Funeral words, speech at the wake. Memorial words

Here you will find examples of text for a mourning speech at a funeral. These farewell words to the deceased are written in prose (not in verse), universal (suitable for a colleague, friend, mother, father, grandmother, other relatives) and suitable for public speaking or in a narrow circle. All names are used solely for convenience of presentation. If you decide to use any of the examples, don't forget to change the name to whatever you want.

Words can be expressed separately, or you can include them in one of the speeches selected below (usually the words of sorrow are pronounced at the very beginning).

Option number 1

A great sorrow has befallen us and brought us to this mourning hall today. With a feeling of deep sorrow and irreparable loss, we see off the last journey of a person dear to us (insert name here).

Childhood and youth (name) passed in the village (name of the settlement) and even then the most striking features of her personality appeared: discipline, an extraordinary mind, perseverance in study and work, focus on results, straightforwardness and worldly acumen. Maria Ivanovna has always won the sympathy of people with her ability to negotiate, understand people and establish long-term, lasting relationships based on mutual trust and benevolence. Therefore, she always had many friends, business contacts and a strong, friendly family. In addition, she was distinguished by a high internal culture, outstanding moral qualities and personal charm.

We all knew (name) as an outstanding, intelligent and energetic person. She did a lot for us, she always helped in any way she could, and her personality has always been significant and significant for us, as well as her decisions, opinion, support.

We are glad that you were in our life, because you brought a lot of light, warmth and kindness into it. We remember you, we love you, we miss you.

Option number 2

He (if necessary, indicate the name of the deceased) was an amazing person with a difficult and interesting fate. Ivan Ivanovich always said that a person has three things that make him a person, these are work, friends and family. And today we all gathered to say goodbye to you - a person who considered us the main components of his being.

Recently, you have often said that you look less and less into the future and increasingly turn to the past ... And you notice that over time, children and family become more important to you, and your role in their life becomes, on the contrary, less and less noticeable . I disagree with your last statement. We miss you. We miss you. And your role in our destiny has always remained the most significant. Without you, the whole world has become different and how to live with it is still unclear.

We measured our lives, our victories and mistakes - by you. The world you were in seemed very solid to us. I promise that we, your children, grandchildren will not leave each other, we will support each other the way you always did.

You showed, taught us how to be a strong family and we learned, we will try to cope. But we, dad, will not forget you, and we are unlikely to be able to let go so quickly. Even now you will have to work for us as a guide on the path of life. Thank you.

Option number 3

Friends, relatives and everyone present! Today we say goodbye forever to a person dear to us and I would like to say a few words in memory of him.

Our family suffered a huge loss, having lost its important component - you, mother. She was surprisingly modest, surprisingly tactful, wise and talented. The real keeper of the family hearth. It was thanks to her and her many years of tireless work, support, attention and firm management that our house was a real fortress and a haven from worldly storms. And all family members were always kind, warm, well-fed, dressed, educated and cheerful. Mom always knew how to console and when not to impose advice and moralizing. She knew how to find an approach to anyone, although it was not easy. She painstakingly, day after day, created our cozy, comfortable world, in which everyone is significant and not forgotten. She gave us light, warmth and kindness every day. And we can never forget it.

Now mommy, rest from your labors, sleep. You stayed with us for such a short time, and left love and warmth for several lives ahead. And you will forever remain in my heart. You will forever be a model of a real mother, and your lessons (your example) will never be forgotten. We will try to create in our families the same warmth, love and joy that you aspired to.

Option number 4

Hello, my name is Petrov Petr Petrovich, for many years I worked with the deceased, I was his colleague and friend, one of the closest people in his circle, not counting relatives.

Today is a mournful day and we see off Sidor Sidorovich on his last journey. In such sad moments, the qualities of the personality of the departed person are always more noticeable and more acutely felt what and who he was, the significance of what he did. Looking back, his intellect, experience, intelligence and impeccable professionalism become especially clearly visible. Of course, he was one of the brightest and most valuable members of our team (teams, organizations, etc.).

