My innovations in education competition. International competition for teachers "Pedagogical innovations in education

Participation in the competition IS FREE

Applications are being accepted CONTINUOUSLY

results during 1-3 days from the moment you apply!

Payment of premium materials after summarizing competition!

Participation rules

1. Teachers and parents can take part in the competition. (Educators, teachers, leaders of extracurricular activities, etc.)

2. One creative work is accepted from each participant. Group work is not allowed.

3. The competition is held in absentia on the basis of the submitted author's creative works (in electronic form).

4. Subjects of competitive works are free.

Goals and objectives of the Competition

1. The purpose of the Competition: the development of the creative activity of teachers, the growth of professional skills of the participants in the competition, the dissemination of work experience, support for the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities, increasing the desire to achieve high results in teaching, identifying the best and original personalities and approving the priorities of education in society.

2. Tasks: to contribute to the formation of the information culture of pedagogical workers, to improve their professional level and pedagogical skills; actualize the need for the introduction of computer information technologies; contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process through a combination of traditional and computer-based teaching methods.

Criteria for evaluating creative works

1. Originality, novelty (Compliance with the system-activity approach in education (a variety of forms, methods and teaching techniques are used that increase the degree of student activity in the educational process, there is a repeated change in the types of students' activities, goals, content, techniques, methods and forms of activity are presented, interaction between students and the teacher, teaching aids, organization of reflection, the results of the lesson and methods for evaluating it, the relationship of these components is shown)

2. Expediency of application (Competitive material must be oriented to the requirements of new educational standards)

3. Competent and ergonomic design (Contest materials are designed in accordance with the requirements of the competition, there are no spelling errors in the work, the quality of technical execution is observed, i.e. contains correctly working links, optimized graphics, etc.)

Online application for participation in the competition (Participation is FREE).

Rules for applying and issuing awards

1. Fill out the application on the page (Participation is FREE): /zayavka

2. Within 1-3 days your data will be entered into the results form.

All-Russian Pedagogical Competition "Innovative Methods and Technologies in Education"

innovation, innovation- this is an introduced innovation that provides a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or final results. Innovation is the end product of human intellectual activity, his imagination, creative process, inventions and rationalization. Innovation should not be understood as any innovation or innovation, but only that which seriously increases the efficiency of the existing system. The technological aspect of innovation involves the use of various technical means and equipment in training (computer technology, the Internet). The class of innovative technologies includes ICT (information and communication technologies), which simultaneously perform the functions of tools and objects of knowledge. Innovative technologies in education are characterized by the achievement of the following effects:
- assimilation for the minimum period of time of the maximum amount of information;
- increasing the creative activity of students;
- mastering a wide range of practical skills and abilities.

Purpose of the competition: stimulation of innovative activity of teachers, teachers, educators; motivation of teachers to actively use innovative technologies in the educational process; presentation and popularization of the pedagogical experience of educators.

Competition objectives:
- development of innovations in teaching and organization of the educational process;
- creation of a favorable innovative environment in the teaching staff, overcoming the stereotypes of professional activity;

Competition subject:

The subject of the competition is a description of the applied innovative educational methods and / or technologies.

Criteria for evaluating the materials of the Competition for teachers, teachers, educators "Innovative methods and technologies in teaching".

1. The problems solved by the teacher through the use of innovative educational technology are relevant.

2. Validity of the choice of innovative educational technology.

4. The effectiveness of work with the use of innovative educational technology is analyzed.

Creative success to you!

We wish you good luck and successful participation in the Contest!

Today the First Moscow Educational Complex is an innovative platform of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education and the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

The activities of the unit as a whole are aimed at encouraging, initiating and supporting the innovative activity of managers, methodologists and teachers of all departments of the educational complex - the main condition for its DEVELOPMENT. The institution continues to develop in the direction of high-tech and science-intensive technologies, opens up new specialties, enters the implementation of educational programs for applied and international baccalaureate.

Within the framework of the international program, the Complex cooperates with various educational institutions and organizations both in Russia and abroad.

In its continuous development, the Complex adheres to the innovation strategy, improving not only the innovation process, but also the system of factors and conditions necessary for its implementation - the innovation potential.

