Prospects for the development of tourism in the Republic of Mari El by types and territories. Sports tourism Orienteering in Mari El

In accordance with the social reforms currently being carried out in the Russian Federation, there is a monetization of social benefits for the population, based on the introduction of the concept of a single social package. Along with preferential medical, transport and other services, in a single social package as a measure of social support established by federal law from January 1, 2005. spa services included. About 32 million Russian citizens may become users of the unified social package, incl. invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War, former underage prisoners of fascism, war veterans, a number of categories of servicemen who served in the military from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, disabled people of the 1st group, children -disabled people, etc., which will be an integral part of their material life support. Information on the amounts of monthly cash payments stipulated by federal legislation from January 1, 2005. //Southeast courier. - 2005. - No. 3. - S.1-3

According to some estimates, 60% of the adult population and 40% of children are in need of spa treatment. It is especially important for patients who need a rehabilitation and recovery period.

State financing of the sanatorium and resort complex is carried out through the federal budget and the social insurance fund (FSS). However, in absolute terms, the growth of budget allocations in the period 2008-2010 is obvious. Almost all federal authorities that have boarding houses and holiday homes on their balance sheet will be financed with an annual growth of 7-12%.

Many ministries and departments pay great attention to the problem of improving the health of their employees and their families. Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a departmental program for the construction and modernization of sanatorium-and-spa institutions for 2006-2008. As part of the social policy, preferential vouchers are provided: employees pay 25% of the cost, their family members - 50%. As a result, year-round occupancy of sanatoriums and rest houses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is 95%.

Through the FSS (Social Insurance Fund), the financing of the sanatorium-resort sector is carried out in three areas: the improvement of children, payment for vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment of employees and the provision of state social assistance to certain categories of citizens for sanatorium-resort treatment, including travel to and from the place of treatment .

It is quite obvious that it is impossible to solve all socio-demographic problems only with the help of the sanatorium-resort and tourism sphere. However, a well-considered state policy of financing this area is one of the elements of the implementation of the priority national project "Health". Edronova V.N. State financial support for tourism / V.N. Edronova, A.O. Ovcharov // Finance and credit. - 2008. - No. 41. - pp. 37-38

In the era of globalization, the improvement of the nation is one of the important tasks of modern society. One of the promising areas of the tourism industry is health-improving, a feature of which is an integrated approach to a person, providing for the possibility of treating various types of diseases, including in a sanatorium.

From the point of view of sanatorium and resort activities, the RME has a huge potential. It is endowed with the necessary natural resources, on the basis of which sanatorium-resort zones have been created with the necessary conditions for treatment and recreation in sanatoriums, children's health camps and other medical institutions (rest homes, camp sites). The most popular are such sanatoriums as Sosnovy Bor and Lesnaya Skazka. Sanatorium "Klenovaya Gora" is located on the territory of the state national park "Mariy Chodra". The general complex of sanatorium-and-spa treatment of this health resort includes not only traditional methods of treatment, such as physiotherapy, inhalation, "sea" baths and others, but also non-traditional ones - manual therapy, koumiss therapy, phytotherapy.

In a post-industrial society, the quality of life of the population of Russia, one of the components of which is health, is low. An example of this is the increase in the number of people who turn to medical institutions for diseases of the circulatory system, there are also many pregnant women who are at risk, and recently about 550 expectant mothers have undergone a free rehabilitation course in local health resorts.

Thus, the potential of the Republic of Mari El for the development of sanatorium and resort activities is quite large. The republic has all the necessary natural conditions - rich in environmentally friendly water resources, vast areas of forest land. Aleksandrova V.V. Potentials for the development of sanatorium and resort activities in the RME / V.V. Aleksandrova, N.M. Okhotina // Tenth Vavilov Readings. - 2006. - part 2. - p.255

The following categories of citizens are provided with sanatorium-and-spa treatment in sanatorium institutions of the RME:

persons who worked in the rear from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least 6 months, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, or who were awarded orders or medals of the USSR for selfless work during the Second World War; labor veterans; persons subjected to political repression in the form of imprisonment, exile, exile, sent to special settlements, forced labor under conditions of restriction of freedom and subsequently rehabilitated; persons recognized as victims of political repression; mothers of many children who gave birth and raised 5 or more children.

Vouchers are provided no more than 1 time within 3 years in the presence of medical conditions. The duration of the shift is 21 days. Collection of legislation RME No. 12 (156) part 3. - 26 Dec. 2006. - S. 73-74

In accordance with Article 6.2 of the Federal Law of July 7, 1999 N 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29, Art. 3699; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2006, N 48, art. 4945) and on the basis of the results of the competition held by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment services for citizens - recipients of a set of social services, a list of sanatorium-resort institutions is approved, to which vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment of citizens with the right to receive state social assistance, according to the annex.

