How to start an English lesson in winter. Life hacks for the introductory part of the lesson

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Target: Approbation of the competency-based technology "business game", development of professional competencies: organization, planning, conducting English lessons by students of additional training, the formation of introspection skills, promotion of professional activities.

Conduct form: business game.

Equipment: audiovisual technical means, demonstration material, toys, game design (graphic, artistic).

Members: students of the 5th year of additional specialization - teachers of English in elementary school, students of 201 gr. - elementary school students.

Game progress

1. Lead.

We called our meeting a festival of methodical ideas. Festival means a holiday, a celebration, a victorious procession.

I present to you the participants: students of additional training in the field of a foreign language: Sutula Anna, Moskalenko Svetlana, Dudchenko Maria. They act as English teachers in elementary school. Students of group 201 are elementary school students.

2. Requirements for an English lesson in elementary school. Sutula A.

Stored in the memory of students

  • 20% of what they heard
  • 30% - what they saw
  • 50% - what they saw and heard,
  • 70% - what they themselves repeated and retold,
  • 90% of what they themselves did.

An English lesson in elementary school must meet a number of requirements:

  • be planned taking into account the communicative orientation that should permeate it in the course of implementing the practical goal of training;
  • ensure the comprehensive implementation of educational, educational, developmental goals;
  • have a favorable psychological climate for students;
  • cause students to be motivated to learn English by involving everyone in an active, speech-thinking activity;
  • be equipped with the necessary tools that allow you to create a learning situation;
  • include a variety of educational games to relieve fatigue and stress;
  • the lesson should be dynamic and be conducted at a good pace.

3. The structure of the English lesson and phonetic exercises.

Moskalenko C.

In each foreign language lesson in elementary grades, constant and variable elements can be distinguished. To permanent include: class organization, phonetic exercises, speech exercises, homework, lesson summary, organized end of the lesson.

Variables elements are determined by a set and sequence of tasks to enrich students with new language material and develop skills in listening, speaking, and reading.

The lesson should begin with a greeting and organization of the class. From the very first lessons, the teacher greets the children in English.

good morning. My name is Svetlana Vladimirovna.

I am glad to see you. Now let's begin!

Good morning, good morning Good morning, good morning

good morning to you. I am glad to see you.

Sit down, please. I'll be you teacher today.

The second stage of the lesson is the repetition of the sounds of the English language i.e. phonetic charging. Phonetic exercises allow students to focus on phonetic difficulties by working out sounds in isolation and in words, phrases, sentences, as well as in rhymes and songs. The most important thing in phonetic exercises is the improvement of pronunciation skills in general and each one individually. In elementary lessons we use presentation. (Presentation 1)

Let's remember the sounds of the English language, the monkey, our Monkey, will help us with this.

Our monkey cleans up the house. She cleans the windows first. Breathe on them [h], [h], [h].

Now repeat after me "hello, house, home".

Through the window she saw a baby elephant and teases him,

[η], [η], [η]. Let's sing a song. Are you sleeping/2times

Brother James? /2 times

Morning bells are ringing/2 times

Ding-ding-dong /2 times

Now the monkey is sweeping the floor with a broom [w], [w], [w].

Why do you cry, Willy? Why Willy, Why Willy, Why Willy

Why do you cry? Why?

Now our monkey is knocking out the doormat [t], [t], [t].

Tick-tock, tick-tock Tick-tock, tick-tock

Ticks Tommy's clock Ticks and ticks his clock.

Now she knocks out the sofa [d], [d], [d].

Dickory-dickory dock The Mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one and down he ran

Dickory-dickory dock.

Let's sing a song

The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together the happier well be

For your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends

The more we get together the happier we'll be.

Thank you very much.

4. speechcharger. Dudchenko M.

Speech charging- this is a short conversation with students, always in English, to introduce them to the atmosphere of the language. At the initial stage, this is an elementary conversation, but gradually it becomes more complex and varied. It is necessary that children perceive this conversation as real: it can also reflect the thematic material on which work has been or is being carried out. For example, about the season, about relatives, about your favorite pet, etc. In addition, it can be a conversation to extract information about some events in the classroom, at school. For example, the guys went to the circus, you can ask about it, the holidays have passed, there was a holiday in the class, the conversation can be on this topic.

1) In the 2nd grade, the topic is studied: "Family", so the questions are appropriate.

Now, answer my questions.

What is your name? How old are you?

Where do you live?