The main purpose of the department for innovation and project activities is the organization and development of the Complex in the field of multifaceted innovative, design work to ensure its competitiveness in the educational services market, increase the authority of the complex as a highly professional educational and scientific center, ensure the quality of the educational scientific activity of the Complex at the level of modern world requirements.

In the strategy of the Complex for 2017-2018 academic year. 7 key areas of development have been identified related to digital transformation, integration of primary and secondary education, profiling and professional orientation, optimization of complex resources and the formation of the Brand of the 1st IOC).

Accordingly, in each of the areas, new projects continue or are launched. Among them 30 network projects, in which all S/Ps participate to varying degrees, and approximately 40 local projects performed by individual C / P.

The topics of the projects are related to the topics of the directions. In summary, this is:

  • City projects: MES, SHNT, GSUT, WS, JS, Abilympics, Engineering class, Medical class, Vocational education without borders
  • Introduction of new specialties
  • Creation and transformation of educational spaces
  • Change of infrastructure (opening of laboratories, centers, etc.)
  • New digital technologies
  • Brand of the Complex

Along with practice-oriented projects, 3 research projects will continue this year, implemented within the framework of the Experimental Sites:

  • Federal EP under the Ministry of Defense (application submitted),
  • EP with FIRO
  • EP at the Russian Academy of Education (Faculty of the Beauty Industry)

Directions for the development of the 1st IOC for the 2017-2018 academic year

Number of projects

Network projects

Direction 1."Digital transformation of all processes of the educational complex" (MES, IT environment, CDS, Digital DS, Digital portfolio of schoolchildren and students).

Direction 2. Integration of basic and additional education (GSUT, SNT, community of teachers of basic and further education)

Direction 3. Profiling education in the structural subdivision "School" (strengthening of versatility, infrastructure of specialized education, engineering class and movement towards the medical class)

Direction 4. Vocational guidance for preschoolers and schoolchildren with the resources of vocational faculties (professional trials for preschoolers, vocational education without borders, career guidance system)

Direction 5. Optimization of the resources of the Complex by cluster type (design and technology center, Social partnership as a resource)

Direction 6. Formation of the brand "First Moscow Educational Complex" (Moscow complex of international level, internal system for assessing the quality of education, implementation of a client-oriented approach, Style of spaces, Agile technologies in management)

Direction 7. Spiritual and moral education and socialization of students (we are together, the institute of class teachers, the city of masters, psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of 5th grade students).

Local projects

Innovative projects 2017-2018

Direction and name of the project


Project participants

Direction 1. "Digital transformation of all processes of the educational complex"

"Moscow Electronic School" (continuation of the project)

Electronic textbooks (Enlightenment)

Lukina N.V.

Rep. from the division

IT employees

"Digital technologies in the educational process and in the management of the complex" (IP telephony, a single media space: radio and television of the Complex)

Kostyanik V.N.

Meshcheryakov V.A.
Pavlov I.V.

Rep. from the division

"Digital portfolio of schoolchildren and students"

Head of subdivision

Rep. from the division

"Building a Social Media Platform"

Golik V.N.

Rep. from the division

"Digital Kindergarten" (continuation of the project)

Ruk. dr.d/s

Rep. from the division

Distance learning

Nifontov D.A.

Rep. from division, working group

Direction 2. Integration of basic and additional education

"Creation of a community of teachers of basic and additional education"

"School of new technologies within the framework of the 1st IOC"

Nifontov D.A.

Rep. from the division

"GSUT expands its borders" (continuation of the project)

Asmolov T.A.

Direction 3. Profiling training in the structural unit "School"

"Creation of a multidisciplinary mass school in the structure of the Educational Complex"

Nasonova A.A.

Gutyum L.V.

"Engineering class at the Moscow school" (continuation of the project)

Bykovets O.A.

Ruk. JV School

Rep. from the division

“Creating conditions for inclusion in the Moscow project “Medical Class”

Bykovets O.A.

