Forgotten reality. Incredible ancient wonders of metal

The remains of ancient megalithic structures, made up of stone blocks weighing tens and even hundreds of tons, clearly indicate that the ancient "antediluvian" civilizations had quite "advanced" high technologies, which we are not yet able to repeat. So, the experience of Japanese scientists and engineers ended in failure with the help of modern equipment and technologies to recreate the pyramid of Cheops. At the same time, they are trying to convince us that all these colossal megalithic structures were erected with the help of the manual labor of many slaves.

Of course, this is complete nonsense, as is the diligent ignorance of the ancient megalithic structures located on the territory of Russia. It remains a mystery exactly what technologies the ancients used to move and stack multi-ton blocks. At the same time, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Albertovich Sall suggests that the ancient highly developed antediluvian civilizations were more technomagical than technocratic, and therefore connects the technologies they use with the ability of consciousness to neutralize gravity. After all, it is no coincidence that many ancient megalithic structures are located in hard-to-reach areas where ground equipment is not able to get.

Here is what Sergey Albertovich said about this:

I saw such "cubes" measuring ten by ten meters in Korea, which are located on the tops of mountains accessible only to mountaineers and rock climbers. The same objects are in the Himalayas, Tibet and around the globe. Naturally, they were not built with the help of some giant cranes. I think not with the help of spacecraft. The whole secret was in the power of human thought, that is, the ancient priests were able to change the physical reality, were able to change the ratio between the inertial and gravitational mass of bodies.

There were unique people, such as the author of Coral Castle in America, who had the ability to make large objects almost weightless. In addition, there are several people on Earth who have the ability to levitate. Indeed, they have the ability to change the relationship between the inertial and gravitational mass, changing the properties of the physical vacuum or ether around them. A person has such abilities and the whole thing, of course, is in training.

As for the “Coral Castle”, I think that this is not a hoax, and that this Latvian really managed to build it without any special devices that were capable of lifting huge masses. I think he really trained. He read ancient books on Egypt and other ancient civilizations, and indeed he was able to subtract something and train his body to the point that he was able to control the gravitational mass of bodies. So I think that these are not fairy tales and the "Coral Castle" was really built by a person who had unique abilities.

It's all about training. Even modern man, under conditions of training, can come into contact with these subtle matters. There is nothing strange here. Therefore, these people only knew how to get in touch with subtle matters, and naturally, due to the fact that the civilizations in which they lived existed for many tens, and maybe hundreds of thousands of years, they reached a huge level of knowledge that we now not available.

All people who possessed such extraordinary abilities, to one degree or another, came into contact with the subtle world. They were engaged in special techniques that allow you to tune in to this. Information came to them from outside, so to speak, from the Cosmic Mind.

True, there is evidence that the builder of the “Coral Castle” mentioned by Sergey Albertovich, Edward Lindskalninsh, used ancient knowledge regarding the influence of acoustic vibrations on the properties of stones, which, at a certain resonance, led to a significant reduction in weight for its construction. Exactly the same technologies were used by Tibetan lamas in the last century in the construction of monasteries in remote mountainous areas.

But maybe the ancient antediluvian civilizations possessed some other anti-gravity technologies unknown to us. There is evidence that the ancient "civilization of the gods" could create a kind of white powder from gold at very high temperatures, which could neutralize the effect of gravity. In particular, these technologies are written in the official report of Ya. Blyumkin's expedition to Tibet, which was carried out on the instructions of the NKVD. Whatever it was, but the ancients really could somehow neutralize gravity to create such colossal structures. And these technologies are still a mystery to us.

The world media, just like the general public, does not discuss the possibility of the existence of some other view of history than the officially accepted by science. In the meantime, humanity must choose which path to follow and which view to adhere to.

Currently, there is an official history devoid of all mysteries, which only to a small extent explains the numerous finds that were discovered during archaeological excavations. Basically, she is engaged in compiling all kinds of catalogs and digging out potsherds. Therefore, it is not surprising that alternative history is gaining more and more authority.

