Is it possible to retake the exam in the early period. Exam retake rules

Ulan-Ude, st. Gagarina, d.10.

Does the guardian of an orphan's child have the right to preferential housing

My husband is 22 years old, my mother died 18 years ago, my father abandoned me, my aunt's guardian is registered with her. Does he have a right to housing?

He has the right to live with his aunt.

The orphan has the right to receive municipal housing later when he reaches the age of majority, but the guardian does not. Do I have the right to extraordinary housing as an orphan? you have the right, but ... there is no housing for you, and if there is, it will not be soon.

Only to live with my aunt, he does not have this housing ... Where is mom's apartment? ? Or maybe dad? ? You have to look there..

The question is not open. apartment already privatized?

An orphan child must be provided with OWN housing.
If he has a share in the guardian's apartment, then this is one thing, and if it is only registration, the state is obliged to provide housing. Only your husband, as it were, has grown up. There, as far as I remember, all this is done until the age of 23.
Aunt-guardian should be aware of all this.

He's already an adult. . and aunt is no longer a guardian .. let him look at the documents for the apartment .. everything is written there

As far as I understand, you are interested in whether he is entitled to housing from the state? If he does not have his own apartment or share, then it is necessary. In general, this used to have to be bothered with, but even now you can try contacting the local administration. The probability of success is very small, but try. And do not delay with this case, after 23 years he will definitely not get anything

Hello! I was left without parental care and my grandmother became my guardian. Now I am studying at a technical school and in 2 months I will be 18 years old. I'm on a waiting list for housing. but the guardianship authorities believe that I have no right to receive housing, because ...

Is the father deprived of parental rights?
if not, it does not have the status of an orphan.
In addition, housing is provided only to those orphans for whom no housing was assigned at all.

If he is registered in his aunt's apartment, then he does not have the right to housing. And then your husband does not have the status of an orphan, unless the father was deprived of parental rights.

Does he have a father? Is he deprived of parental rights? Therefore, there is no orphan status. Where did he live before his mother died? This housing was for him and should have been secured. Does the father still live there?

Does a guardian or daughter have the right to receive emergency housing if the mother or ward has died?

If the guardian died, then no, if the guardian, then there is no one

They have the right to get an idea of ​​how the guardian lives and is brought up. Does the guardian have the right to dispose of the inheritance to sell part of the property of the ward if he does not have his own home?

You forgot to mention who exactly was in the queue for emergency housing - the guardian or the "guardian" ...

I am 20 years old guardians kicked out of the house if there is no where to go, do they have the right to just take it and kick it out?

If they are registered, of course not.

Thanks received 1205. GET ADVICE. Does the guardian have the right to the property of the ward? A list of legal grounds for breaking the door and entering the home.

If registered with them, they can not expel

Everything, as always, depends on registration, there is a residence permit, you can live there at least always, they have no right to expel. If there is no registration, then they have every right!

No bleat!!!) you will just be homeless in a landfill)

Yes. guardianship authorities
and must provide you with housing

Did you have housing before they became your guardians? If it was, then they have every right, they guarded you until you were 18 years old. Then you are an adult and have to build your own life. If there was no housing, they received it for themselves and you, then they cannot kick you out.

Does the guardian have the right to let his family live in the house of the ward? The guardian himself does not live with the ward. What article is this? Please answer this question! 18 years?

If housing is not assigned to you, then as an orphan you are obliged to allocate it. Contact the housing department. If you are registered with guardians, then you can live there for now, but they can remove you from registration and evict you through the court. And why are you being kicked out, maybe you yourself are somehow not behaving like that?

Go to the guardianship authorities and find out what is happening with your housing. It should have been done a long time ago. If you are not assigned housing, then you must be put on a waiting list for housing. Your guardians were obliged to plead. And ask for at least a hostel. If it doesn't work, go to the apartment. So many people live. And work.

Does an orphan child have the right to be provided with housing if he lives with a guardian and a grandfather in 37.5 square meters?

Yes, all perks. But if you are adopted, then no.

The right to receive property tax deductions are taxpayers who are adoptive parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees ...

Only if there is no housing assigned to him.

I am an orphan, but I had a guardian… now I am a single mother… do I have the right to get housing out of turn? and where to apply?

If all single mothers could receive free housing, then a separate city the size of Moscow would have to be built for them.

So, how can a guardian or foster parent determine whether his ward has the right to receive housing upon reaching the age of 18? When placing a child under guardianship, the foster parent has the right to personally receive documents related to housing against signature ...

No, you don't have that right.

Olga Kurnushkina - No, you have no such right,
justify the answer? everyone is so fucking smart, they give recommendations on complex issues without justifying
and this phrase is stupid, stupid - you have no right / you have the right

Contact the housing department of the administration of your place of residence. Take all the documents you have, there is a lawyer there, he will tell you everything. If you are an orphan, but you lived at home, and you have a living space, then most likely nothing will shine for you. No one will provide you with a separate apartment.

Orphans are divided into two categories: some had a living space that was assigned to them, others did not. So, the first return to where they were registered, and the second state is obliged to provide housing. You need to contact the department of guardianship and guardianship of the area where you live with this question.
The status of a single mother does not in itself give the right to receive housing.

My grandmother was the guardian of me and my brother. In 2010 she received an apartment. As a widow of the Second World War. Do we have the right to inheritance

The guardian has a relationship with the property of the ward only when the ward is alive. The guardian does not have the right to inherit at all if there is no will and he is not the heir of the line by law.

How is the provision of housing for orphans

All 10 children will receive an equal share of the property of the deceased.

Does the ward (underage) have the right to live in the guardian's apartment?

1. Yes.
2. Yes

Such a child has the right to receive housing from the state upon reaching adulthood. After obtaining the rights to the child, the guardian begins to collect a package of documents for a permanent form.

The ward and the trustee seem to have to live in the same house anyway

It seems that if there is a residence permit, then the ward has the right. And if not, I don't even know.
Bad luck.

Does the mother (guardian) of a minor child have the right to sell an apartment donated to him? according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakstan

no no

What documents for the child must the guardian obtain and from whom? Does the guardian have the right to prevent the biological relatives from visiting the child in care? Yes, it does, if there are good reasons for doing so.

