The concept of society and spheres of public life. How to evaluate your position in society

A person's behavior in society is primarily determined by the people around him - both in his personal life (personal social circle) and at work (official social circle). This is due to the fact that in life any person plays certain social roles, i.e., performs a certain set of actions corresponding to his psychological characteristics and place in the organization.

In any team - both formal and informal - a certain set of roles is always distributed among its members, while one person can play several of them at once, just as several people can play one role (performers, assistants, grinders). The following roles were identified by the specialists:

  1. coordinator - has maximum organizational skills. This role is typical for the leader, whose main task is to direct the efforts of the surrounding people in the right direction;
  2. idea generator - has the highest creative potential, easily puts forward ideas and methods for solving problems, but is not able to bring them to life;
  3. controller - has deep knowledge, experience and erudition and is able to evaluate any idea, identifying its advantages and disadvantages. Another distinguishing feature is his inability to think creatively, but such people cannot be underestimated;
  4. grinder - has a broad outlook, thanks to which he "cleans up" all the shortcomings of the proposals and links them with other tasks of the organization;
  5. enthusiast - infects others with his example to perform a certain business;
  6. seeker of benefits - is an intermediary in internal and external relations, determining the benefits of any actions of the organization (society, team);
  7. performer - is engaged in the implementation of other people's orders and the implementation of ideas, in the process of this activity constantly in need of encouragement and control;
  8. assistant - does not have his own aspirations, but helps other people achieve their goals.

The conscientious performance of all these roles allows the organization to effectively conduct its activities and develop.

Roles in interpersonal communication can be divided into two groups: leading, inherent in people with a certain authority and qualities that are attractive to others, and driven, inherent in all other people, including those who are rejected.

Any role that a person plays in a team determines his status, which is divided into two types: formal and informal. The formal status depends on the official position, i.e., position and salary level, resources at the disposal of the subject, and the amount of responsibility. Informal status is formed under the influence of the authority of the individual and depends primarily on the personal qualities of a person and his manner of behavior. Authority can appear both spontaneously and created and maintained intentionally. The ideal option for an organization is when the formal and informal statuses coincide.

Status - it is a certain position in the social structure of a group or society, connected with other positions through a system of rights and obligations.

Sociologists distinguish two types of status: personal and acquired. Personal status is the position of a person that he occupies in the so-called small, or primary, group, depending on how his individual qualities are evaluated in it. On the other hand, in the process of interaction with other individuals, each person performs certain social functions that determine his social status.

Social status is the general position of an individual or social group in society, associated with a certain set of rights and obligations. Social statuses are prescribed and acquired (achieved). The first category includes nationality, place of birth, social origin, etc., the second - profession, education, etc.

In any society, there is a certain hierarchy of statuses, which is the basis of its stratification. Certain statuses are prestigious, others are vice versa. Prestige is an assessment by society of the social significance of a particular status, enshrined in culture and public opinion. This hierarchy is formed under the influence of two factors:

a) the real usefulness of those social functions that a person performs;

b) the system of values ​​characteristic of a given society.

If the prestige of any statuses is unreasonably high or, on the contrary, underestimated, it is usually said that there is a loss of status balance. A society in which there is a similar tendency to lose this balance is unable to ensure its normal functioning. Authority must be distinguished from prestige. Authority is the degree to which society recognizes the dignity of an individual, a particular person.

The social status of a person primarily affects her behavior. Knowing the social status of a person, one can easily determine most of the qualities that he possesses, as well as predict the actions that he will carry out. Such expected behavior of a person, associated with the status that he has, is commonly called a social role. A social role is actually a certain pattern of behavior that is recognized as appropriate for people of a given status in a given society. In fact, the role provides a model showing exactly how an individual should act in a given situation. Roles vary in their degree of formalization: some are very clearly defined, such as in military organizations, others are very vague. A social role can be assigned to a person both formally (for example, in a legislative act), or be informal.

Any individual is a reflection of the totality of social relations of his era.

Therefore, each person has not one but a whole set of social roles that he plays in society. Their combination is called the role system. Such a variety of social roles can cause an internal conflict of the individual (in the event that some of the social roles contradict each other).

