The situation of success and its creation (atmosphere of benevolence). Atmosphere of friendliness In a comfortable and friendly atmosphere

People lose motivation, become distracted, insecure. We may feel that we ourselves influence how much we enjoy work. And we have much more opportunities for this than we might think. Research shows that positive thinking has far-reaching potential for enhancing not only psychological well-being, but also high performance in the workplace.

Positive psychology explores and tries to understand what is "right" in our lives. It shifts the focus to experiences that help us build a positive foundation so that we can resolve issues and problems. The psychological resources of hope, self-confidence, resilience and optimism can influence how we relate to our daily workdays. These resources, which together form the construct of psychological capital, directly influence our behavior.

Managers, team leaders or employees themselves take an active part in creating a more positive workplace, thereby proving that they are a worthy investment. Take a moment to analyze your own psychological resources, as well as those of others around you. Do you feel you are capable of meeting the demands of your working life? Do you feel that the team has the tools to meet the challenges you face at work? How confident is your team in their abilities? What needs to be changed to create a better environment?

Here are some ideas for creating a more positive workplace. (They are very simple, but, as practice shows, they need to be reminded.)

1. Express gratitude

Recognizing the contributions of others is a powerful motivator. I've seen many talented people who really wanted to leave the organization simply because they didn't feel appreciated. Regular gratitude shows respect for this person. Remember this simple word - "thank you" - which is of great importance for happiness at work and at home.

2. Use every opportunity to coordinate work with your forces

Using our strengths in the workplace is the key to developing self-confidence. To do this, you need to constantly communicate with your team members to assess how much their skills are being used. And do your best to include in your daily work all the areas in which you excel. But when your weaknesses are at the center, then work becomes an unpleasant experience.

3. Appreciate the work of others

You may not agree with every idea or plan that is presented to you, but respect for the work of others is a must. We all work hard, so don't deprive others of the satisfaction of their work.

4. Communicate even if it can be difficult

In addition to public speaking, we are also very afraid of difficult conversations. However, the foundation of happy jobs is open, diplomatic negotiation. So if you're in doubt about whether or not to share something important, or if you're trying to avoid conflict, think twice before walking away from the problem.

5. Improve Feedback

It is critical to our working lives. However, we must remember that we have different feedback requirements, and we perceive the same information differently. You must be aware of the individual differences between team members.

6. Be resistant to negative information

We tend to dwell on the negative. Often we are obsessed with the goal of accomplishing or bringing to life something that already once did not work out. Learn to be resilient by refocusing your energy on success when you feel frustrated or in a stressful situation.

7. Practice Agile Thinking

As you work on a new assignment, be sure to explore potential obstacles as well as ways to effectively overcome them. Thanks to this, you will be able to feel more confident in the daily work "chaos".

8. Take and celebrate the small steps that lead to success.

We often focus on high, ambitious goals that take a lot of time to achieve. But don't forget to celebrate small victories along the way to keep the morale and engagement of the team going.

How do you create a positive atmosphere in your workplace?

Teacher is not a profession. It is even more than a calling. In this word, we see first-graders frozen in anticipation of a miracle before school. In this word, we hear the voice of a man, drawing us to the secrets of the universe. In this word, we find a strict but fair assessment of our own first steps of exploration in the world of the unknown. In this word - the beginning of the path of each of us. We should all be grateful to teachers for their wisdom and patience, for the fact that they teach perseverance and determination, teach to believe in goodness and justice, courageously admit their mistakes and sincerely forgive insults.
Only under the skillful guidance of good teachers can students effectively use new technologies and new knowledge that are rapidly developing and becoming a priority in the educational process.
Every teacher wants to feel comfortable in the school where he/she works, to have a good psychological atmosphere for the children, for the whole team - from the director to the cleaner. So that parents come to school with joy, try to cooperate with teachers, and not be afraid that they will be scolded for poor education. It is important that the school has a favorable environment, an atmosphere of mutual understanding, friendliness, and support is created. If everything is in order in this area, then it will be possible to talk about the results in studies, and in creativity, and in sports.
September 1, 2016 is a holiday not only for schoolchildren, but also for my favorite school No. 1980 in Yuzhny Butovo, which turns 15 years old. Our school has long become such that children come to it with pleasure, the level of education is growing every year. School No. 1980 is the winner of a grant from the Mayor of Moscow in the field of education. Having risen in the ranking of the best educational institutions in the city of Moscow in one academic year from 135th to 77th place, the teaching staff is not going to stop there.
One of the main tasks of our team is the further development of the education process. We provide specialized education in the upper grades. Our students have the opportunity to prepare well for exams by choosing the profile of study that is saturated with the most interesting subjects for them. Students do not just learn knowledge within the walls of the school, they grow up as active and creative people. Teachers do not just pass on the knowledge of the subject to the children, but teach them to learn. Because learning takes a lifetime.
In the secondary school, extended study classes are open not only for mathematics and English, but children have the opportunity to study a second foreign language of their choice: Chinese, Japanese, French or German. The school administration, represented by director Igor Vyacheslavovich Sibilev, and the teaching staff are doing everything to create favorable conditions for the development of our students, so that each graduate is a worthy person.
After all, how is the work of a teacher measured? success of his students. And for the most part, these successes are not immediately visible. After all, this is not only victories at olympiads and competitions, not only medal-winning graduates, this is an opportunity for any student to fulfill themselves in life, to find themselves and their business. And if the teacher was able to teach him this, this is the most important creative success. After all, our work is a daily creation. The path of teaching is one of the noblest and most responsible and difficult. And I want to believe that the prestige of the teaching profession will grow every year.
They say that society lives and develops the way it learns. And learns how it wants to live. I see the role of a teacher in overcoming the difficulties that life prepares, and I believe that education in our country will become the way it is required by modernity.

