Scenarios of Victory Day are musically poetic. Scenario of a literary and musical composition for Victory Day


Through the centuries
in a year -

About those,
who won't come
never -

Forever worthy!


Tell children of children about them.
To remember too!
Through the centuries, through the years, -

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Forever worthy!

At what price is happiness won, -
Tell your children about them so that
Tell children of children about them.
To remember too!

Presenter 1:

Each of us had

Your family, your care.

Your usual work

And the world of habitual warmth.

Our garden was rich in cherries.

Host 2:

Fighter 1:

They want to destroy us.
How beautiful and kind life is.
To sum up all the joy of the world
Bandit's swing of the axe.
They raised a mob
Killers savoring the pogrom
And many countries quartered
Bloody swastika hook.

Fighter 2:

They searched with German binoculars.

Such, everything breathed silence.

Fighter 3:

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.
She made such a mark
And she laid so many on the ground.

The living can't believe they're alive.

Fighter 1:


Fighter 2:

Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.

Fighter 3:

The country was rising
And she went to the front as a porter.
red stars
Carrying away on the canvases of the banners.

Presenter 1:

Presenter 1:

Host 2:

(The soldier exits.)

Literary and musical composition for the Victory Day (grades 5-9)

The curtain is closed. Behind the scene, the student reads an excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's Requiem.

Through the centuries
in a year -

About those,
who won't come
never -
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Forever worthy!
As long as hearts are beating, remember!
At what price is happiness won, -
Tell your children about them so that
Tell children of children about them.
To remember too!
Through the centuries, through the years, -
About those who will never come again -
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Forever worthy!
People! As long as hearts are beating
At what price is happiness won, -
Tell your children about them so that
Tell children of children about them.
To remember too!

The curtain opens. The melody of the pre-war tango sounds. It could be "Rio Rita" or "In Chair Park". Several pairs of smartly dressed boys and girls dance this dance, which is suddenly interrupted by the sound of an air raid alarm and bursts of falling bombs. The dancers freeze. The voice of Y. Levitan sounds. He talks about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The 1st verse of the song "Holy War" sounds. Leaders come out.

Presenter 1:

Each of us had

Your family, your care.

Your usual work

And the world of habitual warmth.

Our garden was rich in cherries.

It was a clean good summer evening...

Host 2: The fascist leadership carefully prepared an attack on our country with the aim of destroying it and winning world domination. Hitler, characterizing the upcoming war, cynically declared: "I have the right to destroy millions of people of an inferior race ..."

(The hosts leave the stage. 3 fighters come out, one of them has the Red Banner in their hands.)

Fighter 1:

They want to destroy us.
How beautiful and kind life is.
To sum up all the joy of the world
Bandit's swing of the axe.
They raised a mob
Killers savoring the pogrom
And many countries quartered
Bloody swastika hook.

Fighter 2:

It seemed that the flowers were cold,
And they faded a little from the dew.
The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,
They searched with German binoculars.
A flower, all covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,
And the border guard held out his hands to them.
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment
They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.
Such, everything breathed silence.
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left!

Fighter 3:

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.
She made such a mark
And she laid so many on the ground.
That twenty years and thirty years
The living can't believe they're alive.

Fighter 1:

Year and month of nationwide struggle.

Fighter 2:

Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.

Fighter 3:

The country was rising
And she went to the front as a porter.
red stars
Carrying away on the canvases of the banners.

(The soldiers leave. The leader comes out).

Presenter 1: June 22, 1941 Fascist Germany has dealt a terrible blow to our country. It was a deadly avalanche of Krupp steel-clad, well-trained, disciplined German soldiers. They have already taken over Europe. 190 divisions (5.5 million people), about 5,000 aircraft, over 3,000 tanks spewing fire and lead - all this moved towards us, towards our grandparents, who were as young as you and me.

(The lights in the hall go out. The footage of the newsreel "The Beginning of the War" is shown. The lights in the hall turn on. The presenters exit.)

Presenter 1: Our land was preparing a sad fate. Hitler declared: “It is not enough for us to defeat the Russian army and capture Leningrad, Moscow and the Caucasus. We must wipe this country off the face of the earth and destroy its people.” The most fertile lands and mineral deposits must be divided among the invaders in advance. First of all, the largest cities were to be destroyed - Moscow,
Leningrad, Stalingrad, as "traces of barbarian civilization." The question: what to do with our people, was also resolved with Aryan ruthlessness.
It was determined: how many people, where and how to destroy, how many to save lives, turning them into slaves of the Reich.

Host 2: On the other side of the front, we were called not even a people, but a herd of sheep, unable to make history, to develop independently.
We were prepared for the fate of slaves or raw materials in the production of soap and handbags ... and so that the "third-rate nation" would no longer rise from its knees, a birth control program was invented. Alcohol and tobacco smoking, encouragement of early sexual intercourse, drugs - this is the needle on which Russia was in a hurry to put. Goebbels also believed that in each village they should believe in their own way, worship their own god, even a horse shaft ... then it will no longer be the Russian people, but a servile crowd without a clan - a tribe.