I don't know what RK is.
According to Russian laws, of course it has. With the consent of the PLO in accordance with their requirements))

Hello! Do guardians have the right to dispose of money from renting an apartment of a minor ward?

In the interests of the ward and with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. See Art. 37 h. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. And, according to part 2 of the same article, the rental of an apartment must also be agreed with the guardianship.

They have, but the income due to the ward from the management of his property must be spent exclusively in the interests of the ward with the prior permission of the guardianship and guardianship authority.
Without prior permission from the body of guardianship and guardianship, the guardian has the right to make the expenses necessary for the maintenance of the ward at the expense of the amounts due to the ward as his income

If the apartment was rented illegally (the agencies have nothing to do with them, NOBODY), then it is hardly possible to prove the availability of money.

That's right, if the money was spent on it. Or does she think that she should pay for the apartment, and she should have spent her own money on it? Especially a retired grandfather. I would say thank you that I didn’t end up in the orphanage, that the apartment was saved

Do I have the right to get an apartment if I am an orphan with a guardian?

In Russia, if you have an apartment for your mother and the guardian lives in this apartment .., but the apartment belongs to you, then no ...

The body of guardianship has no right to demand other documents from the guardian.4. In the case of renting housing, an extract from the house apartment book from the place of residence. A standard form obtained from the EIRTs Unified Information and Settlement Center, DEZ or a housing association of a cooperative ...

Well, of course not! since you are an orphan, then your mother died, even if you were not registered in the apartment. You are the heir of the first stage, so you are provided with housing.

Does the mother (guardian) of a minor child have the right to sell an apartment donated to him? according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Until the child reaches the age of majority, nothing can be done with the apartment!
Although, in Russia, everything is possible ... 🙁

It is necessary to distinguish between a transaction for the sale of an apartment, where the owner is a minor, from the sale of an apartment, where the child has only the right to use, that is, is not the owner.

Maybe by buying a child in return for real estate equivalent or better. The sale must be approved by the guardianship authorities.
This is in the Russian Federation. I don't know about Kazakhstan.

Does the guardian have the right to take away the apartment from his child?

No. can not

Does the guardian have the right to dispose of the inheritance to sell part of the property of the ward if he does not have his own home? Only with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities and in the interests of the ward.

You should write fantasy. But the style is lame.

Contact guardianship.
You can send a request to the USRR yourself - (200 rubles last year) - you will find out who the owner of your apartment is.
And, himself, it seems not a gift - ask for an orphanage - is it better there?
By the way, even an unregistered mother cannot live in an apartment where you are the owner, and it is impossible to register a goat. and you can not let them in on the threshold - find out the procedure in guardianship - call the police.

It is fantastic. maybe they're just scared? How can you take away what was given to you by another person? who is the guardian? mother? she is the law. representative.

The guardianship does not allow such things to pass ..

No, they won't take over your apartment.

Consumer rights Protection. Conducting a case in court, representation in court, one-time representation in court, filing a claim, assistance in court. Prior permission from the guardianship and guardianship authority is also required in all other cases, if the actions of the guardian may…

Does the ward (disabled person) have the right to the inheritance (apartment) of his guardian after the death of the latter, according to the law?

No, unless the guardian is a next of kin...
even if it’s a relative, it doesn’t matter if the guardian donated or bequeathed the apartment to a third party

If the state, does it have the right to take away its property later? If you become her guardian, this can not affect the receipt of the mortgage in any way? What are the rights and obligations of a guardian?

If a will was made in his favor, then yes. and so does not have

If there is a will in his favor.

Does the guardian of 3 children have the right to use maternity capital to buy housing for these children?

In all cases, do guardians receive funds for the maintenance of the ward? Does the guardian have the right to use the child's funds at his own discretion, for his own needs?

And the point is, at the end of guardianship, the state will give them apartments.

A question from the Ukrainian legislation. Does the guardian have the right to inherit the guardian's apartment?

As a general rule, guardians are not heirs of guardians.

However, the ward may be referred to the heirs by law if by the day the inheritance was opened he was incapacitated for at least a year.

The guardian does not have the right to maternity capital. This is directly stated in the law, while the ward has the right to the property of the guardian. Thus, the children themselves will receive maternity capital when they turn 23 years old.

The guardian does not have the right to inherit the property of the ward. (but if you conclude a life maintenance agreement with the ward, with the right to inherit, then after his death the apartment is yours)

Does a ward child have the right to receive housing upon reaching the age of 18, if registered with a guardian, total registered8

If the ward did not have housing at the time of the appointment of a guardian, then the state is OBLIGED to provide him with housing upon reaching the age of majority.

Of course, the son of a disabled person will be obliged. share in the inheritance. despite the will to the sister. and he will have a large share in the property in the end. but the sister will be co-owner. and can control as a co-owner of a residential transaction. ensure the right...

Does the guardian have the right to leave the apartment of the ward as collateral for the loan? (a share of the apartment he owns)

No, but you can give up.

So they are the guardian grandmother and the ward that everyone lives in the same apartment on the embankment? Most likely they fussed to get out of there, someone told them Yes, the child has the right to part of the inheritance from your husband since there was no guardianship removed...

Do not even hope! ! There will be no permission! ! Are you taking out a loan for yourself?

Tell me, pzhl! Parents were deprived of their rights to a child registered in their apartment, is the new guardian obliged to register to himself?

Not obliged, in any case, the child is assigned the right to living space by a separate decision of the Administration.

Does the guardian, when moving to a new place of residence outside the Republic of Belarus, have the right to take the child under guardianship with him to live with him? Tell me, do I have the right, as a trustee, to put the girl on the list of those in need of housing on the social line, or do I have to wait until ...

Is not obliged to

For the child, the guardianship order must secure the right to reside at the address where he is now registered. At the same time, the guardian can register the child at his place of stay (temporary residence permit) without writing him out of the place of residence (permanent residence permit)

No, not obliged, for the child on the basis of paragraph 4 of Art. 71 of the RF IC - the right to a dwelling or the right to use a dwelling is retained.

If the cohabitation of a child with parents deprived of parental rights is contrary to his interests, then the parents are discharged, as for the guardian, he can be registered on the child's area without the right to housing.

I have 1 child of my own and two guardians (parents are deprived of their rights but are alive) do I have the right to any housing from the state.