It should be noted that a few decades ago, scientists of these two areas worked together, and almost always could agree, but all this stopped. There are several reasons for this: representatives of an alternative direction of history fell out with Egyptologists, not unreasonably making the assumption that the Sphinx is much older than the oldest of the Egyptian rulers. The second reason was the appearance of the book by K. Dunn "Electrification at Giza: the technology of ancient Egypt."

This is where the paths of the two directions of history diverged. There is no longer even formal politeness, the real cold war has begun. Supporters of official history even take ideology and politics into service, conducting active anti-propaganda of any other view of the past of human civilization. It looks very strange and raises many questions.

Archaeological excavations, meanwhile, confirm that ancient people and dinosaurs lived at the same time, and the technologies of past civilizations were at such a level that one can only guess. However, the very discovery of objects and remains of animals and people testifies to a global catastrophe that destroyed the ancient world.

Most often, official science refutes inexplicable finds, because they could not be made in a particular historical period, and should not have existed in principle. But the fact remains that the discovered objects are proof that ancient technology was vastly superior to modern technology.

So, for example, near the American city of London in the summer of 1934, a hammer was found 15 cm long and with a diameter of about 3 cm. It was in a piece of limestone, whose age is estimated at 140 million years. The studies carried out gave a completely unexpected result: the chemical composition of the metal was surprising (about 97 percent iron, 2.5 percent chlorine and about 0.5 percent sulfur). There were no other impurities. In the entire history of metallurgy, it was not possible to obtain such pure iron. No traces of carbon were found in the found iron, and in fact carbon and many other impurities will always be contained in the ore. In addition, the discovered iron hammer did not rust at all. In addition, it is made using a completely unknown technology.

Scientists concluded that the find belongs to the early Cretaceous period, that is, its age is approximately 65-140 million years. According to official science, people only learned to make iron hammers 10,000 years ago.

In 1974, in a sand pit in Romania, workers found an unknown object about 20 cm long. Deciding that it was a stone ax, they sent the find to the archaeological institute for research. Scientists cleaned it of sand and found a metal rectangular object, on which there were two holes of different sizes, which converged at a right angle. A slight deformation was noticeable in the lower part of the larger hole, as if a rod or shaft were being strengthened in it. And the sides and top were covered with dents from strong impacts. All this made it possible for scientists to assume that the find is part of some more complex device.

After research, it was found that this item consists of a very complex alloy, consisting of 13 elements, the main of which is aluminum (89 percent). But aluminum began to be used for the manufacture of industrial products only in the 19th century. And the discovered sample was much older, as evidenced by the depth of the find - more than 10 meters, as well as the remains of a mastodon that were buried there (and these animals died out about a million years ago). An oxidation film on its surface also testifies to the antiquity of the find. It is also not clear for what purposes this item was used, but it is quite obvious that the knowledge of ancient technologies has been completely lost, and the discoveries made once are now unknown.

In the 80s of the last century, workers at the Wonderstone mine in South Africa found in deposits of pyrophyllite (a mineral estimated to be 3 billion years old) unusual metal balls - slightly flattened spheres, the diameter of which varied from 2.5 to 10 cm. They were surrounded by three grooved and made of some material very similar to nickel-plated steel. Such an alloy does not occur in natural conditions. Inside the balls was an unknown bulk material, which evaporated on contact with air. One such ball was placed in a museum, where it was noticed that under glass it slowly rotates around its own axis, making a complete revolution in 128 days. Scientists have not been able to explain this phenomenon.

In 1928, on the territory of Zambia, scientists had to face an unusual phenomenon: they found the skull of an ancient man with a perfectly even hole that resembled a bullet mark. Exactly the same skull was found in Yakutia. Only it was the skull of a bison that lived 40,000 years ago. In addition, the hole managed to overgrow during the life of the animal.

