Task in the Russian language exam number 14. Algorithm for completing the task

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

Behind the eye (1) glass, an ordinary (3) urban asphalt (4) street lived its morning (2) life, along which crowded (5) fixed-route taxis and cargo (6) dump trucks rushed.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

Behind the window glass, an ordinary city paved street lived its morning life, along which crowded fixed-route taxis and loaded dump trucks rushed.

In this offer:

1.okonNym - an adjective formed from the word WINDOW with the help of the suffix -Н-;

2. morning - an adjective formed from the word MORNING with the help of the suffix -ENN-;

3.ordinary - an adjective formed with the help of the suffix -ENN-;

4.asphalted - participle, ends in -OVANNY;

5. overflowing - full participle formed from the perfective verb TO OVERFLOW;

6.loaded - a verbal adjective, there are no conditions for writing HH.

Answer: 12345

Answer: 12345

Rule: Spelling Н and НН in words of different parts of speech. Task 15.


Traditionally, this is the most difficult topic for students, since a reasonable spelling of Н or НН is possible only with knowledge of morphological and word-formation laws. The "Reference" material summarizes and systematizes all the rules of the topic H and HH from school textbooks and provides additional information from V.V. Lopatin and D.E. Rosenthal to the extent that is necessary to complete the tasks of the exam.

14.1 Н and НН in denominative adjectives (formed from nouns).

14.1.1 Two NNs in suffixes

The suffixes of adjectives are written HH, if:

1) the adjective is formed from a noun with a base on H using the suffix H: fogH + H → foggy; pocket+n → pocket, carton+n → carton

ancient (from old+N), picturesque (from picture+N), deep (from depth+N), outlandish (from outlandish+N), remarkable (from a dozen+N), true (from truth+N), corvée ( from barshchina + N), communal (from community + N), long (from length + N)

note: the word "strange" from the point of view of the modern language does not have the suffix H in its composition and is not related to the word "country". But it is possible to explain HH historically: a person from a foreign country was considered a dissident, a stranger, an outsider.

The spelling of the word “genuine” can also be explained etymologically: authentic in Ancient Russia was the truth that the defendant spoke “under the long ones” - special long sticks or whips.

2) the adjective is formed on behalf of the noun by adding the suffix -ENN-, -ONN: cranberry (cranberry), revolutionary (revolution), solemn (triumph).

Exception: windy (but: windless).


There are adjective words in which H is part of the root. These words must be remembered. They were not formed from nouns:

crimson, green, spicy, drunken, swine, red, ruddy, youthful.

14.1.2. The suffixes of adjectives are written N

The suffixes of adjectives are written N, if:

1) the adjective has the suffix -IN- ( dove, mouse, nightingale, tiger). Words with this suffix often have the meaning of "whose": dove, mouse, nightingale, tiger.

2) the adjective has the suffixes -AN-, -YAN- ( sandy, leathery, oatmeal, earthy). Words with this suffix often mean "made of what": sand, leather, oats, earth.

Exceptions: glass, pewter, wood.

14.2. Н and НН in the suffixes of words formed from verbs. Complete forms.

As you know, both participles and adjectives (= verbal adjectives) can be formed from verbs. The rules for writing H and HH in these words are different.

14.2.1 HH in suffixes of full participles and verbal adjectives

In the suffixes of full participles and verbal adjectives, HH is written if AT LEAST ONE of the conditions is met:

1) the word is formed from the verb perfect look, WITH OR WITHOUT A PREFACE, for example:

from the verbs to buy, redeem (what to do?, perfect form): bought, redeemed;

from verbs to throw, to throw (what to do?, perfect form): abandoned-abandoned.

The prefix NOT does not change the form of the participle and does not affect the spelling of the suffix. Any other prefix does makes the word perfect

2) the word has suffixes -OVA-, -EVA- even in imperfective words ( pickled, paved, automated).

3) with a word formed from a verb, there is a dependent word, that is, it forms a participle turnover, for example: ice cream in the refrigerator, boiled in broth).

