The fastest way to teach your child to speak English. Best games and activities

English is by far the most popular language in the world, it is the language of international communication. Therefore, almost all parents want their children to know him.

English for schoolchildren is taught in many schools, courses, trainings and seminars. The fact is that even from kindergarten, children begin to get acquainted with the English language, so that, having reached adolescence, they can freely express their thoughts in English, just like in Russian.

In order to teach English to schoolchildren, whose program is quite rich, you need not only to be fluent in the language, but also to know various teaching methods and have an approach to children. You also need to remember that while teaching any foreign language, you need to develop in the child all kinds of language skills - reading, speaking, writing, as well as listening to speech. Of course, at first it will be a little difficult to combine these areas, but with practice you need to learn how to work them out in parallel.

There are many methods of teaching English. Here are the main ones:

- The study of absolutely any language begins with the alphabet. For children of primary school age, it is necessary to organize the study of the alphabet, various game forms, make associations, learn letters with pictures. Children must learn how to pronounce letters correctly, highlight the main letter combinations. At the same time, the necessary rules of reading as well as spelling should be explained.

- When children have learned the alphabet, dictations are an excellent method of memorization. With their help, children will memorize the features of the phonetic composition of words. When children show progress in dictations, you can move on to more complex types of work, for example, essays.

- From the very beginning of teaching, it is necessary to provide the student with the conditions due to which he will become accustomed to foreign speech. In this, the teacher will be the necessary assistants of audio recordings with dialogues. Gradually, you can introduce children to more complex audio texts. After all, children, especially younger students, perceive speech very well by ear. After listening to the dialogue, they can ask questions on the topic.

When children get acquainted with elementary communication skills, you can bring cartoons in English to the lessons, and teenagers can watch whole films and then express their opinion in English about the film, the behavior of the characters and the plot as a whole.

- From the first lessons, students need to develop speaking skills. At the initial stage of the lesson, you need to provide simple conversational phrases and dialogues for memorization. Gradually, lessons need to be made more difficult, requiring children to make up their own dialogues for learning, with the addition of new phrases.

Also, students should memorize texts of small sizes, and gradually prepare them for retelling. This is how training will bring results. After all, if in the process of speaking the student pronounces sounds incorrectly, he needs to be corrected, thereby developing his phonetic skills.

- A competent teacher should teach to accumulate the amount of vocabulary of a foreign language. To do this, you can be advised to start a notebook and write down new words with translation in it. If you do not want to start a notebook, you can use your phone or computer. The main thing is that in no case should new words be lost from sight, you need to make sure that the teaching is repeated and used as a vocabulary replenishment.

- Particular attention in the process of learning a foreign language should be given to the methods of studying grammar. After all, it is she who serves as the basis for correct speech. It is necessary to study grammatical topics at each lesson, from time to time returning to their repetition. It is worth noting that the success of the students will depend on how the teacher presents the material in the form of grammar rules. Therefore, you need to use different techniques, because the rules for children to learn are given to children are quite difficult.

- Everyone knows the fact that the competition in teaching English is quite serious, so you need to try to develop an interesting educational program, taking into account many factors of competition. Indeed, today there are a lot of linguistic schools, tutors and so on. Therefore, a unique program will be very useful. You also need to make sure that your own knowledge of the language is at a good level. To do this, you can pass special tests, of which there are a lot on the Internet now.

- An excellent method of teaching English is the game and visual examples. Classes will then be exciting and entertaining when the child absorbs information with interest when looking at pictures and voicing the heroes of fairy tales. Children will rush to such lessons, and will look forward to them. After all, everyone knows that only through the game the world is known. Parents should also support their children in the learning process.

- It is advisable to come up with various creative tasks for children. For example, you can learn vocabulary using color pictures. You can either draw various pictures with your children on your own, which depict famous objects - a chair, a cat, a tree, or cut them out of a magazine. When showing a picture, the baby needs to pronounce its English name. You can turn on your imagination and play an interesting game - pronounce the name in English, and the children in Russian, then vice versa. In this way, the memory of the child will develop perfectly. It is necessary to conduct classes until the child remembers all the names.

It is worth noting that when teaching students, you need to focus on three basic levels of language proficiency.