Scientists offer various classifications of social roles. Among the latter, as a rule, the so-called basic (basic) social roles are distinguished. These include:

a) the role of the worker;

b) the role of the owner;

c) the role of the consumer;

d) the role of a citizen;

e) the role of a family member.

However, despite the fact that the behavior of an individual is largely determined by the status that it occupies and the roles it plays in society, it (the individual) nevertheless retains its autonomy and has a certain freedom of choice. And although in modern society there is a tendency towards the unification and standardization of the individual, fortunately, its complete leveling does not occur. The individual has the opportunity to choose from a variety of social statuses and roles offered to him by society, those that allow him to better realize his plans, to use his abilities as efficiently as possible. The acceptance of a particular social role by a person is influenced by both social conditions and his biological and personal characteristics (health, gender, age, temperament, etc.). Any role prescription outlines only a general scheme of human behavior, offering to make a choice of ways to fulfill it by the personality itself.

In the process of achieving a certain status and performing an appropriate social role, a so-called role conflict may arise. A role conflict is a situation in which a person is faced with the need to satisfy the requirements of two or more incompatible roles.



Social status, its features and types.

social status- the position occupied by an individual or a social group in society or a separate subsystem of society. It is determined by characteristics specific to a particular society, which can be economic, national, age and other characteristics. Social status is divided by skills, abilities, education.

Status types

Each person, as a rule, has not one, but several social statuses. Sociologists distinguish:

· natural status- the status received by a person at birth (sex, race, nationality). In some cases, birth status may change: the status of a member of the royal family - from birth and as long as the monarchy exists.

· acquired (achieved) status- the status that a person achieves by his own efforts (position, post).

· prescribed (assigned) status- the status that a person acquires regardless of his desire (age, status in the family), it can change over the course of life. Prescribed status can be congenital or acquired.

· Features of social status

· Status - it is a social position that includes a given type of profession, economic situation, political preferences, demographic characteristics. For example, the status of a citizen I.I. Ivanov is defined as follows: "salesman" - a profession, "a wage worker who receives an average income" - economic traits, "LDPR member" - a political characteristic, "a man aged 25" - a demographic quality.

· Each status as an element of the social division of labor contains a set of rights and obligations.

Rights refer to what a person can freely allow or allow in relation to other people. Duties prescribe some necessary actions to the status holder: in relation to others, at their workplace, etc. Responsibilities are strictly defined, fixed in rules, instructions, regulations, or enshrined in custom. Responsibilities limit behavior to certain limits, make it predictable. For example, the status of a slave in the ancient world assumed only duties and did not contain any rights. In a totalitarian society, rights and obligations are asymmetrical: the ruler and senior officials have maximum rights and minimum duties; ordinary citizens have many duties and few rights. In our country in Soviet times, many rights were proclaimed in the constitution, but not all of them could be realized. In a democratic society, rights and obligations are more symmetrical. It can be said that the level of social development of a society depends on how the rights and obligations of citizens are correlated and observed.

· It is important that the duties of the individual presuppose his responsibility for their qualitative performance.

So, the tailor is obliged to sew a suit on time and with high quality; if this is not done, he must be punished somehow - pay a penalty or be fired. The organization is obliged under the contract to deliver products to the customer, otherwise it incurs losses in the form of fines and penalties. Even in Ancient Assyria there was such an order (fixed in the laws of Hammurabi): if an architect built a building, which subsequently collapsed and crushed the owner, the architect was deprived of his life.

This is one of the early and primitive forms of manifestation of responsibility. Nowadays, the forms of manifestation of responsibility are quite diverse and are determined by the culture of society, the level of social development. In modern society, rights, freedoms and obligations are determined by social norms, laws, and traditions of society.

· In this way, status- the position of the individual in the social structure of society, which is connected with other positions through a system of rights, duties and responsibilities.

· Since each person participates in many groups and organizations, he can have many statuses. For example, the mentioned citizen Ivanov is a man, a middle-aged person, a resident of Penza, a salesman, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, an Orthodox, a Russian, a voter, a football player, a regular visitor to a beer bar, a husband, a father, an uncle, etc. In this set of statuses that any person has, one is the main one, the key one. The main status is the most characteristic for this individual and is usually associated with the main place of his work or occupation: “salesman”, “entrepreneur”, “scientist”, “bank director”, “worker in an industrial enterprise”, “housewife”, etc. P. The main thing is the status that determines the financial situation, and hence the lifestyle, circle of acquaintances, demeanor.

