Suffix chik or ik. I

    The suffixes -ik-, -chik- are written if the vowel is preserved in all forms during the declension of nouns: crystal ik (crystal a), hut (hut a); if the vowel drops out when the word changes, then the suffix -ek is written: peas ek (peas a), rain (rain a), friend (druzhochk a), bell, bag, bag, knife, gift, horn, bitch.

    Note. At the root of nouns like a nut, a horn, x - w, k - h, c - h alternate, therefore the suffix -ek, -ik, and not -check - -chik is distinguished in them (cf .: finger - finger-ik).

    The suffix -ets is written for masculine nouns (the vowel e in the suffix disappears during declension), and the suffix -its- for feminine nouns (the vowel and is always preserved): possessed ets (owner), capital (capital), frost, storyteller, commander; books a (books s), beauties a, owners a.

    For neuter nouns, the suffix -ets- is written if the stress falls on the ending, and -its- if the stress precedes the suffix: coat ec about, letter about, shotgun about; zd a nitz e, hello about vyts e, kr e slit e, pl a titz e.

    The suffix -ichk- is written for feminine nounsformed from bases on itz: flattering ichk a (ladders -a), bulbous a (bulbs -a), buttons a (buttons -a), smart guy a (clever -a). In other cases the suffix -echk- is written: pesh echk a (pawn), sieve o (sieve), morning o (morning); and also in formations from words me : time echk o, tribal o, stirrup o, temechk o; in proper names: Shaft echk a, Zoechk a, Iechk a, Kolechk a, Fenechk a, Yulechk a(these words stem does not end with itz).


    1. The same rule can be applied to the complex suffix -nichk-: waffles Nichk a (waffle iron -a), sugar bowl a (sugar bowl -a).

    2. Writing proper names with the suffix -ichk- like Son ichk a, Fenichka a non-normative in modern language.

    3. There is no unstressed suffix -yachk- in Russian.

    The suffix -onk- is written for nouns whose root ends in hard consonant: take s - onk a, heads - onk a, devs - onk a, braid - onk a, Liz - onk a, fox - onk a, stripes - onk a; but : Mar f a - Marf "-enk a. The suffix -enk- is written for nouns whose root ends in soft consonant or in hissing: Wa l "-enk a, road -enk a, daughter" -enk a, night "-enk a, friend -enk a, Sash -enk a.
    Exception: ba yink i, zayink a, goody a.

    Notes :

    1. From the words mom, dad, forms are formed only with the suffix -enk-: mom henk a, daddy a. Forms mom a nah, dad a nka- colloquial, m a Monka - dialect.

    2. Writings Anninka, fox, Marfinka, striped and so on, found in the works of classical writers, are non-normative, since suffixes -ank-, -ynk-, -ink- not in modern language.

    AT diminutive forms, formed from nouns na with the help of the suffix -к-, ь is written if it is in the genitive plural: young ladies b-k-a (young ladies), villages ka (villages), melons ka (melons), kitchens ka (kitchens), alms ka (alms), nanny ka (nanny), deserts ka (deserts), apple trees ka (apple trees).

    If in the genitive case of the plural b is not written, then it is not used before the suffix -k-: fable (fables), turret (towers), bell tower (bell tower), kupalenka (baths), arable land (arable land), song (songs), chapel (chapels).

    The combination ink (suffixes -in- and -k-) is written in words that derived from feminine nouns on in(a) : beads ink a (bead a), bead a (bead a), pea a (pea a), pearl a (pearl a), raisin a, almond a, progalinka a, abrasion a; the words snow are formed by analogy inc a(here the suffix -ink-, since there is no word snowflake), throat ink a, fluff a. In a few words, the suffix -enk- is written: beige young woman, nun, sissy, beggar, French, Circassian.

    The suffix -chik- is written on nouns, whose stem ends on d, t, s, s, f: contribution- chik, machine-chik, buffet-chik, cart-chik, grease-chik, subscriber-chik, defector-chik.

    Note. The consonants k and h before the suffix -chik- alternate with t: mined chik (prey), tavern (tavern). The suffix -shchik- is written on nouns, the stem of which ends in other consonants (except for d, t, z, s, g): ato m-schik, wardrobe-schik, dresser-schik, mason-schik, lantern-schik, hack-worker.

    Note. Before the suffix -schik- it is written only after l: roofing b-shchik, sawy shchik, truant, textile shchik.

