What is the meaning of human life. The meaning of life: what is the meaning of life? Doctor of Psychology answers

The meaning of life is one of those existential questions that are asked by thinking, extraordinary, creative people. The meaning of life is sought by both ordinary people and artists, poets, writers, musicians. What is behind this search? What are the deep needs of the individual? For many centuries and decades, scientists and thinkers have been painfully looking for an answer to this question. Numerous studies have been carried out in order to determine the essence of life, its basic values. This article is an attempt to answer the question: what is the meaning of life and what needs to be done in order to get closer to such an understanding.

Of course, for each person, the meaning of life is made up of individual values ​​and preferences. Each of us has our own plans and opportunities, with the help of which we are moving towards our goal. This is the hypostasis that everyone will have to face one day. The meaning will have to be sought alone: ​​neither friends, nor relatives, nor neighbors can help here. So, what is the meaning of human life? Let's try to answer this question.

The meaning of life is self-realization

This is a fairly broad concept, including many points and individual topics for discussion. Self-realization begins with a healthy love of life and ambition, when a person asks himself such questions: why do I live, what do I spend my time on, what do I want to achieve as a result? The meaning of life is a rather broad concept, which includes the search for one's own truth, meaningful prospects for the future. It is impossible to live without a goal, without a dream. And the realization of oneself is possible in full only when a person knows exactly why he lives and what he strives for.

specific purpose

Fortunately, each of us has our own life task. For some, it consists in building a strong family and raising children. There are women who voluntarily gave up any career in their time and replaced it with a warm home comfort. They put all their efforts into building strong trusting relationships. For other people, the meaning of life lies in the disclosure and realization of their own abilities. For them, being in the profession is the most important thing. Otherwise, the task of life will be considered unfulfilled, and this is always very sad, drives one into melancholy and depression.

Awareness of one's predestination is an important moment in the life of any person. It allows you to understand what you need to strive for in the future. The one who was able to determine the purpose of existence for himself will no longer waste the most promising years in vain, but will make every effort for successful implementation.

Talent Development

By nature, each of us is endowed with unique abilities. However, rarely does anyone really use the opportunities bestowed on him to the fullest. Most people have become so adept at hiding their talents from themselves that they never come one iota closer to their dreams. Years pass, and a person sits and thinks: what is the essence and meaning of life?

The habit of postponing things for later, living in the future tense leads to its consequences: a person never reveals his abilities, does not strive for high-quality self-realization. With such a passive approach to life, one can only endlessly compare oneself with others (classmates, colleagues, friends) and grieve about one's own deep unfulfillment. Such experiences, of course, do not add health, do not contribute to the development of a sense of satisfaction and joy.

Disclosure of talents and abilities leads a person to a true understanding of why he came into this world. Each of us has his own inclinations given by nature. They only need to be noticed and cultivated in time. Later, such hard work will be generously rewarded: self-confidence will appear, a person will be illuminated from the inside with a smile, an incomparable taste for life and a desire to achieve more will arise.

Look for meaning in everything

The meaning of life cannot be imagined without a conscious route leading towards a given goal. A successful person always strives for self-realization, for making the most of his abilities in life and not depending on others. Following your own life goals increases the quality of life, makes you believe in yourself as much as possible, and make significant efforts every day to advance.

The meaning of a person's life in society is to serve as many people as possible through their own skills and abilities. This means that each of us, if possible, should strive for the full disclosure of talents. Many people think that they are not unique and certainly not talented. This is a big misconception. It’s just that people are used to considering themselves prisoners of circumstances, hostages of their own fears, so they rarely manage to change anything in life for the better. If you want to become successful and at least somewhat famous, cast aside all doubts. Act, for only action changes circumstances, not reflections and reflections.


A creative person more often than others thinks about the meaning of life and the search for his "I". Why is this happening? The fact is that people of creative professions are more focused on revealing their deep and significant needs than representatives of ordinary spheres. Artists, musicians, writers, poets - they all live by feelings, their own ideas about happiness and peace. Of course, they often face a real discrepancy between their fantasies and the real world, which puts forward its demands on them. Emotions become for them the center of living and discovering the individual reality within themselves. This is not fiction at all, such a reality exists in reality.

Any creativity is a process of creation. What is the cost of such colossal work as the creation of a novel, short story or even a short story! It can take years to paint a painting or a piece of music. And all this time a creative person must keep himself in a state of inspiration, work tirelessly. Creativity often becomes the meaning of life for someone who is naturally endowed with some kind of gift. Talent itself requires expression. Various stories arise in my head that I want to convey to my audience.


Whatever you do, to achieve significant success, you need to do it constantly, not just from time to time. When a lot of effort and time is put into the realization of a goal, then it itself begins to gradually approach you. Energy is concentrated gradually, and the main task is to get used to the thought of your own achievements. Only then will you be able to do what you could not do before. The meaning of life, if you think about it, in many ways consists in achieving significant results in the activities that you devote a lot of time and attention to.

Dedication to what you do makes us be active, enterprising, inquisitive. We will no longer allow ourselves to waste precious time aimlessly, killing it on primitive pursuits. Those who are result-oriented will remain true to themselves. The opinion of strangers will not be able to unsettle him, deprive him of peace of mind. When a person is confident in himself, he knows exactly what the meaning of life is. Another striking feature is that he is forever freed from the bad habit of comparing himself with others. Acceptance of one's individuality is an important and decisive step that every person must take in his favor.