Sidor Sidorovich was able to calmly, constructively and effectively (and this is the most important thing) solve the most complex problems, achieve maximum results. And he did this throughout his entire career path. And this path was not easy and not fast. He started it from the very beginning and got almost to the end, having undergone many professional transformations along the way. For me, he has always been and will remain an example of a true professional, as he should be - enthusiastic, persistent, persistent in achieving goals, constantly learning and developing, growing above himself. I and many other colleagues of mine have always learned from him, now we will miss him very much. He did a lot for the development of our organization, for strengthening its position in the industry. His responsibility and sensitive, sincere concern for people forever left a mark in our hearts. Such was Sidor Sidorovich - a noble, decent person.

We will remember you Sidor Sidorovich, respect, love and thank you. You are forever in our hearts. Farewell.

Option number 5

Dad always insisted on getting us all together as often as possible, seeing us all together and that in life we ​​always stick to each other. So today he, as usual, gathered us all together. But this time is the last time he is with us.

Dad was an amazing person - a real fighter and taught us this. Probably, childhood, in which, often, there were no basic essentials, left an imprint on the qualities of his personality. He pulled the family out of dire need, always achieved his goal. He was inventive and optimistic and taught me in difficult circumstances to turn to this quality within myself for support. Optimism now helps me out in difficult days. For this I will always be grateful to him.

He was an excellent, caring, sensitive and loving husband and father. He never denied me care and assistance. He built a house, grew a beautiful garden, gave me an education and a roof over my head. He has always been the true master and support of the family. It was always calm and reliable with him. What more could you want from your own father? There is nothing that he could give, but did not give to me and my mother.

Today I lost not only a parent and guardian angel, but also my best friend. Because dad, when my childhood ended, technically moved from the status of a father to the status of a friend. Together we implemented common ideas and he listened to my opinion, often asked for advice. It means a lot to me and gives me strength and faith in myself. Now I won’t be able to talk with him, discuss and make plans ... But I promise, dad, that I will finish everything you started and do everything the way you wanted, planned and dreamed.

I will always remember you, visit and love you, father. You will forever remain for me a model of a man and a person. I don't want to say goodbye to you. I'll say goodbye. You will always be present in my life in one form or another, in my heart and in my thoughts, even though I will never be able to talk to you.

Option number 6

My grandmother was always distinguished by amazing organization and strong-willed qualities. At a young age, she was left alone with three children, without any help and support. And she was able to raise and teach them decent people. None of them became an alcoholic, a drug addict, a criminal. All children have worked and are working, have given birth to their children and are raising them in love and care. And how she knew how, in extremely cramped circumstances, to organize worthy living conditions for herself and her children ... I have never met such an exemplary and efficient management anywhere else. This is her talent. What it cost her, no one knows.

Grandmother never complained to anyone, it was simply impossible to make her waste time whining, idle chatter or idle time. As long as I saw and remember her, she was always busy with something, constantly solving everyday problems - her own and her children's. She worked until her last day and tried her best to support her adult children. She never spared attention, care and affection for loved ones.

The main quality of a grandmother is a subtle, sharp mind. Irony and a wonderful sense of humour. She taught us to always drink from this source in difficulties. And I still use her lesson to this day. He has repeatedly rescued me from seemingly hopeless life situations. I can’t express in words how much warmth she gave me ... and now she didn’t take it with her, leaving me for the rest of my life ahead.

Thank you, dear, for being with me, for keeping so many of my secrets ... thank you for your care and kindness, for the light that illuminated my childhood and subsequent years. You are forever in my heart, I love you now and will always love you. And I promise, I will fulfill everything that we agreed with you.