You only have the right. but when you want to present this right, the children will be taken away at once. no children no problems with housing at the administration. If you are not sure of your ability to defend your rights, then do not start. and then the right will have you

The lawyer's answer to the question Does the guardian have the right to a share in the apartment? Your name Your phone 7 -. Submit a question. Get an answer. A family member born in 1951, who received a head injury, was declared legally incompetent by the court.

If you do not have enough space, that is, you need to improve your living conditions, then yes. And the presence of their own / adopted children, nothing to do with it. This may come in handy when you are put on a waiting list as a benefit.

I was given an apartment as an orphan, my guardian and her children are registered in it, do they have the right to a share of this apartment?

Well, if they are registered, they have

Learn 1. The aunt is counting on the share of the property. is she a guardian? 2. Do I have the right to take her to a psycho-neurological boarding school for the elderly? 3. How is an aunt obliged to behave as a guardian and is it possible to challenge this guardianship?

If it belongs to you, don't worry. Dont Have

Mr. Melkumov is mistaken, registration and ownership are two different things.

A very interesting and common situation, it is better to contact a lawyer, but only if you do not owe anything to the guardian: otherwise they will be called ungrateful. The guardian also has his own apartment, or according to the plan, you must “fly out” of this one.

I am the guardian of a minor do I have the right to put on a waiting list for housing if yes how to do it thanks

Orphans and children left without parental care who do not have housing have the right to be provided with housing from a specialized housing stock. The total area of ​​the residential premises provided is 24 sq. m. meters. Residential premises must comply with the conditions for the improvement of a particular locality and are provided without taking into account family members.

Even if orphans have housing, but living in it is recognized as impossible, they can also be provided with apartments from a specialized housing stock.

Living in a residential area is recognized as impossible by the guardianship and guardianship authorities due to the presence of one of the following circumstances:

- residence in it of parents deprived of parental rights in relation to these orphans;

- accommodation of people suffering from diseases in which cohabitation is impossible;

- if the given dwelling is unsuitable for living or its total area per person is less than the accounting norm.

In order to obtain housing, it is necessary to prepare the documents indicated at the end of the article.

The guardianship and guardianship authorities will examine the documents and, if the applicant's right to housing is confirmed, they prepare a decision on registration. Based on this final document, the applicant will be included in the Unified List for housing.

The list is formed in order of priority by date of birth, i.e. the older the citizen, the more priority he is presented in the List. The provision of residential premises is carried out strictly in accordance with the List.

The procedure for providing housing for orphans

Upon the occurrence of the priority, a citizen is sent a notification about the availability of residential premises of a specialized housing stock in the context of the municipalities of the republic.

The waiter must choose the area of ​​​​residence. If none of the options suits, the citizen writes a statement of refusal, while he does not leave the List. Other options will be offered next year.

If a citizen makes a choice, he must submit an application indicating the selected area to the resource center "Family" at the address: Ulan-Ude, st. Gagarina, d.10.

Apartments are distributed by drawing lots, after which a contract for hiring residential premises of a specialized housing stock is concluded with a citizen.

New settlers are required to keep housing clean and tidy and pay utility bills in a timely manner.

List of documents for registration to provide housing for the category of orphans and children left without parental care

1) copies of identity documents of legal representatives who submitted applications for registration;

2) copies of birth certificates for orphans and children left without parental care, copies of passports for orphans and children left without parental care over 14 years of age, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;

3) documents confirming the loss of parental care at a minor age:

a) copies of death certificates of parents;

b) certificates of civil registry authorities, confirming the entry of information about the father in the record of the birth of the child on the basis of the application of the mother of the child;

c) copies of court decisions on deprivation of parents of parental rights (restriction in parental rights), recognition of parents as incapable (partially incapacitated), missing or dead;

d) copies of court decisions on establishing the fact of leaving children without parental care;

4) documents confirming the impossibility of living for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, in previously occupied residential premises:

a) court decisions that have entered into legal force on the refusal to forcibly exchange residential premises, the right to use which, under social tenancy agreements, have persons deprived of parental rights (if any);

b) certificates of health care institutions on the presence of a severe form of a chronic disease, in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment, in accordance with the list of diseases approved by federal law, among persons living in residential premises, employers or family members of the employer under a social contract of employment, or the owners of residential premises are orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (if any);

c) certificates on the composition of the family indicating the total area of ​​the residential premises at the last place of registration and at all addresses of its re-registration, starting from the address of the residential premises reserved for it (if any). Certificates are accepted within 3 months from the date of issue;

d) documents confirming the legal grounds for the possession and use of residential premises by tenants or members of the tenant's family under a social tenancy agreement or whose residential premises are occupied by orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.

Orphans and children left without parental care who do not have housing have the right to be provided with housing from a specialized housing stock. The total area of ​​the residential premises provided is 24 sq. m. meters. Residential premises must comply with the conditions for the improvement of a particular locality and are provided without taking into account family members.

Providing housing for orphans and persons from among them

Even if orphans have housing, but living in it is recognized as impossible, they can also be provided with apartments from a specialized housing stock.

Living in a residential area is recognized as impossible by the guardianship and guardianship authorities due to the presence of one of the following circumstances:

- residence in it of parents deprived of parental rights in relation to these orphans;

- accommodation of people suffering from diseases in which cohabitation is impossible;

- if the given dwelling is unsuitable for living or its total area per person is less than the accounting norm.

In order to obtain housing, it is necessary to prepare the documents indicated at the end of the article.

The guardianship and guardianship authorities will examine the documents and, if the applicant's right to housing is confirmed, they prepare a decision on registration. Based on this final document, the applicant will be included in the Unified List for housing.

The list is formed in order of priority by date of birth, i.e. the older the citizen, the more priority he is presented in the List. The provision of residential premises is carried out strictly in accordance with the List.

Upon the occurrence of the priority, a citizen is sent a notification about the availability of residential premises of a specialized housing stock in the context of the municipalities of the republic.

The waiter must choose the area of ​​​​residence. If none of the options suits, the citizen writes a statement of refusal, while he does not leave the List. Other options will be offered next year.

If a citizen makes a choice, he must submit an application indicating the selected area to the Family Resource Center at:

Ulan-Ude, st. Gagarina, d.10.