NOTE: In cases where the full participle turns into an adjective in a specific sentence, the spelling does not change. For example: Excited With this message, the father spoke loudly and did not hold back his emotions. The highlighted word is participle in participial turnover, excited how? this message. Change the sentence: His face was excited, and there is no longer communion, there is no turnover, because the person cannot be “excited”, and this is an adjective. In such cases, they talk about the transition of participles into adjectives, but this fact does not affect the spelling of NN.

More examples: The girl was very organized and educated. Both words here are adjectives. The girl was not “educated”, and she has always been brought up, these are constant signs. Let's change the sentences: We were in a hurry to a meeting organized by partners. Mom, brought up in severity, and raised us just as strictly. And now the highlighted words are participles.

In such cases, in the explanation to the task, we write: participle adjective or adjective passed from the participle.

Exceptions: unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard of, unexpected, slow, desperate, sacred, desired..

note to the fact that from a number of exceptions the words counted (minutes), done (indifference). These words are written according to the general rule.

Add more words here:

forged, pecked, chewed eva / ova are part of the root, these are not suffixes to write HH. But when prefixes appear, they are written according to the general rule: chewed, shod, pecked.

the wounded is written one N. Compare: wounded in battle(two N, because the dependent word appeared); Wounded, the view is perfect, there is a prefix).

smart to define the type of word is difficult.

14.2. 2 One H in verbal adjectives

In the suffixes of verbal adjectives, N is written if:

the word is formed from an imperfective verb, that is, answers the question what did you do with the item? and the word in the sentence has no dependent words.

stew(it was stewed) meat,

shorn(their hair was cut)

boiled(it was boiled) potatoes,

brokenNaya(it was broken) line,

stained(it was stained) oak (dark as a result of special processing),

BUT: as soon as these adjective words have a dependent word, they immediately go into the category of participles and are written with two N.

stewed in the oven(it was stewed) meat,

recently cut(their hair was cut)

steamed(it was boiled) potatoes.

DISCOVER: participles (right) and adjectives (left) have different meanings! Stressed vowels are marked with capital letters.

named brother, named sister- a person who is not biologically related to this person, but who agreed to fraternal (sisterly) relations voluntarily. - the address I gave;

planted father (acting the role of the parent of the bride or groom at the wedding ceremony). - planted at the table;

dowry (property given to the bride by her family for life in marriage) - given a chic look;

narrowed (as the groom is called, from the word fate) - narrowed skirt, from the word narrow, make narrow)

Forgiveness Sunday (religious holiday) - forgiven by me;

written beauty(epithet, idiom) - oil painting.

14.2.3. Spelling Н and НН in compound adjectives

As part of a compound word, the spelling of the verbal adjective does not change:

a) the first part is formed from imperfective verbs, so we write N: plain-dyed (paint), hot-rolled, homespun, multi-colored, gold-woven (weave); whole-cut cut), gold-forged (forged), little-traveled (ride), little-walked (walk), little-carried (wear), slightly salted (salt), finely crushed (crush), freshly slaked (quench), freshly frozen (freeze) and others.

b) the second part of the compound word is formed from the prefixed verb of the perfect form, which means we write NN: smooth about dyed ( about paint), fresh per ice cream ( per freeze), etc.).

In the second part of complex formations, H is written, although there is a prefix PER-: ironed-over-ironed, patched-re-patched, worn-carried, washed-washed, shot-re-shot, darned-redarned.

Thus, tasks can be performed according to the algorithm:

14.3. Н and НН in short adjectives and short participles

Both participles and adjectives have not only full, but also short forms.

Rule: In short participles, one N is always written.

Rule: In short adjectives, the same number of N is written as in the full form.

But in order to apply the rules, you need distinguish between adjectives and participles.

DISCOVER short adjectives and participles:

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what? what? what are what is it? what are?, short participles - what is done? what's done? what is done? what are done?

2) by value(a short participle is related to the action, can be replaced by a verb; a short adjective characterizes the word being defined, does not report the action);

3) by the presence of a dependent word(short adjectives do not and cannot have, short participles have).