Option number 7

Dear friends, relatives, colleagues. Today, in this mourning hall, we have been brought together by a great loss. We say goodbye to Kharitonov Khariton Kharitonovich. I'll introduce myself for those who don't know me. My name is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich and I had friendly relations with Khariton Kharitonovich.

We had known each other for 15 years, and Khariton was a special person. He knew how to make friends like no one else and was a true friend. The kind that can now only be found on the pages of books and in beautiful films about friendship. It was always interesting to be with him, and being near him, it was impossible not to make new discoveries for yourself. He was constantly in motion and set in motion everyone who fell into his orbit. He opened up to me personally. He found some new talents and qualities, knew how to support in difficult times, enjoy happy moments together and never pulled the blanket over himself. Didn't envy. Was not indifferent. Didn't do mean things. He did not know how to play up, toady, to flatter.

I have never met such people and I don't know if I will ever meet again. I will miss you very much, my friend. Already not enough. Thank you for being there and for bringing so much good into my life. I will remember you, love, honor your memory and support your loved ones. Don't worry, I won't leave them. I think you would like it. Goodbye.

  • Reading poetry at parting with the deceased is not considered appropriate and should not be abused. However, it is appropriate to say goodbye in the form of poetry if the deceased loved them very much or wrote them himself and they (poems) were an integral, significant part of his life.
  • If an outsider speaks on behalf of the family (colleagues, relatives, etc.), then first you need to introduce yourself (to those who do not know) and briefly indicate in what relationship the speaker was with the deceased or who he was related to.
  • In a farewell speech, it is appropriate to include some interesting case that characterizes the deceased. Recollections of joyful events, funny incidents are also acceptable, but without farce, sarcasm, without turning the ceremony into a farce.
  • At the end, it is necessary to say personal words to the forever departed person. It can be just words of farewell or warm words of love and reverence. It is also customary to make some promises or remind you of some agreements that you undertake to fulfill (perhaps the deceased left a covenant or request, insisted on their fulfillment by family members, friends, colleagues). In general, the last words should be as if you were talking to a living person whom you see off forever and want to leave him and yourself with warm, bright feelings and maintain friendly relations.
  • Clarification of relations, recalling shortcomings and disputes, dividing up anything, in a mourning speech, are unacceptable.
  • If you have prepared not a couple of short sentences, but a full-fledged speech, then it is permissible to read it from a sheet of paper so as not to get lost and not waste time on a painful selection of words (and the circumstances are such that words often leave the head and do not want to return to it).
  • When listing personal qualities, even the negative aspects of character can be called correct formulations, without petty details. To do this, just look at them from a different angle and reveal the "reverse side of the coin." For example: importunity, obsession and persistence can be called - perseverance, the ability to achieve goals, perseverance and determination. And the demands of the impossible can be represented as an orientation towards high goals, dreaminess and ambition.

The loss of a loved one is a tragic event in everyone's life. Alas, even after some time it is difficult to find memorial words for the anniversary of death. It is especially difficult to express your thoughts 40 days after the tragedy, because it is so important to say all the best and most touching about the deceased, to voice his most wonderful qualities and virtues, to express signs of sympathy, while coping with your emotions.

Funeral speech - read or tell?

A funeral speech is an expression of your pain and sorrow, and, of course, it is very difficult not to succumb to emotions and clearly put the right words into sentences. Therefore, you can often see how people read a written speech from a piece of paper. Yes, it is much more convenient than telling from yourself, because this way you will not forget anything. But such speech looks "dry" and insincere.

A funeral speech is, first of all, words spoken from the heart.

It is best to prepare for a speech: remember interesting stories that connect you with this person, write down character traits and features, and everything that you would like to tell. You need to do it in a calm state, because in this way you will not miss the most important moments. This will help you not to get lost at such a touching moment and at the same time will allow you to make a speech sensually and concisely.

What do they say at the funeral?

