Agreeing an adjective with a noun examples. Efimenkova L

GBOU boarding school No. 2 of the Admiralteysky district

St. Petersburg

Correction and development direction

Abstract of an individual lesson on the topic:

"Adjective.Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

Compiled by:


Shchegoleva E.V.

St. Petersburg


Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson on the correction of agrammatic dysgraphia

speech therapy topic: Adjective.Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

Target: Correct use of adjectives in speech, change of adjectives in gender and number.


Correctional and educational:

  1. activation of speech and intellectual activity, improvement of communication skills.
  2. improvement and consolidation of skills and abilities to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number.
  3. development of logical thinking.
  4. development of auditory and auditory-speech memory, auditory attention.
  5. strengthening the skills of word formation of adjectives.


1 Raising interest in the educational process.

2 Formation of a sense of confidence in their abilities.

3 Education perseverance and attention.

Equipment: p workbook; individual task cards.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Hello! Sit down. Be careful, now I will read you a riddle, try to guess:

I'm friends with the noun
And I don't bother at all.
My main note:
I designate an attribute of an object.
What ice? Cold, smooth.
What tea? Hot, sweet.
I change by birth
Numbers and cases.
I love attentive children.
Who am I? ... (adjective).

II. Training exercises for mastering the material on the topic:

1) Consolidation of knowledge about the name of the adjective

Choose only adjectives from these words:

The sun shines bright

The narrow leaf falls

Fluffy carrot lies

Pour mature juice

An interesting cat is growing

What words in the sentence are adjectives friendly?(Answer).

2) Compilation of phrases

Choose the appropriate nouns for these adjectives (card):

The sun is bright

Apple leaf

Fluffy carrot

autumn book

juice mature

cat interesting

We read the resulting phrases, clearly pronouncing and highlighting the endings, using questions

3) Drafting proposals

- Read, replace the dots with appropriate adjectives:

There were a lot of ... carrots in the garden. (mature)

The store sells ... juice. (apple)

On the porch lay ... a cat. (fluffy)

A leaf fell from a tree. (autumn)

The sun is shining in the sky... (bright)

The girl read ... a book. (interesting)

III. Fizminutka for the lesson of the Russian language on the topic "Adjective".

Deep short inhalation and long smooth exhalation.

"Which? Which? And which one?"

We repeat in unison.

Adjectives know

We repeat in unison:

"Let's never forget

Those are great words!

IV. Training exercises to generalize what has been learned.

  1. Adjectives agree with nouns in gender and number

Determine the gender and number of adjectives:

sunbeam good heart

Faithful Comrades Prickly Ruff

Birch stump Wooden chair

Bat Starry Nights

The Good Doctor Spotted Deer

Delicious Tomatoes - Clean Window

  1. Game "One - many".

Change the number of adjectives

Sunbeam - Kind heart -

Faithful comrades - Prickly ruff -

Birch stump - Wooden chair -

Bat - Starry Nights -

The Good Doctor - Spotted Deer -

Delicious Tomatoes - Clean Window -

Record your answers in your notebook.

V. Summary of the lesson:

What part of speech were you talking about today?

What does the adjective mean?

Today, you did a good job. Goodbye!

§ 1816. The full adjective agrees with the singular noun. h. (in one or another of its case forms) in number, gender and case: new house, new house, new dacha, new dacha, first meeting, first meeting, such an eccentric, with such an eccentric; in many

H. - in number and case: new houses, new houses, new dachas, new dachas, first meetings, about first meetings.

Note. In expressively colored speech, there is a tendency to define a diminutive or endearing noun with an adjective that also contains the meaning of diminutiveness or endearment: a clean town, an old train, a simple dress.

Short adjectives also agree with nouns in gender, number and case, but such agreement in the modern language takes place only in certain stable combinations (on bare feet, in broad daylight, in broad daylight).

Note. In poetic speech in isolation, when a short adjective in the form of them. p. acts in a semi-predicative function (see § 2117), it combines the meanings of the defining word and the predicative: But the world indulged in dangerous undertakings, insidious (Mart.); In the ring, the clown jumps, has a nose (Vinokur.); From all sides of the earth, Thundering and heavy, Chased mugs flowed into my chest (Bagr.); And the sun looks, bright face, Sweeps the remaining darkness (Smyrn.).

