How can we truly fulfill ourselves? Why does a person not always realize himself.

Have you ever wondered how famous and successful people got to where they are today? BUT Do you want to change your own life? To make it better and more interesting, to achieve real success?

Whatever the specific reasons for the success of this or that person, the main thing that characterizes all successful people is a high level of their personal self-realization.

By self-realization, humanitarian psychology, the founder of which is considered the famous American psychologist and philosopher A. Maslow ***, understands the state of realization of the inner nature of a person. Self-realization means more and more complete becoming oneself, the expression of one's inner essence on the outer level of life. This is what makes a person an extraordinary person.

Self-realization is the disclosure of one's own capabilities - and this is the path that leads a person to a happier and more successful life.

Self-realization is the highest human need

Psychology and neurophysiology generally proceed from the fact that a modern person realizes on average only 5-10% of his potential. If you imagine that a pianist uses only his left little finger when playing, you will get a visual idea of ​​what this means. Can such a game bring pleasure to the pianist himself, not to mention success with the audience?

A. Maslow is the author of the hierarchical model of human needs - the so-called " pyramid of needs"The "higher" level of needs, the more happiness their implementation can bring to a person. The highest level of happiness and satisfaction is brought by " higher"needs that are directly related to the self-realization of a person, with self-development.

However, while more lower"The needs are not satisfied, it is difficult for a person to turn his gaze to the needs of a higher order and feel the joy that they are able to give. Daily worries about food and clothing, work and housing often completely absorb a person. There is little joy and little meaning in such a life. From the point of view of A. Maslow, this is a kind of preparation for life, rather than real life.It is no coincidence that many people of modern society experience frustrations, depression associated with a vague or obvious awareness of the routine and meaninglessness of their existence, their non-realization. According to the estimates of doctors at the WHO International Conference held in Moscow on April 28, 2011, about 30% of the population of the Western world suffer from depression, and in 20 years this figure will be 50%.

The last three levels: "cognition", "aesthetic needs" and "self-realization" are collectively called the "need for self-expression" or spiritual needs.

A. Maslow proceeds from the fact that human life acquires the more meaning and satisfaction, the more is done to implement the so-called " extreme" or " core values, i.e. love, freedom, truth, justice and beauty.

But the feedback is also important: the higher the level of self-realization of a person (the level of disclosure of one's own abilities), the easier a person achieves his goals in terms of satisfying the needs of a lower order. Self-realization means the growth of a person's personal effectiveness in any area of ​​life.

As a result, a self-realized person keeps idealism and materialism, "higher" and "lower" in balance. The material side of life brings him the same satisfaction as the spiritual.

Self-realization - the maturity of the individual

Self-realization means the fullest possible disclosure of not only individual, but also universal qualities inherent in any developed human being.

Self-realization is the formation of certain personality traits that most fully reflect the inner nature of a person, which is perfect.

The inner nature of a person is consciousness, which, being the most essential characteristic of a person, determines the whole style of his thinking and behavior. Therefore, self-realization is directly related to the disclosure of the full potential of human consciousness. We can say that self-realization is an indicator of a certain inner maturity of consciousness person. The ever more complete use of the potential of human consciousness makes him an ever more perfect personality.

A. Maslow studied people who became extraordinary personalities (artists, entrepreneurs and politicians). As a result, he established the signs that characterize self-actualized people.