Rep. from the division

"Creating the infrastructure of specialized training"

Ruk. JV School

Rep. from the division

Direction 4. Professional orientation of preschoolers and schoolchildren with resources

faculties of secondary vocational education

"Ensuring professional self-determination and vocational guidance for schoolchildren"

Ruk. JV School

"Professional tests of preschoolers"

Ruk. SP DS

"Professional education without borders"

Ruk. JV divisions

Direction 5. Optimization of the resources of the Complex by cluster type

"Creation of a design and technology center"

Ivanova O.V.

Heads of creative departments

"Social partnership as a resource for the development of education in the Complex" (continuation of the project)

Artyukhina T.A.

Direction 6. Formation of the brand "First Moscow Educational Complex"

"Moscow complex of international level"

Maksimova E.V.

Ivanova O.V.

Pavlov I.V.

Podlesny E.A.

Rep. from departments

"Creation of an internal system for assessing the quality of education"

Zakharova O.M.

Rep. from departments

"Introduction of a client-oriented approach to the activities of the Complex"

Golik V.N.

Rep. from departments

"Style of open educational spaces of the Complex" (continuation of the project)

Artyukhina T.A.

Rep. from departments

"Introduction of agile technologies into management" (continuation of the project)

Maksimova E.V.

Sergeeva T.A.

Heads of divisions and directions

Direction 7. Spiritual and moral education and socialization of students

"Spiritual-moral and civil-patriotic education of students of the Educational Complex" (continuation of the project)

Artyukhina T.A.

Sretenskaya Seminary

Rep. from departments

"City of masters"

Ruk. divisions

Rep. from departments

"We are together"

Artyukhina T.A.

Rep. from departments

"Creation of the Institute of class teachers"

Artyukhina T.A.

Rep. from departments

"Psychological and pedagogical support for the process of adaptation of 5th grade students to new learning conditions"

Vishnivetskaya E.K.

Rep. from JV School

Direction 8. Innovative and experimental platforms

Federal innovation platform under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Asmolov T.A.

Maksimova E.V

Rep. from departments

FIRO experimental site

Sergeeva T.A.

Rep. from departments

RAO experimental site

Shcherbakova N.I.

Continuation of the project "Hermes"

Adamia L.S

faculty staff

Continuation of the project (expansion of tasks) "Professional training without borders"


Performer of artistic and design works;

Computer's operator

Pavlov I.V.

Continuation of the TOP 50 project:

- "Graphic design";

Web design

Pavlov I.V.

Center for Design and Multimedia (creation of a center, advanced training, retraining of students and teachers)

Pavlov I.V.

Corporate TV

Pavlov I.V.

Faculty of Restaurant Business

Continuation of the project "Specialized Regional Competence Center "Cookery"" (improving the qualifications of specialists, training experts in competence;

TOP 50 in the specialty "Cooking"; continuation of the project

Psychological center for training trainers and participants of WS and JS)

Ledovskikh N.

Pakhorukova E.I.

Fedotova L.A.

faculty staff

Launch of the "Restaurant Kitchen" laboratory

Ledovskikh N.A.

Pakhorukova E.I.

Continuation of the project "Higher School of Culinary Arts";

Creation of the laboratory "Restaurant business";

Creation of a laboratory for the competence "Organization of service"

Pakhorukova E.

Continuation of the project "Professional training in the joint venture School" (trainings and master classes for teachers and children)

Nabokova A.A.

Launch of the project "Decoration of the spaces of the floors of the building and target areas: "Student Cafe", "World of Culture", "Literary Lounge", "Zone WF", "Integral Zone of the Library and Museum"

Kornysheva A.N.

Vinichenko E.Yu.

Launch of the project "Creation of an interactive communicative space "Assembly hall - transformer""

Vinichenko E.Yu.

Faculty of Artistic Crafts

Continuation of the project "Orthodox traditions in jewelry"

Payanin A.N.

faculty staff

Launch of the TOP 50 project in the specialty "Graphic Design" (development of a methodology for students to master the new competency "Graphics Technique Grattage")

Andrianova A.A.

Launch of a project to create a digital publishing lab for graphic design

Levinson E.

Andrianova A.A.

Launch of the project "Creating conditions for the opening of a new profession" Artistic ceramics "

Kalenova E.I.

