Women of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler's only wife

Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria, in the mountain village of Braunau on the Inn. Hitler's father was a shoemaker, and then rose to a low rank in the customs department. Mother - Clara Pölzl, came from a peasant family.

A few words about the appearance of Adolf Hitler. After the fascist coup in 1923, speaking as a witness in court, Professor Max von Gruber, Germany's leading eugenicist, described Hitler as follows: the expression on the face of a person who does not quite retain his composure, but rather, senselessly excited.

There were not many women in Hitler's life. He somehow preferred to admire pornographic postcards, which he began to collect in his early youth, and by the end of his life he was considered the owner of one of the largest pornographic collections in the world.

The Fuhrer's first known mistress was his own niece, twenty-year-old Agela Rubal. In September 1929, this girl came to Munich to her mother, who served as a housekeeper in Hitler's house. Forty-year-old "Uncle Adolf" hastened to appoint himself as her guardian and protector, settled her in the room next to his bedroom, and jealously posted guards near the door, turning Agela into a prisoner. The girl was not allowed to leave the house and communicate with anyone. In retaliation for this, Angela began to cuckold her lover. She seduced Hitler's personal chauffeur, Emil Maurice, and then slept in a row with all the guards.

And yet, why was Adzhela ("Jeli", as the Fuhrer called her) Rubal guarded, and why did Hitler strictly ensure that she met as little as possible even with her loved ones? The maids responsible for cleaning the bedroom whispered to each other that the couple's sexual behavior at night was "very strange and even just unbelievable."

Jeli herself, sobbing, confessed to her relatives: "My uncle is just a monster. You won't even believe me if I tell you what he makes me do!"

All this ended with the fact that Agela Rubal, unable to withstand the monstrous love of her uncle, shot herself. From the personal "Walter" of Hitler. They say that the Fuhrer was inconsolable for a long time and even tried to commit suicide. Psychiatrists followed him for a long time.

In the mid-1930s, Hitler met Renata ("Rene") Müller, a twenty-year-old star of German cinema. The Fuhrer immediately takes her under his wing. The blue-eyed brunette simply cannot refuse the ruler of Germany. But their meetings do not last long.

Renata Müller, after another meeting with Hitler, is thrown out of the window of her Berlin apartment.

In 1939, in Munich, with a shot in the temple, the next mistress of the Fuhrer, the Englishwoman Unity Mitford, tries to commit suicide. With a bullet stuck in her head, she lived, bedridden and almost without regaining consciousness, for another 9 years.

Susie Liptauer was found in the noose the morning after a one-night stand with Hitler.

The young fiery red-haired beauty Mabeli Messerhorn ("Crimson Vossperchen" as Hitler pompously called her) "dances at night by torchlight in front of the Fuhrer in his home theater, without a single thread on herself. She is perfectly built. She has impeccably round large buttocks, etc. .d." She was soon found in the forest, killed with a hunting rifle. She was brutally raped before her death.

"You won't even believe me if I tell you what he makes me do!" - Agela Rubal said before her suicide. How could the impotent Hitler frighten Agela, who, as we know, was not so inexperienced in matters of sex, if she managed to seduce all his guards? And the fact that the Fuhrer was impotent was known in Germany during his lifetime by almost every schoolchild. Jokers, showing Hitler's favorite pose, which he so often took at various rallies and parades, when he held his hands, crossing them in front of him below his stomach, said that the Fuhrer was "hiding the last unemployed member of the Third Reich."

“Only a few guessed about his perversion,” psychoanalysts write about Hitler’s intimate life. “This is an extreme form of masochism, where this person receives sexual satisfaction from the fact that a woman urinates or defecates on him.”

This is also confirmed by the words of the woman with whom Adolf Hitler had the longest and most intimate relationship - Eva Braun: "He needs me only for certain purposes ... this is just idiocy!" It is unlikely that a normal woman would say that about normal sex.