Use the following in your answers:

No, I haven't

Do you have a sister (a brother)?

How old is your sister?

Where does she live?

2) In grade 3, the topic “Products” is studied (showing pictures or on a Smart board).

Let's remember the words on topic “Food”. Repeat after me!

To fix the theme of the products, the games "Snowball", "Deaf Phone", "Guess" are used.

Let's play a game "Snowball".

I like sweets … … .

I like sweets and bananas etc.

That's all right.

We also use presentation. (Presentation 2)

3) In the 4th grade, the vocabulary is larger. Speech charging can be in the nature of unprepared speech. An interview game is being played. Not only the teacher asks questions, but the guys ask each other questions.

Let's choose a "new pupil".

Now ask him questions, please.

What is you name?

Can you ride a bike?

How old are you?

Can you play tennis?

Do you have a dog?

5. Playing in English lessons in elementary school. Sutula A.

The game serves as a means of teaching the language, developing students' speech skills and abilities. The game in the lesson acts as a method of consolidating knowledge and a way of training.

Like any other type of activity, the game begins with a motivating reason (motive), pursues a specific goal, has a specific content understandable to the child and an executive part - game actions.

There is a need to say something in the game. It is dictated by the inner desire of the child to take part in communication, in play action.

There are six main goals for using games in foreign language lessons:

  1. the formation of certain skills;
  2. development of certain speech skills;
  3. learning to communicate;
  4. development of the necessary abilities and mental functions;
  5. cognition (in the sphere of the formation of one's own language);
  6. memorization of speech material.

Based on these goals, there are several groups of games that develop the intelligence, cognitive activity of the child.

  1. Grammar games
  2. Lexical games
  3. Phonetic games
  4. Spelling games
  5. Creative games

In 2nd grade we have alphabet games. For example, the game "Collect everything in order." Imagine that you are in an autumn forest, the wind has mixed all the leaves with letters. You need to collect the leaves in alphabetical order. Let's repeat the letters.

Let's sing "ABC" song.

Game with numbers from 1 to 10 “Foot-prints” (Traces).

Let's repeat the numbers with you. I place them on the floor. Your task is to follow the tracks and call the numbers in order. The wind blew and mixed up all the tracks. Now you need to call the number that you see on the tracks.

The next game is called “Try to guess”. I have a magic bag. There are many toys. Try to guess what toy I have. Is it a fox?

Next game is it a bear? "What is missing?" called "What's gone?". I'll hide one toy and you have to guess what's gone. Let's begin. Close your eyes. It's a tiger.

6. Physical Minute. Dudchenko M.

- Physical minutes are a necessary part of the lesson. Age characteristics and the fact that the level of physical activity in the classroom is low are taken into account. The goal is to relieve mental stress, give a little rest, evoke positive emotions, which leads to better assimilation of the material. Types of relaxation can be various kinds of movement.

Let's have a rest. stand up!

Repeat after me.

1) Hands up!
Hand down!
Hands on hips
Sit down
stand up
Hands to the sides
Bend left, bend right
Hands on hips
One, two, three, hop
One, two, three stop
stand still.

2) Hands up!
Clap, clap, clap
hands down shake,
Shake, shake
Hand on hips
Jump, jump, jump
Hop, hop, hop
3) Nick and Andy
sugar and candy
I say “Jump” (run, fly, swim, dance, sit down)
4) Let's sing and dance
One, two, three on the tiptoes/2 times
One, two, three turn around
Clap, clap, clap and step aside

7, Songs, rhymes. Moskalenko S.

One of the teaching methods in elementary school is the use of music and songs in foreign language lessons. The importance of this work cannot be overestimated.

Firstly, this is the material that children love, which is interesting to them, and, therefore, the value of working with it is positively emotionally colored for the student, makes children happy.

Secondly, songs are excellent material for practicing the rhythm, intonation of foreign speech, and improving pronunciation.

Thirdly, when working with a song, we solve the problem of repeated repetition of statements. Repetition occurs at the subconscious level. With the help of songs, one can facilitate the understanding of new grammatical material, helps to assimilate complex constructional sentences. There are songs that can be used at different stages of the lesson, i.e. at the time of the introduction of vocabulary or grammatical structure, during the period of training and application in speech. A vivid presentation of the material allows you to mobilize various intellectual resources (attention, imaginative thinking) and remains in memory for a long time.

For example, this rhyming is used for better assimilation of color.