§ 1817. An adjective can enter into a relationship of agreement with a combination of a noun with a quantitative numeral: two houses - two new houses; forty seats - forty vacant seats; a hundred questions - a hundred unexpected questions. In cases where the numeral two, three, four or both (both) included in such a combination is in the form of them. or wine. n., the agreed adjective can take the form or gender. or them. n. pl. h. The following regularities apply here.

1) If the combination with the numeral includes the noun husband. or avg. r., then the agreed adjective is more often put in the form of genus. n. pl. hours: two familiar people, three large trees, both buildings under construction, three whole hours, two watercolor drawings, four lost days. Form them. n. is possible here, but it is less common and tends to be limited in use: two saving beacons (Lerm.); two decrepit old men (Turg.); two landowners' houses (Lerm.); both hungry friends (L. Tolst.).

Note. When taking the adjective to the initial position in the phrase, the form of them. n. is preferred to the form genus. p .: three whole hours, three big trees, four days lost; From time to time the White Guards appear in the garden. Last night, as many as six rather young specimens were sitting on a bench opposite the front door (Andr.).

2) If the combination with the numeral includes the noun wives. r., then both forms of the adjective are normal - and them. and genus. p .: two young women - two young women, some four girls - some four girls, both yard dogs - both yard dogs, four large huts - four large huts, two female hands - two female hands; Our team has four gold and three silver medals (gaz.).

3) Both forms of the adjective (in non-expressive speech always preceding the numeral) are also normal when the combination includes a numeral one and a half - one and a half: live for a whole week and a half - a whole week and a half, wait a full hour and a half - a full hour and a half, endure some one and a half minutes - what any one and a half minutes.

An adjective can enter into a relationship of agreement with an allied series of words (see § 2067–2072) or with a combination of words connected with the help of a preposition: father and mother, garden and garden, brother and sister. In these cases, the adjective usually takes the plural form. hours: a huge garden and cottage, for a huge garden and cottage; my father and mother, to my father and mother, to my father and mother; little brother and sister, for little brother and sister; our grandparents. Unit form h. is also correct, but it defines only the first member of the compound: a huge garden and a dacha, for a huge garden and a dacha, my father and mother, for a little brother and sister.

§ 1819. In modern language there are cases of the so-called "semantic agreement", that is, the use of the agreed word in a form that is either not predetermined by the form of the noun being defined or only partially predetermined by it.

1) With nouns husband. r., naming a person by profession, social, industrial activity and equally capable of designating a person both male and female (doctor, paramedic, director, engineer, salesman, secretary, announcer, architect) in colloquial, newspaper speech, in narration, when it comes to a female person, it is normal to use the adjective in the form of wives. R.: our doctor, the new secretary, the director herself: The doctor is random, / without waiting for an ambulance, / Blows oxygen into the lungs with force - mouth to mouth! (Ascension). Such coordination is obligatory in the case when the corresponding coordination of forms is simultaneously carried out in the predicate (see § 2249): Our doctor has come; The new secretary is still inexperienced; The director herself ordered. "Semantic agreement" is permissible only in the form of them. P.; in the forms of other cases it is incorrect; for example, the agreement was erroneous: he said to the chairman standing next to him (gaz.).

2) In cases where the agreed adjective refers to a word or a combination of words - its own name (books, paintings, plays, films, institutions, hotels, restaurants, cafes, etc.), the gender, number and case of the adjective is determined by the corresponding categories of the name to which this name should refer: the novel "Eugene Onegin" - Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", the story "Mumu" - Turgenev's "Mumu", the cafe "At the Swan" - the cozy "At the Swan". However, there are exceptions to this rule. So, if the name includes a name in the form of pl. h., then the agreed adjective can also take the form of plural. hours: sculpture "Heroines" - loved by all "Heroines" and, more often, loved by all "Heroines"; the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" - Savrasov's "The Rooks Have Arrived" and, more often, Savrasov's "The Rooks Have Arrived"; the motion picture "We are from Kronstadt" - the immortal "We are from Kronstadt" and, more often, the immortal "We are from Kronstadt". Fluctuations are also noted in cases where the name is a name in the oblique case: the agreed word may be in the form of environments. R.: the play "At the bottom" - Gorky's "At the bottom" and Gorky's "At the bottom"; the sensational (movie) "By the Lake" and the sensational "By the Lake".

