A lot of positive and positive emotions. Positive emotions

Emotions and mood are close concepts and interrelated mental processes. Good mood and positive emotions go hand in hand. How to make sure that the mood is always excellent, and the emotions are only positive?

Emotions- These are the psychophysiological processes and states of the individual associated with instincts, needs and motives. Emotions regulate the activity of a person, suggest to him the correct reaction and method of action in a particular situation. Emotions also contribute to the acquisition of useful and the elimination of unnecessary habits, as they can serve as both positive and negative reinforcement.

Emotions allow us to evaluate not only the real or emerging, but also the possible situation. Emotions caused by this or that event, signaling future life changes, provoke lasting changes in the general emotional background, in other words, emotions predetermine mood. That is why emotions and mood are interconnected.

Both emotions and mood are divided into positive and negative ones according to the emotional tone. Positive emotions cause a good, that is, a cheerful, cheerful, elevated mood; negative - bad, sad, depressed, low mood.

Intense but short-lived emotional outbursts determine a lasting and less intense mood.

Mood is a form of the emotional life of the individual; a stable, long-lasting, relatively even emotional state, coloring in a certain tone for some time all the experiences of a person.

The mood leaves an emotional imprint on everything that a person does, that is, it directly affects and to some extent forms the thoughts, words and actions of the individual.

Mood, as well as emotions, can be predetermined not only mentally, but also physiologically. For example, a change in hormonal levels can significantly change mood.

Despite the fact that emotions are intended to signal satisfactory or unsatisfactory living conditions, they are not always simple and unambiguous, many of them ambivalent contain both positive and negative connotations.

The range of emotions is extremely diverse. Approximately allocated seventy five human emotions combined with feelings. In this regard, it is interesting Kellerman-Plutchik theory of emotions. In it, a variety of emotions are visually represented in the form of a three-dimensional structural model.

The diversity of emotions predetermines the diversity types of mood. It can be irritable, sad, working (active), neutral, contemplative, enthusiastic, joyful, and so on.

What are the benefits of negative emotions and moods?

Good mood and positive emotions are the key success any activity, well-being and overall satisfaction with life, and negative emotions and bad mood to a large extent "spoil" life.

For this and a number of other reasons, you always want to maintain high spirits and be fueled by positive emotions. But nature has endowed man with both positive and negative emotions for a reason. Both of them help to survive and adapt in the social environment.

No negative emotions would not be positive. If a person were in high spirits all the time, he would not survive in the far from paradise conditions of life on Earth and would behave inappropriately in many life situations.

There are events that cause natural emotions and feelings of sadness, longing, resentment, fear, anger, guilt, grief, despair and other negative experiences. Such emotions require expression and release. They signal that something bad has happened or may happen, the task is to survive it.

The two most primitive, basic, instinctive ways express emotions - laughter and tears. They are not needed, and sometimes it is simply impossible to restrain them.

Adequate, moderate negative emotions do not need to be hidden behind a mask of indifference, suppressed or “drowned out” by various means, they need to be lived and endured to maintain mental and physical health.

It is no secret that most often it is negative emotions that push a person to development and achievements, although, of course, it is much better when this happens simply at the request of the individual, without a sad background. Often, when only a bad mood makes you think about life, meanings, goals, purpose, the need for self-knowledge and personal growth.

Problems and difficulties arise when negative emotions and bad moods are too prolonged, intense and/or inadequate situations. In this case, the problem of bad mood and negative emotions must be dealt with on their own, and in especially difficult situations, contact a psychologist or doctor.

For example, too prolonged, inappropriate and unreasonable mood, under other adverse conditions, can provoke the occurrence affective mental disorder. So, too long a depressed mood can provoke depression.

Interestingly, mental disorders can provoke not only negative, but also positive inadequate emotions, such as delight or ecstasy.

So, if negative emotions and moods are not causeless, excessive or too long, they do not pose a significant threat to health, unless the person himself begins to aggravate his situation and get hung up on troubles.

How to maintain a good mood

Positive emotions such as joy, interest, admiration, calmness and others cause simple and everyday activities and things, the main thing is to be able to notice the good, enjoy life and create a positive atmosphere.

