Who introduced the concept of personality in psychology. Elemental and compound abilities







Like many other psychological and pedagogical concepts, the word "personality" is not only widely used in everyday speech, but is also one of the central concepts of philosophy, ethics, sociology, law, psychiatry and other sciences. In philosophy, the concept of personality is associated with the deepest essence of the human race and at the same time the most significant individual characteristics of a particular person. The nature of this essence is interpreted differently in various philosophical systems, but most often it correlates with the nature of social relations that bind people together.

The word personality is used by us only in relation to a person, and, moreover, starting only from a certain stage of his development. We don't say "animal personality" or "newborn personality." No one, however, finds it difficult to talk about the animal and the newborn as individuals, about their individual characteristics (an excitable, calm, aggressive animal, etc.; the same, of course, about the newborn). We are not seriously talking about the personality of even a two-year-old child, although he shows not only his genotypic features, but also a great many features acquired under the influence of the social environment; By the way, this circumstance once again testifies against the understanding of personality as a product of the intersection of biological and social factors.

Personality is a holistic formation of a special kind. Personality is not an integrity conditioned genotypically: one is not born a personality, one becomes a personality. Personality can change itself, generating new qualities. Communication has a great influence on the formation of personality.


Along with the concept of "personality" in science, such concepts as "man", "individual" and "individuality" are often used. Their difference from the concept of "personality" is as follows.

The term "man" refers not to a single person (in the event that its volume and content are compared with the volume and content of other concepts), but to the entire human race. Therefore, the concept of "man" is sometimes called generic and includes in its content all the properties inherent in people, unlike animals. This, in addition to the actual psychological properties, also includes the physical characteristics of a person, his lifestyle, culture, etc.

An individual is called a single person or a single representative of the human race. This concept, like the concept of "man", implies all kinds of human properties that are inherent in this, separately taken, specific person. An individual is, first of all, a genotypic formation. But the individual is not only a genotypic formation, its formation continues, as is known, in ontogenesis, in vivo.

An individual becomes a person only by being included in the system of existing social relations, that is, he acquires a new systemic quality, becoming an element of a larger system - society. The socialization of an infant does not begin with objective activity, but with a complex of revitalization, when he begins to react to another person differently than to the rest of the world, that is, he begins to enter into certain relationships with him, including communication.

At the same time, "public" cannot be understood only as collective. Public by their nature are the motives, goals and means of any human activity. What type of personality will be formed depends not only and not so much on the biological characteristics of the individual, inherent to him from birth, but on the social microenvironment in which the formation of the personality takes place.

An animal and a newborn baby are highly integrated, indivisible systems that have bodily and psychological integrity, a unique unity of physiological and mental qualities. This integrity is usually called an individual (in the case of an animal, an individual). Many "individual" properties are genetically predetermined, others are formed in vivo under the influence of hereditary and environmental factors as a result of the individual's active life.

These properties are hierarchical. At each level of an individual's organization (physical, biochemical, somatic, individual, etc.), its own integral system is formed, which is responsible for its stable, balanced functioning.

Each level has its own laws (physical, chemical, biological, etc.), but at the same time, the higher levels have certain opportunities for subordinating the lower levels, or rather, including them in solving problems that arise at higher levels. The reverse relationship is also possible.

The term "individuality" has two closely related but different meanings. One of the meanings of this word indicates a peculiar combination of human properties in a given individual. The second meaning of the term emphasizes how this person, as an individual, differs from other people (individuals). The first understanding of the term may also include common properties inherent in people compared with each other, and the second definition of the term involves an indication only of how one person differs from another.

The word "personality" is the narrowest of all compared here in terms of its scope and content. Firstly, it includes only the psychological properties of a person; secondly, the scope and content of the concept of “personality” do not include many psychological properties proper, for example, such as cognitive processes, mental states of a person. Thus, the term "personality" does not even cover the entire psychology of a person.

Even more difficult than with the definition of the concept of "personality", the situation is with the clarification of what is included in the structure of the personality or in the totality of a person's personal properties. The main difficulty in solving this issue lies in two things: in the current absence of a unified theory of personality and in the presence of a traditional idea of ​​the structure of personality.


The term "personality" is used in psychology, both in a broad and narrow sense. It is possible to indicate only a few general propositions about personality, which are accepted by almost all authors. “One of them is that the personality is a kind of unique unity, a kind of integrity. Another position is to recognize the role of the highest integrating authority for the personality” (A. N. Leontiev).