(The soldier exits.)


I passed, gritting my teeth,
Past the burned villages, state-owned cities.
According to sorrowful, Russian, native.
Bequeathed from grandfathers and fathers.
Remembered the flames above the trees,
And the wind that carried the hot ashes.

And girls with bible nails
Crucified on the district committee doors.
And the crow circled without fear,
And the kite tore prey before our eyes,
And he marked all the atrocities and all the executions
Spider wriggling sign.

(The fighter leaves. The presenters come out. The lights in the hall go out. Against the background of the presenter's story, illustrations of the Brest Fortress are being shown.)

Presenter 1: Great are the feats of those who had to take the first blow of the enemy. On the wall of the Brest Fortress, a simple soldier wrote in blood: “I am dying, but I do not give up! Farewell, Motherland! Yes, they fought to the death. Even having received permission to retreat, the fighters of the 28th separate
machine gun battalion did not leave their positions. Concrete shelter - pillbox number 28 - beat the enemy to the last bullet. For another eight days this piece of land was ours! “Eight days? A day more - a day less ... what's the difference? - Maybe someone will quit. But those soldiers knew the price of every inch of land, they paid for it with their lives. A note was later found in the Komsomol ticket of an ordinary fighter A. Sobolev: “Let the enemy remember; Russians do not give up, but they have to - they die as heroes.

Host 2: Even when the ammunition ran out, the last soldier, holding a bottle of combustible mixture in his hands, went to the enemy tank. And the best armor in the world cracked and burst. In those days when the enemy rushed to Moscow, the whole world recognized the names of the Panfilovites ... 28 soldiers from the division of Major General I.V. Panfilov under the command of political instructor V.G. Klochkov lay at Dubosekovo station (east of Volokolamsk). They were 50 German tanks. This line became the line of death... Ours did not flinch. The enemies retreated. 18 cars burned down on the spot.

Presenter 1: In 1943, the quiet and friendly Belarusian village of Khatyn disappeared from the face of the earth. Its inhabitants burned alive: driven
punishers in the barn old men, women, children.

Host 2: Countless atrocities were committed on our land: the Nazis organized the destruction, terrible in its cruelty
Russian people.

(The lights go out in the hall. In complete darkness, a girl comes out in black clothes with a burning candle in her hands. Against the background of music, she reads a poem
"Barbarism" by M. Jalil.)

They drove the mothers with the children
And they forced to dig a hole, and they themselves
They stood - a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, thin guys.

Came drunk major and copper eyes
Cast off the doomed.
Muddy rain hummed in the foliage of the groves
And in the fields dressed in darkness,
And the clouds descended over the earth
Chasing each other with rage.
No, I won't forget this day!
I will never forget forever!
I saw rivers crying like children,
And mother earth wept in rage.
I saw with my own eyes.
Like the mournful sun washed with tears
Through the cloud went to the fields
Kissed the children for the last time
Last time...
Child, little boy sick
He hid his head in the folds of the dress
Not yet an old woman.
She looked, filled with horror.
How not to lose her mind.
I understood everything, the little one understood everything.
“Hide, mommy, me!
Do not die!"
He cried and like a leaf
can't stop trembling.
Child, which is dearest to her,
Bending down, she raised her mother with both hands.
Pressed to the heart against the muzzle directly.
- I, mother, want to live! Don't, mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for!
And the child wants to escape from the hands,
And the crying is terrible and his voice is thin,
And it pierces the heart like a knife.
"Don't be afraid, my boy.
Now you can take a breath.
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head.
So that the executioner does not bury you alive.
Be patient son, be patient. It won't hurt now!"
And he closed his eyes, and the blood turned red,
On the neck with a red ribbon wriggling.
Two lives fall to the ground, merging,
Two lives and one love!

(The lights in the hall turn on. The presenters come out.)

Presenter 1: The myth of the inferiority of Russians has collapsed. Yes, we had something to clean up. We weren't about to give up. Our composers
They composed songs, and the people sang them loudly. There was no despondency or fear of death in the notes of those songs. Amazing feelings lived in them - faith, hope, love.

(The song "In the dugout" sounds.)

Host 2:

Did you promise us to die?
Life promised, love promised.
Are children born for death?
Did you want our death.
The flame hit the sky - you remember.
Quietly she said: "Get up to help ..."
Nobody asked you for glory.
Everyone had a choice: me or
The best and most expensive is Motherland.
Your grief is our grief. Motherland.
Your truth is our truth. Motherland.
Your glory is our glory. Motherland!

Host 2: Our peers walked along the roads of war along with their fathers and older brothers.

