Education system federal state educational standard. What are the fgos who burst out preparing for us? differences between the previous educational standards and the new generation fgos

1. Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements provide:

1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2) continuity of the main educational programs;

3) the variability of the content of educational programs of the corresponding level of education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students;

4) state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs and the results of their development.

2. Federal state educational standards, with the exception of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, educational standards are the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and relevant focus, regardless of the form of education and the form of education.

3. Federal state educational standards include requirements for:

1) the structure of the main educational programs (including the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in educational relations) and their volume;

2) conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions;

3) the results of mastering the main educational programs.

4. Federal state educational standards establish terms for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account various forms of education, educational technologies and the characteristics of certain categories of students.

5. Federal state educational standards of general education are developed according to the levels of education, federal state educational standards of vocational education can also be developed according to professions, specialties and areas of training at the corresponding levels of vocational education.

5.1. Federal state educational standards for preschool, primary general and basic general education provide an opportunity to receive education in native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, to study the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including Russian as a native language .

6. In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, federal state educational standards for the education of these persons are established or special requirements are included in federal state educational standards.

7. The formation of the requirements of the federal state educational standards of vocational education to the results of mastering the main educational programs of vocational education in terms of professional competence is carried out on the basis of the relevant professional standards (if any).

8. Lists of professions, specialties and areas of training, indicating the qualifications assigned to the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training, the procedure for the formation of these lists are approved by the federal executive body that exercises the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. When approving new lists of professions, specialties and areas of training, the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education may establish the correspondence of the individual professions, specialties and areas of training indicated in these lists to professions, specialties and areas of training indicated in the previous lists of professions, specialties and areas of training.

9. The procedure for developing, approving federal state educational standards and making changes to them is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, educational organizations of higher education, in respect of which the category "federal university" or "national research university", as well as federal state educational organizations of higher education, the list of which is approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, have the right to develop and approve self-educational standards for all levels of higher education. The requirements for the conditions of implementation and the results of mastering educational programs of higher education included in such educational standards cannot be lower than the corresponding requirements of federal state educational standards.

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES)- a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full

d) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education by educational institutions with state accreditation. The name "State Educational Standards" was applied to educational standards adopted before 2009. Until 2000, before the adoption of state standards for eachth stagegeneral education and specialties (directions of training) , within the framework of the general state educational standard, state requirements were applied to the minimum content of the level of graduate training for each level of education and specialty.

Federal state educational standards provide:

  • the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
  • continuity primary general , main general , average (full) general , primary vocational , secondary vocational and higher professional education .
  • spiritual and moral development and education

Federal state educational standards set the deadlines for obtaininggeneral education and vocational education taking into account various forms of education,educational technologies and features of certain categories of students.

The standard is the basis for:

  • development of exemplarybasic educational programs ;
  • development of programs of educational subjects, courses, educational literature, control and measuring materials;
  • organization of the educational process in educational institutions implementing the main educational program in accordance with the standard, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and subordination;
  • development of financial support standards for educational activities of educational institutions implementing the main educational program, formation of a state (municipal) task for an educational institution;
  • exercising control and supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education;
  • conducting state (final) and intermediate certification of students;
  • building a system of internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution;
  • organizing the work of methodological services;
  • certification of teaching staff and administrative and managerial personnel of state and municipal educational institutions;
  • organization of training, professional retraining and advanced training of educators.

Each standard, according to Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007, includes 3 types of requirements:

  • requirements for the structure of the main educational programs, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;
  • requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions;
  • requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs.

For implementation of each GEF, an educational institution must developbasic educational program (BEP), which includes the curriculum, calendar curriculum, work programs of subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as assessment and methodological materials.



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Types of GEF lessons

Types of lessons: lessons of "discovery" of new knowledge; reflection lessons; lessons of a general methodological orientation; developmental control lessons.

New wording Old wording Lessons of "discovering new knowledge" Lesson of knowledge formation Lessons of reflection Lesson of improving knowledge Lesson of consolidating and improving knowledge Lessons of methodological orientation Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge Lessons of developing control Lesson of control of knowledge, skills Lesson of correction of knowledge, skills, skills

Lessons of the "discovery" of new knowledge: Activity goal: the formation of students' skills to implement new ways of action. Content goal: expanding the conceptual base by including new elements in it.

The structure of the lesson: the stage of motivation (self-determination) for learning activities; stage of actualization and trial educational action; the stage of identifying the place and cause of the difficulty; the stage of building a project to get out of difficulty; stage of implementation of the constructed project; the stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech; the stage of independent work with self-checking according to the standard; the stage of inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition; the stage of reflection of educational activity in the lesson.

Reflection lessons: Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities for reflection of the correctional-control type and the implementation of the correctional norm (fixing their own difficulties in activity, identifying their causes, building and implementing a project to overcome difficulties, etc.). Substantive goal: consolidation and, if necessary, correction of the studied methods of action - concepts, algorithms, etc.

The structure of the lesson: the stage of motivation (self-determination) for correctional activities; stage of actualization and trial educational action; stage of localization of individual difficulties; the stage of building a project for correcting the identified difficulties; stage of implementation of the constructed project; stage of generalization of difficulties in external speech; the stage of independent work with self-checking according to the standard; the stage of inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition; the stage of reflection of educational activity in the lesson.

A distinctive feature of the lesson of reflection from the lesson of the "discovery" of new knowledge is the fixation and overcoming of difficulties in one's own learning activities, and not in the learning content.

Lessons of a general methodological orientation: Activity goal: the formation of students' activity abilities and abilities to structure and systematize the studied subject content. Substantive goal: building generalized activity norms and identifying the theoretical foundations for the development of content-methodological lines of courses. The formation of students' ideas about the methods that link the concepts being studied into a single system; about the methods of organizing the educational activity itself, aimed at self-change and self-development. So, in these lessons, students understand and build the norms and methods of educational activities, self-control and self-assessment, reflective self-organization.

Lesson structure: These lessons are over-subject and are conducted outside the scope of any subject at class hours, extra-curricular activities or other specially designated lessons in accordance with the structure of the technology of the activity method.

Lesson of developing control: Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities to implement the control function. Content goal: control and self-control of the studied concepts and algorithms.

The structure of the lesson: students write a version of the test; comparison with an objectively justified standard for the performance of this work; students' evaluation of the comparison result in accordance with previously established criteria.

It should be emphasized that the division of the educational process into lessons of different types in accordance with the leading goals should not destroy its continuity, which means that it is necessary to ensure the invariance of the teaching technology. Therefore, when organizing lessons of various types, the activity method of teaching should be preserved and an appropriate system of didactic principles should be provided.


Approximate structure of each type of GEF lesson

1. The structure of the lesson of mastering new knowledge:

1) Organizational stage.

3) Actualization of knowledge.

6) Primary fastening.

7) Information about homework, briefing on its implementation

8) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

2 The structure of the lesson for the integrated application of knowledge and skills (lesson of consolidation) .

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of students' basic knowledge. Knowledge update.

4) Primary fastening

in a familiar situation (typical)

in a changed situation (constructive)

5) Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks)

6) Information about homework, instructions for its implementation

3. The structure of the lesson for updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson)

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for the creative solution of the tasks.

3) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

4) Actualization of knowledge.

in order to prepare for the control lesson

in order to prepare for the study of a new topic

6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

4. The structure of the lesson of systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Actualization of knowledge.

4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Preparing students for generalized activities

Reproduction at a new level (reformulated questions).

5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation

6) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

7) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

Analysis and content of the results of the work, the formation of conclusions on the studied material

5. The structure of the lesson for the control of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of formation of students' general educational skills. (Tasks in terms of volume or degree of difficulty should correspond to the program and be feasible for each student).

Lessons of control can be lessons of written control, lessons of a combination of oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed.

4) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

6. The structure of the lesson for the correction of knowledge, skills and abilities.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Results of diagnostics (control) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Identification of typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.

Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher plans collective, group and individual ways of teaching.

4) Information about homework, briefing on its implementation

5) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

7. The structure of the combined lesson.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Actualization of knowledge.

4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

5) Initial check of understanding

6) Primary fastening

7) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

8) Information about homework, instructions for its implementation

9) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

Federal State Educational Standard (FSES)- a set of mandatory requirements for education of a certain level and (or) for a profession, specialty and area of ​​training, approved by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. The name "State Educational Standards" was applied to educational standards adopted before 2009. Until 2000, before the adoption of state standards for each level of general education and specialty (field of training) of vocational education, within the framework of the general state educational standard, state requirements were applied to the minimum content of the level of graduate training for each level of education and specialty.

Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education are mandatory for use by all universities of the Russian Federation that have state accreditation. In accordance with the Federal Law of November 10, 2009 No. 259-FZ "On the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University" and the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, educational organizations of higher education, in respect of which the category "federal university" or "national research university" is established, as well as federal state educational organizations of higher education, the list of which is approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, has the right to develop and approve independently educational standards for all levels of higher education. The requirements for the conditions of implementation and the results of mastering educational programs of higher education included in such educational standards cannot be lower than the corresponding requirements of federal state educational standards.

GEF goals

Federal state educational standards provide:

  • the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
  • continuity of the main educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education.
  • spiritual and moral development and education

The federal state educational standards establish terms for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account various forms of education, educational technologies and the characteristics of certain categories of students.

The standard is the basis for:

  • development of exemplary basic educational programs;
  • development of programs of educational subjects, courses, educational literature, control and measuring materials;
  • organization of the educational process in educational institutions implementing the main educational program in accordance with the standard, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and subordination;
  • development of financial support standards for educational activities of educational institutions implementing the main educational program, formation of a state (municipal) task for an educational institution;
  • exercising control and supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education;
  • conducting state (final) and intermediate certification of students;
  • building a system of internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution;
  • organizing the work of methodological services;
  • certification of teaching staff and administrative and managerial personnel of state and municipal educational institutions;
  • organization of training, professional retraining and advanced training of educators.

GEF structure

Each standard, according to the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, includes 3 types of requirements:

  • requirements for the structure of the main educational programs, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;
  • requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions;
  • requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs.

Higher education should develop students' general cultural and professional competencies. The previous, second, generation of the Federal State Educational Standard was developed in 2005.

Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process

For the implementation of each GEF, an educational institution must develop a basic educational program (BEP), including a curriculum, a calendar curriculum, work programs for subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as assessment and methodological materials.

Generations of state educational standards

General Education Standards:

  • first generation standards (adopted in 2004 and called state educational standards);
  • second generation standards (were adopted - for primary general education (grades 1-4) on October 6, 2009, for basic general education (grades 5-9) on December 17, 2010, for secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11) May 17, 2012). These standards are focused on the result and development of universal learning activities.

Higher professional education standards:

  • first generation standards (approved since 2000 and called state educational standards);
  • second-generation standards (approved since 2005 and called state educational standards), focused on obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities by students;
  • third generation standards (approved since 2009), according to which higher education should develop students' general cultural and professional competencies.

Until 2000, a unified state standard of higher professional education was used, which was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 No. 940 and determined:

  • the structure of higher professional education, documents on higher education;
  • general requirements for the main professional educational programs of higher professional education and the conditions for their implementation;
  • general standards for the study load of a student of a higher educational institution and its volume;
  • academic freedom of a higher educational institution in determining the content of higher professional education;
  • general requirements for the list of areas (specialties) of higher professional education;
  • the procedure for the development and approval of state requirements for a minimum content and level of training of graduates in specific areas (specialties) of higher professional education as a federal component;
  • rules of state control over compliance with the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education.

For each area of ​​training (specialty), state requirements were adopted for the minimum content and level of training of graduates.

From September 1, 2013, in accordance with the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273, new generation standards must be approved, including for higher education programs - training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, in accordance with the new law, as well as for preschool education, for which the Federal State Educational Requirements for the structure of the main general education program of preschool education were previously provided.

GEF development

Standards can be developed according to educational levels, levels of education, professions, areas of training, specialties and are replaced by new ones at least once every 10 years.

Federal state educational standards for general education are developed according to the levels of education, federal state educational standards for vocational education can also be developed according to professions, specialties and areas of training for the corresponding levels of vocational education.

When forming federal state educational standards for vocational education, the provisions of the relevant professional standards are taken into account.

The development of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out taking into account the current and future needs of the individual, the development of society and the state, its defense and security, education, science, culture, engineering and technology, the economy and the social sphere in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on placing orders for the supply of goods, fulfillment works, provision of services for state or municipal needs.

FSES of higher professional education are developed by educational and methodological associations of universities in the relevant areas of training (specialties).

Draft standards are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which posts them on its official website on the Internet for discussion with the participation of representatives of interested executive authorities, public associations operating in the education system, leading educational and scientific institutions, scientific and pedagogical communities, associations of employers and institutions of public participation in the management of education, and sends them for independent examination.

An independent examination of draft standards is carried out within 14 days from the date of their receipt from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

  • associations of employers, organizations operating in the relevant sectors of the economy - on draft standards for primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education;
  • institutions of public participation in the management of education, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education - according to draft standards of general education;
  • The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law - on draft standards for secondary (complete) general education, secondary vocational education in terms of issues related to the preparation of citizens for military service.

Based on the results of an independent examination, an expert opinion signed by the head of the organization or body that conducted the examination, or a person authorized by him, is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Draft Federal State Educational Standards, comments and expert opinions to them are discussed by the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on Federal State Educational Standards, which decides to recommend the draft standard for approval, or for revision, or for rejection. After receiving the decision of the council, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation makes its own decision regarding the approval of the standard.

Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standards are carried out in the same manner as the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standards themselves.

The procedure for the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Development and Approval of Federal State Educational Standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

FSES HPE are developed by Educational and methodological associations of universities for education in the relevant areas of training and their base universities.

In connection with the adoption of a new law on education and amendments to the Labor Code, introducing the concept of a professional standard for each profession (professional field), it is planned to develop the Federal State Educational Standard taking into account the provisions of professional standards.

The history of the development of educational standards in Russia

For the first time, the concept of an educational standard in Russia appeared in 1992 with the introduction of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 7 of which was devoted to state educational standards. In the original version of the law, the standard of general education was adopted by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, but in connection with the adoption of the Constitution of 1993, this provision was canceled, and the functions of adopting educational standards were transferred to executive authorities in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. During the period when it had the right to approve the educational standard, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation did not approve it.

According to the former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, Eduard Dmitrievich Dneprov, a significant step back - towards unitarism in education - was made by draft amendments, removing the concept of "national-regional component" of state educational standards in the law and replacing it with a "regional component" (Article 7, p. 1, article 29, paragraph 2e). This trend was also observed in the basic curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education in 1993. The standardization of education, which had intensified by 1996, aroused resistance from the pedagogical community, expressed in a strike and protest actions of workers in the education system.

In the wording proposed by the developers of the law "On Education" in 1992, the educational standard, or rather its federal component, consisted of five elements:

  • educational goals at each level of education
  • requirements for the basic content of basic educational programs
  • maximum allowable volume of classroom teaching load
  • requirements for the level of preparation of students graduating from various levels of school
  • requirements for the conditions of the educational process

Under pressure from supporters of the subject-methodological approach, this edition was deformed by the deputies of the profile committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation and reduced to a three-part formula: “a mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum amount of student workload, requirements for the level of training of graduates” (which unlawfully included and graduating from primary school).

As a result, from Article 7 of the law on educational standards:

  • the target block disappeared from the standards;
  • the requirements for the basic content of the main educational programs were replaced by the "mandatory minimum", that is, the same traditional list of subject topics; as a result, the standard turned into a regular set of subject programs;
  • the concept of the maximum allowable classroom load disappeared, which is by no means adequate to the concept of the maximum load in general;
  • requirements for the conditions of the educational process disappeared from the standard.

The indicated three-dimensionality of the federal component of the educational standard, which remained in the law, according to E. D. Dneprov, “soon turned out to be clearly insufficient, not adequate either to the needs of educational practice or to the demands of the development of the legislation on education itself. That is why already when the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” was adopted in 1996, this narrow legislative norm was scrapped and a partial return to the original idea of ​​the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the university law reappeared “requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs” and “conditions for their implementation”. Thus, returning to the origins, this law took two significant steps forward in the interpretation of the educational standard. Attention was again drawn to the conditions for the implementation of educational programs and requirements were introduced for their mandatory minimum, which no longer made it possible to reduce this minimum to a banal list of subject topics.

The obligatory adoption of the federal state educational standard was established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted at the all-Russian vote on December 12, 1993.

In 1993-1999, temporary educational standards and federal components of the state educational standard were developed.

Since 2000, the SES of the first generation (for general education) and the first and second generations (for higher education) began to be developed.