On agreement with compound words and nouns in general. R. see "Morphology", § 1135, 1144.

Latin adjectives agree with the nouns they refer to in gender, number, and case. This combination is called a consensus definition. In medical and veterinary terminology, adjectives are written after the noun. The agreed definition shall be translated into Russian by the agreed definition. For example: musculus latus - wide muscle; intestinum caecum - caecum.

When agreeing an adjective with a noun, you need:

1) write down the noun and adjective in dictionary form;

2) choose an adjective corresponding to the gender of the noun;

3) write the noun being defined and assign the chosen generic form of the adjective, forming the term in the nominative singular.

Examples of adjective agreement

1st group inNom. sing.

term noun adjective

sciatic nerve nervus, i, m ischiadicus, a, um

nervus ischiadicus

zygomatic crest crista, a, f zygomaticus, a, um

Crista zygomatica

right atrium atrium, i, n dexter, tra, trum


If a noun and an adjective that agrees with it belong to the same declension, they have the same case endings.

NB! The endings of the noun and adjective do not always coincide. For example: oculus sinister - left eye.

Anatomical term with agreed definition

In anatomical terminology, not only an inconsistent, but also an agreed definition is used. An agreed definition is expressed by an adjective and answers the questions: which, which, which?. When translating terms with an agreed definition, it is necessary to observe the correct word order: in Latin, the adjective comes after the noun, in Russian - before the noun to which it refers. For example:

Vertebra thoracica Thoracic vertebra

Ex.Nom. Etc. Nom. Etc. Them. n. n. Im.p.

External oblique muscle. Musculus obliquus externus

Pr.Im.p. Pr.Im.p. Exist.Name Exist.Nom. Ex.Nom. Ex.Nom.


Exercise 1. Agree adjectives with nouns and decline.

Fascia (latus, a, um), palatum (durus, a, um), musculus (rectus, a, um), lamina (palatinus, a, um), membrum (dexter, tra, trum), sulcus (cavernosus, a ,um).

Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into Latin, write in Nom. and Gen. sing.

Deep ligament, long rib, right eye, pelvic limb, incisive fossa, left angle, median septum.

Exercise 3 Decline in Latin and in Russian.

Nodus lymphaticus - lymph node, costa vera - true rib, intestinum caecum - caecum.

Control tasks

1. Name the type of definition.

Fundus ventriculi, musculus obliquus, cavum cranii, septa ossea, intestinum rectum, fracturae vertebrarum, medulla rubra.

2. Translate in writing into Latin.

Internal and external artery, true and false ribs, vagus nerves, red and yellow nucleus, thoracic and pelvic limb, compound fractures, deep transverse ligaments, right and left ventricle.

3. Decline by agreeing the adjective with the noun.

Fibrous capsule, transverse colon, middle finger, tympanic membrane, hard palate, right lobe.

Sections: speech therapy

Target. To form the ability to coordinate nouns and adjectives by gender and number.


Correctional and educational:

  • learn to correctly coordinate nouns and adjectives by gender and number;
  • to consolidate the ability to correctly identify nouns (words-objects) and adjectives (words-signs);
  • to consolidate the ability to determine the first sound in words;
  • to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables;
  • improve the ability to make sentences according to a given scheme;
  • improve reading technique.


  • develop phonemic perception;
  • develop sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis;
  • develop auditory and visual attention;
  • develop word formation skills;
  • Expand words knowledge;
  • develop attention, memory, ability to switch.

Correctional and educational:

  • create conditions for cultivating a positive attitude towards the process of writing and reading.
  • to cultivate organization, independence and self-control over speech;
  • nurture curiosity.


  • Demonstration material: houses (Appendix 1), subject pictures of dolls and cars (Appendix 2), subject pictures (hedgehog, mushroom), arrow, two yellow triangles (Appendix 3), table (Appendix 5), ball.
  • Handout: notebooks, pens, pencils, printed assignments (Appendix 4), subject pictures (Appendix 6).

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Exercise “Choose a word”.

Speech therapist: Hello. We begin our lesson. The one who names the word that begins with a vowel will take his place.

The students say the word and the child who answers correctly takes his place.