    The nouns formed from the bases of adjectives, suffixes are written:

    Out- : white out, blue, yellow, curvature, novelty;
    -in-: fast in a, height a, depth a, old a, gray a, thickness a;
    -off- : red from a, smallness a, nakedness a, variegation a, directness a, blindness a;
    -awn- : dilapidated awn , savagery , efficiency , housekeeping , wretchedness , angularity ; as well as from the basics of participles: excitement, good breeding, isolation.
    Formations from the bases of adjectives with the suffix -ness are also possible: future ness (future), generality, ardor, readiness, community, essence (existing).

    The nouns derived from verb stems, suffixes are written:
    -features-: poor superiority, superiority (from begging, excelling);
    -rel- : running otn i (from running), dirty i, rugotn i, knocking i, pushing i;
    -stv- (-ovstv-): thief ovstv about, sorcery about, motivation about, matchmaking about, boasting about, buffoonery about, yavly about (obsolete from appearing);
    -estv- : swindler nature (from cheating), handicrafts, loafers, frauds, picky; also from adjective stems: redundant estv o, powers o.

    Note. It is recommended to remember the spelling of words like brew, mess, formed from verbs with the help of suffixes -iv-, -ev-. Here are some of them: heat ev o, lace o, smoke o, fuel o.

Noun suffix -chik (-schik)

In noun suffix-chik (-chik)



after letters:e, t, h, s, g

detour d h ik

in other cases:

baraba n sch ik

The hallmark of the spelling is a confluence of consonants.

Task 1. Insert a suffix, explain the spelling.

Stone….…., plumbing…….., drum…..…, polishers………, collection………, newspapers…….…, story……….., glass………., concrete…… .…, railway carriage………. .

Translation……..…, drill………, spacing………, briefcase…..…, machine gun…..…, coal………, set…….…, computer………, strikes………, start………. .

Task 2. Form nouns from these words

-Chick-, -schik- : bath, concrete, racing, telling, transporting, loading, carrying, translating, accounting, encrypting, clock, cutting, roofing, binding, slaughtering, flying, directing, training, running across, adjusting, bypassing, adjusting.


Task 3. Fill in the table. Put a "+" sign in the corresponding column.
















Task 4. Fill in the missing letters, explain your choice graphically.

grab…hic merge…hic

excavator…ik start…ik

missiles…ik instrumental…ik

order…ik director – production…ik

along ... hic advice ... hic

Task 5. Find in the text words with the studied spelling (with suffixes -chik (-schik), designate the suffix in these words.

1. Around midnight, the carters and Yegorushka again sat around a small fire (Ch.) 2 The guard listened with attention and agreed. (Ch.) 3. Lived in the world two faithful friends, two machine gunners, two daredevils. (A. Barto.) 4. The pilots saw over the horizon disturbing waves of blue beams of searchlights. (V. Stavsky.) 5. Loaders walked in an endless line along the ladder ... (Cat.)

II. 1. On the move, the organ grinder straightened the hurdy-gurdy on his back with a habitual movement of the shoulder and wiped his sweaty face. (Cupr.) 2. The owner left me in the care of a Tatar bath attendant. (P.) 3. Beneath the window, the chaser Gogolev knocks with a hammer. (M. G.) 4. On the shaft, masons were dragging bricks and repairing the city wall. (P.) 5. A simple, trusting relationship was established between the officer and the batman. (Kupr.) 5. A lamplighter came with a ladder, two dim lanterns in the square blew out. (AND.)

III. 1. The painter smells of turpentine and paint. The glazier smells like window putty. (M.) 2. By rank, Yakov is a scooper at a paper mill. (T.)

Task 6. Write out the words: with the suffix chik in one column, with the suffix -schik - in another.

Frol Evseevich goes by cab to the publishing house for manuscripts, and typesetters and printers translate those manuscripts into books. (Diligent) 2. By evening, the pilot saw a helicopter over the hills. 3. Buyers came from the city. They were nimble, dexterous, roguish, prudent. (Seraf.) 4. There are many hot springs in Kamchatka, often they beat with fountains. (Michael.) 5. The train driver woke up from his thoughts and shook his head. (H) 6. A boy was sleeping in a trench. (Cat.)


Task 7. Test.

Question #1

Specify the correct answer:

In the suffix of nouns chik (schik), after the letters d-t, z-s and w, the letter h is written
In the suffix of nouns chik (schik), after the letters d-t, z-s and zh, the letter u is written
In the suffix of nouns chik (schik), after the letters d-t, z-s and zh, the letter zh is written
In the suffix of nouns chik (schik), after the letters d-t, s-s and w, the letter c is written

Question #2

In what word do you need to write the letter u at the place of the gap?

intelligence ... hic

Question #3

In what word do you need to write the letter h in the place of the gap?


