Words in Old Russian and what they mean. Take rubbish out of the hut

"FROM and my Great Evil is ignorance and ignorance"

Comments on words are taken from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, books by Nikolai Levashov, documentaries by Sergei Strizhak.

"Worldview affects the social orientation of people's thinking, their psychological attitude, the activity or passivity of their life position. A free people will always choose an active position, and a people resigned to slavery will choose a passive one. And this is reflected in word formation, in what new words are created by the people And studying the words of the same people in different periods, its folklore, only by this sign it is possible to determine the qualitative state of the people or nation at the time of the creation of certain words.

Initially Race language existed on the basis four major and two auxiliary types of writing.

1. This Pre-Aryan Etrags, transmitting multidimensional Values ​​​​and diverse Runes. Some of these symbols formed the basis of the cryptograms of the Critomycene culture, as well as the hieroglyphic writing of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Korea and Japan.

2. Harian Karuna, from 256 runes. This ancient Greek letter formed the basis of the ancient Sanskrit DAVANAGARI and was used by the ancient priests of India and Tibet.

DAVANAGARI: Virgin on Mount. Specially trained Indian dancers, using the plastic language, helped the priests to convey Vedic texts to the population.

3. Rasenskie Molvitsy. Etruscan letter the same Slavs and Aryans who inhabited Italy in ancient times. This letter formed the basis of the Ancient Phoenician Alphabet.

4. The most common in antiquity Holy Russian letter or Initial letter with different fonts, which formed the basis of many European languages, including English.

5. First Auxiliary: Glagolitic or trade letter, which was used for commercial transactions and trade agreements.

6. Second auxiliary: Traits and Cuts. From the words to draw and cut. He was also called birch bark. It was simple and was widely used for everyday records and messages.

There was one language, but many ways of writing.

The circumcision of the Russian language was constantly taking place, thereby narrowing the consciousness of native speakers and depriving the people of figurative thinking.

« Cyril and Methodius they took an ancient Slavic initial letter, in which there were 49 initial letters, threw out 5 letters, because there were no such sounds in the Greek language, and for 4 they gave Greek names.

Yaroslav the Wise I removed one more letter. There are 43 left.

Peter the Great reduced to 38.

Nicholas II up to 35.

Lunacharsky up to 31 letters, while removing images and introducing phonemes instead of images. And the language became without figurative, that is, ugly. The rules of word formation have disappeared. (Pater Diy Alexander)

The vocabulary of the Russian language is more than 5,000,000 words.

It is the richest language on the planet.

The basic words of the Russian language belong to the vernacular and have a sacred meaning.

Today, 40% of words in the Russian language are no longer unambiguous.

Basic words are being repressed as archaic.

Along with the loss of these words, we gradually lose our memory.

Holy Russian letter or Letter

"The words of the Old Russian language are word-forming and do not consist of individual letters, but of the abbreviation of initial letters and individual words."

"The function of the Russian language is not so much communication as the restoration of a person.

In Russian, every word has its own sacred hidden meaning.

BUT - a az (God who lives on earth is the Creator).

B - Gods (diverse Divine meaning).

V - vy (ie) di (I know wisdom on earth and heaven).

To two English verbs to see and to look in Russian: to look, to look, to see, to see, to stare, to look, to stare, to stare, to contemplate, to observe ...

R- one of the 49 images of the initial letter RITS - Speech, Speak, Speak, as well as Connection of Earth and Heaven. This connection is an instant information exchange between the Explicit and Spiritual Worlds through the WORD.

WORD- material spoken thought, and GOD one who consistently transmits the traditions of his kind in the image of the original universe, which is PERFECTION. The one who distorts Perfection and harms it is doomed to loss of consciousness and genetic mutation because IGNORANCE is EVIL. This is how the resonances between the Earthly and the Heavenly are damped, and this is how the PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE OF SIMILARIES is violated, and in Russian “WHAT YOU SOW, YOU WILL REAP”

"WORD" is a Symbol expressing an Image

Consider the phrase LIFESTYLE

"IMAGE» or « IMAGE"- (ABOUT) double(ONE-ONE) single(b) we create or O n B ogami R nice AZ, etc.

"IMAGE" or earlier "Obraz" an abbreviation consisting of initial letters On Gods Yer Rytsy Az adding the meaning of each initial letter we get On Gods Yer Rytsy AzHe is Created by Gods Recommended by Ace.

On the example of the word IMAGE, we see how the simplification or reduction of seemingly unnecessary letters in a word distorts the image of the word IMAGE. This is how the degradation of the language and through it the KIND occurs.

Az or according to modern Ac:Man or God incarnate on earth.

Rytsy:speech, speech

Word "LIFE""ZHI Z N" is also an abbreviation ZHIVOt Earth Nash Er - Belly of Our Earth Created from Above

Combining words LIFESTYLE we get Gods and Ace Created One of the Faces Alive or Being in one of the qualities or Role in the Game

Through labor to grow the Soul and soar spiritually

Life is harmony with the surrounding world. If it is violated, Life is interrupted.

"ALIVE"unit of life; our true self.

"The man of the future is the one with the longest memory"Friedrich Nietzsche

“For example, the new “rules” of spelling imposed on the Russian people after 1917. ... Replacing letters in many words Z with a letter FROM immediately kills these words and fundamentally changes their meaning and meaning, and violates the harmony and resonance with the genetics of the ancestors. Let's go ahead and check it out. living word WITHOUT selfish, denoting a person who does not have selfish interests (without self-interest), after the replacement turns into BES selfish ( DEMON SENIOR). In Russian, the word BES means, as everyone knows, evil spirits and any Russian person at the subconscious level, ON THE LEVEL GENETIC MEMORY will be REACT NEGATIVELY at the word and, naturally, involuntarily, there will be a negative attitude TO THE MAN NOT TO HAVING BENEFITS. Such a seemingly insignificant change is enough to cause a negative reaction to positive qualities at the level of genetic memory. Prefix WITHOUT denoting the absence of something, very cleverly CHANGED word BES, noun. And many single-root words (words having one root) became two-root (having two roots). At the same time, the meaning of words and their influence on a person fundamentally changed. The positive meaning has been changed to a negative one (example: selfless- disinterested). And what is the impact of such a substitution on words that initially carry a negative meaning?! Let's see... For example, the word WITHOUT cordial denoting a person WITHOUT HEARTS, soulless, cruel, where WITHOUTCONSOLE by the way, the heart, after the substitution turned into a word BES cordial, in a word that has two roots BES and HEART, with emphasis on the first root - BES. And thus, a heart demon is obtained. Isn't that right, curious shifter?! And this is no coincidence. Take other words from BES ohm and get the same picture: BES strong instead of WITHOUT strong. With such a substitution, the idea is imposed on a person at the subconscious level that in all situations in which he (the person) finds himself WITHOUT strength, in other words - could not accomplish or do anything, BES turns out STRONG, on high! It turns out imposing the idea of ​​the futility of trying to do something because BES stronger. And again, the word WITHOUT useful, meaning an action without benefit, turned into useful BES a is useless. And there are many such words: WITHOUT good - BES worthwhile, WITHOUT sensual - BES sensual, WITHOUT honest - BES honest, WITHOUT whole - BES whole, WITHOUT scary - BES scary, etc. Thus, the concept of a person who has lost himself (loose) is replaced by the assertion that BES but there is a way (dissolute), the concept of a person who has lost his humanity (insensible) has been replaced by the statement that BES, just something sensual; the concept of a person who has lost his honor, honesty (dishonest) - by the assertion that the demon is just something honest (dishonest); the concept of a person who has lost or had no purpose in life (purposeless) - a statement that BES but there is always a goal (aimless); the concept of a person who does not know fear (fearless) - by the assertion that the demon is just something scary and one should be afraid of him (fearless). And these are far from all the words in which, replacing the letter “ Z» to the letter « FROM”, fundamentally changed both the word itself and its meaning. Those who wish can verify this for themselves by opening any dictionary of the Russian language ... "