At the initial level, you need to remember simple phrases, the names of objects. They must be pronounced slowly and clearly. As a result, when the student has mastered the initial level of knowledge, he will be able to communicate in simple situations, will be able to maintain a conversation within the framework of those topics with which he has become familiar.

The elementary level requires that the student must learn to understand the conversation of several people, if it is a subject that is familiar to him. For example, it could be a conversation about family, school, shopping, and so on. At this level, he will be able to actively participate in the dialogue. He will be able to ask the right questions, and will build competent answers.

There is also a school level of language proficiency. On it, the student will easily understand statements on familiar topics, will not get lost when talking on favorite topics. At this level, classes will become somewhat complex. The teacher should develop communication skills in active dialogue. As a result, the student will be able to ask his interlocutors more complex questions, will formulate foreign sentences that are complex in structure, and will have a good command of grammar and vocabulary.

Learning English should definitely bring only joy to every student. If the teacher noticed the passivity of schoolchildren, he must make adjustments to the teaching methodology. At the first stages of teaching younger students, they listen more than they speak, so you need to speak the texts clearly with an upbeat tone in your voice. This will indicate the positive attitude of the teacher.

Be sure to talk about the world around you and defiantly talk about familiar objects that have English names. It is important at this stage to experience only positive emotions, to charge the guys with them.

If the children do not express a desire to listen, you should not insist, it is better to change the type of activity, but return to what you started after a few lessons. Do not skimp on praise, even for small successes you need to praise schoolchildren, they will show interest in learning further.

Younger students need to be taught foreign communication, not language, because language is only the goal of communication. Therefore, in order for a person to speak, he must have a need to do so. In other words, you need to come up with those situations that are close to the child. Also, special attention should be paid to the topics of the conversation. At this time, you need to take into account the age categories of the child.

Parents need to explain that the information that the child learns at preschool age will never be forgotten by him. Therefore, it is necessary to teach a child a foreign language as early as possible. A student who wants to learn English must have the following manuals with him:

— Dictionaries. They are needed in the first place, since with the help of them you can translate any words. Everyone should have a dictionary, it is an irreplaceable thing.

— Reference books, grammar games. It is desirable that in the library of each student there are those books that are simple and understandable, and the rules should be in the tables. Thus, the child will more easily remember the proposed material.

— Phonetic exercises. They include educational video lessons created especially for children. If you do not want to spend money on discs, you can download the same video material from the Internet. As practice shows, the child remembers visual material more easily. It is worth noting that listening to a foreign speech is useful for both younger students and older children, teenagers.

— Poems, songs and games. It is thanks to them that the material can be remembered much faster, they are essential components for younger students.

— Films and cartoons in English are not just ordinary entertainment, but also useful learning that should be used by teachers, as well as parents at home.

Where can students learn English?

- At school. These can be regular classes, and various courses and electives, thanks to which schoolchildren not only cope with difficulties, but also deepen their knowledge in many ways.

- At home. In this case, the teacher uses various educational and entertaining programs, in which, in addition to the teaching moment, there is an entertaining one, thanks to which children develop interest in what they are studying.

- On course. To date, a lot of special studios and courses have been created in which the language is taught. The main thing is to choose the required level, because those who want to go abroad and those who just want to learn how to speak English are taught separately. The teaching methods in different cases are different, so you need to decide in advance on the final result.

— In special language camps. It is worth noting that such camps are becoming more and more popular every year. It is interesting that children, resting and relaxing, learn to learn English.

— Individual lessons. Most parents turn to English tutors. Such lessons are very useful, since the teacher deals with each child separately, looks for an individual approach to him, adapts to him, gets used to him and establishes a trusting relationship that helps to overcome the psychological barrier.

In addition, the tutor will take into account the fact that each child has his own type of memory - someone remembers words or expressions better, and some students must write everything down so as not to forget. Therefore, he will select a program taking into account the interests and preferences of the child. This is very important, since the effectiveness of the entire educational process depends on a properly designed program.

Skype lessons are also popular - on them, in a normal home environment, the child receives the same amount of knowledge as in courses or electives.

In every action of the child, both teachers and parents should notice such details that make him smart and quick-witted. The child must remember this feeling in which he found success, then, in the future, it will be much easier for him.