There are many other mysteries of antiquity. So, in particular, the Great Pyramid is the last of the 7 wonders of the world. Despite the fact that it has been carefully researched, official science does not provide an exhaustive explanation. It is not known who built it and for what purpose. How were the wild and illiterate Egyptians able to build a structure of more than 2 million huge stone blocks, the total weight of which exceeded 4 million tons, fitted perfectly together with an unknown mortar and forming a perfect structure? Even now, with the latest technology, a person is hardly able to repeat this structure. In addition, there are many other inexplicable facts, in particular, a seamless surface (in order to level the limestone to such a degree, laser technology is needed, just like for such accurate calculations of the base of the pyramid).

A hundred-meter, ideally smooth tunnel-descent, which was cut into the rock at an angle of 26 degrees, during the construction of which torches were not used. How was the angle of inclination maintained without lighting and special equipment? Moreover, the whole structure is aligned with a minimum error to the cardinal points, which requires serious knowledge of astronomy.

A harmoniously built, very complex internal structure that turns the pyramid into a 48-story building, with mysterious doors, ventilation shafts, which had to be cut through with diamond-tipped saws, machine polishing of stone - official science cannot explain all this.

Another mystery that is covered in darkness, even more than Egypt, is dogs. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about these animals, they are just domesticated descendants of foxes, wolves, coyotes. But in fact, their origin is not so obvious. Recently, geneticists have stated that anthropologists, archaeologists and zoologists have been wrong about dogs for centuries. In particular, the belief that the dog became a domestic animal about 15 thousand years ago turned out to be erroneous. At the same time, the first studies of dog DNA showed that they were all bred only from wolves about 40 thousand years ago. It would seem that this is unusual, but it is interesting how a dog suddenly turned out of a wolf. There is no answer to this question at all. Speculation that an ancient man in some incomprehensible way made friends with a wolf, after which the animal turned into a mutant wolf, does not hold water. It is completely incomprehensible how a completely different animal appeared in wolf parents, which only looked like a wolf, but in the character of which only the traits necessary for living together with a person remained. And how did this mutant manage to survive in a pack with a strict hierarchy? Therefore, scientists have suggested that in this case it was not possible without genetic engineering ...

Official science does not argue that humanity lived without comfort until the last century. There was no sewerage in the ancient cities. But, as it turned out, not all. So, in particular, the inhabitants of the ancient city of Mozhenj-Daro, which existed in 2600-1700 BC, used the benefits of civilization that were not inferior to modern ones. In general, it should be noted that this city is amazing not only for the presence of public toilets and running water, but also for its well-thought-out and planned structure. It is quite obvious that the city was planned in advance and built on two levels on a special suspension system. The buildings are made of standard sizes of burnt bricks. The city was saturated with everything necessary even by modern standards: a clear system of streets, granaries, houses with amenities, baths.

Official science cannot answer, where are the cities that preceded Mohenjo-Daro, why did people who could not burn bricks manage to build such a metropolis?

Teotihuacan was the first city in America. During its heyday, about 200 thousand inhabitants lived there. Almost nothing is known about this city. Where did the people who built the city come from, how was their society organized, what language did they speak… Here, by the way, plates of mica fixed at the top of the pyramid of the Sun were discovered. It would seem nothing impressive, but in fact, this is a very important find. Mica is not used as a building material, but it is an excellent protection against radio waves and electromagnetic radiation.

What do all these finds and mysteries testify to? And they say that modern historical science is untenable. It is clear that there are theories and evidence. Firstly, people lived at the same time as dinosaurs, which completely refutes Darwin's theory. Secondly, in ancient times, people possessed technologies that modern man can only dream of.


The world media, just like the general public, does not discuss the possibility of the existence of some other view of history than the officially accepted by science. In the meantime, humanity must choose which path to follow and which view to adhere to.

Currently, there is an official history devoid of all mysteries, which only to a small extent explains the numerous finds that were discovered during archaeological excavations. Basically, she is engaged in compiling all kinds of catalogs and digging out potsherds. Therefore, it is not surprising that alternative history is gaining more and more authority.