Presenter 1: Children of war ... how many of them, small, brave hearts, how much love and devotion to their homeland .... Who are they, these boys
and girls? Fearless heroes... Eaglets of the Great Patriotic War!

(Portraits of pioneer heroes are on the screen. A roll call is being held.)

Presenter 1: Lenya Golikov. He died on January 24, 1943 in an unequal battle near the village of Ostraya Luka, Novgorod Region.

Host 2: Marat Kazei. He died in May 1944 in a battle with the Nazis near the village of Khorolishchin in Belarus.

Where the sweat mercilessly burned the fabric
Brotherly graves, in which
Friends of the dead are lying.

(The song "Common Graves" sounds.)

Presenter 1: Today we remember that war again. But not to hate those who brought death and suffering to our land, but to always remember those who did everything so that we, who live now, could laugh and cry, rejoice and grieve, study, work - and just live .

Host 2: The volleys of the Great Patriotic War died down. Cities and villages rose from the ruins, but Afghanistan and Chechnya came, where our young guys are dying. Blessed memory to them.

(The song "Memory" sounds.)

Presenter 1: Let each of you feel the stern eyes of the fallen, the purity of their hearts, feel the responsibility to the memory of these people. And let this question worry us: are we worthy of the memory of the fallen. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of their feat. We will honor the memory of those who did not return from the war with a minute of silence.

I ask everyone to stand up!

(MINUTE OF SILENCE (metronome sounds).)

I ask everyone to sit down.

Leader 2:

The world is not calm right now.
But we believe in the blossoming of spring.
We don't need Star Wars
May we have starry dreams!

(The dance “How beautiful this world is” is performed.)

I don't know war.
Why is she to me?
I want to live in peace, sing hymns to beauty.
We need to strengthen the world.
So that always and everywhere
They would only know about the last war.

(The song "Big round dance" sounds.)

Scenario of the literary and musical composition "Candle in the palms" (procession to the monument to fallen soldiers)

Author Matsegora Alla Vladimirovna

Description: Youth and schoolchildren, residents and guests of the Yulovsky village take part in the procession.
The script uses poems by Soviet poets, songs of the war years and songs about the war.
The action takes place at a mass grave in the Yulovsky village of the Salsky district in the evening.

Education of patriotism, love for the motherland, active citizenship.
Raising a sense of pride in the country, respect for veterans;
Formation of respect for the historical past of the country and its people;
Activation of the creative abilities of the younger generation.
multimedia installation.
big screen.
sound amplifying equipment

Musical accompaniment: war songs.

1, Mus. background "FANFARE VICTORY"

SLIDES Candle in the palm of your hand
TEXT Nothing is eternal under the moon, no one is eternal,
Light the candles over the crazy silence!

Slides "Photo - roads"
Musical background "Oh, roads"

(against the background of music) Roads run everywhere ... They run somewhere in the distance, intersect, diverge in different directions and converge again ...
VED: But the roads are very different, for example, the road of happiness, the road of success ... Such clear, wide, bright roads.
VED: And there are terrible roads, roads of suffering and tears. No one chooses such roads, they just go along them ...

The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

Familiar house, golden birch,
Everything was burned by the war time,
But you keep, like a dear memory,
A simple tune that we sang yesterday.

4 years, 2600 kilometers and 27 million lives lost.
27 million - that means every eighth inhabitant of our country died during the Great Patriotic War. 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour, 10 people every minute.

And behind each of these terrible numbers, we see our soldiers throwing their boyish body under the fascist tanks, kneading autumn mud and winter snow, burning sand and clay with their frostbitten, blood-worn feet, but nevertheless these 1418 days have passed, so that on walls of the damaged Reichstag, finally tired to sit down and say: “That's it, guys, we won!”

Soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of a future peace between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches, around fires in partisan forests. They believed that the world saved from fascism would be beautiful.

Musical background "Oh, roads"

The war passed through Russia through every family, through every fate, clearly dividing Time into “pre-war” and “war”, dividing all of us into “front” and “rear”.

And between the front and the rear, field mail went, triangles of letters, as if connecting with thin threads what was torn apart by a ruthless war.

A few front-line triangles became the only thread of hope for a return and faith in our victory. They saw off and hoped, waited and believed...

If you want to know about the war
And about the May victorious spring,
Ask a soldier's mother
Read her son's letters.
Years are frozen on the pages.
He will always be 22.

A guy, a girl and a man come out in turn to the last 4 lines, sit down on the parapet near the monument. In the hands of sheets of paper and pencils. They write letters.

"Mom, I'm healthy and alive..."
And in the morning the last fight.
Forgive me for the letter
Hurrying, breaking away, carelessly
I write like a diary boy
And as a navigator - a magazine.
Here it begins again... Do you hear?
Rushing with third speed
Fire-filled metal...