Faculty of Information Technology and Management

Continuation of the project "A circle from the champion"

faculty staff

Launch of a project to create a specialized centerWSin the competence "Information systems and programming", "IT solutions for business", "Web design"

Velingerova E.D.

JS project continuation

Stepina V.V.

Launch of the project "Introduction of new WS competencies in the field of logistics"

Nikitina D.

Savin A.B.

Launch of the project to create the "School of programmers"

Perlova O.

Launch of a network project (together with the Faculty of Advertising) "Development of competencies in Web design"

Ivleva A.L.

Faculty of Beauty Industry

Continuation of the project of the WS specialized center for competencies "Hairdressing" (preparation of participants, advanced training, trainings)

Gerasimova G.V.

Shpakovskaya E.M.

faculty staff

Promotion of the JS project

Evsyukova O.A.

Continuation of the TOP 50 project for the competencies of the service group

Shcherbakova N.I.

Launch of the project "Creation on the basis of the faculty of the 1st IOC of the examination site of the CEC of the Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists"

Kuleshova O.N.

Launch of the project "Production center for hairdressing art" (promotion of the education system of Hairdressers in Russia to the education of Italy (Milan)

Gerasimova G.V.

Launch of the Beauty Internet Channel project

(Shared with St. Fri.)

Koblova N.A.

Malysheva A.A.

Continuation of the project "Professional training without borders"

Markova O.Yu.

Faculty of Design

Continuation of the project "Space Design" (on orders of departments)

Polikarpova A.

Continuation of the WS project

fashion technology

Visual merchandising and window dressing

Interior design


Godzikovskaya V.A.

Grishakova G.P.

Launch of the project "Art - workshop" (artistic ceramics, fusion, prototyping)

Launch of the project "Moscow College of International Level: Creation of a Design and Technology Center"

Ivanova O.V.

Podlesny E.A.

Network projects

  • Continuation of the project in the direction of WorldSkills Russia: opening on the basis of the Complex of the specialized regional WorldSkills Russia Center for the competencies "Hairdressing", "Fashion Technology", "Cooking" (submission of the Application and a package of documents confirming the level of competence of experts of the 1st IOC and participants of the competitions (following the results of previous competitions, preparation of the Center for work), organization of the IGA according to WSR standards, organization and conduct of training camps for the expanded composition of the WSR national team in the "Hairdressing Art" competency;
  • Launch of the Junior Skils Russia project: (determining the areas of participation of 1 IOC in the JSR movement, training experts from among the teachers of the Complex, preparing teams, participating in trainings, competitions, organizing circles on relevant competencies, involving information technology service specialists in preparing students for competitions of the corresponding directions, involvement in the movement of specialists from the city SYUT of the 1st IOC);
  • Launch of the project "Center for Spiritual and Moral Development";
  • Continuation of the IBCP International Baccalaureate project (training of project participants at official IB seminars, preparation and submission of an application for the status of a candidate school, participation in international scientific and practical conferences and exchange of experience in the preparation and implementation of international educational programs);
  • Continuation of the LingaCentre project (increasing the number of students in LC groups, preparing students for successful passing exams at the end of the academic year, ensuring continuous professional development of LC teachers, expanding the scope of work with parents, creating and maintaining groups in social networks);
  • Continuation of the project "Electronic textbook" (testing of electronic textbooks presented by the publishing house "Prosveshchenie", teachers who are part of the working group; preparation and presentation of lessons, conducting master classes). Continuation of the project within the framework of the DO "GSUT" (opening of new areas, including innovative ones, related to robotics, neuropiloting; organization of the work of technical laboratories, creation of an attractive educational environment of a technical orientation; development of a website designed to increase the attractiveness of the GSUT for students of the Complex, North-East Administrative District and the city Moscow);
  • Opening for students of grades 8, 9 and 10 of the Physics and Mathematics School (development of educational and program documentation and methodological support of the educational process; organization of the learning process; preparation of students for the Olympiads; organization of consultations for PMS teachers by the forces of involved specialists; organization of excursions for PMS students to MSTU. Bauman;
  • Launch of the School of Programmers project (development of an organizational project, enrollment of children in programming courses in the form of project activities, conducting courses);
  • Launch of the "School of Mobile Applications" project (together with the ShNT): organization of city competitions in the development of mobile applications in the form of project activities among schoolchildren in Moscow; organization of seminars and webinars for the project participants together with the world's leading IT companies;
  • Opening and ensuring the activities of 2 pre-gymnasium classes in primary school as part of the program task to expand for all students of the Complex the possibility of choosing educational programs within the framework of basic education);
  • Launch of the project "Integrated school automation - PAK Education", which involves automation of the management of the Complex and the educational process (introduction of new methods and technologies for managing and organizing the educational process based on digital technologies; optimizing communication between students and an educational organization);
  • Continuation in the Kindergarten department of the project "Children's animation as a means of developing children's primary ideas about digital technologies" (participation in new competitions: the city competition "Resource saving: innovations and talents" and the interregional competition "From information technology to road safety" (formation of a working groups, creation of animated films on the topic of the competition, description of the methodology and presentation of films at competitions);
  • Continuation of the "Digital Kindergarten" project (analysis of the experience of creating a digital environment for a kindergarten, inventory of digital resources available in the DC department, purchase of additional equipment, introduction of digital technologies into the educational and development process of the DC).