Personality is most often defined as a person who has a set of stable psychological properties that determine the socially significant actions of this person. Many definitions of personality emphasize that personal qualities do not include the psychological qualities of a person that characterize his cognitive processes or changeable mental states, with the exception of those that are manifested in relations with people and society. The concept of "personality" usually includes such properties that are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a given person.

Personality is a person taken in the system of such psychological characteristics that are manifested in social connections and relations of a person by nature, are stable and determine actions that are essential for himself and for those around him.

In psychological approaches originating in Marxist philosophy, the French sociological school, and some others, personality is understood as the social quality of an individual. Although these approaches may differ significantly, primarily in the interpretation of the role of the activity of the subject of social relations in the processes of formation of his personality, the socio-historical determination of these processes inevitably comes to the fore. That is, the personality is considered as the integrity of the social qualities of a person, as a product of historical development, the result of the inclusion of a person in the social system through communication and activity.

If a person is considered, first of all, as a product of the inclusion of a person in social relations and familiarizing him with cultural norms and values, then the question of the sources of culture itself and social development remains unanswered. A person not only consumes material and spiritual values, but also makes contributions to them. These contributions are the larger and more significant, the more significant the person's personality. Therefore, in a number of philosophical and psychological trends (personalism, humanistic psychology, existentialism, etc.), the creative, generative principle is put forward in the first place among the properties constituting personality, although the nature of this principle is interpreted in different approaches very differently. But by creating something meaningful for others, a person creates something meaningful for himself, changes himself, creates his personality.

The central concept for the humanistic theory of Rogers was the concept of "I", which includes representations, ideas, goals and values ​​through which a person realizes (self-actualizes) himself as a person, outlines the prospects for his personal growth.

The image of the “I”, which is formed as a result of personal life experience, affects the perception of the world around us, people, the assessments that a person gives to people and his own behavior. Based on the image of "I", each person forms his own "I" - a concept. It can be positive, negative and dual (contradictory). It can be real, corresponding to reality, and unreal (fictitious, distorted, illusory). What is not consistent with the "I" - the concept of man, can be forced out of the sphere of his consciousness, rejected by him, although in fact it may turn out to be true. The degree of a person's satisfaction with his life, the measure of the fullness of the happiness he experiences directly depend on the extent to which his experience, his "real self" and his "ideal self" are consistent with each other.

From the position of supporters of the activity approach in psychology, personality is the most complete expression of the subjective pole of activity; it is generated by activity and a system of relations with other people. Personality is a special social quality of an individual, not reducible to a simple set of his past experience or individual characteristics. And past experience, and individual traits, and the human genotype are not the basis of personality, but its prerequisites, conditions for the formation and development of personality.

It may happen that a physically strong child gets used to solving conflict situations with the help of force and develops this quality at the expense of others, for example, intelligence or the ability to understand the feelings of other people. Then the specified feature of a person (physical strength) will necessarily enter the structure of his personality and become an essential determinant of the type of relationship that this person enters into with other people. But this same quality can remain a mere background that does not significantly affect the course of personality development.

Similar statements can be made about such qualities as beauty or ugliness, peculiarities of temperament and even the natural properties of the mind, artistic talent, etc. They do not directly determine the nature of the individual and the external conditions of life - wealth or poverty, the level of education, etc. All these qualities can influence only indirectly, limiting or expanding the field of choice within which a person himself builds his personality, performing vigorous activity and entering into certain relationships with other people.

Modern scientists answer the question of what a personality is in different ways, and in the variety of their answers, and partly in the divergence of opinions on this matter, the complexity of the personality phenomenon itself is manifested. In each of the approaches, one can single out countless specific options for understanding the personality, often opposing each other at key points. Therefore, it must be remembered that not a single definition of personality can be considered exhaustive or even fixing the main, most significant features of such a complex and multifaceted education as personality in psychology.


personality individual individuality

We consider the individual to be the center of her life. We assume that, in fact, it is the cause of everything that happens. The reality of a person consists of everything that he can perceive, and the meanings that he ascribes to what he perceives. The part of this reality that the individual more or less shares with others consists of physical objects, people, and situations. But each person perceives what is a little differently, and ascribes his own meaning to what he perceives. In addition, each person creates even more subjective objects that exist in his reality. This includes thoughts, sensations, memories, desires, dreams, and so on. All of them exist, and a person can perceive them as part of his world. They may or may not be available to others.

Modern scientists answer the question of what a personality is in different ways, and in the variety of their answers, and partly in the divergence of opinions on this matter, the complexity of the personality phenomenon itself is manifested. Each of the definitions of personality available in the scientific literature (if it is included in the developed theory and supported by relevant research) deserves to be taken into account in the search for the most complete definition of personality.