Self improvement

This broad concept includes the desire to constantly grow both personally and professionally. It is impossible to become a successful person once and for all, you must constantly maintain this quality in yourself. Self-improvement implies that a person is constantly working on himself, transforming his nature, setting himself real achievable goals. Being objective and open is the greatest merit, which not everyone can do.

The meaning of life as such is closely related to the concept of self-improvement. Why? Any search begins with questions, with awareness of one's belonging to any social environment. It is also important to be aware of your individuality. Few people actually really ask themselves the questions: who am I and what do I want to achieve in life? The majority lives simply by inertia, not seeking to discover new depths in themselves, but living “like everyone else”, without much effort to change anything. This is the misfortune of a person - he does not realize the meaning of life, does not see its true value.

Spiritual values

The presence of such values ​​in a person allows him not to forget about morality, following inner convictions. The meaning of a person's life on earth is largely determined by how he lives, what he puts into the basis of his being, what spiritual rules he follows. Spiritual values, like the meaning of life, are purely individual for everyone. No one can be forced to act in a certain way, each person is initially free in his choice.

Family as the meaning of life

It is often the fundamental factor by which a person can consider himself happy. Few people are satisfied with just one job. Even friends and like-minded people cannot replace for us that closeness of souls, which is possible only with the second half. With a loved one I want to create a family and live a lifetime. It is impossible in life to be limited only to work and communication with friends, no matter how wonderful they may be. For most people this is not enough, they want to have a warm family hearth, a loved one nearby, children. In practice, it turns out that a person succeeds in one area and does not give all the best in another. This is normal and completely natural.

Starting a family

The meaning of life for most women is to create a strong and loving family.
Without this, a rare person generally imagines his life, his own personality as a whole. The presence of a family in a person speaks of social well-being, that he values ​​\u200b\u200bfamily people, wants to build close relationships. A normal person begins to think about creating a family around the age of twenty. Someone earlier, others later come to an understanding of the need to give their love to close people, to take care of them. It becomes a need.

Marital relations are, in fact, the main ones. Everyone wants to find their soul mate. Lonely people are ready to make incredible efforts in order to solve the problem. The meaning of life then loses its value in solitude. A lonely person often feels abandoned and useless.


Raising children, a person realizes that a child is his continuation, which means that every effort must be made to ensure that his life is as bright and eventful as possible, rich in happy events. Life always changes and changes with the birth of a son or daughter. There is a feeling that a second wind opens up: young parents manage to do more in a day. If earlier they were often overcome by fatigue, now they are filled with energy and enthusiasm, everything burns in their hands. It often becomes and there is no time to think more about the search for the meaning of life, since it is found immediately.

marital relationship

As noted earlier, the relationship of two people in love is a special element, harmony, which everyone strives for. Marital relations cannot be replaced by anything else, they are unique in themselves. They say that love is years spent together. The quality of the relationship also determines how happy the spouses feel. Life takes on a completely different meaning at the moment when the second half appears. Life seems to be transformed, the heart blossoms from within. It becomes a natural need to give joy and happiness in relation to the whole world around us. A happy person finds many reasons for joy, happy smiles surround him everywhere. The meaning of life is to live for each other.

The meaning of life is to help other people

The desire to be useful is a natural human desire. Serving people makes us more kind, sympathetic, receptive, not indifferent to the fate of another. In what way can it be expressed?

good deeds

They are expressed, first of all, in learning to be aware of our actions - those that we perform every day. How often we live unconsciously, obeying only the chaotic movement of thoughts in our heads. Thus, it is impossible to come to an inner state of balance and harmony. Anyone who does not understand what is really behind his actions and actions cannot be fully satisfied with his own achievements. He does not appreciate those who are nearby and does not rejoice in their acquisitions.

A person prone to reflection, as a rule, is very attentive to others: he will never say an offensive word in vain, he will not wish harm to anyone, he will not even inadvertently bring pain or grief. Through their own good deeds, a person often acquires a special meaning of life. Additional forces appear in order to act, to surprise oneself or others. This is very important for the development of a harmonious personality.

Good deeds can have a positive effect on the human psyche. It is known that when we help someone, we are actually doing it for ourselves, in order to feel good. To be needed and in demand is also the meaning of life. In helping and caring for your neighbor, you can find such a depth that you never knew before.

The desire to help

When we feel an urgent need to take care of someone, as a rule, there are ways for effective action. The desire to help, to give a piece of one's warmth means that a person is ripe for effective self-giving. There is a spiritual need to take care of someone, to be really kind and generous. The more we open our heart towards a noble goal, the brighter we begin to feel the enduring meaning of life. In this case, it is not far-fetched, but true, the one to which it is necessary and important to strive.

It is important not to start expecting gratitude from those you help. The real spiritual pleasure is to do it selflessly, with full dedication. Then your personality as a whole will become more generous and magnanimous.

Strive to be helpful

Service to others always begins with a conscious desire to be useful. This need is significant and great, it cannot be replaced by anything else. This means that the meaning of life for such people is to help others. You may see a handicapped child on the street who wants to help or an elderly person who needs your advice. Do not resist a sudden outburst of feelings: come, help, experience the delight of the fact that your soul sings with joy. Suddenly you will feel infinitely happy. You will want to repeat your act sometime. Look for new opportunities for this, become a careful observer. Someone will definitely need your participation.

Such individuals, as a rule, cannot pass by the one who suffers. The intention to be useful in everything is born from an inner feeling of fullness, which you want to apply somewhere, give it to someone. The best way to do this is to turn to your own conscience: it will tell you what to do in each individual case. Being honest with yourself is the greatest responsibility and the number one task that every person needs to solve.

