The most beautiful skyscraper in the world: Shanghai Tower. Unusual skyscrapers of the world

According to the results of the recently held prestigious European architectural competition “The Emporis Awards - 2010”, 10 most beautiful and unusual skyscrapers were selected - I propose to evaluate and discuss the choice of experts. I note again that this is a subjective list, which may vary from source to source according to the ratings of different organizations. If you think that it is worth adding to it, or replacing something, please unsubscribe in the comments.

In total, European experts needed to carefully study 305 skyscrapers from around the world, the construction of which was completed last year. As a result, they placed 10th on the list - an unusual residential building in New York.

This 47-story residence is located in the Historic District, downtown New York, and includes 320 apartments of various layouts, including 2 penthouses with terraces that offer magnificent views of the city and the river.

William Beaver House features an innovative design that contrasts bronze and gray brick with glazed yellow brick panels and large bay windows. The interiors of the apartments at William Beaver House are meticulously designed for the ultimate luxury experience. All flats and suites are connected to cable TV and the Internet.

The 9th place in the list is occupied by a residential complex in San Francisco.

The skyscraper was opened in April 2009. Now people who come to San Francisco from Canada along the Bay Bridge will be able to see from afar the top of a translucent blue-gray crystal that adorned the city's skyline. The 197-meter tower has become the fourth largest skyscraper in San Francisco.

In fact, the Millennium Tower consists of two towers. Between the main 60-story building and the small 12-story building next to it, there is a 2-story glass atrium

Residences and Grand Residences of the Millennium Tower complex became the most expensive on the entire West Coast

On the 8th place - erected in Dubai diamond tower(Almas Tower). The height of this giant is 363 meters. The Almas tower has 74 floors, of which 70 are used for commercial purposes, and 4 are technical

The building is located on an artificial island located in the center of the Jumeirah Lake Towers area and is the tallest in the area. It was built from 2005 to 2008

The 7th skyscraper on the Emporis list is in Bryant Park in New York. This 54-story office building with a spire reaches a height of 366 meters. After the installation of the spire, the tower became the second tallest building in New York after the Empire State Building.

Bank of America Tower is recognized as one of the most spectacular and environmentally friendly buildings in the world

The tower reached its maximum height on December 15, 2007, when the final part of the structure was assembled. But it took another 2 whole years to complete the construction.

6th place is occupied by the 128-meter Rotterdam (Red Apple). This 40-story residential building caused the most controversial assessments even during construction - as always in the case of something new that stands out from the overall picture, opinions were divided and two irreconcilable camps formed: “fans” and ardent opponents of the project. The Red Apple was built in the so-called "wine harbour", on an island located in the center of Rotterdam on the river Meuse

A residential complex is located in the high-rise part of the skyscraper, and the infrastructure serving it is located in a multi-level 21-meter podium, where there are shops, cafes and consumer services.

Compositionally, the complex is made in such a way that if you look at it from different points, it looks different. So, from the embankment, it resembles a stylized sailing ship that has just arrived at the port and has not yet lowered its sails: the 128-meter high-rise part rises above the 53-meter superstructure in the stylobate, extending beyond the island and hanging over the canal, resembling the stern of a Spanish galleon

When viewed from afar, the complex looks like a bright red rectangle. But it is worth taking a closer look, and it becomes noticeable that the facades of vertical stripes bend smoothly at a height. Such a seemingly uncomplicated technique dramatically changes the impression of the project - the building turns from a standard rectangular “box” into a work of art

Building Number 5 - The Tower, also known as the Trump Tower, is an ultra-modern skyscraper in Chicago.

The notability of the Chicago Trump Tower lies, first of all, in height, since this skyscraper is one of the most magnificent buildings in the world. The Trump International Hotel and Tower has 96 floors (including underground), and the total height from the ground to the tip of the spire is 415 meters

Trump Tower is a mixed use building. On the first levels there are shopping areas, lobbies and parking for 1000 cars. The territory from the 14th to the 27th floor is occupied by a 5-star hotel with 339 rooms, and levels from 29 to 89 inclusive are reserved for residential apartments. The last, 89th floor of the Tower is occupied by the residence of Donald Trump himself. The tycoon paid $28 million for his 14,000-square-foot apartment!