English is one of those rare disciplines that thousands of adults aspire to learn. Alas, not everyone can boast that during the years of study they really learned it. And life demands, the employer demands, sometimes the soul also demands. Let's try to figure out which strategy is better to use when besieging a fortress called "English" and what is the probability of conquering it.

Why is English needed? Motivation for learning a foreign language

Let's start with the main thing - with what motives encourage you to do this. It is they who, as a rule, determine the result of the whole undertaking. According to my observations, everyone who wants to learn English can be divided into approximately 4 groups. If you arrange them in order of increasing chances of success, you get the following:

1. My husband (wife) speaks perfect English and shames me that I can’t connect two words. And I'll take it and prove it!

You can't imagine a better motivation! It contains a powerful negative in relation to the subject being studied. After all, in fact, you do not need a language, but love and acceptance of a partner, while English acts as a barrier between you and a loved one. Who likes such obstacles, raise your hand! Nobody? I guessed about it, because I don’t remember a single successful case of learning a language with such motivation. And if you are going to a tutor or a course with bitter thoughts about your own imperfection, then it is better not to waste your money.

2. We must finally learn it, otherwise English is everywhere around. And yes, it might come in handy.

The goal is rather vague, and success can only be achieved if you come across a talented teacher who can really interest the student in Complex Object and irregular verbs, or if you suddenly discover remarkable language abilities in yourself. Otherwise, after 10-15 lessons, you will give up on everything and decide that happiness is not in English.

3. At work, knowledge of the language is required - for business trips and communication with foreign partners and colleagues.

Good motivation, in most cases leading to success (of course, adjusted for the ability of the student). The reason for the failure in this case is dislike for the work itself.

4. English is needed for a specific personal purpose: to get a job, to marry a foreigner, to pass a language exam to study abroad.

Such motivation is a real gift for a teacher! With a successful choice of training method, the result is almost guaranteed.

Where to go to study?

So, you have determined your motivation and assessed the likelihood of success. Now the classic question arises: where to go to study?

1. Courses (language school) in Russia

This option is good for those whose motivation is vague, and the level of knowledge is either zero, or the one that is usually called false beginner in the methodology - "false beginner" (once taught, but forgot everything). The same teacher will always conduct classes in a group more interesting and lively than individual ones, if only due to the fact that he can use more activities - ways to work out the material. Well, the competitive atmosphere, of course, is much more conducive to storming English than one-on-one lessons.

How to choose language courses?

The first method is similar to the one by which we choose a good doctor, hairdresser - according to the recommendations of friends. The second one is based on my own experience. A self-respecting institution will hardly deny you the right to attend one lesson, and if it does, then this is an occasion to think about whether it is worth connecting your language future with this school. But if after the first lesson you want to take the second, then feel free to bring money to the cashier.

Attention: native speakers as teachers are not an absolute plus! Be sure to ask if they have a pedagogical education or at least work experience as a teacher in Russia. After all, English-speaking people may simply not understand the difficulties that we face. For example, an English teacher may not pay enough attention to practicing the use of "am", "is" and "are". How can he know that in Russian these forms of the verb "to be" ("is", "is", "essence") have long disappeared from the language? Therefore, sometimes even those language schools where only native speakers teach are sometimes forced to invite Russian-speaking teachers at the request of the entry-level group.

2. Tutor

It is better to turn to him if you have a specific goal in front of you - after all, only with a tutor you can organize classes as conveniently as possible for yourself in terms of time and format. For example, if at work you are engaged in logistics, then in the courses no one will give you vocabulary on this topic especially for you, and you simply set such a task for the tutor, and he must complete it.

Attention: in the process of choosing a tutor, state as clearly as possible what your goal is, and ask with passion whether he has experience with the vocabulary you need. For example, if you import goods from abroad (which is why you learn the language of international communication), and the alleged tutor has never translated negotiations or corresponded on this topic in his life, then his lessons will hardly be useful.

Where to look for a tutor?

Announcements on poles are hung either by those who are just trying themselves in this profession, or by specialists who are not in great demand. Good professionals are passed from hand to hand, and sometimes a queue is built for them. There are also specialized sites with the word "tutor" in the title, accessing which will not cost you anything - the commission is paid by the teacher himself. Those who are registered on these sites, as a rule, try very hard to satisfy customer requests as much as possible, since their rating and the number of orders depend on the reviews subsequently received by the administration.

