Signs before the exam for good luck. The meaning will take before the exam

Every schoolboy and student during serious training tests at least once used omens before the exam, but not all such attempts to enlist the support of windy luck were successful. Perhaps the reason for this is an incorrect interpretation of popular superstitions or non-compliance with the rules for pronouncing the call - check for yourself!

What superstitions on the eve of the exam is worth remembering

It is no secret that participation in the educational process gives different people different, sometimes opposite emotions. Some people find school subjects easy to learn and interesting; someone tries to memorize the material, while not understanding anything in it; for individuals, study is akin to Sisyphean labor - no matter how hard they try to delve into the subject and remember the basic rules of the topic - there is no result.

What can we say about tests, annual exams and state certification, which are stressful even for round honors students, and losers are generally plunged into a stupor and jitters. Among the various methods for obtaining a high score, student signs-prohibitions occupy a special position - even the most notorious lucky ones try to adhere to them.

Let's start with the well-known to everyone - before the GIA exam and any other important test, you can not wash your hair or cut your hair, otherwise you risk washing, destroying the accumulated knowledge.

From ancient times, hair was considered a store of information, and adherents of magic still claim that through the vegetation on the head one can contact higher powers or the spirits of the dead. Therefore, no trips to the hairdresser and long water procedures - comb your hair, tie your tail, and go!

The same applies to trimming nails: a couple of days after the appointed test with the examination committee, we stop doing our own manicure so as not to shorten our memory.

The main thing is not to overdo it - no one has canceled hygiene and neatness - otherwise the teacher may lower the grade just because of disgust for your appearance.

An important rule for each test subject: when preparing for the test, do not leave the read textbooks and notes open, otherwise the material covered will disappear from your head tired of cramming.

  • God forbid a negligent student to show his grade book to someone on the eve of the exam - he will not receive more "troyban" or will go for a retake.

There is also a rumor among young students that it is undesirable to be the first to take an exam in physical education (more about law school applicants and athletes), otherwise you will have to run around the classrooms later.

So, what can not be done, we found out, now take care of the call of Lady Fortune.

In addition to the traditional student sounding like "shara (freebie), come!" there are a number of good accompanying beliefs that provide the “martyrs of science” with an excellent mood and self-confidence on the day of the exam.

  1. There is a superstition that a textbook on a subject placed under the pillow helps to consolidate the learned topics. And if in the same way you hide your own written answer to the desired ticket, then you will pull out exactly this task during the exam.
  2. Everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of chocolate for brain function, but only a few students know that a chocolate bar, carefully placed at the feet of the examinee the night before, will be charged with good luck. All that remains is to eat it in the morning, and a high score is guaranteed for a diligent student.
  3. Informed representatives of the student fraternity know that a favorable outcome in passing a test or exam can be ensured by clothing in which they have already received a good mark. Therefore, the guys carefully store happy outfits and put them on when the session time comes.
  4. Having received the first excellent mark, tightly bandage the record book with a woolen thread, preferably red, so that luck does not evaporate.
  5. Over the past decades, schoolchildren have experienced a colossal load and anxiety during the last year of study and during the passing of state exams. The following sign will help calm the worried child - in order to pass the exam well, put five kopecks in the shoes you put on - a coin will bring the desired score.

The visualization of the picture also helps a lot: imagine how you are looking for your last name in the lists of applicants, and how opposite it you see the highest number that your knowledge was assessed. Do this exercise more often, not forgetting, of course, to repeat the material covered. What does he say before the exam?

There are many youth traditions regarding exam day. Although young individuals are skeptical of adult advice and all sorts of superstitions, on an important day for fate, they also seek to bring good luck to their side, following popular predictions:

  1. Tie a red thread bracelet around your wrist, and do not forget to first wind a few knots on the thread so that nothing gets mixed up in your head.
  2. Waking up in the morning, get up exclusively with your left foot, but raise it first when you cross the threshold of your own home and audience.
  3. The hand with which you pull the ticket should also be left, and in general, it is advisable to give more load to the left upper limb on this day. Scientifically, this tradition is easy to explain: by performing all the usual manipulations with the other hand, a person forces the brain to rebuild and the processes in the head - memory, attention, thinking are activated.
  4. A good sign if you manage to hold on to a person who has just passed the exam for the highest score. Congratulate the lucky person on their success with a firm handshake and cross your fingers, then luck will smile at you too.
  5. When crossing the threshold of the office, mentally say what grade you want to receive.
  6. It’s great if you manage to turn something sweet in your hands before choosing an exam task (it can be raisins or dried apricots), that is, to lure luck, and immediately pull the ticket!
  7. Many students sincerely believe in lucky numbers - when choosing a ticket, pull the third, fifth, seventh or ninth in a row.
  8. A place of honor among examination superstitions is occupied by the quarrelsome tradition, according to which the examinee should be scolded by friends or relatives directly during the answer. Moreover, it is important not to pronounce the words "fool", "stupid", "idiot", otherwise the omen will work the other way around.