Eva was 23 years younger than Hitler and became his mistress in 1923. As historians write: "The lack of intelligence in this Bavarian beauty was compensated by a slender, athletic body, in which there was only one physical defect: her vagina was too small. Eva underwent a painful operation, and then underwent a course of long postoperative treatment. Eva's personal gynecologist quickly died in a car accident, almost immediately after he announced the complete recovery of the patient.

Otto Skorzeny, the head of the Nazi commandos, testifies that Eva told him literally the following: “He often doesn’t even take off his shoes, and sometimes we don’t even get to bed. He stretches right on the floor. On the floor, he looks very erotic.”

By the way, in words, Hitler was a great admirer of "sacred marriage bonds" and "a real strong German family." In fact, everything was the other way around. Here is how he justified his celibacy to close members of the party: “I don’t think that a person like me will ever marry. He came up with an ideal for himself in which the figure of one woman is combined with the hair of another, the mind of a third and the eyes of a fourth, and every once checks a new acquaintance with him. And it turns out that the ideal simply does not exist. One must rejoice if a girl is charming in one thing. There is nothing more beautiful than raising a young being: a girl at 18, 20 years old is supple like wax. A man should to be able to impose on any girl the imprint of his personality. A woman only wants this.

He liked to indulge in public lyrically-sentimental memories of his meetings with women: “Oh, what beauties there are! We somehow sat in the cellar at the town hall in Bremen. Goddess. Simply dazzling beauty! Everyone who was in the cellar dropped their knives and forks. And they did not take their eyes off this woman.

And later in Braunschweig! How I reproached myself afterwards! How I then reproached myself! And all my people too: a fair-haired girl ran up to the car and presented me with a bouquet. Everyone remembered this event, but it never even occurred to anyone to ask the girl for the address so that I could send her a letter of thanks.

Blonde, tall and charming! But as always: around the crowd. Yes, the rush, I still regret it." And so on and so forth.

But back to Eve. Hitler often asked her to be completely naked indoors at all times. He preferred to undress Eva himself, removing parts of her clothes with trembling fingers, which irritated her terribly.

When they rested together somewhere in nature, he always insisted that Eve sunbathe and swim naked. Hitler at that time photographed her, and the finished pictures then replenished his voluminous collection of pornographic photographs and postcards. He was very fond of taking close-ups of her buttocks, stating that it was precisely such a somewhat strange shooting angle that would not allow anyone to recognize Eve if the photos "fall into the wrong hands."

By the way, about this great love of Hitler to the buttocks. And not only for women.

On June 30, 1934, Hitler, at the head of a detachment of heavily armed men, breaks into the villa of his bosom friend Ernst Röhm at night. Having killed all the guards, the Fuhrer's people break into Rem's bedroom and Hitler with his own hands pulls the owner of the villa out of bed, sleeping in the arms of his driver. The next day, Hitler orders the execution of Rem (who, incidentally, helped him come to power) without trial or investigation. The order was immediately executed, of course. And the Fuhrer announced to the people that he had delivered Germany from a gang of dirty homosexual perverts.

True, up to this point, Hitler himself had repeatedly called Röhm's stormtroopers "the elite of the National Socialist Party", and Ernst himself "my dear friend." But as soon as the "dear friend" cheated on his partner with some kind of chauffeur, and the vile "cheaters" arranged a bloodbath under the romantic name "Night of the Long Knives". Such are the love passions-pederasty.

But besides Ernst Röhm, Adolf Hitler had other hobbies. At first, Mauritius was Hitler's batman and secretary at the same time. He served his master when he was imprisoned in Landsberg an der Lech, and wrote there the main work of his life, Mein Kampf. Then Mauritius is replaced by Rudolf Hess, who yearned for a friend imprisoned in the fortress. Hess voluntarily (!) returned to Germany (after the coup he fled to Austria) and voluntarily went to prison to appease Hitler there. In gratitude for this devotion, Hitler promoted Hess to his deputy in the Nazi Party. Thus, Rudolf Hess became the second face of the "Third Reich".