Trump Tower has 27 high-grade passenger elevators. The building boasts huge 12-foot windows, literally from floor to ceiling. In addition, the Tower has its own park and waterfront adjacent to the Chicago River. Surprisingly, Trump Tower residents even have their own private dog walking area.

On the 4th place Emporis experts put Pillars of Hercules(Torres de Hercules) in Spanish Andalusia. Of course, this is not such a giant as the rest of the skyscrapers on the list, but due to its appearance, this office building could not miss this list.

Two towers, united by a glazed passage, rush up to 126 meters. At the same time, at the base of each of them there is a pool filled with water.

On 20 floors of buildings there are many offices, branches of world banks, travel agencies, and the top floor is occupied by a restaurant with a breathtaking panoramic view of Gibraltar

It is also interesting that the words of the proverb “Non Plus Ultra”, well known to the Spaniards (“Nowhere else” or “There is nothing else”), are encrypted in the intricacies of the facade patterns, and the patterns themselves go several tens of meters above the last floor, protecting the roof terrace

The top three "leaders" are opened by a building in Bangkok, although, to be honest, I would not classify this skyscraper as one of the 10 most beautiful and unusual skyscrapers at all - compared to other buildings, the Metropolitan looks somehow poor and ordinary, but since the experts decided to bring it to your list - let's try to figure out what "bribed" them so much =)

The Metropolitan is a 69-storey building divided into three vertical sections with a height of 228 meters. It belongs to a chain of design hotels. But it turned out that its interiors are of particular value.

The design of the interiors of the Metropolitan has been turned into a special art. The color, shape and location of every detail is precisely thought out. This is the realm of beautiful things and exquisite style. The design of the rooms is dominated by minimalism and delicate pastel colors. White pillows, beige walls, faded rose curtains and bedspreads…

The paintings decorating the rooms are made by talented Asian artists. Furniture design created by leading craftsmen in this field. Even gourmet Mediterranean cuisine in the elegant hotel restaurant is served with a special taste)

"Silver" went to the office skyscraper O-14 in the business district of Dubai. The building is a 22-story commercial skyscraper that cost $81.9 million to build.

A feature of O-14 is the outer walls with round holes (there are more than 1000 of them in the project), made of concrete 400 mm thick

Such an architectural solution also has a functional meaning, the openings serve as windows, letting in a limited amount of sunlight. There is an air gap between the walls and the glazing of the building, which creates the effect of a chimney, cooling the glass surface and thus creating a passive cooling system.

According to The Emporis Awards, Chicago skyscraper was recognized as the most beautiful skyscraper in the world Aqua. This huge 250-meter giant from a distance does not stand out from the general Chicago “landscape”, but as soon as you get closer, it turns into a real waterfall, striking the imagination with the unreality of its design - it seems as if some kind of fabulous ice colossus has grown in the middle of the city

250 meters high-rise divided into 81 floors. In a buiding Aqua there is a hotel and ordinary living quarters. The facades of the skyscraper are decorated with real “lakes”, the role of water in which is played by windows, skillfully accentuated by hiding the rest of the windows with elongated uneven projections of the facade

The Aqua skyscraper impressed the Emporis experts with “an original design solution combined with sustainable design”. And here I completely agree with them - Aqua stands out qualitatively from all the buildings on this list and definitely deserves to be called the best of the currently built =)

World of travel


03.06.14 14:20

“Babylonian pandemonium!” - sometimes we say, without thinking that we are remembering one of the most famous towers. Its existence is confirmed by religious and historical sources. But we will talk about the "tall beauties", "old" or "young" decorating our planet today.

The most beautiful towers in the world

clock towers

Some of these structures became famous not at all for how many record meters they rushed to the sky.

Exquisite and unusual clock towers. Back in 1490, the old city hall of Prague was decorated with a clock. According to legend, the great master Hanush created this miracle with 12 moving apostles and the skeleton of Death. To prevent him from repeating this work of art, the watchmaker was deprived of his sight, and he cursed the watch. They froze for almost a century. But now they delight tourists with their shows. Death pulls on the rope, while she looks at the hourglass in the other hand of the skeleton. And the apostles are on the move.

Much later (in 1888) a clock tower appeared on the gate leading to the old part of the city of Cartagena. Gate "Torre del Reloy" - one of the attractions of Colombia.