Events and competitions

Main events and competitions in the 2016-2017 academic year

1. On the basis of the "1st IOC" within the framework of the project "Promoting the financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation", the first evaluation event created by the OS3 Company of the social online game on financial literacy was held. The event with an evaluation function was attended by students of grades 5-9 of the JV "School" (03/07/2017, Moscow, Tikhomirova St., 10 k.1 "Blue Hall");

2. On the basis of the "1st IOC", an "Engineering battle" was held, in which schoolchildren of the Complex, school No. 283 and lyceum No. 1564 took part. (03/04/17) Each team performed tasks to develop a new or finalize an existing innovative product. Students came up with and described the idea of ​​the project, calculated its economic model, analyzed competitors, thought through marketing and ways to implement a new product for the market, in order to eventually find out the profitability and amount of investment required to launch mass production. The teams developed projects for a multifunctional card for clinic patients, a project for a badge with an E-Ink screen for exhibition visitors, as well as a project for a wearable gadget with a flexible display, etc. Students of the 1st IOC and school No. 283 shared the second and third places. Many schoolchildren of the Complex decided to continue their acquaintance with modern technologies at the Engineering Center of the First Moscow Educational Complex.

3. Organization of a strategic session of the management team of the 1st IOC on the topic "Digital transformation - the development trend of the complex" (February 3-5, 2017);

4. Participation in the Federal training camp of the program "Robotics: engineering personnel of modern Russia" (expert certification), February 17-19, Sochi;

5. Participation in the practical conference "Education is the key to dialogue: technologies, innovations, accessibility" (February 17-18, ETNOMIR territory, Kaluga region). promotion of new projects";

6. On the basis of the City Station for Young Technicians of the 1st IOC, the triumphant regional robotic festival "RoboFest Center" was organized and successfully passed on the initiative of the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity "Polycent", which is the qualifying stage for the All-Russian Robotic Festival "RoboFest - 2017" (24.02 .17). The following competitions and competitions were organized within the framework of the festival: FIRST - FLL and Jr.FLL competitions according to the regulations of the 2016/2017 season. 1. "Hello, Robot!" - in the nominations "Drafter junior group", "Short track junior group", "Sorter senior group", "Trajectory-quest senior group" (regulations Hello, Robot!). 2. "Hello, Robot!" Arduino - "Sorter senior group", "Short track junior group" (Hello, Robot! Arduino regulations). 3. "RoboCarousel" - competitions for schoolchildren in grades 7-11. 4. Freestyle - competition of creative projects for schoolchildren (without selection for RoboFest 2017);

7. Participation in the opening of the Smart City IT Center at VDNKh. (organization and holding of master classes);

8. Opening of the Physics and Mathematics School on the basis of the structural subdivision "SOSH" 06.10.2016;

9. Meeting of teachers of the 1st IOC with Fr. Artemy Vladimirov on the topic "The moral position of a modern teacher" (VDNKh);

10. Participation in the meeting of the Commission for work with talented youth of the Council of Ministers of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (October 6, 2016);

11. Participation in the All-Russian forum of organizers of children's recreation "Children's camp - a new educational space" (Gurzuf, October 12-14, 2016):

12. Participation in the section "National Technological Initiative" within the framework of the Day of Additional Education at the Expocentre with the report of T. Asmolov "Creating an interactive motivating environment for the development of engineering competencies of a child through the integration of basic and additional education";

13. Holding Open Days (for parents of the 1st IOC) for the organization of additional education in the Complex;

14. Participation in the meeting of the Commission for work with talented youth of the Council of Ministers of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (October 6, 2016).

