The most important thing in a person's life or an individual value system. What is important in a person's life

The main values ​​in the life of every person

What is the sense of life? How to live a full and happy life? What is truly valuable in life? Am I living right? These are the main questions that we are all trying to find the answer to ... In this article, I (the author of the article) offer you a new opportunity to reconsider your life priorities and find answers to these "eternal" questions.

When I became seriously interested in this topic and began to search, I found that the best answers to these questions are given to us by people who in their lives have come face to face with their death.

I studied bestselling books about people who found out they were going to die very soon and changed their priorities in life; collected various studies on the topic “what one regrets before death”; added a bit of oriental philosophy and as a result this list of five true values ​​\u200b\u200bwas obtained in the life of every person.


If not for my illness, I would never have thought about how wonderful life is.



Everything in life has its purpose. Every living being on the planet has its own mission. And each of us has a role to play. Realizing our unique talents and abilities, we gain happiness and wealth. The path to our uniqueness and mission lies through our desires and dreams since childhood,

Individuality is the highest value in the world.

One woman (Bronnie Wee) worked for many years in a hospice, where her task was to alleviate the mental state of dying patients. From her observations, she revealed that the most common regret people have before death is the regret that they did not have the courage to live the life that was right for them, and not the life that others expected from them. Her patients regretted that they never realized many of their dreams. And only at the end of the journey did they realize that this was only a consequence of their choice, which they had made.

Make a list of your talents and abilities, as well as a list of favorite things in which they are expressed. This is how you find your unique talents. Use them to serve others. To do this, ask yourself as often as possible: “How can I be useful (to the world, to the people I come into contact with)? How can I serve?

Quit the job you hate! Do not be afraid of poverty, failures and mistakes! Trust yourself and don't worry about the opinions of others. Always believe that God will take care of you. It’s better to take a risk once than to regret later that you lived a gray and mediocre life, “killing yourself” at an unloved job to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones.

Always remember that you are unique and your mission is to give the best of your uniqueness to the world. Only then will you find true happiness. That's what God intended.

Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, and you can create any wealth you want.

Deepak Chopra

Self-discovery and spiritual growth

Stop being an animal!.. Of course, we need to satisfy physiological needs, but only in order to develop spiritually. People are mainly chasing material well-being and are concerned, first of all, with things, and not with the soul. Then, as the primary meaning and purpose of human life is to realize that he is a spiritual being and, in fact, he does not need anything material.


We are not human beings having spiritual experiences from time to time. We are spiritual beings having a human experience from time to time.
Deepak Chopra

Realize God within you. Man is a transitional being from the animal to the spiritual. And each of us has the resources to make this transition. Practice the state of "Being" more often, when you have no thoughts and you do not need anything, when you simply feel life and enjoy its fullness. The state of “here and now” is already a spiritual experience.

There are people among us, not many, but there are those who understand that it is necessary to start saving money for old age even at a time when it is far away, so that a certain amount has time to accumulate ... So why not take care of what is more important than money, oh soul?
Eugene O'Kelly, Chasing the Elusive Light

And there is no need to improve yourself, you are already perfect because you are spiritual beings. Engage in self-discovery.

To know oneself as well as possible in order to be as big as possible for the world is the most important task of man.
Robin Sharma

Even when you achieve your goals, true success is not about the achievement, but about the changes in consciousness that have taken place as an inevitable consequence of your progress toward those goals. It's not about achieving goals, but about what happens to you in the process of achieving it.


How often, in the face of death, people regret that they never had the courage to express love to their near and dear ones! They regret that they often suppressed their emotions and feelings because they were afraid of the reaction of others. They regret not allowing themselves to be happier. Only at the end of the journey did they realize that to be happy or not is a matter of choice.

Every moment we choose a reaction to this or that situation, and each time we interpret events in our own way. Be carefull! Watch your choice every moment.

What goes around comes around.
folk wisdom

What needs to be done to become more open?