I see green, I see yellow
I see that funny fellow
I see red, I see blue
I see you, and you, and you.
I see black, I see brown
I stand up and sit down.

And here is a song that also helps students learn the name of the color. A song is performed to the melody of the familiar song "We are not afraid of the gray wolf." Initially, the teacher sings the song himself, then changes the order of the colored stripes, and the children offer their own version of the song.

white and pink and gray and red
Gray and red, gray and red
white and pink and gray and red
Brown and black and yellow.

With the help of the song that will sound now, you can imagine and then learn the parts of the body, as well as the modal verb “can” - I can, I can.

Let's sing a song.
My eyes can see
My ears can hear
My nose can smell
My mouth can talk
My head can nod
My arms can hold
My legs can walk
And walk and walk.

When the guys learn this song, they can use the song-game “Alluette”, where the role of the leader is played first by the teacher, and then the guys take turns.

Alluette, little Alluette
Alluette, play the game with me
Put your finger on your nose/ 2 times
On your nose, on your nose
Don't forget, Alluette.

The children of the 3rd grade are happy to sing a song with movements in order to remember the words on the topic “My day”. It alternates very difficult sounds [w][ð] i.e. labial and interdental. “This is the way…”

This is the way
We wash our hands
We wash our face
Brush our teeth
Comb our hair
Drink our milk
Go to school
Every day in the morning.

In grade 3, students take the topic "Products". The song helps to better remember vocabulary and structure: “I like…” (I like…). And the melody is known to everyone, we sing to the motive of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. Pictures help to remember the words at the introduction stage, we gradually remove them.

I like to eat some cucumbers
I like to eat some cheese
I like to eat some oranges
And what do you like to eat?
I like to drink some apple juice
I like to drink some tea
I like to drink some lemonade
And what do you like to drink?

In grade 2, students study the topic "My favorite toys." This song can be used to better remember the vocabulary and structure of “I have”

I have, I have a tiger,
I have, I have a tiger,
I have, I have a tiger.
A tiger and a cat
Have you a tiger? Have you a tiger?
Yes, I have a tiger
Have you a cat? Have you a cat?
No, we have not.

Pairs of toys can be changed, and you get a new song.

The song “A girl from London” is interesting for the guys for many reasons. Firstly, the content of the song is 3 verses, arranged in the form of questions and answers, and they contain the most important questions about your name, where you live, how old are you. Secondly, the melody of the song is reminiscent of the sound of Big Ben, the clock installed on the Houses of Parliament in the British capital London.

8. The result of the lesson.

An obligatory element of the lesson is summing up the lesson. The teacher should emphasize achievements, student successes more than failures. Based on the purpose of the lesson, the teacher draws conclusions about the achievements.

The end of the lesson is a bright dot or an exclamation mark. The song "London Girl" could be that point. The lesson should end in an organized way:

stand up!
Raise your head
jump up high
wave your hand
And say: Good buy!

9. Lead. Final word.

Our festival has come to an end, but there is no end to creativity, let there be new ideas, methodological finds in your piggy banks, read, look for new items, put into practice, then English lessons in elementary school will be interesting and useful for children. Now I will ask the participants to express their opinion.

2nd year students acting as elementary school students. “It is interesting to participate in such lessons, we learned a lot, it was entertaining, the lesson passed quickly, we are sorry that our lessons in elementary school were not like that - with dramatizations, games, physical exercises, songs.”

5th year students acting as English teachers.

Sveta. “We were well prepared in the lessons of methodology - we know a lot of poems, rhymes, songs and are happy to learn them with the guys in the practice of trial lessons. They better remember words, grammar in songs. It is a great reward for us when students continue to sing in English during breaks, wait for us before classes, try to speak to us in English.”

Anya. " We know from psychology that for younger students the game is not the most important activity, and, nevertheless, in games, the guys remember the material better, situations can be more natural. Preparing for the lessons, we not only use the already developed games, but also come up with our own.”

Masha. " We consider it very important to maintain positive motivation in learning English. Therefore, we, future teachers, like the concept of the activity approach, the communicative orientation of all types of work.”

Further, the teachers present at the lesson asked the students a number of questions on the topic of the lesson, about the degree of formation of their professional competencies. The answers caused satisfaction both with the level of students' preparation and the level of knowledge of the material.

Business game materials can be used in advanced training courses for teachers of English in elementary school, in methodological associations of teachers, in lessons of teaching English in elementary school.


