly what the child needs for that age. The books are of very good quality: they present methodically well-presented and presented material appropriate to the child’s age characteristics, thick sheets of paper, large pictures that are easy to understand for the child, and excellent printing. Books can be purchased selectively, one at a time, or as a complete set, in gift cardboard packaging, which will make it easier to store these benefits in the future. This combination of books is also convenient because some books or a book may be temporarily unavailable for sale, but in the set they are always complete.

The youngest is the purple Dwarf. He will become the first friend for the recently born baby. Together with the Gnome, the baby will play “smiles”, “feeling games”, “recognition games”, “understanding games”, “sound games”, “babble games”...

For moms and dads, each book has a “parental page” with detailed explanations: how to work with your baby according to the manual, what methods are most effective for the development and learning of children, what games and toys are suitable for the tasks in the books, as well as information about developmental characteristics children of the first year of life.

How to study according to the manuals of the "School of the Seven Dwarfs"

One or two books can be separated into separate sheets and hung on walls, cabinets, doors, carpets, curtains, crib bumpers, and near the changing table. In this case, the child, wherever he is, will have the opportunity to look at the pictures. Pictures need to be attached in places where it is convenient for the child to look at them, so that he does not “cross” his gaze, so that he is not disturbed by the bright light from a window or from a chandelier.

Pictures can be hung one at a time or several at once in a row, in a column, in a checkerboard pattern, at a small or, conversely, a large distance from each other.

Pictures can be shown to a baby lying on his back or stomach. You need to hold the pictures above the baby either on the right, then on the left, then a little above, then a little below, then straight. You can slowly move the pictures from side to side.

If the image in the picture is abstract, it can be hung at any angle.

Try to change the exposure of the pictures and their position after 5-7 days.

The distance to the picture in the first month should be 30-40 cm, after 1.5 - 2 months - gradually increase to 50-70 cm.

Choose the most suitable time for classes - when the baby is fed, cheerful and cheerful.

Try not to overload your child with a lot of new information and impressions; classes should be short - about 5 minutes. If you notice that the baby is tired, distracted or overexcited, the lesson should be ended.

In the morning you can study with your baby using one book, and in the evening using another, or repeat the “morning” book.

Tell your child what is shown in the pictures.

To make the cut cards last longer, you can cover them with tape. It is advisable to glue an envelope to the cover of the book and put cut out cards in it.

“SHSG” books are made of paper, it is better to look at them from the mother’s hands, since under the pressure of children’s hands and first teeth they can become unusable.

Sequence of introduction to books

Some books are designed for lessons from the very first days of a child, according to others you can start studying from three, six, nine, etc. months. The most important advantage of these books is that they will be interesting to the child not only up to one year old, but also after, you can continue to study with them both at one and two years old, only at a more complex level.

If you start studying literally from the first month, you can use almost any of these books - after all, in this case, all of them will help the development of visual and auditory impressions that stimulate the mental, physical and mental development of the child.

This book can be shown to your child first. It contains simple large colorful monochromatic pictures (face, duck, sun, mushroom, butterfly, house, flower, leaf, apple, Christmas tree) and a cardboard insert with black and white contrasting patterns that babies love to look at. This manual helps the baby focus his gaze, develops visual concentration and image-color perception.

In this book, on each spread there are images of four objects of a certain color (red, blue, yellow and green). A one-month-old baby can already distinguish colors, so from this age you can offer this book for consideration. In the middle of the book there is a cardboard insert - a game for learning colors, which the baby will be able to play closer to the year and after the year. The book also contains a detailed description of additional educational games for the development of color perception, practical advice is given, for example, how to use multi-colored markers when working with an 8-month-old child.