· Given(innate, prescribed) status determined by sex, nationality, race, i.e. biologically predetermined characteristics inherited by a person in addition to his will and consciousness. The achievements of modern medicine make some statuses changeable. Thus, the concept of biological sex, socially acquired, appeared. With the help of surgical operations, a man who played with dolls from childhood, dressed like a girl, thought and felt like a girl, can become a woman. He finds his true gender, to which he was psychologically predisposed, but did not receive at birth. What gender - male or female - should be considered innate in this case? There is no single answer. Sociologists also find it difficult to determine what nationality a person belongs to whose parents are persons of different nationalities. Often, moving to another country in childhood, emigrants forget the old customs, their native language and practically do not differ from the indigenous inhabitants of their new homeland. In this case, the biological nationality is replaced by the socially acquired one.

The status-role concept was developed in the writings of American sociologists J. Meade and R. Minton .

The role theory of personality describes its social behavior with two main concepts: "social status" and "social role".

So, according to this concept, each person occupies a certain place in society.

This place is determined by a number of social positions that imply the existence of certain rights and obligations.

It is these positions that are the social statuses of a person. Each person has several social statuses at the same time. However, one of the statuses is always the main or basic one. As a rule, the basic status expresses the position of a person.

social status- an integral indicator of the social status of an individual, a social group, covering the profession, qualifications, position, nature of the work performed, financial situation, political affiliation, business ties, age, marital status, etc.

In sociology, there is a classification of social statuses into prescribed and acquired.

Prescribed Status- this is the position of a person in society, occupied by him regardless of personal merit, but imposed by the social environment.

Most often, the prescribed status reflects the innate qualities of a person (race, gender, nationality, age).

Acquired status This is the position in society achieved by the person himself.

However, a person can also have a mixed status, which combines both types.

A striking example of mixed status is the state of marriage.

In addition to these types, there are also natural and professional official statuses.

Natural status of the individual- the place of a person in the system of social relations, determined by the essential and relatively stable characteristics of a person.

Professional and official status is a social indicator that captures the social, economic and industrial position of a person in society. Thus, social status refers to the specific place that an individual occupies in a given social system.

The concept of "social role" is closely related to the concept of "social status".

social role is a set of actions that a person holding a given status in the social system must perform.

Moreover, each status involves the performance of not one, but several roles. A set of roles, the fulfillment of which is prescribed by one status, is called a role set. Obviously, the higher the position of a person in society, i.e., the greater his social status, the more roles he performs.

So, the difference between the role set of the President of the State and the worker of a metal-rolling plant is quite obvious. The systematization of social roles was first developed by Parsons, who identified five grounds for classifying a particular role:

1) emotionality, i.e. some roles involve a wide manifestation of emotionality, others, on the contrary, contain it;

2) way to get- depending on the type of status, they can be prescribed or achieved by a person independently;

3) scale- the scope of authority for one role is clearly established, for others it is undefined;

4) regulation- some roles are strictly regulated, such as the role of a civil servant, some are blurred (the role of a man);

5) motivation- performing a role for one's own benefit or for the public good.

The implementation of a social role can also be viewed from several angles.

On the one hand, this is a role expectation, which is characterized by a certain behavior of a person depending on his status, which is expected by the surrounding members of society.

On the other hand, this is a role performance, which is characterized by the actual behavior of a person, which he considers to be correlated with his status.

It should be noted that these two role aspects do not always coincide. At the same time, each of them plays a huge role in determining a person's behavior, since social expectations have a strong impact on a person.

There are usually four elements in the normal structure of a social role:

1) description of the type of behavior corresponding to this role;

2) instructions (requirements) associated with this behavior;

3) assessment of the performance of the prescribed role;

4) sanctions - the social consequences of an action within the framework of the requirements of the social system. Social sanctions by their nature can be moral, implemented directly by the social group through its behavior (contempt), or legal, political, environmental.

any role is not a pure model of behavior. The main link between role expectations and role behavior is the character of the individual. That is, the behavior of a particular person does not fit into a pure scheme.