In the last minutes of each year, we all sit at the festive tables in anticipation of the chiming clock, announcing: it has happened, January 1 has come! The Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin is also a remarkably beautiful tower, decorated with a dial.

The most famous Big Ben, a 315-foot granite giant, is rightfully a symbol of the capital of Great Britain (once the bell inside the tower was called “Big Ben”, then this name spread to the entire structure). Although they tried to rename the majestic building into the Elizabeth Tower, out of habit everyone calls it the good old nickname.

The Hindus have their own copy of Big Ben, Rajabai.

Don't let them fall!

The "queen" of the falling towers is the Pisa built in the middle of the XIV century. But she has "comrades in misfortune", which for some reason are undeservedly forgotten. And these are also pretty towers!

For example, the roll of the German medieval bell tower (the church is called Zuurhusen) is slightly larger than the tilt of its Italian "sister" (the difference is 1.22 degrees).

Another (and also located in Germany) tower stands on the windy outskirts. Scientists have calculated that Frankenhausen deviates by 6 cm annually, so the beauty must be saved urgently!

Italian Church of St. Martino (another name is the Burano tower, after the island on which it is located), two Dutch landmarks ("Oude Kerk" and "Bedum") are also considered legendary leaning towers.

The best of the best

At the very beginning of 2010, the United Arab Emirates again surprised the whole world by solemnly opening its next miracle. It took almost 6 years to build a very beautiful high-rise Burj Khalifa tower. Its top is at a dizzying height of 828 meters. And its infrastructure, including high-speed elevators, is worthy of the warmest praise. Viewing the surroundings of Dubai from its observation deck is a favorite pastime for travelers.

The pride of Toronto is the CN Tower. It is much smaller - about 553 m, but until 2007, this Canadian treasure was considered the highest building on the planet.

His record was broken by the Chinese Guangzhou TV Tower. Its observation platform can take 10 thousand tourists a day, the panorama is breathtaking - after all, the building rises 610 meters above the city!

"Shorty" (324 m) looks next to these "tall" modern buildings of the Eiffel Tower. But without it it is difficult to imagine Paris. So, it should definitely be mentioned in this story!

But the most impressive - in terms of beauty and design - is called the 250-meter 81-story building "Aqua", located in Chicago. True, it looks like a frozen iceberg with influxes of ice jets?

8-03-2014, 23:13
In our time of high technology, architecture does not stand still. Designers take on board the most advanced achievements of science and technology and implement in their developments forms unusual for the human eye. The latest trend among architects is the unusual winding lines of skyscrapers. The first brainchild of this kind was Turning Torso, built in the Swedish city of Malmö.

The skyscraper is built in nine segments, consisting of five floors, which are offset from the previously installed base. A documentary was even made about the construction of this building by the Discovery Channel. The daring attempt of the Austrian parachutist Felix Baumgartner, who jumped from the top of a skyscraper with a parachute, added to the tower's fame. It happened on August 18, 2006.

So, after the successful completion of the skyscraper in Malmo, the designers began a tacit competition to design and build buildings of unusual shapes in all corners of the globe. Some projects could not withstand technical expertise and were curtailed, others were approved and built, and some are just beginning to be built. Let's evaluate the work of designers and architects and look at extraordinary houses.

Since Turning Torso was the first, it is necessary to start with it. The project of this "winding" structure was designed by the famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. The building was officially opened in 2005. The height of the skyscraper is 190 meters. It includes 54 floors with 147 apartments, an entertainment complex, and a wine cellar. It is noteworthy that each floor of this amazing structure has a pentagonal shape, rotating around a vertical core. It is supported by an external steel structure.
To date, Turning Torso is considered the tallest building in Sweden and all Scandinavian countries, as well as the third tallest building in Europe.

Infinity Tower, Dubai.

This Tower of Infinity, located in Dabai, is 306 meters high and includes 76 floors. This facility is currently under construction. It has already been announced that once the skyscraper is put into operation, it will become the tallest working spiral building in the world. The twist of its spirals will be 90 degrees. Infinity Tower was designed by the same architectural studio that built the Burj Khalifa and Trump Tower in Chicago.

The meandering Avaz tower in Sarajevo.