Apartments are distributed by drawing lots, after which a contract for hiring residential premises of a specialized housing stock is concluded with a citizen.

New settlers are required to keep housing clean and tidy and pay utility bills in a timely manner.

List of documents for registration to provide housing for the category of orphans and children left without parental care

1) copies of identity documents of legal representatives who submitted applications for registration;

2) copies of birth certificates for orphans and children left without parental care, copies of passports for orphans and children left without parental care over 14 years of age, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;

3) documents confirming the loss of parental care at a minor age:

a) copies of death certificates of parents;

b) certificates of civil registry authorities, confirming the entry of information about the father in the record of the birth of the child on the basis of the application of the mother of the child;

c) copies of court decisions on deprivation of parents of parental rights (restriction in parental rights), recognition of parents as incapable (partially incapacitated), missing or dead;

d) copies of court decisions on establishing the fact of leaving children without parental care;

4) documents confirming the impossibility of living for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, in previously occupied residential premises:

a) court decisions that have entered into legal force on the refusal to forcibly exchange residential premises, the right to use which, under social tenancy agreements, have persons deprived of parental rights (if any);

b) certificates of health care institutions on the presence of a severe form of a chronic disease, in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment, in accordance with the list of diseases approved by federal law, among persons living in residential premises, employers or family members of the employer under a social contract of employment, or the owners of residential premises are orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (if any);

c) certificates on the composition of the family indicating the total area of ​​the residential premises at the last place of registration and at all addresses of its re-registration, starting from the address of the residential premises reserved for it (if any). Certificates are accepted within 3 months from the date of issue;

d) documents confirming the legal grounds for the possession and use of residential premises by tenants or members of the tenant's family under a social tenancy agreement or whose residential premises are occupied by orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.

Information about the queue of orphans to receive housing

How to get an apartment for an orphan?

Children left without parental care, and orphans without housing assigned to them, have the right to receive housing from the state after they have graduated from the educational institution in which they lived and studied. Each region has its own standards for providing living space for an orphan. The provision of this type of housing is vested in local governments. In this article, we will consider how an orphan can quickly get an apartment from the state.

How to get an apartment for an orphan?

According to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation at the moment, the following have the right to purchase free preferential housing:

  1. children who are orphans;
  2. children left without parental care.

These categories of citizens should not have housing on the basis of social rent and own any living space. In addition, they must not be members of the family of such owner or tenant.

How to get housing for an orphan?

According to Art. 52 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, first of all, an orphan must register as a person in need of housing, who needs to improve his own living conditions. To do this, you must submit a package of documentation, which includes a written application, through a multifunctional center (MFC) or other local executive bodies.

The allocation of free housing is made to persons who have reached the age of 18. But the legislator provides for the possibility of providing square meters of housing on benefits before the age of majority of the orphan.

Important point

Before getting an apartment for an orphan, he needs to get on the waiting list before he reaches the age of 23, otherwise the right to receive benefits for an apartment or a residential building by an orphan will be lost. However, if the state did not provide housing to a citizen who was registered in a timely manner, the opportunity to receive a benefit from him may remain even after he reaches the specified age limit.

A package of documents for obtaining an apartment as an orphan

The list of papers that is necessary to obtain the right to housing for an orphan:

  1. personal statement of the orphan child;
  2. the passport;
  3. a document that certifies the status of an orphan;
  4. a document that determines the place of registration of a citizen;
  5. marriage certificate (if any);
  6. document confirming the birth of the child (children) (if any);
  7. a certificate confirming that the citizen has no rights to other housing;
  8. documentation that indicates the composition of the applicant's family;
  9. documentation that confirms the end:
  1. stay in an orphanage educational institution;
  2. stay in a dispensary, hospital, specialized sanatorium (if any);
  3. stay in correctional institutions (if any)
  4. military service (if any);

Depending on the area, the specified list of documentation may differ from the above. Therefore, before you start collecting papers, you need to get more detailed information from local executive bodies.

Where to apply for an apartment?

The package of collected documents must be submitted to the local administration. But with this application, you should also contact the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

In different federal subjects, such powers can be delegated to various executive bodies, but practice shows that in fact, in all regions, it is the guardianship and guardianship authorities and the administration that are responsible for receiving important papers.

What to do next?

If all the documents meet the conditions of the law, the executive bodies put the orphan on the list of those on the waiting list for the purchase of housing. The positive decision of the child must be communicated in writing. An exception from such a list is made only after the orphan child receives preferential housing.

If the orphan already has housing

How to get housing for an orphan, if it already exists? Even if an orphan has a place to live, there is still a chance to get preferential square meters. In this case, it is necessary to recognize living in this residential area as impossible. This can be done for the following reasons:

  1. in the house (apartment) live persons who were previously deprived of the right to education for an orphan applying for housing;
  2. there is an official conclusion of the commission on the non-compliance of the dwelling with sanitary and technical rules and regulations, which makes it unsuitable for permanent residence;
  3. people with chronic diseases of a severe type are registered in the corresponding housing, which makes it simply impossible to live with them on square meters of living space;
  4. the child has a serious chronic disease, in connection with which the life of other people in the same apartment (house) with him becomes impossible;
  5. living space, which accounts for one person living in the premises, is less than the established standard in the region.

What are the advantages of orphans over other people on the waiting list for housing?

Changes in laws are effective from January 1, 2013. So, earlier, paragraph 2 of Art. 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defined orphans as persons having the right to acquire living space out of the general queue. Today, this clause has lost its force, which means that orphans have no benefits in the queue.

Legal protection of the property of an orphan child

Previously, an orphan who received preferential housing had the right to further privatize it. Innovations in the legislation exclude this possibility. Now the privatization of housing, which is received by an orphan, is possible only after five years. This is due to the fact that the right to housing is provided under a specialized lease agreement, and not a social one.

This amendment was made to prevent the actions of fraudsters in relation to orphans. Often, orphans lost their ownership of housing almost immediately after acquiring it due to inexperience. The impossibility of selling a house or apartment, renting out housing makes it possible to ensure the safety of the right of ownership for an orphan.

If an orphan child finds himself in a difficult situation (for example, there is a debt on utility bills, etc.), the residential tenancy agreement can be extended for another five years, but only once.