  1. Those who have reached the goal of revealing their own capabilities (self-realization) perceive reality more clearly. He is able to better distinguish between reality and hopes, expectations or beliefs.
  2. A self-actualized person accepts himself as he is.
  3. The behavior of someone who has reached a high level of self-realization is characterized by spontaneity, simplicity and naturalness. Artificiality and passion for effects are alien to him.
  4. A person who has achieved self-realization is focused not on himself, but on solving a problem. He is not too absorbed in caring for himself, but lives for the fulfillment of a task, goal or mission that is important to everyone. A self-actualized person acts with responsibility, and not like a "chess piece".
  5. Loneliness does not oppress him. He is self-sufficient.
  6. People who have reached a high degree of self-realization endure the so-called "blows of fate", deprivations, frustrations, etc. more easily. They are more independent of the influences of the surrounding world. This lifts them above circumstances, allowing them to direct their lives in the direction they need.
  7. They are able to constantly re-evaluate the basic values ​​of life, no matter how it may impress other people. It also means that self-realized people do not know boredom.
  8. People who have achieved self-realization sometimes experienced mystical feelings, such as: unlimited possibilities, indescribable surprise in relation to reality, infinity of time and space, etc.
  9. Self-realization makes the relationship of people who have achieved it with other people more complete and harmonious. Self-actualized people feel connected with others more clearly than the "average person", but their circle of close friends is limited.
  10. People who have achieved self-realization have a democratic character: they are equally friendly to people of any type. They are always open to learning from everyone.
  11. Such people have clear moral ideas and strong ethical principles. They do not need to be told what is right and what is wrong; but their views on good and evil often do not coincide with the opinion of the majority.
  12. They understand humor, but they do not laugh at malicious jokes that hurt other people, as well as such jokes that make fun of the weaknesses of others. Therefore, compared to "ordinary people" they look reserved.
  13. Creativity, originality or ingenuity are indispensable companions of self-realization and are inherent in all self-realized people. Self-actualized people constantly have new ideas.
  14. People with a high level of self-realization are quite tolerant, but in critical situations they show determination and courage.
  15. Self-realized people are extremely devoted to their family.

Self Realization and the Transcendental Meditation Technique

The Maharishi Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple and effective way to develop a person's full mental potential and increase his level of self-realization. As confirmed by numerous tests conducted with meditators, after 2 months of meditation, the subjects show progress in such indicators as integration and personality stability, emotional maturity, purposefulness, high self-esteem, the ability to maintain good relationships, flexibility in achieving goals, adaptability to difficult conditions and other features characteristic of a person with a high level of self-realization.

During meditation, deep stresses and tensions accumulated over a lifetime are dissolved, which are the cause of all stereotypical reactions and behaviors inherent in the psyche of a person. This removes the blocks and restrictions that usually put pressure on a person all his life, and allows you to reveal all the richness of the inner world of a person.

Meditation increases self-esteem and allows you to integrate certain repressed parts of the personality. It eliminates the need to constantly suppress their qualities, which are considered negative. Instead, it provides the meditator with an opportunity to listen to his inner self. Here is how one meditating woman put it:

"I used to learn to be what others would like me to be. The cost was to lose contact with myself. With meditation, the feeling of my personality came to life again. Slowly but surely, I began to feel the various features of my inner reality. I became freer and freer to be guided in my thoughts and actions by my own experience. I began to trust my own impressions and feel more confident. Meditation gave me a chance to restore broken contacts with myself. I agree to be who I am, without the help of constant orders and prescriptions like: " Say something, too," "Be careful," etc. And suddenly everything went much easier and more naturally."

Meditation removes the very cause of all thought patterns and "vicious circles" and releases the power to change behavior that leads to stagnation and self-destruction.

Self-realization is a natural, automatic consequence of the development of consciousness that occurs as a result of meditation. The disclosure of one's own capabilities is a natural process that begins when there is no significant mental opposition in the mind of the person himself.

Self-realization is the goal of life

Self-realization, self-disclosure means, according to A. Maslow, the process leading to becoming more human. Self-realization leads to a higher degree of perfection, to becoming more and more human.

Self-realization- the most complete realization of one's own inner nature is the true goal of the life of every person.

"Man by nature strives for a full and absolute being, for an ever more complete realization of his existence - just as the acorn strives to become an oak"

A. Maslow

Yu. Sycheva, Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Transcendental Meditation Teacher

*** Abraham Maslow (eng. Abraham Maslow, 04/01/1908 - 06/08/1970) is a prominent American psychologist, the founder of humanistic psychology. His ideas are most detailed in the 1954 book Motivation and Personality (Motivation and Personality).

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“Being the richest man in the cemetery is not important to me. Going to bed telling yourself that you've done something wonderful is what's really important."
Steve Jobs

What is "self-realization"?

Self-realization is the disclosure of one's unique personal potential, abilities, inclinations and talents.

  • Self-realization can be in the profession.
  • Self-realization can be in a relationship
  • Self-realization can be a hobby
  • Self-realization can be in socially significant activities
  • And, of course, we are talking about self-realization, like men.

Moreover, for me, self-realization is primarily the answer to the question: “how”. It is in the answer to the question “how to do” that the true individuality of a person is manifested, no matter what he does. And only then: “what to do”, “where” or “with whom”.

What is "creation"?

Creation is an attitude to everything from the point of view of construction (as opposed to consumption or, moreover, destruction).