2. Repetition of the past.

Exercise "Where does the word live?"

The speech therapist distributes subject cards to students: watermelon, cherry, squirrel, magpie, mole, car, matryoshka, scarf, bus. (Attachment 1).

Speech therapist: "Determine how many syllables are in the word, and place the card in the appropriate house."

3. Reporting the topic of the session

Speech therapist: “Now I will make riddles for you, and you try to determine which of the words-objects that are on the board I made up.”

1. Round, round
Sweet, sweet
With striped smooth skin
And cut it - look:
Red, red inside. (Watermelon)

2. Was a little green,
Then I became scarlet.
I darkened in the sun
And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)

3. Fidget motley -
long-tailed bird,
talking bird,
The most chatty. (Magpie)

4. We will recognize the animal
In two simple terms:
He is in a gray fur coat in winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

Speech therapist: “Tell me which words helped you understand what subject I am talking about (Words-signs). Correctly. Today we will learn to match words-attributes to words-objects.

4. The main part.

1. Shop "Toy"

The speech therapist posts pictures of dolls and cars on the board. (Annex 2)

Speech therapist: “Imagine that we went to a toy store and want to buy ourselves a toy (doll or car). Choose which toy you want to buy and describe it, and the “seller” will find it and give it to you.”

The speech therapist takes turns choosing children who play the role of a salesman.

2. Match the proposal to the scheme. (Annex 3)

The speech therapist places images of a hedgehog and a mushroom on the board.

Speech therapist: “Tell me how to find out what is shown in the pictures. (Ask a question: Who is this? What is this?).

Make up a sentence using these pictures, and one more word will help you with this. (The speech therapist shows an arrow and puts it between the pictures). What is the word for arrow? (Word-action).

Students make sentences with 3 words.

The speech therapist chooses one of the following sentences: “Let's draw a diagram of this sentence. How do we mark the beginning of a sentence in a diagram? (Vertical bar) How do we mark the end of a sentence? (We put a point).

The called child draws a sentence diagram. Children draw the diagram in their notebooks.

Speech therapist: “How many words are there in a sentence? (Three). And now I will put a triangle in front of the hedgehog. The triangle denotes a word-attribute. Let's repeat our sentence and add a sign word, say what kind of hedgehog?

Speech therapist: “How many words are in our sentence now? (Four). And now I will put another triangle, but in front of the mushroom. To which word should the word-sign be added? (For the word "mushroom").

The speech therapist listens to the answers of the children and asks one child to draw a diagram of the resulting sentence. Children draw the diagram in their notebooks.

Speech therapist: “How many words are in our sentence now? (Five). What words helped us increase the number of words in a sentence? (Words-signs). Well done."

5. Physical education. Let's count.

The speech therapist invites students to stand in a circle and count each item up to 5 items (big ball, white cloud, delicious candy). Students pass the ball and name the phrase with the desired numeral.

6. Main body

1. Connect.

The speech therapist gives the children tablets with words-signs and subject pictures. (Annex 4)

Speech therapist: "Let's read the words-signs and determine what subject they are talking about."

Students select the appropriate object picture for the words-signs and connect them with a line.

2. Signs-opponents.

Speech therapist: “I will now read a poem to you and ask you to help me find the missing word-opponent. But this will not be a simple word-sign, I am a word opposite in meaning.

“I will say “high”, answer - ... (low),

“Far” I will say, you will answer ... (close),

I'll say "rough", you say "smooth",

And I’ll say “sour”, you will answer ... (sweet).

Speech therapist: Well done. And now I will tell you phrases, and you try to pick up the opposite meaning of the sign word: a new house, a good berry, a bright room, a young man, a small dog, a hot day, a kind wizard, a silent parrot, pure snow, a sad clown, a long ribbon , narrow road".

3. Fill in the table.

The speech therapist puts up a table on the board. (Annex 5)

Speech therapist: “Let's fill in the table: I will give you a subject picture (Appendix 6), and you find where her house is in the table and place the picture in the appropriate cell. Pay attention to two main signs: the color and shape of the object.