241) State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Mari El

424006, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, st. Panfilova, 33

242) State Institution of the Republic of Mari El "Sanatorium "Kichier"

Mari El Republic

425000, Republic of Mari El, Volzhsky district, p. Kichier

243) Institution sanatorium "Klenovaya Gora"

Mari El Republic

425025, Republic of Mari El, Volzhsky district, pos. maple mountain

244) Sanatorium-preventorium "Stone river"

Mari El Republic

424003, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, st. Lobachevsky, 12 (425200, Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, village Kuyar, Central, 1a)

245) State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Mari El "Sanatorium" Sosnovy Bor "

Mari El Republic

424000, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, pos. Pinery

246) State Institution of the Republic of Mari El "Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities "Zhuravushka"

Mari El Republic

424915, Republic of Mari El, p/o Kokshaysk, p. Tair

247) Sanatorium-preventorium "Berezka" subdivision of OOO "Comfort"

Mari El Republic

425308, Republic of Mari El, Gornomariysky district, Mumarikha village

Information was published on the website of the government of the republic that the president plans to build another sports and recreation complex in the capital on local mineral water. It will be a huge sports and health complex. It is planned to build it outside the Krasnoarmeyskaya Sloboda, in the Sportivny microdistrict. In addition to the fact that the volume of four bowls will make up an area of ​​100 50 sq.m., there will be a lot of other recreation facilities, saunas, cafes and others. Water - local mineral from a well 700 m deep, valuable for its properties.

The project is still at the beginning of development, a lot needs to be provided for in order for this complex to become a real recreation center for all residents of the republic, and possibly other regions. The idea is great, because not all of our fellow countrymen can afford to go to seaside resorts every year. And the new recreation center will combine the features of a balneological clinic and a water park. Its commissioning is announced for 2009-2010. Afanas'eva I. Resort at home/I. Afanas'eva//Arguments and facts in Mari El. - 2008. - No. 4. - C.1

The problem of protecting people's health today is no longer the same as it was in past years. Infectious diseases have not been replaced by diseases of "civilization" - heart disease, cancer, mental disorders, the cause of which lies in society itself.

One of the ways to solve this problem at the present time can be called the distribution of sports and recreation complexes, which include a wide range of services.

The construction of sports facilities is being actively carried out in the RME: the ice palace, the "Sports Complex" on the river. Kokshaga, restoration of the Druzhba stadium. Krotova E.A. Evaluation of innovative services of sports and recreation organizations RME / E.A. Krotova, N.I. Moskvina, N.K. Shvetsova // Tenth Vavilov Readings. - 2006. - part 2. - p.265

These sports facilities, built on the initiative of the government of the republic, headed by President L. Markelov, today are the main center of physical culture in Yoshkar-Ola. In 2007, the attendance of only one ice palace "Mari El" amounted to 200 thousand people. And during the time that has passed since the opening of the water sports palace, the number of people wishing to try out its pool, including those who regularly practice, has exceeded 170 thousand. At the same time, this complex, which has already received the name of a kind holding sports competitions.

Among the arenas that meet modern requirements are the Ice Palaces and the Palace of Water Sports. Very soon they will be joined by a second swimming pool, and in the future - another recreational and sports complex and a stadium. All of them are located on the banks of the Malaya Kokshaga River. In addition, according to the Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the RME V. Chumakov, in this area there is a prospect for the construction of a hotel and a water stadium. This complex is compact and convenient for residents. You can come here with the whole family, do different sports. There is a good parking lot, in the Palaces there are cafes, modern locker rooms, gyms. The facilities meet high standards. Antonov A. The sports complex is promising / A. Antonov / / Mariyskaya Pravda. - 2008. - May 6. - p. 5

Historically, social tourism in the Russian Federation was implemented through a sanatorium and resort complex and was inextricably linked with the recreational activities of people. The Republic of Mari El has a huge potential for the development of the health resort sector due to its nature and climatic conditions. The most popular sanatoriums are Sosnovy Bor, Lesnaya Skazka, Klenovaya Gora. It is in these sanatoriums that all categories of citizens who need it for medical reasons undergo treatment and rehabilitation. In addition, the government of our republic plans to build a sports and recreation complex in Yoshkar-Ola using local mineral water.

At present, much attention is paid to sports facilities in our republic, new buildings are being built and old ones are being reconstructed. All this makes the sports complex accessible to many categories of citizens. Thanks to this, youth, sports and family tourism has become popular in the RME.

To determine the direction of efforts to develop internal
and inbound tourism in the Republic of Mari El, it is necessary to consider the recreational opportunities of the republic and the problems hindering the development of tourism.

The Republic of Mari El is located in the European part of Russia, in the east of the East European Plain, in the middle part of the basin
R. Volga. This is one of the small Russian regions: the largest length of the territory from west to east is 287 km,
north to south - 150 km, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory is 23,400 km 2. The population is about 700 thousand people.

From the north, northeast and east the republic borders
with the Kirov region, from the southeast and south - with the Republic of Tatarstan
and the Chuvash Republic, in the west and northwest - with the Nizhny Novgorod region.

For 155 km, the longest and most abundant river in Europe, the Volga, flows through our republic. On its banks are located the Gornomariysky district with the center in the city of Kozmodemyansk, the Yurinsky district, part of the territories of the Volzhsky and Zvenigovsky districts. Second
the largest river in the Republic of Mari El - Vetluga. Both rivers are navigable.

The hydrographic network of the republic consists of 476 large
and small rivers (including the Volga and Vetluga rivers), about 700 lakes with a total area of ​​2,752 hectares, which are the pride of the region. In the valleys of the rivers Ilet
and Yushut, a large number of mineral springs are concentrated, used for medicinal purposes in sanatoriums, rest homes
and hospitals.

The lakes of the failed type are located mainly on the southern,
southwestern slopes of the Vyatka Uval. In the lower reaches of the river There are large lakes in Ilet: Yalchik, Glukhoe, Bottomless and Kichier.
On the edge of the northern ledge of the Sotnur Upland, there are 11 lakes in a chain, including Morskoy Eye (Volzhsky district),
at the foot of the Kerebelak Upland - 6 lakes.