Hess, as his student and admirer, introduced into the intimate circle of Hitler's favorites - Haushofer. This German geopolitician, occultist, member of various secret societies and, among other things, the lover of the Duke of Hamilton, had a huge influence on Hitler.

All the essential provisions of "Mein Kampf" were inspired precisely by the conversations between Hitler and Haushofer. Hitler called him his teacher.

And in conclusion, a few more strokes to the portrait of the Fuhrer. Here is how it is described by the psychoanalyst Dr. Walter Langer, who during the Second World War received a secret assignment from President Roosevelt: to interview all the people who knew Hitler personally and draw up his psychological portrait. "He is slightly below average height. Wide hips and relatively narrow shoulders. Liquid muscles. Legs short, thin, lean. Large body and sunken chest. Mouth full of brown rotten teeth. Womanly gait: coquettish little steps. Frequent nervous twitching of the right shoulder and left legs. Nervous tics of the face: twitching of the corners of the lips."

The sex life of Adolf Hitler cost the lives of all his mistresses. The Fuhrer's political life cost humanity 50 million lives.

Today, many people remember the Victory and congratulate the veterans. I bow to these people, they endured a lot of trouble on their shoulders. But... I am ashamed that they now live in such miserable conditions and their exploits are remembered only before the Victory Day. Therefore, I will not write about exploits and war. I want to write about a woman that everyone has heard of. This is Eva Braun.

Recently published personal photos Eva Brown her own photo albums reveal to us a new side of a woman who for a long time was Hitler's mistress, and in the last hours of her life became his wife.

People from the close circle of the Fuhrer claimed that Adolf Hitler never appeared naked before anyone. The Fuhrer was seen naked only by women who had intimate intimacy with him. According to them, Hitler had a hollow chest and a twisted spine. Due to his weak physique, Hitler was rejected by the Austrian draft board, and did not perform military service.

Hitler himself was very shy of his body. He was also not happy with his bad teeth, so by 1923 he replaced many of his teeth with dentures, and by 1934 all of his teeth were dentures.

Hitler had many illnesses. Among them are neuralgia, chronic eczema, Graves' disease and monochordism (absence of the left testicle). By nature, Hitler was choleric, prone to violent outbursts and manic-depressive psychosis.

At first glance, there was nothing attractive for a female in Hitler, but Hitler did not feel a lack of admirers. Fans became even more when Hitler became Chancellor and was in the full bloom of physical and political powers.

Probably, Hitler lured the ladies with his sky blue eyes, which radiated naivety. Women could love him for the fact that the Fuhrer never smoked or drank, as well as for his phenomenal memory. Hitler remembered everything and everyone, and never forgot anything.

Hitler's first lover was called Stephanie. She was two years older than Adolf. He was then only 16. Stephanie was a tall, slender girl with blond hair and clear eyes. She seemed to the young Hitler the ideal of racial perfection. At 16, Hitler condemned all forms of sex.

He admired Stephanie from afar, watched her evening walks. The young darling of young Adolf never found out that she was loved by him. One day during a party, Stephanie threw a bouquet into the crowd, and one of the flowers accidentally landed right on Hitler. He was so happy that he always wore a withered flower in his locket.

Almost nothing is known about the first sexual contacts of the young Hitler. With the move to Vienna, Adolf often seduced women, but he did not bring matters to bed. Hitler was extremely negative about prostitutes, but soon one of the young but experienced ladies, whose name remained unknown, dragged the Fuhrer to bed and taught him a lot. Among Hitler's mistresses were women of various nations and backgrounds.

German, French and even Jewish. The latter allegedly infected Hitler with syphilis, thereby awakening in Hitler even greater hatred of the Jews.