True, it is rather difficult to guess the exact moment - therefore, the patient relatives have to “reproach” their offspring with curses for half a day. And the poor boy or girl remembers signs,

Sleepless nights, confused terms in my head and long kilometers of cheat sheets. Few people managed to get around such a test. An exam is not only a form of testing the knowledge of a pupil or student, for the vast majority it is remembered as a huge stress and a state of panic. So how easy is it to pass the exam and save your nerves, and is it even possible? Using my many years of experience, I will now try to answer this question.

What to do to pass the exam?

As a rule, the vast majority of people studying begin to actively prepare for the exam about a day or two before it. Students who supposedly know how to pass the exam better argue that what they read the day before is better remembered. Nothing like this! There will definitely be porridge in your head. In addition, a sleepy body is unlikely to even understand what is required of it. Also, do not rely on cheat sheets. Of course, you will remember some of the information while you rewrite the correct answers, but practice shows that you will simply lose precious time by doing this. But whether they will be useful in the exam is a very big question. In addition to these simple examples, there are a huge number of all sorts of "buts" and "ifs". Let's see how to learn how to pass exams correctly.

Stage 1. Preparation. What do you need to do to pass the exam?

One kind of notes and textbooks causes horror, boredom, melancholy and other set of negative emotions. However, the problem needs

  • look from the other side. It is better to spend time studying the material than about the same amount of time retaking. Therefore, gain strength and patience, as successfully passing the exam is about the same as achieving success in life. And the path to it, as you know, lies through small steps or obstacles. To overcome the stage in the form of preparation, some tips will help you:
  • calculate how many days you have left before the exam, and distribute the lectures so that you have an equal number of tickets for each day. Leave one day before the exam to review all the material;
  • read aloud. Find an object or object to which you will tell what is written on the ticket. During this process, you will not only remember, but also understand the meaning of what is written. A huge plus in this approach is that on the exam itself you will be able to tell the material in your own words;
  • during training, many are faced with a test of knowledge in a foreign language or with a subject full of complex and incomprehensible terms. What do you need to pass this exam? Remember incomprehensible words and phrases by the method of associations. Any spelling of a word conjures up a picture or object in your mind. Repeat the terms several times, associating them with this object;
  • try to understand what type of thinking you have. If you are a visual, then it will be easier for you to remember the text, how it looks and what paragraph a phrase begins with, it is best for audials to dictate a ticket and memorize information by listening. Kinesthetics (i.e., those who perceive the world through the senses) may try to represent written information in the form of smells, touches, and the like;
  • as already mentioned, it is better to divide the tickets equally for each day allotted for memorization. Create your own motivation in the form of a competition with yourself. Set the task of learning a certain number of tickets, check the boxes next to each ticket you read, and if you managed to learn everything that you planned during the day, be sure to reward yourself for it.

So, one day left until the test of your knowledge. It's time for a dress rehearsal. As already mentioned, in preparation you had to leave one day as a backup. It is with him that the second stage begins. So how do you pass the exam?

The main thing is not to be silent in any case and maintain self-confidence. This is the main secret of how to successfully pass the exam. If you do not doubt your knowledge and that you can answer any question, then those around you, including the teacher himself, will not doubt it. Calmness breeds calmness. Remember this, and successfully demonstrate your knowledge!

Summer is the time for holidays and vacations, travel and entertainment. But not for everyone. Summer is also the time for exams, finals, and entrance exams. Everyone wants to pass them well and then have a rest. To do this, you will have to work hard, re-read the notes, prepare cheat sheets, and, for luck, observe something. What can not be done before the exam so that the cherished marks, signatures of teachers appear in the record book?

What to do before the exam?

This is a terrible, frightening word - exams. It keeps us awake the day before, it doesn't let us calm down after, waiting for the results. Even the most prepared, the most excellent students nervously fiddle with their clothes, hoping not only for knowledge, but also for a miracle. In addition to the well-known methods with a 5 ruble coin in a shoe or a record book in a night window, there are other equally effective signs:

  1. Choose the ticket that catches your eye first.
  2. Attach a fishing hook to your shoe, it will catch luck by the tail.
  3. Do not show your record book to anyone before passing all the items, they can jinx it.
  4. Check out the runes. Find among the signs similar to a labyrinth and hang it around your neck. It will help you find a way out of a difficult situation.
  5. The owl and the snake are symbols of wisdom and determination. Amulets with such animals will give confidence.
  6. Of the stones, amethyst is considered the most student-like, it helps to concentrate. Carry it with you always, the longer he is around, the stronger the connection with the talisman.