It should be noted that a few decades ago, scientists of these two areas worked together, and almost always could agree, but all this stopped. There are several reasons for this: representatives of an alternative direction of history fell out with Egyptologists, not unreasonably making the assumption that the Sphinx is much older than the oldest of the Egyptian rulers. The second reason was the appearance of the book by K. Dunn "Electrification at Giza: the technology of ancient Egypt."

This is where the paths of the two directions of history diverged. There is no longer even formal politeness, the real cold war has begun. Supporters of official history even take ideology and politics into service, conducting active anti-propaganda of any other view of the past of human civilization. It looks very strange and raises many questions.

Archaeological excavations, meanwhile, confirm that ancient people and dinosaurs lived at the same time, and the technologies of past civilizations were at such a level that one can only guess. However, the very discovery of objects and remains of animals and people testifies to a global catastrophe that destroyed the ancient world.

Most often, official science refutes inexplicable finds, because they could not be made in a particular historical period, and should not have existed in principle. But the fact remains that the discovered objects are proof that ancient technology was vastly superior to modern technology.

So, for example, near the American city of London in the summer of 1934, a hammer was found 15 cm long and with a diameter of about 3 cm. It was in a piece of limestone, whose age is estimated at 140 million years. The studies carried out gave a completely unexpected result: the chemical composition of the metal was surprising (about 97 percent iron, 2.5 percent chlorine and about 0.5 percent sulfur). There were no other impurities. In the entire history of metallurgy, it was not possible to obtain such pure iron. No traces of carbon were found in the found iron, and in fact carbon and many other impurities will always be contained in the ore. In addition, the discovered iron hammer did not rust at all. In addition, it is made using a completely unknown technology.

Scientists concluded that the find belongs to the early Cretaceous period, that is, its age is approximately 65-140 million years. According to official science, people only learned to make iron hammers 10,000 years ago.

In 1974, in a sand pit in Romania, workers found an unknown object about 20 cm long. Deciding that it was a stone ax, they sent the find to the archaeological institute for research. Scientists cleaned it of sand and found a metal rectangular object, on which there were two holes of different sizes, which converged at a right angle. A slight deformation was noticeable in the lower part of the larger hole, as if a rod or shaft were being strengthened in it. And the sides and top were covered with dents from strong impacts. All this made it possible for scientists to assume that the find is part of some more complex device.

After research, it was found that this item consists of a very complex alloy, consisting of 13 elements, the main of which is aluminum (89 percent). But aluminum began to be used for the manufacture of industrial products only in the 19th century. And the discovered sample was much older, as evidenced by the depth of the find - more than 10 meters, as well as the remains of a mastodon that were buried there (and these animals died out about a million years ago). An oxidation film on its surface also testifies to the antiquity of the find. It is also not clear for what purposes this item was used, but it is quite obvious that the knowledge of ancient technologies has been completely lost, and the discoveries made once are now unknown.

In the 80s of the last century, workers at the Wonderstone mine in South Africa found in deposits of pyrophyllite (a mineral estimated to be 3 billion years old) unusual metal balls - slightly flattened spheres, the diameter of which varied from 2.5 to 10 cm. They were surrounded by three grooved and made of some material very similar to nickel-plated steel. Such an alloy does not occur in natural conditions. Inside the balls was an unknown bulk material, which evaporated on contact with air. One such ball was placed in a museum, where it was noticed that under glass it slowly rotates around its own axis, making a complete revolution in 128 days. Scientists have not been able to explain this phenomenon.

In 1928, on the territory of Zambia, scientists had to face an unusual phenomenon: they found the skull of an ancient man with a perfectly even hole that resembled a bullet mark. Exactly the same skull was found in Yakutia. Only it was the skull of a bison that lived 40,000 years ago. In addition, the hole managed to overgrow during the life of the animal.