Our ancestors of the Slavic-Aryans called these lands the Burning Camp, which eventually transformed into one word - Palestine, which in English transcription is pronounced as PALESTINE. The word Palestine came into the Russian language, having passed through the "spoiled telephone" of the English language. Russian name SINGED STAN in the English version it was written as Palestine and in this form it returned to the Russian language as an English word, although in English it is pronounced as Palestine - the same Burning Stan.

Nastenka has been RA detalny - RA active!

Word "Careful" came from the word Ra child" - " RA act”, which means “act according to the laws of Ra”, according to the laws SVETA

for any free person, work is a joy, because if you put your soul into any business, a living creation of human hands comes out from under your hands, giving RA reach not only the worker himself, but also all the rest.

modern word MILL has the same root as the word MELENKA. Word " MELET" became the root word for these two words, and not the word " GRIND", which is the first thing that comes to mind. And this means that our ancestors preferred words that denote the action itself, and not words that denote the consequence of this action.

Our ancestors have always called people who do not speak Russian Germans. Even the Russian word "German" arose from the merger of two words - NEM SAY(this).

SLAVE otnikov

The meaning of the word is distorted "STUPID"! According to our ancestors, STUPID- this is WIFE Hurray or SOUL Hurray!

« UR”- people who have gone through the earthly cycle of development and reached the level of the CREATOR.

Our ancestors revered the Patron Goddess of orphans and children in general - "Baba Yoga"(Yogini-Mother)! Baba Yoga - the ever-beautiful, benevolent, loving Patron Goddess, in Christian times "turned" into a Baba Yaga - a bone leg, which has "legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and its nose has grown to the ceiling ..." Very "close" similarity! But that's not all!

The Vedic Baba Yoga wandered around Midgard-earth either on a fiery Heavenly chariot (Small Vaitmara), or on horseback through all the lands where the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan lived, gathering homeless orphans in towns and villages:

« ... In every Slavic-Aryan Vesi, even in every populous city or settlement, the Patron Goddess was recognized by the radiant KINDNESS, TENDERNESS, MEEKNESS, LOVE and elegant boots, decorated with gold patterns, and showed Her where orphans live. Ordinary people called the Goddess in different ways, but always with tenderness, who GRANDMA'S YOGA GOLDEN FOOT, and who is quite simply - Yogini-Mother.

Yoginya brought orphans to her beautiful Skeet, which was located in the very depths of the forest, at the foot of the Iri mountains (Altai). She did all this in order to save these last representatives of the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from inevitable death.

In the foothill Skete, where the Yogini-Mother saw the orphans through FIRE RITE OF DEDICATION TO THE ANCIENT HIGHER GODS, there was the Temple of the Family, carved inside the mountain.

Near the mountain Temple of the Family there was a special depression in the rock, which the Priests of the Family called the Cave of Ra. A stone platform was put forward from it, divided by a ledge into equal recesses, called “lapata”. In one recess, which was closer to the Cave of Ra, Mother Yogini laid sleeping orphans in white clothes. Dry brushwood was put into the second recess, after which the lapata was moved back into the Cave of Ra, and the Yogini set fire to the brushwood.

For all those present at the Fiery Rite, this meant that orphans were dedicated to the Ancient Higher Gods, and no one else would see them in the worldly life of the Clans. FOREIGNERS, who sometimes attended the Fire Rites, very colorfully told in their area that they watched with their own eyes how LITTLE CHILDREN WERE SACRIFICED To the Ancient Gods, throwing them alive into the Fiery Furnace, and Baba Yoga did this. The strangers were not aware that when the pavement platform moved into the Cave of Ra, a special mechanism lowered the stone slab onto the protrusion of the paw, and separated the recess with the children from the Fire.

When the Fire in the Cave of Ra was lit, the Priests of the Family carried orphans from the recess on the paw to the premises of the Temple of the Family. Subsequently, priests and priestesses were raised from orphans, and when they became adults, young men and women created families and continued their clan. But the strangers did not know any of this and continued to spread tales that the wild Priests of the Slavic and Aryan peoples, and, in particular, the bloodthirsty Baba Yoga, sacrifice orphans to the Gods. These stupid foreign tales influenced the Image of the Yogini-Mother, especially after the Christianization of Russia, when the image of a beautiful young Goddess was replaced by the image of an ancient evil and hunchbacked old woman with matted hair, who steals small children, roasts them in an oven in a forest hut and then eats them. Even the name of the Goddess Yogini was distorted, they began to call Her “Baba Yaga - a bone leg” and began to frighten all the children with the Goddess ... "

Formerly, marriage was called "LADINA" -get along, get along, get along, okay.

"LADA"- The female hypostasis of the Family, the Spouse of Svarog. Mother of God Lada - Mother of the gods; She is also the Rozhanitsa, "Mother-Rodikha", who helps with childbirth, as well as the Goddess of abundance, ripening crops and fertility. For believers - Intercessor before the gods: protects from their wrath. Later, after the baptism of Russia, She was equated with the Christian Mother of God.

"LADA"- The highest creative hypostasis of the Spring of the Universe, it is a powerful energy of creation.

"WEDDING" SVA-D-B-A Heavenly Deed of the Gods of Ases for the family union is created for mutual assistance for the ascent to the World of Rule through the deed in the World of Reveal.

"REJOY" - We please ourselves

"GET ANGRY" - Angry Yourself

"WE FIGHT" - Derem Yourself

"WE FALL IN LOVE" - Falling in love with ourselves

"WE LEARN" - Teach Yourself

“Remember the people of the Clans of the Great Race that the wealth and prosperity of the ancient Clans of the great ones was originally contained in your small children, whom you should bring up in Love, Goodness and Diligence.” Commandment Stribog

Word "RITA" there is a Rune, and it denotes the Code of Laws on the purity of the Family and Blood. The Clans of the Great Race themselves called this Code the Heavenly Laws. According to the Laws of RITA from ancient times all Clans of the Great Race lived. People who violate the RITA Laws were reduced to the caste of untouchables (outcasts) and driven out of the Communities. As a result, they were forced to roam, unite in camps (these are persecuted, TSE - GANE, GYPSIES).

