The history of the exam topic by the codifier. Russian lands and principalities in the 12th - mid-15th centuries

Before the start of the academic year, draft documents regulating the structure and content of the KIM USE 2019 were published on the official website of the FIPI (including the demo version of the USE 2019 in history).

Demo version of the exam in history 2019 with answers

Task option + answers Download demo
Codifier codifier
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Changes in KIM USE in the history of 2019 compared to KIM 2018

In task 21, an additional condition was added that determines the requirement for formatting the answer. Accordingly, the criteria for assessing task 21 have been supplemented.

There are no changes in the structure and content of KIM.

The structure of KIM USE 2019 in history

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 25 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 contains 19 short answer tasks. In the examination paper, the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

- tasks for choosing and recording the correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

- tasks for determining the sequence of location of these elements;

- tasks for establishing the correspondence of elements given in several information rows;

- assignments for the definition of the specified signs and record in the form of a word (phrase) of a term, title, name, century, year, etc.

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of: a sequence of numbers written without spaces and other separators; the words; phrases (also written without spaces and other separators).

Part 2 contains 6 tasks with a detailed answer, identifying and evaluating the development of various complex skills by graduates.

Tasks 20–22 are a set of tasks related to the analysis of a historical source (conducting source attribution; extracting information; attracting historical knowledge to analyze the problems of the source, the position of the author).

Tasks 23–25 are associated with the use of methods of cause-and-effect, structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis to study historical processes and phenomena.

Task 23 is connected with the analysis of any historical problem, situation.

Task 24 - analysis of historical versions and assessments, argumentation of various points of view with the involvement of knowledge of the course. Task 25 involves writing a historical essay.

Task 25 is alternative: the graduate has the opportunity to choose one of the three periods in the history of Russia and demonstrate his knowledge and skills on the most familiar historical material. Task 25 is evaluated according to a system of criteria.

Evaluation system for the performance of individual tasks and work in general

A task with a short answer is considered completed correctly if the sequence of numbers, the required word (phrase) are correctly indicated. A complete correct answer to tasks 1, 4, 10, 13–15, 18.19 is estimated at 1 point; incomplete, incorrect answer or its absence - 0 points.

A complete correct answer to tasks 2, 3, 5–9, 12, 16, 17 is estimated at 2 points; if one mistake is made (including one of the digits is missing or there is one extra digit) - 1 point; if two or more errors are made (including two or more digits are missing or there are two or more extra digits) or there is no answer - 0 points.

A complete correct answer to task 11 is worth 3 points; if one mistake is made - 2 points; if two or three mistakes are made - 1 point; if four or more mistakes are made or there is no answer - 0 points.

Tasks of part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For completing tasks 20, 21, 22, from 0 to 2 points are put; for task 23 - from 0 to 3 points; for task 24 - from 0 to 4 points; for task 25 - from 0 to 11 points. Task 25 is evaluated according to seven criteria.

The maximum primary score of the USE 2019 in history is 55.

Antiquity and the Middle Ages

1.1. Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia

1.1.1* East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

1.1.2 Occupations, social system, beliefs of the Eastern Slavs
1.2 Russia in the 9th – early 12th centuries
1.2.1 * The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. Princes and squad. Veche orders. Adoption of Christianity

1.2.3* International relations of Ancient Russia

1.2.4* Culture of Ancient Russia. Christian culture and pagan traditions

1.3 Russian lands and principalities in the XII - the middle of the XV century.

1.3.1 Reasons for the collapse of the Old Russian state. The largest lands and principalities. Monarchies and republics

1.3.2* Mongol conquest. Mongolian education
states. Russia and Horde. Expansion from the West

1.3.3* Moscow as the center of the unification of Russian lands. Politics of the Moscow princes. The relationship of the process of unification of Russian lands and liberation from the Horde dominion

1.3.4 Restoring the economy of the Russian lands. Colonization of North-Eastern Russia. Forms of land tenure and categories of the population. Russian city

1.3.5* Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities

1.4 The Russian state in the second half of the XV - XVII century.

1.4.1* Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. The formation of central authorities. The overthrow of the Horde yoke

1.4.2 Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure

1.4.3 Establishment of royal power. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century. Creation of bodies of estate-representative monarchy. Oprichnina. Enslavement of peasants

1.4.4* Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century: conquests and
colonization processes. Livonian War

1.4.5* Formation of national identity. Development
culture of the peoples of Russia in the XV-XVII centuries. The strengthening of secular elements in Russian culture of the 17th century.

