How to make your life bright and rich. How to make your life interesting and rich

The desire to make your life brighter and more interesting is a normal phenomenon for a developing personality. After all, if life is boring and monotonous, then very often there is a simple degradation of a person. Yes, and his brain ceases to function as it should. It should be noted right away that it is impossible to change life overnight, in addition, there is no universal recipe for happiness. Therefore, by applying at least a few tips from this article in life, you can take a few steps closer to the desired ideal.

How to diversify your life?

You need to learn to take risks and gain new life experience. To do this, there are a number of simple tricks that will help make life a little more diverse:

    Getting a new skill every day. Whether it's a new card trick or new learned words in a foreign language;

    New acquaintances. If it’s scary to meet in person, you can first find a pen pal from the same city. This skill is useful for introverts who are by nature loners. New acquaintances will help you look at the world and people differently;

    To risk. No money? You can take on a small debt. Then it will be possible to think over the way to pay off the loan due to the increase in income. Do not confuse this with debt pits. Credit must be reasonable and feasible. Such extreme conditions make the brain think differently, discover new talents and promising areas of activity.

It is worth constantly expanding the circle of acquaintances. You can register in communities = by interests, but this will not replace live communication. According to statistics, the level of social intelligence of the population with the advent of the Internet has halved. Why not train him? After all, talking to someone on the way to work is not difficult. Who knows how new acquaintances will affect life. Some have found their soul mates, sponsors and so on.

It is worth making acquaintances with representatives of a different religion and even subcultures. Having such an experience of communication, a person understands that everyone has their own view of the world and things happening around. Such acquaintances teach to talk with people of different temperaments and religions. And if communication takes place in a foreign language, then this doubles the horizons and the level of intelligence. The main thing is not to argue thoughtlessly with the interlocutor. Truth is born only in a healthy dispute. And gay people have a truly different disposition and subtle humor, which is worth learning.

New hobbies will also help you look at the world differently. For example, card tricks will help develop fine motor skills and learn to entertain others without looking like a clown. Girls may well get carried away with football or chess, mathematics or other hobby. And for young men, embroidery or playing a musical instrument is quite normal. The main thing is to listen to yourself, what your soul lies in and not pay attention to the opinions of others. Hobbies are the personal space of each person. It helps not only to brighten up time and make life brighter, but also to improve the level of intelligence. Even if there is little free time left for it.

These tips will help bring variety to the lives of everyone who needs it.

There are people who are mega-active by nature: they are very amorous, quickly make friends, and are easy-going. And there are those characters who are hopelessly sucked into the routine, and such people cannot escape at all in order to take a breath of fresh air. But life cannot be wasted. You need to live in such a way that there is something to remember. So how do you make your life brighter? How to make a set of weekdays something unusual, memorable? This is exactly what this article will tell you. Just some thirteen steps, and you will make your dream a reality.

Listen to your heart.

Pragmatists will say that this advice is too much idealized, because logic and strict calculation - that's what will give us strength, freedom, reliability. But in fact, many famous people say that in important life situations it is worth listen to our feelings.

For example, musician and composer Alan Menken (Alan Menken) talked about how to create music for cartoons. He said that in this process it was he who helped him heart. In addition, he declared that logic would come herself yourself. Only you will not be a robot putting carefully thought-out actions on a pedestal, but human alive and real. This advice is suitable for those people who belong to the category forever doubters. After all, you don’t always need to think, sometimes you can let go of your “head”. listen to your ego. The nature of you is exactly will not deceive.

Do not pass by a useful experience.

Experience is essential to each of us, because by acquiring it, we become wiser, smarter, we begin to look at things from a different angle. Negative experience is also experience, because now we will no longer make the previous mistakes. Note that it doesn't always work. reach goals, and not always the finish should be your dream. The main thing is the process itself, it is important receiving precious experience. Experience is the best teacher. I would like to tell about the history of the Raichu brothers. They always dreamed fly. They signed up for a club, and one day they managed to jump out with a parachute and make a kind of flight. Everyone has a dream. Listen to your inner voice! What do you desire?

  • Do you want to have a strong family?
  • Maybe you dream of being forever young and healthy?
  • Maybe your goal is something unusual?