3. The ideal combination of the two previous options is to invite a tutor to your office, train a group of specialists

Here you need initiative and organizational skills. But the effort is worth it! From experience I can say that the best way to learn a language within the native country has not yet been invented.

4. English courses abroad

How effective is it? Do not invest in a two-three-week trip excessive expectations. You will get a good result only if the family where you are accommodated is languishing from a lack of communication and is ready to regale you with conversations in the language you are learning from morning to night. If the members of this family prefer to communicate with a TV/computer or have a sound sleep to all foreign guests in the world, then the language environment - for which you went to learn a language abroad - shrinks to a minimum. Of course, a sociable person (think, by the way, whether you are such) will always be able to start a conversation both on the street, and in a store, and in a bar, but still ... Still, find in the contract concluded with the travel agency, a clause on the possibility of replacing family residence in the learning process.

5. Conversations with an expat

Those whose knowledge is at the level of "Pre-Intermediate, turning into Intermediate" can improve them in conversations with an expat (a foreigner living in our country). This method is wonderful because in addition to excellent language practice, you get an abyss of knowledge about the country where your interlocutor is from. However, I emphasize that the level of your English should be such that you can participate in at least a simple small talk ("small talk"). Expats offer their services on different sites. On some, you can listen to samples of teachers' speeches, see photos and evaluate their experience. Yes, expats’ time is not cheap – but the result is worth it!

6. Self

You can maintain your English in a state of combat readiness without meeting with native speakers. There would be self-discipline, and even materials for independent work - the sea! To begin with, a few words about such a classic option as reading. If the level of knowledge allows you to read only adapted books, then please, please do not buy books from Russian publishers without the recommendation of a teacher. Yes, they are an order of magnitude cheaper than their Western counterparts, but their level (Beginner, Elementary, etc.) is determined by the authors according to the principle "as God puts on the soul." While in the Western methodology there are very clear criteria for how much vocabulary and grammar a student should know at each specific level. Publishing houses such as Penguin, Pearson-Longman, Oxford, Cambridge have been supplying the entire world market with adapted literature broken down into levels for decades - and there are no equals in this area so far.

But, not wanting to offend my native country, I want to say that the Speak Out magazine published by the Glossa-Press publishing house is a real treasure for all who study English. The articles in it are always written or edited by native speakers (so no "Russian English"!), a glossary with transcription is given at the bottom of each page, and the most interesting topics are selected.

For lovers of the visual series, there are educational series. One of the most loved by students around the world is [email protected] You can download it in many places, for example, on the site, where it is conveniently divided into chapters. The language level is Elementary, gradually becoming Pre-Intermediate, the style is comedy, the pronunciation of the actors is excellent and very clear, the topics are universal (acquaintance, dates, job search, shopping, holidays, etc.). The main characters are two English girls and two guys, one is a compatriot of the girls, and the other is an Argentine who, of course, came to learn English. Along the way, he teaches girls to dance tango and ... In general, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

For those who consider themselves a serious person and much more advanced in the language, I suggest watching popular science films from the BBC company. But I do not recommend feature films, unless, of course, you think that your language is at the Proficiency level ("professional knowledge"). Fast, sometimes slurred speech, a lot of jargon, tricky jokes, unusual realities ... It won't take long to reach a state of complete frustration!

Even more serious people can turn to the TED site, where there is a huge selection of lectures on a variety of topics. Practice shows that in general even those whose level is Pre-Intermediate can understand them. And if it is higher, then lectures can even be enjoyed. In general, the measured speech of a lecturer is exactly what a person who studies any language needs.

Just don't try to learn English by watching the news! The speech of television and radio announcers is officially considered the fastest in the world.

7. CouchSurfing international guest network

Summing up, I want to say that English, like any other foreign language, will surely submit to those who perceive it as a fateful opportunity, and not as a dull duty. To the one who opens the textbook with joyful anticipation. The one who uses the slightest excuse to apply his knowledge. Do you know what was the most successful case in my practice? When a girl who recently broke up with her boyfriend decided to open new horizons in life with the help of English. After two years of learning the language from scratch, she was invited to work in the Russian team of the Discovery channel. Not a bad result, right?