The name of the country "RUSSIA" arose from the word RASSEIA, which in turn was formed from the word "RASSION", the territory over which the great race settled, that is, the white peoples. Subsequently, the word Rasseniya passed into the Latin language as Ruthenia and began to be translated as Rus.

« ISLAM"- IS SA or Jesus Christ. Islam is a branch from the Christian religion adapted to the peoples of the east.

"POLITE"- in Russia, this word was not an adjective, but a real one and had an image "VEZHA" Knower of Life. Knowing, cognizant, at worst, scientist, educated. Hence the still unforgotten image "NEVEZHA".

"Vezhlivets" honorary title of a sorcerer, healer.

"WITCH" a very ancient Russian word and consists of images KOLO circle and DUNYA, a symbol of the connection of earthly and heavenly living fire (one of the one hundred and forty-four ancient symbols of the Slavs and Aryans)

In Russia, they always drank a lot, especially vodka, only vodka "VODKA" our ancestors called herbal preparations infused with pure spring water. Rusichi never drank alcohol in any form. It was Peter I who began to spread overseas filth

"ISM" in Russian Truth of the Earthly World

"CAPITAL ISM", "COMMUN ISM" - substitution of concepts

“We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by white negroes, to whom we will give such a tyranny as the most terrible despots of the East never dreamed of”

Trotsky - Bronstein -the one that in 1917 made the October Revolution in Russia


All these words are tuned according to the ancient abbreviation "KON"» created by our Fathers. Other « КЪНЪ» what we have created. You will not argue that the Constitution of Ukraine or the United States is ORIGINAL, it is LEGAL, that is, secondary to KONU. This means that we ourselves have created the rules of the Game, correcting the Real ones, and are trying to find Harmony in this game. A system based on coercion goes against Nature. There is no Compulsion in Nature.

"STATE"- this word came to Russia from Religion. The words LORD, LORD, GOVERNMENT, STATE have the same etyminology.

Russia ORTHODOX country, only this Orthodoxy is not Religious, but Vedic; it is based not on Worship, but on Wisdom.

« ORTHODOXY»- RIGHT TO PRAISE, a just thing to glorify, glorify the truth, glorify the World of Rule, glorify the World of the Ancestors of the Slavs.

« EDIT" - Vit Pravda.

Another image of the word « ORTHODOXY»- RULING NICE, to rule in the likeness of the World of SLAVI.

"VLADA" contemporary "POWER"- order measured by wisdom. The rulers owned the World because they were in harmony with it and did not spend money on their own security

In Old Russian VLADA

In Ukrainian VLADA

In Belarusian ULADA

"TRUTH" - RIGHT This the right or rule given, the right to give, a just cause or truth, the law of the World Rule, what belongs to the world. The basis of the Rus tradition.

Word "NOT TRUE" this is something that does not belong to the World of Rule, but is also information.

"Krivda" distorted information (curved), not belonging to the World of Reveal.

And the word "FALSE" meant - surface information located on the surface (on the bed) - distorted, incomplete information about something.

"RIGHT"- The world of the Supreme Ancestor and his children, the bright Slavic-Aryan Gods, who are our ancestors, and we are their great-grandchildren.

"RIGHT" in the original image meant not a legal term, but Code of PAKONOV of the World RIGHT(TRUTH, RIGHTEOUS, RULE, BOARD, ORTHODOXY, JUSTICE…)

The ancient Rus and Aryans had "POWER" - DRYZHAVA The Good Existence of the Clans is Alive by the Wisdom of Ases (embodied gods). In the State, people lived according to bright commandments, tribal foundations, CANONS communities and they did not have power structures. The control function was carried out A CIRCLE, on the state - Sovereign Circle, on the regional - Weighted Circles, below - tribal or communal Circles. The abilities of people in Dominion are not inherited or by acquaintance.

Now the word Power has a different meaning (substitution of concepts). Sovereign administration initially had no POWER. Power, as a means of coercion, arose with the advent of the STATE.

"AUTOCRACY" Self management

"COP RIGHT" "COPA": together(Heap, Piggy bank, En masse, Aggregate, Blend, Dome, Cooperation).

Analogy to Kopnov Law - Cossack Circle. "YASA-U-LITS" modern "YASAUL" - YASA - ZA (KON) clear, explanation, belt, yasak lands. Keep Clarity in Faces. He kept order in the Circle. So that no one confuses, but speaks sensibly, clearly.

"POWER" - Own It, Be in Lada, Lada.

"VLADA"- In knowledge, wisdom - LAD harmony order - A orsh (determining measure) - Order Measured by Wisdom. If it is in the language, then it was in fact. The language of the people reflects what makes sense to them, and this is essentially WORLD VIEW.

The Russian proverb “And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the igmer on the pipe” - everyone could do it themselves, there were no narrow specializations, and therefore Integrity and Independence were present. The division of labor was invented not for personal growth, but to increase profits and pass it off as a great progress in the development of Civilization.

"REALITY" now understood as REALITY.

Initially there was a different word and image, it has an abbreviation "REALITY".

Rune AL- the concentration of everything, "compressed" information. Firmament, stone ... (Altar, Altai, alchemy) reflects the Image of the Created Material World

Word RE: speech, repetition (REconstruction, REanimation) means Sounding, naming images with symbols, words. The word is not an image, it is secondary, so communication through words introduces a distortion. In this way REALity- verbal reality and is not what actually exists, but mutually agreed appearance of existence.

"REALITY" It's not appearance, it's Primary Divine Act; undistorted reality or TRUTH.

"EVENT"or REFLECTION of the world of Representation (Rule) in the Earthly world (Reveal)

There were no opposites in the Old Russian language. There was unity.

"LIGHT", "DARKNESS" -The path can be LIGHTED by Knowledge or be in the DARKNESS of ignorance.

Church Slavonic word "DARKNESS" comes from the ancient "MOROK", which means not the absence of Light, but the loss of Awareness or Guidance.

Word "LIGHT" brought down to a purely physical concept, while it comes from KNOWLEDGE. A KNOWLEDGE person knows where he is going, and an UNKNOWN one is in a DISORDER or a FAINT. What is the path here.

going LIGHT WAY inherent Creativity and Expansion. DARK WAY in the Ignorance. Walking on it can go only where the torch is lit, that is, to use someone's achievement. He is not capable of creating on his own and can only imitate and copy.

In this way "LIGHT WAY" it is the path of creation and evolution, and "DARK WAY"- movement towards consumption.

