Incorrect use of the name of the numeral examples of sentences. Errors in the use of nouns

The use of numerals in speech causes considerable difficulties. There are errors in declension: These persons are allowed to work part-time, as long as the total amount does not exceed three hundred rubles (it is necessary: ​​three hundred).

There are more than 150 amateur brass bands in our republic (follows: 150). At four hundred and sixty polling stations, everything is prepared for a meeting with voters (correctly: at four hundred and sixty); a mixture of the bases of the masculine and feminine numeral "both-both": Double-edged sticks, he was beaten with both (instead of: both, meaning the ends). When deriving the equation, we assumed that in both frames of reference the size of the light clock is the same (it follows: in both).

Sometimes, by mistake, collective numerals are combined with feminine nouns: Four young female workers were assigned another professional rank (four female workers).

There are not isolated errors in the case form of a noun in phrases denoting dates in which the numeral must always control the genitive case of the second word: The administration promises to eliminate wage arrears by December 15 (instead of: December); By the first of May, lump-sum payments to veterans will be made (instead of: May); The letter is dated December 23, 1943 (it should have been December 23, 1943).

Some common mistakes in choosing the forms of nouns used in combination with numerals should also be warned. So, with numerals that call fractional or mixed numbers, the noun is put in the singular, genitive case and, as a controlled form, should not change when declining a quantitative-nominal combination: one tenth of a second; five and three tenths of a second; from one tenth of a second to seven tenths of a second; with three tenths of a second, etc. However, it is not uncommon to observe the incorrect use of noun forms in such combinations: by 126.7 percent, "in 40.0 seconds. The noun is controlled by a fraction, so it should be in the singular form: by 126.7 percent," in 40.0 seconds.

When editing a manuscript, the editor must carefully check the correctness of the numerical designations, control the use of decimal and simple fractions by the author, while avoiding inconsistency. When denoting mixed numbers (whole number and fraction), the noun is controlled not by the whole number, but by the fraction. This rule is violated in the proposals: The number of unemployed in Germany has reached 2,131,828 people, which means that the unemployment rate has increased from 8.4 to 8.6 percent over the month (follows: percent). The head of the Department of Food Resources of Moscow... explained that only 19.2 thousand tons of powdered milk were imported (follows: thousands).

Countable nouns are involved in the system of numerals, but their use in speech is not always stylistically motivated, since they often introduce an undesirable colloquial coloring into the text: Currently, a pair of tong taps (two ... taps) are operating in the span of heating devices. The diploma was presented to Anna Fedorovna Golubeva, who will soon turn eighty (who will soon celebrate her 80th birthday).

Here are more examples of stylistic correction of speech errors caused by the incorrect formation of collective numbers (from two-digit and three-digit numbers), as well as violation of the norms of agreement in quantitative-nominal combinations: Unedited text 1.

They worked without rest for 23 days. 2.

For labor lessons, you need to buy 34 scissors. 3.

There are 24 gloves in the package.

Edited text 1.

They worked without rest for 23 days (23 days). 2.

For labor lessons, you need to buy 34 pieces of scissors. 3.

There are 24 pairs (two dozen) of mittens in a bag. four.

A convoy of 22 sledges moved slowly. 5.

Papanin's people spent 9 months on a drifting ice floe. 6.

One and a half meters from the house. 7.

Up to an hour and a half. Since numerals are often expressed in numbers in written speech, texts of this kind should be especially carefully “voiced”. This should be remembered by editors preparing materials with numerals for broadcast.

More on the topic Elimination of errors when using numerals:

  1. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors when using adjectives
  2. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors in the use of nouns
  3. Eliminate errors that occur when using participles
  4. Eliminate errors that occur when using verbs

In the section on the question Find the mistakes in the use of numbers and write the correct options. given by the author chevron the best answer is 1) Seven girls and five boys left the school
(The collective numerals two, three, four (other numerals of this type are rarely used; cf. the usual five days instead of “five days”) are combined:
with masculine and common nouns that name persons: two friends, three orphans)

4) We have been preparing for the exam for three days.