Cause positive emotions and uplift mood:

If no ways to cheer yourself up work, then the reason that caused apathy, despondency, sadness and other negative emotions is so significant that without it eliminate can't lift your spirits.

In this case, the algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Find out the cause of bad mood. Whether it is a matter of physical illness, an uncomfortable environment, a conflict, or some other event, you need to try to eliminate the cause (improve well-being, change the environment, resolve the conflict, etc.), if this is not possible, change your view and attitude to what is happening.
  2. Express negative emotions. Until negative emotions are expressed, there will be no place for positive ones, a kind of “iceberg” will turn out: a small part of positive emotions is visible above the surface of the water, and under it there is a huge layer of negativity. It is known that when negative emotions are suppressed into the depths of the unconscious, various kinds of problems often arise.

If it is not possible to express emotions directly and momentarily, they resort to special techniques and exercises to get rid of negative emotions and stress. For example, if it was not possible to express anger in a way that did not harm anyone, you can beat a punching bag or a pillow at home in the safe environment of the gym.

  1. Understand themselves. It is often difficult for people to find the reason for a bad mood - “everything is just bad”, “I’m completely confused”, “I don’t know what to do”. This happens when a person does not see the meaning and purpose in life or his internal conflicts are too complex and unconscious.

It is not difficult to take a step towards meeting yourself. It is enough to ask the question “What do I want from life, what do I need for happiness?” and try to find an answer to it. Either you need to get rid of something, or bring something into your life, or maybe both.

With the problem of bad mood and the predominance of negative emotions, it is recommended to contact a counseling psychologist or psychotherapist.

What mood do you most often observe in yourself?

It's no secret that emotions play an important role in our lives. Communicating with people, you can probably notice that people show emotions in different ways, share their feelings.

Emotions are an adaptive mechanism that is inherent in us by nature to assess the situation. After all, a person does not always have time when he can correctly and accurately assess what is happening to him. Suppose in a situation of danger ... And then once - I felt something and there is a feeling that I either “like” or “dislike”.

Moreover, the emotional assessment is the most correct - nature cannot deceive. Emotional evaluation occurs very quickly and reason and logic are not "mixed" here. After all, you can logically explain anything and give a bunch of all sorts of rational arguments.

Watching people (including myself) I notice that there are situations in which people either ignore their emotions, or try not to notice them, or simply do not realize. I will not now make assumptions about the reasons for this, I will only say that without listening to himself, to his emotional life, a person cannot adequately and fully perceive the situation, and thereby make the most effective decision.

In ordinary life, this can manifest itself in the fact that by ignoring or repressing one's emotions, a person can create an incorrect belief for himself. For example, if a wife is ignorant/unconscious or unwilling to admit her anger towards her husband, she may take her anger out on another person or children in a completely different situation.

Or, I had a client who had this belief: “I can’t offend a person, upset him.” As it turned out, if a person gets angry, then she will experience guilt, which she did not want to meet.

In my consultations, I very often come across the emotional sphere. I once noticed that it is sometimes very difficult for people to say what they really feel or what emotion they are experiencing right now. Even if a person realizes that he has some feeling now, sometimes it is very difficult to say it in words, to name it.

One of my clients told me so: “I feel a GOOD feeling, but I don’t know what it’s called ..”.

And I decided to fill this gap on the pages of my site. Below is a list of emotions and feelings that I managed to find, I hope that after reading it, you can significantly replenish the awareness of what can happen to you.

And by the way, you can check yourself: before reading the list, I suggest you make it yourself, and then compare how complete your list is ...

A monotonous life with a repeating cycle of already familiar actions, and even without such a miracle as positive emotions, can easily create a depressed mood for any of us ... And with such a mood, you can reach a depressive state that no person needs - but there is a way out and this is a great way out of the dullness of everyday life!

positive emotions

We can easily improve our everyday life due to positive emotions, and there are many of them, and each, entering our life, will give its own positive flavor and feeling.