Anastasia Stepantsova

Another result of socialization is the acquisition by people of different statuses, i.e. certain positions in society. Distinguish statuses social and private.

social status- this is the position of an individual (or a group of people) in society in accordance with his gender, age, origin, property, education, occupation, position, marital status, etc. (student, pensioner, director, wife).

Depending on the role played by the individual himself in acquiring his status, two main types of social statuses are distinguished: prescribed and reached.

Prescribed Status- this is the one that is received from birth, by inheritance or by a combination of life circumstances, regardless of the desire, will and efforts of a person (gender, nationality, race, etc.).

Achieved status- a status that is acquired due to the will and efforts of the individual himself (education, qualifications, position, etc.).

personal status- this is the position of a person in a small (or primary) group, determined by how others relate to him. (hard-working, diligent, benevolent).

There are also natural and professional official statuses.

natural status personality implies significant and relatively stable characteristics of a person (men and women, childhood, youth, maturity, old age, etc.).

Professional and official- this is the basic status of the personality, for an adult, most often it is the basis of the integral status. It fixes the social, economic, production and technical status (banker, engineer, lawyer, etc.).

Social status denotes the specific place that an individual occupies in a given social system. Thus, it can be noted that social statuses are structural elements of the social organization of society, providing social ties between the subjects of social relations. These relations, ordered within the framework of social organization, are grouped in accordance with the socio-economic structure of society and form a complex coordinated system.

Social ties between the subjects of social relations, established in connection with the provided social functions, form certain points of intersection in the vast field of social relations. These points of intersection of connections in the field of social relations are social statuses.
From this point of view, the social organization of society can be represented as a complex, interconnected system of social statuses occupied by individuals who, as a result, become members of society, citizens of the state.
Society not only creates social status, but also provides social mechanisms for the distribution of members of society in these positions. The ratio between social statuses prescribed by society to an individual, regardless of efforts and merit (prescribed positions), and statuses, the replacement of which depends on the person himself (achievable positions), is an essential characteristic of the social organization of society. Prescribed social statuses are predominantly those whose replacement occurs automatically, by virtue of a person's birth and in connection with such characteristics as sex, age, kinship, race, caste, etc.

The correlation in the social structure of prescribed and achieved social statuses is, in essence, an indicator of the nature of economic and political power, there is a question about the nature of the social formation that imposes on individuals the appropriate structure of social status. The personal qualities of individuals, individual examples of social advancement as a whole do not change this cardinal position.

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Status and roles


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2.1 Social status

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Social status is an important component of the life of a modern person. Depending on it, citizens conduct one or another activity, influence each other, and also simply live and develop. It is thanks to him that people get the so-called status. It is worth paying attention to the fact that social status does not always mean something good. In some cases, it can be dangerous. At the moment, most families in Russia fall into the risk group. But how to define it? Who is considered to be in a socially dangerous position? And is there any way to fix this?

Position is...

The social position of a citizen is his so-called place in society. Position held by him, gender, nationality, religion, and so on. Everything that can only characterize a person affects his position in society.

A kind of belonging of a citizen to his origin. Depending on the social position, a peculiar status is acquired. For example, rich-poor, atheist-believer and so on. All this plays a huge role in the development of society. But, no matter how sad it may sound, there is a so-called socially dangerous situation in the world.


What it is? Nobody can say for sure. After all, many factors play a role here. But if you look at the generally accepted concept, then a socially dangerous situation is a set of circumstances and other elements in the life of a citizen or family, which indicates an unfavorable atmosphere.

To be more precise, this is a kind of unpleasant position in society. This can include a lot of different reasons, as well as situations. However, if it turns out that the social situation of a person is close to danger (or already is), the government is able to take measures to eliminate adverse factors affecting the life of a citizen. Especially when it comes to family and children.

What do you need

The socio-economic status of people everywhere matters. Wherever you turn, you will definitely be asked about your place in society. After all, the so-called social status plays a huge role both in the formation of a person and in building a career and conducting activities.