“If you clarify the initial meaning of all words, you can achieve enlightenment”

"HAPPINESS" or COMPATIBILITY, it is an action when the individual parts are put together in the right way and the result of this action is "PURPOSE"

"GOAL" "Wholeness" this is SE-AL. SE: that, AL: everything. Absolute Wholeness is GOD, that is, ALL.

GOAL INTEGRITY this state, a HAPPINESSis an action to achieve INTEGRITY .

In Russian Vedic culture, this is the Whole Single Genus, consisting of many generations of ancestors and descendants and Nature. This is not polytheism and not monotheism, this is the unity of the multitude. This PURPOSE WHOLENESS is the essence of the Slavic-Aryan Worldview.

Living water was called in Russia "PEVA", the Veduns prepared it from seven pure sources and sang over it.

"DARK" 10,000 thousand Planets of another world.Ultra violet and infrared light.

"SEX" in the old days, the analogue of this word was "REMOTE" "PLEASURE" device To give free rein to this device (male organ).

"MEMORY" Ace's Mental Path to the Created Image???

SAR - BALL - CIRCLE- 144 years old


"Incomprehensible words destroy the system of Images"

Basic word images: RA, BE, SO, BO, RE, LADA,

VI - aspiration up

LO - container

LI - connection

PA - guard (doubling the keyword enhances its meaning, PAPA - guard)

KA - spirit

KOM - clot

GA - way

PE - bright beginning, reconstruction

CE - man

SIM - the word of materialization pronounced upwards

ON - I give

The words that modern people use in daily communication in the days of Ancient Russia had a different, and sometimes completely opposite, meaning, linguists say. However, even amateur historians can find confirmation of this by reading birch bark documents.

Paper for writing appeared in Russia only in the 15th century and quickly replaced parchment and birch bark. Some linguists believe that the word "paper" came into Russian from late Latin - "bombacium" meant cotton. Paper in the sense of "document" and wallet in the sense of a place to store money - a later phenomenon.

The word "zhir" in the Old Russian language was associated with the word "to live" and meant "wealth, acquired, luxury, abundance." This word was considered a good omen for a child, so many old Russian names contained this root: Domazhir, Zhirovit, Zhiroslav, Nazhir. The Tale of Igor's Campaign says that Igor sinks fat (i.e. wealth) to the bottom of the Polovtsian river Kayala.

Ass in Russia was called what a person left to his descendants as a legacy. The fact that this is the most characteristic Slavic social term is evidenced by the heading of a note in Russkaya Pravda - “And this is about the ass”. The note says: " Even the brothers grow tall in front of the prince on the ass"("If the brothers will litigate before the prince about the inheritance"). The land that no one inherited was called "backless".

The ancients used the word "healthy" in the context of "successful and prosperous." Etymologically, the word meant "from a good tree." In the Novgorod IV chronicle there is such an example: “Come all in good health, but injure, and Ivan Klekachevich was brought to repose from that wound”. It becomes clear that even a mortally wounded warrior could have been healthy - after all, he emerged victorious.

In the Old Russian language, the word "swear" meant only "to touch" and "to touch". In the meaning of "swear allegiance" this word began to be used already in the 16th century under the influence of the Polish word "przysięgać".

The word "kill" in Russia meant not only "kill to death", but also "beat". In one of the birch bark letters, where a woman complains to an influential relative, it says: “My stepson beat (killed) me and drove me out of the yard. Will you tell me to go to the city? Or come here yourself. I have been beaten (I have been killed)."

Below we present to your attention an electronic Internet version of the dictionary of the Old Russian language. This resource also deserves to be added to the "Favorites" pages of your search engines.

Dictionary of Old Russian words with meaning and interpretation (ed. I. I. Sreznevsky).

The dictionary, published at the end of the 19th century after the death of the compiler, contains more than 40,000 dictionary entries and more than 17,000 derivative forms of words from the Old Russian, Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages.

Title page of the electronic version of the dictionary on the page oldrusdict.ru

The site provides a search by dictionary entries and meanings, phonetic search, as well as a dictionary table of contents for independent search of dictionary entries. If you wish, you can contact the developer if you find shortcomings in the project.

A small instruction on how to use the advanced search is also given on the main page of the dictionary.

Table of contents of the subdivisions of the dictionary of the Old Russian language
Detailed presentation with words typed in Russian and links to the desired page of the original.
Link to the page of the dictionary of Old Russian words from the table of contents of the electronic edition

Happy using!

Note to Rodnover

Despite the fact that the compiler of the above dictionary devoted much time to the study of pre-Christian traditions, cults and languages, the publication and other works of the researcher do not mention the special value of birch bark artifacts. Today, archaeologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences began to “find” them in large numbers in excavation sites of the 21st century, mainly with large state funding. By the way, the words “Veles” were also not found in the book. What can we say about the newfangled?!

In the middle of the 19th century, scientists did not know about Veles and Vedas. It’s just that Mikhail Zadornov has not yet been born - for nothing that he is a humorist.

Another feature that requires philological reflection is contained in the list of names of scientists who have devoted themselves to the study of antiquities. A note from Wikipedia attracts attention with a set of characteristic nationalities, in which Great Russian surnames are a rare exception.

Related material:

Scientifically substantiated exposure of the scientific version of world history from specialists from the authorized commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Extended video footage from the RSL conference on revealed substitutions and conscious manipulation of Russian history over the past two or three centuries.

Review of the site site for the historical study of A. V. Pyzhikov "The Edge of the Russian Schism". Video and transcript of a lecture by a scientist during the presentation of a new book.

Selected materials:

A selection of materials on the topic of the relationship between religious and secular perception of the world, including the headings "", "", materials "", information, as well as readers of the site "Old Believer Thought".

Visit the Customs section of our website. You will find in it a lot of interesting things from the undeservedly forgotten. . .

A lively and reasoned story about the methods of baptism practiced by the New Believers, and true baptism according to the canons of the Church.

A brief selection of objective literature on ancient Orthodoxy and the history of the Russian Church.

Which cross is considered canonical, why is it unacceptable to wear a pectoral cross with the image of a crucifix and other images?

Exclusive photographs depicting the consecration of the Great Epiphany Water in the Pokrovsky Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

A rich photo report on the appointment of the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and a sketch of the modern life of the true Church.

Meanings of obsolete Russian words

Monetary units:

From Tatarsk.Alty - six - an old Russian monetary unit.
Altyn - from the 17th century. - a coin consisting of six Moscow money.
Altyn - 3 kopecks (6 money).
Five-kopeck piece - 15 kopecks (30 money).

- ten kopeck Russian coin, issued since 1701.
Two hryvnia - 20 kopecks

- a small copper coin worth 2 kopecks, minted in Russia in the 17th century.
4 kopecks - twopenny.

money (denga)
- a small copper coin of 1/2 kopeck, minted in Russia from 1849 to 1867.

golden ruble
- the monetary unit of Russia from 1897 to 1914. The gold content of the ruble was 0.774 g of pure gold.

penny money
- Russian monetary unit, from the 16th century. minted from silver, gold, copper. The name "penny" comes from the image on the back of the coin of a rider with a spear.