There are many other mysteries of antiquity. So, in particular, the Great Pyramid is the last of the 7 wonders of the world. Despite the fact that it has been carefully researched, official science does not provide an exhaustive explanation. It is not known who built it and for what purpose. How were the wild and illiterate Egyptians able to build a structure of more than 2 million huge stone blocks, the total weight of which exceeded 4 million tons, fitted perfectly together with an unknown mortar and forming a perfect structure? Even now, with the latest technology, a person is hardly able to repeat this structure. In addition, there are many other inexplicable facts, in particular, a seamless surface (in order to level the limestone to such a degree, laser technology is needed, just like for such accurate calculations of the base of the pyramid).

A hundred-meter, ideally smooth tunnel-descent, which was cut into the rock at an angle of 26 degrees, during the construction of which torches were not used. How was the angle of inclination maintained without lighting and special equipment? Moreover, the whole structure is aligned with a minimum error to the cardinal points, which requires serious knowledge of astronomy.

A harmoniously built, very complex internal structure that turns the pyramid into a 48-story building, with mysterious doors, ventilation shafts, which had to be cut through with diamond-tipped saws, machine polishing of stone - official science cannot explain all this.

Another mystery that is covered in darkness, even more than Egypt, is dogs. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about these animals, they are just domesticated descendants of foxes, wolves, coyotes. But in fact, their origin is not so obvious. Recently, geneticists have stated that anthropologists, archaeologists and zoologists have been wrong about dogs for centuries. In particular, the belief that the dog became a domestic animal about 15 thousand years ago turned out to be erroneous. At the same time, the first studies of dog DNA showed that they were all bred only from wolves about 40 thousand years ago. It would seem that this is unusual, but it is interesting how a dog suddenly turned out of a wolf. There is no answer to this question at all. Speculation that an ancient man in some incomprehensible way made friends with a wolf, after which the animal turned into a mutant wolf, does not hold water. It is completely incomprehensible how a completely different animal appeared in wolf parents, which only looked like a wolf, but in the character of which only the traits necessary for living together with a person remained. And how did this mutant manage to survive in a pack with a strict hierarchy? Therefore, scientists have suggested that in this case it was not possible without genetic engineering ...

Official science does not argue that humanity lived without comfort until the last century. There was no sewerage in the ancient cities. But, as it turned out, not all. So, in particular, the inhabitants of the ancient city of Mozhenj-Daro, which existed in 2600-1700 BC, used the benefits of civilization that were not inferior to modern ones. In general, it should be noted that this city is amazing not only for the presence of public toilets and running water, but also for its well-thought-out and planned structure. It is quite obvious that the city was planned in advance and built on two levels on a special suspension system. The buildings are made of standard sizes of burnt bricks. The city was saturated with everything necessary even by modern standards: a clear system of streets, granaries, houses with amenities, baths.

Official science cannot answer, where are the cities that preceded Mohenjo-Daro, why did people who could not burn bricks manage to build such a metropolis?

Teotihuacan was the first city in America. During its heyday, about 200 thousand inhabitants lived there. Almost nothing is known about this city. Where did the people who built the city come from, how was their society organized, what language did they speak… Here, by the way, plates of mica fixed at the top of the pyramid of the Sun were discovered. It would seem nothing impressive, but in fact, this is a very important find. Mica is not used as a building material, but it is an excellent protection against radio waves and electromagnetic radiation.

What do all these finds and mysteries testify to? And they say that modern historical science is untenable. It is clear that there are theories and evidence. Firstly, people lived at the same time as dinosaurs, which completely refutes Darwin's theory. Secondly, in ancient times, people possessed technologies that modern man can only dream of.

Knowledge about ancient civilizations and their technologies is almost lost. Moreover, evidence of a large number of cataclysms in antiquity suggests that modern methods of dating the finds are fundamentally wrong. What to do with all this is not yet clear, because scientists prefer to remain captive to their own conjectures and conjectures.

