Poster for camp sneakers. Making a detachment corner in a summer school camp

Naturally, most of these institutions are located either within the city on the territory of the school itself, or on the outskirts of it, which makes it much more difficult to recreate a calm aura. In order for this to be a real school camp, its design should not only not be lame, but be done with maximum efficiency.

That is, the management should, as they say, put their soul into this institution, using all possible and impossible improvised means for aesthetic design, of which the most accessible are decorative wall paintings, home-made installations, posters for a school camp, and so on, which can attract the attention of children and make the place popular. After all, whatever one may say, but a person, even a small one, first of all evaluates the outside, pays attention to how homely the atmosphere in the institution is, and only then joins the team, gets acquainted with the routine, schedule and concept of the camp itself .

It is especially great if the design of the school camp imitates a holiday boarding house, because it gives the kids the feeling, even if false, that they are in some kind of seaside resort, and not at all in a dusty, stuffy city. This is also very important in the event that for some reason the parents cannot send the child to the water to improve his health in the summer. A logical question arises, which boils down to the fact that it becomes not entirely clear how you can make an ordinary, unremarkable room bright, colorful, and even reminiscent of a seaside sanatorium.

In fact, everything is not so difficult, it is enough to apply ingenuity and let your own, even the most daring fantasies come true. Of course, it's great if the leadership of the school camp has enough funds, because then it will not be difficult to fulfill your most cherished dreams and ideas, but you should not give up if in reality this is far from the case, because you can show your imagination and beautifully decorate the premises with the help of improvised means and absolutely insignificant capital investments. Particularly useful in this matter are artists, carpenters, carpenters and just masters, as they say, of all trades.

Also, as an option, you can involve parents and create a so-called parent committee, which will definitely include talented, creative people and those who simply want to help in every way they can, if only their adored children would be as comfortable and interesting as possible to attend a summer camp . If desired, they will also be able to perform a larger amount of work that does not require creativity and any special skills.

Details, of course, play a very important role, even rather the final one, but do not forget about the proper preparation of the main premises of the school camp, without which all efforts will look dull, and possibly completely inappropriate. And, if everything is more or less clear with the replacement of plumbing, repair of floors and ceilings, then the walls of the school camp, which it was decided to decorate in a marine style, of course, need to be given Special attention.

First of all, you need to understand that in no case should you stop your choice on too bright, you can even say poisonous shades, even if we are talking about the arrangement of an institution designed for children of small age. This is where many make their biggest mistake, choosing too saturated or dark colors of blue or green. Meanwhile, the color of sea water is aquamarine, and very gentle. That is why, by the way, for the final or, as they say, “fine” wall decoration, all shades of pale turquoise tones are suitable.

In any case, the corridors and the main / main rooms should be like that, but the rooms for children themselves, in which they should sleep or play, can be beaten a little differently. For example, a design idea that provides for a decorative division into panels will look very cool. And we are not talking about the classic concept of "light top - dark bottom", separated by polyurethane moldings with elaborate stucco molding.

In this case, the lower part can be done with dark blue paint imitating water, on which you can “scatter” large stickers (special stickers widely used in interiors) of marine life or children’s drawings with their images, treasures and lost treasures painted with acrylic paints. And a lighter top will be an artistic painting of the wall in the form of an island, palm trees, cheerful pirates, scattered coconuts, wild monkeys and other interesting characters.

In such a bedroom / playroom it will be very pleasant not only for the children, but also for the teachers themselves, who must visit them from time to time, constantly look after the order (if we are talking about elementary school students) and carry out appropriate activities with them. Do not forget about additional equipment in the form of ropes made of thick twine, wall bars and various old chests that can be used both as a bench and a locker for changing shoes or other personal belongings of children who visit the camp every day.

In other rooms, including the corridors, where quite often children run out to chase each other or play some other active games, you can equip a real pirate ship. And let it be made from ordinary plywood and other improvised means, with some effort, it can also look natural and intimidating, in the good sense of the word, like a real sea vessel.

