How to maintain inner peace of mind? How to maintain peace of mind during provocations and unpleasant conversations.

Then the cycle repeats itself: again an unpleasant conversation, new provocations and the old denouement. In a word, a vicious circle.

Aggressive communication

A lover of negativity sometimes purposefully asks for a scandal. For the time being, the interlocutor manages to hold. But at some point it fails. And the provocateur, barely noticing the reaction, begins to make claims and demand that they apologize to him. After all, he just wanted to talk, but they did not want to politely listen to him! Although, in fact, he is glad that he has achieved an emotional outburst.

An involuntary interlocutor, however, is unsettled by such a situation for a long time. Things begin to fall out of hand, the world is seen in black colors, there is emptiness inside and there are no bright prospects. Even on the physical plane, unpleasant sensations begin - trembling in the hands, headache, fever, chills and other misfortunes.

Of course, you need to carefully choose your communication partners. However, this freedom is not always available. For example, a business issue is being discussed, but the opponent, in addition to basic information, begins to splash out his dissatisfaction with everyone and everything. At the same time, he really wants to achieve an emotional reaction, although he may not be aware of this. Photo: Depositphotos

Looking for a point of support

The ability to maintain inner balance despite provocations is the skill that needs to be learned. But the difficulty is also that negative conversations, like alcohol, are very addictive. And it is extremely important not to succumb to the dangerous temptation, so as not to let confusion into the soul. But it is precisely because of muddy thoughts that a series of rash actions often begins, which turn out to be, at best, useless.

Negative impulses unsettle those who are weak in the first place. The way out is to strengthen it and grow as a person. Just one of the effective ways is to learn how to resist provocations. If you manage to do this several times, then the spiritual core will become stronger.

When someone begins to stubbornly "drip on the brain", then it is worth disconnecting from this destructive speech and turn your attention to your own interests, think about your values. It is possible that a lover of asking for scandals will quickly realize that his words do not meet with a response, and stop the siege.

Socrates' lesson

When a person is busy solving his problems, it is not so easy to involve him in a destructive dialogue. He is simply not interested in other people's complaints and chewing on shocking incidents. Therefore, even if he politely listens to the provocateur, then he will easily return to his business and will not ponder empty phrases.

Someone is using brawlers to exercise endurance. So, the words are attributed to Socrates that a quarrelsome wife is the same as restive horses for riders; having overcome the skittish, you can easily cope with the rest. The same effect gives communication with provocateurs. Evil can be turned into good. However, this variant of mastery is for the most courageous.

If there is even the slightest opportunity to end a conversation with a zealous negative person, then you need to use it. And do it in a timely manner - until the provocation turned into an outright scandal. You need to correctly calculate your strength and not ask for such dialogues that can cause a violent reaction.

View from the other side

To some, the question will seem unexpected, but it is worth considering: why did the provocateur choose you as his interlocutor? Maybe you have such inclinations? A sober introspection will not be superfluous here. It's no secret that the people around us are our mirrors. If you strain your memory, then will there be such episodes in its recesses when you yourself acted as a provocateur?

You must have your own values ​​- beliefs, interests, goals, objectives. It is to them that close attention should be directed. If the inner world is poor, then there will be those who willingly take upon themselves its filling. As you know, a holy place is never empty.

What to think about and what to devote your life to - everyone chooses for himself. It makes no sense to blame others for the lack of peace in the soul. There is always something to learn from those who are nearby - even if they are provocateurs and brawlers. They should be treated with compassion, although this is not easy. The ability to maintain inner balance is not easy. But the more valuable this ability.

Today, this question worries almost everyone. We strive to fight our internal problems, we want to make relationships with others better, but we don’t know how to approach this correctly. Below are some tips, following which you will definitely be able to live in harmony with yourself, and, as a result, with the world around you.

How to maintain peace of mind in a stressful situation

Giving something - you get in return

Whenever, in moments of life, when you are extremely negative and you are haunted by the thought that others have forgotten about you, you should not immediately cry to the first person you meet. Better, look around, and remember those friends and acquaintances who may find it harder than you. Maybe they have significant problems for sadness, but you do not notice them? Think about it and, having shown care, you can always count on a similar attitude towards yourself. When you act sincerely, with love towards close people, and strive to provide support for one of them, you will find peace and tranquility in your soul, and order in your thoughts.