Give free rein to your emotions and feelings. Ride the coolest attraction and scream at your pleasure; share your feelings with other people; become an optimist - rejoice, laugh, have fun, no matter what.

Accept yourself and life as it is. Allow yourself to be who you are and let things happen. Your task is to dream, move and watch what miracles life brings you. And if something does not turn out the way you wanted, then it will be even better. Just relax and enjoy.

I die and rejoice. And I'm going to have fun every day I have.
Randy Pausch "The Last Lecture"


Sadly, many people only in the face of death realize how little love was in their lives, how little they rejoiced and enjoyed the simple joys of life. The world has given us so many miracles! But we are too busy. We cannot take our eyes off our plans and current concerns to look at these gifts and enjoy them.

Love is food for the soul. Love is to the soul what food is to the body. Without food, the body is weak; without love, the soul is weak.

The best way to raise the wave of love in your body is gratitude. Start thanking God for everything that he gives you every moment: for this food and a roof over your head; for this fellowship; beyond that clear sky; for everything you see and get. And when you catch yourself getting irritated, immediately ask yourself, "Why should I be grateful now?" The answer will come from the heart, and, believe me, it will inspire you.

Love is the energy from which the world is woven. Become a missionary of love! Give people compliments; charge everything you touch with love; give more than you get...and move through life from the heart, not from the head. It will guide you on the right path.

A path without a heart is never joyful. You have to work hard just to get there. On the contrary, the path that has a heart is always easy; it doesn't take much effort to fall in love with him.
Carlos Castaneda


When life passes and in everyday worries we often lose sight of our relatives and friends, at the end of the journey we will feel devastation, deep sadness and longing ...

Spend as much time as you can with those you love and appreciate. They are the most valuable thing you have. Always be open to communication and new acquaintances, it enriches. As often as possible, give people your attention and admiration for them - all this will return to you. With joy and disinterestedly help, give, and just as joyfully accept gifts from others.

Bliss is also contagious, like any disease. If you help others to be happy, by and large you are helping yourself to be happy.

Maxim Dudkin

Last update:6/02/17

Every person has such days when he is overcome by doubts whether he lives this way, whether he does what he does. He asks himself questions: why do I live, why do not everything turn out the way I want. Such vague anxieties and feelings that you are going somewhere wrong, that you are doing something wrong, do not give you the opportunity to enjoy life.

To sort through these doubts, ask yourself a few questions: What is important to you in life? What do you value most in people? What do you value in yourself? What must be present in your life for you to feel happy? What principles do you think should not be abandoned? What kind life values Do you think main?

If you want to understand yourself, you will first need to understand your system. life values. Make a list of everything without which you feel your life is meaningless. Write what life values already in your life, and what should be.

Most core values ​​in life each person:

1. Health: the stronger your health, the happier you are. Health is the most important thing to appreciate in life, and what needs to be constantly taken care of.

2. Love: there should be love in every person's life. It's great if you have a loved one. But perhaps it is the love of your parents for you or your love for your parents, love for children, love for your neighbor, and finally, it is love for yourself.

3. Family: what could be more important than a happy family life?

4. Friendship: do not forget how important it is for you to understand how important the support of friends is, how much they mean to you.

5. Success: for you it can be a job, a career, respect and recognition, material well-being. Answer the questions: What does success mean to you? What does it mean to you to be successful?

As you can imagine, this is not all. life values, and for you they may not be main. You can write on your list: a stable financial situation, confidence in the future. Another person will write: personal development, spiritual values, self-realization. The third will write: youth, beauty, travel. And it will set priorities in a completely different way.

Write down everything that you value in life, if possible, trying not to miss anything. Explore the list and choose from it main For you life values. Write them down as they decrease in importance. Those life values, which took the first 7-9 lines of the list, and there are your core values ​​in life. Now think about whether you pay most of your attention to these values, whether you spend your time and energy on them. If you realize that you are busy with completely different things, it will become clear to you why doubts come to you. It will become clear to you why you do not feel absolutely happy - you are serving not your own, but other people's values, or those values ​​that are far from the first places on your list.