This winding skyscraper has a height of 176 meters. The building is distinguished by a curved facade and a very interesting design. The building has no living space. There are offices here: the headquarters of Dnevni Avaz and the offices of the media company of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Absolute towers in Canada.

If only offices are located in a skyscraper in Sarajevo, then the Absolute Tower, built in Canada, is an exclusively residential complex, moreover, consisting of two skyscrapers. The facility is located in Mississauga, Ontario. The first skyscraper of the complex has a height of 179 meters, the second - 161 meters. Behind the scenes, this building was nicknamed "Marilyn Monroe" because of the rather unusual and beautiful forms.

Kuwait Trade Center.

The Kuwait Trade Center, also known as Al Tijaria Tower, is a 218 meters high skyscraper. It is the tallest building in Kuwait.

Revolution Tower, Panama City.

The Revolution Tower is a kind of giant corkscrew in Panama City. This complex, which has a height of 242 meters, fit 52 floors, which are offices. The design of the skyscraper is unique in that as it grows, the reinforced concrete giant turns 360 degrees.

Hadid tower in Milan.

This winding tower was designed by renowned studio Zaha Hadid Architects. Its construction is currently underway in Milan, in the historical part of the city and is part of the CityLife quarter under construction. The Hadid Tower, according to the project, will have a height of 170 meters and include 44 floors. The facility will be connected to a metro station. Next to the skyscraper by Zaha Hadid Architects, the Arata Isozaki & Associates skyscraper (220 meters high) and the 150-meter Daniel Libeskind Tower are being built.

Evolution Tower in Moscow.

The Evolution Tower is part of the Moscow International Business Center, which became famous for its fires, embezzlement and imperfections. Each floor of this skyscraper is curved by 3 degrees relative to the previous one, which together gives a 135-degree rounding at the top. Completion of this facility is scheduled for this year.

Gehry skyscraper in Hannover.

This building, built in Hannover, can hardly be called a skyscraper, since it has only 9 floors. But the uniqueness of the object is in its external facade, which is made of stainless steel. The building was designed by renowned architect Frank Gehry.

Opus in Hong Kong.

Frank Gehry has also worked in Hong Kong. Here, his winding building bears the name "Opus".

The object is also relatively not high, but original in its design. The house consists of 12 residential premises, two semi-detached houses. Moreover, the latter has its own swimming pools, parking, gyms. In addition, the houses provide for the processing of rainwater for watering lawns and flowers, as well as charging systems for electric vehicles.

Spiral towers of Mode Gakuen in Nagoya.

A complex of spiral buildings 170 meters high are located in Nagoya City (Japan). This is by no means a residential complex, but a 36-story educational institution. The architectural design of Mode Gakuen is more than unique. The shape of the towers is in the form of wings - narrow at the top, they change the axis of rotation as they grow, and create an organic curve. The towers seem to change shape when viewed from different angles.

The dancing house in Prague is far from the structures that we talked about above. But it is with this architectural object that I would like to end the selection, since, although it is mundane, it is still original and unusual.

man has long since learned to build tall houses. Meanwhile, even skyscrapers have their own architectural charm. Rowan Moore, critic of The Observer, tried to figure this out. He singled out some of the most beautiful skyscrapers on the planet.

Chrysler Building, New York. This skyscraper has long belonged to the Chrysler Corporation. But today, due to the crisis, 90% of the building was sold to Arab investors. The Chrysler Building was built in 1930 and has become one of the symbols of New York. Manhattan is full of skyscrapers. Only from them it would be possible to make this list of the most beautiful. However, you need to let others express themselves. The expert calls the skyscraper chic, which combines elements of fantasy and elegance. It is no coincidence that this building embodies the era of the 20-30s. For a year, the skyscraper became the tallest building in the world. The building is an architectural embodiment of Art Deco style. It uses the same ornament as on the hubcaps of Chrysler cars in those years. In the 1920s, direct and functional modernism was in vogue. Therefore, not everyone accepted the new skyscraper, with its frivolous design. Today, the style of the building is largely considered a reference; it is officially considered the most beautiful skyscraper in New York.