The territory of the Republic of Mari El is densely covered with forests. The total area of ​​forests in the republic is 1,415.5 thousand hectares. Part of the forest is located on the territory of the national park "Mariy Chodra" (36.9 thousand hectares) - a specially protected natural area of ​​federal significance. According to the richness of the flora, the national park "Mariy Chodra" is the most peculiar corner of the republic. Representatives of the Siberian and European taiga and forest-steppe meet here. The second specially protected natural area of ​​federal significance, located on the territory of the Republic of Mari El, is the Bolshaya Kokshaga reserve.

In addition to specially protected natural areas of federal significance, there are 9 wildlife sanctuaries on the territory of the republic belonging to specially protected natural areas of republican significance, 47 natural monuments.

The Republic of Mari El, according to the Independent Environmental Rating Agency (NERA), ranks third in the ranking of Russian regions in terms of the preservation of natural ecosystems, behind the Kostroma and Kirov regions. At the same time, the Republic of Mari El in this rating is in first place in terms of changing the potential for ecosystem sustainability according to data for 2007-2008.

The main religions on the territory of the Republic of Mari El are Orthodoxy and Islam, as well as paganism. According to the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Department of Sociology of the MarNIYALI in 2004, 51.1 percent of respondents adhere to Orthodoxy, 15.4 percent to the Mari traditional religion, 6.5 percent to Islam, 0.5 percent to another religion, 5 percent believe in " their God”, 21.5 percent are unbelievers.

The Republic of Mari El is currently the largest center for the spread of paganism in Europe and the only major center in terms of the number of believers. According to traditions, pagan prayers are held in sacred groves, which symbolizes the harmony between man and natural forces. Sacred Mari groves, or “prayers”, are located in the most picturesque places, traditionally in birch and aspen forests, they are separate tracts and are concentrated mainly in the elevated part of the Vyatsky Uval. This is not only a place of religious rites, but the ethnographic, cultural and historical heritage of the Mari people.

Based on the available natural resources, as well as due to its geographical position and development, the Republic of Mari El is one of the ecologically favorable territories of the European part of Russia with well-preserved nature and traditional culture of the local population. Thanks to this, the republic has great prospects for the development of ethnographic, rural, ecological, health-improving and recreational tourism.

Cruise tourism along the river is also promising. Volga, business and sports tourism in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, which is associated with the appearance in the city in recent years of a modern high-class sports infrastructure.

The development of ethnographic tourism is possible in most of the territory of the republic. This is favored by the striped living of the Mari, Russians, Tatars and other peoples. Promising is the organization of tours that allow you to compare the life, culture, traditional architecture and customs of these peoples. By agreement
with local religious communities, it is possible to attend religious ceremonies of pagan Mari held in sacred groves in the north-east of the republic. Of interest are the preserved
in a number of places, the traditional occupations of the population are basket weaving, the production of bast and products from it, weaving, national embroidery, and others.

At present, the ethnography of the Mari people is represented by
mainly museums - SMC "National Museum of the Republic
Mari El them. T. Evseev "in Yoshkar-Ola, ethnographic museum
in the open air in Kozmodemyansk and others.

This Program provides for the implementation of a number of projects that provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the Mari people more fully through "immersion" in life and interactive programs.

Rural tourism in its modern sense is a complex product that includes various areas of tourism with accommodation along the routes in modern complexes and guest houses in rural areas. This type of tourism has great prospects for development in 2011 - 2016 in the Republic of Mari El, since at the initial stage it requires relatively low costs, has a shorter payback period compared to other types of tourism, while using the potential of the region and has significant social significance. The development of rural tourism can partially solve the problem of employment in the countryside and stimulate the development of tourism-related industries, such as the production of souvenirs, picking berries and mushrooms for subsequent sale to tourists, and resolving the issue of marketing part of agricultural products. Rural tourism can be one of the domestic sources of investment for the development of agricultural production.

This Program sets the task of creating a rural tourism cluster that combines agro-, recreational, active, ethnographic tourism. All objects comply with the principles of multifunctionality and are oriented to year-round use.

Prerequisites for the development of rural tourism in the Republic
Mari El Republic:

location in the center of Russia and transport accessibility - railway and air communication with Moscow, availability of fixed-route taxis, buses and electric trains Kazan - Yoshkar-Ola (average travel time - 2 hours), availability of fixed-route taxis, bus routes Cheboksary - Yoshkar-Ola, Nizhny Novgorod - Yoshkar-Ola, Kirov - Yoshkar-Ola;

the remoteness of some of the objects of interest for tourism from urban centers, which makes it difficult to visit them when living in the city and makes it more convenient and economical to stay in tourist complexes in rural areas located along tourist routes, compiled taking into account the sights of the region;

the novelty of the offer and the possibility of combining different types of recreation.

The most promising areas for inclusion in the route network at the initial stage of rural tourism development are Kuzhenersky, Morkinsky, Paranginsky, Kilemarsky,
Mari-Tureksky, Gornomariysky, Novotoryalsky and Sernursky.

Ecological tourism is one of the promising types of tourism in the Republic of Mari El. The growing popularity of ecological tourism and the measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation to stimulate the development of this type of tourism give hope for the use of the ecological potential of the republic to attract environmentally oriented tourists from Russian regions and foreign countries.