What kind of subjects teachers do not find in students during the exam, it would be enough for a small museum. But the best talisman will be the knowledge gained, they will not be replaced by any five-ruble coin.

Pushing the signs aside, let's turn to psychologists. What advice do they give to dealers, how to prepare, how to pass?

  1. Training:
  • If a student has done poorly throughout the year, before the exam, you need to review what you know well. To learn from scratch the unlearned at all, will not work. It is better to consolidate the material that is at least somehow remembered.
  • Cheat sheets will help with this. But they also need to be able to do. Make one question on one card.
  • It is good to prepare together, one asks, the other answers. This will bring the situation closer to the combat, will allow you to see the weak points.
  • Schedule the review based on the time remaining and the questions needed. This disciplines, will effectively allocate time.
  • A day before the exam, arrange a day of silence, put away textbooks, notes. Take a rest.
  1. How to submit:
  • Drive away fear, do auto-training: “I can!”.
  • If there is a question on the ticket that you don't know well, don't panic. Sit for 2 minutes and return to him.
  • Check your work, but not to the point of holes. Too careful checking can lead to the fact that you start correcting what is correctly written.
  • Use a draft, write down the plan on it, even if the answer is oral.

After passing one exam, rest, relax. Do not immediately grab the textbooks for the next subject. You are it deserved.

Conspiracies for passing the exam

You can ask a higher power for help if you feel that things are really bad. To do this, read the conspiracies, for example:

  • On a clear mind, in the morning: As the sun shines, so let my mind be bright. As my parents took pity on me as a child, so the teacher (name) will take pity on me».
  • Take a sheet of paper, write on it the name of the person taking the offset, say over it: “ My teacher, I was learned by you. Don't push me hard, and don't get me with questions, put a good mark in the record book, let's". Put the sheet among the notes.
  • At the exam itself, looking at the back of the teacher, whisper: “ Do not press on me as a stone presses on the ground, do not gnaw as a mouse gnaws its food. Help, like a father and mother to his child».
  • Of course, the record book must be spoken first of all. Sprinkle some salt on the document: As the salt covers the page in an even layer, so good marks fall into it. To have good luck in the exam, bring an easy question».

But do not abuse it, for those who rely only on a conspiracy, nothing will help. Try to prepare possible questions, even if there is very little time left. There are also many prohibitions that cannot be done before the exam. What and why?

Why can't you wash your hair before an exam?

One of the most famous examination bans is the one that tells us about the need refuse to wash your hair before passing the test. How so?

  1. Turns out, in my head, you can wash away the knowledge you just gained by lecturing. Therefore, it is better not to disturb your hair, thereby not disturbing the order of thoughts in your head.
  2. This superstition has been around for many years, some students actually rely on it. In this case, it is better not to wash it, as you can subconsciously undermine your mood, you will constantly think that you did not follow the necessary measures.
  3. There is another opinion that taking a shower and rinsing the dirt from the head accumulated during the day, you relax and unwind, which will help you get some rest before the crucial moment. Which means you still need to wash your hair.

They say that an untidy appearance can appease the teacher, he will think that you have been preparing all the time. But if you can't answer, it won't save you for sure.

Can I shower before an exam?

If you can't wash your hair, can you at least take a shower yourself? It all depends on your superstition and mood. You can collect all the signs in a heap and rely only on them. Then you will come to the office unwashed, in clothes that you have been wearing for a long time, with coins in your shoes and a bunch of all sorts of amulets on your wrists, in a grade book, if you don’t forget it at all at home in this fuss. After all, how much do you have to take and tie. But some people just can't do without it.

Why is it still recommended not to wash? It is believed that water washes away the history of a person, cleanses it. It can wash away your knowledge. If you are a superstitious person, stick to the middle. Believe some signs and reject others. Take on board the most simple, affordable.

Can I cut my hair before an exam?

Another "don't" that warns us against bad results is that don't cut your hair the night before an exam . There are several options to explain why:

  1. By cutting off the hair, we cut off the knowledge embedded in the head. This is an old belief that we have been scaring each other for many years.
  2. Students also say that having a short haircut before the session, there will be nowhere to hide the earphone from the smartphone.

Some students think differently, specially go to a hairdresser or beauty salon before an important event, get a beautiful haircut, put themselves in order. It relaxes, distracts, relieves stress and stress.