Ladies and gentlemen! Our restaurant opens in March! Welcome!
The type of error is semantic redundancy that violates the lexical norm: the repetition of the same in other words is a tautology, for example: natural landscape (landscape - a description of nature in a literary work) - since the beginning of March, the meaning of the word month has already been laid down.
Another type of error is the use of superfluous words. Superfluous not because the lexical meaning inherent in them is expressed in other words, but because they are simply not needed in this text (the superfluous is "to us", since there is already one in "our" restaurant).

Answer from get salty[expert]

2) Both students finally received scholarships.
3) Four graduate students have completed their dissertations.
4) Three days and three nights (three days) we were preparing for the exam.
5) We limited ourselves to five hundred rubles for repairs.
6) He will return from abroad in the year 2007.
a) "Dear Sirs! Our restaurant opens in March! Welcome to us!"
b) too lazy to remember

Answer from Alonso[newbie]
1) Seven girls and five boys left the school.
2) Both students finally received scholarships.
3) Four graduate students have completed their dissertations.
4) For three days and nights we were preparing for the exam.
5) For repairs, they limited themselves to five hundred rubles.
6) He will return from abroad in the year 2007.
And here's more:
a) "Dear ladies and gentlemen! Our restaurant opens in March! Welcome!"
In my opinion so))

Answer from little perfect[guru]
1) Seven girls and five boys left the school.
2) Both students finally received scholarships.
3) Four graduate students have completed their dissertations.
4) For three days and three nights we were preparing for the exam.
5) For repairs, they limited themselves to five hundred rubles.
6) He will return from abroad in the year 2007.
a) "Dear Sirs! Our restaurant opens in March! Welcome to us!" error-repetition.
b) I don’t remember) look at the telly, I think you will see.

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

1) I.S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the "test of love" - ​​and this revealed the true essence of his hero.

B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

2) Everyone who visited the Crimea, after parting with him, took with him vivid impressions of the sea, mountains, southern herbs and flowers.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) The work "The Tale of a Real Man" is based on real events that happened to Alexei Maresyev.

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

4) S. Mikhalkov argued that the world of the merchant Zamoskvorechye can be seen on the stage of the Maly Theater thanks to the magnificent play of the actors.

E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms

5) In 1885 V.D. Polenov exhibited at a traveling exhibition ninety-seven sketches brought from a trip to the East.

6) The theory of eloquence for all kinds of poetic compositions was written by A.I. Galich, who taught Russian and Latin literature at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

7) In I. Mashkov's landscape "View of Moscow" there is a feeling of the sonorous colorfulness of a city street.

8) Happy are those who, after a long road with its cold and slush, see a familiar house and hear the voices of their loved ones.

9) Reading classical literature, you notice that how differently the “city of Petrov” is depicted in the works of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky.

Answer: 59321

In tests from 2016 to 2019, you will find this task number 6. The content of the task has not changed this year.

When completing the task, you need to select examples for five types of errors (9 sentences are given, 4 of them do not contain errors at all).

10 types of errors are offered:
- an error in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover;
- an error in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover;
- an error in constructing a sentence with indirect speech;
- incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;
- violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate;
- an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members;
- Violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application.
- an error in the use of a numeral;
- an error in the construction of a complex sentence;
-violation of the types of temporal correlation of verb forms.
These 10 types of errors are now combined in any combination, and in the task you need to find examples of 5 different types of errors. For each correct answer, you will receive 1 point, so you can get from 0 to 5 primary points for completing the task.

How to decide?
1. Carefully read 9 sentences of the second column and choose those 4 in which there are no errors.
2. Match the remaining 5 sentences with the errors indicated in the first column. Please note that the same error can be called differently.
For example,
The jets of the fountain, which sparkled in the sun and seemed to hit the very sky, refreshed the air.

Obviously, this sentence without error would have looked like this: The jets of the fountain, which sparkled in the sun and BLOWED, it seemed, into the very sky, refreshed the air.

