You can call a person clever words. Offensive, but "cultural" insults for a man

Each of us in our daily lives periodically encounters the rudeness of the people around us. If you were scolded in obscene form, then switching to profanity yourself is not at all a way out. There are enough ways to humiliate a person without a mat.

How intelligently to humiliate a person?

First, it is important to clearly define the line of conduct for yourself. Against an unbalanced and overly emotional person who is prone to insults, the tactics of calmness and poise work flawlessly. In this case, even a smile is a powerful weapon.

Often conflicts arise between employees at work, where the use of obscene expressions is often unacceptable.

Mutual hostility and rivalry, envy of achievements, the desire to at least somehow manifest oneself against the background of another person - these are the main reasons for insulting colleagues in the shop. Psychologists advise to adequately respond to the insult, as proud silence and detachment is fraught with aggravation of the conflict. But what is even more dangerous, it can turn into a serious one. The question arises of how to humiliate a person with words so that he no longer has a desire to conflict with you.

If you are thinking about how beautifully to humiliate a person with words, then you can prepare a few phrases in advance that will especially hurt your opponent’s pride. Each of us has our own weaknesses, which we carefully hide from others. For example, a man who is proud and extols his victories over the female sex, a sort of "macho" absolutely doubts his masculine strength, otherwise he would not extol his adventures.

A witty phrase about his insolvency can put him in a very awkward position. There are a lot of such expressions and, if desired, a humiliating barb can be chosen for any person. To understand how to competently humiliate a person without descending to obscene words and unformatted vocabulary, you need to critically assess your opponent and prepare a few successful phrases:

If necessary, you can include in this list a direct and indirect enumeration of a person’s shortcomings, especially if others know about these bad qualities of a person. Look for weaknesses and analyze the behavior of your opponent, a few such clashes will forever discourage him from engaging in verbal skirmishes with you.

In this helpful article, you will learn about how to humiliate a person with smart words without using fists.
It is a sin to offend a good person, remember this.
For any humiliation of the innocent, you will have to pay the penalty from above.
But there are cases when you are smeared on the wall, uttering phrases of obscene content.
Of course, you can answer the offender in the same way or hit in the teeth with all your might.
But this is not a very delicate method, my friends.

It is much more difficult to humiliate a person without putting him on his shoulder blades, but by choosing such phrases that they destroy him in a moral sense.
That's what we're going to do.

Phrases that humiliate a person for insulting dignity

If your dignity has been questioned - no matter who you are - a man or a woman, try to answer with these phraseological units:

one). Only a moral impotent or a creature lowered by life can offend a woman.
2). You are now throwing insults because you stubbornly hide your own inadequacy.
3). My dignity is not at its height, but it is not at the bottom either. And you give out in yourself a weak and morally wretched person.
four). Your insults sound like a helpless attempt to prove your superiority.

With these phrases you humiliate a person carefully and delicately. Intelligently lowering it, you yourself do not become like an evil offender.

Phrases that morally kill a person for humiliation

I want to warn you right away that they should be used with great caution. The thing is that you are endowed with the ability to program a person for negative consequences. His payment for the offense caused to you will be an unfavorable event that will occur in close connection with the verbal “prophecy”.
Not quite clear?
Now you will understand everything.

Examples of phrases that morally kill and fatally program the offender for “eternal memory”:

5). I won't answer you. But then you will understand that you have accumulated all the misfortunes from that day on.
6). The queue to the oncologist is very long, and you will be at the end. (Say these words only in case of severe humiliation.)
7). You have to pay for everything in this life. Do not forget this day, so that later you do not think about what God punished you for.
eight). From this moment on, misfortune will begin in your life. I'm not afraid, but I know about it.

With a little fantasizing, you can pretty much supplement the proposed list.
Just do not go too far and do not program a good person for bad fatalism.
It is quite possible that you were humiliated by a rather hypochondriac and weak personality, which will begin to fade away after all that has been said.

Have you ever thought about how to morally kill a person? I think everyone thought about it. Starting from an early age, when a person is faced with a social environment, he begins to experience pressure. Peers test each other for strength, gradually transferring such behavior into adulthood. Someone leaves these childish pranks in the past. But there are people who like to humiliate others. How to fight back and forever discourage the desire to exercise on you?