Dear mommy!
Don't remember me in tears
Leave your worries and worries behind.
The path is not close, the familiar land is far,
But I will return to my favorite threshold.
4 I will respond to your voice with my heart
And I will answer the care with a feat.
I'm far away, but I'll be back
And you, my dear, will come out to meet me.

Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello my beloved son!
I write from the front
Tomorrow morning again in battle!
We will drive the fascists,
Take care, son, mother.
Forget sadness and sadness -
I'll be back victorious!
I will hug you at last.
Goodbye. Your father.

A woman comes out from behind the monument with triangles of letters in her hands.

Passes to the mass grave.


A black, sinister wing hit the windows of the mothers of the funeral. How many tears were shed, how much grief fell on a woman in an instant!
But no mother can come to terms with the death of her son. She has been waiting and hoping all her life: what if a miracle happens and a son, her blood, appears on the threshold.

Take me with you dear.
I heard my child. Mine and yours.
I don't want the famine of Leningrad
He touched them with a blockade hand.
I don't want pillboxes exposed
Like a cancerous tumor of the earth.
I don't want them to come alive again
And they took someone's life with them.
Let people throw up a million hands
And protect the beautiful face of the sun
From burning ashes and Khatyn pain.
Forever! Forever and ever! Not for a moment!
I don't want the voice of gunfire
Heard my child, mine and yours.
Let the world explode with a cry:
"No! Don't! I need a son not dead,
but alive! "

Music background.

Our God, all-good Father,
I ask for one thing in prayers
Don't forget, put before your eyes
Children small, defenseless ...
Save yourself from temptation
Let me find my way
For the wrongs of others
Don't punish them too harshly.
From people cruel, rude
Protect them oh god
Their trusting lips
Do not burn with human poison.
Let not predators, not slugs
They will not enter their heart world...
What I couldn't do in life
Make god infinite!

SLIDES Candle in the palm of your hand
TEXT When an invisible chorus sounds like angels in paradise,
Light your candle over the ashes of your brothers and sisters!

The world of achievement is inexhaustible, and everything in it is connected by the strongest threads.
The nameless soldier won. He won because he believed: his cause is just, he has one homeland. And there won't be another.

Soldiers who did not come from the war
Inaudibly knocking on our doors,
And it's still hard to believe
That they did not reach silence.

Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
And day and night in a bowl of granite
The holy flame burns tremulously.
The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

Tens of years lay between us,
The war has gone down in history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.
Inextinguishable memory of generations
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Get up! And let your silence be the most formidable protest against the war!

Get up! Perhaps then at least one drop of blood less will be shed in the world!

Damned war!
She's on fire!
Hearts are filled with longing and sadness.
Let's remember the fallen
A minute of mournful silence!


Lay wreaths on the sea
There is such a human custom -
In memory of the soldiers who died in the sea,
They lay wreaths on the sea.
Braid the earth flowers
Above the ground to burnt pilots.
They did not return from flights ...
Lay wreaths in heaven.
Lay wreaths on the ground
In this eternal fire, everyone burned down.
From jasmine, from white lilac
Lay wreaths on the ground.

Music background.
Wreaths and garlands are laid at the monument.
Candles are placed on the pedestal of the mass grave.

No, we did not expect Victory to visit,
We went to her for four years.
The veins in us were torn, the bones were cracking.
Every meter of land was worth blood.
Only when at the walls of the Reichstag
Our front line was over,
We touched her with the edge of the banner
And you could look into her eyes.

Remember these days.
Listen a little
and you - with your soul - will hear at the same hour:
she came and stood at the threshold,
She is ready to knock on the door.

She hurried to you from the campaign
so heavy
that no words can be found
She knew that all four years
you were waiting for her
you knew her ways.

You gave everything you could to her daring:
all my life,
all my soul
You did not doubt her in the days of suffering,
did not become proud idly in the days of success.

And here she is at your doorstep.
Breath translates and is silent.
Well - a day, well - two, just a little more,
Well - in an hour - he will take and knock.

Remember everything! And in everyday worries
mark the purest reflection on everything.
Victory is on your doorstep.
Now she will come to you.
ALL. Meet!

Video for the song Dolmatovsky E. and Pakhmutova A. "May Waltz".

We will live, meet the dawn,
Believe and love
Just don't forget it
Just don't forget!
How the sun rose in the burning
And the darkness swirled
And in the river between the banks
Blood-water flowed.
There were black birches
Long years.
Tears were shed
Sorry, not forever.