1.4.6* Trouble. Social movements in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden

1.4.7* Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. First Romanovs

1.4.8* New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Legal registration of serfdom

1.4.9 Church split

new time

2.1 Russia in the 18th – mid-19th centuries

2.1.1 Petrine transformations. Absolutism. Formation of the bureaucratic apparatus. Traditional orders and serfdom in the context of the deployment of modernization

2.1.2* North War. Proclamation of the Russian Empire

2.1.3* "Enlightened absolutism". Legislative registration of the estate system

2.1.4* Features of the Russian economy in the 18th - the first half of the 19th century: the dominance of serfdom and the emergence of capitalist relations. Beginning of the industrial revolution

2.1.5* Russian enlightenment

2.1.6* The transformation of Russia into a world power in the 18th century.

2.1.7* The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and
world culture of the 18th – the first half of the 19th century.

2.1.8 Legal reforms and measures to strengthen absolutism in the first half of the XIX century.

2.1.9* Patriotic War of 1812

2.1.10Decembrist movement

2.1.11* Conservatives. Slavophiles and Westernizers. Russian utopian socialism

2.1.12* Imperial foreign policy of the autocracy. Crimean
war and its consequences for the country

2.2 Russia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries

2.2.1 Reforms 1860–1870s

2.2.2 The policy of counter-reforms

2.2.3* Capitalist relations in industry and
agriculture. The role of the state in the economic life of the country

2.2.4* Growing economic and social contradictions
under conditions of accelerated modernization. Reforms S.Yu. Witte

2.2.5* Ideological currents, political parties and social movements in Russia at the turn of the century

2.2.6* The Eastern question in the foreign policy of the Russian
empire. Russia in the system of military-political alliances
2.2.7*Russo-Japanese War

2.2.8* Spiritual life of Russian society in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century. critical realism. Russian
vanguard. Development of science and education system

2.2.9 Revolution 1905–1907 The formation of Russian parliamentarism. Liberal democratic, radical, nationalist movements

2.2.10 P.A. Stolypin's reforms

recent history

3.1 Russia in the First World War. Revolution and Civil War in Russia

3.1.1* Russia in the First World War. The impact of the war on Russian society

3.1.2* Revolution of 1917 Provisional Government and Soviets

3.1.3 Political tactics of the Bolsheviks, their coming to power. The first decrees of the Soviet government. constituent Assembly

3.1.4* Civil war and foreign intervention. Political programs of the parties involved. The policy of "war communism". Results of the Civil War

3.1.5 Transition to the New Economic Policy

3.2 USSR in 1922–1991

3.2.1 Formation of the USSR. Choice of merging paths. Nation-state building

3.2.2 Party discussions about the ways and methods of building socialism in the USSR. The cult of personality of I.V. Stalin. Mass repression. Constitution of the USSR 1936

3.2.3 Reasons for curtailing the new economic policy. Industrialization, collectivization

3.2.4 The ideological foundations of Soviet society and culture in the 1920s–1930s. "Cultural Revolution". Elimination of illiteracy, creation of an education system

3.2.5* Foreign policy strategy of the USSR in 1920–1930s.
USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War

3.2.6* Causes, stages of the Great Patriotic War

3.2.7* The heroism of the Soviet people during the war. Partisan movement. Rear during the war years. Ideology and culture during the war

3.2.8* USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition

3.2.9* Results of the Great Patriotic War. The role of the USSR in the Second World War and the solution of questions about the post-war structure of the world
3.2.10 Recovery of the economy. Ideological campaigns of the late 1940s.