A mistake was made in the subordinate part of this sentence: the verb and the participle turned out to be homogeneous predicates.
What is it: an error in the construction of a complex sentence, an error in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover, or an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members? See which of these options is in the first column and is not "occupied" by other examples. Most likely, in this task there will be a more obvious sentence with an incorrectly formed participial phrase ("The pancakes cooked by my mother were delicious") and with an incorrectly constructed complex sentence ("I was asked if I should study for a test").
So, we choose the option "an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members."

Let's remember the types of errors.

1) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
The participle is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an object by action, that is, it looks like a verb and an adjective at the same time (playing boy \u003d boy who plays).
Errors in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
a) Mixing real and passive participles. This is a story about a man who returned to his native city after the war. The returned exhibits are exhibited in museums.
b) The use of the participial turnover instead of the attributive clause. From books and films, we learn about the horrors experienced by our people during the years of the war and Stalin's repressions.
c) The participial turnover is in isolation from the word being defined. These people have done a lot for their country, giving their lives in the name of freedom.
d) A heap of involved constructions. Persons walking on the grass growing behind the separating grate enclosing the lawn are fined.
Standard errors with participles:
a) A ball forgotten by a child is missing in the yard. (what ball? Forgotten)
The participle agrees in gender, number and case with the word being defined. Algorithm: look for a defined word, ask a question from it to the sacrament. The ending in the question is the ending of the participle (do not forget that O and Ы in endings are often equivalent).
b) The pancakes made by grandma were delicious. (what kind of pancakes are grandmother? here the participle was not in place: Pancakes cooked by grandmother ... - so right)
c) there are no participles of the future tense, participles with a particle by and participial revolutions that join a sentence with pronouns SUCH, SUCH, THAT, TA, TE: Grushnitsky is one of those people who do not have their own opinion.

2) violation in the construction of a sentence with adverbial turnover

The participle is a special form of the verb that denotes an additional action. And if there is an additional action, then there must be a word that denotes the main action (look for the predicate). The subject must correlate with both the main and the additional action (one “actor” performs two actions).

The main types of errors when using adverbial phrases:

a) Error: Looking out the window, my hat fell off.

The main action is performed by the hat (hat flew off). The additional action is performed by another "actor" (I). This means that the fallacy of the proposal lies in the fact that two actions (main and additional) have different “actors”.

Correct: When I looked out the window, my hat flew off.

b) Mistake: When I went out into the yard, I felt cold.

This is an impersonal sentence, it cannot have a subject, there is no “actor”. In this impersonal sentence, the adverbial turnover is not used.

Right: When I went out into the yard, I felt cold.

c) In impersonal sentences, you can use the adverbial turnover if the predicate is expressed in the infinitive (= indefinite form): When going to the forest for mushrooms, you need to take a compass with you. There is no subject in this sentence. But the main and additional actions ("take" and "going") have the same "doer" ("you are going" and "you are taking").

d) Lost in the forest, the boy was found.

This sentence is a passive construction. The boy got lost in the forest. Other people will look for him.

That's right: The boy who got lost in the forest was found.

Task execution algorithm:

1) Highlight the grammatical basis of the sentence.

2) Find the gerund (answers the questions: what are you doing? what are you doing?)

3) If there is no subject in the sentence (the sentence is impersonal), try to restore it according to the predicate.

4) Match the subject with the participle.

5) The option where the subject ("actor") performs the action of both the participle and the predicate is correct.

3) an error in constructing a sentence with indirect speech

a) The use of pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person in the subordinate part is permissible only when transmitting direct speech. Error: Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation."

Right:: Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes: "I look sadly at our generation." Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that he sadly looks at his generation.

b) the simultaneous use of the union WHAT and the particle LI in the subordinate part of the NGN is unacceptable. Error: I didn't notice if he was in the room.

Right: I didn't notice if he was in the room.

4) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

Pretext ON(= after) is used with the prepositional case: upon arrival in Moscow, after the end of the performance, after the expiration of the term, after the end of the academic year; at the end of the event; upon arrival in the city.

Pretext TO AVOID used with the genitive case: to avoid trouble.

Prepositions THANK YOU, ACCORDING TO, DESPITE, AGAINST, SIMILARLY, TOGETHER are used only with the dative case (to whom? to what?): according to (what?) order; contrary to (what?) opinion; thanks to your advice; went to meet (whom?) his brother.

Prepositions WAY, AS WELL, IN PART, WITH THE HELP, ON THE OPTION, UNDER THE VIEW, LIKE, IN THE VIEW, IN VIEW, ABOUT, BY THE REASON, ON THE LINE, IN THE CONTINUED, THEREFORE, DURING, FOR THE LACK, WITH THE EXCLUSION are used with the genitive case (who? what?): with the exception of (who?) fifth graders.


pay the fare, pay the fare

dress who? what? (dress brother);

put on - FOR someone (put on a jacket, boots, mask);

confidence (in what?) in victory;

faith (in what?) in victory.

5) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

The standard error, which demonstrates the violation of this rule, looks like this: "those who taught poorly, forgot everything." That's right - THOSE who taught poorly, FORGET everything. "TE is a plural pronoun, and the verb must be in the form of the corresponding number. Otherwise, we get an error in agreeing the subject and the predicate.

6) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

a) The use of different parts of speech as homogeneous members of the sentence: " I like music and play football".

b) The inclusion in a series of homogeneous members of words denoting heterogeneous concepts: " Ivan Petrovich came with his wife and a bad mood".

c) Incorrect use of coordinating conjunctions to connect homogeneous members: " The boy was big-headed, but serious".

d) Incorrect attachment to one main member of logically heterogeneous minor members: " In the boat were carp, carp, bream, fish".

e) Errors in matching homogeneous subjects with the predicate: " Anxiety and longing froze in her eyes".

f) Violations in the field of homogeneous predicates:
- the use of different types of predicates as homogeneous: " The sea after the storm is calm, gentle and plays with the rays of the sun";
- violation of the uniform design of compound nominal predicates: the use of different case forms of the nominal part of homogeneous compound nominal predicates: " Their father was an experienced fisherman and a brave sailor"; attachment to homogeneous verbal predicates of the complement, which is controlled by only one of the predicates: " Everyone is waiting and worried about the soldiers"; the use of short and full forms of adjectives and participles in the nominal part: " My room is newly renovated: whitewashed and painted".

g) Combining members and parts of different proposals as homogeneous: " Mushrooms, berries grow under the birch, snowdrops bloom in spring". "The children were waiting for their father and when his boat would appear".

7) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

A title enclosed in quotation marks given with a generic word (a story, a picture, etc.) is an inconsistent application and must be in the nominative case. If there is no generic word, then the name in quotation marks begins to change. EXAMPLE: In Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", the dark kingdom is exposed - the generic word "play", the application remains in the nominative case. In Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm, the dark kingdom is exposed - the generic word is absent, therefore the name changes the case.

8) an error in the use of a numeral
a) Non-declension or incomplete declension of complex and compound numbers is a violation of the literary norm. “Within a day and a half, the city was empty” (correctly: “a day and a half”).

b) Mistakes in the choice of the case form of a compound numeral ending in "two", "three", "four" in combination with an animated noun. In such constructions, regardless of the category of animation, the accusative case retains the nominative form, for example: “Thirty-two wounded were delivered to the hospital this month” (and not “thirty-two wounded”).

c) In a compound ordinal number, only the last word is declined. Error: "The construction of the complex should be completed by two thousand and three" (correct: "... by two thousand and three").

d) It is not recommended to use collective numerals in combination with nouns related to official business vocabulary. For example: “It is no coincidence that two senators appeared in this region at once” (correct: “...two senators...”).

e) The numerals “both” (masculine) and “both” (feminine) should be used in accordance with the gender of the noun. Error: "The conflict impedes the development of both countries" (correct: "... both countries").