Try to change your life! that's why they are called the main ones, because they mean much more to us than others, they are our beacons in life, and allow us to make sure that we are moving in the right direction!

(Word on the 19th week of Pentecost)

For many revelations, let me not exalt myself, give me a dirty trick of the flesh, aggel satan, let me do dirty tricks, let me not exalt myself ().

This is what St. apostle Paul. In addition to all the troubles and misfortunes, temptations and sorrows that he endured in preaching the Gospel of Christ, the Lord allowed him to undergo some more constant, everlasting temptation in his own body, so that this temptation constantly reminded him of human weakness, prompted him to humility and self-humiliation, not allowed him to be exalted by the extraordinary gifts with which the grace of God filled him, and by the great deeds that he accomplished by the power of the grace of God. What this temptation consisted of we do not know; but that it was not easy, is evident from the fact that the apostle thrice prayed to the Lord to depart from him; and that it is necessary and useful for the apostle, the Lord Himself showed, saying to his prayer: My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness ().

Life and each person cannot be, brethren, without temptations. There are grave, great temptations that are allowed by the Providence of God for special, unknown to us, intentions and for special purposes; but those who are led by the Lord in special ways to the highest perfection are subjected to these temptations. There are other kinds of temptations - everlasting, constant, not so noticeable, but nonetheless heavy and regrettable, which are all the more dangerous for our faith and hope, for our virtue and purity of conscience and heart, the less attention we pay to fighting with them and defeat them. We mean many different troubles, sorrows, annoyances, without which hardly anyone will spend even one day of his life. How many cases of displeasure and grief in the ordinary, daily life of everyone! In family and society, from enemy and friend, from acquaintance and stranger, with or without intention, for reasons and without reasons, sorrows are born incessantly, they meet you at almost every step. Are you satisfied with your condition? Your family members are unhappy with him and grumble at you. Do you wish well for your neighbor? Your neighbor wants good only for himself alone, and not for you or others. Are you diligent in your work, willing to work, expecting good success in your affairs? Your diligence is not appreciated, your work is not rewarded as it should be, obstacles are placed in your success. Are you calm at home? You are disturbed in society: good desires, intentions and deeds do not protect you from gossip and slander, this ordinary ulcer of society; the selflessness of your friendship does not save you from the self-interest of your friends. Are you restrained to your word? Others are intemperate and drag you into idle talk and slander. Are you afraid of offending someone? Others are not afraid to insult you on any occasion. And who can count all the cases of daily displeasure and grief? Children for parents, parents for children, subordinates for superiors, superiors for subordinates - one for the other in general, intentionally or unintentionally, only almost incessantly prepare new sorrows and annoyances.

It is from these sorrows and annoyances that the cross is composed, which we begin to bear before we know how to understand it, and we only lay down at the grave, when we cease to feel. It would be in vain to pray to the Lord, that He would deliver us from this cross, that this everlasting temptation would depart from us, this truly Aggel Satan, the Lord will also tell us, as He said to the Apostle: prevails to you my grace. That is why the grace of God is given to us so that we endure all the sorrows and sorrows that we encounter with meekness and patience, with complacency and obedience to the will of God, without which no temptation can overtake us, so that in this crucible of temptations our soul is cleansed of those living in it. sinful inclinations and passions, so that in this school of incessant grief and annoyance we may learn true Christian love, which endures and is merciful for a long time, does not get irritated and does not think evil, who loves her enemies, does good to those who hate her and prays for those who attack her(cf. ; ). That is why our Lord left us the image of His most luminous life, which was meek and humble in heart, do not reproach against the reproach, do not stop suffering, but betray the Judge righteously, let him follow His footsteps(), let us be sons of the Most High, who there are blessings on the graceless and evil ().