Yulia ZAKHAROVA, mathematics teacher at school No. 1980

« Creating an atmosphere of creative benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness in the classroom at the children's art school"

For 10 years working as a deputy director for educational resources management, I often asked myself the question - why do children go to one teacher in a crowd, with great pleasure, and another, no less qualified and respected, teaching the same subject, constantly thinning class? The resentment of such teachers, moreover, real professionals in their field, becomes understandable - “I have invested so much effort, so much work to achieve results from the child (children), so that the lessons become impeccable ...”

Studying the experience of my colleagues, the literature on this topic, I can say with confidence thatvery often teachers are overly carried away by the use of professional techniques, forgetting about the atmosphere of creative goodwill, emotional and moral responsiveness in the classroom.The state of anxiety before the lesson, the weakening of interest in classes,decrease in cognitive activity, skipping lessons by students - unfortunately, still present negative phenomena of the educational process. These are signs that students feel uncomfortable, and the task of the teacher is to create such a psychological space in the classroom that every student feels good in it. The main criterion for such a space is the creation of an atmosphere that is both developing, and psychotherapeutic, and psycho-corrective, since barriers disappear in this atmosphere, psychological defenses are removed, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but directly on educational activities, on creativity. K. Rogers also said that in order for learning to be effective, it is necessary to comply with the main condition - the creation in the classroom of a climate characterized by "authenticity, value attitude and empathy." Teachers are simply obliged to create such a comfortable atmosphere in order for students to respect them and, strange as it may sound, not be afraid to go to their lesson. For the teacher, who by default owns the situation and controls it,the atmosphere does not matter, he himself creates it, the one that he considers necessary and correct. And for a child, such a favorable microclimate is important and pleasant also because he is emotionally weaker and is in a subordinate position in relation to the teacher.

It is very important to take into account the individuality of the child, to feel it. After all, an individual approach helps to remove the fear of the lesson, help the child assert himself, become calmer, more confident, kinder. Therefore, it will be very difficult to achieve all this without using the method of an individual approach and, as a result, without creating a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom!

The atmosphere of goodwill in the lesson with the student can be created using the following techniques:

Removing fear (using the phrases “It’s okay” or “You can handle this task if ...”)

Pedagogical suggestion (“I know you can/can do it”)

Advance ("You will succeed because...")

Motivation (“We really need to do/learn this…”)

Evaluation of the detail ("You did a wonderful job with this measure!")

Stop on success (If a child didn’t succeed for a long time, and suddenly it did, there’s no need to repeat it again. Let this feeling of happiness stay with him!)

In order for the atmosphere of emotional and moral responsiveness to settle forever in your class, you must remember that:

  • you can not compare the child with other children, the success of the child with other people's successes, the failures of the child with other people's failures
  • information about the child should be considered not as complete, but as constantly developing material, which is created each time, and not reproduced according to the standard
  • it is important that the teacher himself be open to emotional experiences, retain the ability to enjoy life
  • For a good teacher, all students are different, for a bad teacher, all students are the same
  • it is imperative to accept the child with his thoughts and feelings, whatever they may be

Summing up the above, it should be noted that in order to create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the classroom, the teacher should not try to see only negative motives behind each negative act of the student. The foresight and correctness of the teacher's behavior in the lesson significantly reduce the tension in communication. Believe in the limitlessness of the child's abilities, believe in your pedagogical abilities, and then the joint activity of the teacher and the student will work for rapprochement,promoting effective work and creativity.