Main events and competitions in the first half of the 2017-2018 academic year

  • Participation in the Moscow International Forum "City of Education". This is an international platform for the exchange of experience in the development of basic, additional, professional and pre-professional education, demonstration of modern educational technologies, electronic resources, software solutions, computer technology and educational equipment. Date: September 7 - 9, 2017 Venue: VDNKh, 75th Pavilion. The 1st IOC holds 3 master classes.

The 1st IOC holds two master classes on the topic "Neuropiloting" (09/07/2017 and 09/09/2017). During the master classes, a technology will be demonstrated that allows to reduce the time between decision making and its execution, as well as providing the ability to mentally control robotic systems. One master class will be held on the theme "Decoration of dishes, products from mastic" (culinary).

  • Participation in the finals of the Innovation in Education Competition (KIvO), September 25, 2017, as part of the international conference on new educational technologies #EdCrunch 2017
  • Participation in the international conference on educational technologies #EdCrunch 2017: more than 300 speakers from 70 countries of the world will talk about new ways to attract the attention of students, the use of games and social networks in education, textbooks of the future and how to make an educational program high-tech with a minimum budget! On September 26 and 27 at the World Trade Center there were speeches by Anthony Salcito, vice president of Microsoft, and part-time family education adviser to Bill Gates; Director of LTMedia Lab at the University of Minnesota Aaron Doering, who spoke about how to conduct lessons correctly; OECD Education and Skills Director Andreas Schleicher. The program included master classes, lectures, networking, and reviews of the latest technologies.
  • Participation in the Regional Championship "MOSCOW YOUNG PROFESSIONALS" according to JUNIORSKILLS standards in 22 competencies for students of Moscow educational institutions (the championship starts on September 18, 2017). The purpose of the championship is to create a model of early career guidance and the basics of professional training of students, the formation of an expert community and a system of competitions on the basics of professional skills among students of educational organizations. Registration is carried out from September 18, 2017 to October 15, 2017; Remote (qualifying stage from October 2 to November 5, 2017;

City full-time stage from December 3, 2017 to January 19, 2018. Competitions involve team participation, during which each student will be able to try his hand at the chosen competence, get advice from qualified experts and professional masters, and acquire professional knowledge and skills.

Regulations on the competition "Innovations in Education"

The competition "Innovations in Education" is held as part of the congress and exhibition event "Kuzbass Educational Forum - 2019" (hereinafter referred to as the Kuzbass Educational Forum - 2019) under the motto "Towards the 300th anniversary of Kuzbass". This regulation establishes the goals and objectives of the competition "Innovations in Education" (hereinafter - the Competition), the procedure for its organization, holding, summing up and awarding the winners.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The competition is focused on the development of innovative educational practices, popularization and promotion of innovative activities that ensure the modern quality of education.

1.2. Educational authorities of all levels, educational organizations, regardless of departmental affiliation and organizational and legal forms - exhibitors of the congress and exhibition event "Kuzbass Educational Forum - 2019" (or correspondence participants of the Kuzbass Educational Forum - 2019) are invited to participate in the Competition.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. The competition is held in order to increase the innovative potential of the education system, to increase the importance of innovation in the development of modern education.

2.2. Competition objectives:

Create conditions for professional support and scientific and methodological support of innovative activities in education;

Identify the experience of innovative activities aimed at improving the quality of education;

Contribute to the improvement of the system for assessing and stimulating the work of educators, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession;

Present innovative educational practices to the wider pedagogical community and the public.