Most often, this kind of questions are recognized when it comes to families with children. Often they need some kind of help or protection. And in order for the state to be able to come to the rescue in time, it is worth reporting on one's own status in society. No matter where you go, this information will be available everywhere. Except for the shops. But in various public services or in state institutions, you will have to report on your position in society.

The most common cases are the social status of children. Both existing and future. During pregnancy, for example, in antenatal clinics, they find out the social status of the future woman in labor, and also make appropriate entries in the exchange card to fix the conditions in which the baby will develop. If it turns out that the status is dangerous, then appropriate measures will be taken. For example, providing assistance or even removing a child from the family after birth. The same applies to schools, kindergartens, hospitals and so on. During employment, the social status is also specified. In general, this component is present everywhere. Who can be attributed to the risk group? And which families are recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation?


The most common case in Russia is the presence of any addictions among family members or close relatives. These include: alcoholism, drug addiction and even computer addiction, craving for gambling. In this case, the social position of the family is recognized as dangerous.

Basically, anything can be fixed. But in practice this rarely happens. It is almost impossible to cure an addiction to something. Until the person himself wants it. If there are children in families, then if there is a relative with addiction, such an “association” is recognized as being in a dangerous position and you are “taken on a pencil”. More precisely, they are registered with the relevant authorities. And now social services can conduct inspections from time to time.

If serious harm is done to minor children, they may be taken away from the family. With or without termination of parental rights. Most often, parental rights are taken away from a dependent family member, and the rest are supported by the state.


If you think about it, the socially dangerous situation of children and families is very common. Only many try to hide it. For example, abuse of children and family members is a factor that indicates danger.

For example, domestic violence. This can be both the use of physical force in any of its forms (even for educational purposes), and the humiliation of human dignity, psychological tyranny, submission. This also includes the abuse of their parental rights. This is usually seen in relation to minor children.

Domestic abuse will be punished. Most likely, the perpetrator of this will be judged based on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In such situations, there are articles: "Battery", "Intentional infliction of harm to health", "Torture". The list can be continued for a long time. But in such a situation, the perpetrator is likely to be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 3 years. It is becoming more and more difficult to identify the disadvantaged social position in society due to abuse. The so-called tyrants try not to show themselves in order to avoid punishment.


Also, the social situation in families is influenced by living conditions. And everything connected with them. For example, unemployment or the level of wages. The general condition of housing, the availability of everything necessary for comfortable living and development, the health of family members living with you - all this is extremely important.

A citizen is recognized as being in a dangerous social position when he is not able to live and provide suitable living in the minimum "hothouse" conditions for human development. That is, if there is an apartment, but it is in a shaky state, the refrigerator is empty, children do not have the opportunity to develop and learn normally - all this indicates a danger.

Most often, families that are already recognized as disadvantaged face such conditions. Children are usually removed. But without deprivation of parental rights (if living conditions are the only negative moment in life). And give a certain period of time to correct the situation.

Breach of obligations

Among other things, failure to fulfill parental obligations is also a factor that can affect social status. The legislation clearly spells out all the rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens in relation to their children and parents. As soon as they are not fulfilled (in a malicious form), one can complain about the socially dangerous situation of the family.

How do actions and events develop in this case? It all depends on the specific situation. It turns out the exact reason that entailed a dangerous situation, after which, based on various laws of the Russian Federation, a decision is made to correct the situation. Most often, failure to fulfill obligations is expressed in evading the upbringing and provision of minors and needy children, evading payment of alimony, and refusing to support elderly parents.

Practice suggests that in these situations comes the head responsibility. Or the court takes away from negligent parents the right to custody and upbringing of the child. Non-payment of alimony is corrected by forced payments, arrest, imprisonment, as well as the withdrawal of a driver's license and the imposition of a ban on crossing the borders of the country.


As you can see, in a dangerous situation in society, appropriate measures will be taken. By the way, you can learn about them with the help of a denunciation, from the media or any other sources of information. If you have suspicions that someone is in a dangerous social position in the family, it is worth obtaining evidence and contacting social support authorities. They will investigate and clarify the situation.

Social status is important in itself. It is an integral part of society and the citizen. It appears at birth. No one can take away social status, but in some cases it can be completely changed. The dangerous situation will be investigated and corrected by all legal forces.