  1. Hamamjyan Sh.G. Play, learn! English in pictures for preschool children. M.: Enlightenment.
  2. Dzyuina E.V. Lesson developments. – M.: Vako, 2005.

Most of the tutors studied at a pedagogical university, where they were taught pedagogy, psychology and methodology. But study and practice are two different things, and preparing for your first lesson, it seems that you have been taught only the theory, but not what you will need in practice. How to start a lesson? How to present material? How to conduct a lesson so that it is memorable and effective? And by trial and error, you have to find answers yourself.

In this article I want to touch not only pedagogical, but also psychological part of the lesson, and everything written here will be true for students from 12 years old, since I do not study at a younger age.

How to teach the lesson: Beginning

I check and draw conclusions - the student must see and correct his mistakes ( myself! let him use his brains!), and for myself I note which topic can be considered passed, and what else needs to be repeated.

Now - let's start. And we start with productions goals. The student must know why he came to the lesson! We told him why his day today would not be in vain, and now ... we need to remember the pronunciation and meaning of the words that we went through? Refresh your grammar? Work out sounds that the student does not get? We have a great way out - phonetic charging! We warm up the organs of speech and remember how beautiful it is to speak English.

I will bring example: studied Present Simple and Present Continuous, and you need to understand the difference between them. We watch a short video, the student repeats the phrases spoken by the characters and explains the choice of a particular time ( link to video). This is how we kill several birds with one stone: the speech apparatus warms up, we repeat grammar, and interest in the language increases - at school and university, very few students see any visual aids, except for a textbook.

A person remembers well what happened at the beginning and end, so it is important that the beginning of the lesson is interesting and the student knows that we have come not just to study, but to acquire certain knowledge, develop skills or consolidate skills.

If the structure of the lesson is planned listening(an auxiliary tool for introducing a new grammatical topic / consolidating the vocabulary covered / training listening comprehension / training the “Listening” part of the exam), then the beginning of the lesson is the best time to conduct it. Why? Because the student's brain has not really strained yet - it has not been loaded with a new topic - it means that listening comprehension will be best in the first part of the lesson.(If in doubt - set up an experiment - give listening in different parts of the session - and ask the student when it was easier for him!)

How to teach a lesson: middle

Here I enter either new vocabulary, or new grammar. I try not to take both in one lesson, because it is very difficult for a student, especially at a level below Intermediate (and the vast majority of such students). Up to this level, almost all topics are new to the learner, and many of them differ from our native Russian language.

I devote the rest of the lesson to consolidating the new material.

NB: If a difficult grammar topic is foreseen and the lesson lasts more than 60 minutes, after about 50 minutes of the lesson, you can take a short break - play the guitar, offer tea and cake, and older students - alcoholic drinks. It's a joke =) But a pause needs to be made so that the student can rest a little and then swallow the pill of English with renewed vigor. Watch a video, listen to a song by a student's favorite artist (again, it fits into the lesson plan), read a fun article, or talk about a topic that both of you are interested in.

Have a rest? There is still time to practice your skills! Reading, writing or listening. But the text for listening at this stage of the lesson should not introduce anything new (a lot of incomprehensible words and grammatical structures), but only work out what was learned in this lesson or earlier. It would be better if this part of the lesson was related to the material covered.

The student's attention here is already slowly starting to fade, and it is unlikely that you will be able to squeeze some new information into his tired brain.

How to teach the lesson: end

By the end of the lesson, both you and the student are tired of each other and of English. Like any good movie, the lesson should have a beautiful and memorable ending.

There are a lot of gaming materials on the Internet devoted to grammatical and lexical topics (for example,). I also try to use them at the end of the lesson. For example, when the topic of conjunctions is being studied, introducing relative clauses (defining relative clauses), I write the words that I have recently passed with the student on cards, cut them up, put them on the table with the clean side up, and everyone in turn draws the word that they must explain without naming themselves words, but using sentences starting with conjunctions who, which, that, when, where and whose.

And these are ready-made cards from the New English File Pre-Intermediate manual:

You can read more about the games in the lesson.

And at the very end, I ask the student to summarize himself - what he learned, and what was easy, and what needs more work. Be sure to ask questions! You and I already know the language well and have forgotten the initial stage of learning, when the topic seemed difficult, and the teacher could not understand how such simple material causes so many problems? Plus, there are students who sit with the same facial expression throughout the lesson, and you can understand what he understood and what not, only by asking a direct special question.