Even animals gain experience. And we, reasonable people, should treat it with particular reverence and understand that this is a true gift that we met on our way. The meaning of life is the acquisition of experience. Experience is what makes your best memories. Remember how you complained about hard work, but now you are very pleased that you have learned something new. After all, you can’t become a businessman sitting on the couch and watching TV shows. We must work hard. This is just experience. Experience is like an endless marathon in which you just have to win in front of yourself.

Experience opens all doors.

Jim Rohn shares his story on this: “When I was twenty-five years old, I realized that life was so monotonous and boring that I decided that something needed to be changed. I was unemployed, sitting on the neck of my parents. I didn’t really care, but one day a girl from a charity organization came to us and asked to buy cookies. I didn’t have any money, I felt really ashamed of myself. Now I realized that life should be improved, and not sit back. I gave up computer games, went to work. If I had not sunk so low, I would not have felt the deplorableness of the situation. So I am grateful to that girl, she was sent to me by fate itself.

Analyze the situation.

It so happens that routine literally devours us, tension and stress accumulates in the body. What do you want? Lie down and stay fall asleep. To do this, we are looking for a place where we Good and comfortable. We are going south, to the lakes, someone is going to the mountains. Nature restore our strength. Rest sincerely: go to the theatre, read a book, watch a movie with your favorite actor. In general, get a portion of aesthetic pleasure by replenishing the volume of your hormone of happiness.

Take advantage of every situation.

Again, it's about experience. You must extract benefit even from situations that fail for you. It will make you stronger. This is exactly your goal, you should strive enrich your inner world. Pay attention to the people around you: make confessions and compliments to your loved ones, you can even please your pet.

Change the situation.

Never watch a sinking ship. Inaction is your worst enemy. Learn to focus on main. Don't spray if earplugs help you for this, they will help you.

Control thoughts and desires.

What takes you the most? Many cannot concentrate on the main thing, they think about various nonsense, winding up myself. These thoughts are only aggravate problem. Need to focus on the essentials .

Spend an hour and a half on continuous work.

It has been proven that the brain focuses its Attention on one thing for twenty-three minutes. So don't stop for nonsense otherwise you'll ruin everything. If you are working on a computer, then disable all distractions: music, social networks, etc. Business before pleasure! So, follow the three rules of successful work:

  • Work starts in the morning.
  • A working day is three time blocks.
  • Block of work - an hour and a half.

Time is priceless.

You should appreciate it, because everything can be fixed, everything can be returned, except for time. This is an indisputable fact. You must create such conditions for yourself in order to make work more productive and efficient. Remove everything that distracts you. Do not be distracted in any way during these precious ninety minutes! Let the whole world wait, and you must complete the task.

Get ready for the challenges. It will even seem to you that attackers want to steal your time. Be persuasive, don't let them do it.

Appreciate every second!

Set yourself goal and write it down on a piece of paper: for example, indicate the amount you would like to earn. Or specify place where you would like to go. Now write all those distractions factors that prevent you from improving. In fact, now you visually see if it's worth it? Are texting on social media worth giving up what you want?

Relax, don't be afraid.

Writer Darren Hardy says that even a mobile phone can become terrible irritability factor.

Look for the ideal and follow it.

Everyone needs leader, an example to follow . Go follow ideal with the same tenacity and perseverance.

Usain Bolt̶ the most quick runner in the world. He installed huge records for the past few years. But his is does not stop. Because he has an idol, he aspires up he wants to be better.

Let's summarize.

Everything depends on you. So act now!!!

Many people complain that they are unhappy and their life is boring, uninteresting, monotonous. Some live to a ripe old age and die without filling their lives with meaning, bright colors, impressions and emotions. People make the main mistake that leads to constant and stress: they shift the responsibility for their lives to someone else or blame their failure x higher powers. If life does not please and does not bring happiness, then the Lord so pleases, and such is the fate of man. In fact, it is much easier to blame someone else for your failures and misfortunes, to reconcile yourself and live with the flow, than to realize the problem and take on its solution on your own, without waiting for anyone's help and assistance.

How to be happy

The main thing happy man rule who knows how to fill his life with good, this is awareness and gratitude. That is where happiness begins. First of all, it is necessary to appreciate what a person has and be grateful for it. Enrichment (spiritual and material) begins with awareness.