After a 5-year period, the living space is excluded from the housing stock, and a social contract is concluded with the person who occupies the premises under a specialized lease agreement.

Conclusions, conclusion

So, it is really possible to get the housing provided by the state for free. It is not so difficult to collect the necessary official documents for obtaining benefits. First of all, it is necessary to refrain from the typical mistakes of many citizens who are entitled to receive preferential housing from the state:

  1. do not miss the deadline for filing important papers;
  2. in the case of socially rented or owned housing, in which it is impossible to live, in most cases, beneficiaries do not seek recognition of it as unsuitable for habitation and, therefore, do not receive the coveted squares.

Remember that the possibility of acquiring free housing really exists, and you should not neglect it.

Dmitrieva Irina

Expert in the field of housing and inheritance disputes. She has achieved many court decisions on housing issues (problems of eviction and privatization, forced division of housing, material claims) in favor of those who applied.

In ___________ city court RD

Plaintiff: ______________________________

Plaintiff: _______________________________
living _____________________________

Respondent: _______________________________

about getting back on the housing waiting list

Our mother passed away at __________________.
Father ____________ after the death of his mother abandoned us - ___________, ____________ b. and ____________, __________ year of birth, that is, he did not take any part in our upbringing.
By the decision of the __________ City Court of _________, ________ was deprived of parental rights in relation to us.
By the Decree of the __________ city administration No. ____ dated __________, our grandmother _____________________ was appointed guardian
In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care” No. 159-FZ of December 10, 1996, orphans and children left without parental care under guardianship who do not have a fixed dwelling, after the end of their stay in an educational institution or a social service institution, as well as in institutions of all types of vocational education ..., are provided by the executive authorities at the place of residence out of turn with an area not lower than established social norms.
__________________ filed an application with the Administration of the city of _________ to register us for housing.
According to the Decree __________ of the city administration of the Republic of Dagestan No. ____ dated _______, _______________ and _____________ were registered as those in need of housing. The record number ____________ was ___, and _____________ was No. ___.
Around the year ___________, we contacted the administration of the city of ________ to find out if our turn for housing was suitable. We were refused to provide any information. We had to turn to a lawyer. At the request of the lawyer, a response was received from which it follows that _____________ is in the queue under No. ___, and ____________ under No. ___. It also follows from the answer of the head of the administration of the GO "______________" that since _____, orphans, pupils of the children's special home in the city of _________, are mainly provided with housing, out of turn by a court decision.
We consider the actions of the administration of the city of _________ illegal.
According to Art. 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, residential premises are provided to citizens who are registered as in need of residential premises, in order of priority based on the time such citizens were registered, with the exception of those established by Part 2 of this article. Part 2 of Article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes an exception to the general rule - the category of persons to whom housing under social tenancy agreements is provided out of turn.

25 years in the queue for housing - how to solve the housing problem for orphans

Reinstate _______________ and _______________ in the housing queue from the time of application, i.e. since __________ year.
Oblige the administration of the city of ________ to provide _______________, ___________ d.b. and _________________, _________ b. residential premises that meet the requirements of the housing legislation of the Russian Federation.

Attachments: copy of the statement of claim;
receipt of payment of state duty;
a copy of the death certificate ______________;
copy of the resolution of __________ city administration
No. ____ dated ____________;
a copy of the notice dated _________ addressed to _________;
a copy of the notice dated _________ addressed to _______________;
copies of passports _______________ and _______;
response of the head of the administration of the civil defense "_________"
No. _____ dated __________

"____"_____________ G. ___________________

Today, citizens who have the status of orphans live and work in the Russian Federation.

Many of them have the right to, as well as the opportunity, since they do not have their own.

But few of them know about the age until which documents must be submitted? What law regulates this issue? Where to go.

Let's consider all this in more detail.

Legislative basis of the issue

To date, the issue of providing housing for the category of orphans is regulated by such legislative acts:

  1. the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in particular Article No. 54;
  2. the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in particular Article No. 123;
  3. Federal Law No. 159, which provides additional benefits for orphans;
  4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in particular article No. 292.

If we talk about ourselves requirements to the housing provided, they are as follows:

  • the living area must be separate (this means the absence of part of a communal apartment);
  • the living area must necessarily include: water supply and drainage, electricity, heating and other plumbing fixtures (toilet, shower, and so on).

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the housing provided must be located directly in the region where the applicant for it lives.

In the event that for some reason there is no registration, housing must be provided directly in the region where it is located under.

In article 8 of the Federal Law No. 159 of the Russian Federation on state support for orphans, a specific norms for the allocation of housing space are not indicated, but it is indicated that each municipality has its own size for the provision of housing under the contract.

Conditions for the allocation of housing

The current legislation of the Russian Federation clearly prescribes the mandatory conditions, answering which you can count on receiving social housing.

In particular, these are conditions, how:

  • the orphan’s lack of already allocated social housing, which was received directly under a contract of employment, including for his relatives or family members;
  • the applicant for housing must not necessarily be the owner of social property that was previously received under a lease agreement;
  • applicants for residential property must currently live in conditions that are considered more than unacceptable.

As indicated in the last paragraph, one of the key conditions is considered to be such a concept as “the inability to live in the current place”.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the very impossibility of living in the current place recognized in such cases.:

  • with an orphan, family members who have serious diseases of a directly chronic form live in the same living area;
  • Citizens who were previously deprived of parental rights live on the same square with an orphan;
  • the living area where the orphan lives is officially recognized as uninhabitable;
  • living quarters do not fully comply with sanitary standards.

Another condition under which housing can be obtained is previously received living space, but at the same time its quadrature is significantly less than that required by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Provision procedure

First of all, it should be remembered that housing must be provided for an orphan child until the time when he fulfills 23 years old or he will become completely capable. In simple terms, an orphan who graduates from an educational institution or is demobilized from military service should already have his own living space.

Starting from 2013, housing for orphans is provided exclusively under a social contract. The contract itself has a period of validity of 5 years, no less.

At the same time, housing for such categories of citizens of the Russian Federation is provided in order, and it is impossible to get it without a queue.

It is important to take into account that after the 5-year period of the lease agreement has expired, the provided living space can be completely transferred to the indefinite use of the orphan child.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the new procedure for providing housing should completely exclude possible machinations of officials, since such housing cannot be privatized, sold or transferred to other citizens who are not orphans.