The funeral speech has its own nuances, so it is worth figuring out what words are spoken at the wake, how long the speech lasts and who speaks first. Consider the following:

  1. Brevity is the soul of wit. Remember that there are a lot of people at the memorial meeting who want to express their thoughts, so do not use vague long phrases. Each word must carry some meaning.
  2. In the introductory part, you need to turn to all those present: “Dear friends, relatives and friends of our beloved (name of the deceased) ...”
  3. Introduce yourself. Be sure to give your name and indicate who you are to the deceased, because not everyone knows you. It would be useful to name the degree of your relationship or kinship: “(Name your name). (Deceased's name) and I have been friends/girlfriends for many (date can be specified) years."
  4. "About the dead, or good, or nothing." As you understand, at this stage it is worth talking about all the virtues of a celestial, about why it became so difficult without him. It would be useful to remember an interesting / funny / touching story that connects you with this person. In no case do not remember any troubles, sins, insults, and so on. Memories, forgiveness are the key components of the memorial speech.
  5. It would be appropriate to voice aphorisms, favorite phrases that the deceased loved to repeat during his lifetime.
  6. Do not hide your own feelings, tell how hard it is for you without this person, what he meant to you. Do not worry that tears will interrupt your proposal, because absolutely everyone understands how hard it is for you to speak. If you feel that you will not be able to control your emotions further, it is better to quickly end the speech so as not to aggravate the already difficult moment for everyone present.
  7. “Eternal memory”, “Kingdom of heaven”, “Let the earth rest in peace” - phrases that usually end their speech. Everyone is known to say this. A well-chosen epitaph will sound more beautiful, for example: “Life is like a dance, like flying in a whirlwind of light and movement. I believe that death is only a transition. I know there will be a sequel

An epitaph can be chosen absolutely for any age, religious beliefs and other features.

Avoid meandering sentences. Do not show all your vocabulary. Don't worry about how to pronounce the mourning speech correctly. You need to speak simply and from the heart, and then you will reach the hearts of everyone who came to remember the celestial.

Are funeral verses appropriate?

As the saying goes, everything is good in moderation. This also applies to the verses in the memorial speech. By the way, at a funeral, poetry performances are completely inappropriate, as well as when you express condolences to a specific person.

If we are talking about the anniversary of death in half a year, a year or 40 days, then the speech may include poetry.

It is best, of course, if the poems are your own, because only you can write everything that you feel that you would like to express to others. But you can also turn to the classics, to excerpts from epitaphs that are consonant with the state of mind of a celestial.

Funeral toasts

The commemoration of the dead according to the Orthodox tradition is accompanied by a memorial dinner. But this is not at all an extra reason to eat or drink. Mourning etiquette has not been canceled. It is not allowed to laugh and speak loudly at the dinner table. Such behavior can hurt the feelings of the closest people. Do not forget the main reason why you are here - to honor the memory of the deceased.

Often, a memorial speech at the table is transformed into a toast.

But it is completely different from what we are used to. Such toasts are not intended to amuse the audience, on the contrary, they emphasize all the sorrow and pain of loss. Often such speeches are gaining poetic motifs.

Memorial Speech Sample

Dear friends, relatives, relatives of our beloved (name of the deceased). I would like to introduce myself (say your name). We have been working with this wonderful person for the last 15 years, and I would very much like to tell you a little about her. She was a true professional, specialist, leader and teacher for each of us.

She taught us the skill, gave advice and parting words, like a mother. (Name) was patient and responsive to each of us, listened to everyone who turned to her for support. She always cheered up the whole team, set them up for the best, even if something didn’t work out.

A year ago, we cheerfully celebrated her anniversary, but today this golden man is no more. This is a big loss for all of us. (name of the deceased) - the embodiment of cheerfulness, perseverance and determination. We will miss such a wonderful leader, friend, real mother and just a wonderful person. Rest in peace, dear (name of the deceased).

Days of wake after death: on the day of the funeral, 9 and 40days after 1 year.The essence of memory. What to say at the wake? Memorial words and mourning speech. Lenten menu.