Cannonades choked, silence in the world
On the mainland one day the war ended

Soundtrack of the song "Let there always be sunshine" (Author Oshanin L.
Composer Ostrovsky A)
The sound is mixed. Against the background of the song, the performance of younger students

1. I will draw a bright sun!
2. I'll draw a blue sky!
3. I will draw light in the window!
4. I will draw ears of bread!
5 and 6. We will draw autumn leaves,
School, stream, restless friends.
And cross out with our common brush:
Shots, explosions, fire and wars

We are the generation of the 21st century
We swear in memory to keep the wars of the sacred date,
For centuries, through time, carry everything that is sacred to the heart!
And if necessary, we will stand in line for the honor of our native state,
Like our grandfathers and fathers - the crowns of soldier's glory!

We rejoice when traces of war disappear on earth, but we sacredly keep in memory everything that was experienced. Our memory is nourished by a living love for the dead and infinite gratitude to all those who fought the enemy without sparing themselves.

Let over my land
The sky is not torn to shreds!
Let the silence of the fields
Spilled with warm bread
And the sun in the morning gives light to the whole planet!
Don't be war! Be the world! Happy children!

SLIDES "Candle in the palm of your hand"
TEXT Become a little kinder and more humane,

Let the rumble of enmity and evil speeches cease,
There is no other person's misfortune in the world - light the candles!
And become a little kinder and more humane,
In your soul, as in an altar, light candles!

Today the holiday enters every home,
And joy to people with him comes next.
We congratulate everyone on a great day,
Happy day of our glory, Happy Victory day!

Literary and musical composition dedicated to the Victory Day, the participants of which are students of different classes. It uses local history material supported by the presentation. Two couples perform a waltz. Along with the records, there are songs performed by soloists.



Literary and musical composition "Victory Day"

(participants - students of 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 grades)

Decoration: balls

Equipment: music center (computer), CD "Military songs", recordings of songs, presentation about heroes (A. Ivanov, A. Kovalevsky, I. Grafov)

Responsible for musical arrangement Lukin(9 b)

Zarubina Anastasia

The one who loved can talk about love ...

And the one who was there can write about the war ...

The one who saw, who knows that horror and fear,

Who held the rifle in weakened hands,

Whose eyes reflected the deadly fire,

Who sought to break through the indestructible armor,

Who tried to hear a comrade's cry,

Was with death "on you", knew that life is a moment!

Only he can remember and tell everything!

Well, and I...

And yet you can't talk about it!

The song "Holy War" sounds (No. 14, 3 min. 18 s. or a separate recording)

1 student (Mukhina Arina, 8 b)

Where does memory begin - with birches?

From river sand? With rain on the road?

And if - from the murder! And if - from tears!

And if - with an air raid alert!

And if from a screeching saw in the clouds,

From adults prostrate in the dust!

And if from childish knowledge -

How the living becomes dead!

1 and 2 students (Mukhina Arina, Veselkina Ekaterina) together

And at 5, and at 15, and at 25 years old

Memory begins with war.(K.Simonov)

War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word

In the anguish and glory of these years.

And on our lips is different

It can't be and isn't.(A. Tvardovsky)

4 student (Brykina Daria, 8 b)

I remember the country's call signs,

They were distributed everywhere -

Go to recruiting points,

Our fatherland is in trouble.

They were asked to return alive.

Not everyone will return alive

Cars go through Russia,

By her herbs, by dew.

2 student (Veselkina Ekaterina, 8 b)

And the brother parted with the sister,

Leaving children and wife.

I am associated with the war in my youth,

And I hate war.

3 student (Kondratieva Valeria, 8 b)

I know, I understand how important

Row at sunset,

Fragrant and moist lilacs

Bring your bride.

5 student (Chukhmareva Anastasia, 8 b)

I saw both joy and sorrow

And I'll tell the young

How bitter is the smoke from a conflagration

And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet.

Zaitsev Igor, 6th c

Kingisepp poet P. Petrov "On that war"

Until now, the soul of the war is sick.

For me, the war is not over.

Until now, as if in reality,

I live in an old house during the war.

There is not a drop of heat in the house.

Under the feet of the dead crunch of glass -

the explosion took away all the bindings of the frames.

The house is standing. And how - he does not know.

Only the Russian stove is intact -

blossomed with a cheerful flame.

With a bang firewood eats fire ...

I, holding a rye cracker in my palm,

I'll climb onto the stove under the rags -

this is my refuge...

Until now, the soul of the war is sick -

because it is scorched by the war.

Katkovskaya Anastasia, 9 b


On military roads besides people
iron killed dogs, horses.
Fish were killed in the rivers. And birds in the sky.
It also killed trees in the forests.
It's very sad - in the era of miracles
After the fight, enter the headless forest.
How strange it looks - sunlight -
on stumps in which there is no breath! ..
And then, if you look under your feet,
you will certainly see: ants are running.
Even as if - grass, and groaning, and sniffing,
takes himself to a new place.
Not fog, - children spread themselves in a shroud.
At night, the indifferent stars are silent.
And when there is silence for a moment,
above the Earth, a pre-war song is heard ...