In each of the approaches, one can single out countless specific options for understanding the personality, often opposing each other at key points. There are as many definitions of personality in psychology as there are psychologists studying it. Therefore, it must be remembered that not a single definition of personality can be considered exhaustive or even fixing the main, most significant features of such a complex and multifaceted education as personality in psychology. Depending on the research or applied problems to be solved and the means used, different aspects of the concept of "personality" will inevitably come to the fore.


1. Smirnov S.D. - Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: from activity to personality. - Textbook. allowance. - M.: 2001

Leontiev A.N. - Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - M.: 1982.

Personality- it is a conscious individual who occupies a certain place in society and performs a certain social role.

Personality is a social concept, it expresses everything that is supranatural, historical in a person. Personality is not innate, but arises as a result of cultural and social development.

A special and unlike other personality in the fullness of its spiritual and physical properties is characterized by the concept of "individuality". Individuality is expressed in the presence of different experiences, knowledge, opinions, beliefs, in differences in character and temperament, we prove and affirm our individuality.

A person is not only a purposeful, but also a self-organizing system. The object of her attention and activity is not only the outside world, but also herself, which is manifested in her sense of "I", which includes self-image and self-esteem, self-improvement programs, habitual reactions to the manifestation of some of her qualities, the ability to self-observation, introspection and self-regulation. What does it mean to be a person? Be a person - it means to have an active life position, which can be said like this: I stand on that and cannot do otherwise. Be a person - this means making choices that arise due to internal necessity, assessing the consequences of the decision made and holding an answer for them to yourself and the society in which you live. Be a person - this means constantly building oneself and others, owning an arsenal of techniques and means with which one can master one's own behavior, subordinate it to one's power.

The main characteristics of the individual in this respect are: activity (the desire to expand the scope of their activities), orientation (a system of motives, needs, interests, beliefs) and participation in the joint activities of social groups, collectives.

17 The study of the concepts of personality traits (domestic psychology)

Personality is a set of properties inherent in a given person, constituting his individuality!

Personality- the systemic quality of the individual, determined by the involvement of the individual in social relations that are formed in joint activities and in communication. In other words, all kinds of human qualities that have arisen directly or indirectly, due to the fact that a person lives in a human society, relate to personality.

Personal development it is a natural, continuous process of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes. Physical, mental and spiritual forces of man.

Personal Development Factors :

External (social)

Internal (biogenetics)

Conditions for personal development:

External (upbringing, education)

Internal (own activity)

Personality- this is a specific person, taken in the system of his stable socially conditioned psychological characteristics, which are manifested in social relations and relations, determine his moral actions and are essential for himself and those around him.

A person is not born, a person-become!

Personality can break

Personality can be broken

And then the person becomes extinct,

Stop being a person!

The concept of personality in psychology.

Personality is one of the central themes of modern psychology, the concept of "personality" and "personal" has its own history and is usually understood in different ways.

Personal characteristics do not include human features that are genotypically or physiologically determined, do not depend on life in society. Personal qualities do not include the psychological qualities of a person that characterize his cognitive processes or individual style of activity, with the exception of those that are manifested in relations with people, in society. "Personal" features - these are social features, rather deep, speaking more about the direction of a person's life and characterizing a person as the author of his life.

Personality traits (personality traits, personality traits) are the traits and characteristics of a person that describe his internal (or, more precisely, deep) features. Personality traits are what you need to know about the peculiarities of his behavior, communication and response to certain situations, not specifically now, but during long-term contacts with a person.

The concept of personality has three different understandings: the broadest, average and narrow understanding.

Personality in the broadest sense is what internally distinguishes one person from another, a list of all its psychological properties, this is individuality. Such a concept of ʼʼpersonalityʼʼ includes the features of a person that are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a person, determining his actions that are significant for people. Usually this is the direction of his aspirations, the uniqueness of experience, the development of abilities, the characteristics of character and temperament - everything that is traditionally included in the personality structure. This is the originality of the psychophysiological structure of a person: his type of temperament, physical and mental features, intelligence, features of the worldview, life experience and inclinations.

Immersed in himself, eternally sleepy melancholic pessimist differs, as a person, from a cheerful and sociable sanguine optimist.

With this understanding, both a person and any animal have a personality, because each animal has its own characteristic features. Naturally, with this understanding, each person is a person, to the extent that he has a psyche and is able to control himself. With this approach, it is not customary to say that someone is more of a "personality", and someone is less.

Personality in the intermediate, middle sense - ϶ᴛᴏ social subject, social individual, a set of social and personal roles.