In 1913 Hitler moved to Munich. He often visits the well-known pubs of the Bavarian capital, and in the most important beer hall, Hofbräuhaus, Hitler even had his own permanent table. Here he meets a girl of easy virtue Helena and for some time lives with her in a civil marriage. However, she often cheats on Adolf and they part ways.

At the beginning of the First World War, Hitler with a shrapnel wound ends up in a Berlin hospital, where he seduces the nurse Greta Schmidt. Hertha has a husband and son, but, forgetting about them, she disappears at rallies, where Hitler gains more and more supporters and admirers. This novel ends tragically, out of jealousy for Adolf Hitler, Greta's husband cuts her throat.

Meanwhile, Hitler is gaining momentum in political circles, so Rudolf Hess announces to the Führer the order of the party - no too attached women. Hitler obeys. Women are a delicacy and luxury, but the main thing in Hitler's life is politics, the party thought so.

But the order of the party does not prevent Hitler from having as many women as he wants.

Sixteen-year-old Maria Reiter and thirty-six-year-old Hitler met while walking their dogs in 1925. Then meetings at party meetings, mutual gifts, walks in the evenings. It is not known about the great details in the relationship between Hitler and Maria, but everything, most likely, was not limited to gifts and walks, because in 1928, when Maria finds out that Hitler is infatuated with another girl, she is half-dead taken out of the loop and hardly brought back to life.

Maria marries, but at Hitler's first call she leaves her husband and stays with Adolf for the night. She wants to marry Hitler, but he invites her to be his constant mistress. What prevented Hitler at that time from marrying Maria is unknown. Perhaps he simply did not want this, perhaps he was following the order of the party not to have permanent women.

Hitler had a young niece, Geli Raubal, whom he adored for her tenderness, flirtatiousness, although some called her an empty-headed little whore.

On the morning of September 18, 1931, Geli was found murdered by Hitler's pistol in her room. At first, they decided that this was suicide out of jealousy for Eva Braun, who already then wrote letters to Hitler, like many of his other admirers. Then traces of violent death were found on the body. The killer was never found, but Rudolf Hess concluded that he could be one of Hitler's jealous rivals.

Hitler on this day made a propaganda tour of Germany and very hard experienced the death of Geli. Many years after her funeral, Hitler would say: “In my life, only Geli inspired me with true passion. I had never before thought of marrying Eva Braun. The only woman with whom I could connect my life with marital ties was Geli.

After Geli's death, Hitler turned her room almost into a holy place, forbade everyone to enter there, sometimes in the evenings he remembered something there for a long time, the maid put a bouquet of fresh chrysanthemums into the room every day.

For the first time, Hitler saw Eva Braun in 1929, when she was only 17 years old in a photo studio. Eva received a religious education in monastic educational institutions and then she had not yet kissed a single man. In the photo studio, she worked part-time for a living. As Eve herself said, Hitler drew attention to her slender legs.

Eva liked Hitler's manners, she did everything to please the Fuhrer. Eva, being short (164 cm), wore high heels, tried to make her breasts more fluffy, and used expensive cosmetics. By 1930, Hitler began to pay more and more attention to her.

They learned about each other, and Eva even had to change her usual way of life. She gives up sports, stops sunbathing, refuses her favorite French perfume, which Hitler did not like.

During the development of relations between Hitler and Eva Braun, Adolf, as mentioned above, was seriously carried away by his niece Geli Raubal, who overshadowed Eva. Both women were jealous of each other for Hitler. True, Eva became jealous after the death of Geli, because until that moment she had no idea of ​​her existence and considered herself the only woman of Hitler.

After the death of Geli Raubal, Eva Braun realizes that Geli meant a lot to Hitler and again changes her lifestyle. She dresses like her niece, adopts her habits, changes her hairstyle and even her walk.

In early 1932, Eva becomes Adolf Hitler's mistress, but Hitler is constantly surrounded by other beautiful women. Eva is very jealous, goes crazy because Hitler does not belong to her alone and at the end of 1932 decides to commit suicide.