Attractive for the development of ecological tourism in the republic are the Vyatsky Uval hill in the territories of Kuzhenersky, Morkinsky and Volzhsky districts with natural monuments located within it: "Mountain Zadelye" with preserved old mine workings, "Stone Mountain" with low-mountain landscapes, "Karman-Kuryk" and adjacent territories, the national park "Mariy Chodra", the reserve "Big Kokshaga". Of interest are the Shurginskaya and Chukshinskaya uplands
with picturesque surroundings, numerous groups of karst lakes, the Ilet and Irovka rivers. The right-bank part - the Gornomariysky district and the city of Kozmodemyansk - is rich in archaeological, historical and cultural monuments.

Health tourism is a socially significant and traditionally popular type of tourism for the Russian Federation. The Volga region is recognized as one of the promising regions for the development of this type of tourism.

The Republic of Mari El has a long tradition
spa treatment. For the construction of sanatoriums, the most picturesque places were chosen, mainly in close proximity to water bodies. The advantage is that many sanatoriums have natural mud, mineral waters. At present, the material base of the republic's sanatoriums is sufficiently worn out, and modern tourist requirements dictate the need to develop a range of additional entertainment, cultural and educational services in sanatorium-resort institutions. In this Program, as a priority measure for the development of health tourism, it is proposed to support the already existing sanatorium and resort base of the republic and the development of existing
in the Republic of recreational zones. Promising areas are Volzhsky, Zvenigovsky, Medvedevsky and a number of other areas. The least costly and promising path at the initial
stage - creation of conditions for the development of related infrastructure in the locations of sanatorium and resort institutions
and other types of tourism: the opening of tour agencies, cafes
and restaurants, rental of sports equipment for outdoor activities, development of the route network and ecological trails. The participation of the state in updating the material base of the most popular and promising sanatorium-resort institutions of the republic is necessary.

Recreational (beach) tourism is a traditionally popular form of recreation in the summer. The most attractive territories for the development of this type of tourism - Zvenigovsky district
with a tourist and recreational area in the village. Kokshaisk, lakes of the Mari lowland - Shap, Tahir, Karas and others, part of the territory of the national park "Mari Chodra" with developed infrastructure,
in particular, the region of lakes Yalchik, Glukhoe, as well as Volzhsky, Yurinsky, Gornomariysky, Kilemarsky and a number of other regions. The limiting factor in the development of this type of tourism is the short beach season and the resulting uneven loading of accommodation facilities specializing in recreational tourism. Partially, this problem can be solved by expanding the range of services and using accommodation facilities in the autumn-winter period for an active, business
and other types of tourism.

Cruise tourism is promising in the Republic of Mari El. The river flows through the territory of 4 regions of the republic. Volga, however, only the city of Kozmodemyansk is currently involved in cruise programs, the flow of tourists to which has decreased in recent years due to numerous fires and the loss of historical monuments in the historical part of the city. Not covered by cruise tourism are promising areas of the village. Yurino
with the unique Sheremetev Castle, Zvenigovo with the Museum of the History of the Shipping Company, celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2011, Volzhsk, pos. Kokshaisk, Zvenigovsky district, which is the nearest settlement on the river. Volga to the capital of the Republic of Mari El - Yoshkar-Ola and the developed recreational zone of the republic. The development of cruise tourism and the involvement of new territories in cruise programs require large financial investments for dredging, installation of landing stages and marinas, as well as the participation of municipal administrations and entrepreneurs in creating tourism infrastructure and preparing excursion programs in promising areas. In case of solving these problems, cruise tourism is the most promising option for including the republic's tourism resources in interregional programs within the framework of the signed Agreement on the Great Volga project.

Sports tourism is one of the promising directions of tourism development new for the republic. In 2004 - 2010
in Yoshkar-Ola, modern sports facilities were put into operation, allowing to hold championships and championships of the All-Russian and international level:
sports and recreation complex "Spartak", the Ice Palace "Mari El" and the Ice Palace of the stadium "Druzhba", the Palace of Water Sports, the Water Palace "Yoshkar-Ola", the central stadium "Druzhba" was reconstructed. It is planned to build new sports facilities of international level.

Development of cultural and educational tourism in the Republic
Mari El does not have great prospects as a separate type of tourism. This is connected with the history of the region and with the deep geographical position of the republic far from the main lines of economic life in the past, respectively, with the absence of
in a large number of significant monuments of history, culture
and architecture of federal importance. Development of this type of tourism
in the republic should be considered as an integral part of other types of tourism or as an integral part of unifying interregional tourism products involving a short stay in the territory of the republic
for cultural and educational purposes.

Thus, on the territory of the Republic of Mari El there are prerequisites for the successful development of several types of tourism.
According to the estimates of specialists of the Department of Investments and Prospective Development of the Vladinvesttour group of companies, given in 2007, the favorable geographical location of the Republic of Mari El, historical, architectural and ethnographic heritage, the wealth of environmental resources, the availability of labor resources, subject to the implementation of the administrative resource, will allow in the next 5 years to position the republican tourist product among the top ten regional leaders of the national tourist product of Russia.

Today our sports tourism team is returning from Krasnoyarsk.
Five days - five distances of the fifth, master class were successfully overcome by our athletes.
As a result - 13 gold, 6 silver, 4 bronze medals and a cup for the first team place in the Russian Championship in sports tourism at walking distances.

Announcement of a new project for our republic.