Brief participlesShort adjectives
written (story) m. what is done? by whom?the boy is educated (what?) - from the full form educated (what?)
written (book) f.rod; what's done? by whom?the girl is educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)
written (composition) cf. what is done? by whom?the child is educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)
works written, pl. number; what are done? by whom?children are educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)

14.4. One or two N can also be written in adverbs.

In adverbs in -O / -E, the same number of N is written as there are in the original word, for example: calmly with one H, since in the adjective calm suffix H; slowly with HH, as in the adjective slow NN; enthusiastically with HH, as in the sacrament HAPPY NN.

With the seeming simplicity of this rule, there is a problem of distinguishing between adverbs, short participles and short adjectives. For example, in the word focus (Н, НН) о it is impossible to choose one or another spelling WITHOUT knowing what this word is in a sentence or phrase.

DISCOVER short adjectives, short participles and adverbs.

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what? what? what are what is it? what are?, short participles - what is done? what's done? what is done? what are done? adverbs: how?

2) by value(a short participle is related to the action, can be replaced by a verb; a short adjective characterizes the word being defined, does not report the action); an adverb expresses an action, how it occurs)

3) by role in the sentence:(short adjectives and short participles are often predicates, while the adverb

refers to the verb and is a circumstance)

14.5. Н and НН in nouns

1.In nouns (as in short adjectives and adverbs), the same number of N is written as in the adjectives (participles) from which they are formed:

prisoner (prisoner)oilman (oil)
education (educated)hotel (living room)
exile (exiled)anemone (windy)
larch (deciduous)confusion (confused)
pupil (educated)spice (spicy)
humanity (humane)sandstone (sandy)
elevation (sublime)smoked (smoked)
poise (balanced)delicious ice cream (ice cream)
devotion (devotee)peat bog (peat)

Words are formed from adjectives

related / ik from related, third-party / ik from third-party, like-minded / ik from like-minded, (malicious / ik, co-intentional / ik), set / ik from set, drowned / ik from drowned, numerical / ik from numerical, compatriot / ik from compatriot) and many others.

2. Nouns can also be formed from verbs and other nouns.

HH is written, one H is included in the root, and the other is in the suffix.N*
moshen / nickname (from moshna, which meant a bag, wallet)worker / enik (from toil)
squad / nickname (from squad)much / enik (from torturing)
raspberry/nick (raspberry)powder / enitsa (from powdering)
name day / nickname (name day)birth / birth (give birth)
cheating / nickname (treason)brother-in-law / e / nit / a
nephewvar/enik (cook)
dowry/niceBUT: dowry (from give)
aspen/nicknamebesrebr / enik
ringing / ringingsilver/nickname

Table note: *Words that are written with H and are not formed from adjectives (participles) in the Russian language are rare. They need to be learned by heart.

HH is written and in words traveler(from traveling) predecessor(preceded)

For the fourteenth task of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, you can get one primary score. In the sentence written in the task, there are numbers in the places where the letters “n / nn” are missing; in the answer, it is required to indicate all the numbers, in the place of which either “n” or “nn” should stand. Graduates quite often make mistakes here. To prevent this, let's repeat the theory below.

Theory for assignment No. 14 USE in the Russian language

n / nn as part of suffixes of adjectives and participles

-in--he N-
Swan, animal, mouseTraditional, revolutionary, editorial
Sand, silver, leatherArtificial, life, pumpkin
Exceptions: glass, tin, woodException: windy
In adjectives denoting colorsIn adjectives formed from nouns ending in -me
Green, purple, blueNameless (from name), temporary (from time to time)
In short passive participlesAt the junction of a stem ending in "n" with the suffix "n"
Educated, spoiledPlain, long, sleepy
In adjectives denoting plants, with the suffix "ov"In adjectives denoting plants, without the suffix "ov"
orange, tangerineorange, tangerine
In verbal adjectives formed from imperfective verbsIn passive participles formed from perfective verbs
Fried, knittedResolved, offended
Exception: wounded
In short verbal adjectives
Educated, educated
In verbal adjectives with the suffixes "ova / eva"
Pickled, paved
Exception: forged, chewed

In nouns and adverbs formed from participles and verbal adjectives, the same number of “n” is written as in the original word:

Dumpling (from boiled), chosen one (from chosen one), ice cream (from frozen).