And even looking at yourself in the mirror of a neat, washed, combed hair, the mood becomes completely different: you feel the responsibility and importance of the moment, you grow up before your eyes. So, opinions differ, and the choice is up to each individual.

One rule remains the law for all students wondering what not to do before an exam? Can't oversleep such an event, teachers will not appreciate it in any way.

Video: what not to do on the eve of the exam

In this video, Mikhail will tell you how best to prepare for the exam, what you need to do immediately before passing any exam:

To successfully pass the session at higher educational institutions or get an excellent mark during the state final certification (GIA) at school, you can use student signs for good luck. The most common beliefs are: you need to take a ticket for an exam with your left hand, you can’t wash and shave before passing, you need to put a book or notes under your pillow and sleep like that all night, in no case should you forget your grade book at home.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

    Student signs

    In order to successfully pass tests at the university, you need to lean out the window with a record book at night and shout with all your might: "Come freebie!" Then you should close the record book and do not touch it until the exam. If a student hears an answer from someone to his cry, then the freebie will not come.

      How to successfully pass exams at a university or school (USE or OGE):

      • If you put a five-ruble coin in a sock, you will get an excellent mark.
      • You need to enter the classroom fifth or tenth in a row in order to successfully pass the main state exam in grade 9.
      • If you stand between two girls with the same name and make a wish for a successful surrender, then it will certainly come true.
      • Before leaving the house, you need to turn all stools and chairs so that the legs look up.
      • You should cross your fingers on your right hand before pulling out the examination card with your left hand.
      • If the day before you ask a pregnant woman about the ticket number and give her any sweetness in gratitude, then you will get a ticket under the number that the girl named.
      • Dropping a record book before entering the office where the exam will be held is good luck.
      • Before surrendering, someone must tell the student: "No fluff, no feather!" The student must answer: "To hell!".

      During the exam, close relatives must mentally scold the child so that he gets a good mark. Keeping fists is a great way not to frighten away luck from a schoolboy or student.

      Tips for driving test:

      • If the weather is sunny outside, then a person will easily pass on the right and will be in a good mood.
      • Cloudy or rainy day - to tears and failure.

      What can not be done before the exam?

      According to popular belief, before the exam it is impossible:

      • Trim nails.
      • Cut and dye hair.
      • Shave your beard and wash your hair.
      • Wash things in which tests and exams were successfully passed before the end of the entire session.
      • Think long before the examiner's table. You need to immediately pull out the ticket that the person looked at first, he will be happy.
      • Entering the office after a student who failed the test. You need to go into the audience after an excellent student and take his hand so that he shares his luck.
      • Cross hatches on the way to the university.
      • Leave open books or notebooks before certification.
      • There is during the repetition of the material.
      • Return to the house immediately after leaving. If a student forgot something in the apartment and needs to return, then you need to look in the mirror and stick out your tongue.

      To successfully pass the session, you can not show the grade book to anyone before the end of the exam week.

Let's start with the main student sign: "If at the entrance to the classroom you are asked to pull out a ticket, then most likely you are in the exam." If on the night before the test and exam you decided or decided not to prepare and get enough sleep, then to calm your nervous system, you should perform one or, to completely calm down, several of the above rituals are better. As a result, you will have a sound sleep with pictures of 800x600 in True Color mode!