In her parents' room, she shoots herself in the heart, but the bullet passes by. Doctors save Eva, and the blood spilled because of Hitler is mystical for Adolf, who is separated from the chair of the Chancellor by some months. Hitler becomes even more attached to Eve. For him, she becomes a model of a woman of his type, his ideal.

A week after Hitler came to power, he gives her a very expensive tourmaline set, consisting of a bracelet, earrings and a ring, on her coming of age day. Eva loved these jewels very much and put them on on the day of her suicide with Hitler.

When Soviet artillery and aircraft were unleashing their power on Berlin, and the highest officers of the Third Reich fled the capital in a panic, Eva Braun specially arrived in the bunker to die with her beloved. The day before her suicide, Eva Braun becomes Frau Hitler, the Fuhrer's legal wife. The witnesses of this marriage are Bormann and Goebbels.

The marriage of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun lasted only 40 hours. On April 29, 1945, Eva Hitler, who was not yet 35 years old, wearing a black silk dress and jewelry, took a capsule of potassium cyanide. Hitler himself shot himself by shooting himself in the mouth. According to the existing version, the bodies of the spouses were doused with gasoline and set on fire.

Eva Hitler (Brown) became the last mistress and only wife of Adolf Hitler.

Historians say that there were 8 women in Hitler's life. And one of them became his official wife. Eva Braun - her biography is well studied, but still there are some facts that are little known.

Eva was born in Germany in the family of a teacher. From childhood, she was a delicate nature and paid much attention to her appearance. Her parents tried to give her a good upbringing, as a result, Eva graduated from a monastery school, and then entered the Institute of English ladies-in-waiting. A plausible upbringing still confuses many historians who do not understand how at the age of 17 she could be interested in a 40-year-old man. Some attribute to her a lust for power. Although Brown's personal archives testify to uncomplaining love.

Love or self-sacrifice?

Eva and Adolf met in 1929. At first they met in secret. And only after the suicide of Geli (the previous passion of the Fuhrer), Brown acquired the "official" status of a mistress. They say that love was hardly mutual. Adolf cheated on Eve. As for marriage, he immediately made it clear to her that this was impossible. For 13 years she accompanied him as an escort. Based on many studies, historians argue that Hitler had a lot of complexes, and he was flattered that such a young lady bowed to him. Whether this was so, it is difficult to say now. On the eve of his death, Hitler gave the order to burn all documents. Therefore, historians had to restore all the details of this love story according to the correspondence preserved in personal archives. In any case, the fact that the couple, after a few years, began to live in the same house, is unlikely to confirm the complete indifference of Adolf.

Did the couple have a physical relationship

Hitler's orientation even during his lifetime raised questions. In the post-war years, a lot of research was devoted to this issue. And here there are many versions. Some claim that he was impotent, some believe that he was a latent gay. It is impossible to establish this fact with certainty. All these theories give rise to the version that the relationship between Adolf and Eve was only platonic. Although historians conclude from her personal correspondence that there was still a physical connection between them.

Suicide attempts

During her life, Eva made three suicide attempts. According to historians, the first two attempts to commit suicide for Eve were just a theatrical performance. In 1932, she tried to shoot herself. Three years later, in 1935, she attempted suicide by swallowing sleeping pills. It is almost impossible to confirm the demonstrativeness of these actions, but in historical circles these attempts are regarded as a desire to attract the attention of the Fuhrer. As you know, the third suicide attempt was successful. Besides, most likely, it was planned. On April 29, 45, the couple entered into a legal marriage. But their family happiness did not last long. Already on April 30, Eva Braun, together with her legal husband, committed suicide by poisoning with potassium cyanide. Despite all the ups and downs, Eva ended her life under the name Hitler.

April 30, 1945, hiding in an underground bunker, Adolf Gitler and his wife Eva Braun expected attacks Soviet soldier Union. In the bunker, Hitler took only his own life and a woman, whom historians mention only in passing. On the very deed this tragic story love deserves no less attention than story Romeo and Juliet. Eva Braun was a selfless woman who dared to fall in love with the scariest person in the world. human history.