What to say at the wake

The head of the family traditionally receives the first word at the wake. In the future, the duty to follow the general conversation and gently guide its course is assigned to one of the fairly close or dear people, but still not to the closest relative. It is cruel to expect from a mother mourning a child, or a spouse who has lost his wife untimely, that he/she will be able to maintain the order of speeches and at the same time cope with their own feelings. This role is chosen person who knew the deceased well enough and able in a tense moment to remember some trait of his character, a nice habit or an event from life, about which you can tell the audience.

It should be noted that the usual rules of a "social party" do not apply to the commemoration: no need to try to fill the pause that has arisen in the conversation or break the silence with minor remarks - especially on an abstract topic. Silence at the wake is not only normal, but even right: in silence, everyone remembers the deceased and feels their connection with him more fully.

Funeral speech at the wake

If you want to speak- stand up, briefly describe how you remember the deceased (of course, only talking about the positives), which made him a special person in your eyes. If you remember any case when the deceased did a good deed for you personally or for someone abstract, unfamiliar, tell about it, but do not tell stories in which one of those present appears. Everyone can speak at the commemoration, but try all the same don't make your speech too long: after all, many of those present are already having a hard time.

You may not know exactly how to "correctly" hold a wake- Don't worry too much about it. The main thing in this case is sincere intention and pure thoughts regarding the deceased. When you do something in memory of the deceased with an open heart, you can't go wrong. It is important to remember only one thing: commemoration in a secular sense are needed more by the living than by the deceased: like any ritual action in our life, designed to alleviate experiences and accept the new reality of life. Therefore, when organizing a commemoration, do not forget about the feelings of those who come to honor the memory of the deceased.

As for strictly Orthodox commemoration, then here, of course, it is better to do everything in accordance with the canon, so as not to unknowingly do something unacceptable from the point of view of the ROC. It is better to find out about these rules in advance in the church - for example, when you order a funeral service.

Ignorance of Orthodox traditions often leads to the fact that relatives and friends of the deceased person have difficulties in preparing the funeral ceremony and funeral dinners. Sometimes people simply do not know what kind of speech should be delivered at the wake, how to conduct them correctly and what to serve.

Today, the commemoration of the deceased should be held three times - these are commemorations on the third, ninth and fortieth day. In addition, it is important to commemorate the deceased six months and a year after his departure to another world, to honor his name day and birthday.

The memorial meal on the third day is considered the day of farewell to the deceased, everyone who participated in the funeral rite should be invited to the commemoration.

The main course is kutia with honey and raisins, sprinkled with holy water or lit up at a memorial service, symbolizing eternal life. Everyone present at the wake should try Kutya. The memorial meal is opened with a prayer. Memorial speeches should be delivered standing up, conversations can be conducted in a half-whisper, in a restrained manner.

The speeches delivered on the third day are especially important, since the grief of the loved ones and relatives of the deceased person is still very acutely experienced. The speech should first of all contain warm words of consolation for them. Traditionally, the first speech should be made by the head of the family, then mourning words are pronounced in order of seniority. Under no circumstances should an invitation to speak be rejected.

Pronunciation of a memorial speech is not at all such a difficult task as it seems at first glance, it is not at all necessary to have the skills of a professional speaker. First of all, it is important to speak only good things about the deceased. When pronouncing memorial words, it is appropriate to recall the good deeds of the deceased, to mention all the good that he did personally for the speaker, for his friends and relatives. You can list the bright life episodes in which the person who left this world participated.

In some cases, the mention of curious situations is also allowed, but it is important to observe the measure. It is not recommended to turn a mourning speech into a full retelling of the life of the deceased, you can not drag it out too much. Other participants in the memorial meal should also be given the opportunity to speak.