Question #4

In what word do you need to write the letter u in the place of the gap?


Question #5

In which word do you need to write the letter h in the place of the gap?

lubrication ... to
machine gun...ik

Question #6

Indicate the rows of words in which the letter h is written in place of the gap:

stone ... hic, way ... hic
sorting ... hic, machine gun ... hic
drum...hic, newspaper...hic
defection ... hic, way ... hic

Question #7

Indicate the rows of words in which the letter u is written at the place of the gap:

strikes...hic, set...hic
shoot...hic, cart...hic
drill...hic, spacing...hic
hurt...hic, rolling...hic

Question #8

Specify the extra word:


In nouns denoting people by the nature of their occupations or actions, after consonants d , t , h , With , and suffix is ​​written -chik , after other consonants - suffix -schik , for example: speaker, pilot, loader, subscriber, defector, bricklayer.

Letter b written before the suffix -schik only after l , for example: grinder.

Some suffixes of nouns serve to express shades of diminutiveness, caressing, magnifying, etc.:

Suffixes EK, IK, CHIK

Should be written -ek , if the vowel drops out during declension, if it doesn’t drop out - -ik and -chik , for example: nut e to (nut), ladle and to (bucket), box e k (drawer), key and to (key), sofa and k, pattern and to;

Suffixes EC, IC-a

In masculine words it is written -ets , in feminine words -ic-a, for example: bread ec, broom itz a;

Suffixes EC-o, ITs-e.

If the stress falls on the ending, it is written -ets-about, if the stress is on the basis - it is written -ic-e, for example: letters eso, building ice ;

Suffixes ONK, ENK

spelled with a letter b (they have an endearing meaning), for example: birches onc ah, Liz onc a, speech enk a, Volod enk a(exceptions: bunny, bunny).
Words with suffix -one to, -enko must be distinguished:

  • from words to -ink-a -to- from nouns to -in-a, for example: crackle inc a (crack in a) calves inc a (calves in a) straw inc a (straw in a);
  • from words to -enk-a formed with the suffix -to- from the genitive plural forms of nouns to -nya , for example: pash enk a (pash nya, pash en), dog enk a (dog en, dog nya) ;

Suffix ECK

It is written after soft consonants and hissing, for example: sem echk oh bowl echk a. Words with suffix -echk must be distinguished from words -IC formed from nouns with -ic with a suffix -to- , for example: st ichc a (st itz a) resn ichc a (resn itz a);

Suffixes UShK, YUShK, YSHK, ISHK

In neuter words it is written -yshk- , in masculine and feminine words - -ears- , for example: grains yshk about, but: godfather eyelet a neighbor eyelet a. Suffixes -yushk- and -ishk- are used in nouns of all three genders, for example: uncle yushk a, wolf yushk a, floor yushk about; naughty ishk a, overcoat ishk a, coat ishk about.

After these suffixes, at the end of the nominative singular, we write about :

  • in neuter nouns
  • in masculine inanimate nouns ( piece of glass about, small town about );

Is written a :

  • in feminine nouns;
  • in animate masculine nouns ( winter a, hostess a; grandfathers a, uncle a, son a ).

Suffix ISCH

Used in nouns of all three genders. After this suffix in the nominative singular form -e in masculine and neuter nouns, it is written -a - in feminine nouns, for example: bass e, human e, monsters e; hands a .

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Lesson Objectives: to introduce students to the methods of action when choosing to write suffixes in nouns -chik, -chik; teach how to use this method of action for the correct spelling of suffixes -chik, -chik ; draw students' attention to another function of the suffix -chik - diminutive value; enrich students' vocabulary.


I. Opening speech of the teacher.

- Guys! Today we will continue our acquaintance with the amazing, huge world of suffixes. These morphemes in our language are entrusted with a difficult but interesting job, as they form new words, enrich our language. Each suffix has its own specific meaning, it teaches us to see the nature of words.
But the study of suffixes can be made more interesting, diverse, if we help each other during the lesson, solve the current situations together.
First, I want to ask you for help. I need to spell the word correctly copyist. (On the deskcensus…ik ). I don't know which letter I should choose in the suffix. Won't you tell me? ( Hearing response options.)
So which letter to choose: h or u? What spelling problem did you find?

- The pronunciation does not match the spelling.

– We will work on solving this problem today. We must reach the truth, because our main task is to learn how to write correctly.