Do not demand anything from people and make concessions

Each of us, of course, has often been disappointed that someone could not live up to our possible expectations. But, only we are to blame! A person does not have to necessarily correspond to the image, the ideal invented by us. Therefore, in order to maintain peace of mind, initially do not expect anything, but, having received something good from a loved one, or a friend, sincerely say “thank you” for it. It is equally important to be able to forgive a person, because everyone, like a child and an adult, so a friend or relative, has the right to make a mistake. It is more important that the one who committed it himself be able to admit this mistake. And by forgiving someone, you will free yourself from negativity and resentment that clog your soul.

Don't make yourself a victim

Often, people feel like they are trapped by animals. The trap is aggression, the anger of others and adverse situations. To maintain peace of mind, try to free yourself from this trap by casting aside resentment and anger.

Don't judge the people around you

At times, this is incredibly difficult to do. We see how many bad events are happening around, we strive to make the world a better place through our judgments about the meaning of life, but this is the whole trouble! Keep yourself under control, do not criticize others - they themselves, perhaps not now, but are aware of their actions and will try to correct the situation.

Even worse is to judge people on their outward qualities.

Make the world a better place!

When answering the question of how to maintain peace of mind, remember that the world is a huge family, where each person is one of the members of this family. Therefore, in order for love to reign in the family, one must first begin with oneself. This is how you will find peace in your soul, and receive only positive emotions in return from people!

to stand on one's feet, to stand, to stand

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

See what "keep balance" is in other dictionaries:

    save- fidelity existence / creation, continued to maintain faith action, continued to maintain power possession, continued to maintain the dignity of existence / creation, continued to maintain friendship action, continued to maintain ... ...

    equilibrium- restore the balance of existence / creation, repeat disturb the balance of existence / creation, interruption to gain mental balance of possession, beginning to lose balance of possession, interruption to maintain balance of possession, ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Inner (inosk.) calm due to a clear understanding of the circumstances Cf. First of all, he cared about maintaining inner balance, and if something disturbed this balance, vague anxiety and irritation rose in his soul. M. Gorky ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    BALANCE, equilibrium, pl. no, cf. (book). 1. The state of immobility, rest, in which some body is under the influence of equal, oppositely directed and therefore mutually canceling forces (meh.). The balance of power. Sustainable… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Equilibrium internal (foreign) calmness due to a clear understanding of circumstances. Wed First of all, he cared about maintaining inner balance, and if something disturbed this balance, a vague anxiety arose in his soul and ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    The rate of any chemical reaction depends on the conditions under which it proceeds: on the concentration of the reagents (or their pressure, if they are gases), temperature, the presence of a catalyst or radiation, etc. Some reactions proceed almost instantaneously ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    possession- (not) to give a reason for possession, causation (not) to give rest to possession, causation (not) to give a complete idea of ​​possession, causation (not) to know peace possession (not) to know the limits of possession (not) to have grounds to have (not) to have ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    OBLITERATION- (lat. obliteratio destruction), a term used to denote the closure, destruction of a particular cavity or lumen through the growth of tissue coming from the side of the walls of this cavity formation. The indicated growth is more often ... ...

    continuation- wait for the continuation of the modality, expectation to have a continuation of the action, expect the continuation of the modality, expectation to receive the continuation of the action, the beginning of the continuation follows the subject, the approach / removal (not) remained in doubt the action, ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    cerebellar-pontine angle- (Klein hirnbruckenwinkel, angle ponto cerebelleuse, for some eye angle ponto bulbo cerebelleuse) occupies a peculiar place in neuropathology, neurohistopathology and neurosurgery. This name denotes the angle between the cerebellum, oblong ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia


  • Beyond loneliness + How to save a family, or When is it better to get a divorce + Inner peace of a business woman (set of 3 books), Kichaev A., Markova N., Borisenko J.. We offer you a set of 3 books, including:. "How to save a family, or When is it better to get a divorce"." The inner peace of a business woman. How to balance work, ...
  • How to save a family. The inner peace of a business woman. Beyond Solitude (set of 3 books), Alexander Kichaev, Joan Z. Borisenko, Nadezhda Markova. You can find out more detailed information about the books included in the kit by clicking on the links: "How to save a family, or When is it better to get a divorce" "The inner peace of a business woman. How…

A completely stress-free life is only possible in our wildest dreams. In a dream paradise, you no longer need to rush to work, worry about your financial bills, and fight with your romantic partner. In fact, we are faced with a lot of problems, most of which are weighing heavily on you. However, in the real world, there are secrets that will help increase your stress tolerance and balance.

Cursing helps to get rid of negative emotions

Researchers from the University of East Anglia chose the most effective management styles. It turned out that managers who use strong words appropriately are less prone to stress, and swearing increases camaraderie.

Timeout to watch funny video

A good mood helps to lower the level of the hormone cortisol. This became clear thanks to an experiment conducted by employees at Loma Linda University in California. In another study, staff scientists at the University of Maryland showed participants short, funny videos. As a result, blood flow to the volunteers' hearts increased by an average of 22 percent.

Use the pronoun "we"

And here is a valuable tip for lovers: use the pronoun “we” in conversations. This will save your marriage by preventing the lion's share of family scandals.

Be calm parents

Children of overly strict parents are more at risk of obesity. Scientists have found that 7-year-old students who live in conditions of strict discipline are 5 times more likely to be overweight. Children cannot stand constant stress, so they experience food cravings.

Eat more garlic

Scientists from the University of Alabama are confident that they have uncovered the secret of the positive effect of garlic on the heart. The spice's main phytochemical, allicin, enters your body to produce hydrogen sulfide, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the heart muscle.

Limit fast carbohydrates

Stress causes your adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol, which puts your body on high alert and cravings for quick energy. To keep stress hormones in check, limit your intake of sugar and starchy foods, and eat high-fiber vegetables and lean protein.

A little dark chocolate won't hurt

Dark chocolate is the only useful dessert, but on condition that we are talking about moderate consumption of the product. The flavonoids found in cocoa relax your blood vessels.


Physical contact can suppress stress by releasing endorphins. So next time, instead of quarreling with your partner over unwashed dishes, find something more pleasant for yourself.

Take fish oil

According to a study by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, people with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood are happier and less impulsive. Taking fish oil (400 mg daily) is the simplest and least expensive measure.


Researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University found that pressing the fleshy part between the index finger and thumb for 30 seconds reduced tension by 39 percent.

Reread the Greek Classics


Find a quiet, private place for a mini-meditation. Focus on your breathing for 10 minutes and it will reduce your stress by almost half.

Swap coffee for tea

The experiment, which took place at University College London, involved 75 volunteers. Before performing a stressful task, some of the students drank tea. As a result, the level of cortisol in their bodies decreased by 47 percent compared to those who did not drink their drink.

Minimize distractions

If your work often causes headaches, try to minimize the influence of small distractions in the form of a squeaky chair, email notifications, or flickering lights.

Become a planning guru

Planning is the most important thing you can do to avoid stress. Write to-do lists for the day, for the week, for the year. Get used to a daily schedule and your life will become stable.

Reduce the impact of unforeseen circumstances

Effective performers are very sensitive to overload. They know how to respond to unforeseen circumstances before the stress paralyzes them. Learn to recognize the physical signals of stress, identify its source, and come up with a solution that can be implemented immediately.

Take a break

American researchers found that a 15-minute break during work provides an opportunity to calm down and increase productivity.

Define the scope of control

When faced with a seemingly intractable problem, identify the part of it that you can control. This will make it possible to act from a position of strength, and not be a hostage to circumstances.

Don't underestimate your strengths

At first, everything always looks gloomy and unpromising. But in fact, people have more resources to overcome the problem.

Find a partner

If you've ever had a sparring partner at the gym, you know how great it is to have a supportive buddy. The same goes for your life outside of weight training. If you have a friend to lean on in times of need, you are halfway to success.