You need to remember the spelling of the following words:

Task execution algorithm

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. We open the brackets in the sentence in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language.
  3. Write down the number corresponding to the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 14 USE in the Russian language

The fourteenth task of the 2018 demo

Already in the first landscape of V. Serov, almost all the features that were (2) characteristic of him as a landscape painter were manifested (1): sharpness of vision, deep insight into the essence of the depicted, sophistication (3) and accuracy of color.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. Manifested - we write one H, since this is a short form of the passive participle; peculiar - adjective, we write H, since the suffix is ​​ENN; sophistication - we write HH, since there are two suffixes in the word - A and HH, since the noun is formed from the participle refined with a prefix and formed from the verb of the perfect form.

Answer: 2, 3.

The first version of the task

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which N is written.

During these (1) nights, the earth loses the accumulated (2) heat per day as a result of convection and thermal infrared (3) radiation.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. We are looking for a word in which one letter N is written.
  2. Autumn- the basis on H plus the suffix H, therefore, we write double HH; accumulated- we write NN, since this is a participle with a dependent word and with a prefix; infrared- in adjectives denoting color, it is always written N.

The second version of the task

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HN is written.

He dreamed of becoming an explorer of unknown (1) mysteries and was afraid that on our huge (2) planet there were no more places left unexplored (3), unexplored (4), unconquered (5) by man.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. We are looking for a word that spells NN.
  2. Unknown, unexplored, unexplored, unconquered- participles with prefixes formed from perfective verbs, therefore, we write NN; huge- adjective, write N.

Answer: 1, 3, 4, 5.

The third version of the task

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HN is written.

His poems were unusual (1) and unexpected (2), but Mayakovsky forced himself to listen: by the end of the evening, the overcrowded (3) hall did not take his eyes off him with delight (4), admiring (5) eyes.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. We are looking for a word that spells NN.
  2. Unaccustomed- a short adjective formed from an adjective unwonted, in which H is written, it means that there will be one H in short form; unexpected- full form unexpected, means and in the short form НН; crowded- a participle with a prefix, formed from a perfective verb, we write NN; enthusiastic, admiring- an adjective with the suffix ENH, we write HH.

“I repeat: he won’t come out of there,” the pimpled man said with conviction (1), shaking his head. - It's been an hour and a quarter since I climbed in. He's finished. The inhabitants crowded around the ruins were silent, staring at the hole blackening in the ruins - the entrance to the dungeon was blocked with stones. A fat man in a yellow suko(3) jacket stepped from foot to foot, coughed, took off his beret. "Wait a minute," he said, wiping sweat from his sparse brows. - What's good for something? – pimply snorted. - There he sits in the cellars, a basilisk, al forgot, saltys? Whoever enters is the end. Few people died, did they? What to expect? “Well, we agreed,” the fat man grumbled incredulously. - How so?

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HN is written? - Upita (1) th filly, - the carver repeated.Leave the horse alone, dear. The carver turned slowly (2) about to the stranger, who came out from behind a break in the wall, from behind the backs of people who had gathered around the entrance to the dungeon. The stranger had thick curly chestnut (3) hair, a brown cape over a caftan planted (4) on cotton wool, and high riding boots. And no weapons.

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HN is written? Following the hands appeared a head with white hair covered with brick dust, then a pale face, and finally a sword hilt protruding above the shoulder. The crowd was noisy. The white-headed, hunchbacked, pulled out an amazing creature from the hole - a terrible (2) body, covered with dust, saturated with blood. Holding the creature by its long lizard tail, he silently threw it at the feet of the stout soltys. Soltys jumped back, stumbling over a piece of wall lying down and not taking his eyes off the curved (4)th bird's beak, webbed wings and sickle-shaped claws on scaly paws.

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HN is written? - So-o-o. - Three Jackdaws for some time looked at the smoky (1)th ceiling and the spiders swarming under it. - So-and-ak ... For starters ... - Cheese? the innkeeper ventured. “Nope,” Borch grimaced. - Cheese will be for dessert. - Then so. The innkeeper smiled even wider. The two front teeth were not unity, which he was missing. - Eels with garlic in oil and vinegar or pickled (3) pods of green (4) peppers.