The song "Katyusha" sounds (performed by Vagapova Karina, 10 b, separate backing track)

Statsenko Irina, 11 a


Y. Drunina

When, forgetting the oath, they turned

In battle, two submachine gunners back,

Two small bullets caught up with them -

The battalion commander always shot without a miss.

The guys fell, poking their chests into the ground,

And he staggered forward.

For these two, only he will condemn him,

Who never went to the machine gun.

Then in the dugout of the regimental headquarters,

Silently taking the papers from the foreman,

The battalion commander wrote to two poor Russian women,

That... the death of the brave fell their sons.

And hundreds of times I read the letter to people

In a remote village, a crying mother.

Who will condemn the battalion commander for this lie?

No one dares to judge him!

Svidlova Natalia, 5 b

Three comrades

S. Mikhalkov

Three friends lived

In the small town of En.

There were three friends

Captured by the Nazis.

They began to interrogate the first.

They tortured him for a long time -

A tortured comrade died

And he didn't say anything.

They began to interrogate the second

Torture did not endure the second -

Died without saying a word

Like a real hero.

The third comrade could not stand it,

Third - tongue untied:

"There's nothing for us to talk about!"

He said before he died.

They were buried outside the city,

Near the broken walls.

This is how comrades died

In the small town of En.


Khmyrov, 5 B

He didn't come back from the fight

V. Vysotsky

Why is everything wrong? Everything seems to be the same as always:

Same sky, blue again

The same forest, the same air and the same water,

Only he did not return from the battle.

Now I don't understand which one of us was right

In our disputes without sleep and rest.

I just missed him now

When he didn't come back from the fight.

He was silent at random and sang out of time,

He always talked about something else

He did not let me sleep, he got up with the sunrise,

And yesterday he did not return from the battle.

What is empty now is not about that conversation:

Suddenly I noticed - there were two of us ...

For me, it was like a fire was blown out by the wind,

When he didn't come back from the fight.

Today spring has escaped, as if from captivity,

I called out to him by mistake.

"Friend, leave a smoke," - and in response - silence ...

He didn't return from the battle yesterday.

Our dead will not leave us in trouble,

Our fallen ones are like sentries...

The sky is reflected in the forest, as in water,

And the trees are blue.

We had enough space in the dugout,

We were running out of time for both of us...

Everything is now alone, it just seems to me

I didn't come back from the fight.

Gumenyuk Mykola, 5 B

Salute of Victory, our parade!

Swastikas are flying to the ground

On the faces of happiness, and in the eyes

And a tear rolls into the eyes of the fallen.

Less and less of you who are in that ranks

He stood for his country.

And to you, who are with us these days,

Bow deep to the ground.

The song “May Waltz” sounds (No. 45, disk). Dancing Brykina Daria, Kazakov Oleg, Mukhina Arina, Danilevsky Konstantin 8 b).

Tynyanova Polina, 9 b

O. Bergholz

Oh friend, I didn't think silence

The worst thing that will leave the war.

So quiet, so quiet that the thought of war

Like a scream, like a sob in silence.

Here people, growling, wriggling, crawled,

Here, blood was foaming an inch from the ground ...

It's quiet here, so quiet that it seems - forever

No one will come here

Neither a plowman, nor a carpenter, nor a gardener -

no one will ever come.

So quiet, so dumb - not death and not life.

Oh, this is more severe than all reproaches.

Not death and not life - dumbness, dumbness -

Despair clenched his lips.

The dead take revenge on the worldless living:

Everyone knows, everyone remembers, but they themselves are silent.

1940, Finland

The song about the war is performed by Anna Gribkova, 8 b

Roots Rufina, 9 b



1. We lay down at the broken spruce,

Waiting for the light to start.

Warmer under the overcoat

On cold, damp ground.

You know, Julia, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

At home, in the apple outback,

Mom, my mom lives.

You have friends, love.

I only have one.

Spring is brewing outside.

It seems old: every bush

A restless daughter is waiting

You know, Julia, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

We barely warmed up

Suddenly the order: "Come forward!"

Again next to me in a damp overcoat

The light-haired soldier is coming.

2. Every day it got worse.

They marched without rallies and banners.

Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us on the attack.

We made our way through the black rye,

Through funnels and gullies,

Through the frontiers of death.

We did not expect posthumous glory,

We wanted to live with glory.

Why in bloody bandages

The light-haired soldier lies?

Her body with her overcoat

I hid, clenching my teeth.

Belarusian winds sang

About Ryazan deaf gardens.

3. You know, Zinka, I am against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

At home, in the apple outback

Mom, your mom lives.

I have friends, love

She had you alone.

It smells of kneading and smoke in the hut,

Spring is brewing outside.