  1. You can't cut your hair before a test or exam. For those who go to extremes, it is better not to cut your hair at all from the very beginning of your studies, then closer to the session you will be enviably different from your classmates in terms of shaggy hair. Under the luxurious head of hair, you can safely hide the microphone (hands free). Or, in extreme cases, the teacher will no longer want to see you on numerous retakes and will put at least something more or less satisfactory in the transcript :). Your hair resembles Einstein's hairstyle, you are incredibly lucky - it can become a weighty argument when grading or offsetting! Also, you can’t cut your fingernails before the test or exam (most likely, because we hold a pen with our hands, so nothing is said about toenails, it’s better not to cut it either, you never know!) On the eve of exam tests, the male half of humanity cannot shave, no there are no restrictions in terms of shaving on the female half of humanity!
  2. My head is dirty, unwashed, terrible. The day before the test or exam, you can not wash your hair. This is most likely due to the fact that all the knowledge accumulated in this short period of time is simply washed off with water and shampoo ... For the most daring, you can not wash at all, but for those who like to surprise others with their behavior, you can stop washing not only your head , but the body is somewhere a month or more before the session, then at the test or exam, the green-faced teacher, tired of inhaling the aromas of the student's body of a month's endurance, will either let the student go in peace, or put on a gas mask and continue to ask tricky questions. Relaxation - washing half of the head: if the exams are in the exact sciences, then you can’t wash the left half of the head so as not to wash the knowledge that has settled in the left hemisphere, if in the humanities, you can’t wash the right half so as not to lose knowledge from the right hemisphere.
    An explanation for this ritual was found - in far, far away times, when all the water was turned off in the hostel during the summer session, and therefore students went to exams not shaved, not washed, not combed. At the session, one could observe a picture of how at 9 o'clock in the morning a crowd of sleepy, bearded, and not very fresh students went to the next exam. But one day, one small but very smart student noticed that the exams at the summer session began to be taken much easier, more often the freebie visited students' records. That's how it happened...
  3. Left handed life. We woke up, do not rush to get out of bed, remembered that in about an hour the "student apocalypse" would come, and got up from our left foot, brush our teeth with our left hand, which we also comb our hair with, and eat, and hold a mug of tea or coffee, say hello the left hand is not recommended (they can be considered an adherent of Hitler’s ideas, only the Fuhrer gave his left hand at the meeting!), waved the mourners with his left hand, if there are none, then you will also have to lock the door with your left hand. We enter the bus or car from the left foot, into the audience too. If you want to spit - spit only over your left shoulder :). Before entering the audience, standing on the left foot, we make the desired assessment. We stand on our left foot in front of the table with examination cards, you can also grab the table, and if the table is wooden, knock on it three times. You should pull the exam ticket with your left hand, with which you can pull not just a ticket you like, but a specific one (lucky numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, some take the thirteenth in a row), for those who like extremes - look at everything that happens with your left eye. The explanation of this belief is based on the belief that the heart is located on the left side, and the heart does not know what ticket is just waiting for you to pull it out and crack it like a nut! Before reaching for a ticket, be extremely careful and do not mix up your hands, maybe you should sign your left hand with a felt-tip pen so that you don’t grab the ticket with your right in the pre-exam jitters! The only misunderstanding that can happen is a teacher forcibly handing out tickets! The only way to resist the teacher's authoritarianism is to put the spurs in the left pocket, but at the same time using the right hand, which later will have to quietly remove them!
  4. Reading the abstract. If you have time left to prepare for the exam, then here are a few beliefs so that your efforts do not come to naught: “Don’t read notes while eating” (jamming memory), “Don’t watch TV while reading notes” (the most powerful distraction), “ Do not listen to loud music when reading notes ”(quiet classical music can serve as an alternative, they say it helps to better remember information). When organizing a break, it is forbidden to leave notes and textbooks open so that the memorized does not disappear!
  5. Excellent student, where are you? The sign is as follows - in order to successfully pass the exam, you need to hold on to a person who has just passed it perfectly! Maybe the remnants of light energy of knowledge that has not yet evaporated can help. They held on, crossed their index and middle fingers on their hands, and on their feet just in case, so as not to jinx them - they made a mark and go ahead for a ticket!
  6. Household notes.“You can’t return after you left the house” - if the situation forces you to return, notes are forgotten, spurs, a working iron, it’s even worse when the record book is forgotten (as an option - in the freezer), then countering this sign is to look in the mirror and show it yourself your own tongue :) A trip for an assessment can end in failure if you come across a grandmother with an empty bucket on your way, so you can neutralize superstition by throwing a candy wrapper into the bucket, or at worst spit in it :) If a black cat crosses the road (he who crosses this path will suffer failure ...), then you need to go the other way, and if time is running out, then let someone in front of you or spit over your left, or even better over both shoulders, and the best option is to have time to cross the road before the cat, let the poor Your four-legged friend is unlucky today! If you meet a man first on the way, you are lucky, but if you don’t meet a woman, there’s nothing you can do about it - “this is fate”! And if you take into account professional affiliation: meet a pregnant woman or a naval officer at arrival (you will pass the exam or you will receive a credit); a bum, a firefighter or a policeman - at a loss (not to see the offset as your own ears). It is not recommended to step on the covers of sewer manholes - the bad energy circulating under our feet through the metal penetrates our body - if it was not possible to miss the “sewer coin”, then you can neutralize the threat by crouching or touching something or someone with your hand in order to give back bad energy ... Before the exam, you should not take out the garbage that has accumulated in the trash can yourself, apparently, along with the "rubbish from the hut" the accumulated knowledge also flies into the garbage chute! And if you sweep the floors in the apartment before the exam, wash them, and even take out the bucket later, then it’s better not to go to the exam - anyway, there will be no time left for preparation :)

The following rituals require systematic preliminary work - to think about passing exams when you get a good ticket on the bus, to make a wish while sitting between two namesakes, twins or namesakes (it’s better to ask permission first, anything can happen - there was a case when namesakes flatly refused to let someone between them sometimes sat down, citing the fact that “your wish will come true - and we will have more trouble”), wishing good grades for a shooting star or passing under a bridge over which an electric train passes. And you can count rare items before the exam, the number of which potentially ranges from 2 to 5, for example, fire engines, ambulances, counting minibuses, like blondes, it is not recommended, but pink-haired girls on roller skates, please ...