Explanation for question 4:

smoky - sov.vid, the only ones - suf. ENN, marinated - suf. OVA

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HN is written? “I don’t hunt dragons,” Geralt said dryly. - Forktails, donkeys, flying. And on true (1) dragons too - green (2), black, red. Take note of this and that's it. “You surprised me,” said Three Jackdaws. - Okay, I've taken note. However, let's wait a little with the dragons, I see something red on the horizon, these are, undoubtedly (3) oh, our crayfish. With a crunch, they tore red shells with their teeth, sucked out white meat. Strongly tickling the lips of the salt (4)th water ran even over the hands. The Zerrikans became even merrier, looking around the tavern, grinning ominously, the witcher was sure that they were looking for a reason to make a scandal. Three Jackdaws also apparently noticed this, because he suddenly threatened them with cancer, taken by the tail.

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HN is written? There was a barrier on the bridge. The road was blocked by a long (1) strong log lying on a tree (2) goats. In front of him and behind him stood halberdiers in leather (3), jackets (4) decorated with cones and peaked helmets with chain mail covering their necks. A purple cloth with the sign of the silver (5th) vulture moved lazily over the road.

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HN is written? There, after the unexpected (1) th and terrible (2) death of the prince, the princess remained. The nobles from Malleora look with distaste at Nedamir and other applicants, because they know that the new ruler will quickly curb them, not like the young princess. So they unearthed somewhere an old and dust-covered prediction, as if the miter and the girl’s hand are better (3) for the one who defeats the dragon. Since no one had seen a dragon here for a long time, everyone thought that they could sleep peacefully. When news of the Golopoli dragon spread, Nedamir realized that he could beat the Mallorian nobles with their weapons. If he had appeared with a dragon head in his hands, the people would have greeted him as a monarch sent down (4) by the gods, and the nobles would not have dared to utter a word.

Explanation for question 7:

unexpected - there is a prefix, strange (the root of countries plus the suffix H), sent down - owl.

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HN is written? - And after the tale (1) are you still surprised that Nedamir rushed after the dragon, like a cat with a full bubble? Besides, for such a dragon, which is already barely dragging its feet? For him, this is a pure gift, a smile of fate, damn him.And roads blocked from competitors. – Perhaps. And from the Holopolites. But at the same time, throughout the district, he sent out ko (2) with letters addressed (3) to those who should slam the dragon, because Nedamir is not eager to personally climb into the cave with a sword. Instantly gathered the most famous dragons. Many of you are probably familiar, Geralt. - Maybe. Who has arrived? “Eyck from Denesle is one. “Tell me…” the witcher whistled softly. - God-fearing (4) th and virtuous Eik, a knight without fear and reproach.

Task 14 USE in the Russian language 2018, theory

The difficulty of this task lies in the fact that the spelling H / HH depends on the part of speech, and there are a number of exceptions that you need to remember.

Work algorithm:

  • Read the assignment carefully. It is important to look for a word with the number of H that is indicated in the task. Before entering the answer into the form, check again.
  • Determine the part of speech.
  • If you are dealing with adjectives and participles, then the full or short form is important in front of you.
  • In accordance with the part of speech and the form of the word, remember the rules and exceptions.

It is important to know about adjectives and participles!



Answers questions (what, what ...) and indicates a sign of the subject.

Combines the signs of an adjective and a verb, answers 2 questions: which one? + questions of the sacrament.

An adjective can be formed from a noun and from an imperfective verb.

The participle is formed from the perfective verb

It has a short form, answers the question “what (a, o, s)?”

It has a short form, answers the question: “what is done (a, o, s)?”

Participles are divided into real and passive.

Real participles (the action is performed by a noun) answer the question: what is he doing, what is he doing?

For example: a reading person (the person himself reads)

Passive participles (the action is performed on a noun) answer the questions: what is done, what is done.

For example: read book (someone read the book, i.e. an action is performed on the book.)