Pirelli Tower, Milan. This building has long been the tallest in the world. It all started with the fact that in 1950 the president of the Pirelli Corporation proposed to build the country's first skyscraper on the site where his company began. In 1960, a 127-meter building was born. It would seem, what is so unusual about an ordinary office building? Nevertheless, the skyscraper manages not to stand out from the general landscape of Milan, although it is the only one here. The peculiarity of the tower is that it was not built in the traditional rectangle shape for skyscrapers. The ends of the skyscraper are made beveled, so when viewed from above, you can see a stretched hexagon. The expert compared the Pirelli tower with an elegant Italian girl. The true beauty of the skyscraper lies in its grace and revolutionary form.

Marina City Complex, Chicago. This complex includes two buildings, whose height is 179 meters. Although these are not the tallest buildings in Chicago, they are, according to Moore, the most unusual and beautiful. The complex includes not only commercial real estate, but also residential premises. Its main architectural feature is its cylindrical shape. And the functional purpose of some elements of the towers is surprising. For example, the first 19 floors of each of them are given over to car parking. And the 20th was given to the laundry. The complex was erected in 1964 at a cost of $36 million. It is positioned as a city within a city. There is a theater, a swimming pool, an ice rink and a marina here. The uniqueness of the towers lies in the fact that there are practically no internal right angles.

Burj Khalifa Tower, Dubai. The tallest building in the world did not go unnoticed by critics. The height of the Khalifa Tower in Dubai is 828 meters. Its construction ended only in 2010. The tower has become a key element in the modern and newest business center in Dubai. Architects note that the main feature of the skyscraper lies in its harmony and grace. There are many high-rise buildings in the business center of the city. But the Burj Khalifa is not only the tallest, but also the most elegant. The lower 37 floors are given to the hotel, above are office and residential buildings. The entire project cost $1.5 billion. And the architect was the American Adrian Smith. Such high-rise buildings are not new to him, because he already has a Chinese skyscraper Jin Mao on his account.

HSBC Bank Building, Hong Kong. In 1935, the HSBC bank built its office. But over time, the financial institution outgrew its own premises. Therefore, the old building was demolished, and a new one, 178 meters high, appeared in its place in 1985. Few places in the world pay as much attention to detail as this skyscraper. This building represents the whole of Hong Kong, not as chaotic as the rest of China, but not as conservative as traditional Europe. The building was designed by the Englishman Norman Foster. He has many original buildings around the world to his credit. In the HSBC building, everything is subject to the principles of Feng Shui. It itself symbolizes health and success. The architect was able to embody the ancient Taoist practice in the outer appearance of the skyscraper. It was built from blocks that were brought from all over the world. There are no internal supporting structures here, the materials are as light as possible. The skyscraper is designed to be energy efficient, many offices are illuminated by the sun and a system of mirrors. In addition, the bank's management was able to ensure that new buildings in the city would not block the line of sight from the building to the bay.

Residential complexes Highpoint One and Trellick Tower, London. The British who compiled this list could not ignore their buildings. So, two high-rise residential buildings in London were on the list at once. You can only call them skyscrapers conditionally. Highpoint One is located in Hempstead, a suburb of London. According to the architects, this building demonstrates the triumph of hedonistic rather than utilitarian motives in construction. It became the first high-rise complex built in London. It happened in 1935, it is noteworthy that the building was intended purely for housing, and not for work. Another London "beauty" is located in the western part of the city. Trellick Tower was built in 1972. It is known as a symbol of such an architectural trend as brutalism. A technical tower is adjacent to the main 31-storey building. It has elevators. And the transition to the floors is carried out through special tunnels. Buildings in this style are not uncommon in socialist countries. The first inhabitants of Trellick Tower were emigrants. And the criminal situation around the unusual skyscraper was rather unfavorable. No wonder Londoners disliked such a building. And by the end of the 90s, it became very popular, becoming a city landmark. Prices for apartments in this complex are constantly growing. The complex was designed by the Hungarian architect Jarno Goldfinger. He was friends with Ian Fleming, who borrowed the name of his friend for one of the novels.

"Glass" skyscraper, Berlin. This skyscraper was never built. But there is no doubt that it could become one of the most beautiful in the world by changing the architecture. They wanted to create a glass skyscraper in London in the distant 1919-1920s. Experts believe that the project itself was a utopia for that time. After all, then it was customary to build houses that looked like concrete fortresses. But if such a skyscraper were erected in the capital of Germany, but Berlin would become a leader in world architecture for a long time. This idea was put forward by the architect Mi svan der Rohe. It was generated by the trend of expressionism at that time. The author was looking for a new type of structure, and glass could become a new material. Mies was the first to abandon facades altogether, replacing them with a glass membrane. The skyscraper had to be built in the form of a star, and its walls had to be at irregular angles with respect to each other.