Evgenia Kaidalova


The most effective way is to work with regular use of English. Cramming from textbooks gives only a short-term effect, what is learned is quickly forgotten.

As a person who took hold of his head at an age and only then began to intensively study English (because the school and the university could not leave anything in my head), I can say that the main thing in learning something, not only the language, is self-motivation and perseverance. Just put "learning English" in your main goals, even set a time frame if it suits you and just go for it. At one time, I did just that and started doing literally everything in English: watching movies and TV shows (you can watch with subtitles on ororo), reading books and short stories, listening to music and just TALKING. I, unfortunately, have no friends with whom I could chat in English, so I signed up for group conversation classes at englishdom, which I am incredibly happy about. This gave a very powerful impetus to the development of my English conversational speech. So that an adult can learn English, the main thing is to really want to do it!

11/19/2015 07:07:16 PM, Mrs Beauty

Great article! Both useful and interesting! I enjoyed reading the article, thanks! I want to brag - I have already found an English tutor, I have looked after an English tutor at the World of Tutors, I have not used the services yet, I am asking the price, but I am sure that the knowledge gained will pay off all the costs and in the end I will achieve my dream - to learn English!

I studied English at the school "Linguist I", from zero to conversational level (preparing for a train abroad). I think that studying in specialized schools is the best option, at home you can’t set your pronunciation normally, and besides, not everyone is able not to be lazy and do it on their own in full force. And as a linguist and, for example, we also attended meetings with native speakers - very interesting events, it is an excellent training for the conversational level. They watched films in the original language, and studied, studied, studied .. Perhaps these were my most vivid and useful impressions over the past year. Well, now I am waiting for a trip to the city of my dreams - London, where I will finally put the acquired skills into practice!

The article is very helpful! But, unfortunately, not everyone is able to learn on their own. I, for example, no matter how much I tried - it does not work. Lack of patience and time. And, frankly, I'm too lazy :) Therefore, at some point I freaked out and applied to the Moscow language school "Divelang". A huge plus of this school is the opportunity to choose your own teacher. I just love it when the teacher is on the same wavelength as the students. Still, with such people you feel easier. I wanted to learn English. After the first trial lesson, I signed up for the teacher Dmitry. His method of conducting classes suited me to the wave. It was immediately clear that the man is a true professional. Each lesson of Dmitry is special and not like the previous one. Very satisfied with my choice.
Well, is it worth saying that now I know the language perfectly :)

Comment on the article "How can an adult learn English?
7 Best Strategies"

English language where to start.. Learning foreign languages. Education of children. Here I ask for advice, what to take to start? I would like to start with a classical study. Therefore, to learn English as a native ... In general, I will not argue, but my opinion does not coincide at all ...


My child taught without a tutor. Passed the exam in English. without any preparation for 89 points. But we really have a grandmother (my mother) - she studied with him, plus - for the summer they were sent to Oxford from the age of 11, to English school. for foreign children, every year.

04.02.2019 00:57:18

How to teach at 40? Learning foreign languages. Adult education. How to teach at 40? I attended courses - I do not have time to digest the material. I can’t financially pull a tutor 2 times / 7 days, but 1 time is probably not enough? Or study alone with her husband (in the sense of a tutor)?

English for first-graders: advice to parents. You, as an adult, understand that English is important and necessary for life, but English courses for children aged 6-12. " Teaching your child with Study Link is as easy as shelling pears As children, we are more receptive than ever to...


Depends a lot on the teacher. And what course. KET - Key English Test - in any case, it will be paid. And then it's still paid to take the exam. The purpose of this particular exam is to prepare the child for elementary communication in the language (ordering food abroad, answering the phone, etc.). If the teacher is strong, then the child will speak and understand the language well, but it also depends on the level of the child. As a rule, students who already have a good basic level are successfully involved in such courses.