List of references and used sources:

1. Rogers K. The Art of Counseling and Therapy.- M., 2002.

2. “Head teacher. Management of the modern school. 2006. No. 8. P.106.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


CREATING AN ATMOSPHERE OF EMOTIONAL COMFORT IN THE LESSON Theoretical materials. When starting to work at school, the following points must be taken into account: the tasks that modern society sets for the teacher, ...

"Development of creative potential and emotional sphere of pupils through the art of hand knitting".

"Development of the creative potential and emotional sphere of pupils through the art of hand knitting." Modern society is in need of a creative, independent, active personality, with a bright...

"Readovka" continues a series of publications about the main Smolensk "Forge of Personnel" Smolensk "forge of personnel" of a wide profileThe branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in our city is focused on training specialists in 21 vocational education programs. We told our readers about the main educational programs Four programs of the Smolensk "forge of personnel"Everything you wanted to know about the higher educational programs of the Smolensk branch of the Russian Economic University - but were afraid to ask university and its student self-organization Student self-organization of the Smolensk "forge of personnel"Our hands (and minds) are not for boredom: culture, science, volunteering, sports - all this is the Federation Council of the Russian University of Economics and also communicated with branch director "We will train qualified personnel for the Smolensk region""" has repeatedly talked about the activities and achievements of the Smolensk "forge of personnel" - a branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov. A year ago, the specialists of the educational institution answered the questions of our readers. This time, our editorial staff visited the director of the university, Valery Melnikov, who spoke about the preparation of the branch for the new academic year. Valery Melnikov. Our portal again, like a week previously"The best university in Smolensk!"Graduates of the branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics - about their alma mater, gives the floor to ordinary graduates of the Federation Council of the Russian University of Economics, for whom the diploma of their native university has become a professional "ticket" to adulthood.

Ivan Purchel, customs specialist(pictured above) :

“Five years ... Five whole years, but they flew like five minutes. But what five minutes it was! In addition to the fact that our university provides a quality education, it also gives tremendous emotions and unforgettable moments that I remember with a smile on my face. And most importantly, this is a friendly team that charges with positive, as well as acquired friends throughout Russia! And separately I would like to note the high level of student self-government, which always keeps students in good shape and does not let them relax. I am very proud that I graduated from this particular university and I don’t doubt my feelings for a second.”

Maria Sycheva, manager:

“The Smolensk branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics became the first step in my independent adult life. I am a 2014 graduate with a degree in Organizational Management.

We must learn all our lives. Our education begins with kindergarten, then school, university - this is the most important part of general education. All the foundations that help me in life were laid at the university.

The years of study at the university were so bright, saturated with a wide variety of impressions and events that it is almost impossible to single out any specific episodes. The advantage of our university, in addition to a strong teaching staff, is an active student life, regular holding of various creative events, conferences, sports competitions, and an active school that took place in many cities of Russia. The trainings are interesting, especially the Rubicon, which contribute to a better immersion in student life and help to show creative talents, as well as make new friends. The knowledge and skills acquired at the university not only helped me achieve tremendous success in my work, but will always be the basis of my work.

However, the main thing for me is the atmosphere of goodwill and professionalism. I am grateful to REU im. G.V. Plekhanov" for new friends, for happy days full of emotions and impressions, for the excellent teaching staff. I will remember these five years as the best in my life.

Maria Gerganova, marketer:

“What has the university given me? The opportunity to comprehensively develop your personality, whether it be a scientific, creative direction or organizational activity. During these five years, I had the opportunity to participate in city, regional and all-Russian events, as a result of which many friends appeared throughout Russia. Conferences, business projects, active schools, KVN, vocal competitions - all this is thanks to the university, which pays great attention to students. While still a second-year student, I was given the opportunity to do an internship on the TNT TV channel, in my third year I was given the opportunity to try myself as a marketing assistant in a large company, and now, after graduation, I was able to organize such an event as Pizza Day at the Dodo Pizza pizza chain. It’s nice to realize that a red diploma is not just a “crust” that lies in the folder of my documents, but it’s really a certificate that reminds me of the path traveled, it’s a ticket to a happy time.”