Skyscraper CCTV, Beijing. This skyscraper has an unusual shape, for which it was nicknamed "pants". The building was completed in 2009 and is now the main office of Chinese Central Television. The skyscraper has a height of 234 meters. It is worth noting its original appearance even for today. The skyscraper consists of two inclined towers connected at the top and bottom by angular blocks. The building is a ring-shaped structure of five vertical and horizontal sections. They form an irregular lattice with an empty center on the facade of a skyscraper. The architects were the Dutch Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheren from OMA. The entire project cost 600 million euros.

Residential building on Kudrinskaya Square, Moscow. In the list of beautiful skyscrapers, there was a place for a Russian building. For some reason, the English expert singled out this particular residential building on Kudrinskaya Square. Moore wrote that this residential building looks very majestic. It is unlike other buildings in the world. The skyscraper embodied the triumph of ideas and confidence in their communist ideas of Joseph Stalin. The construction of the building really began under him, in 1948. And since 1954, the first tenants began to appear here. The central tower has 24 floors, on the sides of it there are 18-story buildings. Not ordinary people lived here, but test pilots, aviators and party nomenclature.

According to the results of the recently held prestigious European architectural competition “The Emporis Awards”, 10 most beautiful and unusual skyscrapers were selected - I propose to evaluate and discuss the choice of experts. This is a subjective list, which may vary from source to source according to the ratings of different organizations.

In total, European experts needed to carefully study 305 skyscrapers from around the world, the construction of which was completed last year. As a result, they put William Beaver House, an unusual residential building in New York, in 10th place on the list.

This 47-story residence is located in the Historic District, downtown New York, and includes 320 apartments of various layouts, including 2 penthouses with terraces that offer magnificent views of the city and the river.

William Beaver House features an innovative design that contrasts bronze and gray brick with glazed yellow brick panels and large bay windows. The interiors of the apartments at William Beaver House are meticulously designed for the ultimate luxury experience. All flats and suites are connected to cable TV and the Internet.

9th place in the list is occupied by the Millennium Tower residential complex in San Francisco.

The skyscraper was opened in April 2009. Now people who come to San Francisco from Canada along the Bay Bridge will be able to see from afar the top of a translucent blue-gray crystal that adorned the city's skyline. The 197-meter tower has become the fourth largest skyscraper in San Francisco.

In fact, the Millennium Tower consists of two towers. Between the main 60-story building and the small 12-story building next to it, there is a 2-story glass atrium

Residences and Grand Residences of the Millennium Tower complex became the most expensive on the entire West Coast

On the 8th place - the Diamond Tower erected in Dubai (Almas Tower). The height of this giant is 363 meters. The Almas Tower has 74 floors, of which 70 are used for commercial purposes, and 4 are technical

The building is located on an artificial island located in the center of the Jumeirah Lake Towers area and is the tallest in the area. It was built from 2005 to 2008

The 7th skyscraper on the Emporis list is the Bank of America Tower in Bryant Park in New York. This 54-story office building with a spire reaches a height of 366 meters. After the installation of the spire, the tower became the second tallest building in New York after the Empire State Building.

Bank of America Tower is recognized as one of the most spectacular and environmentally friendly buildings in the world

The tower reached its maximum height on December 15, 2007, when the final part of the structure was assembled. But it took another 2 whole years to complete the construction.

6th place is occupied by the 128-meter Rotterdam Red Apple. This 40-story residential building caused the most controversial assessments even during construction - as always in the case of something new that stands out from the overall picture, opinions were divided and two irreconcilable camps formed: “fans” and ardent opponents of the project. The Red Apple was built in the so-called "wine harbour", on an island located in the center of Rotterdam on the river Meuse

A residential complex is located in the high-rise part of the skyscraper, and the infrastructure serving it is located in a multi-level 21-meter podium, where there are shops, cafes and consumer services.