On the ninth day, relatives and friends of the deceased pray for him, asking that his soul go to heaven. There is a belief that a deceased person finally leaves his physical shell on the ninth day and appears before God for repentance. Therefore, on this day it is especially important to pray for him from a pure heart. The closest people traditionally participate in the memorial meal, held on the ninth day, so you can talk about everything good and even personal that happened during the life of the deceased.

At the memorial dinner, arranged on the 40th day, everyone who wants to remember the deceased traditionally comes. It is this day that is most important, since the soul leaves the earth completely. All the kind words, prayers and speeches uttered at the commemoration on this day will help the soul at God's judgment. Therefore, all memorial speeches delivered on the 40th day must come from the heart.

The anniversary of a person's death is another important date marked by the heartfelt obedience of his relatives and friends. Regardless of what kind of commemoration is held (third, ninth, fortieth day), memorial speeches should be interspersed with warm and sincere prayers for the deceased, coming from a pure heart.

At the hour of remembrance, until the pain of loss subsided, the first thing to remember is delicacy. Find out, check out examples of words of condolence and. These guides will give you an idea of ethics of commemoration and prompt true words of comfort.

But memorial speech has its own specifics. In it you turn to a whole range of guests who gathered to comfort their loved ones, to remember the deceased themselves and listen to what friends and relatives have to say about him. Your words are awaited, and your funeral speech can sound with b O more pathos than is customary for a personal expression of condolences.

The words of grief directly at the funeral should be as short as possible, but the speech at the wake may not be limited to a couple of phrases.

Memorial words of sorrow and mourning speech

First, introduce yourself and, if it's not obvious to everyone, say who you are to the deceased. Many people will speak at the memorial. That's why mourning speech should be concise, and thoughts are expressed accurately. Guests will understand if the phrase is interrupted by sudden crying. But unpreparedness, verbiage, and even more drunken babble, the audience will perceive as a sign of disrespect for the deceased. Don't rely on improvisation! Have brief abstracts with you, and at home or on the way to the funeral ceremony, repeat your memorial speech several times.

Do not retell the biography - enough tell about one bright case, an episode of life so that guests remember this interesting fact. It is important that the event you describe highlight one of the positive traits of the deceased. Better talk about that episode which you highly appreciated. Study examples close to them (each obituary contains an episode from life and condolences).

Focus the audience's attention on the character trait that your story has demonstrated. Every negative trait has a bright side. Examples of complementary synonyms:

  • You can say about a grouchy person "He taught me a lesson in a critical view of the world."
  • On the tightfisted: "Caution, rationality and foresight - that's what we all lack today, and what we can learn from the deceased."
  • Carelessness in finances: “He was so sure of a better future…”
  • Suspicion: "Knew human nature..."
  • Not very smart: "Trustling, naive, he believed people so much ..."
  • Haughty: “He knew his own worth, only the best were in his circle ...”
  • Stubborn, stubborn: "Principled ..."
  • Amenable, without a core: "Conflict-free ... His creed is a compromise."

At the wake, you can’t talk about shortcomings: “ About the deceased or good or nothing” is the basis of the basics of commemoration etiquette. You should not remember, especially out loud, about failures, weaknesses, sins and grievances. Forgiveness, reconciliation, remembrance of the best— this is the necessary aura of the memorial ceremony.

words of sorrow it is appropriate to supplement with a quote from the thoughts of the deceased: a mandate, instruction, commandment or moral maxim, which he voiced during his lifetime. Then the mourning speech should be brought to the mention of the benefits that he brought to relatives and society. To conclude that the person did not live his life in vain and promise eternal memory in the hearts of the relatives and friends of the deceased.

“May the earth rest in peace to him/her! Everlasting memory!" You can end your memorial speech with these words, but many will do so. It is better to choose an appropriate epitaph, consonant with the personality of the deceased:

  • If you or the deceased are believers, look here:, or phrases.
  • If, on the contrary, the deceased is consistent.
  • For the deceased, as well as an epitaph.
  • Many beautiful ideas of mourning words in or in epitaphs.