The definition of personality as a set of social and personal roles belongs to J. Mead. According to A. Adler, personality begins with a social feeling. Being in society is always not easy, but the one who successfully solves this problem is a person. James has this ʼʼsocial selfʼʼ, I am for others. Social self - ϶ᴛᴏ the subject of interaction and communication with other people. The subject of interaction and communication with other people in typical situations, at the level of social habits. The social subject is Freud's ʼʼIʼʼ, Bern's ʼʼAdultʼʼ.

Personality in the narrowest sense - ϶ᴛᴏ cultural subject, self. This is a person who builds and controls his own life, a person as a responsible subject of will.

45. The relationship between the concepts of ʼʼpersonalityʼʼ, ʼʼsubjectʼʼ, ʼʼindividʼʼ.

In psychology, in addition to the term ʼʼpersonalityʼʼ, there are concepts of ʼʼindividʼʼ and ʼʼsubjectʼʼ close to it, which should be distinguished from each other (Table 20.1).

Table 20.1. Correlation between the concepts ʼʼindividʼʼ, ʼʼsubjectʼʼ, ʼʼpersonalityʼʼ and ʼʼindividualityʼʼ

The process of transition (transformation) of one form of personality development into the next stage naturally occurs as a person grows up, but the timing of these transformations differs based on the accompanying social conditions.

Man is born as an individual. After the formation of consciousness, a person becomes a subject that actively transforms the world.
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In the process of inclusion in the system of social relations, a personality is formed. It should be noted here that the onset of the next stage does not destroy the previous one: a person who has become a subject in connection with the formation of consciousness and speech does not cease to be an individual, but can be considered both as an individual and as a subject. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, each subsequent stage includes all the previous ones (Fig. 20.3).

Rice. 20.3. Correlation of concepts individual - subject - personality - individuality

The concept of personality in psychology. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The concept of personality in psychology." 2017, 2018.

  • - The concept of personality in psychology

    Topic 2. Personality and its potential in the management system Educational questions: 1. The concept of personality in psychology. 2. Typology of personality in work activity. The concept of "personality" is multifaceted. Personality is the object of study of many sciences: philosophy, sociology, ... .

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    In the process of development, the theory of personality in Russian psychology has gone through a number of stages. At the heart of each stage was the absolutization of the dominant theory: 1917-1936. - personality is understood as a profile of psychological functions; 1936-1950 - personality is understood as the experience of life and ... .

  • - Topic 15. The concept of personality in psychology. The structure of personality. Personal orientation.

    A person who develops in society, carries out joint activities with other people and communicates with them, gradually becomes a person - the subject of knowledge and active transformation of the world, society and himself. In psychology, there are many ... [read more] .

  • There are several definitions for designation: personality, individual and subject. First of all, psychology considers a person as a subject (performer, participant) of the social and historical process as a whole, a subject of a certain activity, which is a source of transformation and cognition of objective reality. Secondly, a person is considered from the point of view of psychology as an individual, meaning that he:

    It is an original representative among living beings that differ from animals in the specifics of ontogenetic and phylogenetic development.
    He is a representative of a separate human community that has behavioral and mental characteristics that are unique to him.

    Both concepts of personality in psychology are interconnected and define a person as a peculiar being. The main features of the individual are: the originality and integrity of his psychophysiological organization; in the process of interaction with the external environment, the stability of all efforts.

    When in everyday life they talk about the individuality of a person, they often mean his uniqueness and originality. Individuality- this is the dominant feature of a certain person, which makes him different from others. Each person is individual, it's just that in some it is barely noticeable, while in others it is very bright.

    Thirdly, from the point of view of psychological science, a person is considered as a person. First of all, in a person his social essence stands out. In addition to the professional and social group, outside of society, a person cannot become a person, his human appearance will not be formed, in a word, nature creates a person, and society forms him.

    Personality is also in the circle of political relations. The psychology of the individual depends on whether she is oppressed or free, whether she has political rights or not, whether she can be elected or is able to really elect, to be the executor of the will of the ruling class or to discuss issues of social life.

    The personality is in the world of influence of ideological relationships. Ideology is a system of ideas about the environment and has a huge impact on the personality, it largely forms the content of its psychology, social and individual attitudes, and worldview.

    Personality in psychology is also influenced by the relationships of people in the same group. In the process of communication and interaction, people mutually influence each other, as a result of which a commonality is formed in their own qualities, people, work, attitude towards society, social attitudes. A person in an established group gains authority, plays certain roles, takes possession of a certain position.