All kinds of roles of a person in society as a person cannot arise without an appropriate predetermining factor. In this case, it is the position of the individual in society, which is a complex system. At the same time, it is quite simple to understand what social status is, how it is related to the previous aspects.

The role of man in society

Any modern inhabitant is endowed with many rights and obligations, and hence a certain number of specific roles. If we are talking about a child, then his main functions will be those that are included in the terms of reference in the family, school, public transport, circles, etc. If we consider the social status of a woman, then she tends to simultaneously play the role of wife, mother, daughter , employees, students, customers, girlfriends and be in other equally important guises. However, one cannot deny the fact that it would be somehow strange and unnatural to see an adult wealthy man sitting at the school bench, and a first grader driving a trolley bus. Such actions are contrary to the corresponding position occupied by a person in the world around him.

Definition of social status

Social status is the position of the individual in the social system - society, which is predetermined by the presence of appropriate opportunities, interests, knowledge, rights and obligations. As a rule, a self-sufficient full-fledged person has several statuses at the same time, realizing their components throughout his life.

Among the complex status set, one can single out the so-called superstatus, which is the main indicator of the integration of the individual into society. Often, this criterion is considered a profession, place of work or main type of employment. Getting acquainted with a person, we almost always think about how a stranger earns his living.
Other qualities and properties of the individual are also of interest. Although other points may be the decisive factor, including national, religious or racial affiliation, sexual orientation, past life experience or the presence of a criminal record.

Varieties of position in society

Trying to recognize what social status is, you should familiarize yourself with its classification. Any position of an individual in the life of society can be attributed to two fundamental types. The first type is performances prescribed to a person, regardless of his desire, capabilities and financial components. These include gender, place of birth, national characteristics, ethnic origin. The second type is the social status achieved or acquired, as it is often said about it. It is on the desire and abilities of a person that the achievement of his goals and peaks directly depends. After all, husbands, leaders, doctors of sciences, football players, writers or engineers are not born, they are made.

Prescribed social status

The modern system of society is a very complex functioning formation, the institutions of which stop working if any individual fails to fulfill the mass of duties indicated by relations in individual social groups. In order to unanimously agreed to perform the duties of prescribed status, from birth, a person goes through a long path of preparation and training for the performance of established roles. The initial stage of personality formation takes place in early childhood according to additional criteria, which often serve as a formula for achieving success in the future. Age and gender criteria serve as the basis for role prescriptions in society. They are followed by race, nationality, as well as religious and class gradations.

The first role-play learning that continues into childhood is some gender-specific socialization processes. In later life, they will have a huge impact on the formation and characteristics of the social status of an already established adult. For example, from the moment of birth, girls are prepared with pink vests, many dolls and princesses. Young girls are gradually being prepared for adult life, teaching culinary tricks and the secrets of maintaining a home. Little ladies are not usually raised in a boyish style. And although this type of upbringing can sometimes be found, it is mostly considered bad form.

Features of prescribed status

As for the education of boys, in adulthood it shows the consequences of an educational process that can be safely attributed to the opposite type. From an early age, they know that it is better to be strong than weak, because they have to protect timid girls, and then become the support and strong shoulder of their entire family. Such methods, which contribute to the formation of personality, determine the different social statuses of men and women in the future.

It should be noted that many modern professions are relevant for both sexes. Some jobs are available for women to do, and they can do them just as well as men, and vice versa. For example, in some states, girls are not hired for the position of domestic servants in wealthy homes. In particular, in the Philippines, only men are accepted to perform secretarial work, despite the fact that some hard work in the agricultural industry lends itself mainly to the weak half of humanity.

Acquired position in society

What is social status can be understood through the prism of the results achieved. Each person is given a wide range of opportunities due to prescribed statuses. Each person can acquire a new position in society using their individual abilities, preferences, diligence, or, oddly enough, luck. After all, Michael Young, the famous British sociologist, quite successfully was able to formulate such a phenomenon. He talked about how the important titles of kings, lords and princesses are prescribed social statuses that are assigned to an individual regardless of the efforts made by him to achieve high ranks.

The acquired social status of a person in society is not given from birth, only persons suitable for this can take possession of the corresponding position. Not all people who were born in a male guise can acquire the status of a husband or father. This will not happen automatically - it all depends on the actions, behavior and attitude to life of a particular individual. The formation of the desired status occurs through the use of talent, desire, determination and an active position.