  1. Scold the student in absentia. While the student is at the exam, relatives, acquaintances, buddies, friends sitting at home blaze him with all sorts of dirty words, recalling all the bad things that he managed to do! The effectiveness of this method is increased by mentally imagining the dealer or reading from a photograph. With a limited vocabulary of curse words, a dictionary of native Russian words and expressions will help. The more perverted the curses, the greater the effect, and the three-story one is even welcome! You can increase the effectiveness of the spell by saying curses out loud! Be careful with this belief, as there is a side effect: as soon as a person is remembered, then he has incessant hiccups! Options for counteracting a side effect are to inhale and hold your breath (the effect is weak), reach the upper palate with your tongue (it does not help everyone), drink water while holding your hands behind your back (ballerinas use this technique - a very effective method, the effect is instantaneous). Use without the consent of the examiner is FORBIDDEN ...
  2. Cams. On the day of the exam, you need to ask a friend or girlfriend during your exam to "keep your fists for you." Let them simply clench their fists at a certain interval of time (not necessarily strongly ...). I'm not sure that exam success will increase with an increase in the number of fists for you :), so the most effective option will be when your boxer friend clenched his fists!
  3. Clothes and exams. You can’t come to the exam in new clothes or in clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time. The meaning of this commandment is probably explained by the fact that the teacher in a new outfit simply does not recognize you and will claim that you are a malicious truant and missed all the lectures. You can fend off these attacks to girls by saying: “What are you talking about ... I just cut my hair and dyed my hair!” The best option would be to wear their bringing good luck socks, shorts or a hat... What, you still don't have good clothes - then remember the first year, how cleverly you passed exams then, clear brains and seething energy (where did it all go now ...) , and now the most difficult thing is to forcefully remember what clothes you were wearing then! They remembered - I was sure that everything would work out - now we put on a good piece of clothing and, turning to our favorite blouse, belt or suspenders, whisper - “Baby, thank you for helping me out when I was still quite a youngster, help me now when my mind was clouded by study and the mountains of material learned during the first years of study ... Save me, as happened more than once! And do not forget to stroke the little thing - a trifle, but nice ... If you have already managed to pass one exam with excellent marks, then it is recommended to go to the next exams in the same clothes, for lovers of extremes - you can also prepare in these clothes ... Schoolgirls in Poland put on red underwear for success in the exam - I don’t know who checked it :)
  4. "Damn, go to hell!" The sign is as old as the world, but it is used by the majority of respondents ... Before the exam, mourners and condolences wish the person going to the exam “No fluff, no feather!” to which the already nervous student must answer “To hell!” and with a proudly raised head head to the place of the exam ... To be honest, it is not at all clear what this pre-exam dialogue affects, but you should not neglect it! As the saying goes, “what the hell is not kidding” ... When entering an institute / university, the phrase is modernized: “No fluff, no feather, no deuce, no stake!” to which the student must also respond "To hell!"
  5. Take care of your book like the apple of your eye. During the session, do not show your record book to anyone, so as not to jinx it! The only exceptions are teachers ... By the way, a good excuse not to show your success to your parents :) And one more observation - you can’t put the first test in physical education, you run into it later ...
  6. It's not an elbow - it's a NOSE! Rub your nose ... but not your own, but at the monument! From time immemorial, the size of the nose testified to the mental abilities of a person, therefore, in this ritual, “size matters:)” At UGATU, for example, we rub our nose at the monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze, located in the dressing room of the eighth building, wow and big-nosed uncle ...
  7. Food sketches. Everyone is familiar with the student drug - chocolate, which replenishes mental strength, allowing you to learn a dozen more tickets in one day! I give the ritual of eating chocolate: at night we put a bar of chocolate in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs, all night the chocolate absorbs the knowledge coming out through the legs, and in the morning it is eaten by a hungry student in order to return all the knowledge to its place ... You will find out where the student's knowledge comes from at night by reading the following believe me! Remember how in childhood everything stuck to sticky hands, and how well the plastic parts of the designer were fastened if you dip them in jam or compote ... So here is the following belief: before the exam, rub something sweet in your hands (prunes, raisins, dried apricots) and pull the ticket so that only good ones stick ... You can try not to drink for three days before the exam, yes ..., after all, it will be better to take it sober :)
  8. Diffusion of knowledge. On the night before the exam, if you are supposed to go to bed, then you need to put lecture notes or a couple of textbooks on the subject under the pillow. The meaning of this commandment is probably due to the fact that in a sleepy state, information from a summary or textbook freely penetrates through the pillow into the brain! The main thing is not to forget to take a summary to the university in the morning ... Hypothesis "As the number of books increases, the amount of knowledge in the head of the sleeping person increases in proportion to the number of pages in these books!" so it remained unconfirmed. Sleeping in an embrace with books is not recommended, but for a change you can try ... Although the process of mastering knowledge in this case is not effective, since it falls on the lower hemispheres of the brain :). In order to be strong in hindsight too - sit down on the abstract ... for a while :)