9) an error in the construction of a complex sentence
Errors in the construction of compound sentences
a) Semantic incompatibility of simple sentences in a compound sentence. We climbed to the top of the mountain, and it was hot below.
b) The use of an adversative union instead of a connecting one. The author expresses his attitude to the problem, but he gives the reader the opportunity to agree or disagree with him.
c) Tautology, (repetition) when using conjunctions. Parents and children often cannot find a common language, and they are offended by each other, and this is the main problem.

Errors in the construction of complex sentences
a) The simultaneous use of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in a complex sentence. When the heavy battle had already ended, but in some places separate shots were still heard.
b) Unjustified neighborhood of two subordinating unions. They dreamed that when spring came, the old bird cherry blossomed again.
c) The use of an extra demonstrative word in the main sentence. She said that in life there is not only useful, but also beautiful.
d) The absence of a demonstrative word in the main sentence. We are grateful to them that we live under a peaceful sky.
e) The omission of a part of a compound union. He was late for lectures, because the transport almost did not go because of the ice.
f) Unjustified repetition of a union or union word (tautology). He saw a bird cherry that grew in the courtyard of a house that had not survived during the war.
g) The use of different types of tense forms of the verb in the main and subordinate clauses. When their son has changed a lot, the parents suffer.
h) The combination in one sentence of a subordinate attributive and participial turnover. Galileo is shown as a man who sacrifices honor and continues to do science.
i) The subordinate clause is drawn up as an independent one. The author showed different people. Which each in their own way showed the beauty and richness of the inner world.

10) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms.

Behind this complex formulation lies a simple rule: homogeneous verbs must be in the form of one tense (present, past or future) and aspect (perfect or imperfect). Otherwise, an error occurs. For example:
The article shows the vices of modern society and caused a lively response from readers.

Morphological errors found in business texts are primarily associated with ignorance of the norms for the formation of various parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, numerals) in modern Russian.

On the one hand, the norms of the Russian literary language are in constant motion and change, since language is a living and receptive phenomenon, subject to all the trends of time and life. The meanings and pronunciations of words change, the place of stress in words changes, even the forms of words change, the compatibility of words changes, and much more. Some forms are more common in one style of speech, others in another. If we look at how business papers were written in the last century and compare with today, we will find a large number of inconsistencies and changes.

But, on the other hand, the norms of the language are stable and stable. All changes in the language occur very gradually and naturally, without destroying its structure and originality. Some changes may affect only a certain style of speech. We often say: you can say this, but you can’t write like this in a document.

So, let's consider the most typical morphological errors, taking into account modern norms for the use of word forms in business writing.

Incorrect use of the noun form. The modern Russian language has a large number of variant forms of nouns. Some of them are fixed in the literary language or in a certain style of speech, while others are perceived as speech errors. In official speech, the following plural forms should be used: inspectors, contracts, elections, accountants, drivers, and in colloquial speech these words are used with the final - "a".

Colloquial coloration has a feminine type of education: secretary, teacher, leader, manager, saleswoman, nurse, graduate student, laboratory assistant.

In the document (in the questionnaire, in the personal sheet, in the application), the names of persons by profession, position and academic title traditionally retain the masculine form. For example: secretary, teacher, manager, manager, salesperson, orderly, graduate student, laboratory assistant, etc.

However, the verb and verb forms in sentences with these words are used in the feminine gender, for example: "Secretary Fedorova issued a statement ", "Associate Professor Khromova submitted a list of publications", "Director Sidorova, who spoke at the meeting..."

Pronouns, numerals and adjectives are used in the masculine gender, consistent with the position, and not with the surname. For example: "Our director Ivantsova Anna Sergeevna an excellent leader", "Olga Semyonovna Smirnova is one of the most experienced leaders of the region".

Mistakes in the use of full and short forms of adjectives. Compilers of business papers should take into account that short forms of adjectives are more common in official business speech: the full form of the adjective often indicates a temporary sign, and the short form indicates a permanent sign.