The predominant importance of social statuses

Often in traditional societies, prescribed statuses are decisive, since the further type of activity and the corresponding occupation of a particular public place depend on many factors related to the moment of birth. Men often try to be like their fathers and grandfathers, imitating them and wanting to adopt their skills in professions familiar from childhood. In addition, by nature, a man is a hunter, fisherman and warrior. Naturally, in the literal sense, it is quite difficult to realize this part of the male destiny in industrial societies, but having the freedom to choose occupations to achieve this or that position, incredible opportunities open up before the current “earners”.

Placement in society according to social status

For the successful functioning of the social system, a sufficient level of mobility of labor resources is required, which leads to a priority focus on the personal characteristics of individuals, on the change of one status to another by the efforts made. Meanwhile, the movement up the status ladder is under the constant control of the entire society in order to comply with the principles of justice, which allow only those people who can truly prove themselves to acquire a high position in society. Those who could not find their successful “environment” will have to pay with non-competitiveness and failure in new roles.
This implies a huge number of people who, being in this situation, do not experience a sense of satisfaction.

How to achieve a high place in society?

Only a person who has come a long and difficult path can realize what a high-level social status is and how to use its privileges. It also happens that the acquired position in the future obliges the individual to make changes not only in work activity, but also in everyday life, place of residence, circle of acquaintances and friends. When a person has to face difficulties that are far removed from the experience of his ancestors due to significant differences between his social status and the social position of his parents, the process of accepting new roles is predetermined by the status that has arisen.

The ideal society is considered to be one where the predominant number of social statuses are acquired. Is it not fair if each person finds his place under the sun and strives for it, proving this with his abilities, work or talent? In addition, the opportunity to successfully prove oneself provides a chance to justify any significant shortcomings.

An absolutely opposite picture is a society where, in most cases, a position in society is prescribed, and a person does not expect an increase in his status, does not put even the slightest effort into it. People who earn little money doing non-prestigious work do not feel guilty about having a low social status. Without comparing the current state of affairs with the situation of other, more ambitious and impetuous people, such an individual is not oppressed by feelings of discontent, insecurity or fear of losing something.

A society in everyday life is a group of people who are part of a social circle. A society is also called a voluntary association of people with similar interests.

The concept of society

In science, society is understood as constantly evolving. It has a present, a past and a future. Cities, technology, institutions were created by people who lived in the distant past. From them we received practical skills, the language we speak. If it were not so, then life would have to start from the beginning: to create the tools of labor ourselves; twine animals to make clothes for themselves, etc.

The unification of people in society does not depend on the desire of anyone. A person at birth already enters into the life of society. There are large groups of people who differ from others in a number of common features. There are different connections and relationships between different groups of people. Each person belongs to a social group, belongs to a certain nation, etc. Thus, he enters into social relations.

Main areas of public life

Society can be subdivided into four areas:

1. Economic sphere. It includes industrial and agricultural production, and everything connected with them (for example, the relationship of people in the process).

2. Social sphere. It includes nations and national relations, the relations of people in the family, medical care.

3. Political sphere. Includes state government policy and everything connected with it.

4. Spiritual realm. These included science and scientific institutions, religion and religious organizations, arts and cultural institutions.

All these areas are interconnected with each other.

Social norms - rules of conduct that are aimed at maintaining the integrity of society. These norms may indicate the required actions, they may prohibit something. Customs are among social norms.

Changing the position of a person in the process of development of society

Today the world of people is very diverse. This diversity is manifested in all spheres of social activity. In the economy of different countries there are different types of farms. In most countries of the world, modern industry is developing on a market economy.

The connection between economics and politics is more clearly traced. The cultural life is very diverse. Absolute and limited monarchies are adjacent to presidential and parliamentary republics.

Problems of modern society

The problem at the moment is the ecological crisis and the continuing threat (to a small extent) of military conflict on a global scale. The environmental situation is of the greatest concern.

Demographic - the problem of population. It is due to the fact that in some countries the population is growing gradually, while in others it is growing very quickly and living conditions are getting worse.