09/12/2017 23:57:47, Local

You somehow incorrectly wrote the program.
Cambridge English is a general line. Key English is an intermediate stage. One of. It ends, as a rule, with the passing of the KET for Schools (or KET) exam. You can prepare for the exam using a bunch of rulers (textbooks, teaching materials). There are many publishers. The same Cambridge offers a bunch of manuals specifically for preparing for this particular edition, there are at least a dozen of them.
Is it worth it to take the exam itself? Look at finances, but if possible, then be sure to hand it over. Very good motivator for kids. (I always tell all the children I work with about this possibility. Some are rented, some are a pity for money, but my conscience is clear - I warned and offered).
Well, the main thing. What is the age of the child? Which class? If this KET is taken in grades 4-6, then OK. There are better results, but in general, a good level. If the child is older, then he has already outgrown this level. Then they are already preparing for PET. Those. you can also go to KET, but here the situation is as if you were studying in the 7th grade from a textbook for 5.
There are individual cases of outstanding results (KET in grades 3-4, PET - in 5-6), but these are just individual results. Well, once again I note that the KET textbook and the KET exam for many children turns out to be a huge difference. Those. the textbook seems to be passed by the children (at school, in the courses), but at the exam or blockage or on the verge. English for free, try it, maybe this is just what you need. You can also watch films with English subtitles, then the pleasant will be combined with the useful, replenish your vocabulary. It’s better to study with a tutor when you’re not completely from scratch, but at least you know something.

In addition to uzon's advice. If you really want to understand the language and speak it, you need independent work - regular and conscientious, from which you need to learn to enjoy. First, it is reading books in the language. It is possible to start with adapted to your level and progress to higher levels. There are a lot of such books in the Relod store. This is to increase vocabulary and develop the skill to "think" in the language. Second - you need to watch English / Amer films in the original or videos on youtube or news. Fortunately, now everything can be downloaded from the Internet. Choose what you like and watch 20 times until you understand every phrase. It doesn’t work right away, but the skill develops. Third - good pronunciation is set only on its own. The tutor will tell you the theory of how to pronounce each sound, and practicing on your own is better in a language class. Plus grammar and topics with a tutor or in courses. That. in 2 years you can reach the intermediate level.

The learning process is interesting and dynamic. The methodology is aimed at adults and busy people who cannot afford, like children, to pay attention only to their studies. I teach literary and live conversational English. I give grammar in an accessible way, even that ...


RECRUITTING STUDENTS! Time is selected individually! Call.

For every person who wants to learn a language, the question arises: “What method should I use to learn?”. Now the market has a huge number of courses and tutors who offer their services. And each of them teaches according to his own method, claiming that it is the most effective one.

Unfortunately, most methods are not. And contrary to promises, the study of the language stretches for several years and does not give the desired results. How to avoid disappointment?

Today we will talk about the 5 main methods of teaching English and see what results you can get by studying them. In the end, you will understand which method suits you best.

1. Special techniques (25 frames, hypnosis, associations, songs)

A lot of people want to learn English quickly and easily. In this regard, rather unusual methods have appeared on the service market, promising amazing results, while not requiring much effort.

How are the lessons structured?

This, of course, depends on which way you choose to study. For example, training according to the 25 frame method is carried out by watching a video. However, all of these activities have a common feature: no need to make an effort and devote a lot of time to learning the language.

What is the efficiency?

There are no easy methods for learning a language. All of these methods are ineffective. Have you met many people who can tell you that they learned English with the help of frame 25?

You may be able to remember a certain number of words. However, they will not teach you to use the language, that is, to write and speak it, to correctly build sentences, to understand the interlocutor.

What is the result?

You will be able to learn a number of words. But you will not get the promised “magic” result.

2. Classical method of teaching English

Remember her? It was by this method that we were all taught at school, university and in many courses.

How are the lessons structured?

The main attention in the classroom is aimed at studying the theory of the English language. This is given up to 90% of the lesson time. In the classroom, students read stories, translate them, do written exercises, listen to audio and sometimes watch video lessons. Speaking skills are given about 10% of the lesson time.

What is the efficiency?

The effectiveness of this technique has been appreciated by many. After training, a person can write, read, translate and knows the rules in theory.

But learning English in this way is the same as learning to drive a car, studying the structure of the engine, while not driving. After all, then, when a person gets behind the wheel, he will not be able to go.

After studying according to the classical method, when you encounter a foreigner, you will understand that, if you can understand him, then you cannot answer and formulate your thoughts.

What is the result?

This technique can give you only theoretical knowledge, but you will not be able to speak the language. An important point: the whole theory without practical application is forgotten very soon. That is why people remember almost nothing, taking breaks in learning for a long time.

How much do you need to study?