When viewed from afar, the complex looks like a bright red rectangle. But it is worth taking a closer look, and it becomes noticeable that the facades of vertical stripes bend smoothly at a height. Such a seemingly uncomplicated technique dramatically changes the impression of the project - the building turns from a standard rectangular “box” into a work of art

Building number 5, the Trump International Hotel and Tower, also known as the Trump Tower, is an ultra-modern skyscraper in Chicago.

The notability of the Chicago Trump Tower lies, first of all, in height, since this skyscraper is one of the most magnificent buildings in the world. The Trump International Hotel and Tower has 96 floors (including underground), and the total height from the ground to the tip of the spire is 415 meters

Trump Tower is a mixed use building. On the first levels there are shopping areas, lobbies and parking for 1000 cars. The territory from the 14th to the 27th floor is occupied by a 5-star hotel with 339 rooms, and levels from 29 to 89 inclusive are reserved for residential apartments. The last, 89th floor of the Tower is occupied by the residence of Donald Trump himself. The tycoon paid $28 million for his 14,000-square-foot apartment!

Trump Tower has 27 high-grade passenger elevators. The building boasts huge 12-foot windows, literally from floor to ceiling. In addition, the Tower has its own park and waterfront adjacent to the Chicago River. Surprisingly, Trump Tower residents even have their own private dog walking area.

On the 4th place Emporis experts put the Pillars of Hercules in Spanish Andalusia. Of course, this is not such a giant as the rest of the skyscrapers on the list, but due to its appearance, this office building could not miss this list.

Two towers, united by a glazed passage, rush up to 126 meters. At the same time, at the base of each of them there is a pool filled with water.

On 20 floors of buildings there are many offices, branches of world banks, travel agencies, and the top floor is occupied by a restaurant with a breathtaking panoramic view of Gibraltar

It is also interesting that the words of the proverb “Non Plus Ultra”, well known to the Spaniards (“Nowhere else” or “There is nothing else”), are encrypted in the intricacies of the facade patterns, and the patterns themselves go several tens of meters above the last floor, protecting the roof terrace

The three “leaders” are opened by The Metropolitan building in Bangkok, although, to be honest, I would not classify this skyscraper as one of the 10 most beautiful and unusual skyscrapers at all - compared to other buildings, the Metropolitan looks somehow poor and ordinary, but since the experts decided add it to your list - let's try to figure out what "bribed" them so much =)

The Metropolitan is a 69-storey building divided into three vertical sections with a height of 228 meters. It belongs to a chain of design hotels. But it turned out that its interiors are of particular value.

The design of the interiors of the Metropolitan has been turned into a special art. The color, shape and location of every detail is precisely thought out. This is the realm of beautiful things and exquisite style. The design of the rooms is dominated by minimalism and delicate pastel colors. White pillows, beige walls, faded rose curtains and bedspreads…

The paintings decorating the rooms are made by talented Asian artists. Furniture design created by leading craftsmen in this field. Even gourmet Mediterranean cuisine in the elegant hotel restaurant is served with a special taste)

"Silver" went to the office skyscraper O-14 in the business district of Dubai. The building is a 22-story commercial skyscraper that cost $81.9 million to build.

A feature of O-14 is the outer walls with round holes (there are more than 1000 of them in the project), made of concrete 400 mm thick

Such an architectural solution also has a functional meaning, the openings serve as windows, letting in a limited amount of sunlight. There is an air gap between the walls and the glazing of the building, which creates the effect of a chimney, cooling the glass surface and thus creating a passive cooling system.

According to The Emporis Awards, the Chicago high-rise Aqua was recognized as the most beautiful skyscraper in the world. This huge 250-meter giant from a distance does not stand out from the general Chicago “landscape”, but as soon as you get closer, it turns into a real waterfall, striking the imagination with the unreality of its design - it seems as if some kind of fabulous ice colossus has grown in the middle of the city

250 meters high-rise divided into 81 floors. The Aqua building houses a hotel and regular living quarters. The facades of the skyscraper are decorated with real “lakes”, the role of water in which is played by windows, skillfully accentuated by hiding the rest of the windows with elongated uneven projections of the facade

The Aqua skyscraper impressed the Emporis experts with “an original design solution combined with sustainable design”. And here I completely agree with them - Aqua stands out qualitatively from all the buildings on this list and definitely deserves to be called the best of the currently built =)