3.2.11* Cold War. Military-political alliances in the post-war system of international relations. Formation of the world socialist system

3.2.12 XX Congress of the CPSU and the condemnation of the cult of personality. Economic reforms of the 1950s–1960s, the reasons for their failures.
Economic slowdown

3.2.13* "Stagnation" as a manifestation of the crisis of the Soviet model of times
orgy. Constitutional consolidation of the leading role of the CPSU. USSR Constitution 1977

3.2.14* Attempts to modernize the Soviet economy and political system in the 1980s. Perestroika and Glasnost. Formation of a multi-party system

3.2.15* The USSR in world and regional crises and conflicts after World War II. "Detente" policy. "New Political Thinking". The collapse of the world socialist system

3.2.16* Features of the development of Soviet culture in the 1950s–1980s

3.3 Russian Federation

3.3.1 Crisis of power: the consequences of the failure of the "perestroika" policy. August events of 1991 Belavezha Accords 1991 and the collapse of the USSR

3.3.2* The political crisis of September-October 1993 Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993. On the socio-political development of Russia in the second half of the 1990s. Political parties and movements of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation and member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States

3.3.3* Transition to a market economy: reforms and their consequences Liked the article? Share with your friends!

Unified state exam in HISTORY


for the unified state exam

in history

prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution


Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of graduate training

educational organizations to conduct a unified state exam in HISTORY

The codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of educational organizations for the unified state exam in history (hereinafter referred to as the codifier) ​​is one of the documents that determine the structure and content of the KIM USE. It is compiled on the basis of the Federal Component of the State Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education in History (basic and specialized levels) (Order of the Russian Ministry of Education No. 1089 dated 05.03.2004).

The codifier does not include elements of content that are italicized in the section "Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs" of the standard: this content is subject to study, but is not included in the section "Requirements for the level of graduates" of the standard, i.e. is not subject to control.

Section 1. List of Content Elements Checked on a Single

state exam in history

The list of content elements checked in a single state

history exam, compiled on the basis of the section "Required

component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education

studies in history (basic and profile levels).

The first column of the table contains the code of the section to which

large blocks of content. The second column contains the code of the element

holding for which verification tasks are created. The sign "*" marks

chen those elements of the content that are checked with the involvement of knowledge

in general history. Bold italics indicate large blocks containing

which are broken down into smaller elements below.

Control code


element times-

cases, topics

Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Peoples and ancient states on the territory


East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

Occupations, social system, beliefs of the Eastern

Russia in the 9th - early 12th centuries.

The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs

vyan. Princes and squad. Veche orders. Adoption


© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

HISTORY, grade 11

International relations of Ancient Russia

Culture of Ancient Russia. Christian culture and

pagan traditions

Russian lands and principalities in the 12th - mid-15th centuries.

Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Croup-

the smallest lands and principalities. Monarchies and republics


Mongol conquest. Mongolian education

states. Russia and Horde. Expansion from the West


Moscow as the center of the unification of Russian lands. Poly-

teak of the Moscow princes. The relationship between the processes of

unity of Russian lands and liberation from the Horde


Restoration of the economy of Russian lands. colony-

zation of North-Eastern Russia. Forms of land tenure

Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities

Russian state in the second half

Completion of the unification of Russian lands and education

nie of the Russian state. Formation of organs

central authority. The overthrow of the Horde yoke

Changes in the social structure of society and the

max feudal tenure

Establishment of royal power. Reforms of the middle

16th century Creation of estate-representative bodies

monarchy. Oprichnina. Enslavement of peasants

Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century: conquests and

colonization processes. Livonian War


Formation of national identity. Development

culture of the peoples of Russia in the XV-XVII centuries. Gain

secular elements in Russian culture of the 17th century.


Trouble. Social movements in Russia at the beginning

17th century The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden


Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. First Romanovs


New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of folding everything

Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Yuridi-


church schism

Social movements of the 17th century.

© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

HISTORY, grade 11

new time

Russia in the 18th – mid-19th centuries.