  1. Reasonable risk and life experience

Can not be interesting life from the person who is stuck in his . Only those who are not afraid to take risks, set new goals, come up with new rules, are able to make their life rich and vibrant. You should not live according to the same program someone has conceived. Man is not a robot, but a unique, intelligent creature capable of acquiring valuable experience in the course of life and enriching himself with it. Stability is not always good. Sometimes it interferes with development, so you should not get stuck in stability, you need to take risks in order to win and get what you want.

  1. New acquaintances and interesting communication

Life must be constantly updated so that a person does not stop in personal development. New acquaintances provide an exchange of life experience, new emotions, sensations and knowledge. No one knows what a new acquaintance will be and what mark it will leave in a person’s life, but in any case it will be a certain experience that will make life rich and fulfilling. Do not be afraid to approach the person you like and get to know him or chat with a new colleague.

  1. Exploring other cultures

The world is huge and full of amazing people, so different from each other. There are so many peoples, nations, countries and languages ​​on Earth. Their study will truly expand the boundaries of consciousness and fill life with unique emotions and impressions. Why not try to learn Spanish or get to know the traditions of African countries better. For a person who can afford to travel, there is nothing better and more useful than to go to distant lands and see everything with your own eyes, to feel it. If you don’t have the financial means to travel, you can easily expand your circle of interests and enrich yourself with knowledge. To do this, you will only need to watch films shot in various countries, read books by writers from various continents, regularly watch the news, read newspapers and popular science articles.

  1. New hobbies

Fill life with meaning and new pleasures can be a hobby that will become a discovery for the person himself. It is not so important what level a person is a master in his chosen business, it is much more important with what passion and zeal he gives himself to passion. After all, new interesting activities will help to introduce you to interesting people, to see the world in a different color.

Fight with yourself

You constantly need to check yourself, test yourself, eliminate shortcomings, solving difficult life tasks, moving towards your goal. Another way to make life more interesting is to set a goal to conquer yourself, to do something that is scary to think about: master a new sport, read the most difficult book, cook a dish from another culture. The most important thing to remember is that a person is the master of his own life and only he is responsible for how it went.

I was twenty when, on a sunny summer day, I went out onto the balcony, looked at the piercing blue sky, inhaled the warm air and thought: I live a very boring life ..

In my life, there is nothing “of that kind” that you can tell your grandchildren about forty-fifty years later with a cheerful wink ... What interesting things happened to me in two hot months? In addition to a few swims in the Gulf of Finland, a trip to a bar with friends and barbecue in the country?

Nothing. But this is the precious time of my youth. Why do I sit in front of the computer in the evenings? Why don't I live to the fullest? Why to the question: “How did you spend your weekend?” I answer, they say, as usual, nothing special ...

Maybe you also had such moments? When you wait all week for the weekend, and then you don’t know what to do ... When you write to the question “hobby” in some questionnaire: “books, films, music” ...

Where to start change? A wish list

I firmly decided to fill my life with bright events. And I started with a wish list.

At first there were not too many items:

  • "jump with a parachute",
  • "spend the night in the forest in a tent",
  • "walk on rooftops"
  • "go abroad"
  • "fly in an airplane"
  • "Try driving"
  • "learn to shoot"...

Everything I've never done before.

It's one thing to write it down, and quite another to implement it.

We need money abroad. On a hike in the forest - the company. For walking on rooftops - at least the addresses of open rooftops. And so on. However, for some reason, I didn’t worry about it at all and believed that something interesting was about to happen.

And then miracles began to happen in my life on the sly. The most real.

Just a week later, a new friend from the university suddenly called and offered to jump with a parachute:

We are going here with a whole company, about ten people, we found a familiar jumping instructor, he is reliable and takes a little money. We will jump with a landing parachute, on our own! Come with us!

I gladly agreed, although I was terribly afraid. The jump gave me a huge portion of emotions and adrenaline. For the first time in a long time, I felt 100% alive.

Then the same friend began to invite me on small trips: the guys took tents, went to the forest to some lake and played mafia or crocodile all night, sitting around the fire. My desires came true one after another: a big cheerful company, songs with a guitar, night baths, delicious porridge on a fire ...