You can create-build:

  • enterprise or company (it doesn’t matter if you are hired or not, no matter what position you hold)
  • relationships and family
  • district, city, country, society
  • and, of course, yourself

Creation, as a rule, implies the creation of something new or the harmonization of an existing one. Naturally, this often requires a creative attitude. Therefore, creation is also a creative approach to everything. In general, “create” and “create” are almost synonymous.

Why do I consider myself entitled to be a Life-mentor in the topic of self-realization and creation?

For me, “self-realization and creation” is something without which I cannot imagine life. Why then everything? Why work? Why relationship? Why wake up and start the day? Well, the answer remains: "for fun." But pleasure without self-realization and creation is some kind of vegetable. In this case, I would find it difficult to name at least one difference between myself and my cat.

Whether I work for hire, for myself, or as the head of my own business; in any field of activity, in any place, in any position, I have always been one way or another engaged in self-realization and creation.

Relations in the family without self-realization and creation for me would also be devoid of meaningful content. It can also be said vice versa - it is the guidelines of self-realization and creation that maintain the necessary degree in our relationship with my wife. We are always interesting to each other and we are interested in building our family and ourselves.

Perhaps the word "interesting" is the key here. I am interested in myself and I am interested in changing something for the better in the world around me. And I am writing this now not to brag, but in order to infect you with just such an attitude towards my life, so that your life will also change for the better, and you, in turn, will also influence the lives of other people ...

Conditions for self-realization of a man

1. True success in life is a direct consequence of self-realization. Otherwise, even if you have reached great heights, this is something like a "prize for fools", this is too expensive a payment for selling your own life to society, other people's ideas and expectations. Think about it. Is such a success worth such a sacrifice?

2. Money received without self-realization and creation is a comfortable animal existence instead of a truly happy life. In contrast, money received as a result of self-realization and creation is a source of satisfaction from life in all its manifestations. The choice is yours.

3. A prerequisite for self-realization is knowledge, understanding, feeling oneself, as well as respect for one's values, desires and aspirations. Self-realization is based on the desire to Be Yourself, follow one's individuality, live one's life, not someone else's. Learn to distinguish your from not yours, instead of following the generally accepted standard patterns.

4. As for self-realization in the profession, of course, it's good if you know what exactly you want to do in life. However, if you have not yet found your life's work, the main thing is to do any business in your own way, following your own style. There is a saying: "a talented person is talented in everything", I would clarify it - "the one who strives to be himself and follow his individuality is unique in everything."

5. If you feel capable of something, but so far you know little about it, draw up a plan for your development, set goals, deadlines, tasks. Strive to learn from true masters in this matter, try to be close to them, even if for this you need to work for free or clean the floors in their offices or workshops. Masters are not born - masters are made. Abilities without hard work and self-improvement are a resource that quickly exhausts itself.

6. Self-realization of a man without a relationship with a woman, without a family, cannot be complete. Communication with a woman always poses a lot of self-development tasks for a man. To be a man next to a woman, sometimes you need to master no less skills than in any profession: listen, hear, understand, accept, negotiate, make decisions, take responsibility, care, be gentle, be strong, be independent .... In general, in the matter of self-realization of a man, a woman is indispensable and is needed, first of all, precisely for this.


You can fulfill yourself at work. This is the easiest and most obvious way to express yourself. In order for you to be able to fully show your own abilities and talents, the profession you have chosen must meet your desires and skills. Unfortunately, finding such a dream job is not at all easy. After all, sometimes the individual himself does not realize which sphere of activity is closer to him. Various tests for professional orientation and contacting an employment agency will help to decide on this issue.

Find a job you love and strive to constantly develop as a professional. Learn a related profession. Expand the scope of your work responsibilities or upgrade your category. If you are really interested in what you do, you will be passionate about your work and will find the opportunity to attend various professional exhibitions, conferences, seminars and trainings.

If you cannot fulfill yourself as an employee, try starting your own business. Think about what you want to do. Remember that a businessman must have good organizational skills and have at least some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe business that he is going to open. You can get the necessary information on the Internet or in specialized literature.

Make a clear business plan and think through every little thing to make your business burn out. Be prepared to invest a lot of time and effort into your own business, especially at the initial stage. But such work will be a joy to you if you see in your business not only an opportunity to earn money, but also a way to self-realize your talents. To see how your undertaking grows, to develop it, to reap the fruits of your activity is a great pleasure for a businessman.