For those who did not have time or were too lazy to find on the Internet what a “landmark” is:
- a fixed object noticeable on the ground, helping to determine the direction of movement, to find the target;
- the main purpose of the application of efforts (transl.);
- guiding principles, a value system that allows decisions to be made (transl.).

New project

The idea of ​​the project is to try your hand at running with a compass and a map without getting out into the distant dense forests. And in order not to get lost at all, you can lay routes on the territory of your native school.
Such a project was conceived in secondary school No. 15 of the city of Yoshkar-Ola and the Republican Federation of Orienteering and Sports Tourism was invited to help.
The Department of Youth Policy of the Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Yoshkar-Ola City District supported the project, because this idea fully fits into the competition of projects aimed at instilling in adolescents and young people the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What is the point anyway?

And what about landmarks and orientation?
Orienteering competitions are already very popular with us. Up to 400 cross-country runners with a map and compass gather for a number of starts. Registered in Yoshkar-Ola and the All-Russian May start "Azimut".
But the school would not be an educational institution if it had not brought its own zest to this path.
Before crossing the starting line, a young man really needs to choose his landmark. Rather, several checkpoints located on the school site. How are they, these landmarks to choose correctly?
Original and at the same time simple - you need to choose the right answers from the test cards, the tasks in which the school subjects were prepared by caring teachers. These answers - they are the checkpoints, those that will prompt the right path.
Whoever reaches the finish line faster will win.
And whoever answers the questions incorrectly, that is, chooses the wrong landmark, then the route will pave the wrong route for himself.
This is not a run along a cinder track - who is faster, here you need to think with your head!
These are the landmarks today on the map and in the schoolyard, and at the end of school and on the path of life, the youth of our city will have to choose.
The first meeting of the project organizers has already passed. Specialists from educational institutions of the Zarechny district gathered for the seminar (a new business). We got together, discussed and decided - in May, students of the 15th school will go to the first trial start, and in the fall, everyone can look for their landmark.

As promised, we posted all the news from the Spring Appeal Sports Tourism Festival on the Mariskaya Pravda website. Three days of competition, more than a thousand races every day, a hundred sets of medals - these are the “dry” sports facts. And the atmosphere of the holiday and spring mood was felt by those who responded, were not too lazy and came to the holiday of sports tourism.
We pass the baton
But, as they say, the competition is over - Long live the competition!
This is not just a slogan. The summer sports and tourism season, which began so grandiosely with the Spring Appeal, which brought together almost 400 tourists from 14 regions of our country, passes the symbolic baton to the city of Khvalynsk, which is on the high bank of the Volga in the Saratov region, which is already ready to receive young athletes and experts in educational tourism in sports and tourist camp "Turiada" of the Volga Federal District.
A delegation was formed from our republic, which included both tourists who proved themselves at the All-Russian starts - pedestrians, and tourists who passed the selection at the republican competitions - water workers and cyclists.
Turiada is not only a sport
The Turiada program includes not only sports competitions, but also a cultural and educational block, so our staff is reinforced by young specialists in the field of domestic tourism.
They will have to defend the Mari Territory in the competition of presentations of the tourist regions of the Volga Federal District, the competition of knowledge about tourism, the competition of the author's song, with such a romantic name - "Music of Hearts". The main task is to develop an interregional tourist route, which should reflect the attractiveness and characteristics of our republic.
Cheer for our
From May 18 to May 21, we will be able to cheer for our now in the Saratov region.
And, which is already becoming familiar, once again looking at the pages of the MP website, it will be possible to find out the course of current events.
Moreover, for all three years of performances at the Turiada, our tourists always returned with prizes. This is despite the fact that our Privolzhsky District is the most numerous in terms of composition of participants and competition is usually very strong.
Good luck and new sports heights to tourists from Mari El!
We continue to cheer for Mari tourism!

The other day, a regular meeting of the headquarters for the preparation of the Sports Tourism Festival "Spring Appeal - 2016" was held.
Isn't it an intriguing title? For the townsfolk, the “call”, whether spring or autumn, leads to only one association - military service.
But not for fans of sports tourism. Let's try to understand together how the tourist call differs from the call by order of the Minister of Defense.
As the name implies, the call takes place in the spring. Yes, but they also call to serve in the army in the spring - you say. But the thing is that the organizers of the tourist festival, first of all, define the adjective “spring” not as a time of the year according to the calendar, but as an awakening from hibernation, a call to start an active life, start spring hikes and travels.
What is the "Spring Call" anyway?
Formally, this is a mass sports event, which is included in as many as four official calendar plans. These are International competitions under the auspices of the International Federation of Sports Tourism, and All-Russian competitions in sports tourism of the Ministry of Sports of Russia, and the Championship of the calendar of the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El, and a mass event of the event tourism calendar of the Tourism Committee of the Republic of Mari El.
For those who are not very interested in formalities, I suggest looking at all this from the inside. And these are hundreds of girls and boys who, like migratory birds, flock in early May to the tourist camp "Pine Grove" of the Children's and Youth Center "Wind Rose", set up a tent camp, take out ropes, carbines, helmets, and many other objects incomprehensible to uninitiated citizens from backpacks and start compete with each other. What's the point? - you ask. And the meaning is the same - who will cross the finish line faster. True, you can get to it only by overcoming a number of insidious obstacles and obstacles that are strewn with tourist trails.
And yet, what is this call that gathers so many people who are passionate about sports tourism? Yes, everything is the same that once made us freeze at the sight of the flame of a night fire, soft songs about true friends, the desire to look beyond the horizon, to prove to your comrades, and first of all, of course, to yourself, that you can day to drag this heavy backpack, stuffing a bunch of calluses, and in the evening to pretend that you are not a bit tired ...
And competitions are, as they say now, just one of the forms of self-realization of the younger generation. And you know, a very wonderful form.
Yes, what did I want to say at the very beginning?
So - at the headquarters it was decided to apply to the editorial office of the newspaper "Mariyskaya Pravda" with a proposal for an official information partnership. And this proposal was accepted.
And now, dear readers of Mariyskaya Pravda, you will be among the first to know everything that will take place at the Spring Call!!!