Then, in one virtual competition, I won a list of open rooftops in St. Petersburg, where you can walk and take pictures.

Then my dad started teaching me how to drive my grandfather's old car, a bright orange '76 troika. And at the same time - shoot in the forest with a rifle and a pistol.

The more fulfilled desires - the more interesting life

For example, penetration to the top of one of the pylons of the Cable-stayed bridge in Obukhovo in St. Petersburg, to a height of 126 meters! Luck? Well, maybe. But I was always in the “right place at the right time.” I ended up in a small group of four people I didn't know who were planning a trip to the Cable-stayed Bridge by a miracle - a random acquaintance called me.

It was unforgettable! We climbed into the “innards” of the bridge at its very beginning and for about forty minutes crawled in the darkness along the internal structures, illuminating the path with headlamps, under the roar of passing cars. Then for another half an hour we climbed the sheer stairs inside the pylon. And we almost went blind from the bright sun when we climbed out onto the platform at the very top!

Cars streaked by below us - quite toy ones from such a height. The gusts of wind made her hair stand on end. Tiny boats scurried along the smooth surface of the Neva. A little further away, the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral sparkled in the sun ...

And suddenly there was money for a trip abroad. True, thanks to my mom for this! I was still studying at the time and was just starting to look for a job. In addition, at that time I did not know how to save money and travel on my own, so I obediently carried money to travel agencies.

When I finally started to work, everything started spinning even faster and brighter:

  • "black slopes" in the ski resorts of Norway,
  • mountains, sea and nightclubs in Barcelona,
  • flamboyant capital of France,
  • crazy bike rides in Denmark,
  • ancient ruins in Rome
  • nettle beer and horror museums in Prague,
  • Thai boxing classes in Crete,
  • life with local couchsurfing in Hungary,
  • walks in the snowy taiga in Siberia,
  • walks with a wind of 26 m / s in the Far North,
  • and meeting with seals in the wild in Kamchatka…

At home - Thai boxing training, fencing, participation in amateur tournaments, yoga and aerial yoga classes, meditation, work on a book, garbage collection on the Vuoksi islands in the format of competitions, the military-sports team run "Race of Heroes" ...

What difficulties may arise?

1. Of course, fear. At least that's how it was for me.

I'm afraid of too much. What an ordinary person does calmly, without hesitation. For example:

  • driving in the dark
  • post your articles online
  • communicate in large companies,
  • fly on airplanes (not always, though, every once in a while),
  • come alone to unfamiliar places,
  • ride extreme rides…

I'm terribly afraid of a lot of things, I just love this feeling - when you step over your fear. Immediately you start to be terribly proud of yourself ... Until the next fear :)

2. In addition to fear, the fulfillment of desires can be prevented by external factors - no money, no time.

Yes, on the one hand, if you really really want something, it seems that the whole world is helping you ... And you find the means to fulfill your dream.

On the other hand, it’s easy for me to say, not burdened by anything: as long as there are no children, no one to take care of, who would depend on me ...

So I will not say categorically - everyone's situation is different.

But still, if I have an opportunity choose... For example:

  • Between regular barbecues in nature and a visit to the rope park...
  • Between buying a new bag and trying out water skiing…
  • Between kitchen renovation and travel...

It is better to choose the second.

Gradually, a whole mosaic of a bright and interesting life will be formed from the pieces.

Why all this? "Side effects" of a colorful life

  • You start feeling really happy.
  • You feel the fullness of life.
  • A good mood becomes a habit and becomes the norm.
  • Former lethargy and apathy dissolve.
  • Energy is added.
  • Disappear bursts of irritation.
  • There are strengths for daily activities.
  • You always have something to talk about.

Summing up

If it seems to you that your life has become too boring and mundane, add bright colors to it.

1. Make a list of desires - what you have long wanted to do, but did not dare or simply did not have a reason.

2. Set aside some money, find some time, aim for the fulfillment of desires - and perhaps you will notice how successfully circumstances began to develop in your favor.

3. Start “ticking” the items from the list and carefully adding new impressions and colorful emotions to your collection.