Selfless dedication

How often do you help people for nothing without expecting anything in return? Has this behavior become your special meaning in life? Selfless giving means that you do good, but do not expect praise or some special reward for it. And this is the correct behavior. Because if you are waiting for a reward, then the act acquires completely different features and motives, it loses its nobility. The meaning of life is precisely to learn every day to open your own soul towards other people.


Many people ask themselves, what is the meaning of life? And then they diligently look for the answer to this question, studying a variety of opinions of famous and not so people, which can be found in numerous sources of information. And there are many opinions on this. Someone sees the meaning of life in one, someone in another, and someone in the third. But in this article I will show you, dear readers, that the answer to this age-old question lies on the surface, it is quite simple and obvious and you do not need to look for it anywhere. This answer suggests itself, we only need to take a closer look at our lives, and then we will immediately understand everything. And our life is both simple and complex - it is simple in its design, but complex in terms of the process itself, when a person needs not only to be able to survive in this far from the most friendly world, but also to leave something behind. The only question is - what and why do we need to leave behind and how to do it? That's what I will answer in this article to explain to you, dear friends, what is the meaning of human life.

First of all, I want to tell you right away that a person who wonders about the meaning of life is, from my point of view, a real person, a reasonable person, a person who can think beyond his animal needs. Animals don't question the meaning of life - they just live. Their task is to survive and leave offspring in order to continue their race. But man is the only creature on this planet who wants to know why he should live, why should he survive, for what, for what purpose? And this is a very good, very correct question. So, friends, thinking about the meaning of life - you confirm your reasonableness.

So, looking at people's lives, as if from the outside and reflecting on it, I came to the conclusion that there is an objective and subjective meaning of life. The objective meaning of life is expressed in the fact that a person needs to continue his race, leaving behind offspring. The instinct of reproduction calls him to this. That is, we need to continue the human race in order to preserve man as a species. In fact, many of our instincts are directed precisely at this, not only the instinct of reproduction, which means that this is the objective meaning of human life. Thus, from the point of view of nature, we, like animals, must survive and reproduce, must continue our race - this is our task. You ask - why should we continue the human race, for what purpose? To be honest, friends, I don’t know this, and no one can know this. But, we can assume that all processes in the Universe occur in order to achieve some ultimate goal, which we cannot know about, because we should not. Our task is to survive. Rather, we must pass on our genes to our descendants, and thus play our part in the long history of evolution. And for what ultimate goal we [people] need to do this - no one knows. The fact that we live primarily to ensure the immortality of human genes was written by such a famous English scientist as Richard Dawkins, who in his book “The Selfish Gene” very well explained this idea. Dawkins wrote that it is the gene that plays the main role in evolution, and not the individual and not the population, and the main task of the gene is to survive and multiply, in conditions of the most severe competition with other genes. In fact, many people come to this thought, thinking about the meaning of life, because it is quite obvious that regardless of our desires, our instincts push each of us to reproduce. The task of passing on our genes is before each of us. So, again, from this point of view - we are no different from animals - we need to survive and reproduce in order to continue the life of our species.

On the other hand, we still want to know for what ultimate goal we ensure immortality not only for our genes, but for human genes in general, we want to understand what is the meaning of human life as a whole. After all, as Viktor Frankl wrote in his books - reducing the meaning of life to procreation, we do not answer this eternal question, do not close it completely, but shift it to our descendants. I rather disagree with this point of view than agree, since human ignorance of the ultimate goal of existence and development of everything in the Universe in general does not leave the question of the meaning of life open. I believe that we humans are intermediaries in some big business, we are part of some design, or perhaps part of an experiment conducted by someone who created the Universe with all its laws. It's possible, agree. Our task is to play our role for a certain period of time in the material world, and possibly in the non-material one, after which we must provide this opportunity to other people - our descendants. I would compare us humans to individual frames of a film that have to do their job in just a fraction of a second, but which ultimately make a whole film with meaning. Here you and I are a part of the Universal meaning of life, and this is the objective meaning of our own life. Thus, our genes seek to prolong their immortality, and we must help them in this, in order to allow them to come to where the Universe will eventually come to.

Do we need to know what the Universe is striving for, what is its or the one who created it, the ultimate goal? I don't think we need to know. I think everything has its time. Perhaps we will not know this, but our descendants will know more, they will know the world even better and understand something that we do not understand now. We see, according to the instincts inherent in us by nature, that we need to survive and multiply, and also to do everything so that humanity not only survives, but also develops, which means that this is exactly what we need to do, without puzzling over what eventually the existence of mankind will end. This is the meaning of our life, the objective meaning. However, you can think about this topic, because it is a very interesting topic. And we will do it.

Now let's talk about something more interesting - about the subjective meaning of our life, that is, about what we ourselves can want to live for. Think about why, for what cause, do you want to live your life? No need to look for the meaning of life - think of the meaning yourself. Decide for yourself what you want to live for. Animals do not have such a choice - their life is tuned exclusively to self-reproduction, for the sake of an objective meaning, that is, for the sake of some final goal that nature, the Universe, and / or the one who created it strive for. But you and I can choose what to devote our lives to, in addition to our main goal - the continuation of our kind. Is not that great? In my opinion, this is simply wonderful, you and I are just lucky - we can live not only for the sake of achieving some unknown goal to which the Universe aspires, but also for the sake of something of our own, which we can call the subjective meaning of our life . And each of us may have our own ideas about what and why we should live. We all have different goals in life too. So, ensuring immortality for our genes and for the genes of humanity in general, we can also live for ourselves - having realized ourselves in some meaningful and interesting business for us, having achieved success in something that is important for us, and thus leaving our a name in history, or simply, without any hope of glory, giving humanity something that after our death will benefit it and exist for a very long time. This approach to life makes it terribly interesting. After all, we can make any fairy tale come true, having pleased both ourselves and others.