Not only work can give you the opportunity to fulfill yourself. You can also express yourself through hobbies. Find a hobby that really brings you pleasure. This can be, for example, collecting, caring for houseplants, creativity, scientific activities or learning foreign languages. The main thing is that you feel that your internal resources are involved in the process of doing what you love, and get joy from it.

Another way to realize yourself is to become a parent. This is especially true for women. Some of the fair sex find their calling in their own children. They educate them, take care of the health, well-being and development of babies and find simple maternal happiness in these matters.

You can find a way to express yourself at home. Improve the space in your apartment, find new interior solutions. Believe me, taking care of home comfort can bring pleasure not only to its end result, but also to the process itself. You can also find the joy of self-expression in cooking. Cook new dishes, fantasize, improve old recipes, gather your family and friends for gourmet dinners.

Sports activities are also a great opportunity for self-realization. Improve your own body, make it healthier, stronger, more resilient, more beautiful. Choose the sport that brings you maximum pleasure and plunge into the world of new sensations.

Very often a person catches himself thinking that something is going wrong in his life. There is a feeling of disorder, dissatisfaction with current affairs, although it is likely that the career is developing successfully. Most likely, we are talking about the lack of the possibility of realizing oneself as a person.

Why does a person not always realize himself?

Almost every individual has a certain program from the moment of birth, aimed at improving their own abilities.

However, not always a person uses the opportunities given to him fully.

In childhood, the program works on an intuitive, subconscious level.

The child simply does what attracts his attention, arouses interest and, thus, achieves personality development.

At the same time, the process is free, no one interferes with music, sports, painting or versification.

But as a person grows older, he has to suppress some needs, as a number of responsibilities appear that take time and prevent him from doing what he wants. Therefore, gradually a person falls into a trap built by society, family, social requirements, the limits of which he is unable to leave without the use of radical measures.

In most cases, people resign themselves to the existing situation and adhere to the imposed scheme, not knowing where to realize themselves. Over the creative impulse, the flight of fantasy, automatic rationality begins to dominate, which requires you to act as is customary in society, not paying attention to the true desires and feelings of the individual.

Not knowing how to realize himself in life, a person experiences a feeling of a certain bifurcation.

Outwardly, he is a prosperous family man, an excellent worker, whose life is stable and is accompanied by good material wealth.

Internally, a person experiences slight irritation, a feeling of disorder, the cause of which is often not clear to him and himself.

Currently, the problem of self-realization in the professional sphere and creativity, according to psychologists, is becoming global.

The pressure of parents, who often know better than the child what he should do, the conditions of the social environment, obligations towards the family act like weights, which not everyone can get rid of on their own.

Meanwhile, there are a number of psychological methods that help to find the only true path along which the development of personality should have been built from the beginning.

Realize yourself 100% by defining your abilities

First of all, it is necessary to understand in what area a person can become really in demand, and to what extent this field of activity meets the needs of his soul.

After that, it is enough to fulfill several conditions that will help to realize the personality previously hidden in the depths of the subconscious:

  • Do not justify your inaction by lack of time. This is a far-fetched reason, since in the life of any person enough time is devoted to gatherings with friends or relaxing. It would be much wiser to spend it to achieve the goal;
  • Naturally, it is scary to change everything in one minute, having lost certain advantages and stability. But it is not necessary to immediately change everything in the main work. The main thing is that professional activity allows you to do business that is pleasant for the soul. If everything goes well, it is possible that a business started as a hobby will become the only profession;
  • It should be believed that a favorite exciting activity in which a person has managed to find himself can bring material wealth. There are a lot of examples in the world when people achieved success precisely thanks to a hobby put on a professional basis;
  • By regularly doing what you love, a person improves his qualities and gradually gets acquainted with the nuances that will allow him to look at his hobby as a profession. You just need to show maximum determination, not postponing the decision for "later".

In order to fully realize your potential, you need to develop in the direction to which you have a special passion.

For example, a person easily composes poetic congratulations to friends on holidays. So, it is precisely the poetic gift that should be developed in oneself.

By the way, there are several authors who have spent a lot of time on understanding the possibilities of self-realization and, based on their own experience, have created works that allow each individual to receive help in matters that can completely change consciousness.

And in order for the changes to take place with great effect, you can plan them, adhering to just three rules.