From many people one can often hear complaints that their life is boring, completely uninteresting, and, at times, even meaningless. It is quite obvious that with such an opinion, people will gradually bring themselves to the deepest depression, which can even lead to suicidal thoughts. To forget about this forever, to live more vividly and fully, you just need to want.

Although this phrase sounds rather hackneyed, its essence has never changed. No one but you can make your life more interesting, so you should not expect help from others. Instead, it is better to take matters into your own hands and become the real master of your life. So, how to make life interesting and eventful? Consider the top 5 ways that are suitable for everyone.

Find a hobby or activity you can dedicate yourself to

No wonder they say that a man without a goal is a dead man. This is partly true, since it is hardly possible to live a full life in this case. You need to understand that it does not depend on the amount of money, beauty, popularity, number of friends or other factors. The key to success is your attitude towards everything. Therefore, you need to find something that will give you peace of mind, pleasure and joy. For some it may be fishing, music or cross-stitching, for others it may be sports, some extreme activities, and so on.

Just sit down and calmly think about what you would like to do, perhaps you will remember old desires that have not been realized. If you can’t come up with something on your own, then trust chance. Think of several options and toss a coin, use dice, and so on. Often, life itself can tell you the perfect hobby or activity for you, so you should pay attention to the clues around you.

It is worth noting that in this case you should not copy someone. Do not try to inherit the hobbies or activities that your idols, various popular people do. It is also worth avoiding trends, doing only what is popular. Find yourself and express yourself in something that will be 100% yours, whether it's pottery, guitar playing, skydiving or any other activity.


It is probably difficult to find an easier way to make life bright and rich than travel. Moreover, we are not even talking about going abroad, which not all people can afford due to financial issues. Start small, go out into nature, into the forest, go fishing on the nearest lake or river. As a last resort, take a bus and go to the nearest settlement where you have never been. All this will give new emotions and unforgettable impressions. Do not assume that only a trip to the resort can be considered a vacation.

For those who love solitude, various hiking trips are ideal. Moreover, you can either sign up for any trip to the mountains, rafting on the river (rafting) or just take a tent and go to nature. Believe me, cooking dinner on a fire, the absence of household appliances and many "home comforts", will allow you to completely look at your life. It is important to understand that there is nothing more destructive than routine, because travel can easily eradicate such feelings.

Get a pet

Some people cannot even imagine how much their life can be changed by an ordinary pet. Sometimes, he can become the main outlet and the one who will delight you, despite any life problems. Moreover, you are not constrained by any limits, therefore you can get both ordinary dogs or cats, and any exotic animals. Among those that are not too whimsical and can easily withstand even if you work from morning to evening, it is worth highlighting:

  • Chinchillas;
  • Guinea pigs and hamsters;
  • Turtles;
  • Rybok.
You can even set up a terrarium for spiders, iguanas, or snakes at home if they don't scare you and make you sympathetic.

Do what pleases you

Most people in today's society live pretty monotonously. Work, financial problems, little rest and new events in life gradually lead to the fact that everything is perceived in black and gray. In this case, you need to consciously do something that you previously avoided or could not afford. This is a great way to both make life more interesting and find new acquaintances, interests or even friends.

You need to understand that only you are able to limit yourself in anything, so down with excuses and insecurity. Have you always dreamed of drawing? Buy paints, canvases or sheets of paper and get started as soon as possible. Always wanted to ride a horse? Find the nearest hippodrome and find out about such a service. In fact, there are no restrictions and you can choose whatever you like. Start filling your life with bright events and soon you will notice that there is no point in complaining about anything that prevents you from living the way you want.

Start living!

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but many people consciously avoid the life they want and strive for. Some regularly complain that work takes all their time and energy, but at the same time they do not even try to change their occupation, others voluntarily put themselves in a dead end. The result is always dissatisfaction with one's own life, which gives rise to many excuses. Some say “I wish I could earn more, I would…”, others blame themselves for unsuccessful relationships that allegedly pull them to the bottom. There are many reasons, but the essence is always the same - the desire to find an excuse.

You should not succumb to this, because constant excuses will sooner or later lead to the fact that it will be almost impossible to change anything. Instead, try not just wanting changes in your life, but start making them. Very quickly you will see how dramatically this can change you, your life and views on many things.