  9. A copper Soviet penny is placed in the shoes under the left heel. Student belief does not reveal the technology of putting a coin in a shoe - putting a coin in socks or tights, or maybe you shouldn’t put something extra on your feet at all - it’s closer to the body ... The meaning of this commandment is probably that copper helps from a headache or a nickel, acting on certain points on the heel, opens the student's access to the subconscious!
  10. "Catch, freebie." On the night before passing the exam or test, we open the grade book (our own, opening someone else's can be unpredictable) and place it on the floor, then grab the broom and turn around the axis 5 times (or any number of times a multiple of 5), sweep the motes, dust , household garbage on our little book (open on the page where the test or exam should be affixed), saying “Freebie, catch!”, Then, without shaking it off, we close it and wait for tomorrow. The most important thing is that at the moment of calling out a freebie, no one scares her away with cries of “You need to learn!” Only a specialist of our firm can decipher this ornate cryptographic pattern on the pages of your gradebook, left by household garbage, so we strongly recommend that you contact us, specialists in cryptanalysis... This method should be used rarely, as the quality of the gradebook is lost...
    There is a sparing option - to wave an open record book at midnight through the window, singing the strange words “Freebie, come!” For those who are completely tight with knowledge, you can try more complex options - lean out the window with a record book, go out onto the balcony and from there shout “Freebie, come!” a variant of the ritual is to jump out into the street in your underwear and already there wave a record book! In any of the options, after the magic phrase is uttered, you should slam the record book, tie it with a thread and, for complete safety, put it in the freezer so that the Freebie does not pop out! You can open a record book only at the exam! The result of this procedure is pulling out a “lucky” ticket in the exam, and the teacher will not torment you with additional questions! Options were considered when they tried to catch Freebie, and who wants to be caught - so it’s better to feed, for example, pour bread crumbs into the record book (on the right page), smear the desired line with vodka or alcohol, so Freebie sticks to the record book and does not try to run away .. And how nice it will be to smell your gradebook in the morning, although some teachers dislike this aroma, and it’s not easy to write at least something on alcoholized paper! You can appease Freebie by doing good deeds, for example, clean the apartment, not quarrel with parents, sisters and brothers, fulfill the requests of household members as far as possible... On the day of the exam, to appease Freebie, you can scatter sweets on the way to the university...
  11. Talismans. A talisman is a useful and irreplaceable thing in a student's household... An occasional talisman can be a number in the dressing room with numbers divisible by five, a lucky ticket on the bus, or with the sum of the first three digits divisible by five. In general, everything related to numbers that are multiples of five can be your personal talisman, but no one should know about it, otherwise the efficiency drops! Both a favorite “lucky” fountain pen and a car keychain can serve as a talisman (I remember how a friend constantly clicked a keychain before tests, by the way, this belief in a talisman did not prevent him from successfully completing tasks, and his sister took with her until the eighth grade school for tests of her favorite baby doll). A good talisman can be a stone (don't laugh, it's not around your neck...), suitable for your zodiac sign, mounted in a ring, brooch, bracelet! A pebble for happiness can also be just an unusual pebble, for example, with a hole, and of natural origin! All possible figurines, erasers, clocks, melodies listened to before the exam, all this can instill in you confidence in the successful passing of the exam, and you only have to believe very strongly that the exam will be passed and everything will come true!
  12. Religion and exams. If you are a follower of any of the religions, then most likely you know the rituals that help in your studies... For example, take an icon to the exam, go to church before the exams and ask the saints to patronize you in passing these difficult but inevitable exams! You can always ask God for help...
  13. "Grandma said in two more" Mostly schoolchildren (students are usually not familiar with the number and contents of tickets) use the sign, who on the day of the exam try to find out the number of the ticket that they get from a passing grandmother ... Only the effectiveness of this sign is directly proportional to whether you thank your grandmother or not, therefore, if you don’t have candy in your pocket, then you must thank at least a sincere “Thank you”! And do not forget to warn your grandmother about the range from which you need to choose ... By the way, in addition to the old woman, a grandfather or any person you do not know can help in the implementation of this sign in extreme cases ... and why a person, even if you ask your cat or dog - let him poke his nose into the sheet with tickets ... maybe you'll be lucky!
  14. “Dance while young, single, day off, THE SESSION HAS NOT COME” So, believe it or not, don't want it - whatever you want ... Based on their own observations - the first-rate students who went to celebrate admission (it doesn't matter where it takes place - the main thing is mass character) are thinking about the future! Since they have not passed the first session yet, but they are already celebrating ... Here, pass first, study, get comfortable - and then mark the remaining courses with young people :) Here are the statistics that deduct in the first session and then mainly those who attended this event ahead of time!