So, the student himself told what he achieved in the lesson. If he misunderstood the purpose of the lesson or even finds it difficult to say what you were doing, this is a good reason for introspection - it means that something was planned or explained incorrectly.

That's all, it remains to give homework, reinforcing the material covered, and say goodbye until the next lesson.


Zharkikh E.V.

English teacher of the 1st category

MBU gymnasium No. 39 "classical"

In modern methodological literature, a new term has appeared that describes modern adolescents: now they are not just teenagers (from English - teenager - teenager) , and screeners (from English screen - screen). Spending most of their time on the Internet, modern teenagers have learned to perceive a large amount of information from a computer or mobile phone screen. Sometimes it seems to them that they know and can do absolutely everything, and that there is nothing to surprise them with. Alas, modern technologies are not yet always available in the lessons at school, and the material studied in the lessons can be difficult, boring, and far from teenage reality. Therefore, the issue of student motivation for learning activities is very acute. So what is left for a teacher to do in such a situation, how to attract attention, arouse the interest of modern teenagers in English lessons?

For ourselves, we found the answer to this question - the key to success is a speech warm-up at the very beginning of the lesson. From the course of psychology, and from life experience, we know that the first impression, although it can be deceptive, is nevertheless very important and memorable. And an old Russian proverb says: "what a mood - such a cut." Thus, we attach great importance to the speech warm-up at the beginning of the lesson.

In the traditional method of teaching foreign languages, speech warm-up at the beginning of the lesson has always played an important role. It was called upon to create a special foreign-language atmosphere in the lesson, a certain mood, switching students from one lesson to another, for the so-called "entry" into the lesson. In modern textbooks by foreign authors, speech warm-up is also given great importance: work on any type of speech activity, whether it be listening, writing, speaking, or simply introducing new grammatical material, is not complete without “warm-up activities”, i.e. speech workout. The same type of activity is included in the oral part of the state examination of the GIA and the Unified State Exam, is a prerequisite for the student's oral monologue statement. And here its functions are to relieve tension, set up the subject for speaking, establish contact between him and the examiner. Thus, for us, speech warm-up is, firstly, a way to interest, attract the attention of students. And secondly, this is a unique tool for teaching the language in all its aspects (language aspect - vocabulary, grammar, phonetics; socio-cultural aspect, etc.) at the same time and in just 5 minutes at the beginning of the lesson.

The modern British methodologist, author of many textbooks and manuals for teaching English, Mario Rinvolukri, in his articles, books and lectures, always says that any lesson should begin with an anecdote, or with a description of a real life situation. But not just any situation, but with one that is directly related to the student. Thus, we implement the main principle of teaching a foreign language - personalization, which lies in the fact that only that which is directly related to the person himself is well absorbed and remembered. In our lessons at school, we still do not risk starting lessons with anecdotes, but the fact that each time the speech warm-up in one way or another relates to the student's personal life is a fact. And that's what makes it interesting and effective.

So, speech warm-up number 1: “ How are you feeling today ? or "How do you feel." From the very first lessons of the first year of study, students learn the question " How are you? ” and several answers. But we don't stop there. We offer students at least 30 answers to this question, for example, exhausted, lovestruck, embarrassed etc . Only one word is introduced per lesson. The main idea of ​​this warm-up is for the student to explain when, under what circumstances, he feels this way, when he felt this way for the last time, why, etc. Thus, we expand the student's vocabulary, train his ability to monologue, and also teach him to express his feelings and be able to explain their reason, which is undoubtedly a good educational moment.

Speech warm-up number 2: " Life Instructions ". In our methodical piggy bank there is, indeed, a valuable little book in which short rules are spelled out on how to live in order to be happy. For example, 1. Watch a sunrise at least once a year. 2. Complement three people every day. 3. Remember other people's birthdays.etc. The lesson begins with the students reading the “instruction” written on the board, translating it, and then expressing their attitude to this rule: do they do this in life or not, under what circumstances, when was the last time they did it, etc. d. And again, we are expanding the student's vocabulary, because. these instructions contain many new words, but the brevity and conciseness of the statement contribute to their very quick memorization. We train the speech skill of a monologue statement, namely, we teach to express our opinion, attitude, to be able to explain the reason, which, undoubtedly, is a good educational moment. Subsequently, students begin to invent and propose their own Life instructions.