In history, the development of state standards for general education has four stages: 1993-1996, 1997-1998 and 2002-2003, 2010-2011. At each of these stages, the motivation for developing standards has changed. On the first two - insignificantly, within the framework of the general and educational policy. On the third and fourth - radically, in line with the personality-oriented and activity-developing pedagogy.

With the adoption of amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in 2009, new generation standards began to be developed - federal state educational standards. They have become federal. The standards of previous generations, in essence, were not federal state educational standards, but were only its components.

Criticism of educational standards

The former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation E. D. Dneprov openly criticizes the ideas embodied in educational standards, who devoted the book “The Recent Political History of Russian Education: Experience and Lessons” to the issue of standardization of education.

I. I. Kalina, Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, is critical of the problem of standardization of education.

There are a number of publications in which it is noted that the ideas and approaches declared by the developers of the standards are not actually implemented in them. This is especially true of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education, which are based on a competency-based approach.

Educational standards in other countries

  • In the United States, educational standards have been used since the 1980s as part of the results-oriented education reform. graduating students in many American schools. Since the US educational system is decentralized, most education issues are taken over by local governments. Educational standards and programs are usually set by each state independently. The federal government is mainly involved only in the financing of education. The legislatures of each state to establish a general minimum level of knowledge for schools in the state. Only 22 states have established a list of recommended books.
  • In Germany, educational standards have been developed since 1970 after the PISA study, which showed a low level of education in the country. The German standards are focused on the formation of key skills and competencies in students in the absence of overcrowding of curricula with excessive knowledge. Since 2004, standards for school education have been mandatory. In many ways, educational standards are of a framework nature, and the federal states fill them with their own content.

FGOS - what is it? Educational standard requirements

Probably everyone wants to give their child a quality education. But how to determine the level of education, if you have nothing to do with pedagogy? Of course, with the help of GEF.

What is FGOS

For each education system and educational institution, a list of mandatory requirements has been approved, aimed at determining each level of training in a profession or specialty. These requirements are combined within the framework of the federal state educational standard (FSES), which is approved by the authorities authorized to regulate policy in the field of education.

The implementation and results of mastering programs in state educational institutions cannot be lower than those specified in the Federal State Educational Standard.

In addition, Russian education assumes that without mastering the standards it will be impossible to obtain a state document. GEF is a kind of basis, thanks to which the student has the opportunity to move from one level of education to another, like climbing a ladder.


Federal state educational standards are designed to ensure the integrity of the educational space in Russia; continuity of the main programs of preschool, primary, secondary, vocational and higher education.

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard is responsible for aspects of spiritual and moral development and education.

The requirements of the educational standard include strict deadlines for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account all kinds of forms of education and educational technologies.

The basis for the development of indicative educational programs; programs of subjects, courses, literature, control materials; standards for the financial supply of educational activities of specialized institutions implementing the educational program is the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is the standard for public education? First of all, these are the principles of organizing the educational process in institutions (kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, etc.). Without the Federal State Educational Standard, it is impossible to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the educational field, as well as to conduct final and intermediate certification of students.

It should be noted that one of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard is internal monitoring of the quality of education. With the help of standards, the activities of methodological specialists are organized, as well as certification of teachers and other personnel of educational institutions.

Training, retraining and advanced training of educators are also under the influence of state standards.

Structure and implementation

The federal law decided that each standard must include three types of requirements without fail.

First, the requirements for the structure of educational programs (the ratio of parts of the main program and their volume, the ratio of the mandatory part and the share that is formed by the participants in the educational process).

Secondly, the implementation conditions are also subject to stringent requirements (including personnel, financial, technical).

Thirdly, the result. The entire educational program should form certain (including professional) competencies in students. The lesson on GEF is designed to teach how to apply all the acquired skills and knowledge, and act successfully on their basis.

Of course, this standard is not the constitution of all educational institutions. This is just the beginning of the vertical, with the main recommendation positions. At the federal level, on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, an approximate educational program is being developed, focusing on local specifics. And then educational institutions bring this program to perfection (even interested parents can participate in the last process, which is regulated by law). Thus, from a methodological point of view, Russian education can be represented as a diagram:

Standard - an exemplary program of the federal level - the program of an educational institution.

The last paragraph includes such aspects as:

  • academic plan;
  • calendar schedule;
  • work programs;
  • evaluation materials;
  • guidelines for subjects.

Generations and differences GEF

What is the state standard, they knew back in Soviet times, since strict regulations existed even then. But this specific document appeared and entered into force only in the 2000s.

GEF was previously called simply the educational standard. The so-called first generation came into force in 2004. The second generation was developed in 2009 (for primary education), in 2010 (for basic general education), in 2012 (for secondary education).

For higher education, GOSTs were developed in 2000. The second generation, which entered into force in 2005, was focused on obtaining ZUMs by students. Since 2009, new standards have been developed aimed at developing general cultural and professional competencies.

Until 2000, for each specialty, a minimum of knowledge and skills was determined that a person who graduated from a university should have. Later, these requirements became more stringent.

The modernization of public education continues to this day. In 2013, the law "On Education" was issued, according to which new programs for higher professional and preschool education are being developed. Among other things, the item on the training of scientific and pedagogical staff has firmly entered there.

What is the difference between the old standards and the Federal State Educational Standards? What are next generation standards?

The main distinguishing feature is that in modern education, the development of the personality of pupils (students) is at the forefront. Generalizing concepts (Skills, skills, knowledge) disappeared from the text of the document, more precise requirements came in their place, for example, real types of activities that each student should master were formulated. Great attention is paid to subject, interdisciplinary and personal results.

To achieve these goals, the previously existing forms and types of education were revised, and an innovative educational space for the lesson (lesson, course) was put into action.

Thanks to the introduced changes, the student of the new generation is a free-thinking person, able to set tasks for himself, solve important problems, creatively developed and able to adequately relate to reality.

Who is developing the standards

Standards are replaced with new ones at least once every ten years.

GEFs of general education are developed according to the levels of education, GEFs of vocational education can also be developed according to specialties, professions and areas of training.

The development of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out taking into account:

  • acute and promising needs of the individual;
  • development of the state and society;
  • education;
  • culture;
  • science;
  • technology;
  • economy and social sphere.

The educational and methodological association of universities is developing the Federal State Educational Standard for higher education. Their draft is sent to the Ministry of Education, where a discussion takes place, corrections and corrections are made, and then it is submitted for an independent examination for a period of no more than two weeks.

The expert opinion is returned to the Ministry. And again, a wave of discussions is launched by the GEF Council, which decides whether to approve the project, send it for revision or reject it.

If changes need to be made to the document, it follows the same path from the beginning.

Elementary education

GEF is a set of requirements necessary for the implementation of primary education. The three main ones are results, structure and implementation conditions. All of them are due to age and individual characteristics, and are considered from the point of view of laying the foundation for all education.

The first part of the standard indicates the period for mastering the basic initial program. It is four years old.

It provides:

  • equal educational opportunities for all;
  • spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren;
  • continuity of all programs of preschool and school education;
  • preservation, development and mastery of the culture of a multinational country;
  • democratization of education;
  • formation of criteria for evaluating the activities of students and teachers4
  • conditions for the development of an individual personality and the creation of special learning conditions (for gifted children, children with disabilities).

The training program is based on a system-activity approach. But the primary education program itself is developed by the methodological council of the educational institution.

The second part of the Federal State Educational Standard sets out clear requirements for the result of the educational process. Including personal, meta-subject and subject learning outcomes.

  1. Formation of ideas about the diversity of the language space of the country.
  2. Understanding that language is an integral part of national culture.
  3. Formation of a positive attitude towards correct speech (and writing), as part of a common culture.
  4. Mastering the primary norms of the language.

The third part defines the structure of primary education (curriculum, extracurricular activities, programs of individual subjects, which includes thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard).

The fourth part contains requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational process (personnel, finance, material and technical side).

Secondary (complete) education

The first part of the standard on requirements is partially repeated and echoes the Federal State Educational Standard on primary education. Significant differences appear in the second section, which deals with learning outcomes. The necessary norms for the development of certain subjects are also indicated, including in the Russian language, literature, a foreign language, history, social science, geography and others.

Emphasis is placed on the personal development of students, highlighting such main points as:

  • education of patriotism, assimilation of the values ​​of a multinational country;
  • formation of a worldview corresponding to the level of reality;
  • mastering the norms of social life;
  • the development of an aesthetic understanding of the world, and so on.