Let's talk a little about positive emotions. After all, some of the sensations below are perceived by most of us as commonplace, although they confidently make a positive contribution to our life. Most often, in the life of any of us, such an emotion arises as inquisitiveness, curiosity, passion. It is these emotions that easily prompt us to form knowledge, new skills and thinking. Any routine work can only be supported by interest in it - and if interested, any of us will expand our horizons, exploring and finding something more modern and more interesting. An interested person is always animated and inspired and does not think about boredom at all! Let's talk about surprise - also an emotion, only quickly passing. It can arise spontaneously and just as quickly disappear after a person satisfies his interest. But surprise can prepare any of us for something new, unexpected, concentration of attention and for subsequent actions, of course, successful - positive emotions.

A very positive emotion is joy, which inspires confidence and significance in a person, thanks to this emotion, people have the ability to overcome all difficulties and, of course, enjoy life. Joy is able to instill in any of us satisfaction with ourselves, those around us and the whole Universe in general, it gives confidence in our strengths. Only as soon as any of us can fully realize all our capabilities, this wonderful feeling of joy and happiness will appear.

By the way, about happiness - it is the most powerful positive emotion! This emotion accompanies the deeds of a person, approaching their completion, or already implemented with the expected result. Fortunately, ideals, goals and dreams lead us, anticipating the result of our deeds, which is why this most pleasant feeling appears. Naturally, difficult to achieve goals lead to happiness, which must be achieved with difficulty, but also with hope, but achieving a goal that is not so distant and difficult cannot deliver such all-consuming joy and happiness. After all, everything accessible is unable to deliver happiness, even when it is achieved ... They talk about gratitude and feel this emotion, in the case when a person is grateful for the actions performed, or the words that brought him joy and became

Positive emotions are necessary for each of us. Agree, without them life would be boring, gray and monotonous. Whether it's when we enjoy life, enjoy every day, get positive emotions from everything that surrounds us. However, emotions are short-lived, and we often have to "feed" ourselves in order to get positive sensations and emotions. Of course, each person has his own source of positive energy. We will tell you about some of the most popular of them.

Many of us get positive emotions from communicating with loved ones or friends. Communication helps to forget all adversity, difficulties, all bad emotions. The main thing is that your friends themselves do not splash out the negative on you. Meet friends, go to nature or cafes, enjoy the conversation. Especially it will be useful when you haven't seen each other for a long time. Meeting friends and family after a long separation is always uplifting.

Go on a trip or vacation

There is nothing better for getting rid of negative emotions than a change of scenery. Go on a trip to distant countries or go on vacation to the seaside, or to the mountains, and wherever you feel free from all the stresses and problems that have fallen on you. The main thing is not to drag them with you on a trip, but leave them at home. Having rested and having received positive emotions, it will be much easier for you to cope with them.

Find something to your liking

If you still do not have a hobby, then be sure to discover it for yourself. Doing what you love also helps to get rid of bad thoughts and emotions, and bring at least a little positive into life. A hobby can be anything, the main thing is that it does not harm you and your health, but brings only pleasure and joy.

Remember childhood fun

Why not?! In childhood, we did not think about problems, stress and other things that spoiled our mood and our precious health. Immerse yourself in childhood for a while, go rollerblading, skating or cycling, remember the childhood fun that you liked so much before. Phone your childhood friends and offer it to them, and then a good mood is guaranteed for you.

Treat yourself to a day of beauty and relaxation

Men, for example, can sign up for a pool, buy a gym membership, or treat themselves to a new, expensive suit. Women can visit a beauty salon, a solarium, or go shopping in search of a new sundress. In general, make yourself pleasant and please yourself for at least one day, and positive emotions will surely visit you.

Here are some tips on how to get positive emotions and get rid of negativity. Of course, everyone has the right to choose which method is closer to him, and perhaps from the listed methods, and there is no one at all that suits you. Then you just need to remember what brings you joy and happiness, and apply it right now! In any case, it is better to get rid of the negative, there is nothing good in it. Good luck!

It is no secret that only a person can experience a huge amount of emotions. No other living being in the world has this property. Although the disputes between the scientific fraternity still do not subside, but the majority is inclined to believe that our smaller, highly developed brothers are capable of experiencing some emotions. I completely agree with them. It is enough to look at the dog, which was shown a treat and then immediately hid it.

But back to man. What emotions do a person have, where do they come from and in general, what are they for?