It is also very important to understand that the life of each person is unique in its own way, just like the person himself. It follows from this that each of us came into this world to play a role, to make a contribution to the history and development of mankind and the Universe. From each of us there is a benefit, the life of each person is priceless and makes sense! Therefore, no matter what choice you make, deciding what to devote your life to, in any case, you will make the right choice - you will play the role that will contribute to the development of the entire Universe. The life story of every person who has ever lived on earth is an invaluable experience for the Universe, we are all part of a single whole, without us the whole cannot be whole. Therefore, your life, in itself, no matter how you live it, has meaning for all of us, since it is a part of us all. Just as a person cannot consist only of bones or only of meat, so the Universe cannot be complete without each of us and cannot develop without the experience of each individual person. So the life of each of you, dear readers, is priceless! Even if you cannot pass on your genes further and achieve nothing in your life, do not create anything significant, your life will not be meaningless. You will still make your contribution to the common history of mankind and the history of the Universe, it will just be small, important, necessary, but small. Just do not forget that you can always achieve more, so strive for more, try to be a more significant person, both for others and for yourself.

And yet, how to make a choice - what to devote your life to? I think it should be dedicated to something that will last for centuries and serve humanity for many years to come. It seems to me that this is the best option for any person who wants to live their life brightly and interestingly. Make your contribution to our history, give the world something that will make it richer, better, more beautiful, and I assure you, you will feel great satisfaction from your life, you will feel your importance - you will find the meaning of life. Each of us is not so much measured, so every wasted minute is a lost piece of life. Therefore, you do not need to wait for anything - you need to go and do something grandiose and outstanding. Some of us will be able to successfully transfer our genes and thus gain genetic immortality, and someone will do something for humanity that will remind us of it for many years to come. But there are also such people - who will simply burn their lives and sink into oblivion, leaving no offspring, no significant results of their work, no legacy. This is perhaps the most terrible thing for a person - when there is practically no meaning in his life, when he just lives to live his life, so to speak, to serve the number and leave this world forever. But this is not the fate of a person - this is largely his choice. I won’t speak for everyone, situations are different, but many of us have a choice - how to live our lives. We can strive to leave behind a worthy offspring or some results that are significant for humanity, or better, both, it is possible. Or we can just burn through our lives without remembering anything and leaving behind not only worthy, but also no offspring at all.

Above, I wrote that one way or another, we all contribute to the history of mankind and to the development of the Universe, therefore, there is meaning in the life of every person, the life of every person is priceless. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to make our mark on the world. After all, the more we leave behind us, the more good things we manage to do in our lives, the more satisfied we will be with our lives.

So, friends, the choice is yours - decide how and for what you will live. Will the meaning of life be for you to follow the laws of nature, the laws of the universe, or, if you like, the laws of God, according to which you need to transfer your genes in the most successful way, thus continuing the human race, and / or you decide to achieve outstanding success in life in what some deed to leave something significant behind for people, for humanity, for all the world. You are quite capable of succeeding in both. Leave behind a worthy offspring and realize yourself in some important business for you and desirable for other people in order to leave your mark in this world, and you will be completely satisfied with your life, because it will really make a lot of sense. I wish you good luck in this!


Hello! I've been wondering lately, What is the sense of life?», « What does a person live for?» «My thoughts do not let me live. I constantly think. I'm like a ball of contradictions. Please answer my questions. Thanks a lot in advance."

Lyudmila, 19 years old.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Man has thought about the meaning and purpose of life since antiquity. The Greeks had a myth about Sisyphus, the king of Ether (Corinth), who in the underworld, as a punishment for cunning, had to forever roll a huge stone up the mountain: as soon as he reached the top, an invisible force rushed the stone down and the same aimless work began again. This is an impressive example of the meaninglessness of life.

In the 20th century, the writer and philosopher Albert Camus applied this image to modern man, considering absurdity the main feature of his existence: “In the inexorable moment when a person turns around and casts a glance at his life, Sisyphus, returning to the stone, contemplates the incoherent sequence of actions, became his destiny. She was created by him, united into one whole by his memory and sealed by death. Convinced of the human origin of everything human, wanting to see and knowing that there will be no end to the night, the blind man continues on his way. And the stone rolls down again ”(A. Camus. The myth of Sisyphus).

The conclusion he came to is inevitable for him and for millions of people who have lived and are living in unbelief. The only difference is that A. Camus strove to be logical to the end and was able to acutely realize that the life of a person, enclosed in the framework of only earthly existence, resembles Sisyphean labor. Most people try to live in illusions and find meaning in earthly life. But in the world of finite realities it is impossible to find it.

Mathematicians know that any finite number divided by infinity is an infinitesimal quantity, i.e. its limit is zero. Therefore, the attempts of unbelieving people to explain what the meaning of their life is are so naive. Some claim that they value life with its joys, and are completely satisfied with this. But after all, earthly life goes away like water into sand, and nothing remains of joys. And if in a few decades everything disappears, can such a life have any meaning. Others say that they see their purpose in leaving a mark on the earth with their deeds. Usually one has to hear such explanations from people who are not involved in serious creativity and leave no real trace. The outstanding creators themselves, with all their enthusiasm for their work, well understood and understand the incompleteness and limits of this activity.