In order to succeed in this science of patience, meekness and love, it is necessary, my brethren, first of all to make sure that the main source and root of all grief and annoyance is not outside us, not in the people around us, but in ourselves, in our passionate nature, and where no matter how far we are from people, grief will follow us into the deepest solitude. “When I was in solitude,” one of the great ascetics says of himself, “and I had no one to be angry with, I was angry with the ax with which I chopped wood, with the vessel with which I drew water, with the rods from which I weaved koshniki.” Such is our fallen and passionate nature: it does not like to acknowledge its weaknesses and always seeks their guilt outside of itself. The proud one does not tolerate humiliation, and if he is humiliated through his own fault, he is annoyed at others. The vainglorious seeks undeserved honor and, when he does not receive it, is indignant with others. Selfish everywhere and would like to turn everything to his own advantage, and if he does not have time, he is angry with others. A lazy person does not like work, and when he suffers hardships for his laziness, he is also vexed with others. The angry one is irritated for no reason, the suspicious one is afraid of the ghosts created by his own imagination, the envious one is consumed by his own envy, the carnivorous one complains that everything is not to his liking - and each of them is not annoyed with himself, but with others. Meanwhile, if they were free from their passions, they would be free from all grief and annoyance: who will piss you off, says St. apostle: how else will you be good likenesses? ().

That is why, my brethren, these small but constant temptations are useful to us, because they bring out our innermost ailments, weaknesses, so that we ourselves can see what is hidden in our hearts. If we did not have these temptations, we could consider ourselves almost angels and would not ourselves suspect how much evil lurks in our hearts. But when sorrows penetrate our soul, when the troubles of life begin, so to speak, to taste our heart from different sides, then the passions that nest in it are revealed one after another, crawling out like snakes from their shelter. Whoever seemed meek to himself is angry and irritable. Whoever considered himself not envious, not conceited, not proud, not greedy, not carnivorous, envy is revealed, vanity is aroused, pride arises, greed is born, carnal pleasure develops. In a word, a whole horde of passions is revealed, which warring against the law of our minds and captivating us with the law of sin(cf.), which plunge us hourly and every minute into innumerable falls into sin - in word and deed, thought and desire.

Do not think, my brethren, that these everyday and, so to speak, ordinary sins of ours are unimportant, for even every idle word, even if men speak, they will render a word about it at the Judgment Seat of Christ(). The very multitude of them is already such a burden that will inevitably drag us into the bottom of hell; for into the kingdom of God nothing goes badly(). Their very commonness and incessant repetition in our lives shows that the very root of moral life—our heart—is impure and corrupt, but only pure in heart, they will see God(). Every sin, no matter how small it may seem, inflicts its wound on the Only Begotten Son of God, crucified for our sins, and makes the sinner guilty of His blood. Truly great is he who is not overcome by these, apparently, small temptations, but he himself overcomes them with meekness, patience, generosity; who overcomes evil with good, repays with love for insults, with good deeds for insults, blessing for grief, prayer for bitterness.

Of course, such a victory over oneself is not easy: for this it is necessary, as the Lord Himself teaches, deny yourself(cf. ; ), i.e. natural, but partial and impure love for oneself, sinful inclinations and aspirations innate to all of us, impure feelings and inclinations akin to our heart, you need to crush and conquer your self-love, completely and completely submit your mind and your will to the all-holy will of the Heavenly Father and the law of Christ ; in a word, it is necessary crucify your flesh with passions and lusts, as the holy apostle () says. Such a feat, coupled with incessant opposition to one's own concepts, inclinations and aspirations, with incessant hardships, sorrows and heart diseases, cannot but lead to despondency and cowardice. For this, we need to turn our gaze unceasingly to the Son of God crucified for our sins, who himself went the whole way of human temptations, Leave an image for us, let us follow His footsteps(), Are you grieved by slander and condemnation? But how many slanders and condemnations did our Lord endure? He, the most holy of holies, was called a poison and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax collectors and sinners; about His most beneficial miracles they said: about Beelzebub, the prince is demonic, cast out demons(). Are you upset and offended by word or deed? Remember, beloved, how many times you yourself offended the Lord with your sins, grieved His love and goodness with your ingratitude and opposition to His will; but He, merciful and many-merciful, still spares you, suffers long for you, lovingly awaits your repentance and is ready to forgive you all your sins: shouldn’t we also forgive our brother every sin of his against us? Are you bullied, harassed and persecuted? And how many persecutions, bitterness and torments did the Only Begotten Son of God endure for your sins? Should we sinners be offended, irritated and angry with our neighbors, no matter how and how they grieve us, when the Lord of glory Himself, crucified on the cross, prayed for His crucifiers?