The requirements for the structure of educational activities have also been modified. But the sections remained the same: target, content and organizational.

Higher levels

GEF for secondary vocational and higher education is built on the same principles. Their differences are obvious, the requirements for the structure, result and conditions of implementation cannot be the same for different educational levels.

The basis of secondary vocational education is a competency-based approach, i.e. people are given not just knowledge, but the ability to manage this knowledge. At the exit from the educational institution, the graduate should not say “I know what”, but “I know how”.

On the basis of the generally accepted GEF, each educational institution develops its own program, focusing on the profile orientation of the college or university, the availability of certain material and technical capabilities, etc.

The Methodical Council takes into account all the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and acts strictly under its guidance. However, the adoption of the programs of specific educational institutions is under the jurisdiction of local authorities and the department of education of the region (republic, territory).

Educational institutions should take into account and implement recommendations regarding educational materials (for example, GEF textbooks have taken their rightful place in libraries), thematic planning, etc.


On the way to the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard, it went through many changes, but even in its current form, the education reform receives a huge amount of criticism, and received even more.

In fact, in the minds of the developers of the standard, it was supposed to lead to the unity of all Russian education. And it turned out the opposite. Someone found pluses in this document, someone minuses. Many teachers, accustomed to traditional teaching, had a hard time transitioning to the new standards. The GEF textbooks raised questions. However, there are positives to be found in everything. Modern society does not stand still, education must change and is changing depending on its needs.

One of the main complaints against the Federal State Educational Standard was its lengthy wording, the lack of clear tasks and real requirements that would be imposed on students. There were whole opposing groups. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, everyone was required to study, but no one gave explanations on how to do this. And with this, teachers and methodological specialists had to cope on the ground, including everything necessary in the program of their educational institution.

Topics on the Federal State Educational Standards have been raised and will continue to be raised, since the old foundations, in which knowledge was the main thing in education, have become very firmly established in everyone's life. The new standards, which are dominated by professional and social competencies, will find their opponents for a long time to come.


The development of the Federal State Educational Standard turned out to be inevitable. Like everything new, this standard has caused a lot of controversy. However, the reform took place. To understand whether it is successful or not, at least, it is necessary to wait for the first graduation of students. Intermediate results are uninformative in this regard.

At the moment, only one thing is certain - the work of teachers has increased.

An educational standard is ... Federal State Educational Standards (FSES)

An educational standard is a set of standards for pedagogical activity of a certain level or for the direction of training, specialty and profession. It is approved by the authorized executive body. We knew the standards adopted before 2009 as GOSs. Until 2000, standards and minimums for the level of training of graduates for each stage and specialty were applied. Let us further consider what the Federal Educational Standard is today.

Development history

In 1992, for the first time, such a thing as an educational standard appeared. This definition was fixed in the branch Federal Law. Art. 7 was entirely dedicated to the State Educational Standards. In the original version of the law, the standards were adopted by the country's Supreme Council. However, in 1993 the Constitution was adopted, in connection with which this provision was terminated. Functions for the adoption of state legal documents were entrusted to the executive bodies in the manner prescribed by the government. At the same time, it should be said that the Supreme Council has not used it for the entire time it has the right to approve the standard.


The educational process with the introduction of new standards and minimums was initially proposed to be built on 5 components. It:

  1. The goals of pedagogical activity at each stage.
  2. Standards for the basic content of the main programs.
  3. The maximum allowable volume of educational classroom load.
  4. Standards for the preparation of students at different school levels.
  5. requirements for learning conditions.

However, supporters of the subject-methodological approach insisted on changing this structure. As a result, the federal component of the standard was reduced to a three-part form:

  1. Minimum OOP content.
  2. The maximum amount of teaching load.
  3. Standards for the level of training of graduates.

At the same time, children completing primary school were also included among the latter. Thus, from the aforementioned Art. 7, several elements have disappeared, and a number of others have been replaced:

  1. Eliminated target block.
  2. The requirements for the main content of the OOP have been replaced by "mandatory minimums", that is, in fact, all the same standard list of topics. As a result, the educational standard was, in fact, an ordinary set of subject plans.
  3. The concept of the maximum permissible load has disappeared, which is not equivalent to the concept of the maximum load.
  4. The requirements for training conditions have been removed.

Criticism and changes

Former Minister of Education E. D. Dneprov said that the "three-dimensional" state standard is an insufficient, inadequate scheme. It did not meet the needs of pedagogical practice. In addition, such a system did not meet the development needs of the legislation itself. In this regard, already in 1996, after the adoption of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education", there was a partial return to the original plan. In paragraph 2 of Art. 5 of this law, standards appeared on the minimum content of the PLO, as well as on the conditions for their implementation. The normative act, therefore, drew attention to the order in which the educational process proceeds.


Between 1993 and 1999 interim standards and federal components of the State Educational Standards were developed and applied. In 2000, the standards of the first - for HEP, the first and second generation - for GPs were approved. In general, the development went through 4 stages: from 1993 to 1996, from 1997 to 1998, from 2002 to 2003. and from 2010 to 2011 At each stage, the motives for approving and the goals of the standards themselves, as well as the direction of the work of teachers during their implementation, changed. The adjustments at the first two stages were insignificant and were within the limits of the general education policy. In the third and fourth stages, the changes were dramatic. They were introduced in line with activity-developing and student-centered pedagogy. A new educational standard began to be developed in 2009.

Formation of a system of standards

GEF requirements can be developed according to:

  1. levels.
  2. Steps.
  3. directions.
  4. specialties.

Replacement (revision) of standards should be carried out at least once every 10 years. State educational standards of general education are developed by levels. Vocational training standards are also established for specialties, areas, professions in accordance with the stage at which the student is. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are determined in accordance with the current and future needs of the individual, the development of the state and society, the defense and security of the country, equipment and technology, science and culture, the social and economic spheres. The development of standards is carried out in the manner prescribed by law, which regulates the placement of orders for the performance of work, the supply of goods, the provision of services for municipal and state needs. Educational standards of higher education are determined by the educational and methodological departments of universities in the relevant specialties (training areas).

Coordination and expertise

The main educational standard is approved after the project is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science. The Ministry places the received materials for discussion on its own official website. It is attended by representatives of interested executive structures, public and state associations working in the field of education, advanced scientific and pedagogical institutions, communities, associations and other organizations. After discussion, the project is sent for an independent examination.


An independent examination is carried out within 14 days from the date of receipt of materials from the Ministry of Education and Science. The stakeholders performing the review are:

  1. Institutions of citizens' participation in the management of education, executive structures of the authorities of the regions - according to the draft standards of the PEP.
  2. The Ministry of Defense and other bodies in which military service is provided for by law - according to the standards of complete (secondary) general education, secondary vocational education in terms of preparing students for being in the ranks of the Armed Forces.
  3. Associations of employers, legal entities operating in the relevant economic sectors - according to draft standards for secondary and primary vocational training and higher education.


Based on the results of an independent audit, a conclusion is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science. It is signed by the head of the body or organization that conducted the inspection, or by another authorized person. Expert opinions, comments, projects of the Federal State Educational Standard are discussed in the council of the ministry. He decides on the recommendation of the project for approval, revision or rejection. The resolution is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science. The Ministry makes its own final decision on GEF. Amendments, additions, changes to the approved standards are carried out in the same manner as their adoption.


The key task that the educational standard performs is the formation of a single pedagogical space in the country. The regulations also have the following objectives:

  1. Spiritual and moral education and development.
  2. Continuity of the PEP of preschool, primary, basic, full school, as well as primary, secondary and university vocational education.

The standards establish the terms of training, taking into account its various forms, pedagogical technologies, and the characteristics of certain categories of students.


The federal educational standard acts as a basis for:

  1. Organization of pedagogical activity in educational institutions that implement BEP in accordance with the approved standard, regardless of the organizational and legal form and subordination.
  2. Development of exemplary curricula, programs for subjects and courses, control and measuring materials, educational publications.
  3. Carrying out control and supervisory activities aimed at verifying compliance with the law in the field of pedagogical activity.
  4. Development of standards for the financial support of educational activities of institutions implementing BEP.
  5. Formation of municipal or state tasks for educational institutions.
  6. Certification of teachers and employees of the administrative and managerial apparatus of municipal and state structures.
  7. Organization of internal monitoring of the quality of pedagogical activity.
  8. Carrying out intermediate and final certification of students.
  9. Organizations of training, advanced training, professional retraining of pedagogical workers.