- since 1704 Russian copper small change, 1/100 share of the ruble.

Half a ruble
- Russian coin, 1/2 share of the ruble (50 kopecks). Since 1654, fifty kopecks have been minted from copper, since 1701 - from silver.

Polushka - 1/4 kopeck
Half a half - 1/8 penny.
Half-half (half-half) was minted only in 1700.
- monetary unit of Russia. The regular minting of the silver ruble began in 1704. Copper and gold rubles were also minted. Since 1843, the ruble began to be issued in the form of a paper treasury bill.

"Old Russian Measures".
Monetary units:

Ruble \u003d 2 half a dozen
half = 50 kopecks
five-altyn = 15 kopecks
dime = 10 kopecks
Altyn = 3 kopecks
penny = 2 kopecks
2 money = 1/2 penny
polushka = 1/4 penny
In ancient Russia, foreign silver coins and silver bars - grivnas - were used.
If the goods cost less than a hryvnia, they cut it in half - these halves were called TIN or Ruble.
Over time, the words TIN were not used, they used the word Ruble, but half the ruble was called half-tin, a quarter - half-half-tin.
On silver coins, 50 kopecks were written COIN POL TINA.

Auxiliary measures of weight:

Pood = 40 pounds = 16.3804815 kg.
Bezmen is an old Russian unit of mass measurement, which was part of the Russian system of measures and was used in the north of the Russian Empire and in Siberia. 1 steelyard \u003d 1/16 pood or 1.022 kg.
Pound \u003d 32 lots \u003d 96 spools \u003d 0.45359237 kg.
(1 kg = 2.2046 lbs).
Lot = 3 spools = 12.797 grams.
Spool = 96 shares = 4.26575417 g.
Share - the smallest old Russian unit of mass
= 44.43 mg. = 0.04443 grams.

Auxiliary length measures:

A mile is 7 versts or 7.4676 km.

Verst - 500 fathoms or 1,066.781 meters

Sazhen \u003d 1/500 versts \u003d 3 arshins \u003d 12 spans \u003d 48 vershoks

A vershok = 1/48 fathoms = 1/16 arshins = 1/4 span = 1.75 inches = 4.445 cm = 44.45 mm. (Initially equal to the length of the main phalanx of the index finger).

Arshin = 1/3 fathoms = 4 spans = 16 inches = 28 inches = 0.7112 m.

Span \u003d 1/12 sazhens \u003d 1/4 arshin \u003d 4 inches \u003d 7 inches \u003d exactly 17.78 cm. (From the old Russian word "past" - palm, hand).

Elbow - a unit of length that does not have a specific value and approximately corresponds to the distance from the elbow joint to the end of the outstretched middle finger.

Inch - in Russian and English systems of measures 1 inch = 10 lines ("big line"). The word inch was introduced into Russian by Peter I at the very beginning of the 18th century. Today, an inch is most often understood as an English inch, equal to 2.54 cm.

Foot - 12 inches = 304.8 mm.

Set expressions

Heard a mile away.
A mad dog seven miles is not a detour.
Dear friend, seven miles is not the outskirts.
Versta Kolomna.
Oblique fathom in the shoulders.
Measure everyone by your own arshin.
Swallow arshin.
Two inches from the pot.

One hundred pounds.
Seven spans in the forehead.
Small spool but precious.
Go by leaps and bounds.
Find out how much a pound is dashing.
Not an inch of land (do not yield).
Scrupulous person.
Eat a pood of salt (together with someone).

Standard SI prefixes
(SI - "International System" - international system of metric units)

Multiple prefixes SI

101 m decameter dam
102 m hectometer hm
103 m kilometer km
106 m megameter mm
109 m gigameter Gm
1012 m terameter Tm
1015 m petameter Pm
1018 m exameter Em
1021 m zettameter Sm
1024 m yottameter Im
SI prefixes
value name designation
10-1 g decigrams dg
10-2 g centigram sg
10-3 g milligram mg
10-6 g microgram mcg
10-9 g nanogram ng
10-12 g picograms pg
10-15 g femtograms fg
10-18 g attogram ag
10-21 g zeptograms zg
10-24 g yoctogram ig


Archaisms are obsolete names of objects and phenomena that have other, modern names.

Armenian - a type of clothing
vigil - wakefulness
timelessness - hard time
voiceless - timid
benevolence - benevolence
prosper - prosper
transitory - transitory
lofty - pompous
outrage - revolt
in vain - in vain
big - big
coming - coming
beef - cattle
messenger - sent
verb - word
herd - a herd of cattle.
threshing floor - a fenced plot of land in a peasant economy, intended for storage, threshing and other processing of grains of bread
in order to
down - down, down
drogi (drogi) - light four-wheeled open spring carriage for 1-2 people
if - if
belly - life
to sharpen - to conclude
mirror - mirror
zipun (semi-caftan) - in the old days - outerwear for peasants. It is a collarless caftan made of coarse homemade cloth in bright colors with seams trimmed with contrasting cords.
ancient - from a long time ago
eminent - high
which - which, which
katsaveyka - Russian women's folk clothing in the form of a swinging short sweater, lined or trimmed with fur.
Konka - a type of urban transport
sedition - treason
kuna - monetary unit
cheeks - cheeks
covetousness - bribery
kiss - kiss
catcher - hunter
lyudin - a person
honeyed - flattering
bribe - reward, payment
slander - denunciation
name - name
monastery - monastery
bed - bed
barn (ovn - furnace) - an outbuilding in which sheaves were dried before threshing.
one - the one mentioned above
vengeance - revenge
finger - finger
pyroscaphe - steamer
pishchal - a type of firearm
death - death
ruin - doom
obstruction - obstruction
open - open
military - combat
this - this
take off - take off
poet - poet
smerd - peasant
ram - an ancient tool for destroying fortress walls
thief - thief
dungeon - prison
marketplace, bazaar
prepare - prepare
hope - hope
mouth - lips
child - child
expect - expect
food - food
yahont - ruby
yarilo - sun
yara - spring
yarka - a young sheep born in spring
spring bread - spring crops are sown in spring

Archaisms in proverbs and sayings:

Beat the thumbs
To beat the buckets - initially cut the log lengthwise into several parts - a block, round them from the outside and hollow out from the inside. Spoons and other wooden utensils were made from such blocks - baklush. The harvesting of buckles, in contrast to the manufacture of products from them, was considered an easy, simple matter that did not require special skills.
Hence the meaning - to do nothing, to mess around, to spend time idly.