It really depends on your goal. It usually takes 6 months to complete one level. Education from beginner to intermediate level will take approximately 2.5 years.

3. Classes on the computer using special programs

This method is very similar to the classical one. The only difference is that textbooks and teachers are being replaced by computers and programs.

How are the lessons structured?

During classes, you work at the computer:

  • read and translate;
  • do the exercises;
  • pass tests to consolidate theoretical knowledge;
  • watch instructional videos;
  • learn to understand speech by ear with the help of audio.

Speaking skill is also almost not given attention.

What is the efficiency?

Just like in the classical method, the emphasis is on the study of the theoretical part. If you want to learn how to speak, then you need to understand that tasks on the computer and watching videos will not teach you this. Therefore, when faced with English in real life, you will realize that you cannot express your thoughts in English and formulate sentences correctly.

What is the result?

You will know the theory, understand what is being said to you, but you will not be able to speak the language yourself.

Result timeline:

Your training may take many years. In addition, if you work at a computer on your own, then learning will be slower than with a professional teacher. Since only a teacher can clearly explain the material, correct and explain your mistakes, and, if necessary, help to understand something.

4. Immersion in the language environment

This method used to be considered the only way to speak English. This statement appeared thanks to the classical teaching methodology. After all, people taught only theory, almost without training a conversational skill. And abroad, they finally started to speak and got results.

How are the lessons structured?

Training takes place abroad. Classes are held in the morning-afternoon, and in the evening you have free time.

In class you:

  • Understand the theory
  • Doing written exercises
  • Speak a lot of English;
  • Discuss various topics.

It is worth noting that Russian speech is completely absent in such classes, all lessons are held in English.

What is the efficiency?

This form of learning includes a huge amount of speaking practice. You speak English not only in class, but also in your free time, completely immersing yourself in English. Accordingly, the training is very effective. But even here there are downsides.

1. This method is suitable for people with at least an intermediate level of language proficiency. For beginners, it will be a lot of stress. They simply cannot understand what is being explained to them. Here no one will explain the rules in Russian.

2. The price of studying abroad is usually 3-7 times higher than studying at courses in Moscow. In addition, food and leisure expenses must be taken into account.

Read more about the cases in which this technique is most effective.

What is the result?

For people with a high level of English proficiency, no doubt, this method will give excellent results: a person will accurately learn to express his thoughts and think in the language, increase vocabulary and improve pronunciation.

Result timeline:

Of course, the first results can be obtained after 1-2 weeks of classes. But in order to achieve a visible result, you will need training: from a month or more. In this case, you will noticeably improve your English.

5. Communicative method of teaching English

This technique is very popular today. At the same time, there are many supposedly "communicative" methods that are not them.

In this paragraph, we will analyze the methodology of our course, which is called ESL (English as a Second Language). This will allow you to understand the basic principles that underlie all true communication techniques.

How are the lessons structured?

Being engaged in this technique, a person begins to speak English from the first lesson. And it does not depend on what level of language proficiency the student has. Naturally, for beginners, very simple topics and basic rules are taken, which are practiced in the classroom.

80% of the lesson time is dedicated to the practical part and 20% is given to the theory. There is no point in learning a lot of theory and not using it. After all, it is important not only to know, but also to be able to apply this knowledge in practice.

For example, the time of Present Simple is explained to the student. The teacher tells in what cases we use this time and how it is formed. And then students with the help of special conversational exercises reinforce this theory in practice. At home, all students are required to do their homework.

What is the efficiency?

By practicing every piece of the theory learned in practice, a person learns to apply all this knowledge. All the rules are laid out in the head on the shelves and are perfectly remembered.

What is the result?

By studying using the communicative method, you will not only understand the whole theory, but also learn to read, write, speak and think in English.

Result timeline:

If you start learning English from 0, then:

  • 1 month of training is needed to start speaking.
  • It takes 6 months to reach the levelpre-intermediate (target - English for travelling).
  • 9 months to reach the level intermediate (target - English for work).
  • about 12 months to raise your knowledgeup to upper-intermediate/advanced level.

So, now you know the features of the main methods of learning English. Some of them are effective and really give results, while others are unlikely to help in the study. Some are focused on giving knowledge, while others are focused on giving knowledge and developing skills.