Implementation in pedagogical activity

How are GEFs implemented in practice? Programs that operate in educational institutions must be drawn up in accordance with approved standards. Their development is carried out directly by institutions. The programs formed under the Federal State Educational Standards include:

  1. Academic plan.
  2. Calendar chart.
  3. Working subject programs.
  4. Plans for courses, modules (disciplines), other components.
  5. Methodical and evaluation materials.


The first general education standards were introduced in 2004. The second generation of standards was adopted:

  1. For 1-4 cells. - in 2009
  2. For 5-9 cells. - in 2010
  3. For 10-11 cells. - in 2012

They were aimed at the result, the formation and development of UUD in students. The first generation of higher vocational education standards was approved in 2003. The following standards were introduced in 2005. They were focused on acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by students. The third generation of standards has been approved since 2009. In accordance with them, higher education should develop professional and general cultural competencies among students.


Until 2000, there was a unified state standard for higher vocational education. It was approved by the government Decree. This standard defined:

  1. The structure of university vocational training.
  2. Documents about high school.
  3. General requirements for basic professional education areas and conditions for their implementation.
  4. The volume and standards of the student's workload.
  5. Academic freedom of the university in determining the content of HPE.
  6. General requirements for the list of specialties (directions) of vocational training.
  7. The procedure in accordance with which the development and approval of standards for the minimum content and level of training of students in specific professions are carried out.
  8. Rules for state control of compliance with the requirements of the state standard of higher vocational education.

Since 2013, in accordance with Federal Law No. 273, more progressive standards should be established. New standards are being introduced, among other things, for areas of higher education related to the training of scientific and pedagogical workers. Standards are also being developed for preschool education and development. Previously, state federal educational minimums were in force for them. The standards applied directly to the structure of the preschool education program.

The federal state educational standard is ... Definition, goals and structure

The federal educational standard is a document that contains certain requirements for the educational process. It was compiled for preschool educational institutions, schools, secondary specialized institutions, as well as for higher education. The federal educational standard contains norms, requirements for the process of education and upbringing. It includes certain recommendations on the preparation of curricula for Russian educational institutions.

Appearance time

The federal state educational standard was developed in 2003. First, innovations affected preschool educational institutions, then they moved to schools, colleges, institutes and universities.

When compiling the Federal State Educational Standard, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the Constitution of the Russian Federation, were taken into account. Why do Russian education need standards?

Relevance of updates

What is the educational standard for? The State Educational Standard was developed to systematize and unify the educational process. The document gave the teacher the opportunity to organize their activities in such a way that each child had the opportunity to develop along a certain trajectory. The developers took into account the psychological characteristics of each age, as well as the requirements for modern education dictated by society.

The federal state educational standard of education has become the main document; curricula in various disciplines are developed on its basis. It is in it that it is indicated what and how exactly children should be taught, what results should be achieved in this case, and the deadlines are also determined.

The federal educational standard of general education is necessary for planning the work of Russian educational institutions, it is reflected in their funding. The Federal State Educational Standard contains a section concerning the frequency of professional development by employees, the passage of retraining by teachers, and also determines the algorithm for the activity of subject methodological associations. An educational standard is a document on the basis of which forms and methods for monitoring the level of training of schoolchildren are developed.

GEF in preschool education

Among the distinctive characteristics of the new educational standard, it is necessary to single out an innovative approach to the educational process. If in the classical system the process of transferring knowledge from a teacher to a child was considered as the main task, now it is much more important to form a holistic, harmoniously developed personality capable of self-education and self-learning.

The new state educational standard in the programs of the preschool educational institution involves focusing on the social adaptation of pupils.

The program takes into account the following factors:

  • regional features for the implementation of GEF;
  • technical and material base of the preschool educational institution;
  • forms, specifics, teaching methods in each preschool institution;
  • social order of the territory;
  • individual and age characteristics of children.

The general educational standard also implies compliance with certain conditions in the preschool educational institution. The educational program used in kindergarten should not contradict the law "On Education", the Constitution of the Russian Federation, various regional orders. It should contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical health of schoolchildren, guarantee the relationship between the teacher and the family, and form a positive attitude towards the learning process among preschoolers.

New educational standards in education provide equal opportunities for development for all children, regardless of social status, religious and ethnic affiliation, place of residence.

The purpose of the educational program on GEF

Since the new educational standard is the main document, it also indicates the main goal of preschool education. It consists in the formation of a harmonious personality of the child. Children during their stay in preschool institutions should receive a certain amount of theoretical information. The main focus of educators is on the formation of communication skills in preschoolers, the development of independence. In the preschool educational institution, optimal conditions are created that allow pupils to demonstrate individual abilities, to improve themselves.

Of course, in order to get the desired result, the child must have a certain amount of knowledge.

An educational standard is a document that specifies all the main criteria by which a graduate of a preschool institution is evaluated. Nowadays, the tasks of the educator do not include teaching children to read, write skills, and mathematics. It is much more important to instill in the child the ability to communicate with peers, develop logical thinking, form perseverance, and positively set up for learning at school.

The preschool educational standard is a document that sets out the guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions.

Areas of expertise for the new standards

If we analyze preschool education, five areas of activity can be distinguished in it. Cognitive development involves the formation of a persistent cognitive interest in preschoolers in social and natural phenomena.

Speech direction is associated with the ability of preschoolers to build correct speech. Artistic and aesthetic development involves the acquaintance of children with musical and artistic works, the formation of fine motor skills during classes, the creation of conditions for the manifestation of individual creative characteristics.

The socio-psychological section assumes the adaptation of schoolchildren to life in a classroom team, instilling in the child the skills of communicative communication, and creating a favorable climate for development.

The physical direction implies the implementation of wellness procedures, sports activities, familiarity with the rules of safe behavior.


The new standards rule out endless final and intermediate assessments of knowledge in preschool institutions. It is necessary to check not memorized facts, but to assess the psychological readiness of a preschooler for subsequent schooling. That is why the GEF guidelines for preschool educational institutions were formulated, which make it possible to determine the child's mood for entering the first grade.

The child should have a positive attitude towards himself, the people around him, the world. During his stay in the preschool educational institution, he must learn independence, initiative, get acquainted with the norms, rules, requirements of society. According to age characteristics, a preschooler should have formed speech skills, large and fine motor skills, developed observation and curiosity.

GEF at school

In connection with the significant changes that have taken place in society, it became necessary to modernize Russian education. First, the second generation standards were introduced at the primary level of education in order to ensure continuity with preschool educational institutions.

The Federal State Educational Standard is the basis by which every Russian schoolchild has a real chance to gradually move along individual educational trajectories, gaining new knowledge, practical skills and abilities.

Innovation feature

After the introduction of state standards of the second generation at the middle and senior levels of education, teachers have a real guideline for the development of educational programs, training courses, independent and control work. In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard makes it possible to control the observance of the legislative framework of the Russian Federation by state educational institutions, to conduct intermediate and final assessments of students in schools.

Methodological basis

The new standard has become the basis for internal monitoring of the quality of Russian education. Thanks to the updated standards, retraining, training, and advanced training of employees of the education system are carried out. Federal law has established that each standard must have three main types of requirements. First of all, these are certain requirements for the structure of the educational program: the volume, the ratio of the mandatory and optional parts.

GEF pays special attention to the conditions created for the successful implementation of the educational process: financial, personnel, technical equipment.

Educational standards of the second generation include the result of learning in each academic discipline included in the mandatory minimum of Russian education.


The Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at forming in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, pride in their country. If in the classical educational system attention was paid only to the formation of theoretical knowledge, the mechanical transfer of information from the teacher to the child, then in the updated standard, special attention is paid to the development of a harmonious personality of the student.

In addition to educational activities, extracurricular work with the younger generation is highlighted separately. The Federal State Educational Standard allows to increase the number of school circles, sections, research and project clubs, to involve children in active extracurricular work.

Despite the fact that the updated standards caused a huge resonance among teachers, they have already demonstrated their viability and timeliness. The main resistance to the introduction of second-generation standards into preschool and school institutions was provided by experienced teachers who did not want to change their authoritarian teaching system and introduce new educational and upbringing methods.

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education


I. General provisions

1. The federal state educational standard of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education by educational institutions with state accreditation.1

The standard includes the requirements:

to the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education;

to the structure of the main educational program of primary general education, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;

to the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions.