8. Summary of the lesson. Fly.

Speech therapist: “Tell me what words you learned to choose today. A fly wants to play with us. I will tell you where the fly flew, and you will tell what object it landed on. The fly starts its flight from the ball. The fly flew 2 squares to the right and 3 squares up. What object did the fly land on? (On the Christmas tree). Find such an object in the classroom and take a card with a letter. Fly fly on. The fly moved 1 cell to the left and 2 cells down. On what subject sat the muse? (On the flower). Find such an object in the classroom and take a card with a letter. The fly flies 1 square up, 1 square to the left, and 1 square up. What object did the fly land on? (on a tree). Find such an object in the classroom and take a card with a letter. Collect the word from the received letters. What word came out? (Hooray). Well done."

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson (total).

Speech therapist: “What new did you learn in class?

What did you like about the lesson?

You did well today.”

Home the norm of agreement in Russian is agreement of the subject with the predicate in a sentence ( Sun is up. Roosters crowed.), as well as agreement of the determined with the main word in the phrase ( red apple, wooden table). But the Russian language is very multifaceted, so sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the dependent form. To do this, you need to know about some rules.

1. In official speech, the semantic replacement of agreement is considered incorrect in cases where a masculine noun denoting a profession or occupation agrees with a feminine verb (if the person who names the noun is a feminine person):

The doctor entered the room (not corr.). - Doctor Tikhonova entered the ward (corr.).

As we can see, only if there is a proper name indicating belonging to the feminine gender, the predicate is consistent with the proper name in the feminine gender. The same thing happens in the presence of a stand-alone application, which is expressed by a common noun:

Alyona, my curator, today I could not come to class.

2. At the same time, in other phrases like "common + own"(names of cities, rivers, countries, names of animals, etc.) the predicate is consistent with the common noun:

Hero City Moscow these days looked pretty gloomy. kitty Cherry had white nose and funny tassels on the ears.

3. Phrases with collective nouns require agreement in the singular, without any exceptions. Semantic agreement in this case is a case of vernacular and is categorically not allowed.

The crowd of people were noisy and worried (nekorr.). - The crowd of people was noisy and worried (corr.).

The bride's relatives did not like the groom very much (corr.) - The bride's relatives did not really love the groom (corr.).

Agreement with the pronoun "who", "what".

Pronouns "who" ("someone") and "what" ("something") by default require singular agreement: who- male, what- average.

Whoever came in to the room, everyone praised the new renovation.

Something light and bright settled in her soul.

Agreement with words of a different gender and number possible only if used with a qualifying pronoun "that" (that, then, those):

Those who came to a meeting got a lot of pleasant impressions.

The one that was me, for a long time has changed and became another.

Coordination of nouns associated with the numerals "two", "three", "four", with definitions.

1. Nouns masculine and neuter in such phrases consistent with the definition in the genitive plural. In this case, the noun in such a phrase will be in the form of the genitive case: two open windows, four small cucumbers.

2. Nouns the feminine in this case takes the form of the nominative plural, and agrees with the definition in the same form: three green birches, two huge parcels. If the noun takes the genitive plural form, then the attribute can also take the genitive form:

From the hillside one could see two snow-covered tops.

As you can see, in each of these cases the numeral is in the nominative case, regardless of the case in which the other parts of the phrase are.

Agreement between the predicate and the subject, which is a collective quantity (“most”, “half”, “row”, “part”).

  1. If the controlled word is in the plural, then the collective noun comes into agreement with the predicate, as a result of which the predicate is used in the form of a singular person: Most employees supported reform.
  2. If the noun does not have controlled words or the existing controlled word is in the singular, then the predicate is also used in the singular person: A number of symptoms pointed out for pneumonia. Majority supported lifting of sanctions.

From this rule, there are several exceptions when the predicate can be used in the plural:

  • If a noun has several controlled words in the plural form at once: Most girls, girls and women adore sweets.
  • If there are other members of the sentence between the subject and the predicate, a subordinate clause with a conjunction in the plural form or participial turnover: Some of the visitors who watched the premiere stayed frankly dissatisfied. Most of the visitors who watched the premiere stayed frankly dissatisfied.
  • If the sentence contains a compound nominal predicate, the nominal part of which is expressed by participles and adjectives: Part of the trees in this forest were coniferous.
  • If along with the subject there are homogeneous predicates: A number of symptoms aggravated and become much sharper.

The same rules apply to sentences with the words "many", "few", "how many", "several", "so many", "many" as the subject and agreement with the predicate.