II. Learning new material.

- Open notebooks, write down the number, the topic “Letters h and sch in the suffix of nouns -chik (-chik) ”.
And now, guys, let's form with the help of suffixes -chik, -chik the words. I will read lexical interpretations of words to you, and you will form words. We will write the answers on the board.

  1. A soldier whose duties include reconnaissance of information about the enemy - scout.
  2. Soldier serving a machine gun - machine gunner.
  3. A worker who lubricates something oiler .
  4. The one who defected to the enemy is a traitor - defector.
  5. An employee who takes something receiver.
  6. A person who has a subscription to a subscription publication - subscriber.
  7. A worker who works in shifts with another changer.

- These are the words we formed: and with the letter h, and with a letter sch in the suffix. The letters are different, but what is common in these words, in these suffixes?
These suffixes form nouns with the meaning of a person, designate people of any profession, specialty, according to their occupation.
The meaning of the suffixes has been determined. The spelling issue has yet to be resolved. Once again, carefully look at these words and try to answer the question: when in noun suffixes -chik, -chik a letter is written h , when - sch ? Maybe you noticed some pattern? ( Hearing response options.)

Let's check if you answered correctly. ( Opening table number 1.)

Table No. 1

- So, we conclude: in the suffix of nouns -chik (-chik) after letters e, t, h, s, g a letter is written h ; in other cases, the letter is written sch. Identification sign of spelling - consonant - confluence of consonants.
And now let's turn to the beginning of the lesson: what letter do we write in the word census…ik ? Why?

III. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Let's check how we understood the new topic. To do this, we will perform exercise 197 at the blackboard. (Students work in pairs, write words, graphically indicating the conditions for choosing the studied spelling).
Guys, now imagine that you are correspondents and have to write an article about new buildings in our village by the Builder's Day. What kind of people will you write about? What words with suffixes -chik, -chik help you with this? ( Students compose small texts in a certain time, using, approximately, the following words: bricklayer, glazier, parquet worker, electric welder, concrete worker, excavator, crane operator, plumber and explain the spelling of suffixes).
The next exercise is performed orally. Pairs of words are given. Compare these words: are there the same suffix or different suffixes in these pairs of nouns? ( Students read and understand the following pairs of words: shed - loader, shop-pilot, high chair - ranger, pocket - subscriber ).

– These examples prove that the suffix -chik has another meaning: diminutive.

- And now, guys, I want to tell you a little tale about this suffix.

Once upon a time there was a suffix Chick. He was so kind, affectionate that all the words he approached immediately turned into the same kind and affectionate as the suffix itself. The suffix Chick had another feature: it could reduce words. Instead of a powerful BELL, a wonderfully ringing BELL turned out. Even a large ripe CUCUMBER turned into an elegant CUCUMBER. And also the suffix Chik formed and forms words denoting people of some specialty, profession. For example, from the root Let Chik formed - PILOT, from the word BINDING - BINDER. Now the suffix Chick is no longer young. But he still works diligently and helps people. ( Table #2 is used.)

Table number 2

- The following tasks - selective dictation and work with individual cards - will once again check how well you understand today's topic.

IV. Selective dictation.

-schik: assembler, organ grinder, welder

-chik: (with face value) customer, adviser, companion

-chik: (with diminutive) sofa, caftan, cup

V. Work with individual cards.

Card number 1.

Write off, inserting the missing letters, explain the choice of the suffix.

Stone…, plumbing…, drum…, polishers…, collecting…, newspapers…, story…, glass…, concrete…, wagon…

Card number 2.

Translation ..., drill ..., spacing ..., briefcase ..., machine gun ..., coal ..., set ..., computer ..., strikes ..., start ...

- And now, guys, I will play the guitar for you and sing excerpts from different songs, and you try to determine by ear the meanings of the suffixes studied today.

The drum was bad. The drummer is a god.
Well, you were all the best to match.
So light that I could
You dance on the drum.

Go to the Tikhoretskaya train.
The trailer will move, the platform will remain.
Brick wall, station clock.
White handkerchiefs / 3 times.
Handkerchiefs are white, eyes are sad.

The fountain was covered with bird cherry.
The French Boulevard was in bloom.
“Our Kostya seems to have fallen in love,” -
Shouted loaders in the port.

VI. Conclusions.

What spelling problem did we work on today? How did we solve it? Why do you need to know the meaning of suffixes? What role do suffixes play in language?

VII. Homework.

Learn spelling. Perform exercise 199 - in writing, 200 - orally.