And not just “gold”, but the title of champions of Russia in sports tourism at ski distances!
Ksenia Mubarakshina was the first of our athletes to be lucky in sports. Having started in the group of the strongest, she did not leave any chances for her rivals, which, however, is already becoming a certain tradition. After all, at the previous national championship in December last year, Ksenia also confidently won.
Her teammate and teammate Albina Gazizova contributed bronze to the piggy bank - not bad for a start.
On the second day of the hunt for the gold awards of the Ministry of Sports of Russia, now at the distance of the combinations, our girls again excelled: the same Albina and Ksenia, having started by lot first, left their rivals no chance.
Our men Ibragimov Damir and Urdyakov Rustam also performed well - the third place out of twenty that came to the start of the combinations.
On the third, decisive day, our "gold diggers" had one more chance - competitions among groups. The first to start were our men's four - Igor Mikhailov, Damir Ibragimov, Urdyakov Rustam and Andreev Artem. To the sound of a song about Mari El (the organizers of the competition did their best) at seven o'clock in the morning our time, the guys rush to the first stage. Eight minutes later the athletes from Yugra started, another eight minutes later - the Chelyabinsk team, followed by the Sverdlovsk people ... and it started spinning - spinning. The distances were laid on the biathlon track and therefore the audience not only admired the beautiful technique of performing very complex technical techniques, but also literally watched the intensity of the struggle live. The final result of our tourists is 37 minutes 50 seconds. The neighbors from Chuvashia have the second time - 44:04, the third - our main competitors for the overall standings - the Khanty-Mansiysk - the backlog is another plus one minute.
Our women's team, in which Loginova Evgenia and Nikolaeva Ekaterina joined the already noted golden brilliance Mubarakshina and Gazizova, on this day, by the will of the lot, also entered the start line first.
Strong nerves, fighting spirit, self-confidence - all this was read in their behavior at the starting position. I was lucky to enjoy with my own eyes the well-coordinated, professional, masterful work of our women's team. As a result - the expected victory and a gift to yourself on the eighth of March. I confess that at the end of the performance there was one moment that tickled not only my nerves, but also the nerves of the coaches.
But this can be written a separate story. I can only say that the analysis of the "flight" is still ahead. And the coaches of our athletes Fedorov S.S. and Izvozchikova I.V., which I have no doubt, have already compiled a summary called "work on mistakes."

It seems so simple - they came, competed, won. However, if you look at who and from which skiing regions came to fight, then everything becomes a little more complicated: the Vologda Region, the Komi Republic, the Novosibirsk Region. At the same time, the Urals were generally presented almost in full - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, YaNAO, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. Yes, and the composition of the participants is notable - 16 masters of sports of Russia took to the ski track near Novouralsk, in the Northern Urals. So I think that all doubts about the significance of success can be dismissed.
And the result is this - 11 gold and 3 bronze medals, plus FIRST place in the regional standings of the Russian Championship.

The Mari El Tourism Committee has prepared a calendar of tourist events for 2017. The selection of the main tourist events includes more than 70 various events that will interest connoisseurs of all types of tourism.
The generated event calendar is a list of events aimed at promoting the tourism potential of the region.
According to the committee, the use of the calendar is one of the most convenient ways to plan tourist trips, which allows guests and residents of the republic to combine acquaintance with the region's tourist attractions with participation in events held on its territory.
Information about the most large-scale events of the republic will be posted on the official portal of the National Calendar of Events catalog and on the website of the National Tourist Portal Russia.Travel, which are implemented by the Federal Agency for Tourism.

Calendar of tourist events in the Republic of Mari El for 2017

the date of the event title Location Event organizers
4-8 January International competitions in sports tourism on ski distances FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El
January 6 Christmas Agricultural Fair Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin
January 7 Mari calendar-ritual holiday "Shorykyol" ("Christmas") d.Mari-Kupta,
d.Mari Kitnya Mari-Tureksky district
January 13-15 Championship and championship of Russia in synchronized skating Yoshkar-Ola, Ice

Palace "Mari El"

Ministry of Sports of Russia,

Russian Figure Skating Federation,

January 25-28 Open Championship and championship of the Republic of Mari El in sports tourism at ski distances Yoshkar-Ola, forest park "Pine Grove" FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El
January 01-December 31 "Mari El: traditions and modernity" - a permanent exhibition of works of fine art of the Republic
Mari El Republic
January 27 Valenka holiday village Karai Volzhsky district Editorial office of the youth newspaper


January February Festival of Opera and Ballet "Winter Evenings" Yoshkar-Ola, Mari Opera and Ballet Theatre. E. Sapaeva Marisky Opera and Ballet Theatre. E. Sapaeva
February 10-12 XXXI republican competition among students in ski tourism Yoshkar-Ola Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El,
Youth Center "Wind Rose"
February 11 All-Russian ski race
"Ski track of Russia-2017"