The short form is used in the language of the document - since it denotes a permanent feature of the subject, it is more abstract and abstract. Full forms of adjectives in business texts are also inappropriate because they feel like colloquial and even vernacular. Below are examples of correct and incorrect word usage.

Not properly


The conclusions of the commission are reasonable and fair.

The decision to dismiss engineer Safronov D.P. is illegal.

This task is unsolvable in the current situation.

The proposed amendments and additions are significant.

Requirements for employees of the administrative apparatus are timely.

Changing the vacation schedule of department employees is undesirable.

Consultation with experts is essential.

This decision is binding.

The conclusions of the commission are justified and fair.

The decision to dismiss engineer Safronov D.P. is illegal.

This problem is unsolvable under the current situation.

The proposed amendments and additions are significant.

Requirements for employees of the administrative apparatus are timely.

Changing the vacation schedule of department employees is undesirable.

Consultation with experts is essential. This decision is binding.

Mistakes in the use of nouns. In Russian, quantitative, ordinal and collective numbers are distinguished.

Declension of cardinal numbers. When using cardinal numbers in official documents, as well as in a business conversation, when reading business texts in an official setting, it should be remembered that all cardinal numbers are declined.

Just like five, all numbers from five to twenty and thirty decline. They are declined as feminine nouns on - "ъ".

After the numerals two, three, four, the genitive case of the singular noun is used: three new employees, twenty-two new employees.

After all other numerals, the genitive plural is used: twenty new employees (Table 9.2).


Non-declension or incomplete declension of complex and compound quantitative numbers, common in oral speech, is a violation of the norms of official business writing.

Table 9.2

Declension of complex and compound cardinal numbers



50 to 80

90 to 100

200 to 900

AND: sixty

AND: one hundred

AND: two hundred

AND: seven hundred fifty six

R: sixty

R: one hundred

R: two hundred

R: seven hundred fifty six

D: sixty

D: one hundred

D: two hundred

D: seven hundred fifty six

AT: sixty

AT: one hundred

AT: two hundred

AT: seven hundred fifty six

T: sixty

T: one hundred

T: two hundred

T: seven hundred fifty six

P: about sixty

P: about a hundred

P: about two hundred

P: about seven hundred fifty six

Note. I - nominative, P - genitive, D - dative, V - accusative, T - instrumental, P - prepositional.

In texts, cardinal numbers are usually written in numbers. Therefore, in order to avoid possible speech errors in texts intended for reading or pronouncing in an official setting, along with digital designations, their verbal versions should be given in appropriate reliable forms. For example: "The deputy met with 987 ( nine hundred and eighty-seven) electors."

Declension of fractional numbers. Fractional numbers are written separately: three eighths, four integers and one sixth, three and a quarter.

When declining fractional numbers, both parts change: two thirds, two thirds, etc.

The numeral one and a half (masculine and neuter), one and a half (feminine) and one and a half hundred have only two case forms (Table 9.3).

Table 93

Declension of the numeral one and a half

Note. I - nominative, P - genitive, D - dative, V - accusative, T - instrumental, P - prepositional.

Nouns with the numeral one and a half (one and a half) are combined in the same way as with the numeral two (two), except for the combination of one and a half days, where the word day is in the form of the plural genitive hope.

With the numeral one and a half hundred, the noun is used in the form of the genitive plural: one and a half hundred countries.


  • 1. The predicate is plural if the subject denotes a small number of people: "Three people from our organization participated in the conference."
  • 2. The predicate is put in the singular if the subject denotes a large number of persons: "Three hundred people participated in the conference."
  • 3. The predicate is put in the singular if it is expressed by the verbs to be, to be: "There were thirty employees in the laboratory."

Ordinals. Ordinal numbers, like adjectives, have the form of gender and number: the first day of the season, the first of September, the first session.

Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives. When declining a compound ordinal number, only its last part changes: "in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two", "in the year two thousand and fourteen", but "in the year two thousand".