At the same time, it is allowed to receive instead of living quarters monetary compensation, which should be enough to buy a home.

Where should you apply?

In order for an orphan child to receive free social housing, one should first contact to guardianship authorities with all the necessary documents and stand in line.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to apply to the guardianship and guardianship authorities until the age of 23.

It must be remembered that after the orphan child is 23 years old, and he has not submitted the relevant documents, the right to receive housing disappears.

Queuing for housing

Until recently, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clearly stated that every orphan child had to receive living space under a rental agreement out of turn. But now things are a little different.

Every orphan child must be on the waiting list for housing at the age of 18 to 23.

At the same time, if an orphan could not get an apartment before the age of 23, for the reason that his turn has not come, he is not removed from this queue and continues to be in it until he receives housing. In practice, there were cases when orphans received housing even at the age of 40-50 years.


The queuing algorithm itself is regulated by both regional bills and Federal Law No. 159.

In particular setting algorithm account is as follows:

List of required documents

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, orphans must prepare such package of documents:

  • original and copy of the passport;
  • a document that confirms the status of an orphan child;
  • original ;
  • a document that confirms the absence of ownership of your property;
  • certificate from the place of study or work;
  • original marriage registration certificate, if the orphan is married;
  • birth certificates of their children, if any;
  • 2 applications: one to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, the second - directly to local self-government bodies.

It is worth noting that statement written in free form. There are no clear legal frameworks.

At the same time, it must should be contained:

  • initials of the applicant;
  • passport data;
  • information about the certificate of the orphan child;
  • requirement for the provision of living space;
  • date of compilation;
  • applicant's signature.

In this case, the submission of documents by an authorized person is unacceptable. All documents are submitted directly by the orphan child himself.

Terms of housing provision

If we talk about the very timing of the provision of such housing, they are, frankly, unknown. Why? Everything is quite simple.

The whole problem is that the number of housing in each region is approved directly by the regional self-government bodies themselves. They allocate apartments for the next year in exactly as many apartments as the local budget allows.

As practice shows, housing can be obtained in 10 and 20 years.

The possibility of registration of the provided housing in private ownership

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has the status of an orphan has the right to privatize apartment provided for use by local governments.

However, there are small nuances. They lie in the fact that if an agreement was initially drawn up between the recipient of housing space and the local authorities themselves on the provision of specialized housing, then privatization is impossible. At the same time, after the expiration of a 5-year period, such an agreement is terminated and an open-ended contract of social employment is drawn up, under which privatization is possible.

In the event that a social tenancy agreement was drawn up immediately, then privatization can be started as soon as that agreement is signed, regardless of whether 5 years have passed or not.

If local self-government bodies have given a refusal to privatize property provided under a social lease agreement, then the recipient has every right to challenge this decision in the court at his place of residence. As a rule, the court in 90% of cases takes the side of the applicant, that is, the recipient of the property.

Problems of allocation of housing

First of all, it is necessary to understand the very mechanism by which real estate can be obtained from the state for these categories of citizens.

Initially, after a person was left an orphan, his parents probably had some kind of property. She is immediately attached to the child. After he turns 18, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities grant him the right to dispose of this property. Essentially, the OOP is the guarantor of safety of such property until the age of majority of its full owner and thereby, resolving the issue of providing housing.

But it is not uncommon for cases when an orphan is not the only owner of such real estate, and third parties, after the orphan comes to such an apartment, simply do not let him live in it. At this moment, all the problems begin for the orphan, because it is necessary to stand in line and wait for the apartment to be received from the state, and the baking and guardianship authorities, including the courts, cannot help the orphan to return the property from his parents to his property.

Real estate is guaranteed to orphans by the state, but this issue is entrusted to the regional authorities, who must provide housing purchased at the expense of the local budget. But such a budget, on average, allows you to purchase 3-5 apartments for orphans in the region. And what will happen to the rest? The rest should wait for the next year and perhaps the turn will reach them.

According to statistics, the waiting period for the provision of housing varies from 5 to 10 years. For this reason, we can say with confidence that there are considerable problems in providing housing for orphans, and at the same time, their solution may take at least 3-4 years, since everyone is well aware of the current economic situation in the country.

Changes in 2019

From January 1, 2019, amendments to Article 8 of Federal Law No. 159-FZ came into force, according to which residential premises are provided to orphans, upon their application in writing, upon reaching the age of 18 years.

Now the procedure for compiling a list of persons who are subject to provision with living quarters, an application form for inclusion in the list, an approximate list of documents required for inclusion in the list, the timing and grounds for making a decision on inclusion or refusal to be included in the list, as well as the timing of inclusion in the list are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and the guardianship authorities monitor the timely submission of applications for the inclusion of these children in the list and, if such applications are not submitted, take measures to include these children in the list.

If orphans and persons from among them, upon reaching the age of 18, have not exercised their right to be provided with living quarters, they have the right to independently apply in writing for their inclusion in the list.

Persons are excluded from the list, provided that they are included in the list in another subject of the Russian Federation due to a change of residence.

The following video material tells about the receipt of living space from the state by orphans:

My husband is 22 years old, my mother died 18 years ago, my father abandoned me, my aunt's guardian is registered with her. Does he have a right to housing?

He has the right to live with his aunt.

The orphan has the right to receive municipal housing later when he reaches the age of majority, but the guardian does not. Do I have the right to extraordinary housing as an orphan? you have the right, but ... there is no housing for you, and if there is, it will not be soon.

Only to live with my aunt, he does not have this housing ... Where is mom's apartment? ? Or maybe dad? ? You have to look there..

The question is not open. apartment already privatized?

An orphan child must be provided with OWN housing.
If he has a share in the guardian's apartment, then this is one thing, and if it is only registration, the state is obliged to provide housing. Only your husband, as it were, has grown up. There, as far as I remember, all this is done until the age of 23.
Aunt - the guardian should be aware of all this.