The great mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) wrote the mathematician P. Fermat two years before his death, which he sees in mathematics as nothing more than a craft. The true purpose of human existence, in his opinion, can only be discovered by true religion: “To make a person happy, it must show him what God is, that we are obliged to love Him, that our true good is to abide in Him and our only misfortune is to be separated from Him; that we are full of darkness that prevents us from knowing and loving Him, and that, therefore, we are completely wrong, not fulfilling our duty of love for God, but obeying the inclinations of the flesh. It [true religion] must explain to us the reason why we oppose God and our own good; show us the means for these infirmities, and thus acquire these means. Try all the religions of the world in this respect, and you will not find one, except the Christian, that would satisfy these requirements ”(Thoughts on Religion).

In our age, everything remains the same. People who have a healthy moral sense, having achieved even the most outstanding results in creativity, cannot perceive this as the main goal of life. I'll give you an example. Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906–1966), being the general manager of our space program, could not be satisfied with this, but thought about salvation, i.e. I saw the meaning of my life beyond the limits of earthly life. In those years when the faith was persecuted, he found the opportunity to have a confessor, go on a pilgrimage to the Pukhtitsky Assumption Monastery, and show generous charity. There are stories about this wonderful person of the nun Siluana (Nadezhda Andreevna Soboleva): “At that time I was in charge of the hotel. Once a respectable man in a leather jacket came to us. I gave him a room. I spoke to him affectionately, brought him something to eat - all the same potatoes with mushroom sauce. He lived for two days, and I look - he is more and more amazed. Finally, we got talking. He said that he did not expect to see such poverty here, even poverty ... “I really want to help your monastery, my heart is breaking. When I saw how you live. I now have very little money with me, and I escaped here by some miracle - I need to go back to work and I don’t know if I can come to you soon. He left me his address and phone number and said that if I was in Moscow, I would definitely call on him. I thanked him and gave the address of a poor priest who lived with his wife on 250 rubles a month (this is old money), saying that if you can, then help. A month later I was released to Moscow with the blessing of the abbess. I arrived, found the address he left me. I see a huge fence, a gatekeeper at the fence. He asks me: “Who are you to?” I gave my last name. He missed and said: "You are expected." I go and more and more surprised. At the back of the courtyard is a mansion. I called - the owner opened - the same person who came to us. How happy! He took me upstairs to the second floor. I go into his office and see: there is an open volume of the Philokalia on the table, in the corner there is a cabinet with open doors, behind which there are images. He invited a woman (I think his sister) to cook everything. In the sister's room there is a walnut icon case with a miraculous image of St. Nicholas. Before leaving, he gave me an envelope and said: “There are five here.” I thought it was 500 rubles, but it turned out to be 5 thousand rubles. What a help it was for us! A lot of time passed, and now my friend comes again - and it was Academician Korolev - we sit in my cell and drink tea. He thanks me: “You know, thanks to you I found a real friend and shepherd: that poor priest you spoke about” (Three meetings, M., 1997, 83-85).

I gave this story in detail to show that the conversion to Orthodoxy was not an episode for Academician S.P. Korolev. He lived in it and risked his high position in order to satisfy his spiritual needs. With colossal employment, the head of the space program found time to read the Philokalia - the works of the holy fathers of a purely ascetic direction.

Not only science, but also artistic creativity cannot constitute meaning of human life. A.S. Pushkin, already a member of the glory of the first poet of Russia, wrote in 1827 Three Keys - a poem in which a painful feeling of spiritual thirst was expressed:

In the worldly steppe, sad and boundless,
Mysteriously broke through three keys:
The key of youth, the key is swift and rebellious,
Boils, runs, sparkling and murmuring.
Castal key with a wave of inspiration
In the steppe of the worldly exiles waters.
The last key is the cold key of oblivion,
It will quench the heat of the heart the sweetest of all.

The soul of the 28-year-old poet does not find complete satisfaction in the joys of life, which boils, runs, sparkling and murmuring. The Kastal spring (a spring on Mount Parnassus, near Delphi in Greece) is a symbol of poetic and musical inspiration. Water from this source also cannot give water to a thirsty soul. For the poet, who at that time was just beginning to comprehend the vital significance and spiritual beauty of Christianity, the sweetest thing was water from the cold spring of oblivion of sorrows, sorrows, worldly fuss and cares. A few months before his death, A.S. Pushkin wrote: “There is a book in which every word is interpreted, explained, preached in all parts of the earth, applied to all the circumstances of life and the events of the world; from which it is impossible to repeat a single expression that everyone would not know by heart, which would not already be a proverb of the peoples; it no longer contains anything unknown; but this book is called the Gospel - and such is its ever-new charm that if we, satiated with the world or dejected by despondency, accidentally open it, we are no longer able to resist its sweet passion and are immersed in spirit into its Divine eloquence" (PSS, L. , 1978, v.7, p.322).

We have arrived at the answer to the question. The teaching about the meaning of life is contained in the Holy Gospel. The Word of God reveals to us the truth that life is precious, it is more than food (), its preservation is more important than the Sabbath (). The Son of God has Life from eternity (). Jesus Christ, who died for us and rose again, is the Head of life (). Genuine, and not illusory, meaning is only that life that brings us into the eternity of God and unites us with Him - the only Source of endless joys, light and blissful peace. “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live. And whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.” This entry begins on earth. , as a creation of God, is a prefiguration and the beginning of eternal life. New life already on earth becomes a reality through faith in Him Who is the way and the truth and the life (). This is evidenced by the lives of the saints. But even one who has not risen to the level of holiness, but only walks his spiritual path honestly and responsibly, gradually gains inner peace and knows what the meaning of his life is.