Collective numbers. Collective numerals are used with masculine nouns denoting people and have the form: two, three, four, five, six, seven, etc. For example: "I have two sons and two daughters."

In documents, collective numerals are most often replaced by quantitative ones, i.e. in the document they do not write: "three workers", but they write "three workers".

Mistakes related to the forms of verb formation. The formation and use of some verbs causes certain difficulties when writing a document.

1. In Russian, there are parallel verb forms that differ in stylistic coloring. For example, perfective verbs, such as prepare, acquaint, legitimize, may correspond to imperfective verbs: prepare - prepare; acquaint - acquaint; legitimize legitimize.

In these verbs, forms with the suffixes -iva-, -yva- are used in official speech, and forms without this suffix are perceived as colloquial.

  • 2. In other pairs of verbs like: condition - condition; concentrate - concentrate forms with "o" are used in book-writing styles, and forms with "a" are characteristic of colloquial speech.
  • 3. There are two-part verbs in Russian, for example, verbs to address, attack, organize. These verbs in modern Russian are used in the sense of both the perfect and the imperfect form. You can not use in speech such forms as: address, attack, organize.
  • 4. Verbs to manage, confess are formed with the suffix -ova-. The forms of these verbs with the suffix -yva- (manage, confess) are obsolete and erroneous.
  • 5. In business speech, perfective verbs, formed with the help of the prefix for: activate, endorse, record, are widely used. Their use within the official business style of speech is not a violation of the norms of the literary language.

Incorrect use of prepositions.

1. Preposition on. Business speech is characterized by constructions with the preposition along plus the dative case: improvement measures, repair costs, training center, prevention measures. A similar construction is used to denote the names of various departments. However, in modern Russian it is often opposed to the genitive case without a preposition.



  • 1. Specific value:
    • Department of Education
    • Advertising Committee
    • Institute of Psychology
  • 1. General meaning:
    • Tourism Committee
    • Cultural Committee
  • 2. There is an adjective-specifier:
    • Legislative Works Department
    • Committee of Physical Culture
    • Committee for Interregional Relations
  • 2. There is a noun-specifier:
    • Department of...
    • Communications department...
    • Affairs committee...
  • 3. To avoid the words-"dummy" (production, manufacture):
    • furniture factory
  • 3. To avoid the genitive chain:
    • Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
  • 4. Major departments:
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 4. Mixing Shapes:
    • Center for Human Resources and Social Development

The preposition by with a prepositional case is often used to denote time periods: upon reaching retirement age; after graduating from university.

In colloquial speech, this preposition is replaced by: "when he reached retirement age " ; "after graduation".

It is not allowed to use the preposition on instead of the preposition about or about, if it is a question of a specific topic of conversation, conversation, speech; on the specific content of the document, business paper: report on the work done; make a report on the results of the year; sign the action order.

It is not allowed to use the preposition for instead of the preposition for in the meaning of the purpose of the action: to improve trade; for the development of the economy; to educate the next generation.

It is not allowed to use the preposition instead of the preposition because of: because of disorganization; due to extravagance.

The exceptions are expressions: by inattention, by negligence.

2. Preposition about. In business written speech, the phrases - the preposition about plus the noun in the prepositional case - the question of trust; personnel decision; cooperation agreement.

However, there are cases of incorrect use of the preposition o.

3. Prepositions in and on the. Compilers of documents often do not distinguish between cases when it is necessary to use the preposition в, and when the synonymous preposition on the in terms of place. However, the following errors are allowed.

Pretext in as opposed to suggestion on the indicates a limited, enclosed space: cultural life in the village (in this particular village); cultural life in the countryside (i.e. in general in the countryside).

However, the use of these prepositions is often fixed by historical tradition and does not lend itself to any rule: study at the university, but take courses; work in an institution, but on the factory live in Belarus, but on the Ukraine.

Derivative prepositions. When using derivative prepositions: in view of, due to, thanks to, in connection with, in accordance with and others, it must be remembered that they have not yet completely lost their original lexical meaning associated with the meaning of their roots. Therefore, for example, the following combinations of words are undesirable.