The requirements for the results, structure and conditions for mastering the main educational program of primary general education take into account the age and individual characteristics of students at the stage of primary general education, the inherent value of the stage of primary general education as the foundation of all subsequent education.

2. The standard takes into account the educational needs of children with disabilities.2

3. The standard is the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education of students at the stage of primary general education.

4. The standard term for mastering the basic educational program of primary general education is four years.3

5. The standard has been developed taking into account the regional, national and ethno-cultural needs of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

6. The standard aims to provide:

equal opportunities to receive quality primary general education;

spiritual and moral development and education of students at the stage of primary general education, the formation of their civic identity as the basis for the development of civil society;

continuity of the main educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education;

preservation and development of cultural diversity and linguistic heritage of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, the right to learn their native language, the possibility of obtaining primary general education in their native language, mastering the spiritual values ​​and culture of the multinational people of Russia;

the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation in the context of the diversity of educational systems and types of educational institutions;

democratization of education and all educational activities, including through the development of forms of state and public administration, expanding opportunities for exercising the right of teaching staff to choose teaching and upbringing methods, methods for assessing the knowledge of students, pupils, using various forms of educational activities of students, developing the culture of the educational environment of the educational institutions;

formation of a criteria-based assessment of the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education by students, the activities of teachers, educational institutions, the functioning of the education system as a whole;

conditions for the effective implementation and development by students of the main educational program of primary general education, including the provision of conditions for the individual development of all students, especially those who are most in need of special learning conditions - gifted children and children with disabilities.

7. The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which involves:

education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, the tasks of building a democratic civil society based on tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition of Russian society;

transition to a strategy of social design and construction in the education system based on the development of the content and technologies of education that determine the ways and means of achieving the socially desired level (result) of the personal and cognitive development of students;

orientation to the results of education as a backbone component of the Standard, where the development of the student's personality on the basis of the assimilation of universal educational activities, knowledge and development of the world is the goal and main result of education;

recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, ways of organizing educational activities and the interaction of participants in the educational process in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;

taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;

ensuring the continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;

a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity;

guaranteed achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, which creates the basis for the independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills, competencies, types and methods of activity by students.

8. In accordance with the Standard at the level of primary general education, the following is carried out:

formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview of students;

the formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan their activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process;

spiritual and moral development and education of students, providing for the adoption by them of moral standards, moral attitudes, national values;

strengthening the physical and spiritual health of students.

The standard is focused on the formation of personal characteristics of the graduate ("portrait of a primary school graduate") :

loving his people, his land and his homeland;

respecting and accepting the values ​​of the family and society;

inquisitive, actively and interestedly knowing the world;

possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities;

ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to the family and society;

benevolent, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion;

following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

State standard of general education

State standard of general education- part of the state educational standards, norms and requirements that determine the mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs of general education, the maximum volume of the teaching load of students, the level of training of graduates of educational institutions, as well as the basic requirements for ensuring the educational process (including its material and technical, educational and laboratory, information and methodological, staffing).

The purpose of the state standard of general education is to provide:

  • equal opportunities for all citizens to receive quality education;
  • unity of the educational space in the Russian Federation;
  • protecting students from overload and maintaining their mental and physical health;
  • continuity of educational programs at different levels of general education, the possibility of obtaining professional education;
  • social security of students;
  • social and professional security of teaching staff;
  • the rights of citizens to receive complete and reliable information about state norms and requirements for the content of general education and the level of training of graduates of educational institutions;
  • the basis for calculating federal standards for financial costs for the provision of services in the field of general education, as well as for distinguishing between educational services in the field of general education financed from the budget and at the expense of the consumer, and for determining the requirements for educational institutions that implement the state standard of general education .

The state guarantees the general availability and free of charge of general education in educational institutions within the limits determined by the state standard of general education.

The state standard of general education is the basis for:

  • development of the federal basic curriculum, educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, basic curricula of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, curricula of educational institutions, exemplary programs in academic subjects;
  • objective assessment of the level of training of graduates of educational institutions;
  • objective assessment of the activities of educational institutions;
  • determining the volume of budget financing of educational services, the provision of which to citizens on a gratuitous basis is guaranteed by the state throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • establishing the equivalence (nostrification) of documents on general education on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • establishment of federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of the equipment of the educational process, the equipment of educational premises.

The state standard of general education of the first generation included three components:

  • federal component - established by the Russian Federation (at least 75 percent of the total standard time allocated for the development of educational programs of general education is allocated);
  • regional (national-regional) component - is established by the subject of the Russian Federation (at least 10 percent of the total standard time allocated for the development of educational programs of general education is allotted);
  • component of the educational institution - independently established by the educational institution (at least 10 percent of the total standard time allocated for the development of educational programs of general education is allocated).

Starting from 2001, when the experiment on the transition to 12-year education was started, the 4th component was introduced - the student component: consultations, motor classes, etc. But they do not relate to the maximum educational load, therefore they are optional for students.

The order on the approval of the federal state educational standard (FSES) of secondary (complete) general education was signed before the resignation by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A.A. Fursenko on May 17, 2012 and registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice on June 7, 2012.

A detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the standard, as well as the history of the adoption of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary, secondary and high schools is given in the article. High School Educational Standard: Achievement or Disaster?

The draft standard was developed by the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Project development leaders: Kezina.//.//.. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education; Kondakov A.M.. scientific adviser //(IPO RAO. Corresponding member of the RAO.

The structure of the Federal State Educational Standard. GEF is a set of three federal state educational standards:

    for primary secondary education;

    for basic secondary education;

    for complete secondary education.

Each standard includes requirements for:

    to the results of mastering the main educational program of secondary general education;

    to the structure of the main educational program of secondary general education, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, to the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;

    to the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of secondary education, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions.

Requirements in different standards - for primary, basic, full secondary education are homogeneous in form (in terms of the composition of requirements), but different in content, taking into account the training, existing subject competence, age characteristics and abilities of students. At the same time, the task is to ensure the continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, vocational education.

If you carefully read the last paragraph of the above requirements, you can immediately notice that this is a requirement for the conditions of education, for the implementation of the educational process, and therefore for the educational environment. That is, the direct relationship between the Federal State Educational Standards and the educational environment is determined. Moreover, this relationship is realized in the form of a complex of direct and feedback:

    the conditions of the educational process, expressed in the educational environment, affect its implementation and the results achieved;

    achievement of the required results specified in the Standard implies the existence of requirements for the conditions for this achievement.

Therefore, the new Standard and the educational environment must be in a balanced combination. This means that their study, study is also interconnected: the study of the educational environment lies in the way of studying the content, features and new opportunities of the Federal State Educational Standard (Fig. 1.2.).

Fig.1.2. The relationship between the requirements of society and education

It should be noted that GEF is part of the educational environment. This is a legal document expressing the order of the company, the procedure and conditions for its implementation. At the same time, it regulates not only the implementation and development of education, but also the development of the educational environment - directly and indirectly. It is in these aspects that we will consider it in what follows.

The first and main feature of the Federal State Educational Standard is the return to general education of the upbringing function, expressed in requirements and expected results:

    in the general provisions of the Standard, which indicates the orientation "to the formation of the personal characteristics of the graduate ("portrait of a school graduate");

    in the results of subject education, including general educational results;

    in the results of personal development.

The upbringing of the student is named one of the goals to which this standard (FGOS) is aimed.

Achieving the goal of educating a student involves a significant increase in the requirements for the educational environment.

The second feature of the GEF. The new educational standard introduces a new pedagogical category - the results of mastering the main educational program of primary, basic or complete secondary education (educational results, learning outcomes). The concept of the results of education and training was present in the pedagogical environment even earlier. But these results were perceived as an expression of the achievement of the goals of education and subject training, i.e. were derived from the content of goals, a reflection of purposefulness.

According to the new standard, educational results become an independent concept of pedagogy and an element of the educational sphere. As a conceptual category, they are applicable to subject systems of education - to educational subjects, considered here as learning outcomes. In this capacity, they become the subject of methodological research and constitute an independent component of the methodological system of subject education. "Learning Outcomes".

The content of the results and learning objectives should not duplicate (repeate) each other. Goals should be conceptual, determine the learning strategy, its general direction. Whereas the results of subject education should be more specific, expressing its goals and the concept of educational results of the Federal State Educational Standard - to constitute a set of specific educational achievements planned in the methodological system of this education.