Dear Lyudmila! You have to enter into the millennial tradition of the Christian life. It is necessary not only to believe in Christ, but also to trust him in everything. Then doubts will pass, and painful questions about the appointment of a person will begin to resolve themselves.

Is there a person on earth who would never think about meaning of life. The question of the purpose of each of us specifically arises in our minds with all seriousness, because it is connected with the need to make a decision about how to live. Our choice in this case has far-reaching consequences.

In modern society, one can meet people with different understandings of what the meaning of human life:

1. There are people who consider this kind of thinking utopian, and therefore prefer to simply "exist" because of their presence on Earth. Born means live...

2. Others, sorting through an infinite number of options, are looking for something that could fill their life with meaning, and spend their whole lives on it.

3. Some, not finding what they are looking for, make a radical decision - to take their own life. Why is it needed if there is no point in it?

4. There are also those who declare that they have this very sense and position themselves as happy people.

All the people we have described have one thing in common: no one wants to waste their lives and be deceived. The meaning of human life is inextricably linked with the concepts of happiness, purpose in life, its purpose. An incorrectly chosen landmark, in the end, leads a person to disappointment and the collapse of life.

What is the meaning of human life

Reflections on the purpose of man and his role in the universe have been known since the advent of information recording media. Naturally, reflections of this kind led the ancient philosophers to the question of what a person consists of. The bodily component has never been questioned and aroused only anatomical interest, since everything is quite simple with its needs - breathe, eat, drink ... The body does not need a special meaning or idea - it exists as biological matter. As for the intangible component of a person, then everything is much more serious.

What is a soul?

Let's look at the various understandings of the spiritual essence of man that have taken place throughout history.

1. "Material" soul

Aristotle said: “Some people are slaves, and others are free citizens because it is so appointed by nature ... It is right and just that some should be ruled, while others should exercise the rule for which they are naturally fit; and if so, the power of the master over the slave is also just.

In such a hierarchy, everything was simple. Be who you were born - this is the place that you should occupy. Something similar happened in the 19th and 20th centuries. Nietzsche's philosophy of the superman, taken up by many minds, was refracted in the understanding of people in a variety of ways, leading to such things as Hitler's "purification of the nation", the Communists' "building of an ideal society", etc.

Both in antiquity and in the teachings of Nietzsche, man was not considered as consisting of a spiritual principle and a body. The works of Darwin on the origin of species that appeared in the 19th century, the teachings of Marx and
Engels on dialectical materialism put at risk the very structure of the universe and man as its part.

Nietzsche declared the need to "kill God" in order to free man from prejudices and fears. Man has ceased to be the bearer of a moral soul. Materialism looked at man as a highly organized biological matter, and only matter…. As a result, each was given the place in which he would be most useful for the “public good”. And she, in turn, was the only measure of truth, with the wording "the end justifies the means." That is why the Nazi death camps were considered a rational means of "purifying the race." For the same reason, in the USSR, the dissidents described by Solzhenitsyn were shot, exiled or left to rot in prisons as elements harmful to society.

2. Soul of desire

But the model of life described above did not suit everyone. There were thinkers who seriously recognized the existence of the soul in man and reflected on its needs. Moments of morality, love and kindness are indeed quite difficult to describe with biological matter. The followers of Epicurus elevated pleasure to the rank of the highest good. They believed that a person will be happy when he does not have suffering and gains equanimity of the soul. In this concept, a person is qualitatively different from what pure materialism offers. He has a soul with claims to happiness and certain needs that must be met.

It is necessary to note the philosophy of the East with a similar concept in the understanding of the soul. In this paradigm, the body becomes a burden on the soul, which has an unearthly nature and needs corresponding to this nature. An important point of this view is the eternity of the soul and its immateriality, but in some cases it is not about the soul returning to God, but about its reincarnation in the “next life” and continuing to exist in bodily form.

3. Experiential and mystical soul

This time, personal, intangible and sometimes inexplicable experience was at the forefront, which took the place of the measure of truth. The logic of such a concept is simple: those who have not experienced it will not understand and have no moral right to evaluate what happened. So, and the possibility of general rules becomes wrong. This state of affairs has led to a plurality of truths and opinions. Representatives of this direction of philosophy (Hobbes, Locke, etc.) set themselves the task of knowing nature or its subordination through the experience acquired by each person separately. By the way, the development of this doctrine leads to pantheism - polytheism.

4. Divine soul

It is worth noting another historical view of the soul. In a vivid form, it was expressed in the Middle Ages and partly in the Renaissance. The influence of the church and its laws has become an integral part of every area of ​​life. A look at the spiritual essence of man was based on the Bible. This soul differs from the previous ones in a clear beginning, a definite goal, and is quite clearly amenable to description.

Human soul:

1. Not material.
2. Created by God.
3. Eternal.
4. Man is responsible for the right relationship with her Creator.
5. this soul - the achievement of bliss, acquired in the contemplation of God in the afterlife.

The perfect meaning of life

What parameters should an ideal meaning of life, to which he could devote his whole life and not be disappointed? I came up with three simple criteria:

1. Perfect meaning of life is timeless and should have value throughout life. It cannot be limited by time frames and be achieved at a certain stage of life. For short-term goals, there is another name - a dream.