How to distinguish a verbal adjective from a participle:

Verbal adjectives


These include:

1) Verbal adjectives- these are adjectives formed from the verb stem in a suffixal way, retaining only a genetic connection with verbs. (can be replaced by an adjective synonym)

Examples: Tanning, copying (with the suffix -flax). Exclamatory, fortune-telling (with the suffix -teln-th). Experienced, lethargic, burnt (with the suffix -l-th, they go back to the Old Russian participles). Hanging, combustible, rattling, -uch- (-yuch-), go back to the Old Russian participles).

2) participatory formations,(also referred to as adjectives), i.e., participles that have lost their aspect-temporal and pledge meanings, as well as verb control (adjective participles). Boiled, faceted, gifted, tattered, fried.

1) retain their verbality (can be replaced with a construction with a verb)

2) can be formed from perfective verbs

3) can have dependent words as opposed to adjectives.

Н, НН in suffixes of adjectives and participles



1. In denominative adjectives (formed from nouns), which are not based on n, and in non-derivative adjectives;


Blue; green

2. In denominative adjectives with suffixes -an-, -yan-, -in-:



Exc: pewter, glass, wood

1. In denominative adjectives with a basis in -n;

sleep - sleepy

Length - long

2. In denominative adjectives with suffixes

Enn-, -onn-

art-arts enn th,

Lecture-lecture he N th

Morning-morning enn uy

3. In adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, without prefixes, except for non-) and dependent words

To paint (hl HB without prefix) - painted

scare - frightened


Their spelling does not change as part of compound words (smoothly dyed, freshly frozen, but smoothly about painted, because there is a prefix o)

Ex: desired, done, unseen, unheard of, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, sacred, cutesy, slow, long-awaited, awake, cursed

3. In participles formed from perfective verbs, with prefixes (except non-) and / or with dependent words:

Painted (but: unpainted), painted (with what?) with oil paint;

Broken (but: unworn), worn (by whom?) suit by brother

Excl: sworn brother, imprisoned father, smart child, bride's dowry, forgiveness Sunday, finished man

In some non-prefixed participles formed from perfective verbs:

Given, abandoned, bought, decided, deprived

4. In short participles:

Sown - sown (a, o, s)

Reflected - reflected (a, o, s)

4. In full participles (adjectives) into -ovanny, -ovanny:

Pampered, scraped

Excl: forged, chewed

5. In short adjectives, if in full there was one -n-

young girl - young girl

Green trees - trees are green

5. In short adjectives, if in full ones it was -nn-

valuable thing - valuable thing

Long road - the road is long

Remember. In nouns and adverbs formed from participles and verbal adjectives, the same amount of -n- is written as it was in the word from which they were formed:

To educate - a pupil - well-mannered; confused - confusedtrace, confused, confusedly answered; confuse - confusing, entanglement, confusingly explained.

buttered(=oil-soaked) pancake, porridge but oiled cloth

Oil(=in oil) pump, engine

Windy(= with the wind) day, man, but weathered, windless

Wind(=wind driven) engine

wounded soldier

Soldier wounded in the leg

Spelling Н and НН in nouns

USE. A13. Spelling H, HH in suffixes. Option 1

  1. Daria Alexandrovna, with braids (1) on the back of her head, with fright (2) eyes, stood among the scatter (3) of the guests (4) things. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  1. 1,2,4 2) 2,3,4 3) 1,3 4) 1,2,3
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?When he saw her tormented (1) th, suffering face, heard a desperate (2) sound of a voice, something unexpected (3) came up to his throat, and his eyes shone with unpleasant (4) tears. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  1. 1,2,3,4 2) 1,3,4 3) 1,2,3 4) 1,2,4
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?The watchman pointed to a strongly complex (1) man, who, having removed the bar (2) headdress, quickly ran up the trampled (3) steps of the stone (4) stairs. (L.N. Tolstoy)