What is emotion. Do not confuse with feelings!

Emotion is a short-term reaction to a situation. And feelings do not disappear under the flow of emotions or situations, they are stable and in order to destroy them, you have to try hard.

Example: A girl saw her boyfriend on the other side. She is angry, upset and offended. But after talking with the guy, it turned out that this is his cousin, who came to visit today. The situation was resolved, the emotions passed, and the feeling - love, did not disappear anywhere, even at the moment of the strongest passions.

I hope that you caught the difference between feelings and emotions.

In addition, emotions lie on the surface. You will always see when a person is funny, his fear or amazement. And feelings lie deep, you can’t get to them so easily. After all, it often happens when you despise a person, but due to the prevailing circumstances, you are forced to communicate with him, while portraying a positive attitude.

Classification of emotions

There are dozens of emotions. We will not consider everything, we will focus only on the most basic ones.

Three groups can be distinguished:

  • Positive.
  • Negative.
  • Neutral.

In each of the groups there are quite a few emotional shades, so it is almost impossible to calculate the exact number. The list of human emotions presented below is not complete, since there are many intermediate feelings, as well as a symbiosis of several emotions at the same time.

The biggest group is the negative ones, the second one is the positive ones. The neutral group is the smallest.

That's where we'll start.

Neutral emotions

These include:

  • Curiosity,
  • Amazement,
  • Indifference,
  • Contemplation,
  • Astonishment.

Positive emotions

These include everything that is connected with a feeling of joy, happiness and satisfaction. That is, with the fact that a person is pleased and really wants to continue.

  • Direct joy.
  • Delight.
  • Pride.
  • Confidence.
  • Confidence.
  • Delight.
  • Tenderness.
  • Gratitude.
  • jubilation.
  • Bliss.
  • Calm.
  • Love.
  • Sympathy.
  • Anticipation.
  • Respect.

This is not a complete list, but at least I tried to remember the most basic positive human emotions. If you forgot something - write in the comments.

negative emotions

The group is large. It would seem, for what they are needed. After all, it’s good when everything is only positive, there is no anger, anger and resentment. Why is a person negative? I can say one thing - without negative emotions, we would not appreciate the positive ones. And, as a result, they would have a completely different attitude to life. And, as it seems to me, they would be callous and cold.

The tint palette of negative emotions is as follows:

  • Woe.
  • Sadness.
  • Anger.
  • Despair.
  • Anxiety.
  • A pity.
  • Malice.
  • Hatred.
  • Boredom.
  • Fear.
  • Resentment.
  • Fright.
  • Shame.
  • Mistrust.
  • Disgust.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Repentance.
  • Remorse.
  • Confusion.
  • Horror.
  • Indignation.
  • Despair.
  • Annoyance.

This is also far from a complete list, but even on the basis of this it is clear how rich we are in emotions. We perceive literally every little thing instantly and give out our attitude towards it in the form of emotions. Moreover, very often this happens unconsciously. After a moment, we can already control ourselves and hide the emotion, but it's too late - whoever wanted to, he already noticed and made a conclusion. By the way, the method of checking whether a person is lying or telling the truth is based on this.

There is one emotion - gloating, which is not clear where to stick, either positive or negative. It seems that by gloating, a person evokes positive emotions for himself, but at the same time, this emotion produces a destructive effect in his own soul. That is, in fact, is negative.

Is it necessary to hide emotions

By and large, emotions are given to us for humanity. It is only thanks to them that we are several stages of development above all other individuals of the animal world. But in our world, more and more often people get used to hiding their feelings, hiding behind a mask of indifference. This is both good and bad.

Good - because the less others know about us, the less harm they can do to us.

It’s bad, because hiding our attitude, forcibly hiding emotions, we become callous, less responsive to the environment, get used to wearing a mask and completely forget who we really are. And this threatens, at best, with a prolonged depression, at worst, you will live your whole life playing an unnecessary role for no one, and will never become yourself.

That, in principle, is all that I can say so far about what emotions a person has. How you deal with them is up to you. I can say one thing for sure: there should be a measure in everything. It is also important not to overdo it with emotions, otherwise it will not be life, but its grotesque likeness.