3. Procedure for organizing and holding the Competition

3.1. As part of the organizational and methodological support of the Competition, the organizers of the Kuzbass Educational Forum - 2019:

Determine the timing of the competitive procedures;

Determine the composition of the competition commission, the jury;

Develop criteria for evaluating competitive works;

Place information about the holding and results of the Contest in the media;

Determine the requirements for the design of competitive works;

Accept applications of candidates for participation in the Competition;

Summing up the results of the competition;

Form a list of winners and laureates of the competition;

Organize a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and laureates of the competition;

Make proposals for the dissemination of the pedagogical experience of the participants of the competition.

3.2. The competition is held in absentia-full-time mode in two stages. At the first (correspondence) stage of the Competition, the collection, registration of applications and evaluation of competitive works are carried out. Based on the results of the first stage, a decision is made on the composition of the participants in the second (full-time) stage of the Contest.

3.3. At the first (correspondence) stage, the evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the competition commission according to the following criteria:

Relevance of the innovative product, focus on solving professionally significant problems;

The feasibility of the proposed innovations, the focus on achieving changes and effects;

The novelty of the approach to solving the identified problems;

The integrity of the materials of the innovative product;

Practical significance of the innovative product;

The effectiveness of approbation (application, implementation) of an innovative product;

Culture of registration of competitive materials.

3.4. The list of participants in the second (full-time) stage of the Competition is announced before the start of the Kuzbass Educational Forum - 2019.

3.5. The second (full-time) stage of the Competition is a public presentation of competitive works as part of the work of the Kuzbass Educational Forum - 2019 at the sites determined by the organizers.

3.6. The public presentation of the competition work is evaluated by the jury according to the following criteria:

Ability to clearly express the main idea of ​​an innovative product;

The ability to succinctly present the essence of an innovative product, its content;

Presentation of the advantages of this product in comparison with analogues;

Demonstration of the effectiveness and prospects for the development of innovative activities.

3.7. The competition is held in the following categories:

- "Innovations in education";

- "Innovations in education";

- "Innovations in Management";

- "Integrated (systemic) innovations".

3.8. Competitive materials can be submitted in one of the following forms: development program, project, educational and methodological set, methodological manuals, recommendations, developments and instructions.

3.9. Evaluation of competitive works in each nomination is carried out separately among the subnominations:

Organizations providing advanced training, methodological support of education and management of the education system;

Educational organizations of preschool education;

Educational organizations implementing programs of primary, basic and (or) secondary general education;

Educational organizations of additional education;

Professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education.

3.10. The following are subject to evaluation at the first (absentee) stage: application for participation in the Competition, description and materials of the competitive work

3.11. The public presentation of the competitive work is carried out in accordance with the regulations (presentation - up to 10 minutes, answers to the questions of the jury - 5 minutes).

3.12. Application for participation in the Contest, a copy of the payment receipt, description of the competitive work (according to the established form (Appendix 1) and materials of the competitive work are accepted until December 25, 2018 at the address: Kemerovo, Zauzelkova str., 3, KRIPKiPRO, room 318.

3.13. Competitive materials must be submitted on paper and electronic media.

3.14. Submission requirements:

Information about the organization (full and abbreviated name, address, phone, e-mail) in Russian in MS WORD or RTF format, font - Times New Roman (sample in Appendix 1);

The volume of description of one competitive work:

a) for work without illustrations - no more than 4000 characters, including spaces.

b) to work with illustrations (no more than 2) - no more than 3000 characters, including captions for illustrations and spaces.

The volume of competitive work and applications that reveal the specific positions of the presented innovative product is not limited. In the appendix to the description of the development, the names of files, illustrations and captions to them should be indicated.

3.15. Materials that do not comply with these requirements will not be accepted for consideration.

3.16. Payment for participation in the Competition is 2,000 rubles for one competitive work. Payment is made according to the following details:


Legal address: 650070, Kemerovo, st. Zauzelkova, 3

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TIN 4209001370 KPP 420501001
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In the name of the payment, you must specify the name of the competition, the full name of the participant.

4. Summing up the results of the Competition and awarding

4.1. The works that scored the most points according to the results of the correspondence round are allowed to the second (full-time) stage - public presentation, but not more than 5 works from the sub-nomination. Disputes are resolved by a simple vote of the members of the competition commission.