How to morally kill a person while maintaining dignity

Suppose an insolent person speaks publicly, insultingly, sarcastically, makes inappropriate jokes, and scoffs in every possible way. The friendly laughter of his buddies surrounding anyone can unbalance. But... this situation can easily be turned against the offender. What does he expect from you? In Russian speaking, bummer. To show their superiority, such people assert themselves at the expense of others. This is a kind of duel: whose spirit is stronger? Now I will list a number of tips on how to morally kill a person in such a situation:

  • Maintain equanimity. A calm, ironic attitude to attacks sobers up the offender, intrigues observers.
  • To insulting questions like "Well, how is it ... so-and-so?" you can just say: I don’t know, you know better.
  • All nasty things can be turned against the attacker, calmly mocking his words without dirt or insults. Don't stoop to the level of your opponent.
  • Observers will quickly lose interest in the incident or even laugh at your clumsy attempts to humiliate you.
  • Seeing your spiritual superiority, inner strength, the mocker will quickly retreat in search of a weaker victim.

There are times when we experience treacherous betrayal. Most immediately think about revenge, mentally savoring the details, imagining how they will act in response. But it is much more possible to morally kill a person, while maintaining dignity, spiritual nobility. Believe me, squabbles, plans for revenge, various nasty things in response humiliate you, making you petty. Later it will be most unpleasant, maybe even ashamed.

It is much wiser to act reasonably, prudently. Refute slander. Hidden intrigues to make public. Turn the meanness of the offender against him. Worst of all - public condemnation. However, think a hundred times, punishing others like this: maybe people deserve a second chance?

The best way to morally kill a person is to show him his meanness so that he clearly understands it. Pangs of conscience, mental humiliation, condemnation of others will make you seriously think about your own behavior. Maybe even fix it. I wish everyone to be worthy, wise, strong people, able to fight back any insolent!

This article contains expressions, quotes and phrases to respond to insults, without swearing, funny and in rhyme !!! The above quotes will serve as an answer to the question - how to humiliate a person without a mat, with clever words and at the same time do it beautifully. Terms of use: use these phrases only for self-defense purposes! :=) not for humiliation, so to speak - to send a person culturally and politely ... So the first phrase on the list: I don’t scare you, I’m not a mirror. (short and clear), so let's continue...