Speech warm-up #3: List 5 things you did before you left your flat/house. A very unexpected task, but really causing genuine interest and the desire to speak out. AT this case we directly follow the principle of personalization: the student talks about himself, and not about someone or something abstract. He talks about his daily routine, and thus he feels a sense of success when he realizes that he can express himself in a foreign language in an accessible way, talking about simple everyday things. In addition, in this case, we not only expand the vocabulary, but also train the grammatical structure of the past tense.

Speech warm-up number 4: News. The lesson begins with a brief overview of the news. As a rule, this task is given at home in the previous lesson. News can be of a completely different plan, both political, criminal, musical, and news of the latest episode of a series. The choice is up to the student. But, of course, there are students who live here and now and do not understand the meaning of homework, and therefore never do it. There are such students in every class, but they also take an active part in the news report, and mobile phones come to their aid. The task turns into a role-playing game: the first news from the Internet must be translated into English. Thus, they try on the role of interpreters, which gives them great pleasure. And here again we expand the vocabulary, work out grammatical structures, especially the passive voice is well suited to this case.

Speech warm-up number 5: Horoscope. Already at the initial level, when students do not yet have a rich vocabulary, you can use this speech warm-up. There are several options, for example, the repetition of the days of the week. To make it easier to remember the days of the week and their spelling, students can point out the fact that each day of the week refers to a specific planet in the solar system, for example,Sunday - The Sun, Monday - the Moon, Saturday - The Saturnetc. And that a person born on a certain day of the week has certain qualities. The amount of information you enter depends on the level of the students. In this case, the development in the speech of students are such phrases as “I was born on Monday” or “My birthday is on the …..”and so on. There is a repetition of the days of the week, the names of the months, the seasons, numerals, prepositions, character traits, vocabulary on the topic of hobbies, etc.

Speech warm-up number 6: the use of proverbs and sayings.

Speech warm-up number 7: tongue twisters. Speech warm-up number 8: songs and nursery rhymes. Speech warm-up number 9: riddles on various topics. Speech warm-up No. 10: blitz - polls on a variety of unexpected topics, etc.

I would like to note that speech warm-ups No. 7, 8, 9,10 are used in lessons not only in the middle and senior levels, but to a greater extent in elementary school. The difference lies, of course, in the level of complexity of the material presented. One thing unites all these speech warm-ups - strict adherence to time - no more than 5 minutes. Of course, having a large number of students in the class, not all of them can directly participate, for example, in a discussion. In this case, the order of speakers should be noted and students should be given the opportunity to speak in subsequent lessons. In general, most of the presented speech warm-ups are designed for the whole class to work in unison: tongue twisters, songs, poems.

Work experience shows that by conducting a speech warm-up at each lesson, the students' vocabulary increases significantly, and the vocabulary used in the speech warm-up passes more easily and quickly into the students' active vocabulary.

Used Books:

  1. Handbook of a foreign language teacher. Reference manual. / E.A. Maslyko, P.K. Babinskaya, A.F. Budko, S.I. Petrov. - Minsk: Higher School, 1997. - 525 p.
  2. Passov E.I. Fundamentals of methods of teaching foreign languages. – M.: Enlightenment, 1977. – 208 p.
  3. Rinvolucri, M. Grammar Games (Cognitive, affective and drama activities for EFL students), 1995.-138p.

4. Rinvolucri, M. and Navis, P. More Grammar Games (Cognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL students), 1997-176p.

How to conduct an English lesson in an unfamiliar class

Competitions of professional skills have long and firmly entered the education system of Russian schools. One of the popular stages of the competition is the contestant giving a lesson on his subject in an unfamiliar class at another school. This stage delivers a lot of experience and excitement to competing teachers.

In my opinion, the most important and responsible moment should be the teacher's choice of a topic that will interest students and capture their attention from the first minutes of the lesson. In the subject “foreign language”, such a topic can be the topic “Acquaintance”, beaten by the teacher with “zest”. After all, students are also worried when they meet an unfamiliar teacher who will teach them a lesson for 40-45 minutes. The proposed techniques are universal, that is, applicable for students with good language skills and feasible for children with poor knowledge. Thus, the activity of students in the lesson increases, which also contributes to an increase in the rating of the teacher. In the future, children develop a sense of success, which contributes to motivation in learning a foreign language.

So, the first methodical technique is the quiz "You - to me, I - to you" (Answer my question - ask me a question), built on mutual questions and answers. The teacher invites students to answer questions, for example, about the city, village, region where he lives, the student who answered the question correctly has the right to ask the teacher his question about his city, school.