And an old woman in a flowery dress

I lit a candle at the icon

I don't know how to write to her

So that she does not wait for you.1 presentation slide

Kazakov Oleg, Belyavsky Sergey, Ivanov Artem story about A. Ivanov, A. Kovalevsky and I. Grafov using a presentation

Kazakov Oleg 2 slide presentation

Ivanov Alexey Alexandrovich - shooter-scorer, senior sergeant.

3 slide presentation

  • Born in the Tver region, since 1928 the family lived in Kingisepp. He graduated from Kingisepp Secondary School No. 1 in 1938.
  • He graduated from the 9th Kharkov Military Aviation School for pilots and pilot-observers.
  • Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941 Senior Sergeant Ivanov A.A. made 16 sorties to destroy enemy manpower and equipment in the areas of Lvov, Novograd-Volynsky, Kyiv, Poltava, Kharkov, Belgorod, Rostov-on-Don.

4 slide presentation

November 17, 1941 flew for the seventeenth time on a combat mission as part of the crew of the Su-2 bomber. In the ensuing air battle, he was mortally wounded, but continued to fight, and then accurately dropped bombs on enemy positions. When the plane landed at the airfield, Senior Sergeant Ivanov was already dead. The regiment commander and division commander presented him with the Order of the Red Banner, but on December 6, the front commander, Marshal Timoshenko, wrote a resolution at the presentation: "Worthy of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union."

5 slide presentation

The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on conferring the title of Hero of Senior Sergeant Alexei Alexandrovich Ivanov (posthumously) was signed on December 27, 1941.

  • Awarded the Order of Lenin.

Belyavsky Sergey

6 slide presentation

Kovalevsky Anatoly Nikolaevich

He took part in the Great Patriotic War from its first day - June 22, 1941. On August 13, commanding a tank ambush, Lieutenant Kovalevsky destroyed 14 heavy Nazi tanks on three KVs and two T-28s. He beat the Nazis near Pskov, fought heroically, defending Leningrad, on the Luga line, in the Kingisepp sector, the Oranienbaum bridgehead.

7 presentation slide

In one of the settlements in the Volosovo region, the Germans concentrated a large number of Tiger tanks and self-propelled guns, to the aid of which fresh enemy infantry and artillery forces arrived. There was a counterattack on our troops. The scouts promptly reported the accumulation of enemy forces to the regiment commander. Anatoly Kovalevsky led his regiment behind enemy lines, surrounded the stronghold and defeated the enemy grouping. Right on the battlefield, Lieutenant Colonel Kovalevsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and for the capture of the city of Kingisepp on February 1, 1944 during the Leningrad-Novgorod operation of the Leningrad Front, the 222nd separate tank regiment was also awarded the same award.

8 presentation slide

On January 27, 1945, in the battles for the city of Neiberun (Silesia), the tankers had to, grabbing their machine guns, go on the offensive together with the arrows. In this battle, going on the attack at the head of his fighters, 29-year-old Colonel A.N. Kovalevsky was mortally wounded by a German sniper...

Ivanov Artem

9 presentation slide

Grafov Igor Alexandrovich

  • Grafov Igor Alexandrovich - commander of an anti-aircraft machine-gun platoon of the 803rd army anti-aircraft artillery regiment of the 2nd shock army of the Leningrad Front, junior lieutenant.
    Born November 14, 1923 in the city of Leningrad.

In January 1944, after the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, the troops of the Leningrad Front went on the offensive. In bloody battles that lasted several weeks, the Nazis were expelled from the Leningrad region. In early February, Soviet soldiers reached the Narva River and, having crossed it, fortified themselves on a small bridgehead. Among the units that crossed the river was an anti-aircraft machine-gun platoon of junior lieutenant Igor Grafov.
10 slide presentation
The platoon came under heavy fire from the enemy. On February 22, a battle broke out, which lasted as much as 17 hours. After each attack, there were fewer and fewer soldiers of Grafov's platoon left in the ranks. The artillery fire of the enemy made it impossible to throw up fresh forces and ammunition from the eastern bank of the river. In the midst of the battle, the commander suddenly noticed that one of the machine guns fell silent. He ran up to him and took the place of the dead man. With accurate aimed bursts, Igor Grafov repulsed six attacks of the Nazis, for more than four hours he was continuously behind the machine gun. He was wounded, but remained in the ranks. When the Germans went on the attack for the seventh time, Grafov's machine gun fell silent completely - the cartridges ran out.

11 presentation slide

The Nazis surrounded Igor and began to approach him from different sides. He grabbed his gun and a hand-to-hand fight ensued. Igor hit one of the enemy soldiers in the face with the butt of a pistol and shouted: "I won't give up alive!"

12 slide presentation

The machine-gun burst of the Nazis struck down the fearless Soviet officer.

13 presentation slide(poems are read against his background)

1 student (Smirnova Ks., 7 a)


Through the centuries

Years later -


About those,

who won't come

Never, -


2 student (Grishakova A., 7 a)

Do not Cry!