UTB Korta

Ministry of Sports of Russia,

Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El

February 21 Gatherings "My soul, Maslenitsa" Lock
February 24-25 Interregional judo tournament in memory of the Hero of Russia, a native of the Republic of Mari El Yevtyukhin Yoshkar-Ola,

FOK "Spartak"

Judo Federation of the Republic of Mari El
25 February Republican calendar and ritual holiday "Ayarnya melna" ("Festive pancakes") Central Park of Culture
and rest
Republican Center of Mari Culture
February 23-26 Russian Table Tennis Championship among veterans Yoshkar-Ola

FOK "Spartak"

FNTR, FNT of the Republic of Mari El, Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El
February 26 "Lady Maslenitsa" folk-ritual holiday Republican Center of Russian Culture, Tourist Information Center,

"Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin"

February 26 Agricultural Fair Maslenitsa-2017 Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El
February Inter-regional boxing tournament in memory of Warriors - Internationalists Yoshkar-Ola Boxing Federation of the Republic of Mari El
9th of March Meeting by the fireplace. Evening of Russian romance "I remember a wonderful moment" Fireplace Hall of the Sheremetev Castle Lock
March 13-17 Championship of Russia in sports tourism on ski distances ski base "Korta" Ministry of Sports of Russia,

FTS of Russia

Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El,
FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El

March 13-17 All-Russian competitions in sports tourism on ski distances ski base "Korta" Ministry of Sports of Russia,

FTS of Russia,

Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El,
FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El

March 18 The festival
pop song "Cholga shoydyr" ("Bright Star")
Yoshkar-Ola, Palace of Culture named after XXX Victory
March 19 Ritual holiday of the Turkic peoples "Navruz" Yoshkar-Ola, Republican Center of Tatar Culture Republican Center of Tatar Culture
March 30-
April 2
International Competition-Festival of Dance Performers
and choreographers of "Mikhail Murashko invites friends"

Palace of Culture named after XXX Victory

March 21-27 The festival
"Yoshkar-Ola theatrical"

Them. E. Sapaeva

Mari National Drama Theatre. M. Shketana

Academic Russian Drama Theater named after G. Konstantinov

March 30 — May 01 Personal exhibition “Life of the Mari people: Life and occupations. Holidays
and rites. Astral cult
and mythology»» T.V. Martyanova
Republican Museum of Fine Arts
March, April Festival of Arts "Yoshkar-Ola spring - 2017" Yoshkar-Ola, Palace of Culture named after XXX-th Victory DK them. Lenin

Mari National Drama Theatre. M. Shketana

Mari State Philharmonic named after Y.Eshpay
April 21-22 Championship and Championship of the Republic of Mari El in sports tourism at water distances Soviet district FSTiSO of the Republic of Mari El
April 21-22 Championship and Superiority of the REPUBLIC of MARI EL in sports tourism on vehicles (velo) Yoshkar-Ola FSTiSO of the Republic of Mari El,

Youth Center "Wind Rose"

April 21-22 Open Championship of the Republic of Mari El
on sports tourism at walking distances
settlement Cuyar,

DOL "Pine Grove"

FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El,
Youth Center "Wind Rose"
April 23 Easter Fair Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshais-kiy Kremlin The Tsarevokokshay Kremlin together with the Yoshkar-Ola and Mari Eparchy
25th of April Calendar-ritual holiday "Kugeche" ("Easter") Central Park of Culture and Leisure
Republican Center of Mari Culture
April 28 - May 1 VI republican competitions of students in sports tourism at walking distances "Spring Appeal" settlement Cuyar,

DOL "Pine Grove"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El,

Youth Center "Wind Rose"

April 28 - May 1 All-Russian competitions in sports tourism at walking distances settlement Cuyar,

DOL "Pine Grove"

FTS of Russia

FSO and ST of the Republic of Mari El,

Youth Center "Wind Rose"

April 28 - May 2 Championship of the Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) in sports tourism at walking distances settlement Cuyar,

DOL "Pine Grove"


FTS of Russia

Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El,
FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El,
Youth Center "Wind Rose"

April 28 - May 2 International competitions in sports tourism at walking distances settlement Cuyar,

DOL "Pine Grove"

FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El

April Ballet festival in honor of the great Russian ballerina G.S. Ulanova Mari State Opera and Ballet Theatre. E. Sapaeva Mari State Opera and Ballet Theatre. E. Sapaeva
April 29 Interregional festival of historical reconstruction "Heritage" Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin Tsarevokokshay Kremlin
07 April – 21 May Exhibition "Group portrait against the backdrop of the world" by Yuri Rost, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow) Yoshkar-Ola, National Art Gallery Republican Museum of Fine Arts
May 1-15 Concert action "Orchestra in the open air" Yoshkar-Ola, near the Russian Drama Theater (or on Lenin Square)

(location to be confirmed)

Mari State Philharmonic named after Y.Eshpay
May 20 Cultural action "Night Museum" dedicated to the International Museum Day National Museum of the Republic of Mari El. T. Evseeva and its branches National Museum of the Republic of Mari El named after T. Evseev,