Teacher (T): My region is situated in the north-east of the Russian Federation. It is famous for its very cold winters. What region do I live?

Pupil (P): I guess you live in Yakutia.

(T): Good for you! You are absolutely right.

(P): What is the river called where our city is located?

(T): It's not the Volga. It is not the Thames. It is the Ob River.

(T): What city is the capital of Republic Sakha (Yakutia)?

(P): If I am not mistaken, it is Yakutsk.

(T): You are lucky. The capital of Sakha (Yakutia) is Yakutsk.

(P): What is mined in the north of our region?

(T): I think gas and oil are mined in your region.

The second methodical technique is “Guess what that would mean?” (What does it mean?) Secrets and Mysteries. The teacher writes different words and numbers on the blackboard. The task of students is to ask a special question with a keyword or number, which implies a detailed answer with the given word in the teacher's answer.

For example, the following is written on the board: Aldan, 21, student, China, reading, Pokrovsk, 1, a dog, apples.

(P): Where do you live?

(T): I live in Pokrovsk town.

(P): What pets do you have?

(T): I have a dog.

(P): How many children do you have?

(T): I have one daughter.

(P): What is your hobby?

(T): My hobby is reading.

(P): What fruit do you like?

(T): I like apples.

(P): What is your daughter?

(T): She is a student.

(P): Where were you born?

(T): I was born in Aldan.

(P): What country did you visit?

(T): I visited China last year.

(P): How old is your daughter?

(T): My daughter is 23.

(P): How long have you been working at school?

(T): I have been working at school for 21 years.

The third methodical technique is a variation of the previous one. To conduct it, the teacher needs to prepare in advance two or three separate sets of various items that belong to him personally, for example, photographs of family members, colleagues, his students captured at various events, diplomas, certificates, driver's licenses, souvenirs, theater tickets and programs , crafts, cosmetics, booklets, postcards, etc.

Divide the class into 2-3 groups and give different sets of items. Students, looking at your items, make assumptions about the history of your items, respectively, about you too. Each sentence of students is preceded by introductory words: I think; I guess; I suppose; in my opinion; to my mind; If I am not mistaken; It seems to me; I believe.

This exercise can be organized and carried out in the form of the previous methodological technique, i.e. in the form of questions and answers.

(P): I suppose this girl is singing at the school-leaving party. She wears a school uniform and big white bows.

(T): Yes. You are right. This girl sings very nicely and nowadays she is a student of a conservatoire.

(P): I guess you are an experienced driver. You have been driving since 1999. What car do you have?

(T): I must admit I am not a very skillful driver. My car is “Toyota”.

(P): In my opinion, you took part in a professional contest “The Best Teacher” last year. Did you like that contest?

(T): Thanks to the contest I am taking part in the contest now.

(P): I think your daughter is into diving. What sea is it?

(T): Last summer my daughter traveled to the Crimea and tried diving there. Of course, it is the Black Sea.

(P): It seems to me, you prefer cosmetic production “GM”. Why?

(T): I agree with you. Really I prefer cosmetic production “GM” because it is natural and available. I like its smell very much.

(P): To my mind, your hobby is art. Who is your favorite artist?

(T): You are absolutely right, I am fond of art. I can say the whole list of my favorite artists: Isaac Levitan, Ivan Shishkin, Ilya Repin, Ivan Kramskoi, Karl Bryullov, Victor Vasnetsov and others.

The next game is Truth or Lie.

The goal of the game - the teacher says (writes on the board) three phrases, students try to guess what is true and what is not, using introductory phrases: I can (cannot) believe that ... It cannot be true ... I think you really ... I wouldn` t say that you…

(T): I am going to say 3 statements: 2 of them are true, 1 is false. Guess what statement is false.

1. I do aerobics.

2. I swam in the Arctic Ocean.

3. I play the guitar.

At the end of the lesson, you can play the game "A Hangman" with the students and summarize the results of the acquaintance. On the board is a drawing of a gallows, under it are cells according to the number of letters in a word. Students name any letters of the alphabet, the teacher enters the guessed letters in certain cells. If students name the missing letter in the word, the teacher draws the rope first, then sequentially, the head, neck, torso, one arm, second arm and legs. Having opened several letters of the word, students can name the word in full.