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And now, literally now, connected with the same obilisk and related technologies. The fact is that all over the world there are artificially created caves, such as this one, in China: All of them have obvious traces of machine processing, here is a fragment of the previous photo: Today, such traces are left by such a mining cutter: If in "deep antiquity" they used something similar, then we can simultaneously consider the question closed - where did the "ancient" builders get finely crushed stone for casting megaliths - say, the same pedestal for the "Bronze Horseman" in St. Petersburg or the Alexander Column and other things in the city, where casting is at every turn. Similar cave technologies can also be found here in the Crimea, see the links at the end of the article. So, the obilisk in Aswan is remarkable in that it demonstrates all the "cave" technologies in one place. And there are such things that, again, baffle the modern specialist. Here is a fragment on which the traces are clearly machined and the traces are made, as if it were hammered by hand with a chisel: But the traces of the development of a completely different kind: Or: As if it was not granite, but wet sand, which was raked out with a shovel. What kind of technology is unknown. "Scientists" claim that it was hollowed out with the help of chisels, which were beaten with cobblestones. Here are the ones in the hands of this smiling tourist: But the fact is that there are such bottlenecks that if you squeeze in there, then you can’t go back on your own - just pull out by the legs. And no modern mechanism will fit there. How to do this - there is no reasonable explanation. But it's done. Cave people. At the end of this section, photos from Crimea: This, they say, the monks knocked out with a chisel. Yeah, and millions of tons are still underground ... What a joke for those who hollowed out to make an opening of such a height? The cart, with such a load height and track width, will certainly roll over on the road. Why such a high pass? There is no way we can verify messages like this: Researchers from Australia have discovered a fossilized molar among a variety of remains. Its height was 6.7, and its width was 4.2 centimeters. The owner of a tooth of this size had a height of at least 7.5 meters and a weight of 370 kilograms.”- there are a lot of such messages, sometimes very plausible. But how to check it? But we see a passage for such people, such examples can be collected a lot: in the same Isaac in St. Petersburg, absurdly large doors, All this, it would be nice to somehow explain.

Grand canal culture

Artificial water artery - the Great Chinese Canal. The length is 1782 kilometers. In Vietnam, most of the territory is generally covered by a network of canals:
The canals are laid as if by a ruler. Here, the length of the straight section reaches 45 km:
This is Vietnam. This is where the Vietnamese live. It is their hard work that laid thousands of kilometers of these unique canals. For comparison. Now China is building a canal in Nicragua. The length is 278 km. About one million two hundred thousand people will build, of which 200 thousand will use bulldozers, scrapers and excavators directly in the canal bed zone. But in the USSR, a unique experiment was set up: there, with picks and wheelbarrows, between 1931 and 1933 they built a canal 227 km long in less than two years: The number of builders did not exceed 126 thousand people. Rip off: the Chinese are going to keep within 5 years - the beginning of operation and 15 years - the complete completion of construction. More than a million builders with equipment - 15 years, the USSR is almost ten times less builders - less than two years! No excavators! Those. The USSR of those years, in some way, fit into that ancient civilization. And historians do not tell us what happened to humanity in just half a century, that these unique skills and technologies were irretrievably lost! And this is one of the canals laid under the leadership of A.V. Suvorov in Finland. Suvorov dug these canals there in seven years, so many that the current Chinese with their excavators and bulldozers cannot be built in a hundred years. In America, a unique network of canals covers the entire area behind the Atlantic City spit, the entire coast of the Delaware Bay, the entire coast of North and South Carolina and further south to Florida: They were built in the pre-excavation era: if they dug as during the construction of the Panama Canal, it would take more than one thousand years ... The construction of grandiose earthen embankments, such as the Great Trans-Volga Wall, which stretched for more than two and a half thousand kilometers, with a height of five meters and a width of 70 meters and nearby a moat about 3 meters deep and 10 meters wide: Well, add here thousands of kilometers of the famous Serpentine shafts ...