3 rules for self-realization at work

Having decided on your own desires and talents, you need to set yourself a task and make every effort to fulfill it:

  • The goal should be formulated as clearly as possible. You can even write it down on a piece of paper and post it in a conspicuous place. Seeing daily a visual reflection of what you want to do, it will be much easier to get used to the idea of ​​the need for changes in life;
  • Attention will require not only the definition of the goal. It is necessary to think over what obstacles will be encountered on the way to it, and try to foresee in what ways the barriers can be most easily circumvented;
  • Even if you are sure that professional skills in the chosen field are very high, you should constantly improve by reading special literature, maintaining communication with like-minded people. At the same time, it is not necessary at first to treat passion with obsession, the great attractiveness of the goal will be created by the enjoyment of the process itself, the child's attitude to an exciting game.

As you can see, everything is in the hands of the person himself. If he wants to become happy, feel like a person, realize opportunities - this will certainly come true with due perseverance. Successful self-realization!

Quite a popular statement: "You can become whoever you want to be." That's just "desired being" does not mean that it is useful and what this person really needs. It's like summoning a genie from a bottle so that he fulfills his deepest desire. He fulfills it - but it has become even worse than it was.

Or a more everyday example. It's like poke your children in all desires. If it reaches for the "shiny little thing" with snot and shouts: "Hotsiu." It does not mean that a shiny little thing is good for a child. (Brilliant can be: like daddy's watch, so sharp polished knife).

The fact of the matter is that the fulfillment of our desires, desires, aspirations is not the way to reveal our true nature. But in order to come to such a conclusion, a person first needs to realize a dozen of his primary desires (desires, dreams, etc.), especially in our age of anti-authoritarianism. When we don’t trust anyone or anything, but we are so greedy for everything brilliant.

Several ways to be truly realized

But before. All of the following: snatched from different sources that may contradict each other.

To know the right path, you may first need to go the wrong way.

How to be real?

1. Choose a big (higher) goal

Higher ones can be both very mercantile and "spiritual". For example: “I want me and my family to be the richest people”, or “Become the wisest”. The concept is higher, conditional, what is higher for one is conceited for others. But not the point.

You just need to choose any goal that is pleasant for you, so that it is very difficult, for life. And strives for it.

But how, then, is my true potential realized? Quite simply: in order to achieve something worthwhile, you will have to put in a lot of work on self-improvement. In which everything is manifested, both positive and weak sides.

Achieving the goal is this: 1. Overcoming obstacles (including overcoming one's weaknesses of the personality). 2. The use of certain efforts (part of these forces are your positive qualities, talents, etc., which in turn helps them develop even more).

2. Choose an ideological direction

Everything is the same as above. The whole mechanism of self-realization is the same, but instead of a goal - a direction. This is following a certain idea, ideology, something that is difficult to feel, touch with your hands, put in your pocket.

For example. Become a communist so that everyone becomes equal. (Sounds stupid now, but once upon a time people died for this idea worse than Christian martyrs). Or democracy around the world. (I wonder why this idea doesn't seem silly? Or does it? US foreign policy immediately comes to mind.)

Or. The ultimate development of one's abilities or talents. Surely you have such a talent. It is impossible to be perfect, but to achieve the maximum ...

3. Become an adherent of a certain “school of life”

Man is stupid, stupid and weak. Therefore, it is very difficult for him to understand what he is, who he is and why he is. It’s like trying to explain to a child why he can do something, but this is “low” ... He still won’t understand until he grows up. And in order for him to grow up, he needs both physical food and “correct” education.

So it is with adepts (followers) - they need an eye and an eye until they themselves realize that this is the very thing for them - “true potential”.

In this case, you are required to choose a religion for yourself (a certain “spiritual school” that “Knows ...”), or let the religion choose you. It contains both the "truth" and the paths to it.

4. Experience life the hard way

All of the above rests on the fact that a person is reasonable and knows that he is such. But animals don’t build temples for themselves, don’t visit websites, and live quite normally. Can a man play with his brains?

Maybe life already contains all the answers? In this case, live as you live, the answers will appear themselves. And your task is not to look for an extra burden in the form of mental constructions (think less on general questions for which there are no answers.)

There is an interesting oriental remark: "The unfortunate seek the gods and worship them, but the gods themselves watch the happy and help them in everything."

Hmm, after reading all of the above: at least in many cases, in order to be realized, you first need to decide on a choice ...