As you can see, by completing tasks of this nature, students train and consolidate their skills, the skills to ask questions, which, as a rule, are not easy for everyone, to express their own opinion, to make assumptions.

The above methods are based on game techniques and have a personality-oriented approach. After all, games always involve elements of surprise, surprise, act as a means of inciting and stimulating students, reduce psychological tightness due to fear of mistakes, their value lies in their practical orientation.


  1. Pavlova E.A. Games for getting acquainted (games that make it easier for a teacher to get acquainted with a new class, group) // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2008. - No. 8
  2. Pospelova M.D. If only objects could speak…// Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2005. - No. 8
  3. Materials of the master class of the US Consul General in Vladivostok, Mr. T. Armbruster and his wife, Ms. K. Armbruster.

Abstract of an English lesson for elementary school. Subject: Hello English! Hello English!

The lesson is intended for teachers of English in elementary school, designed for children in grades 1-2 (the first year of learning English), it is possible to conduct classes as part of a classroom hour. Students receive new information through games and fairy tales, update existing knowledge, apply it in practice.
Target: introduce students to the subject, practice new English words and sounds in oral speech, create conditions for the development of creative abilities.
to form speaking skills with new LU;
develop the ability to work in pairs, compose an etiquette dialogue-greeting;
develop the ability to work in groups, to participate in games in an organized manner;
contribute to the formation of a positive interest in learning English.
develop the ability to recognize and use words on the topic "Acquaintance", to recognize the teacher's attitudes in English.
transcription icons; toys, mood cards for each child, pictures of cartoon characters.
Lesson type: Combined.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment
Hello, children. Hello children.
Sit down, please. Sit down please.
I "m Alina Yuryevna. What is your name? (children answer in Russian)

2. Setting the goal of the lesson
How many of you know why we are here today? Correctly. To study English. And why does he need us? (children answer in Russian)
Where is English spoken? (children answer) Good. Good.
Let's look at a cartoon character who speaks English and try to recognize him. (Children are shown a picture of Mickey Mouse)
Well done! Well done!
Having learned English, we will be able to find friends from other countries, go on a trip and communicate freely, we will be able to write, read books in English, even watch cartoons!

3. Phonetic warm-up.
Have you noticed that English words are pronounced a little differently? To be able to understand us, we must learn to hear English sounds.
Let's play a game. I will name the words. Every time I say an English word, quickly clap your hands and we will try to repeat this word.
Game progress: the teacher calls the words, having heard English words, the children clap their hands, after which they repeat the new word several times in unison.
The words:
a cat;
a dog;
a teacher;
Great! Great! Here we have learned to greet you. Let's say hello in English "Hello, children", the children answer "Hello, teacher" (repeat several times)

4. Acquaintance with new sounds, updating previously familiar sounds. (Transcription icons)
Now I will tell you a very interesting tale about our tongue. But I will really need your help, we must repeat and show each sound.
Show me your tongue.
Where does the tongue live? In a warm cozy house (we point to the cheeks, lips).
When the tongue is scared, he hides behind a strong fence (we show our teeth).
One day, the tongue got bored and decided to meet with friends.
He met a goose [g], [g], [g], [g], [g].
Met a cow [m], [m], [m], [m], [m].
Met a hedgehog [f], [f], [f], [f], [f].
Met a dog [r], [r], [r], [r], [r].
Suddenly a strong wind blew
door slammed [w], [w], [w], [w], [w],
rain began to knock [p], [p], [p], [p], [p].
The tongue ran home [t], [t], [t], [t], [t], lay down in the bed, stretched and sniffed [h], [h], [h], [h], [h]. Let's not let the tongue sleep and say sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

5. Physical education.
Hands up, (hands up)
Hands down, (hands down)
Hands on hips, (hands on hips)
sit down! (sat down)
Stand up, (stand up)
hands to the sides (hands to the sides)
Bend left, (leaned to the left)
bend right. (lean to the right)

6. Training in the use of studied patterns and vocabulary in dialogic speech.

Now we know how to pronounce sounds in English. Let's try to get to know each other. I "m Alina Yuryevna. And you? (children say their name)
And now let's choose a toy for ourselves and play (With the help of toys, children compose a greeting dialogue, introduce themselves).

7. End of the lesson. Reflection.
I am always very happy when the guys are doing so well. Did you like the lesson? What have we learned today, what have we learned? What was difficult/easy? Let's choose a card with a mood and tell us how we felt at the lesson. Why?