Kremlin culture

The Stone Age - the age of building from natural stone ended with the transition to mass construction, first from brick, and then from other types of artificial stone. Historians argue that bricks were massively used in civil engineering only in the 18th century: there are simply no residential and utility buildings made of bricks from an earlier time. But Kremlins and monasteries, according to historians, were built of brick long before the 18th century: Moscow - 1485 - 1495, Novgorod - 1484 -1490, Nizhny Novgorod - 1500 - 1512, i.e. the thirteenth century, this is almost five hundred years before the start of civil engineering in brick. That is, according to historians, in the 13th century, an idea fell into someone's head: stop moving heavy stones, let's build a brick Kremlin! The Kremlin is millions of bricks, you can't do it with handicraft! We will open a plant, recruit workers, build a Kremlin, then we will close the plant, workers - under the knee - let them die of hunger! - Approximately such a picture emerges, if you believe in all these "ancient" Kremlins. Another sequence looks logical: at first, the new material was tested in domestic construction, technologies, working methods were worked out, the durability of the new material was studied, in the end it was necessary to know how long the construction would take - you need to gain experience, in short, and then build giant urban and monastery walls. In the early 60s, the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was restored, while studying the structure and creating drawings for restoration, here is one of the sections: The construction of such a grandiose structure as the Kremlin is unthinkable without drawings. Well, the Italian architect could not give instructions like: dig from me to the next oak tree! In Novgorod during the construction of the Kremlin, birch bark was used for writing. So how many cartloads of birch bark were used by those Italian architects who built the Kremlin in Russia?! And where are at least some traces - the correspondence of the townspeople on the birch bark has been preserved, and at least one drawing to see how it will look on the birch bark! No way: bricks for responsible construction had factory markings - the factory and year of manufacture, no handicraft was allowed here: The restorers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin found that the brick was marked in 1785, made by the Balakhna plant, which was located not far from the Lower, upstream. Thus: the Stone Age ended in the 18th century, the Kremlin was built at the end of the 18th, beginning of the 19th. But, most importantly: all these kremlins, buildings of the late 18th century are similar to one another, like different pots of corded ceramics. And the location of these "cups with a thickened bottom" shows the area of ​​the "Kremlin culture", and in fact - the borders of the Russian Empire. The Kremlin was not built for decoration - it is a defensive structure, it is an outpost and no one will allow it to be built on enemy territory and no one will share secrets. Here are two towers nearby - one of the largest in the empire - the Moscow Kremlin, the second tower of the Kremlin of one of the southern provinces:

A. Sklyarov never made it to India. Life was cut short, there was not enough time to show much more in this corner of the ancient cultures and civilizations of the Earth. Artifacts, high-tech traces of stone processing there are no less than in Egypt and Turkey. I offer for review the video of one Indian researcher:

India. Officially 12th century. The use of lathes and cutters for stone carving is obvious.

Photo of modern equipment for comparison:

But processing such volumes in stone is very expensive and costly. As a rule, segments of composite columns are made, for example:

A modern analogue of the manufacture of the column, but only its segment. Multi-meter columns are not made, it is too difficult.

The rectangles on the disk elements of the columns are interesting. What are they for? Aesthetics are not attached.
Maybe the grooves in the columns are places for winding. Are all these temples transformers or even generators of electrical energy? The metal was removed by the natives, who began to live in this territory after (after the cataclysm or the departure of the Gods)

If we talk about the cargo cult, then the following comparisons are not excluded:

Modern pore adjustable floors. Perhaps the ancient builders poured the interfloor ceilings in the same way. And later this was imitated by other residents who had already lost all meaning. But still had high-tech equipment for making such.

Modern power transformer. Then all the temples with such columns are an imitation of the natives seen in the past with the Gods.

Low-oil circuit breaker VMT-110B-25/1250UHL1

There is also a rectangular base at the bottom.

Let's continue watching videos:

A model that probably recreates the process of making circle marks on rocks.

Vertically manufactured column in China. Most likely, they did it in India. So you need simpler equipment and a less demanding bearing (sliding bearing) at the bottom.

Screenshot from video:

Granite temple, sandstone chain. How did you connect without taking into account that this is a casting?

In conclusion, I want to add that I do not exclude the option of casting many stone products and elements. It makes no sense to carry black basalt thousands of kilometers away. It is easier to cast an imitation for it (if it was necessary and the technology was available).