Here you are, grandmother, and St. George's Day!
The expression came from the time of medieval Russia, when the peasants had the right, having settled with the previous landowner, to move on to a new one.
According to the law issued by Ivan the Terrible, such a transition could take place only after the completion of agricultural work, and specifically a week before St. George's Day (November 25, according to the old style, when the Great Martyr George, the patron saint of farmers, was celebrated) or a week later.
After the death of Ivan the Terrible, such a transition was prohibited and the peasants were fixed to the land.
Then the expression "Here you are, grandmother, and St. George's Day" was born as an expression of chagrin due to changed circumstances, about unexpectedly unfulfilled hopes, sudden changes for the worse.
St. George was popularly called Yegoriy, therefore at the same time the word "cheat" arose, that is, to deceive, to cheat.

upside down
1) somersault, over the head, upside down;
2) upside down, in complete disarray.
The word torso can go back to the verb to stir up, that is, "pull, turn over." It is also assumed that tormashki comes from the dialect torma - "legs".
According to another hypothesis, the word torso is related to the word brake (old tormas). Tormas used to be called iron strips under the sleigh runner, used to make the sleigh roll less.
The expression upside down could refer to a sleigh overturned on ice or snow.

There is no truth at the feet - an invitation to sit down.
There are several possible origins for this saying:
1) according to the first version, the combination is due to the fact that in the XV-XVIII centuries. in Russia, debtors were severely punished, beaten with iron rods on their bare legs, seeking the repayment of the debt, that is, "truth", but such a punishment could not force those who had no money to return the debt;
2) according to the second version, the combination arose due to the fact that the landowner, having discovered the loss of something, gathered the peasants and forced them to stand until the culprit was named;
3) the third version reveals the connection of the expression with pravozh (cruel punishment for non-payment of debts). If the debtor fled from the right by flight, they said that there was no truth at the feet, that is, it was impossible to knock out the debt; with the abolition of the rule, the meaning of the saying has changed.

The rein (harness) fell under the tail - about someone who is in an unbalanced state, shows eccentricity, incomprehensible persistence.
The reins are harnesses for driving a harnessed horse. In a horse, under the tail, part of the croup is not covered with hair. If the reins get there, the horse, being afraid of tickling, can suffer, break the wagon, etc.
With this behavior of a horse, a person is compared.