1. She was genuinely in love with Hitler.

There's nothing supernatural here - Eva Braun sincerely loved Hitler. When a 17-year-old girl starts living with a 40-year-old man, we usually don't think about it. nothing good. But for Eve, it was true love. When they met in 1930, she had no idea who Hitler was, and even then he only came to power without being so recognizable face, like now. In addition, he used to communicate with her fictional name - herr Wulf. He took her to the cinema, to the theater, to the opera and restaurants, and she, in turn, admired everyone in him - even with a thin mustache and a nasty voice.

2. And Hitler was in love with another.

At the time of meeting Eva Brown Hitler was already living with another woman - Geli Raubal who was his niece. It seems that Hitler loved this woman more than anyone else, but there are doubts about Frau Raubal. AT September 1931 of the year she announced that she was leaving for Vienna to marry another man. Hitler was furious. For the next morning Geli Raubal was found shot through the head. During his life, Hitler succeeded eight women, each of whom undertook least one suicide attempt. But Eva Braun suffered the most from him. From the moment of the murder of Frau Raubal, the relationship between Adolf Hitler and Eva Brown.

3. Hitler shamelessly cheated on her.

Hitler is awful managed With women who loved him. He cheated on Eva Braun a lot and often, the most famous case of his betrayal is his relationship with Renata Muller. In the thirties, the famous actress simply did not get off the screens. Hitler attracted her to filming in campaigning films. In 1937, Renata Müller threw herself out of a window, unable to endure the moral violence from the side lover.

4. Eva shot herself in the chest to get attention.

According to Frau Braun, the only thing that made Hitler test emotions and worry was death his first love, Geli Raubal. So she took her father's gun, pointed it straight at the heart, and fired. But whether because of ignorance of human anatomy, or because of unwillingness die, she found out some time after the shot that she was still alive. Then she called personal the doctors. Whatever it was, the shot worked as it should. Hitler rushed to her in hospital with flowers and promises of care, love and attention.

5. Hitler hid his relationship with Eva Braun.

When old friends came to his house, Eve was allowed to stay in the room. But if any dignitary or representative of the cabinet ministers, beloved Hitler remained in a small closet as much as needed. Adolf Hitler often spoke that he needs a stupid and primitive woman who will not interfere with his work. Just Imagine how hard and disgusting it was for Eve. Over time, he gave her the position of personal secretary. But even in this case, she should have leave his house through the back door.

6. Eva tried to swallow pills.

In 1935, Hitler deprived his woman of attention for three whole months, she realized that trick With shot not helped. Then she decided to take 35 strong sleeping pills. However, this time it didn’t work either - Hitler again came to her with flowers and numerous promises. He asked for forgiveness and even promised to buy eve house, according to her diary entries.

7. Hitler's family hated Eva Braun.

Hitler lived with his mother for a long time Gels Raubal, Angela. Angela Raubal lived with human who drove her daughter to suicide, also she, naturally, just hated Eve. Eva lived quietly in Hitler's house alone, watched movies and read books, and at dinner put a photograph of her lover on the table, eating almost with him. And after trying poisoning with sleeping pills, Hitler decided to take action - he resettled Angela and Eve. Eve stayed alone in Hitler's house.

8. Eva never left Hitler.

As the war progresses and approaches forces countries allies to Germany it became clear that the danger was getting closer and closer. It was obvious that as soon as the Soviet army will get before Hitler, he will be killed. Eva Braun was also in danger. In 1944 she wrote will, which indicated to kill her if Hitler was dead. She refused to move to the very end. safe place, and at the very end, when the situation became quite deplorable, was left with Hitler together in an underground bunker.

9. Hitler shot the husband of sister Eva Braun.

Hermann Fegelein was the husband of Eva Braun's sister . After false accusations his wife escaped through the window, and Fegelein himself was unable to do this, so he was ordered to Hitler dragged into a bunker and shot there.