This is one of the kids’ favorite books, which he will be happy to read even after a year. It contains large pictures of a drum, a hammer, a clock, a typewriter, an airplane, a steam locomotive, a steamship, etc. and their voicing in simplified words: bam - bam, knock - knock, tick - tock, bi - bi, etc. The book presents standards for the development of a child’s speech skills and a program of activities to strengthen and improve them. Looking at the pictures in the book with you, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, remembers the sounds of objects (i.e., replenishes the passive vocabulary), and then, in 10 months, perhaps he himself will be able to voice some illustrations from the books.

Children also really like this guide. The book contains large pictures with characters performing various actions: a dog swings on a swing (kick-kick), a kitten eats (yum-yum), a bunny walks (top-top), water drips (drip-drip), the dog fell ( boom) etc. Lessons based on pictures, in accordance with the attached recommendations of specialists, help the child smoothly move from onomatopoeia to actions - first imitative, and then purposeful, plot-based. As a result of training, by nine to ten months the baby will be able to repeat the actions of the characters, and perhaps even voice them.

The book promotes the development of a child’s speech and thinking and fosters interest in children’s books. It contains large images of toys with which the child gradually begins to play: a rattle, a pyramid, a doll, a tumbler, a ball, a bear, a duckling, etc. In the middle of the book on a cardboard tab are the same images, only smaller in size. The purpose of this manual is to teach a 6-month-old child to recognize what is shown in the picture, what shape this object is, and whether there is anything similar in other pictures and among real toys. During successful lessons, when asked: “Where is the ball?”, the baby can point his finger at the desired toy. The baby will happily return to this book again and again after a year.

This book is like a continuation of the book “Who Does What.” Here the child gets acquainted with more complex verbs: a baby elephant plays with a ball, a dog draws a picture, a mouse puts on a jacket, a pig sleeps in a crib, a bear eats delicious honey, a raccoon watches TV, etc. The purpose of the activities offered in this book is the development of the child’s speech and thinking. The book contains practical recommendations that will help make classes fun and useful.

This unique manual is intended for the development of visual perception, onomatopoeia, replenishment of vocabulary, acquaintance with folklore and fairy-tale characters: mouse - norushka, frog - frog, owl - big head, hedgehog - prickly, cockerel - golden comb, bull - black barrel, goat – dereza, etc. Among the teaching materials you will find a pattern for the “Dancing Bunny” toy. Assembling the toy together with an adult develops hand motor skills, and activating the simple “pull the string” mechanism delights the baby.

Children perceive rhythmic poetic works very well. The book contains bright colorful plot pictures that will be interesting to the baby, and funny short nursery rhymes: “Doggie, black nose, gnaw on a bone!”, “Kittenka - little mouse, catch the mouse!”, “Cow - little cow, bring milk!” etc. “Jokes for babies” help teach a child to recognize an object in a picture, stimulate the child’s onomatopoeia, develop his active and passive vocabulary, and introduce him to the simplest folklore.

Even the smallest child will learn to distinguish between “day” and “night” if his morning begins with “morning” poems from this book and ends with “evening” poems. For example, a picture of a starry sky is accompanied by an easy-to-remember, affectionate lullaby. And a picture with the sun and a shepherd will charge the baby with energy for the whole coming day. From a colored tab you can make a pendant module on a cord “Sun – Moon”. And what is also important, with the help of this book, a child will learn to find, compare and show a drawing of an object (in the book - a sun, a month, stars), a toy (figurines of the same objects suspended on a module) and the object itself in real life.

This book contains detailed plot illustrations, so the book will be interesting to a two-year-old child. The main character of all the nursery rhymes is a cat, a kind character close to the child, who will sing songs to him: “Like our cat,” “You’re a cat,” “The cat went to the market,” “The little kitty went out to the bridge,” etc. .

This book contains quite challenging tasks. Therefore, to begin with, you can simply look at the illustrations in the book. And closer to the year, cut each picture into 2 parts and teach the baby to make a whole out of them. You need to put together a fungus, a butterfly, a ladybug, a flower, a fish, a boat, etc. During this game, the baby’s perception and logical thinking develops.