Republican Museum of Fine Arts,

Tsarevokokshais-kiy Kremlin

May Interregional action "Saltak solyk" ("Soldier's towel") Yoshkar-Ola Republican Center of Mari Culture
June 10th Opera "Akpatyr" TC "Razdolie", Kilemarsky district, village Aleshkino Mari State Opera and Ballet Theater
them. E. Sapaeva
12 June Holiday of Russian culture "Russian birch" Yoshkar-Ola
June 17 Interregional holiday "Peledysh Payrem" ("Festival of Flowers") Yoshkar-Ola Republican Center of Mari Culture
June 17 Ballet Swan Lake" Kozmodemyansk Mari State Opera and Ballet Theater
them. E. Sapaeva
June 24 Agricultural Fair "Festival of Flowers" Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El
June Interregional Song Celebration "Peledysh Ayo" ("Song Celebration") Gornomariysky district
Republican scientific and methodological center of folk art and cultural and leisure activities,
Department of Culture of the Gornomariysky District
June July Festival of performances in the open air "Summer Seasons" Patriarchal Square of Yoshkar-Ola, Tourist Complex "Razdolie",
Mari State Opera and Ballet Theater
them. E. Sapaeva
July 2-4 IV Open Championship of the Republic of Mari El in sports tourism at water distances among students DOL "Pine Grove" Youth Center "Wind Rose"
July 8 Festival of craftsmen of the Republic of Mari El Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El
July 8 Interregional folklore and ethnographic holiday
"Land of the Ancestors"
Kilemarsky district
Republican scientific and methodological center of folk art and cultural and leisure activities
July 22 Championship and championship of the Republic of Mari El in mountain running as part of the Russian Grand Prix village of Shindyryaly, Gornomariy district,

mountain "Alamner"

Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El
July 22 Interregional Satire Festival

and humor of "Benderiad"

Kozmodemyansk Administration
Kozmodemyansk, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Press
and for nationalities of the Republic of Mari El
July 27-29 Championship of the Republic of Mari El on tourism among the visually impaired Yoshkar-Ola MRCSRCI WOS
August 11-15 Championship of Russia in sports tourism - the sport of the blind Yoshkar-Ola Ministry of Sports of Russia, Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El
August 12-15 Republican holiday fair "Honey Spas" Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El, Tsarevokokshay Kremlin
August 17-September 24 Exhibition of photographs “The Himalayas. Tibet" International Public Organization "Center for Spiritual Culture" (Samara) Yoshkar-Ola, Republican Museum of Fine Arts Republican Museum of Fine Arts
August 30-October 01 Exhibition "From Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Coins of Ancient Rome"
and Byzantium from the collection of M.A. Rossiysky "(Moscow)
Yoshkar-Ola, National Art Gallery Republican Museum of Fine Arts
September 6-11 All-Russian competitions in sports tourism at combined distances settlement Cuyar,

DOL "Pine Grove"

Ministry of Sports of Russia,

FTS of Russia,

Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El

September 8-10 Aeronautics Festival "Light People" Yoshkar-Ola Club of aeronauts "Light people", (Yoshkar-Ola)
September 23-24 IV festival "Wind Rose", dedicated to the World Tourism Day DOL "Pine Grove" Youth Center "Wind Rose"
September 27 Summer orienteering in memory of E. Matyukova in honor of Tourism Day Kartukov. pov. Gornomariysky municipal district
September 29 - October 1 Open republican competitions of students in sports tourism at water distances "Autumn Kokshaga" Yoshkar-Ola, forest park "Pine Grove", river M. Kokshaga Youth Center "Wind Rose"
October 6-7 Open Championship
Republic of Mari El on sports tourism at walking distances
Yoshkar-Ola, forest park "Pine Grove" Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Mari El,

FSOiST of the Republic of Mari El

October 14 Pokrovskaya Agricultural Fair "Golden Autumn Mari El-2017" Yoshkar-Ola, the area of ​​them. V.I. Lenin Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El
the 25th of October Ethnofestival "Adyr Siy" ("Girl's Feast") Republican Center of Mari Culture
October Interregional competition of the national costume "Mari vuremm payrem unala uzhesh" ("The holiday of the Mari costume invites you to visit") Yoshkar-Ola, Palace of Culture named after XXX Victory Republican scientific and methodological center of folk art and cultural and leisure activities
October November Festival of Arts "Mari Autumn-2017" Yoshkar-Ola, Palace of Culture named after XXX Victory Mari State Philharmonic
them. Ya.Eshpay
October December Festival of arts and crafts "National and modern decorations" Medvedevo settlement
Historical and Art Museum
Republican scientific and methodological center of folk art and cultural and leisure activities
the 3rd of November Cultural action "Night of the Arts" Yoshkar-Ola, National Art Gallery, National Art Gallery,

Marisky Opera and Ballet Theatre. E. Sapaeva,

Mari National Drama Theater named after M. Shketan

11th of November Festival "Kuzminki. Chicken name day " Yoshkar-Ola, Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El
November 15-19 All-Russian Festival of Puppet Theaters "Visiting Ole Lukoye" Yoshkar-Ola, Republican Puppet Theater Republican Puppet Theater
November 21-27 International festival of Russian theaters in Russia and foreign countries "Friendship Bridge" Yoshkar-Ola, Academic Russian Drama Theatre. G.Konstantinova Academic Russian Drama Theatre. G.Konstantinova
november International festival of Russian culture "Roots in Russia" Yoshkar-Ola, Palace of Culture named after XXX Victory Republican Center of Russian Culture
December Youth New Year's masquerade ball Yoshkar-Ola Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Mari El, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El