The most important thing when choosing a methodology is to understand why you need English, and, based on this, choose the option that suits you.

  • Before getting to know a student, it is very difficult to understand what level of knowledge he has, what teaching aids to use, and so on. Therefore, it is important to ask as many questions as possible before class. If you have a lesson with a schoolchild, ask the parents how long the child has been studying English at school, what grades he has, whether there are difficulties in doing homework, whether he has ever studied with a tutor before. Be sure to ask what textbooks the child uses at school, this will help you figure out which topics the student is currently studying at school, and which have already been completed.
  • If you are going to study English with an adult student, the most important thing here is to find out the purpose of the study. Maybe a person got a job or is going to get a job where English is required, perhaps even preparation is needed to pass some kind of certificate. In this case, you will need to focus on grammar and writing. If a person just wants to improve their language a little for traveling, then the main time of classes should be devoted to speaking practice.
  • When preparing for the first lesson, try to pick up as many diverse tasks as possible in order to test the student's knowledge in various aspects. You can even make a small test, with tasks for listening, reading, writing and grammar. Then you will be more likely to understand the level of knowledge of the student.
  • At the first meeting with the student, try to immediately get in touch with him. Be kind and considerate with your child, ask him what problems he has in learning English, look at his textbooks and notebooks to understand how the child is doing at school. With an adult, you can start a lesson with a short interview, during which you can find out more about the person’s work, hobbies, and the goals of his education. This will help loosen up, and at the same time give you more information to prepare for further classes. If the student's level of knowledge allows, it is better to speak English, at least partially.
  • If your student is a preschooler or elementary school student, try to prepare the first lesson in such a way that it contains more interactive material: educational videos, songs, cards, games. Grammar assignments for students of this age should also be submitted in a playful way, explain the rules using cards, books with beautiful attractive pictures. So the child will immediately form an interest in the English language.
  • At the end of the lesson with the child, be sure to give him homework for the next lesson. Immediately explain to the student how important his independent work is, and that in this way he will be able to achieve success in learning English much faster. Adults can print out a book to read, for example from the Cambridge English Readers series. Usually these are either detective stories or short fascinating stories. In the next lesson, it will be possible to discuss the read chapter in the form of a retelling and questions on the text. This is a great conversational practice and the opportunity to learn new words.
  • A properly conducted first lesson will create a positive impression of you. Further in the learning process, the main thing is not to lower your bar, continuing to select interesting materials for both adults and young students.

Children under the age of 10 can learn English incredibly quickly. First, the child must be prepared for the fact that he has to learn a new language for him.

In most cases, children try to learn new words with interest, they like it, because the language is completely unfamiliar to them.

Children do not even ask why they need to learn English, they are so captivated by this process, they are more interested in the process of learning, learning, rather than results.

Child psychologists recommend starting English classes before the age of five. In this case, children will quickly learn a new language for them. There are some ways that make learning English much faster and easier.

First, you need to remember that learning a new subject should bring joy and a smile to the child's face. The conquest of a new language should not be a burden to the baby. It is very important to pronounce all new words clearly and expressively in a pleasant voice for perception. Then the child will definitely begin to memorize all the words, sentences in English.
Secondly, make sure that the child has a desire to learn the language. That is, there should always be a motive for learning a new language.

It is very helpful for the child to look at the pictures while learning a new language.
Playing games with the child, he quickly begins to master the world.
Using cognitive activities, teaching English to children is the easiest way.
It is also very important to constantly encourage the child at the time of learning, explaining the meaning of new words. This helps the child feel more confident.

In addition, when teaching a language to young children, it is very important that the learning process be as if in a comic form. You pronounce words, view ironic pictures. The child, meanwhile, remembers visually, as well as by ear, all words and sentences. You can find high-quality video lessons for children on our website.

Do not forget to periodically buy coloring books in English, interesting books in a foreign language, as well as various educational materials.

In order for a child to be able to master large amounts of material, it is better to start with a simple one. At first, it is better, of course, to buy some educational books for young children in order to arouse an initial interest in a new language. After that, you can go deeper into the process.

Remember that young children always imitate adults. That is, it is important to pronounce words correctly, it is very important to correctly stress. This is very important, since how the child will master the material will depend on the correctness of the words you say.

English lesson for children 5-6 years old