    A person is also a subject (an active link), and not just an object of social relations. Personalities are the creators of history, entering into relations with people, they create it out of necessity, and not out of arbitrariness, under the influence of social objective laws. Nevertheless, historical necessity does not exclude responsibility for the identity of the individual, for his behavior towards society.

    The concept of personality, thus, means that this is a person who is a representative of a certain society, state and group (gender, age, political, religious, ethnic, social). The individual is aware of his attitude to social reality and to the people around him.

    Various factors determine the development of personality. Usually these include: socially useful activities, society and the environment, anatomical and physiological features, the originality of nervous activity. Depending on how much we are aware of them and take into account the peculiarities of their manifestation, the effectiveness of a correct understanding of all social and individual actions and actions of a person depends.

    On the the concept of personality in psychology, its development is greatly influenced by the natural and geographical environment. For example, people who grew up in the Far North are more self-possessed, organized, what they are taught, have the right attitude and know how to value time.

    In an individual, natural features, such as emotionality and activity, are inherent from birth. The activity of the personality is manifested in the manifestation of oneself, the strength and swiftness of the course of mental processes, the desire for different types of activity, i.e. acts as a social characteristic of human activity and can change from high energy to lethargic behavior. Emotionality, depending on the excitability of the individual's nervous system, manifests itself to varying degrees, which characterizes his attitude to the outside world.

    Psychological-individual side of personality reflects the specificity of the effectiveness of its mental formations, states, properties and mental processes. Mental processes are phenomena that provide awareness and primary reflection of the personality on the impact of the surrounding reality. Mental properties are the most stable personality traits that constantly manifest themselves and provide the necessary degree of activity and behavior that is typical for it. Personality in psychology has the following properties: abilities, character, temperament, orientation.

    Mental condition- this is the degree of quality of functioning and performance of a person in any period of time. Mental formations are mental phenomena that are formed in the process of acquiring professional and life experience, containing a combination of skills, abilities and knowledge.

    Each of us has been in a situation where, despite the concept of personality in psychology, preliminary ideas and the rich experience of communicating with a particular person, with direct contact with him, all the described characteristics manifested themselves in a non-standard way. This is the result of a kind of childhood formation in the family or the influence of the group to which the person belongs.

    Man is a very complex being. We act this way, and not otherwise, by no means because of instincts. Our motives are not always clear. To predict a person's behavior, it is necessary to know his character, temperament and, of course, the characteristics of his personality. What is it? There is more than one definition of personality in psychology. This question is complicated, which means that there are enough opinions. in social psychology, this is what many eminent psychologists have worked and are working with. This is the social side of a person, it is exactly what makes him a part of society.

    The concept of personality in psychology

    As already mentioned, scientists give a variety of answers to questions related to personality. Often there is a strong difference of opinion. However, we note that all theories used today are scientifically substantiated.

    The concept of personality in psychology is largely based on the fact that a person is nothing more than a combination of various kinds of acquired, as well as purely social qualities. At the same time, great emphasis is placed on the fact that personal qualities do not include those that are directly related to physiology and are not associated with living in society.

    Sometimes the concept of personality in psychology contains an indication that psychological qualities also do not belong to personal qualities. We are talking about mental, associated with cognitive processes,

    The concept of personality in psychology is based on stable qualities that are formed only in society. That is, in the process of interaction and communication with other people. make it individual, unique, original.

    Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a person is a person considered in the system of mental characteristics that are socially conditioned, and can only manifest themselves in social relations and connections. Such characteristics must be stable.

    The concept of personality in psychology has a close connection with such concepts as “individuality”, “individual”, however, we will say right away that in no case should they be identified - there are enough differences.

    If we consider a person as a set of absolutely all available qualities (both social and natural), then this will be an individual. We can say that the individual is a single human being.

    Individuality is a rather narrow concept. It refers to the combination of the unique features of a person that make him different from other people.

    What is the personality of a person? Of course, it has its own structure. Most often, psychologists include in it character, emotions, volitional qualities, temperament, motivation, abilities. The latter are nothing but stable individual human beings. Often it is they who determine our success when trying to realize ourselves in certain activities.

    Temperament (mostly) determines the speed of our reaction to certain phenomena of the surrounding world. How we act in certain situations largely depends on character. It often underlies the choice, decision-making and so on. Volitional qualities determine how a person moves towards his goals, how he is set up for certain achievements. Motivation and emotions are associated with the impulse to act, and social attitudes are how a person perceives life itself and other people.

    Finally, we note that only people have personality. No other living organisms have it. We also note that a child who grew up outside of society (Mowgli children) is not a person.