10. Hitler suffered more for his dog than for his wife.

A dog named Blondie was just blood Eve's enemy. It was no secret that Blondie received more attention from Hitler. and worries. And so, being in an underground bunker with Hitler, Eva and a nurse, the first capsule with cyanide received potassium dog. The inconsolable Hitler went mad with grief when the dog let out its last breath. He then gave the capsule to Eva. Even on his last journey, he accompanied his wife, giving her less attention than Blondie's dog. woman which was ready for him die.

In the life of Hitler, his future wife first appeared in 1929. The exact address where this historic meeting for both took place is known - a street in Munich, Schellingstrasse, 50. There was a photo studio and a shop of a comrade, "personal photographer" and friend of the Fuhrer Heinrich Hoffmann, in which Eva Braun worked as a saleswoman.

In love with Geli Raubal, who has been living with “Uncle Adolf” for only a year, Hitler is increasingly eyeing the 17-year-old blond (thanks in part to hydrogen peroxide) monastic school student with the biblical name Eva. Hitler is looking for the company of this daughter of a Munich teacher, who is 23 years younger than him. The girl dreams about him, which leads, at best, to misunderstandings with her father and older sister Ilsa, who works as an administrator for Jewish doctor Martin Levi Marx.

Hitler's secretary Christa Schroeder, in her memoir He Was My Boss, told how Hitler's friends brought him out of depression six months after Geli Raubal's death. Hoffmann took Hitler to the cinema, where the Fuhrer "purely by chance" found himself next to Eva Braun, whom he sometimes invited to eat ice cream when he was Geli.

Since the end of 1930, the relationship of the couple Adolf and Eve has become increasingly close. During the day they watch movies together, dine at the Osteria Bavaria restaurant, go to the opera and go out into nature. The pretty owner of a magnificent figure, the daughter of Hoffmann Henriette, the future wife of the head of the Hitler Youth, Baldur von Schirach, unsuccessfully tries to recapture the man from her rival. Henrietta is only three days older than Eva and Hitler enjoys walking with his friend's daughter and inviting her to museums, but he is not able to cross the invisible line in a relationship. Such is the concept of honor and friendship.

But Hitler spends all evenings and nights in the arms of Geli Raubal, who, according to the historian Werner Maser, “not only immediately feels intensely, but also knows that her uncle has a girlfriend whom she does not want to meet.” The biographer notes further that “Geli Raubal loves Hitler, with Eva Braun he flirts beyond measure. Both girls, who do not know each other, know about everything, suffer from it and each react in their own way. After the desperate Angela committed suicide in September 1931, the hour of Eva Braun comes, and she knows how to use it, slowly raise the spirit of a severely depressed, crushed Hitler with devoted love again and draw him completely to her.

Since the beginning of 1932, Eva Braun has become Hitler's mistress, whom she calls "Fuhrer" in letters to her sister, although he has not even been elected Chancellor of Germany and is only the leader of the Nazi Party. There was some cooling in their relationship, caused by the suicide of Geli Raubal, whose death Hitler grieved. Then Brown decided on a desperate step.

On November 1, 1932, 15 months after Raubal's death, Eva wrote Adolf a sentimental farewell letter and shot herself with her father's pistol. She put a bullet in her neck, but got off with a fright. A well-informed secretary, Schroeder, insisted that Hitler and Braun's first meeting after her suicide attempt took place at the house of Heinrich Hoffmann on Wasserburger Strasse.

When Hitler was appointed German chancellor, he sent a government limousine for Eva, who rushed her to luxurious apartments in the capital of Bavaria or to Berchtesgaden. Outfits for the Fuhrer's mistress were ordered in Paris and Rome, and shoes from the fashion designer Feragamo. Eva changed her dresses several times a day and always looked well-groomed, leaving her own hairdresser idle.