He's already an adult. . and aunt is no longer a guardian .. let him look at the documents for the apartment .. everything is written there

As far as I understand, you are interested in whether he is entitled to housing from the state? If he does not have his own apartment or share, then it is necessary. In general, this used to have to be bothered with, but even now you can try contacting the local administration. The probability of success is very small, but try. And do not delay with this case, after 23 years he will definitely not get anything

Hello! I was left without parental care and my grandmother became my guardian. Now I am studying at a technical school and in 2 months I will be 18 years old. I'm on a waiting list for housing. but the guardianship authorities believe that I have no right to receive housing, because ...

Is the father deprived of parental rights?
if not, it does not have the status of an orphan.
In addition, housing is provided only to those orphans for whom no housing was assigned at all.

If he is registered in his aunt's apartment, then he does not have the right to housing. And then your husband does not have the status of an orphan, unless the father was deprived of parental rights.

Does he have a father? Is he deprived of parental rights? Therefore, there is no orphan status. Where did he live before his mother died? This housing was for him and should have been secured. Does the father still live there?

Does a guardian or daughter have the right to receive emergency housing if the mother or ward has died?

If the guardian died, then no, if the guardian, then there is no one

They have the right to get an idea of ​​how the guardian lives and is brought up. Does the guardian have the right to dispose of the inheritance to sell part of the property of the ward if he does not have his own home?

You forgot to mention who exactly was in the queue for emergency housing - the guardian or the "guardian" ...

I am 20 years old guardians kicked out of the house if there is no where to go, do they have the right to just take it and kick it out?

If they are registered, of course not.

Thanks received 1205. GET ADVICE. Does the guardian have the right to the property of the ward? A list of legal grounds for breaking the door and entering the home.

If registered with them, they can not expel

Everything, as always, depends on registration, there is a residence permit, you can live there at least always, they have no right to expel. If there is no registration, then they have every right!

No bleat!!!) you will just be homeless in a landfill)

Yes. guardianship authorities
and must provide you with housing

Did you have housing before they became your guardians? If it was, then they have every right, they guarded you until you were 18 years old. Then you are an adult and have to build your own life. If there was no housing, they received it for themselves and you, then they cannot kick you out.

Does the guardian have the right to let his family live in the house of the ward? The guardian himself does not live with the ward. What article is this? Please answer this question! already over 18 years old?

If housing is not assigned to you, then as an orphan you are obliged to allocate it. Contact the housing department. If you are registered with guardians, then you can live there for now, but they can remove you from registration and evict you through the court. And why are you being kicked out, maybe you yourself are somehow not behaving like that?

Go to the guardianship authorities and find out what is happening with your housing. It should have been done a long time ago. If you are not assigned housing, then you must be put on a waiting list for housing. Your guardians were obliged to plead. And ask for at least a hostel. If it doesn't work, go to the apartment. So many people live. And work.

Does an orphan child have the right to be provided with housing if he lives with a guardian and a grandfather in 37.5 square meters?

Yes, all perks. But if you are adopted, then no.

Taxpayers who are adoptive parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees have the right to receive property tax deductions ...

Only if there is no housing assigned to him.

I am an orphan, but I had a guardian... now I am a single mother.... do I have the right to receive housing out of turn? and where to apply?

If all single mothers could receive free housing, then a separate city the size of Moscow would have to be built for them.

So, how can a guardian or foster parent determine whether his ward has the right to receive housing upon reaching the age of 18? When placing a child under guardianship, the foster parent has the right to personally receive documents related to housing against signature ...

No, you don't have that right.

Olga Kurnushkina - No, you have no such right,
justify the answer? everyone is so fucking smart, they give recommendations on complex issues without justifying
and this phrase is stupid, stupid - you have no right / you have the right

Contact the housing department of the administration of your place of residence. Take all the documents you have, there is a lawyer there, he will tell you everything. If you are an orphan, but you lived at home, and you have a living space, then most likely nothing will shine for you. No one will provide you with a separate apartment.

Orphans are divided into two categories: some had a living space that was assigned to them, others did not. So, the first return to where they were registered, and the second state is obliged to provide housing. You need to contact the department of guardianship and guardianship of the area where you live with this question.
The status of a single mother does not in itself give the right to receive housing.

My grandmother was the guardian of me and my brother. In 2010 she received an apartment. As a widow of the Second World War. Do we have the right to inheritance

The guardian has a relationship with the property of the ward only when the ward is alive. The guardian does not have the right to inherit at all if there is no will and he is not the heir of the line by law. All 10 children will receive an equal share of the property of the deceased.

Does the ward (underage) have the right to live in the guardian's apartment?

1. Yes.
2. Yes

Such a child has the right to receive housing from the state upon reaching adulthood. After obtaining the rights to the child, the guardian begins to collect a package of documents for a permanent form.

The ward and the trustee seem to have to live in the same house anyway

It seems that if there is a residence permit, then the ward has the right. And if not, I don't even know.
Bad luck.

Does the mother (guardian) of a minor child have the right to sell an apartment donated to him? according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakstan

no no

What documents for the child must the guardian obtain and from whom? Does the guardian have the right to prevent the biological relatives from visiting the child in care? Yes, it does, if there are good reasons for doing so.

I don't know what RK is.
According to Russian laws, of course it has. With the consent of the PLO in accordance with their requirements))

Hello! Do guardians have the right to dispose of money from renting an apartment of a minor ward?

In the interests of the ward and with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. See Art. 37 h. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. And, according to part 2 of the same article, the rental of an apartment must also be agreed with the guardianship.

They have, but the income due to the ward from the management of his property must be spent exclusively in the interests of the ward with the prior permission of the guardianship and guardianship authority.
Without prior permission from the body of guardianship and guardianship, the guardian has the right to make the expenses necessary for the maintenance of the ward at the expense of the amounts due to the ward as his income

If the apartment was rented illegally (the agencies have nothing to do with them, NOBODY), then it is hardly possible to prove the availability of money.

That's right, if the money was spent on it. Or does she think that she should pay for the apartment, and she should have spent her own money on it? Especially a retired grandfather. I would say thank you that I didn’t end up in the orphanage, that the apartment was saved

Do I have the right to get an apartment if I am an orphan with a guardian?

In Russia, if you have an apartment for your mother and the guardian lives in this apartment .., but the apartment belongs to you, then no ...

The body of guardianship has no right to demand other documents from the guardian.4. In the case of renting housing, an extract from the house apartment book from the place of residence. A standard form obtained from the EIRTs Unified Information and Settlement Center, DEZ or a housing association of a cooperative ...