Peter's transformations. Absolutism. Formirov-

nie bureaucratic apparatus. Traditional

onny orders and serfdom in the conditions of deployment



North War. Proclamation of the Russian Empire

"Enlightened Absolutism". Legislative

the division of the estate system


Features of the Russian economy in the XVIII - first half

fault of the 19th century: the dominance of serfdom and the emergence

nie capitalist relations. Start of industrial

fictitious coup

Russian enlightenment

The transformation of Russia into a world power in the XVIII century.

The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and

world culture of the 18th - the first half of the 19th centuries.

Legal reforms and activities

to strengthen ab-

solutism in the first half of the 19th century.


Patriotic War of 1812

Decembrist movement


Conservatives. Slavophiles and Westernizers. Russian Uto-

peak socialism

Imperial foreign policy of the autocracy. Crimean

war and its consequences for the country

Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

Reforms of the 1860s–1870s

The policy of counter-reforms


Capitalist relations in industry and

agriculture. The role of the state in the economic

country life


Growing economic and social contradictions

under conditions of accelerated modernization. reforms

S.Yu. Witte


Ideological currents, political parties and public

movements in Russia at the turn of the century

The Eastern question in the foreign policy of the Russian

empire. Russia in the system of military-political alliances

Russo-Japanese War

© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

HISTORY, grade 11


The spiritual life of Russian society in the second half

wine of the 19th - early 20th centuries. critical realism. Russian

vanguard. Development of science and education system

Revolution 1905–1907 The formation of the Russian

parliamentarism. Liberal-democratic, for-

local, nationalist movements

Reforms P.A. Stolypin

Russia in the First World War. Revolution and Citizens

sky war in Russia


Russia in the First World War. The impact of the war on Russia

Russian society

Revolution of 1917 Provisional Government and Soviets

The political tactics of the Bolsheviks, their coming to power

sti. The first decrees of the Soviet government. Constituent


Civil war and foreign intervention. Poly-

tic programs of the parties involved. Politics

"war communism". Results of the Civil War

Transition to the New Economic Policy

USSR in 1922–1991

Education of the USSR. Choice of merging paths. National

national-state construction

Party discussions about the ways and methods of building

socialism in the USSR. The cult of personality I.V. Stalin.

Mass repression. Constitution of the USSR 1936

Reasons for curtailing the new economic policy.

Industrialization, collectivization

The ideological foundations of Soviet society and culture

ra in the 1920s–1930s. "Cultural Revolution". Liquid-

eradication of illiteracy, creation of an education system

Foreign policy strategy of the USSR in the 1920s–1930s.

USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War

Causes, stages of the Great Patriotic War

The heroism of the Soviet people during the war. partisan

traffic. Rear during the war years. Ideology and culture in

war years

USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition

Results of the Great Patriotic War. The role of the USSR in

World War II and resolving questions about the post-

the order of the world

Restoration of the economy. Ideological campaigns

late 1940s

© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

HISTORY, grade 11

Cold War. Military-political alliances in the post-

military system of international relations. Formi-

development of the world socialist system

XX Congress of the CPSU and the condemnation of the cult of personality. Eco-

Medical reforms of the 1950s–1960s, reasons for their failures.

Economic slowdown


"Stagnation" as a manifestation of the crisis of the Soviet model of development

orgy. Constitutional consolidation of the governing

whether the CPSU. USSR Constitution 1977


Attempts to modernize the Soviet economy and political

system in the 1980s. "Perestroika" and "glas-

ness". Formation of a multi-party system


USSR in world and regional crises and conflicts

tah after World War II. Discharge policy

ki". "New Political Thinking". The collapse of the world

socialist system


Features of the development of Soviet culture in 1950–

Russian Federation

Crisis of power: the consequences of the failure of the policy of "re-

construction sites". August events of 1991 Belovezhskaya

1991 agreements and collapse of the USSR


The political crisis of September-October 1993

adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993

social and political development of Russia in the second

late 1990s Political parties and movements

Russian Federation. Russian Federation and countries

we are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States


Transition to a market economy: reforms and their


Russian Federation in 2000–2012: main ten-

trends of socio-economic and social

political development of the country at the present stage.