1) 1,2,3 2) 1,3,4 3) 1,2,4 4) 1,2,3,4

  1. In which answer is NN spelled?Levin always came to Moscow excited (1), a little embarrassed (2) and irritated (3) by this constraint (4) and with a completely unexpected (5) look at things. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  1. 1,2,3,4 2) 1,2,4,5 3) 1,3,4,5 4) 1,2,3,4,5
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?He brought from Germany a fog (1) oh, learning (2) fruits, freedom-loving dreams, an ardent and rather fearful (3) spirit, always enthusiastic (4) speech and black curls to the shoulders. (A.S. Pushkin)
  1. 1,2,3 2) 2,3,4 3) 1,2,3,4 4) 1.3,4
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?Very soon, the operational (1) hints of the perfect (2) disappeared, and the pig began to appear in the most unexpected (3) positions, why immediately (4) there was a demand for plush, clay (5) and wood (6) her similarities. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1.2,3 2) 2,3,4,5 3) 1,2,4,6 4) 1,2,3,4,6
  1. She was approached several times by the (1) young motorcyclist with pale hair combed (2) back, dressed in an unusual (3) leather (4) jacket. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1,4 2) 1 3) 4 4) 1,3,4
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?But she was committed (1) about an unshakable conviction (2) and that her marriage was special (3), precious (4) and pure, from which not a joke,

you won't do opera. (V.V. Nabokov)

  1. 1,3,4 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 1,2,3 4) 2,3,4
  1. Which answer is N?May turned out to be unusual (1) about fear (2): it’s hot, then it’s icy (3) rains with hail, which, like a cova (4), clinked on the glass

and instantly (5) about melted on the windowsills. (V.V. Nabokov)

  1. 3,4,5 2) 3,4 3) 1,2,5 4) 2,3,4
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?Krechmar remained lying in an ugly guest (1) oh and incessantly (2) thought that something unheard of had happened (3) that he did not have inside (4) his right to divorce. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1,2,4 2) 1,3,4 3) 2,3,4 4) 2,4

USE. A13. Spelling H, HH in suffixes. Option 2

  1. In which answer is NN spelled?Silencing the whisper of inspired (1) superstitions, common sense rya (2) tells us that life is only a gap of weak light between two ideally black eternities, and into the abyss of pre-life (3) we have the property (4) to peer with less confusion. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1,3,4 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 2,3,4 4) 1,3
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?Waking up early (1) her usual (2) th, I built a tent out of sheets and blankets and gave free rein to the imagination among the pale light, linen (3) and flannel avalanches, in the folds of which I imagined tedious antediluvian distances, silhouettes from (4) th animals. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1,2,4 2) 2,4 3) 1,2,3 4) 1,3,4
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?In the middle of a distracting (1) night, I (2) oh so I stood on a pillow at the vago (3) window in a long-defunct heavy (4)

Express, whose carriages were painted(5)s coffee-colored at the bottom, and

Top - in creamy. (V.V. Nabokov)

  1. 1,2,3,5 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 1,2,4,5 4)1,3,4,5
  1. Which answer is N?Because of the heat, the windows were closed (1), and it was impossible to be sure (2) about making out the meaning of the negotiations, but if the father immediately (3) agreed, his, according to the old (4) Russian custom, hefty hands shook and tossed a few times. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1,4 2) 1,2.4 3) 1 4) 1,2
  1. Which answer is N?His sober, perfect (1) about concise (2) voice pronounces words and phrases that do not appeal to me (3) and contain (4) so ​​flat,

That I don’t dare to give an example, so that I don’t (5) oh not to sharpen it with even a weak meaningthe stupidity of this tambourine (6) iya. (V.V. Nabokov)

  1. 3,4,5,6 2) 3,4,6 3) 3,4,5 4) 2,3,4,5,6
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?As if anticipating that the wounded (1) substance (2) part of her world should soon die, she was unusually (3) careful about all the landmarks of the past scattered (4) on her family estate. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1,2,3,4 2) 2,3 3) 2,3,4 4)1,3,4
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?Immediately (1) her face takes on a fearful (2), sad (3) expression, which, it would seem, should mean failure, but in fact only hides jealously restrained (4) ecstasy, mushroom happiness. (V.V. Nabokov)
  1. 1,3,4 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 1,2,3 4) 1,2,4
  1. In which answer is NN spelled?According to nosy old relatives (1), the bosses were the cook and the old gardener, both unusual (2)

Positive-looking people, beautifully made up (3) under the betrayed (4) servants. (V.V. Nabokov)