The component "Learning Outcomes" in the subject methodological system, program, teaching materials allows you to model learning, formulate it in the form information model through determining the relationship between the content of the results, on the one hand, and the goals, methods, content, means and forms of education, on the other hand. That is, learning outcomes are a unifying, systematizing element in teaching an educational subject and in its methodology.

The third feature of the GEF– learning outcomes structured highlighting three main types of results − personal, meta-subject and subject. Each of these types presupposes the presence of a certain direction of education in general and subject-based education in particular, as well as the existence of a certain set of requirements for the educational and educational preparation of students.

The new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES, Standard) puts personal and meta-subject learning outcomes in the secondary education system at the forefront:

“The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of secondary (complete) general education:

personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, a system of significant social and interpersonal relationships, value-semantic attitudes that reflect personal and civic positions in activities, social competencies, legal awareness, the ability to set goals and build life plans, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society;

metasubject, including interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, the ability to build an individual educational trajectory , possession of skills in research, design and social activities;

subject, including skills mastered by students in the course of studying the subject area, specific for this subject area, types of activities to obtain new knowledge within the framework of the subject, its transformation and application in educational, educational-project and social-project situations, the formation of a scientific type of thinking, scientific ideas about key theories, types and types of relationships, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques. (FGOS).

Subject learning outcomes no less than personal and metasubject are needed:

Firstly, this knowledge and skills reveal the specifics of the subject being studied and specialization in the subject area, and make it possible to achieve the required level of competence in this area. They are not universal and more specific, but, having the most direct relation to this subject, they create the necessary basis for the formation of other knowledge and skills for the development of the student's personality.

Secondly, subject knowledge and skills are necessary as data for the description of knowledge, elementary knowledge for the formation of knowledge of a higher order: without subject knowledge, it is impossible to count on a student's full perception of meta-subject knowledge.

A special role in the Standard is assigned to the subject results at the integrated (general educational) level:

“Subject results at the integrated (general educational) level should be focused on the formation of a common culture and the implementation of predominantly ideological, educational and developmental tasks of general education, as well as the tasks of socialization of students ”(FGOS).

That is, the subject results at the integrated (general educational) level are designed to create the necessary basis for achieving personal results, increasing its ability to adapt in the social information environment, self-knowledge, self-organization, self-regulation, self-improvement.

Spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students are named in the Standard among the main areas of secondary education that they provide.

According to the Standard, each educational subject must contribute to the formation of general educational subject results, develop, shape the culture and worldview of students with its specific means and express them at the level of its own forms.

This coincides with the requirements of education itself, an advanced pedagogical environment - teachers, methodologists, etc. That is, this is a condition of education, coming from the depths of education itself, suffered by it. Without a doubt, this should affect the development of the educational environment, its qualitative transformation.

However, the priority in the Standard is given to personal and meta-subject learning outcomes. Subject results are a necessary basis on which others are formed - personal and meta-subject. But this base should not be self-sufficient - it should ensure development.

metasubject results. Modern knowledge requires not only fundamentalization, but also universalization, or rather, a balanced combination of fundamentalization and universalization. The fundamental nature of knowledge and professional competence is needed by a specialist whose activities are focused on a rather narrow area.

Of course, the fundamentalization of education is necessary in the university. However, the modern constantly expanding world of knowledge requires their generalization, obtaining knowledge of a higher level on their basis. Therefore, in the university, universalization in training is also necessary.

A student is a personal system being formed, the cognitive interests of which have not yet been finally determined. Therefore, he needs universal (meta-subject) knowledge and skills to a greater extent. A certain degree of fundamentalization involves specialized training. However, the fact that the subject of learning has universal knowledge always gives him additional opportunities and brings him to a new, higher level of knowledge. He is better oriented in the educational field, adapts in the educational field, has great abilities for obtaining and acquiring knowledge, for personal development and self-development. He has relatively large opportunities for productive knowledge of the world, including self-knowledge.

Meta-subject results in the Standard are, first of all:

    interdisciplinary concepts that are used in various subjects, specifically expressed in them, and in fact represent a conceptual category;

    universal learning activities: regulatory, cognitive, communication, also having a wide (interdisciplinary) scope;

    ability for self-organization and educational interaction (cooperation);

    ability to apply their knowledge and skills.

A special role in the formation of meta-subject results is given to educational subjects, the content, methods of which are of general educational importance - logic, language (colloquial and formal), information processes and information interaction, communication (at the level of language and information technologies). These subjects (mathematics, computer science, language) become meta-subjects, sources of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, and occupy a central place in education according to the Federal State Educational Standard (required for education).

For example. General educational philological (language) knowledge is used in computer science when studying the topics “Designation and coding of information”, “Programming languages”, etc. At the same time, this knowledge itself is brought to a new meta-subject level - the implementation of direct and feedback.

Comment. The concept of metasubjectivity has another (no less important) meaning: as a description of the area of ​​a given subject, a general interpretation of its content. This is also necessary: ​​the achievement of meta-subject results presupposes the presence of a meta-subject description and interpretation. Otherwise, metasubject connections cannot arise. In this respect, mathematics, informatics, native language can be considered as universal metalinguistic means, subjects of the same name - as means of implementing their metalinguistic means in other educational subjects.

As we can see, the idea of ​​metasubjectivity, expressed in the Standard, also conceptually coincides with the ideas about it in the pedagogical (scientific and methodological) environment. The implementation of these ideas will make it possible to systematize the educational process and its results (into a single system of learning outcomes), to significantly increase the potential of interdisciplinary and metasubject communication.

With this implementation, much the role of the educational environment is growing, as an area of ​​intersystem (intersubject) relations, a mediator, and hence an active participant in these relations.

personal results. Training is proposed to be carried out in the aspect of the following:

formation of the student's readiness for self-development and continuous education; designing and constructing the social environment for the development of students in the education system.

Therefore, personal results suggest the presence of a combination of social, spiritual, intellectual qualities:

    the formation of “civil identity, patriotism”, love and willingness to serve the Fatherland, a conscious civil law position, responsibility, an active position of the subject, “consciously accepting traditional national and universal humanistic and democratic values”;

    the formation of the worldview in the aspect of the dialogue of cultures, forms of morality, art, religion; perception of the moral values ​​of society;

    "readiness and ability for independent, creative and responsible activity (educational, teaching and research, communication, etc.), education and self-education throughout life."

We did not reproduce here all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for personal learning outcomes (they are extensive - a sign of special attention to these results):

    firstly, they are multilevel (for three levels of education);

    secondly, work with primary sources is always more valuable than with their presentation. We limited ourselves to reflecting the position of the Federal State Educational Standard on this issue, which, like the previous ones (in terms of subject and meta-subject results), expresses the requirements and trends in the development of modern education, the position of advanced pedagogy.

Continuity of personality education means the presence of its ability to self-education, self-education, self-improvement. Accordingly, the main goal of education is teach to learn to form the foundations of a culture of knowledge, cognition, social and legal relations.

Readiness for self-education and self-learning, in turn, means the ability to:

    to self-organization, self-government, self-determination, self-regulation, to self-development;

    to self-knowledge as a spiritual and intellectual person, identifying their interests and needs, abilities and opportunities (potential).

The task of the educational environment, IEE is to fill all these requirements and positions with content that provides:

    identification and conceptual (semantic, socio-cultural, aspect) interpretation of the terms used;

    formation of knowledge and ideas about the content of the relevant concepts;

    personal perception and “appropriation” by students of basic social and universal values;

    formation of students' motivation and needs for action and interaction in accordance with these values.

Knowledge, skills, competencies of the subject of education can and, in fact, should be formed in subject education as its results, including general education. As for the subculture, personal self-development, they are formed, developed, manifested mainly in the processes of independent interaction in the environment and with the environment, with the educational environment, ISE.

The fourth feature of the GEF. The Standard introduces new concepts of “compulsory subjects”, “optional subjects”, “optional subjects”:

    "mandatory" - study is mandatory;

    "by choice" - a choice from a certain set to a certain number;

    "optional" - a choice is possible on the basis of "educational services". The term "educational services" is also an innovation of the Federal State Educational Standard, although such services already exist in the field of education, and there is a need for them.

To a certain extent, the innovation of the Standard allows you to unload the training program (the total content of the subjects studied) for each individual student, provided that he (with the help of parents and teachers) determines the optimal teaching load in the paradigm compulsory subjects - elective subjects. But he can overestimate his strength by going along the line of "educational services." May occur personal information security problem student - overload with educational activities and information.