  • To really shock me, you will certainly have to say something very smart.
  • Do you know that words can hurt a person very much? Well, I can do things...
  • I would offend you very much ... but nature has already done everything for me a long time ago !!!
  • Please tell me… Do you really think that you are right in this situation?
  • Are you on VK (Vkontakte)? Not! In MF.
  • Hear dude! Turn down the brightness!
  • Oh, who are you? And I know - you are nobody!
  • I have correctly explained to you that I do not intend to have business with you!
  • Looking at you, I begin to understand that nothing human is alien to God.
  • You are simple as the corner of the house ...
  • Your caustic mockery calls into question our further communication ...
  • Do you know how to troll a friend? Especially if he is your best friend. Here is a way: start your conversation with the words - Recently, my best friend came to me ...
  • This insult will be the last in your life...
  • Just don't take your headphones out of your ears. God forbid a draft will chill the brain from the inside.
  • Do not try to verbally offend me - I am above your insults!
  • You decided to lay siege to me? Did you forget to save before that?
  • Why don't you start saving nature? I have a surgeon friend who can sterilize you.
  • Pity humiliates a person, therefore I will not feel sorry for you, well, you understand)))
  • The very smart ones don't offend - they act...
  • You, like a meme - cool at the beginning, and then enrage ...
  • For guys, insults without swearing are like not an insult, so try your best, I'll wait!
  • It's a shame to tears, but you are not the person with whom I will communicate!
  • I can shut up a person without insulting - culturally, simply not noticing his attacks and forgetting about his existence!
  • If you do this again, this time you will remember for a long time ...
  • Why are you so (so) not smart (smart) ...
  • Mind like a shell, memory like a goldfish.
  • Shut up, and then fluffed up ...
  • To tease a guy, I make him jealous... But the way you don't...
  • With you, every time, as in an embrace with a toilet bowl ...
  • You Zin run into rudeness!)))
  • I bet you were conceived on a bet! (With humor!)
  • You remind me of the ocean... You just make me sick.
  • You're like a suitcase without a handle...
  • Who will marry her! Suicide is out of fashion these days.
  • Make-up suits you a la Valuev ...
  • I don’t need clever words to humiliate you, I am above this, remember this once and for all!
  • What words are you trying to talk to me with? Where did you get them? At the dump?
  • The only thing you can think of is turning a cigarette into ashes.
  • You could go to the Kunstkamera even during your lifetime!
  • If idiots could fly, then your whole family would have to live on an airfield.
  • So you played Shrek in the movie?
  • If you have grown wings behind your back - do not croak!
  • Apparently ... you dropped, the stork on the way ... Then you can add - And not once, not twice!
  • I know how to respond to rudeness with dignity and grace, you need to say - "Sorry, I'm allergic to your bullshit", and then add "So ... and where did you stop?"
  • One more such humpbacked word and you will move in jerks all your life.
  • You're doing the right thing by giggling, they don't laugh with your teeth!
  • Where do these come from? You, as from another planet, where the main slogan is stupidity and once again stupidity!!!
  • How funny… Ha ha, you are a real troll… Well done! And by the way, you look like him)))
  • You can continue to say insulting words to me, but know that I still love you!
  • Do you think that if you talk to me in smart phrases, then you yourself become smarter from this?
  • It is not difficult to humiliate a person morally, with words, but I am above it!
  • Teeth are not hair, they will fly out - you won’t catch it.
  • Here is the ham! Where are you bred like that?!
  • Don't know how to send a person beautifully? The answer is simple - offer him to lead a column of people who go together to ...
  • So he took it and wanted to ruin my day? You won't be able to do this!!!
  • A beautiful answer to the question - how to answer an insult - is beautiful, the phrases: A stapler is crying on someone's lips.
  • You have rudeness in your tongue and head, but where were you brought up?
  • Know that hidden mockery is the height of cynicism...
  • Apparently the presence of a brain is not an indicator of the presence of a mind ...
  • How do you think? And yet… Thinking is not about you…
  • Well, have you sharpened the ax of your stupidity?
  • No manicure, no conscience!
  • I do not like boors, why do I need competitors?
  • Why are you arguing with me, because it's a bad omen!
  • How to send you? intelligent or honest?
  • No, of course, thank you very much for the good advice, but you should not equalize everyone on your own.
  • Don't be afraid, I won't beat you. Nowadays, for the rough treatment of animals, you can get a term.
  • Do you know how dangerous a humiliated person is? Not? I'll show you now!
  • How beautiful and easy it was on the street until you appeared)
  • Oh what is it? is this a joke? okay, keep going...
  • Go feed the hedgehogs, local peacock.
  • You fall under a hot hand - you fly away under a hot foot
  • You do not know how to call a person to shut up? Here you get - Dry and crumble herbarium! Avoid calling names only like this, and not otherwise - respect each other, do not lose face!
  • Arrogance does not exalt a person, but humiliates him in the eyes of others ...
  • Don't know how to troll a person with words? Just tell him the truth!
  • If you have grown wings behind your back - do not croak!
  • You just think very badly of people if you think they are equal to you.
  • You are like a cat in May, you shit and hide ...
  • It's cool you open your mouth like that))) Aaah, that's what you say!))))
  • Yes... Sarcasm is not about you...

The problem of annoying interlocutors is extremely common. It can be an annoying admirer, just a familiar person, an unloved colleague or a “sworn” friend. Many people try to engage in a verbal duel, responding to unpleasant words with swearing or even foul language. Perhaps that was precisely the reaction the instigator was seeking.

It would be much wiser and more promising to stop picking words and try to emerge victorious from such a situation. How beautiful is it to “send” a person without using swearing, “obscene” constructions? First of all, calm down and follow our recommendations.

Psychological science is skeptical of man's desire to rise at the expense of insulting other people, even if they bother him. A self-sufficient person is extremely difficult to offend, offend or humiliate.

The situation is such that a wise person will not be offended by truthful words, and simply will not pay attention to obvious lies.

The word "send" is not in quotation marks for nothing, since we will not use any insults, let alone a three-story mat (even as an example). Humiliation, resentment and anger are the lot of a failed person, whose emotional background is dominated by negative feelings, and disharmony reigns in the soul.

Our task is to respond culturally, using psychological techniques.

Every day we encounter dozens or even hundreds of bright individuals, so conflict situations happen quite often. How to politely and reasonably "send" a person? Experts suggest using psychological sambo - a kind of counterattack that uses the strength (psychic energy) of the enemy.

And once again - not a single person is able to offend, humiliate or insult the interlocutor if he treats himself with due respect.

They are offended by the truth (or half-truth), subconsciously trying on unpleasant words or insults. That is, we ourselves diminish our own dignity, emotionally reacting to unpleasant words.

Sometimes, listening to an unpleasant or simply uninteresting speech of an interlocutor located opposite, the only question that worries you is how to culturally “send” a person?