Alisa Gavrilova, designer:

“For me, the Smolensk branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics is not just a university. This is a place where a person changes in a positive direction, his personality and worldview are formed. The best teachers gave me valuable knowledge, taught me to think in the right direction, overcome difficulties, and be patient.

Participation in an endless number of creative activities helped me realize creative ideas. This is the "Business Lady", and "Krasa REU", TEMP and KVN, a vocal competition - and what was not there! Once she participated in the “Business Lady” herself, and then she helped other girls win first places on the podium. Many thanks to the girls, Sasha Egorenkova and Lisa Kolomiets, who allowed me to embody my thoughts and ideas during their participation in the competition!

I was lucky to be part of the best group of the Faculty of Environmental Design, with whom we went through all the delights and difficulties of student life in six years. I will never forget the sleepless nights before exams: thousands of sketches, sketches, drawings; summer plein-airs and trips to exhibitions. All this will remain a warm memory in my memory. I am grateful for everything that my university has given me. And today - forward, to the dream!

Tatyana Sinyakova, technologist:

“After graduating from the 9th grade, the question arose before me: where to go to study? Now, after graduating from the Smolensk branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, I say with confidence: “I am glad that I was not mistaken both with the choice of profession and with the choice of the educational institution.”

I believe that the student years are a difficult, but fun period. You communicate with peers, learn a lot of new things every day, learn to make independent decisions.

Thanks to the teachers, they have invested in us a part of their soul. They taught from the basics and made us professional technologists. And we also have a good material and technical base, special equipment at our university.”

Eleonora Lagutina, sales manager:

“In 2012, I entered the Smolensk branch of the PRUE. Plekhanov at the department of secondary vocational education. I chose the specialty "Commerce (by industry)". The term of study was 3 years, and now I understand that they flew by unnoticed.

From the first days of study, I realized that I was not mistaken. I was interested in studying for many reasons. First of all, I am grateful to the teachers, they made the learning process interesting for us, explained the material very well, helped if there were any difficulties.

Secondly, perhaps the most reverent memories are our school of student activists, which took place on the territory of the Sokolya Gora camp. There we revealed our talents, took a break from lectures, attended personal development trainings.

A lot of creative, sports and scientific events were held within the walls of the university. Moreover, they were often at the city level. Personally, I really liked participating in the political game “My Choice”. Moreover, I managed to participate three times.

Now I am again a student of the Smolensk branch of the Russian Economic University, already a higher professional education in the direction of "Economics". And I know I won't have to regret my choice!"

"Adaptation of tenth graders" - Motives for educational activities. Anxiety. High school student. Main goals. Adaptation of tenth graders. Difficulties of the adaptation period. Opinion. The level of personal anxiety of tenth graders. Motivation. Intellectual lability. Parents. The level of intellectual lability. Motivation to achieve success.

"Psychological support for the adaptation process" - Psychological and pedagogical support for students in grades 1, 5 and 10. The psychological climate of the family. In the fifth form. Program. "The class teacher through the eyes of a pupil." Preparatory stage. Working with tenth graders. The number of adapted and maladjusted students. For first graders.

"Adaptation of freshmen in the university" - Leading needs of youth. Independence. The model is authoritarian. Principles of training. The main stages of preparation for the training. Socio-psychological training. Positive emotional background. Adaptation of freshmen. Models of behavior of the curator. Adaptation. psychological qualities. The structure of the training.

"Adaptation of students in school" - The strongest mechanism. Lesson in modern school. First grader. The need for adaptation. Test for schoolchildren. Praise and emotional support. Problems. Attention. The adaptation process for the teacher. Hidden instruction. Learn how to motivate students. Advance children. physical breaks. Removal of fear.

"School maladjustment" - A reminder to parents about raising children. Child at school. Intolerance and intolerance in relations with children. Don't expect your child to grow up the way you want. Egoism and selfishness. Find out in the suggested photos of your child. Unpreparedness for family life. conditions for a child's success.

"Adaptation of schoolchildren" - Adaptation of grades 1.5. Signs of maladjustment. Monitoring in the Russian language. Signs of successful adaptation. Monitoring in mathematics. Age features of the younger teenager. level of adaptation. The result of training, successful adaptation depends on the skill of the teacher. Obtaining a university degree. Adaptation is the adaptation of an organism to changing external conditions.

In total there are 9 presentations in the topic