V.V. Putin. YES. Medvedev


Russia in the world integration processes and

the evolving modern international legal system

3.3.6carry out external and internal criticism of the source (characterize the authorship of the source, time, circumstances, purpose of its creation, degree of reliability)

analyze historical information presented in different sign systems (text, map, table, diagram, audiovisual series) distinguish between facts and opinions, historical descriptions and historical explanations in historical informationuse the principlescausal, structural-

functional, temporal and spatial analysis to study historical processes and phenomena to systematize a variety of historical information based on

all of their ideas about the general laws of the historical process to present the resultshistorical and educationalactivities in

body form with a focus on the specified parameters of activityuse historical information to argue during the discussion

Section 2. List of requirements for the level of training of graduates, the achievement of which is checked at the unified state exam in history

KIM USE in history are developed based on the requirements for the level of preparation of graduates, formulated in the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in history (basic and profile levels) (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated

05.03.2004 № 1089).

Requirement Code

© 2016 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

The history coder includes:

  1. Scroll content elements (topics), tested on the exam in history.
  2. Scroll requirements for the level of training graduates.
  3. , knowledge of which can be tested at a unified state exam (tasks and).

Content elements verified by CMM tasks

Antiquity and the Middle Ages

1 Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia

1.1.1* East Slavic tribes and their neighbors.

1.1.2 Occupations, social system, beliefs of the Eastern Slavs.

1.2 Russia in the 9th - early 12th century.

1.2.1 * The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. Princes and squad. Veche orders. Acceptance of Christianity.

1.2.3* International relations of Ancient Russia.

1.2.4* Culture of Ancient Russia. Christian culture and pagan traditions.

1.3 Russian lands and principalities in the XII - the middle of the XV century.

1.3.1 Reasons for the collapse of the Old Russian state. The largest lands and principalities. Monarchies and republics.

1.3.2* Mongol conquest. Formation of the Mongolian state. Russia and Horde. Expansion from the West.

1.3.3* Moscow as the center of the unification of Russian lands. Politics of the Moscow princes. The relationship between the processes of unification of Russian lands and liberation from the Horde dominion.

1.3.4 Restoring the economy of the Russian lands. Colonization of North-Eastern Russia. Forms of land tenure and categories of the population. Russian city.

1.3.5* Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities.

1.4 The Russian state in the second half of the 15th–17th centuries

1.4.1* Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. The formation of central authorities. The overthrow of the Horde yoke.

1.4.2 Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure.

1.4.3 Establishment of royal power. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century. Creation of bodies of estate-representative monarchy. Oprichnina. Enslavement of the peasants.

1.4.4* Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century: conquests and colonization processes. Livonian war.

1.4.5* Formation of national identity. The development of the culture of the peoples of Russia in the XV–XVII centuries. The strengthening of secular elements in Russian culture of the 17th century.

1.4.6* Troubles. Social movements in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden.

1.4.7* Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. First Romanovs.

1.4.8 * New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Legal registration of serfdom.

1.4.9 Church schism.

1.4.10 Social movements of the 17th century

new time

2.1 Russia in the 18th – mid-19th centuries

2.1.1 Petrine transformations. Absolutism. Formation of the bureaucratic apparatus. Traditional orders and serfdom in the context of the deployment of modernization.

2.1.2* Northern War. Proclamation of the Russian Empire.

2.1.3* "Enlightened absolutism". Legislative registration of the estate system.

2.1.4* Features of the Russian economy in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries: the dominance of serfdom and the emergence of capitalist relations. The beginning of the industrial revolution.

2.1.5* Russian education.

2.1.6* The transformation of Russia into a world power in the 18th century.

2.1.7* The culture of the peoples of Russia and its relationship with European and world culture of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries.

2.1.8 Legal reforms and measures to strengthen absolutism in the first half of the 19th century.

2.1.9* Patriotic War of 1812

2.1.10 Decembrist movement.

2.1.11* Conservatives. Slavophiles and Westernizers. Russian utopian socialism.