When, thus, having armed ourselves with the power of the cross of Christ, we conquer all temptations, great and small, with meekness and patience, repay all the troubles, sorrows and annoyances of life with love, unmemorable malice and prayer, then without special great and difficult trials we will pass the path of our life. with Christ, and at last let us enter into the joy of our Lord. Amen.

Have you ever asked yourself what is important in a person's life? Probably asked. But the answer to this question, which has been raised more than once by philosophers, writers, poets, you have not been able to find. But the fact is that each person has his own important things in life, which are difficult to call even things.

Wealth, recognition, dubious authority - all this, many of us, consider the main thing in life. But if you think about it, it's all gone. Agree, you won’t earn all the money, and will you be happy, having spent your whole life on earning money, but not being able to spend this very money? Lying in bed with a debilitating disease, but having a lot of money, will it do any good? And recognition - it does not always happen. There are people who, due to some of their qualities, can bypass you on a steep turn in life, and your recognition will go to them very quickly. Dubious authority? What is its use if it is doubtful, and is it so important for everyone ?! Too many people believe that in a person's life, those things that come and go without leaving anything useful are important. But are they really that important?

Unfortunately, people do not consider it important what makes them human, their human qualities. After all, what makes us human? Kindness, responsiveness, sincerity ... For some reason, these qualities of the human personality are given less importance than money or success. And very in vain! After all, even rich people who have not done anything good in their lives do not get as much satisfaction from their existence as people who, even if they are not rich, remain people. The main things in life are not things at all, but the spiritual qualities of each of us, which must be protected and developed.

Many will say that this is nonsense, and why have these qualities if you live in poverty? But have you ever wondered what life is like for rich people and how they got what they have? In most cases, wealth and recognition do not come just like that, but are associated with losses, tears, and pain. It often happens that a person loses himself for the sake of an extra penny. He ceases to adhere to his principles, ideals, puts on the mask of a successful person, and behind the mask is emptiness. A person, in pursuit of material values, very often loses spiritual values, loses what makes him a man, a man with a soul.

To live in poverty, but to remain human - is it right? Also no! Each of us, if we want to remain human, in the whole sense of the word, needs to find a reasonable line between spiritual and material wealth. The time of asceticism and self-giving for the search for spiritual benefits has already passed, and people simply need material wealth. The main thing, in the pursuit of material wealth, is not to lose your soul. A person, in all circumstances, must remain a person, and not sell the spiritual that is in him, that kindness, sincerity, desire to be useful, for some pennies that you spend and forget. And in the soul, the sediment will remain ...

Why all this talk about high values, about self-sacrifice, kindness, honesty? Everything is very simple. Today, in difficult times, more and more people are losing their "I" or selling it for some material benefits. But, judge for yourself, everything material, sooner or later, loses its power. But what is spiritual, what makes us human, remains and passes to our descendants. In any circumstances, even the most difficult, try to remain human. So that after years or even centuries, your descendants could be proud of you and pronounce your name with honor ... Be people, and all wealth will be at your feet. The most important things in life are not things at all...

What is the most important thing in a person's life? Each person defines his own value system. Some dissolve in the family, others cannot imagine life without travel, and still others conquer career heights with enviable persistence. Based only on this information, it is impossible to say about the level of development. Many people are successful in more than one area. Thus, they maintain inner harmony and do not strive to devote their energies entirely to achieving a single goal. In this article, we will talk in detail about the important aspects of life and the benefits of self-development, as well as draw up an algorithm of actions in case of loss of desire to live.