Commemoration Protocol

At the commemoration, standing, honor the deceased minute of silence. The mission of the presenter is entrusted to a close family person who, in a mourning situation, will be able to control his emotions. He take turns speaking relatives by degree of closeness - spouse, children or parents, next of kin, and then friends of the deceased.

The host must prepare a few phrases in advance in order to break the pause and switch the attention of the guests if the speaker's speech is interrupted by tears. It is customary to pronounce memorial words while standing.

Orthodox Christian tradition of commemoration

If the deceased was a believer, then a wake should be held according to church customs, with observance of church rituals. Speeches and prayers are key components of the Christian commemoration ceremony. After the ceremony, the leader of the ceremony should thank all the guests for coming to the wake and praying for the soul of the newly deceased. Funeral speeches are pronounced when everyone has already gathered at the table.

In the Orthodox Christian tradition, commemoration begins with Psalm 90 and. The atmosphere at the table is restrained, you need to talk quietly, in a whisper. The first word is given to the head of the family. Then the commemoration is led by the head of the ceremony - a person respected by the guests close to the family. Funeral words at Orthodox commemoration pronounced in seniority. Everyone who wants to speak can and should get the floor.

Funeral toasts * at Orthodox commemorations are completed with the words: Let the earth be [Name] down, and memory eternal! Everyone drinks without clinking glasses and bowing to a portrait or a free place of the deceased.

* Alcohol is not included in the Orthodox tradition of commemoration (see). But the practice of remembering "without clinking glasses" is deeply rooted in the people. It is important to observe the measure!

In Orthodoxy, it is known that, thanks to prayers, funerals and other Christian rites, the rushing soul of the newly deceased becomes easier. A kind warm word from relatives and friends pacifies the soul of the deceased and dulls the grief of loved ones. At the end of the commemoration, getting up from the table, each bows to the portrait or towards the place of the deceased. Leaving, . It is not customary to say goodbye at the wake.

Memorial verses? Yes, but delicately and in moderation.

Expressing condolences in person, face to face, it is undesirable to refer to the verse. Read gathered around the table friends of the deceased can - after all, everyone expects mournful sayings, memories and some pathos. Possibly in verse. The main thing is that the rhyme should not be vulgar, so that it reflects the best features of the deceased and matches the moment. And was brief. Or very brief.

An example of a mourning speech at a funeral

In order not to fetter the “correct” but inappropriate speech for you, instead of a specific example, we will offer the optimal structure of a memorial word with examples of phrases.


  • Dear friends and relatives of [Name]!
  • Dear guests!
  • Brothers and sisters!
  • Dear family and friends of our beloved [Name]

Personal positioning in relation to the deceased(modestly):

  • I am the nephew of our revered [Name].
  • I am the brother of [Name], who is remembered by us today.
  • [Name] and I have worked/served together for a long/recent years.

About the mourning event(news of death or memory of a funeral):

  • Father was ill for a long time; we knew what would happen, but when we got a call from the hospital…
  • When I learned that [Name] had died, I couldn't think of anything else that evening.
  • Although grandfather lived a long life, the news of his death startled me.
  • Today is 40 days since my mother left us.
  • A year ago, we said goodbye to [Name], a respected and worthy person.

Few words about the best qualities of the deceased:

  • Grandmother was the kindest person, hospitable and hospitable hostess.
  • She was a support and a reliable rear for five years ago to her deceased spouse.
  • He was known as a joker and an optimist, it was easy and carefree with him.
  • He gave confidence in the future and was a support for those around him.

Quote a command, advice, or moral value that the deceased urged relatives and friends to follow. Then, in a few sentences, tell about a bright event or episode of life which illustrates the positive quality of the deceased. It's good if this one is yours. How to buy cheap grave monuments in Moscow? Photos and prices for tombstones made of granite and marble.

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