Relaxation exercise

Tilt your head back, close your eyes and let them rotate in a circle with a large amplitude. Do this for 30-60 seconds. This sends a signal to your brain to relax.

Foot massage

Use golf balls to drive anxiety away. Sit at a table, take off your shoes and place a ball under each foot. Now roll them along the soles of your feet back and forth. You can create pressure with your foot, this will help you relieve tension.

Increase your competitiveness

Any competition, whether mental or physical, increases the level of positive tension. This increases the heart rate and raises the circulation of cells important for strong immunity.

Listen to upbeat music

Italian researchers have found that several high-tempo pieces of music with two-minute silences lower blood pressure. This measure improves your mood, but does not allow emotional overexcitation.

Breathing practice

In a sitting position, close your eyes, put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Breathe in for a count of three and feel your stomach press against your hand. Exhale for a count of five and repeat this exercise three times.

Let go of the things you can't control

You can't resist the vagaries of the weather, so consider a flight delay or cancellation as a chance to make the most of your time.

Call your mother

Scientists have found that when a woman hears her mother's voice, her brain releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps reduce the effects of stress.

Don't Forget About Physical Activity

Sport helps you get rid of negative energy and improves your mood.

Moderate your alcohol intake

But alcohol is a powerful depressant. After the initial feeling of relaxation that drinking gives, you feel aggression and anger.

order food

For new mothers, cooking becomes a chore, so you can indulge yourself by ordering food.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep

Less sleep leads to higher levels of the hormone cortisol.

Quit smoking

In fact, smoking does not calm you down. According to studies, one cigarette smoked increases heart rate by 10-20 beats per minute.

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Society today is a society of the survival of the fittest, the strongest, a society saturated with competition and the most difficult challenges. In such conditions, how to maintain the psychological balance, which is so necessary for life in the current rhythm? What measures should we take to maintain psychological balance?

People must have their own ambitions. But some people's ambitions are unrealistic and unreachable. As a result, they consider themselves losers and thus drive themselves into depression. In order to eliminate frustrations, goals must be set gradually, within the limits of one's ability or slightly ahead of one's strength. The goal should be something like this: you cannot achieve it if you do nothing to achieve it, but you can overcome yourself if you try very hard. Then you will feel natural and balanced.

Do not hang the responsibility for the fulfillment of your desires on others

Many people pin their hopes on others. If the other person cannot satisfy a need or desire, they will be disappointed. You and only you are responsible for your life. There is one wonderful expression: “If you want to find a person who can always solve your problems, who you can always turn to for help and who you can always rely on, look in the mirror.

Learn to manage your anger

When we are angry, we may do many wrong or inappropriate things. It is better to learn to understand your feelings and manage them than to repent of your deed later.

You must learn to give in sometimes

A person in order to perform great actions and successful deeds must be able to see the situation more broadly. Therefore, if on all prerequisites nothing threatens you, sometimes you should not insist too much just in order to reduce your own dissatisfaction with an unsatisfactory solution to a situation or problem.

Allow yourself to sometimes stop, stop the race and rest

It is very important for your psychological balance to allow yourself to stop sometimes. When there are disruptions in life, you should temporarily put your worries aside and do what you love, such as exercising, sleeping, one of your hobbies, watching a pleasant movie, or hanging out with friends. And when you reach peace, return to solving the problem.

Trust your troubles to a loved one or friend

If you keep all the melancholy in your soul, you will only aggravate your dejection. If you share your experiences with friends, it will bring you some relief and a sense of comfort.

Help others

Helping others is the main source of happiness. By helping others, you will be able to realize the value of your existence.

Do only one thing at a time

You must reduce the burden of the burdens placed on yourself, and do not engage in more than one thing at a time, so as not to be devastated.

No need to compete with people all over the world

If you are in competition with others anytime, anywhere, you will always be tense. In fact, if you don't see others as adversaries or rivals, those around you won't be against you.

Try to treat others in good faith

Often, people who show kindness towards others are looked upon with caution and wariness, because always expect the next trick. But if you show goodwill at the right time and make more and more friends, not enemies, your psychological balance will only be strengthened and nurtured.