Value system - what is it?

You can define the concept of "value system" without hesitation. These are important facets of human existence, arranged in descending or ascending order.

The following factors can influence the formation of the system:

Heredity and upbringing

A new person has been born. Relatives discuss who he looks more like. And as they grow older, their opinions change to the opposite. For example, at the age of six, Vanechka was as restless as his father, and by the age of 12 he became calm and balanced, just like a grandfather on his mother's lines. What is the reason? Most will answer this question something like this: "I grew up, grew wiser, learned the most important thing." This is partly true reasoning, but not everything is so simple.

It has been scientifically proven that a person can inherit not only physical, but moral qualities. Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for a child to have the same habits as his father, even if they have not seen each other since birth. Therefore, if one of the parents was a purposeful careerist, and the second, on the contrary, was a passive homebody in the third generation, the probability of such moral qualities in children will be equivalent. If both mother and father led an active lifestyle, thinking about personal growth, then these same qualities will dominate in the value system of their heirs.

Let's look at this factor from the point of view of education. If the atmosphere in the family was positive and the roles of each of its members were correctly distributed (the father is the earner, the mother is the keeper of the hearth, regardless of whether she works or not), then the grown child will try to transfer this attitude to his family. No wonder it is believed that children repeat the program of their parents. And this is by no means mysticism, but a banal projection of the system, passed down from generation to generation.

Of course, it cannot be argued that this rule works with a 100% guarantee. Many people successfully break all patterns. In addition, in modern society this is much easier to do than a couple of hundred years ago.

It turns out that heredity and upbringing equally influence the formation of a scale of values.

Place of residence

The country, region, city and even the area of ​​​​residence also influence the worldview of a person. If in a certain area great importance is attached to the support of traditions and people honor the memory of their ancestors, show genuine respect for their elders and put the family above all other factors, then the probability of dissent there is close to zero. This example is especially relevant for small settlements where clan distribution takes place.

Social circle and personal development

Up to a certain point, the family has a great degree of influence on the formation of a person's personality. After entering the society, the significance of the influence of relatives gradually decreases, but the rules of imitation and denial begin to operate, under the influence of which the formation of beliefs and the formation of personality take place.

At the initial stage of the child's interaction with other people who are not family, it is the parents who should support him and guide him in the right direction, but at the same time not deprive him of the opportunity to choose and make decisions. A huge mistake of parents is excessive guardianship of their child and long-term protection from all sorts of conflicts and difficult situations. The faster children get the experience of communication, the more holistically their scale of values ​​is formed.

Transitional or critical moments

Almost everyone has ups and downs. And, despite the fact that some instantly become discouraged, while others prefer to fight, each force majeure event leaves its mark on the future.

Both positive and negative events can influence the rearrangement of values ​​in the system. Thus, the birth of a child can turn a zealous careerist who cannot imagine herself without work into a caring mother who devotes all her time to her beloved child. Or, on the contrary, disappointment in the love sphere can completely discourage the desire to create a family for the sake of business, travel and other joys.

It is known that extroverts are more amenable to influence than introverts (read:). Therefore, the scale of values ​​of the latter is more stable, but less meaningful. So, if an introvert needs to achieve success in three or four areas in order to feel happy or, as they often say in modern society, to be in harmony with himself, then the list of an extrovert will hardly be limited to a dozen goals and directions of development.

You can visualize the system in two ways:

  1. In the form of a pyramid.
  2. In the form of a diagram.

To clearly illustrate each option, we will give a specific example and define the main components of the system.


Maria Ivanova is an experienced housewife. Moreover, her mother also took care of the household, not attending a service for a day. The husband of Maria Ivanovna works tirelessly. Well, still, because he needs to provide not only his wife, two sons, but also his mother-in-law, a pensioner who lives with them. Therefore, Sergei Petrovich disappears at work from morning to evening. Also, on even numbers, he attends Chinese language courses, and on odd numbers, he goes to the gym. On weekends, the workaholic Petrovich leaves alone for the country in order to take a break from the city noise and do his favorite thing - growing fruit crops. Maria Ivanovna's passion is cooking, but she will not refuse shopping either.