2.1.12* Imperial foreign policy of the autocracy. The Crimean War and its consequences for the country.

2.2 Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries

2.2.1 Reforms in the 1860s–1870s

2.2.2 The policy of counter-reforms.

2.2.3* Capitalist relations in industry and agriculture. The role of the state in the economic life of the country.

2.2.4* Growth of economic and social contradictions in the conditions of forced modernization. Reforms S.Yu. Witte.

2.2.5* Ideological currents, political parties and social movements in Russia at the turn of the century.

2.2.6* The Eastern question in the foreign policy of the Russian Empire. Russia in the system of military-political alliances.

2.2.7* Russo-Japanese War.

2.2.8* Spiritual life of Russian society in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. critical realism. Russian avant-garde. Development of science and education system.

2.2.9 Revolution 1905–1907 The formation of Russian parliamentarism. Liberal-democratic, radical, nationalist movements.

2.2.10 Reforms P.A. Stolypin.

recent history

3.1 Russia in the First World War. Revolution and Civil War in Russia

3.1.1* Russia in the First World War. The impact of the war on Russian society.

3.1.2* Revolution of 1917 Provisional Government and Soviets.

3.1.3 The political tactics of the Bolsheviks, their rise to power. The first decrees of the Soviet government. Constituent Assembly.

3.1.4* Civil war and foreign intervention. Political programs of the parties involved. The policy of "war communism". Results of the Civil War.

3.1.5 Transition to a new economic policy.

3.2 USSR in 1922–1991

3.2.1 Formation of the USSR. Choice of merging paths. Nation-state building.

3.2.2 Party discussions about the ways and methods of building socialism in the USSR. The cult of personality I.V. Stalin. Mass repression. Constitution of the USSR 1936

3.2.3 Reasons for curtailing the new economic policy. Industrialization, collectivization.

3.2.4 The ideological foundations of Soviet society and culture in the 1920s–1930s "Cultural Revolution". Eliminate illiteracy, create an education system.

3.2.5* Foreign policy strategy of the USSR in the 1920s–1930s USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War.

3.2.6* Causes, stages of the Great Patriotic War.

3.2.7* The heroism of the Soviet people during the war. partisan movement. Rear during the war years. Ideology and culture during the war.

3.2.8* USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition.

3.2.9* Results of the Great Patriotic War. The role of the USSR in the Second World War and the solution of questions about the post-war structure of the world.

3.2.10 Recovery of the economy. Ideological campaigns of the late 1940s

3.2.11* Cold War. Military-political alliances in the post-war system of international relations. Formation of the world socialist system.

3.2.12 XX Congress of the CPSU and the condemnation of the cult of personality. Economic reforms of the 1950s–1960s, the reasons for their failures. Economic slowdown.

3.2.13* "Stagnation" as a manifestation of the crisis of the Soviet model of development. Constitutional consolidation of the leading role of the CPSU. USSR Constitution 1977

3.2.14* Attempts to modernize the Soviet economy and political system in the 1980s Perestroika and Glasnost. Formation of a multi-party system.

3.2.15* The USSR in world and regional crises and conflicts after World War II. "Detente" policy. "New Political Thinking". The collapse of the world socialist system.

3.2.16* Features of the development of Soviet culture in the 1950s–1980s

3.3 Russian Federation

3.3.1 Crisis of power: the consequences of the failure of the "perestroika" policy. August events of 1991. Belovezhskaya agreements of 1991 and the collapse of the USSR.

3.3.2* The political crisis of September-October 1993. The adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993. The socio-political development of Russia in the second half of the 1990s. Political parties and movements of the Russian Federation. Russian Federation and member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

3.3.3* Transition to a market economy: reforms and their consequences.

3.3.4* The Russian Federation in 2000–2012: the main trends in the socio-economic and socio-political development of the country at the present stage. V.V. Putin. YES. Medvedev.

3.3.5* Russia in the world integration processes and the emerging modern international legal system.

3.3.6* Modern Russian culture.