4.2. Of the works not admitted to public presentation, the Laureates of the Competition are determined, who are awarded with Diplomas of the II and III degrees.

4.3. Works not admitted to public presentation and not awarded the title of Laureate of the Contest are awarded Diplomas of the participant.

4.4. According to the results of the public presentation:

In each subnomination, the Laureates are determined, who are awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree and the Winner, who is awarded the Gold Medal of the Kuzbass Educational Forum, the Diploma of the Competition;

In each nomination, the winner of the Grand Prix of the Competition is determined, who is awarded with a valuable prize and the Gold Medal of the Kuzbass Educational Forum, Diploma of the Competition.

4.5. The Organizing Committee of the Competition reserves the right to establish additional nominations of the Competition.

4.6. The solemn ceremony of summing up the results of the Competition and awarding is held on the last day of the Kuzbass Educational Forum.

Ludmila Skorodumova

I accepted participation at the All-Russian Pedagogical competition"My innovation in education» . And she became the winner, taking 1st place. Here is a little about competition.

All-Russian Pedagogical meeting announced the holding from April 10 to October 4, 2016 of the year competition"My innovations in education» .

To participation in the competition workers were invited general educational organizations of various types and organizations of primary

professional education, as well as employees of the governing bodies education excluding regional authorities.

Reception competitive work was carried out from April 10 to September 26, 2016 of the year. Summing up took place from September 27 to October 4, 2016 of the year.

Competition was carried out on the following nominations:

Educational technologies;

Educational work;

Creative development of students;

Control educational process.

Materials competition was my work on the topic "Musical activity as a means of forming moral and patriotic qualities in children of senior preschool age":

Relevance and usefulness innovation, them expediency(why implemented innovation)

as a music teacher, through musical activity, I form and nurture love for the family, the city, my small Motherland, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, the cultural heritage of my people, I attach to my native word. Music contributes to the education in children of moral and patriotic feelings, moral principles and a culture of behavior. Native culture becomes the beginning of the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of a child. I introduce children through music to their native edge: with history and culture, nationality, geographical location and nature, I contribute to the formation of character traits of a patriot and citizen of their homeland in preschoolers;

Novelty and originality (in Russia, region or for local conditions)

on the basis of historical facts, local history, I form a respectful attitude towards the older generation, the heroic past of our people through the organization of cultural and leisure activities;

Practical implementation

in the light of the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in preschool educational The institution uses new, interactive forms of interaction between teachers and parents of pupils, allowing them to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge.

One of the simplest and at the same time the most effective ways of interacting with parents and society, for me personally, is posting videos of the holidays and leisure activities of my pupils on social networks, as well as in pedagogical and parental communities;

Results and effects (what has been achieved and how has it affected the life of the institution)

during 2014 – 2016 I, as a musical director, developed, prepared and conducted a cycle of cultural and leisure events (matinees, entertainment, integrated classes, family leisure activities, which included folk and patriotic holidays. My scripts have been successfully used in practice. They contain easy-to-remember poetic material, interesting songs in folk and modern processing, simple dances, games, contests, presentations. A program has been developed, diagnostics, which determines the level of knowledge of children and establishes a personal component;

Stability of achieved results

The system of methodological techniques developed jointly with the teachers of the preschool institution helped me to realize the tasks set. The basis of all events was the trinity - a child, a teacher, a parent. By the end of the preschool age, systematic work made it possible to accumulate the stock of knowledge necessary for a preschooler in history, to instill in children a sense of love and affection for the natural and cultural values ​​of their native land, country. On this basis, I bring up patriotism among preschoolers.

"Why me participated and for what? " - you ask.

"Innovation is necessary for the teacher in order to fulfill their new role - to motivate children of the 21st century to follow themselves, to teach them how to use sources of information, extracting intellectual, moral and practical benefits from them.

March 14, 2017 of the year in the Federation Council of the Federal meetings Russian Federation, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the All-Russian Pedagogical competition All-Russian Pedagogical meetings"My innovations in education» - 2016, who won 1st and 2nd prizes.

55 winners in the awards competition took part.

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, education and culture Zinaida Fedorovna Dragunkina welcomed the winners competition.