Wolf ticket (wolf passport)
In the 19th century, the name of a document that closed access to a public service, an educational institution, etc. Today, phraseological units are used in the sense of a sharply negative characterization of someone's work.
The origin of this turnover is usually explained by the fact that a person who received such a document was not allowed to live in one place for more than 2-3 days and he had to wander like a wolf.
In addition, in many combinations, wolf means "abnormal, inhuman, bestial", which strengthens the opposition between the owner of the wolf ticket and other "normal" people.
Lying like a gray gelding
There are several options for the origin of phraseology.
1. The word gelding comes from the Mongolian morin "horse". In historical monuments, horse siv, gelding siv are very typical, the adjective gray "light gray, gray" shows the old age of the animal. The verb to lie had a different meaning in the past - "talk nonsense, idle talk; chatter." The gray gelding here is a stallion that has turned gray from long work, and figuratively - a man who is already talking from old age and is carrying annoying nonsense.
2. Gelding - stallion, gray - old. The expression is explained by the usual boasting of old people about their own strength, as if still preserved, like among the young.
3. The turnover is associated with the attitude towards the gray horse as a stupid creature. Russian peasants avoided, for example, laying the first furrow on a gray gelding, because he "lied" - he was mistaken, laying it incorrectly.
Give oak - die
The turnover is associated with the verb zadubet - "to cool down, lose sensitivity, become hard." An oak coffin has always been a sign of special honor for the deceased. Peter I introduced a tax on oak coffins - as a luxury item.
Alive, bitch!
The origin of the expression is associated with the game "Smoking Room", popular in the 18th century in Russia at gatherings on winter evenings. The players sat in a circle and passed each other a burning torch, saying "Alive, alive, Smoking room, not dead, thin legs, short soul ...". The one whose torch went out, began to smoke, smoke, lost. Later, this game was replaced by "Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out."
Nick down
In the old days, almost the entire population in Russian villages was illiterate. To account for the bread handed over to the landowner, the work done, etc., the so-called tags were used - wooden sticks up to a fathom (2 meters) long, on which notches were made with a knife. The tags were split into two parts so that the notches were on both: one remained with the employer, the other with the performer. The number of notches was calculated. Hence the expression "to cut down on the nose", meaning: to remember well, to take into account the future.
play spillikins
In the old days in Russia, the game of "spillikins" was common. It consisted in using a small hook to pull out, without touching the rest, one of the other piles of all the spillikins - all kinds of small toy things: hatchets, glasses, baskets, kegs. This is how not only children, but also adults spent their time on long winter evenings.
Over time, the expression "playing spillikins" came to mean an empty pastime.
Bastard soup slurp
Bast shoes - woven shoes made of bast (the subcortical layer of lindens), covering only the soles of the feet - in Russia were the only affordable shoes for poor peasants, and cabbage soup - a kind of cabbage soup - was their simplest and favorite food. Depending on the wealth of the family and the time of year, cabbage soup could be either green, that is, with sorrel, or sour - from sauerkraut, with meat or lean - without meat, which were eaten during fasting or in case of extreme poverty.
About a person who could not earn his own boots and more refined food, they said that he "slurped cabbage soup", that is, he lives in terrible poverty and ignorance.
The word "fawn" comes from the German phrase "Ich liebe sie" (Ich liebe zi - I love you). Seeing insincerity in the frequent repetition of this “swan”, the Russian people wittily formed the Russian word “fawn” from these German words - it means to fawn, to flatter someone, to achieve someone’s favor, favor with flattery.
Fishing in troubled waters
Since ancient times, one of the prohibited ways of catching fish, especially during spawning, is stunning it. There is a well-known fable of the ancient Greek poet Aesop about a fisherman who muddied the water around the nets, driving a blinded fish into it. Then the expression went beyond fishing and acquired a broader meaning - to benefit from an unclear situation.
The proverb is also known: "Before catching fish, [you need] to muddy the water", that is, "deliberately create confusion for profit."
Small fry
The expression came from peasant use. In the Russian northern lands, a plow is a peasant community from 3 to 60 households. A small fry was called a very poor community, and then its poor inhabitants. Later, officials who occupy a low position in the state structure began to be called small fry.
The thief's hat is on fire
The expression goes back to an old anecdote about how they found a thief in the market.
After vain attempts to find the thief, people turned to the sorcerer for help; he shouted loudly: "Look! The thief's hat is on fire!" And suddenly everyone saw how a man grabbed his hat. So the thief was discovered and convicted.
Soap your head
The tsarist soldier in the old days served indefinitely - until death or until complete disability. Since 1793, a 25-year term of military service has been introduced. The landowner had the right to send his serfs to soldiers for a fault. Since the recruits (recruits) shaved off their hair and they said about them: “shaved”, “shaved their forehead”, “soaped their heads”, the expression “I will lather my head” became a synonym for threat in the lips of the rulers. In a figurative sense, "soap your head" means: to give a stern reprimand, to strongly scold.
Neither fish nor fowl
In Western and Central Europe of the 16th century, a new trend appeared in Christianity - Protestantism (lat. "protest, object"). Protestants, unlike Catholics, opposed the Pope, denied holy angels, monasticism, arguing that every person himself can turn to God. Their rituals were simple and inexpensive. There was a bitter struggle between Catholics and Protestants. Some of them, in accordance with Christian precepts, ate modest - meat, others preferred lean - fish. If a person did not adjoin any movement, then he was contemptuously called "neither fish nor fowl." Over time, they began to talk like this about a person who does not have a clearly defined life position, who is not capable of active, independent actions.
Nowhere to put samples - disapprovingly about a depraved woman.
An expression based on a comparison with a golden thing passing from one owner to another. Each new owner demanded to check the product with a jeweler and put a test. When the product was in many hands, there was no more room for a sample on it.
Not by washing, so by skating
Before the invention of electricity, a heavy cast-iron iron was heated over a fire and, until it cooled down, they ironed linen with it. But this process was difficult and required a certain skill, so the linen was often "rolled". To do this, washed and almost dried linen was fixed on a special rolling pin - a round piece of wood like the one that is currently being rolled out. Then, with the help of a rubel - a curved corrugated board with a handle - the rolling pin, together with the linen wound around it, was rolled along a wide flat board. At the same time, the fabric was stretched and straightened. Professional laundresses knew that well-rolled linen looked fresher, even if it didn't go well.
So the expression "not by washing, so by rolling" appeared, that is, to achieve results not in one way, but in another way.
Not a feather or a feather - a wish for good luck in anything.
The expression was originally used as a “spell” designed to deceive evil spirits (this expression was admonished to those who went hunting; it was believed that a direct wish for good luck could “jinx” the prey).
The answer is "To hell!" was supposed to further secure the hunter. To hell - this is not a curse like "Go to hell!", But a request to go to hell and tell him about it (so that the hunter does not get any fluff or feathers). Then the unclean will do the opposite, and it will be what is needed: the hunter will return "with down and feather", that is, with prey.
Forge swords into plowshares
The expression goes back to the Old Testament, where it is said that "the time will come when the peoples will beat the swords plowshares and spears into sickles: the people will not raise the sword against the people, and they will no longer learn to fight."
In the Old Slavonic language, "ploughshare" is a tool for cultivating the land, something like a plow. The dream of establishing universal peace is figuratively expressed in the sculpture of the Soviet sculptor E.V. Vuchetich, depicting a blacksmith forging a sword into a plow, which is installed in front of the UN building in New York.
Prosak is a drum with teeth in the machine, with which the wool was carded. To fall into a hole meant to be crippled, to lose an arm. Get into trouble - get into trouble, in an awkward position.
Knock off pantalik
Confuse, confuse.
Pantalik - a distorted Pantelik, a mountain in Attica (Greece) with a stalactite cave and grottoes in which it was easy to get lost.
straw widow
A bundle of straw among Russians, Germans and a number of other peoples served as a symbol of a concluded agreement: marriage or sale. To break the straw meant to break the contract, to disperse. There was also a custom to make a bed for newlyweds on rye sheaves. From straw flowers weaved wedding wreaths. A wreath (from the Sanskrit word "vene" - "bundle", meaning a bunch of hair) was a symbol of marriage.
If the husband left somewhere for a long time, then they said that the woman remained with one straw, so the expression "straw widow" appeared.
dance from the stove
The expression became popular thanks to the novel by the Russian writer of the XIX century V.A. Sleptsov "Good man". The protagonist of the novel "non-serving nobleman" Sergei Terebenev returns to Russia after a long wandering around Europe. He recalls how he was taught to dance as a child. Serezha started all his movements from the stove, and if he made a mistake, the teacher told him: "Well, go to the stove, start over." Terebenev realized that his life circle was closed: he started from the village, then Moscow, Europe, and, having reached the edge, he again returns to the village, to the stove.
Grated roll
In Russia, kalach is wheat bread in the shape of a castle with a bow. Grated kalach was baked from tough kalach dough, which was kneaded and rubbed for a long time. From here came the proverb "Do not grate, do not mint, there will be no kalach", which in a figurative sense means: "troubles teach a person." And the words "grated kalach" became winged - this is how they say about an experienced person who has seen a lot, who "rubbed between people" a lot.
pull the gimp
Gimp - a very thin, flattened, twisted gold or silver wire used for embroidery. Making a gimp consists in pulling it out. This manual work is tedious and time consuming. Therefore, the expression "pull the gimp" (or "dilute the gimp") in a figurative sense began to mean: to do something monotonous, tedious, causing an unfortunate waste of time.
In the middle of nowhere
In ancient times, glades in dense forests were called kuligs. The pagans considered them bewitched. Later, people settled deep into the forest, looked for kuligi, settled there with the whole family. This is where the expression came from: in the middle of nowhere, that is, very far away.
In Slavic mythology, Chur or Shchur is an ancestor, an ancestor, the god of the hearth - a brownie.
Initially, "chur" meant: limit, border.
Hence the exclamation: "Chur", meaning the prohibition to touch something, to go beyond some line, beyond some limit (in spells against "evil spirits", in games, etc.), the requirement to comply with some condition , agreement.
From the word "mind" the word "too" was born, meaning: go over the "mind", go beyond the limit. “Too much” means too much, excessively, excessively.
Sherochka with a masher
Until the 18th century, women were educated at home. In 1764, the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens was opened in St. Petersburg at the Resurrection Smolny Convent. The daughters of the nobles studied there from 6 to 18 years old. The subjects of study were the law of God, French, arithmetic, drawing, history, geography, literature, dancing, music, various types of housekeeping, as well as subjects of "secular manners". The common address of institute girls to each other was the French ma chere. From these French words came the Russian words "sherochka" and "masherochka", which are currently used to name a couple consisting of two women.
In ancient Russia, the boyars, unlike commoners, sewed a collar embroidered with silver, gold and pearls, which was called a trump card, to the collar of the front caftan. The trump card stuck up imposingly, giving the boyars a proud posture. Walking as a trump card is important to walk, and trump card is to brag about something.