The preposition in view indicates the cause of the event that is to come, and the preposition due indicates what has happened.

In business documentation, the preposition for reason is universal to designate a reason: because of an illness; due to the committed violation, etc.

The preposition in connection is used in combination with any action, event, state. For example: in connection with the transfer to another place of work; in connection with the anniversary; due to the difficult financial situation.

Prepositions according to, contrary to, thanks to, contrary to require the dative case after themselves.

The use of numerals in speech causes considerable difficulties. There are errors in their declension: These persons are allowed to work part-time, as long as the total amount does not exceed three hundred rubles (it is necessary: ​​three hundred). There are more than one and a half hundred amateur brass bands in our republic (follows: one and a half hundred). At four hundred and sixty polling stations, everything is prepared for a meeting with voters (correctly: at four hundred and sixty); a mixture of the bases of the masculine and feminine numeral "both-both": Double-edged sticks, he was beaten with both (instead of: both, meaning the ends). When deriving the equation, we assumed that in both frames of reference the size of the light clock is the same (it follows: in both).

Sometimes, by mistake, collective numerals are combined with feminine nouns: Four young female workers were assigned another professional rank (four female workers).

There are not isolated errors in the case form of a noun in phrases denoting dates in which the numeral must always control the genitive case of the second word: The administration promises to eliminate wage arrears by December 15 (instead of: December); By the first of May, lump-sum payments to veterans will be made (instead of: May); the letter is dated December 23, 1943 (followed by December 23, 1943).

Countable nouns are involved in the system of numerals, but their use in speech is not always stylistically motivated, since they often introduce an undesirable colloquial coloring into the text: Currently, a pair of tong taps (two ... taps) are operating in the span of heating devices. The diploma was presented to Anna Fedorovna Golubeva, who will soon turn eighty (who will soon celebrate her 80th birthday).

When editing a manuscript, the editor must carefully check the correctness of digital designations and, if necessary, justify their preference for the verbal name of the number, control the use of decimal and simple fractions by the author, while avoiding inconsistency.

When denoting mixed numbers (whole number and fraction), the noun is controlled not by the whole number, but by the fraction. This rule is violated in such proposals, for example: The number of unemployed in Germany has reached 2,131,828 people, which means that the unemployment rate has increased from 8.4 to 8.6 percent over the month (follows: percent); The head of the Department of Food Resources of Moscow... explained that only 19.2 thousand tons of powdered milk were imported (follows: thousands).

There are frequent mistakes in choosing the case form of a numeral in a phrase with an animate noun, which require stylistic correction:

1. Twenty-two wounded were delivered to the hospital by helicopters. - ... delivered twenty-two wounded.

2. The battalion commander could not talk about it calmly: how many comrades he lost in battle! - ... how many comrades he lost in battle!

3. For the whole day we caught only two crayfish and three tench. - ...caught two crayfish and three lines.

Here are some more examples of stylistic correction of speech errors caused by the incorrect formation of collective numbers (from two-digit and three-digit numbers), as well as violation of the norms of agreement in a quantitative-nominal combination:

1. Worked without rest for 23 days. - Worked without rest for 23 days (23 days).

2. For labor lessons, you need to buy 34 scissors.

3. There are 24 mittens in a bag. - There are 24 pairs (two dozen) of mittens in a bag.

4. 22 sledges slowly moving along stretched out in a long line. - A long line of 22 sledges moved slowly.

5. The Papaninites spent 274 days on a drifting ice floe. - Papanin's people spent 9 months on a drifting ice floe.

6. The garage was built one and a half meters from the house. - ... a hundred and fifty meters from the house.

7. I had to wait up to one and a half hours. - ...up to an hour and a half.

Since numerals are often expressed in numbers in written speech, texts of this kind should be especially carefully “voiced”. This should be remembered by radio and television announcers, as well as editors preparing materials with numerals for broadcast.

Golub I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language - M., 1997