What words with the suffix -chik-, -schik- do you know? Almost everyone can answer this question. Although there are people who get confused in the formulation of these morphemes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General information

Nouns with the suffix -chik- are often used in writing with such a morpheme as -schik-. It should be noted that this is a gross mistake. After all, there is a strict rule in the Russian language, which directly indicates in which case the letter "h" should be written, and in which - "u".

Suffix Features

How should you write and say: "scribe" or "copist"? Not everyone knows the correct answer to this question. However, experts say that such a lexical unit has the suffix -chik-. Therefore, it is required to write "scriber" correctly. Although during pronunciation it is necessary to use only the first option.

Basic Rule

As you can see, the suffix -chik-, as well as the suffix -schik- can quite easily cause a lot of doubt about their spelling in the text. That is why experts recommend remembering the rule of the Russian language that explains the choice of a particular morpheme. For those who don't know him, let's introduce him right now.

If the stem of nouns ends in such consonants as “t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “z”, then only the suffix -chik- is required after them. To make this rule more clear, here are some illustrative examples:

As you can see, most of the presented words denote certain professions. With the suffix -chik-, such lexical units are also used that form the names of persons according to their belonging to a certain place of residence and nationality.

Important to remember

Now you know what words with the suffix -chik- exist in Russian (examples of words were presented above). However, for the correct spelling of the mentioned lexical units, one should know not only the rule described above. After all, a fairly large number of people make mistakes such as:

  • distribution + suffix -chik- will be "distributor";
  • tavern + suffix -chik- will be "tavern";
  • prey + suffix -chik- will be “getter”, and so on.

It should be emphasized that this is an incorrect word formation. However, in this regard, the Russian language has a separate rule, which sounds as follows: before the suffix -chik, such letters as “ts”, “k” and “h” are replaced by the letter “t”. Let's take an illustrative example:

In what cases is the suffix -schik- put?

Now you know about the cases in which you should write a word with the suffix -chik-. However, in the Russian language there are often such lexical units in which the morpheme -shchik- is used. As in the previous case, such a suffix can be placed in nouns that form the names of male persons who have a particular profession, are engaged in a certain occupation, and also belong to a particular nationality or place of residence.

Also, the morpheme -shchik- is written if the stem of the noun ends with other consonants other than those presented above (“t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “h”). Let's take an illustrative example:

foreign words

As mentioned above, a word with the suffix -chik- is written if the stem of the noun ends in the following letters: “t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “z”. Then the question arises as to why the morpheme -shchik- is used in some lexical units, even if its stem has the letter “t” at the end. It should be especially noted that these are not exception words, but only foreign language forms.

Thus, some lexical units that have passed into Russian from a foreign language can be formed using the suffix -shchik-, even if the letter “t” is at the end of the noun. But this is only if the foreign word ends in 2 consonants. Let's take an illustrative example:

  • percentage - percent;

Should I put a "soft sign"?

About when a word is written with the suffix -chik-, and when with the suffix -schik-, we found out. However, when writing such nouns, the following question often arises: is it required to put a soft sign before the morpheme -shchik-? Indeed, a fairly large number of people often write the presented words as follows:

  • instigator;
  • concrete worker;
  • herder;
  • lamplighter, etc.

What is it connected with? The fact is that the consonant "u" is a soft letter, and it often softens the sound so much that some people write "u" in front of it. However, this is wrong. After all, the Russian language has its own rule on this matter. It says that the soft sign should be written in nouns only after "l". Let's take an illustrative example:

  • roofer;
  • glazier;
  • payer;
  • spinner;
  • sawyer;
  • driller;
  • porter;
  • collier;
  • roofer;
  • planer, etc.

Distinguish suffixes

A word with the suffix -chik- should be written only if the stem of the noun ends with letters such as "t", "g", "d", "s" and "z". But how then to explain the spelling of such lexical units as a ball, a sofa, a brick, a key, a boy, a finger, a cucumber, a chair, a ball, etc.? The fact is that in all the presented words, the suffix is ​​not -chik-, but -ik-. As for the letter "h", it is either a separate suffix or is included in the root. That is why such lexical units do not fall under the rules described above. Moreover, this morpheme is alternating (-ik-/-ek-). And to check its spelling, you should decline the main word. Thus, the suffix -ek- is placed in those lexical units, in the declension of which the vowel "e" drops out. Here's an example:

As for the suffix -ik-, it is written in those words in the declension of which the letter “and” is preserved. Here's an example:

  • sofa - sofa;
  • boy - boy;
  • kalachik - kalachik;
  • cucumber - cucumber;
  • brick - brick;
  • key - key;
  • high chair - high chair;
  • finger - finger;
  • face - face;
  • ball - ball and so on.