I would like to resolve such a not very pleasant situation carefully, without humiliation, insults and obscenities. We offer a few simple tricks.

  1. Try changing the subject by asking probing questions about a completely different object or person. If the interlocutor tries to return to the stated topic of conversation, ask questions in a sharper tone. However, it is better to refuse aggression.
  2. Laughter is an amazing “weapon” that can turn the situation in your favor. Use the full range of humor (sarcasm, banter) to reduce an unpleasant topic to a normal joke. In this way, you can end a boring conversation and slip off the “favorite horse” of the interlocutor.
  3. Try to constantly give out the same unemotional reaction - “yeah”, “really”, etc. You can just be silent. Not finding an interesting and grateful listener in your face, an annoying interlocutor will most likely go looking for a new “victim”.

In addition, before thinking about how to send a bored person, you need to understand that not all aggressors should be treated in the same way. So, if rudeness comes from the boss or work colleague, it is better not to provoke a conflict at all, but to try to stop it as soon as possible. Arguing with your boss is not a good idea at all.

How beautiful to get nasty? Psychological Sambo Technique

Yes, the best way to "send" a person is to ignore him. And what to do if the unpleasant interlocutor does not lag behind, but only inflames? In this case, the so-called psychological self-defense, or sambo, will help, which will not only protect a person from the consequences of an emotional attack (confusion, stunnedness, confusion), but also allow you to be nicely rude (in our understanding, to rebuff the offender).

If you don’t know how to competently send an unpleasant person without a mat, then a psychological counterattack will buy you time to gain self-control, “restore” causticity and the ability to caustic responses.

So, psychological self-defense requires:

  • the use of clear speech structures;
  • communication with the help of the correct intonation - for example, you need to communicate calmly, even coldly, thoughtfully or with a touch of slight sadness;
  • solidity in the conversation, achieved through:
    • maintaining pauses before the response;
    • slowness in responses;
    • turning not to the offender, but in the other direction.

Thinking about how to politely send a guy or just a familiar person, without using insults, mate, the easiest way is to turn to psychological self-defense. Let's take a closer look at its most popular techniques.

Infinite Refinement

The use of such a technique involves posing a question, which means that the opponent will have to think, transfer the emotional charge into a rational, rational one. In addition, you will gain some time that the interlocutor will spend thinking about the answer.

This dress doesn't suit you at all?

What exactly do you not like about this dress? What would you recommend?

Remember that before responding, you need to pause and speak calmly, even a little detachedly. It is likely that you do not even have to be rude.

External Consent

This method of psychological counterattack involves agreeing with the opponent's statement. You show that you paid attention to his words, agreed with the criticism, but in fact you simply disarmed the interlocutor. After all, he expected that you would start to be rude or flare up.


You look terrible in those pants!

“Most likely, you are absolutely right.

- You're overconfident!

Yes, you're right, I'm self-confident.

“You might as well not be late!”

Yes, I'll work on it.

External agreement does not at all imply that you have changed your own position. However, after such an “agreement”, the aggressor usually retreats and even changes his attitude towards you. And you no longer need to figure out how to send an unpleasant person without swearing and swearing.

broken record

This technique is based on a curious trick - you repeat the same verbal construction in response to rudeness or just an annoying request. It is extremely important to come up with a phrase correctly so that it can be repeated over and over again without disturbing the flow of the conversation.

“Only you can help me complete this report!”

But no one wants to help me!

Sorry, I'm extremely busy today.

- And what should I do now? I was counting on you!

Sorry, I'm extremely busy today.

When using this technique of psychological sambo, one should not be distracted by other topics. In addition, you need to communicate with a person in the same calm, sad tone. Irritability or sarcasm is not acceptable.

English professor

This technique is based on your unpreparedness for the act or actions that the manipulator requires of you, because it contradicts (supposedly) your beliefs.

Thus, you knock out the ground from under the feet of the offender, because you react in a completely different way from what he expected from you.

Why do you always wear black clothes?

“You see, this is my feature, a highlight.

You are so weird...

“It’s just that I’ve already come to terms with my oddities, besides, they allow me to stand out from the crowd.

Always remember that rudeness and insults are almost inevitable. Acquaintances or even strangers often prefer to splash out their negativity on others, so you should be prepared for any development of events.

Do not forget that you can get out of almost every unpleasant situation with your head held high, and you can fight back the aggressor through humor, calmness or psychological self-defense.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.