She often went for walks accompanied by her two Scottish terriers, the Stasi and Negus. She also had a bullfinch. She enjoyed reading illustrated magazines and crime novels, willingly listened to records (especially tragic things) and was interested in the latest cinema. She had a negative attitude even towards talented actors or actresses if she did not like their faces.

Knowing that the Fuhrer is staring at women with large breasts, Eva puts handkerchiefs in her bra, creating the appearance of more magnificent forms. Girls often have a similar "quirk" when they show dissatisfaction with their own figure. She was perfect with Eva, because the girl went in for sports since childhood - swimming, gymnastics, skiing, rock climbing, skating and was fond of ballroom dancing. From a young girl, Hitler only needs her body, he does not need a comrade-in-arms or a spouse.

According to Eva Braun herself, Hitler uses her “only for certain purposes. Nothing else is possible (idiocy)." “When he says he loves me, he only means this moment,” she wrote in her diary in March 1935.

After the death of Fraulein Raubal, Hitler becomes more cautious and prefers to keep his mistresses in the shadows, not showing them in public. Eva does gymnastics, keeping herself in good shape and makes visits to the Berghof, but more often, bored, she sits down at the table alone, without fail placing a photograph of “her Fuhrer” in front of her. In fifteen years she will learn how little he appreciates the bond of marriage.

“You can imagine how small a number of people marriage helped to fulfill what they wanted to receive: the fulfillment of a passionate desire for life,” Hitler said in March 1942. “The greatest happiness is that two who are meant by nature to belong to each other meet.” Over time, feelings will come to him for this creature devoted to him. Many researchers believe that Hitler felt deep affection for only three women: in addition to his mother, only to Geli Raubal and Eva Braun.

Hitler's Munich housekeeper Frau Annie Winter, in her testimony given to her after the war, was of the opinion that "despite the servile devotion of Eva Braun, Hitler would have been freed someday from her if the war had not begun."

Perhaps the most accurate information about Hitler's attitudes towards women in general and towards Eva Braun in particular, historians draw from her diary, which the girl kept from February 26 to May 28, 1935, with no intention of ever making it public. True, in 1947, Louis Trenker published a fake, which turned out to be a plagiarism of the writings of Countess Larisch-Wallersee about Marie Vetser and her tragically ended love for Rudolf von Habsburg. In September 1948, the court of the city of Munich, where the Brown family applied, sentenced Trenker to a fine and imprisonment.

In the last years of his life, due to continuous illnesses, overloads and military defeats, Hitler passed like a man. Eva annoyed the doctors with requests to enhance the Fuhrer's potency with stimulants.

On the night of April 29, 1945, Hitler decided to commit suicide. On the same day, they began to hastily prepare a room for his marriage. From a nearby Volkssturm unit, the city councilor and official of the registry office of the Imperial Capital Berlin, Herr Walter Wagner, was summoned and asked to register the Fuhrer's marriage to Eva Braun. At the request of the newlyweds, the procedure was carried out according to the laws of war, that is, immediately. In the presence of witnesses, Goebbels and Bormann, the spouses declared that they had an impeccable Aryan origin and did not suffer from hereditary diseases.

When the bride and groom began to sign the certificate, Eva, out of excitement, began to sign her maiden name, but immediately crossed out the initial letter “B” and wrote: “Eva Hitler, nee. Brown." Then they went to the Führer's private quarters to drink a little and reminisce about the old days.

The last paragraph of Hitler's personal will, signed on April 29, 4 o'clock in the morning, from which three copies were made, read: “My wife and I prefer to die in order to avoid the shame of surrender. Our desire is that our bodies be burned immediately here, where I did the bulk of my daily work during the twelve years that I served my people.

The testimonies of witnesses about the events of April 30, 1945 differ somewhat. Most likely, Eva Hitler took poison, since both pistols belonging to the Fuhrer were lying on the floor. The bodies were carried out into the yard, where they doused them with gasoline and set them on fire.

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