2. Perfect meaning of life immaterial, it cannot have an earthly, material value, since it will lose value when it is reached.

3. Perfect meaning of life feasible. Many people have faced disappointment at the end of their lives just because they were fascinated by an idea that is itself unrealistic. A good example of this is communism, which was built by several countries. Millions of people have been infected by this idea. Working in two shifts, infringing on themselves for the benefit of a brighter future, exiling dissidents, they, in the end, were left with nothing.

Where to look for the meaning of life?

Now let's summarize everything that has been written above. Quite a lot of people are ready to exchange their lives for "soap bubbles", fleeting illusions, without understanding why their soul came to this world.

Material condition, honor in society, power - all these are “soap bubbles”. Someone prefers to "forget", to get away from reality and the problems that arise in life - in the modern world there are enough means that intoxicate the mind. Other people sort through numerous ideas, wasting precious time on this. Unfortunately, even universal human values ​​(for example, a good family) are not able to give a person a permanent and reliable meaning that fills his life.

Based on the criteria for the ideal meaning of life, which I derived for myself, I came to understand that there are only two concepts that meet these criteria:

1) Death

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but death meets the stated requirements of the meaning of life. It is non-material, does not depend on the set terms of human activity, and it is feasible. Death is the inability to exist biologically. But how can this be meaningful? Of course not!!! Living for death is absurd. It is also important to understand that we are not here by choice - the process of our birth was conceived by Someone other than us. So, it is logical to assume that in search of our destiny, we should not be based on our own ideas, but try to understand the structure of the world and our place in it. And absolutely we have no right to take our own life, since our appearance and departure from life are not determined by us.

2) Existence after death

This meaning also corresponds to the requirements described above. Only, unlike the first option, it really is a meaning that can give direction to all life. Determine her fate, ultimate goal and give hope for eternal bliss. The meaning of life can only be found in God.

“Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life” (Bible, Gospel of John 14:6).

Talking about the afterlife makes many people smile. Such meaning of life is also unacceptable to them. After all, he questions their own worth and limits their freedom. Indeed, in order to accept Christ as their Savior, a person must recognize his own weakness and entrust his fate into the hands of the One who exists outside of earthly time and reveals what a person needs, as his Creator.

It seems logical to us to study the operating instructions for the device, compiled by its manufacturer. But for some reason, the instruction of the Creator of people (the Bible) is ignored by many ...

What is the true meaning of life

If you are thinking about the significance and value of life today, then try to answer yourself these simple questions:

1. What is your soul, its needs and values?
2. What characteristics should your ideal meaning of life have?
3. By whose will are you on Earth today and discussing these issues?
4. If there is a God who created you, what is your place in His purpose?

Such reflections led me to an understanding of God. A personal God with whom one can have a relationship. The God who fills life with meaning, gives hope and fulfills His promises. Having created heaven and earth, He also created man. But the man sinned, neglecting the command of God, and further relationships became impossible. Jesus Christ came to earth to solve this problem. He - a real historical figure - died on the cross to atone for the guilt of all people before their Creator. A relationship with God can be established by trusting in Christ as a personal Savior. And He will give you meaning of life earthly, and blissful eternity after death.

Yes, indeed - a good question. What is the meaning of this life?

And you know, in this article we will give you the exact answer to this question!

Only it will be at the end of the problem book. Remember how in the algebra textbook at school?

We just have to warn you right now!

After reading this article, your life can change 180 degrees.!

Yes Yes exactly!

Do you really need this answer? Are you sure you're ready to hear it?

If not, or you are not sure, then feel free to close this page and go further somewhere on google or Yandex to read hundreds of other articles there that the meaning of life is in children!

For those who have already read up to this point, let's say right away: the meaning of life is NOT in children!!

The last phrase can be underlined and highlighted in bold!!!

Why? We'll explain a little later...

So what is the meaning of human life? BUT...?

Why is it all this: work that you need to get up every morning on an alarm clock, some goals, plans, loans, constant lack of time, stress, traffic jams, metro, family, children, medicines and headaches?

Why is all this necessary? What is the meaning of such a life?

Where are you going? What are you striving for? You rush headlong into the future at a speed of 200 km / h, not noticing how the events of your present slip through the window. And you don't even have time to smell the flowers?

Loans, suppliers, contracts, partners, kickbacks, taxes... and now the alarm goes off again in the morning! Ring-ring! Climb! And again flashed pictures of life at a speed of 200 frames per second. And somewhere now the sun is rising, the surf is rustling, seagulls are screaming and the air still smells of morning coolness!

Or do you have a blank space ahead of you? All the colors of your life have long been erased. And you live only in thoughts about the past ... experiencing old grievances, heartache, betrayal, slowly fading from the lack of love, warmth, care, understanding ... regretting the possibilities, blaming your fate and other people who made it so for you ? This must be fate, you say to yourself.

So what is the meaning of life then?

Why live at all?

After all, every year there are more and more wrinkles on the face, and why a person lives, what is the meaning of his life, no one has explained.

Well, okay, stop guessing already, poking around in your past, thoughts, experiences!

From now on, you can start smiling! Like this: :))))))))

Just what you were looking for!

First, let's break down the wrong answers!

Although, probably, 99% of people will answer the question "what is the meaning of life" in this way, because they also do not know what it is! :))

Wrong answer #1

The meaning of life is in children!

And why not in children, you ask!

Yes, because!