Let's imagine the most important thing for Maria Ivanovna in the form of a pyramid:

We present the spheres of life of Sergei Petrovich in the form of a diagram:

The most important thing for him is work, it is necessary to provide for his family and.

Comparing the components of the life systems of both participants, one might think that the existence of Maria Ivanovna is boring and uninteresting, and the woman herself is extremely unhappy. This may be true, or it may indicate the opposite. Still, the scale of values ​​is a very individual concept.

Why do we need meaning in life?

Everyone has asked this question at least once in their life. Awareness of the value of this concept comes at a young age. It is then that people consciously set goals and develop a program to achieve them.

According to a survey conducted at a large forum, more than half of the female respondents answered that the meaning lies in the family and children, self-development is in second place. The opinions of men were divided into two camps. The first put career at the head, the second answered: "Life is the meaning."

Why do we need meaning and is it possible to live without it? Yes, you certainly may. Here the question is only the quality of life. Even if a person does not have a global goal (to develop his own business, learn Italian, travel around the world, etc.), his existence is still subject to the solution of microtasks aimed at the near future.

In order to live, a person needs the most necessary: ​​drink, food, shelter, clothing, medicine. Every day he makes an effort to meet these needs, namely, earning money. This is the meaning of life.

How to survive the loss of meaning and regain harmony

Often a person has a period when it seems that everything is in vain and there is no point in further existence. The cause of this condition can be both a tragedy that has occurred and banal fatigue. Surprisingly, it is easier to get out of a difficult situation that has occurred under the influence of external factors than in the case of internal devastation.

You can pull a person out of the "moral hole" that arose as a result of loss by filling life with a different meaning. A simple example of this statement would be the following situation:

The woman's only child died. It seems to her that everything has lost its significance. Either she herself or someone else who needs her help and support can pull this woman out of such a state. Often, mothers who have lost children decide very quickly to have a baby. Many couples after a tragedy in the family give birth or adopt children at the age of 45-55.

It is more difficult to get out of depression, as a person drives himself into a corner with his own hands and hides even more stubbornly in his shell on offers of help. The most important thing is that you should never leave such a person alone. Many people in difficult situations go crazy or take their own lives.

If you force a person to put on a smile every morning for at least a few seconds, after a while the muscles of the face will begin to "smile" on their own as soon as he opens his eyes.

Therefore, in order to quickly cope with despondency, you need to disciplinedly perform a set of daily activities. The required minimum might look like this:

  1. Climb.
  2. Smile.
  3. Charger.
  4. Morning shower.
  5. Light breakfast.

Performing these manipulations daily, the body will tune in not only to save energy, but also to increase it.

About the benefits of self-development

Self-development is a set of efforts made by a person to realize his desires and improve personal qualities. It is inseparable from self-discipline. It is impossible to force a person to develop if he does not want it.

Self-development is impossible without the following actions:

  1. Ability to set specific goals.
  2. striving to achieve them.
  3. Result orientation.

Self-development and personal growth are identical concepts. People who want to achieve success in a particular field of activity strive for the goal through the disciplined implementation of a set of certain actions.

Ways of self-development:

  1. Sports activities.
  2. Reading books.
  3. Attending trainings and workshops.
  4. Learning new.
  5. Overcoming fears.
  6. Keeping a diary or blog.

In fact, there are a lot of options for self-development. The most important thing is that everyone chooses for himself those that suit him.

By the way, people who actively engage in self-discipline are less prone to depression.

The most important condition, observing which self-development will start working for you, is regularity. Simply put, if a person does exercises once a week or studies something new through the sleeves, his actions will not bring any practical benefit.

As a result, I would like to add to all of the above that each person independently determines the most important aspects of his life and bears absolute responsibility for everything that happens to him.