In the throat

Hold back your moans

bitter moans.







3 student (Wendel Evelyn, 7 a)

Bread and song

Dreams and poems



every second

every breath



4 student (Egorova Oksana, 7 a)


As long as the heart

knocking -



at the price

happiness won,



5 student (Grishakova A., 7 a)

my song

Sending in flight -


About those,

who has never

Do not sing -


6 student (Egorova Oksana, 7 a)

To your children

Tell about them

so that




tell about them

so that too


7 student (Wendel Evelyn, 7 a)

At all times




To twinkling stars

Leading the ships

about the dead


8 student (Grishakova Anastasia, 7 a)


fluttering spring,

people of the earth.





people of the earth!

9 student (Smirnova Ksenia, 7 a)

Carry the dream

Years later

and life


But about those

who won't come

Never, -

I conjure -

remember! (in chorus)

The song “Victory Day” sounds (No. 41, 3 min. 54 s.)

14 presentation slide (a song sounds in its background)

Literary and musical composition

It seemed to be cold flowers.

Andthey were slightly wet from the dew.
The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,
They searched with German binoculars.

Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left?

In the forty-first memorable year
From the nest of fascist Berlin
All the earth, all people in trouble
An iron avalanche rushed.

Morning dawned over the country
Summer, fragrant, earthy.
Clouds of mother-of-pearl floated,
Resting from the heat of the day.

The city was sleeping, tired of the noise during the day,
From the heat, from hundreds of thousands of feet,
I slept peacefully and did not think about anything.

People were sleeping, postponing for the morning
All your worries and deeds.

In a bright house, quiet and comfortable,
The little girl was sleeping
On the bed, on the table - toys,
Outside the window - a large, green garden,
Where in spring are apple and pear trees
Wearing festive attire.

The sky floated in bright, starry points
The sky, too, waited for the day.
And no one knew that tonight.

Hand at dawn the war began.

holy war come out kids

Oh, war, what have you done vile
Our yards have become quiet

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured so far
On the threshold they barely loomed and left
behind the soldier

Goodbye boys

No don't hide you be high
Spare neither bullets nor grenades
And don't spare yourself

you and yet
Try to get back

Oh war what have you done despicable
Instead of separation weddings and smoke
Our girls dresses are white
Gave away to their sisters

Boots, well, where can you get away from them
Yes, green wings
You spit on gossip girls
We'll settle accounts with them later
Let them chat that you have nothing to believe in
What are you going to war at random
Goodbye girls, girls
Try to get back
Goodbye girls, girls
Try to get back

4 days before the war

IN 1. For a long 4 years, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of the Motherland from fascism. They did it for future generations, for us. Let's tell everyone about this just war so that they remember.

IN 2. On the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. Of every hundred children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. This is war!

IN 1. The war is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. War means 32,000 blown up plants and factories, 65,000 kilometers of railway tracks.

IN 2. The war is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is 900 days of besieged Leningrad, it is the oath of the Panfilovites: “Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!”

IN 1. War is the victory at Stalingrad won by fire and blood, it is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, it is the storming of Berlin, it is the memory of the heart of the whole people.

IN 2. War is 20 hours at the machine a day. It is a crop grown on the ground salted with sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like us.

IN 1. War ... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - if you count in a straight line. It seems not enough ... By plane - 4 hours, but by dashes and in a plastunsky way - 1418 days and nights.

Leading: Comforted the tattered bear
The girl in the mutilated hut:

Girl: "Don't cry, don't cry. She herself was malnourished,
I left half a cracker for you.

The shells flew and exploded,
Black earth mixed with blood.
There was a family, there was a house. Now left
All alone in the world - you and me. "

Leading:. And behind the village the grove smoked,
Struck by monstrous fire
And Death flew around like an evil bird,
An unexpected misfortune came to the house.

Girl: "Do you hear, Mish, I'm strong, I don't cry,
And they will give me a machine gun at the front.
I'll take revenge for hiding my tears
For the fact that our pines are burning. "

Host: But in the silence the bullets whistled loudly,
An ominous glow flashed through the window.
And the girl ran out of the house:

Girl: Oh, Mishka, Mishka, how scared I am. "

Leading:. Silence. Not a voice is heard.
The country is celebrating the victory today.
And how many of them, girls and boys,
Orphaned vile war?.

We only read about the war in books.
Movies watched - and then froze
In horror, anger and heartache.
You are not in the cinema, but in the battle to the end.

To the death stood, saving their
Motherland, city, home and family.
Everything that is dear to you is dear and holy,
What was in the heart of any soldier.

We could thank you forever.
Will the wounds of the past heal?

Veterans are not waiting for laudatory speeches,
And to keep the memory permanent.

We remember and appreciate. For us you are like stars,
Peace on Earth was created by your feat.

We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On a holiday, weekdays, all over again!

clip memory