Just think: Masha had a little daughter. And Masha decided to name her daughter Katya. Beautiful name! But before the birth of Katya, Masha had no meaning in life. None at all! More precisely, no, he was: to give birth to Katya. All 35 years Masha lived only to give birth to Katya. And now, finally, she had the meaning of life: to raise and educate her beloved daughter (or son, whatever). But what will happen when Katya grows up? When she is already 21 years old and she finally says: "Mom, well, that's enough already! I'm not small ..." Masha will again lose the meaning of her life!

It turns out that way.

The saddest thing is that for most of these Mashas, ​​for whom the meaning of life is children, this is exactly what happens. After their child grows up, their life becomes aimless and dreary again.

But Nature has already conceived that sooner or later Katya and Vasya will grow up and leave their parental home to start building their own independent life!

And if their mother (or father) by this moment does not find the correct, Natural answer to the question "what is the meaning of my life", then she will continue to "cling" to her children, trying to control their life without having her own!

And if you continue this chain, then Katya will think the same way as Masha: I must give birth to a child, because this is the meaning of my life. And then history will repeat itself!

Night, street, pharmacy lamp... pharmacy, street, lamp...

Because the meaning of human life is not in children!

A child is only a tactical (intermediate) goal, but by no means the main, strategic one.

Although most people, not knowing what the main goal of their life, put a child in this place!

Wrong answer #2

What difference does it make, what is the meaning of life!
Do not worry. Just live and DON'T think about it!

And what, also an option! Indeed, what difference is the meaning of human life!

Live and live! If you die, then maybe the guys with white wings from above will explain, finally, what was the point. And they will pass or fail... Well, like at the institute, remember? :) And then they will send you back to Earth for a retake, but in a different body, in a new incarnation, in a new family ... To some popuase in the jungle. And all over again: to be born again, to scream, to suck a boob, to learn to walk... And then, one fine day, when the Sun will be at its zenith, warming the earth with its warm rays, you will be devoured by some saber-toothed tiger in the bushes, where did you go for a little. And again to heaven, welcome to heaven, to the selection committee with his tattered record book from past incarnations! Just some kind of circle of Samsara!

So what's the fun in that? Can someone explain? And then I got tired of going back and forth ... I have changed so many bodies, I have been both a man and a woman, I have seen so much on this Earth for many centuries, but how much I was a fool, I remained! Hey, guys in white coats, what is the meaning of life?

Well, I finally thought to ask! And you type in Google "what is the meaning of life", they will answer with thoughts in your head .. You will find the article "what is the meaning of human life." And read. Read attentively! Until the very end. If he himself for so many lives has not yet understood what the meaning is. They will explain everything to you in human language. And maybe this time, when you return from Earth to us again with your record book, we will give you a solid 4 instead of zeros and ones for past unlived lives.

Wrong answer #3

The meaning of human life = power, sex and money.

Well, it’s for such chosen meanings of life that angels in white coats put zeros (0) and ones (1) in the heavenly office. Just some kind of kindergarten! He amused his ego under the name of personality, playing the illusion of his power over the world, well, or power over 5 janitors from the HOA. Who has what kind of power ... Small, medium and large businesses. Politics. He built his empire for 20 years, and then the government changed and everything crumbled like a house of cards in a few months. And after all, if this business was the whole meaning of life, then, in fact, there is no need to live further! Alcohol, anger, an accident... and write off the expense again!

Knock Knock? Can? Hello office! I came to you again with my record book. Some kind of unsuccessful incarnation happened. Somewhere I messed up again!

The conversation might go something like this:

But there were hints! Well, if you remember. Don't you remember?

Don't come here, your head will get snow, you'll be completely dead. Don't sign this contract, it smells bad, don't start this business, take a look right here... It's much more promising and profitable.

But NO! I said, I decided so, I want this, I will achieve this at any cost ...

And we talked to you, prompted, but you don’t hear ...

Your personality, your ego has grown so much that it seems to you that this is you. That nothing else exists. That only your personal will, your personal plans and your personal goals determine your life.

And if we tell you that you have your invisible master, your boss?

No, not the one who, spattering saliva, anger and displeasure, yelled at you every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (By the way, your earth-office boss did this too because he doesn’t know what the meaning of his life is).

We are talking about your Spirit! And his tasks of incarnation on Earth through your physical body and your Personality!

Well, why are you looking at us again with such dumbfounded, uncomprehending eyes, like 125 years ago, when you passed the last test?


Well, we explain in a human language that you understand!

With pictures like in comics!

And don't tell us again that you don't understand.

And here is the answer at the end of the puzzle!

The correct answer to the question: "What is the meaning of human life?"

But first, let's figure out who this person is.

There is a physical shell, a material object of the dense plane of the existence of matter. Arms, legs, head, stomach, lungs, rectum, bones and heart.

But what separates the dead from the living?

Like the same set of organs. But something is already missing in this set.

What is missing, can you answer?

Correctly! Souls, more precisely, a subtle-material object that joins with the physical body (biological carrier) throughout life.

And the Soul or the Spirit? What's the difference. Let's see how it's all connected.

The human body is surrounded by an energy shell (in other words, an aura or a biofield). These are objects of the astral plane of the existence of matter. On the human aura (biofield), one can distinguish zones of energy concentrations, which are called chakras. There are 7 of them.

The energy shell of a person is enclosed in a cocoon of an emotional shell, which feeds the energy shell. Therefore, the more often a person rejoices, the denser and larger his energy shell and the less he gets sick, since there is a direct relationship between the state of human health and the density, size of his energy shell. "Jupiter, you're angry, so you're wrong."

What is a person?
The physical and energy shells of a person