Well of course - no! since you are an orphan, then your mother died, even if you were not registered in the apartment. You are the heir of the first stage, so you are provided with housing.

Does the mother (guardian) of a minor child have the right to sell an apartment donated to him? according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Until the child reaches the age of majority, nothing can be done with the apartment!
Although, in Russia, everything is possible ... :-(

It is necessary to distinguish between a transaction for the sale of an apartment, where the owner is a minor, from the sale of an apartment, where the child has only the right to use, that is, is not the owner.

Maybe by buying a child in return for real estate equivalent or better. The sale must be approved by the guardianship authorities.
This is in the Russian Federation. I don't know about Kazakhstan.

Does the guardian have the right to take away the apartment from his child?

No. can not

Does the guardian have the right to dispose of the inheritance to sell part of the property of the ward if he does not have his own home? Only with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities and in the interests of the ward.

You should write fantasy. But the style is lame.

Contact guardianship.
You can send a request to the USRR yourself - (200 rubles last year) - you will find out who the owner of your apartment is.
And, himself, it seems not a gift - ask for an orphanage - is it better there?
By the way, even an unregistered mother cannot live in an apartment where you are the owner, and it is impossible to register a goat. and you can not let them in on the threshold - find out the procedure in guardianship - call the police.

It is fantastic. maybe they're just scared? How can you take away what was given to you by another person? who is the guardian? mother? she is the law. representative.

The guardianship does not allow such things to pass ..

No, they won't take over your apartment.

Consumer rights Protection. Conducting a case in court, representation in court, one-time representation in court, filing a claim, assistance in court. Prior permission from the guardianship and guardianship authority is also required in all other cases, if the actions of the guardian can ...

Does the ward (disabled person) have the right to the inheritance (apartment) of his guardian after the death of the latter, according to the law?

No, unless the guardian is a next of kin...
even if a relative - it doesn't matter if the guardian donated or bequeathed the apartment to a third party

If the state, does it have the right to take away its property later? If you become her guardian, this can not affect the receipt of the mortgage in any way? What are the rights and obligations of a guardian?

If a will was made in his favor, then yes. and so does not have

If there is a will in his favor.

Does the guardian of 3 children have the right to use maternity capital to buy housing for these children?

In all cases, do guardians receive funds for the maintenance of the ward? Does the guardian have the right to use the child's funds at his own discretion, for his own needs?

And the point is, at the end of guardianship, the state will give them apartments.

A question from the Ukrainian legislation. Does the guardian have the right to inherit the guardian's apartment?

As a general rule, guardians are not heirs of guardians. However, the ward may be referred to the heirs by law if by the day the inheritance was opened he was incapacitated for at least a year.

The guardian does not have the right to maternity capital. This is directly stated in the law, while the ward has the right to the property of the guardian. Thus, the children themselves will receive maternity capital when they turn 23 years old.

The guardian does not have the right to inherit the property of the ward. (but if you conclude a life maintenance agreement with the ward, with the right to inherit, then after his death the apartment is yours)

Does a ward child have the right to receive housing upon reaching the age of 18, if registered with a guardian, total registered8

If the ward did not have housing at the time of the appointment of a guardian, then the state is OBLIGED to provide him with housing upon reaching the age of majority.

Of course, the son of a disabled person will be obliged. share in the inheritance. despite the will to the sister. and he will have a large share in the property in the end. but the sister will be co-owner. and can control as a co-owner of a residential transaction. ensure the right...

Does the guardian have the right to leave the apartment of the ward as collateral for the loan? (a share of the apartment he owns)

No, but you can give up.

So they are the guardian grandmother and the ward that everyone lives in the same apartment on the embankment? Most likely they fussed to get out of there, someone told them Yes, the child has the right to part of the inheritance from your husband since there was no guardianship removed...

Do not even hope! ! There will be no permission! ! Are you taking out a loan for yourself?

Tell me, pzhl! Parents were deprived of their rights to a child registered in their apartment, is the new guardian obliged to register to himself?

Not obliged, in any case, the child is assigned the right to living space by a separate decision of the Administration.

Does the guardian, when moving to a new place of residence outside the Republic of Belarus, have the right to take the child under guardianship with him to live with him? Tell me, do I have the right, as a trustee, to put the girl on the list of those in need of housing on the social line, or do I have to wait until ...

Is not obliged to

For the child, the guardianship order must secure the right to reside at the address where he is now registered. At the same time, the guardian can register the child at his place of stay (temporary residence permit) without writing him out of the place of residence (permanent residence permit)

No, not obliged, for the child on the basis of paragraph 4 of Art. 71 of the RF IC - the right to a dwelling or the right to use a dwelling is retained.

If the cohabitation of a child with parents deprived of parental rights is contrary to his interests, then the parents are discharged, as for the guardian, he can be registered on the child's area without the right to housing.

I have 1 child of my own and two guardians (parents are deprived of their rights but are alive) do I have the right to any housing from the state.

You only have the right. but when you want to present this right, the children will be taken away at once. no children no problems with housing at the administration. If you are not sure of your ability to defend your rights, then do not start. and then the right will have you

The lawyer's answer to the question Does the guardian have the right to a share in the apartment? Your name Your phone 7 -. Submit a question. Get an answer. A family member born in 1951, who received a head injury, was declared legally incompetent by the court.

If you do not have enough space, that is, you need to improve your living conditions, then yes. And the presence of their own / adopted children, nothing to do with it. This may come in handy when you are put on a waiting list as a benefit.

I was given an apartment as an orphan, my guardian and her children are registered in it, do they have the right to a share of this apartment?

Well, if they are registered, they have

Learn 1. The aunt is counting on the share of the property. is she a guardian? 2. Do I have the right to take her to a psycho-neurological boarding school for the elderly? 3. How is an aunt obliged to behave as a guardian and is it possible to challenge this guardianship?

If it belongs to you, don't worry. Dont Have

Mr. Melkumov is mistaken, registration and ownership are two different things.

A very interesting and common situation, it is better to contact a lawyer, but only if you do not owe anything to the guardian: otherwise they will be called ungrateful. The guardian also has his own apartment, or according to the plan, you must “fly out” of this one.