Obviously, since we are talking about the security of the personal educational environment, the problem of its security also applies to the educational environment (from general to personal). The choice of subjects studied can be a personal matter. However, personal security is a public matter.

The fifth feature of the Federal State Educational Standard is to achieve the logical closure of requirements. The conditions of education are diverse, and it is quite difficult to achieve complete logical isolation of the requirements for it. However, the Standard makes a serious attempt to achieve a balance of educational, informational and methodological requirements, requirements for IEE, infrastructure, financial, economic, personnel.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, each educational institution creates in accordance with the requirements and structure specified in it own educational program containing the target, content and organizational sections, the system for evaluating the results.

    program for the development of universal educational activities (UUD);

    curriculum of subjects and courses;

    program of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students.

The organizational section contains curriculum and system of conditions.

Obviously, the system of conditions is, first of all, the conditions of the educational environment, the IEE of a given (each specific) educational institution, the requirements for their definition, organization, creation, and functioning. The same applies to every educational subject.

Thus, each educational institution (school), each subject training according to the Federal State Educational Standard, each training course in this institution must develop a systematic description, information model, project of the corresponding ITS in the aspect of active interaction with it, relying on it in achieving the planned results.

In recent weeks, the society has been vigorously discussing the new educational standard of the Russian school. On the Internet, the media, on radio and television, sometimes very harsh judgments are heard, from rational criticism to loud statements about the impending collapse of domestic secondary education. For clarifications about the Federal State Educational Standard, the portal turned to the developers of the standard. Lyubov Nikolaevna Fedenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the ISIO RAE for standardization of general education, agreed to answer our questions.

Question: What is the GEF, and how will it affect the education of children?

Answer: In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (as amended by Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007; Art. 7) federal state educational standards (FSES) are a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of educational programs by all schools that have state accreditation.

The first difference between the Federal State Educational Standard and its predecessors- reliance on the results of identifying the needs of the individual, family, society and the state to the results of general education.

The second fundamental difference of GEF is their focus on achieving not only subject educational results, but, above all, on the formation of the personality of students, their mastery of universal methods of educational activity, ensuring success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education.

The third fundamental difference between the new standards from previous versions - this is a difference in structure.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education is a fundamentally new document for the national school, the purpose and functions of which are unprecedented in its history. Compared with the standards of the first generation, its subject, its scope has significantly expanded and began to cover areas of educational practice that have never been standardized from a single systemic position. GEF actually determines the whole way of school life, is the constitution of general education.

The Federal State Educational Standard orients education towards achieving a new quality, adequate to the modern (and even predictable) demands of the individual, society and the state.

The introduction of the second generation standard will change the school life of the child in many ways. We are talking about new forms of organization of education, new educational technologies, a new open information and educational environment that goes far beyond the boundaries of the school. That is why, for example, the Program for the Formation of Universal Educational Activities has been introduced into the standard, and exemplary programs are focused on the development of independent educational activities of the student (on such types of educational and extracurricular (extracurricular) activities as educational design, modeling, research activities, role-playing games, etc. )

GEF is a guideline for the development of programs for individual subjects, courses. The composition of the main educational program includes a curriculum that determines the total amount of workload and the maximum amount of classroom workload of students, the composition and structure of compulsory subject areas, as well as the programs of individual academic subjects, courses.

- Are there three GEFs in total?

At present, two standards have been approved and put into effect by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (grades 1-4) and the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (grades 5-9). The GEF project of secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11) is under consideration and will be approved in the near future.

- Where did the approbation of the Federal State Educational Standards take place, for how long?

Education standards have been developed in stages since 2006. Simultaneously, they were tested in regional schools. The results of all developments and testing have been repeatedly discussed in the professional community at seminars, meetings, conferences with the participation of representatives of the regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow region, Yaroslavl region, Leningrad region, Kaliningrad region, Dagestan, Rostov region, Tatarstan, Orenburg region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Chelyabinsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Stavropol Territory, Omsk Region), at meetings with students' parents and the public.
Discussion of all documents is constantly carried out on the specialized Internet site "New standards of general education: on the way to a social contract", the site of the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education

- Were adjustments made to the GEF of primary general education based on the results of approbation? What character?

All constructive comments made by teachers during the discussions were taken into account by the developers.

- When developing standards, did the developers take into account the experience of other countries?

Of course, the experience of all countries in which students show high levels was carefully analyzed and taken into account when developing the Federal State Educational Standard.

- Will curricula and textbooks be developed by September 1st?

All primary education programs have been developed and published, and materials of instrumental and methodological support have also been developed and partially published to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education. Separate documents are posted on the site,. At seminars held at ISIO RAO, seminar participants receive CDs with lecture notes and methodological materials. The textbooks included in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science have passed the examination and comply with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Let's take a closer look at the GEF Project for High School, which causes the most controversy. Parents and teachers are concerned about the issue of compulsory and optional subjects. Will such freedom of choice affect the basic literacy of graduates?

The principle of variability in education has been implemented in Russia since 1992, when the current Law "On Education" was adopted. It consists in providing students with the opportunity to choose subjects and additional courses in accordance with their interests and aspirations. The curriculum included an invariant part and a variable part. The variable part contained regional and school components (the content of education was determined by the region and the school and did not always meet the needs of students and parents). In the new standard, the main educational program also consists of two parts: a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process. Thus, great rights are given to all participants in the educational process (primarily parents and students) to influence the content of education. The obligatory part reinforces the study of all "basic" academic subjects. Participants in the educational process can additionally choose to study subjects, modules, courses, engage in extracurricular activities that are not directly related to the subjects being studied. All these classes are included in the main educational program and are paid for by the budget. In high school today, specialized education is being implemented, the student can choose subjects for deeper study in accordance with his interests and life prospects. The proposed draft new standard takes this approach further. Traditional mandatory subject areas are defined, in accordance with their interests, the student chooses the level of compulsory study of academic subjects from this area: profile, basic or integrated. Subjects such as physical education, life safety and Russia in the world are presented at the same level and are required for study. In addition, he can choose to study additional courses, modules, disciplines, extracurricular activities. Funding for all these classes within the total number of hours defined by the standard (which is more than the current one) is provided by the budget.

Alexander Kondakov, general director of the Prosveshchenie publishing house: “In fact, the new standards propose to consider the 9th grade as the completion of basic education. 10-11th grades - this is the preparation of the child, taking into account his individual requests. This is a real individualization of the learning process for further socialization, professional activities and vocational education.

In the senior classes, 10 subjects will remain instead of the current 20. All of them are divided into six groups. From each student must choose one thing: either an in-depth study of algebra and then go through Russian literature at the top, choosing "Russian literature", or sit down at the Russian language, and instead of chemistry, physics and biology take a general course "natural science". There are only three lessons that everyone does not choose, but attend: physical education, life safety and the new discipline "Russia in the world."

- And if the student is exempted from compulsory physical education lessons?

GEF does not regulate learning technologies. Regarding the conduct of physical education lessons, you must contact the leaders of the school.

- Who will determine the number of hours allocated for the study of a particular subject?

The number of hours for studying subjects is determined by the school curriculum included in the main educational program. The main educational program is developed and approved by the educational institution in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education" independently on the basis of an exemplary main educational program developed at the federal level with the participation of the regions. As part of the exemplary basic educational program (they are designed for primary and basic general education), there are 3-4 options for the basic (exemplary) curriculum. An educational institution can choose one of the proposed options or develop a curriculum on its own.

Currently, there are 15-17 subjects in the tenth grader's schedule. GEF suggests reducing their number to 10 (3 mandatory and 7 optional from the proposed subject areas). Why did the developers decide to make such a reduction?

The FSES project of the senior level has not yet been approved, it is being discussed in the professional community, in the media and at the level of the general public. There is no question of any reduction in the number of items. It remains mandatory to study the traditional set of subject areas, the student can choose the level of study of the subjects he needs.

How will the implementation of the GEF requirements be monitored? Will attestation of schoolchildren be carried out on the basis of curricula or a "portrait of a graduate"?

Control over the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard will be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in education. A new Federal Law “On Education” is being prepared, which will outline the control procedures. They are, first of all, procedures for licensing, accreditation of educational institutions and attestation of graduates, including state attestation. The criteria basis for the certification of graduates are the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs, presented in the Federal State Educational Standard, and specifying their planned results. The Federal State Educational Standard and the draft new law provide for monitoring studies that identify trends in the development of education systems and educational institutions.