Exam success algorithm:

In order to successfully pass any exam according to the Universal Scheme (developed by students of all times and peoples, systematized and supplemented by QSA inc.), you must:
one). Skip as many classes as possible during the semester, while if you are currently at the university, you can safely catch the eye of your teachers. They will not recognize you, especially if you have begun to adhere to the rules for growing hair and refusing to wash, given above;
2). Pay a minimum of attention to this subject in terms of its study;
3). During the session (see point 2);
4).* On the night before the exam, you must (!):
4.1). Get drunk (get stoned, conduct some other experiment with your own consciousness) half to death;
4.2). Go to a club, cinema, billiards, striptease bar, ice rink or other institution that was not enough “for complete happiness” or “to which you were going to go during the session, but could not get out” and get this happiness in full;

5). At 24:00, being in the window opening (if steps 1-4 were completed before, it is recommended to tie yourself with suspenders or other durable products to the battery) with a record book at the ready to shout 3 times “Catch, Freebie!” (while waving an open record book, if steps 1-4 were completed before, then it is recommended to glue the record book to the palm of your hand with “MOMENT” glue) and go to bed with a feeling of complete moral satisfaction (or continue the banquet).

Entries in Vovochka's school diary (so this is where the signs come from):
“Dear parents! Get to school right now! Otherwise, I'm fine. I kiss you firmly, your Maria Fominichna ... "
“... Your son runs around the desks during the lesson. Bad sign..."
"...I was reading a book at a physical education lesson..."

It's a bad omen when a black cat with empty buckets crosses your path.

In order to successfully pass the exam, the student needs to have knowledge and need to be in good psychological shape in order to state everything competently and to the point. Hence the conclusion: knowledge is the best sign! As one of the greats said, “the exam is the last opportunity to get at least some knowledge on the subject,” otherwise there is always not enough time to read all the lectures during the session (tell me, how many times after passing the exams did you swear that in the next semester you would take up mind and you will study during the session ... well, well, don’t make excuses - I myself know what happened, but nothing special happened next semester and lectures were read en masse on the night before the exam ... Therefore, I think that exams are a fair form help the student in learning new knowledge :)).

Karina Akhmetgalina (IST-202v) shared her omen, I think that this thesis will help to justify their behavior to many students “LEARN, LEARN - GET TWO!” And the history of this statement is as follows: “In front of my eyes, a teacher in economic theory searched a student from head to toe in search of spurs, did not find it, but said: “You wrote off everything - it’s impossible to learn!” And kicked him out. And he really knew this subject (smart man)!!!"

A few folk signs:

  1. If you don’t feel like studying for the third day, then today is Wednesday;
  2. If you woke up in the morning and you don't have to get up, then you slept standing up;
  3. If you drank well, then it’s bad in the morning! If it's good in the morning, it means that you drank badly!!!
  4. If you are driving in a car and you are hit hard - get out and look: if it hit from behind - to add money, and if in front - to decrease;
  5. The condom found by your wife in your coat - to buy suitcases ...
  6. If your head hurts, then you have it...
  7. If a husband opens a car door for his wife, then it is either a new car or a new wife;
  8. The better the chest is visible, the worse the face is remembered;
  9. If children go to school dressed up and bring flowers, then soon they will have to dig potatoes;
  10. If, leaving the room, hook on the door handle, then you will definitely return there;
  11. If circles appear around the sun, it's time to air the room and wash the windows;
  12. If vodka is drunk heavily and strained - wait for it back!
  13. Low-flying pigeons overhead - for washing;
  14. If in rainy weather you forgot your umbrella, then you will definitely get wet;
  15. If you swear quietly, then you have a cold in your throat;
  16. If dandruff moves, it's lice!
  17. Who seeks, he knows something!
  18. A minute of laughter adds a year of life. Conditionally...
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