At the same time, it can be “put together” in such a way that the hold will open or have a free open opening for entry “inside”, where a piece of the wall will be painted accordingly, imitating a room located inside the ship. It's great if a round, opening window is provided in one of the "walls". The already finished structure is painted appropriately with special paints and opened with ordinary building varnish (it is better to equip a fragment of the ship in one of the corners so that it looks like its nose is sticking out). A piece of sail is made of ordinary burlap or dense linen fabric in light shades. We should not forget about all sorts of funny little things like a life buoy, a pirate black flag, a stuffed parrot sitting on the deck, an anchor, etc.

Also, do not forget about such an indisputable decoration of the walls of the school camp premises in a marine style, as all sorts of posters made in a fashionable 3D style or more delicate semi-antique techniques such as “shabby chic” or “decoupage”. Such crafts can easily be done by almost anyone after a brief acquaintance with video tutorials and master classes from the network, which are usually freely available there. Posters made in the complex volumetric scrapbooking technique look especially cool.

Such wall newspapers contain not only photographs and drawings, but also all sorts of small decorative elements. If we are talking about a marine style, then all kinds of keys, anchors, boat oars, ropes, tiny shells, pebbles, green bottle glass, the sharp edges of which have been smoothed by water, cardboard seagulls, miniature nets made of real textiles will look most impressive. Do not be afraid and rush to abandon such a wonderful and very cute idea, referring to the lack of miniature copies of the items listed above, because in many places special scrapbooking kits with different themes are sold, which include not only ready-made decorative elements, but also all sorts of stickers , thick quality colored paper for the background, piping and even lace. Usually they are sold in large stationery stores or supermarkets, as well as shops like "everything for creativity" or "art kits". Also, you can order them online.

Posters for a school camp should contain approximately the following information: the schedule and agenda, the menu in the cafeteria by day of the week, and the schedule in the cafeteria. It is quite acceptable to post information regarding various camp competitions and competitions with the listed names and photographs of students who previously participated in all important events of this kind.

A poster with a menu in a marine or pirate style will look very cool. To create it, you can use different 3D stickers, drawings of glutton pirates and even 3D images of food products in ultra-fashionable 3D technology today. The poster itself can be made two-layer, perfectly round, imitating a window in the hold. If desired, it is permissible to make the first layer openable (glass is a transparent film, a round frame is soft brown plastic, which is usually used to decorate the corners of figured ceilings). It turns out that if you pull the handle of this round miracle window, then a colorful menu with various pirate cartoons and comic sketches appears.

This idea can be replaced by an imitation of a sail, which, like a curtain, will recline, revealing information hidden in such an interesting way, various parchment scrolls, folded / unfolded at any time, if you pull on the “secret” rope attached to the edge of the paper, etc. How apparently, there are a great many options, as they say, for every taste and color!

Kindergarten, where my daughter grew up, and now my son goes, turned 30 years old . "Ryabinushka" is decorated for the holiday, all groups make posters and collages with congratulations.

Well, can you guess who makes a wall newspaper for our group? Yes. I:-).

I am satisfied with the result, so I am happy to post the idea, since it can be used not only for kindergarten, but also for school, and for a children's summer camp (pictured is my Vovka in the foreground in a blue shirt :-)).

I wanted to make something unusual for my application. On the Internet, here are some voluminous pictures:

They are made very simply! Cut out 5-10 identical clouds in one pattern, fasten them in the center with a stapler. The paper must be double-sided! Ready!

I made a wall newspaper on a piece of drawing paper, the balloons turned out to be quite large, they didn’t keep their shape well. So that the “pages” of my voluminous application do not stick together, I glued all the internal folds with thin strips of adhesive tape. After such a manipulation, umbrellas, balloons and clouds looked great!

I photographed the children in groups in hoops, so that later it would be easier to fit them into the silhouette of the basket. My baskets are wicker :-). Remember how you were taught in 1st grade? Cut into strips, 1 cm wide, weave a canvas out of them, stick on cardboard, cut out in the shape of a basket.

The wall newspaper for the kindergarten was supposed to be fun, so at the time of taking pictures, she asked the children to shout the word “Hurrah!” Then I glued replicas “Hurrah!”, “Congratulations”, “Happy birthday, Ryabinushka” beside, to "voice" our picture.

My teachers and nanny also fly in the clouds in the form of Mary Poppins. They posed, standing on their toes and stretching their arms up, holding on to an imaginary umbrella. The umbrella is also made in the form of a three-dimensional application.

All! It remains to collect our children's wall newspaper!

I tinted the paper sheet a little with a blue pencil (it is better to grind the stylus into powder and use a piece of cotton wool).

Congratulatory posters (red ribbons) I made in a graphics program and printed on glossy paper.

Children's wall newspaper for the anniversary of the kindergarten is ready!

Master Class:

"Designing wall newspapers in a day camp"

Have a nice day, everyone!

Let's create and make our life brighter and more colorful!

I want to invite you to arrange a detachment corner with your own hands in a summer day camp. I will tell you how to make a poster that can decorate a detachment place, an all-camp stand.

You will need: paper sheet (A-1), gouache, brushes, jars of water, glue, marker, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, self-adhesive, etc. It is important to remember that design is an applied work, and therefore it is important to stock up on the necessary art materials.

You can, of course, write lists, draw graphs and fix it all on the tablet. But how boring is this...

In the detachment corner, in addition to the name, the following can be placed: a motto, a slogan, songs, commandments, a list of the detachment, a ticket for the day, congratulations (to birthdays or winners of any competitions, competitions).

I offer possible headings for the detachment corner:

    Plan for a shift (“Plan-grid”; “It’s not evening yet”; “Not a day without an order”; “Merry paths of summer”; “Our strategy).

    Today (“Today at our fire”; “Day until evening is boring, if there is nothing to do”; “And today we have ...”).

    Congratulations (“Hip-hip, hurrah!!!”; “Maestro, music!”; “Kiss on the cheek”).

    Sport (“From start to finish”; “Just in the ring!”; “Our hundred-meter race”; “To spite the records”).

    Squad List ("Meet us, it's us!"; "Bah, all the faces are familiar!").

    our song (“And we sing ...”; “Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind”; “Musical gramophone”).

    Our achievements (“The country must know its heroes”; “Our ups and downs”).

    all sorts of things (“And you know that everything is different ...”).

    Very important information ("Soon in the detachment"; "What they write in the newspapers").

    Our mood ("Mood tree").

    Book of complaints and suggestions ("Barrel of complaints and suggestions"; "Lake of trust"; "Squad mail").

    Squad Laws (“Everyone should know this for sure by five”).

Based on the name of the detachment, we will arrange a detachment corner so that it attracts the attention of others with its unusual, bright, interesting look.

Headings, titles, texts - they should be literate, interesting in content, but it should be remembered that everyone who reads them is also influenced by the way they are written. Color and font - that's what plays an important role.

The letters can be multi-colored, striped, polka-dotted, flowered, etc. The font in which the text is written must correspond to the nature of the content. (view samples)

"Design of the detachment corner"

    It is best to draw a detachment corner on a piece of drawing paper (A-1).

    Let's choose the name of the detachment corner. I propose to choose a name for the junior detachment "Sunshine".

    If the squad is called "Sun", then it is necessary to draw a cheerful Sun on the poster. (Show the image of the sun).

    The drawing is ready, now let's write the title using the font. Let me remind you that the text must correspond to the nature of the content. Let's look at the picture - this is the sun, which means that the letters can be multi-colored, polka-dotted, flowered, etc..


    Let's add a motto, a slogan and a song of the detachment to the detachment corner. We can use a freehand font. In order for the font to be even, we use additional stripes (they can be even, wave, wider at one end, etc.).

FROM about l n s w to about

Meet us!

1. Kikina Yana

2. Andrey Kuznetsov

3. Lifanova Maria

4. Lipatova Tatiana

5. Moiseeva Margarita


    The most important thing in the design of the detachment corner is, of course, headings. For our corner, I propose the following headings: “Meet us!”, “The country should know its heroes”, “Soon in the detachment”, “The laws of the detachment”, “Today by our fire”, “Kiss on the cheek”. Each heading is designed in a square, rectangle, oval, it can be in the form of a flower, sun, butterfly, etc. Freehand font. (Showing different rubrics).

We've got this poster! Which will decorate the detachment corner in the camp shift.

Thus, summer is a period favorable for the development of the child’s physical and spiritual strength, the formation of his valuable personal qualities, for the manifestation of creativity and independence in actions, the choice and evaluation of his actions. Designing detachment corners in a summer camp is an exciting and informative educational activity that unites all participants in the pedagogical process during the vacation period.

"Team Corners"