  • Wolf ticket (wolf passport)
    In the 19th century, the name of a document that closed access to a public service, an educational institution, etc. Today, phraseological units are used in the sense of a sharply negative characterization of someone's work.
    The origin of this turnover is usually explained by the fact that a person who received such a document was not allowed to live in one place for more than 2-3 days and he had to wander like a wolf.
    In addition, in many combinations, wolf means "abnormal, inhuman, bestial", which strengthens the opposition between the owner of the wolf ticket and other "normal" people.
  • Lying like a gray gelding
    There are several options for the origin of phraseology.
    1. The word gelding comes from the Mongolian morin "horse". In historical monuments, horse siv, gelding siv are very typical, the adjective gray "light gray, gray" shows the old age of the animal. The verb to lie had a different meaning in the past - "talk nonsense, idle talk; chatter." The gray gelding here is a stallion that has turned gray from long work, and figuratively - a man who is already talking from old age and is carrying annoying nonsense.
    2. Gelding - stallion, gray - old. The expression is explained by the usual boasting of old people about their own strength, as if still preserved, like among the young.
    3. The turnover is associated with the attitude towards the gray horse as a stupid creature. Russian peasants avoided, for example, laying the first furrow on a gray gelding, because he "lied" - he was mistaken, laying it incorrectly.
  • give oak- die
    The turnover is associated with the verb zadubet - "to cool down, lose sensitivity, become hard." An oak coffin has always been a sign of special honor for the deceased. Peter I introduced a tax on oak coffins - as a luxury item.
  • Alive, bitch!
    The origin of the expression is associated with the game "Smoking Room", popular in the 18th century in Russia at gatherings on winter evenings. The players sat in a circle and passed each other a burning torch, saying "Alive, alive, Smoking room, not dead, thin legs, short soul ...". The one whose torch went out, began to smoke, smoke, lost. Later, this game was replaced by "Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out."
  • Nick down
    In the old days, almost the entire population in Russian villages was illiterate. To account for the bread handed over to the landowner, the work done, etc., the so-called tags were used - wooden sticks up to a fathom (2 meters) long, on which notches were made with a knife. The tags were split into two parts so that the notches were on both: one remained with the employer, the other with the performer. The number of notches was calculated. Hence the expression "to cut down on the nose", meaning: to remember well, to take into account the future.
  • play spillikins
    In the old days in Russia, the game of "spillikins" was common. It consisted in using a small hook to pull out, without touching the rest, one of the other piles of all the spillikins - all kinds of small toy things: hatchets, glasses, baskets, kegs. This is how not only children, but also adults spent their time on long winter evenings.
    Over time, the expression "playing spillikins" came to mean an empty pastime.
  • Bastard soup slurp
    Bast shoes - woven shoes made of bast (the subcortical layer of lindens), covering only the soles of the feet - in Russia were the only affordable shoes for poor peasants, and cabbage soup - a kind of cabbage soup - was their simplest and favorite food. Depending on the wealth of the family and the time of year, cabbage soup could be either green, that is, with sorrel, or sour - from sauerkraut, with meat or lean - without meat, which were eaten during fasting or in case of extreme poverty.
    About a person who could not earn his own boots and more refined food, they said that he "slurped cabbage soup", that is, he lives in terrible poverty and ignorance.
  • Fawn
    The word "fawn" comes from the German phrase "Ich liebe sie" (Ich liebe zi - I love you). Seeing insincerity in the frequent repetition of this “swan”, the Russian people wittily formed the Russian word “fawn” from these German words - it means to fawn, to flatter someone, to achieve someone’s favor, favor with flattery.
  • Fishing in troubled waters
    Since ancient times, one of the prohibited ways of catching fish, especially during spawning, is stunning it. There is a well-known fable of the ancient Greek poet Aesop about a fisherman who muddied the water around the nets, driving a blinded fish into it. Then the expression went beyond fishing and acquired a broader meaning - to benefit from an unclear situation.
    The proverb is also known: "Before catching fish, [you need] to muddy the water", that is, "deliberately create confusion for profit."
  • Small fry
    The expression came from peasant use. In the Russian northern lands, a plow is a peasant community from 3 to 60 households. A small fry was called a very poor community, and then its poor inhabitants. Later, officials who occupy a low position in the state structure began to be called small fry.
  • The thief's hat is on fire
    The expression goes back to an old anecdote about how they found a thief in the market.
    After vain attempts to find the thief, people turned to the sorcerer for help; he shouted loudly: "Look! The thief's hat is on fire!" And suddenly everyone saw how a man grabbed his hat. So the thief was discovered and convicted.
  • Soap your head
    The tsarist soldier in the old days served indefinitely - until death or until complete disability. Since 1793, a 25-year term of military service has been introduced. The landowner had the right to send his serfs to soldiers for a fault. Since the recruits (recruits) shaved off their hair and they said about them: “shaved”, “shaved their forehead”, “soaped their heads”, the expression “I will lather my head” became a synonym for threat in the lips of the rulers. In a figurative sense, "soap your head" means: to give a stern reprimand, to strongly scold.
  • Neither fish nor fowl
    In Western and Central Europe of the 16th century, a new trend appeared in Christianity - Protestantism (lat. "protest, object"). Protestants, unlike Catholics, opposed the Pope, denied holy angels, monasticism, arguing that every person himself can turn to God. Their rituals were simple and inexpensive. There was a bitter struggle between Catholics and Protestants. Some of them, in accordance with Christian precepts, ate modest - meat, others preferred lean - fish. If a person did not adjoin any movement, then he was contemptuously called "neither fish nor fowl." Over time, they began to talk like this about a person who does not have a clearly defined life position, who is not capable of active, independent actions.
  • Nowhere to test- disapprovingly about a depraved woman.
    An expression based on a comparison with a golden thing passing from one owner to another. Each new owner demanded to check the product with a jeweler and put a test. When the product was in many hands, there was no more room for a sample on it.
  • Not by washing, so by skating
    Before the invention of electricity, a heavy cast-iron iron was heated over a fire and, until it cooled down, they ironed linen with it. But this process was difficult and required a certain skill, so the linen was often "rolled". To do this, washed and almost dried linen was fixed on a special rolling pin - a round piece of wood like the one that is currently being rolled out. Then, with the help of a rubel - a curved corrugated board with a handle - the rolling pin, together with the linen wound around it, was rolled along a wide flat board. At the same time, the fabric was stretched and straightened. Professional laundresses knew that well-rolled linen looked fresher, even if it didn't go well.
    So the expression "not by washing, so by rolling" appeared, that is, to achieve results not in one way, but in another way.
  • Break a leg- a wish for good luck in something.
    The expression was originally used as a “spell” designed to deceive evil spirits (this expression was admonished to those who went hunting; it was believed that a direct wish for good luck could “jinx” the prey).
    Answer "To hell!" was supposed to further secure the hunter. To hell - this is not a curse like "Go to hell!", But a request to go to hell and tell him about it (so that the hunter does not get any fluff or feathers). Then the unclean will do the opposite, and it will be what is needed: the hunter will return "with down and feather", that is, with prey.
  • Forge swords into plowshares
    The expression goes back to the Old Testament, where it is said that "the time will come when the peoples will beat the swords plowshares and spears into sickles: the people will not raise the sword against the people, and they will no longer learn to fight."
    In the Old Slavonic language, "ploughshare" is a tool for cultivating the land, something like a plow. The dream of establishing universal peace is figuratively expressed in the sculpture of the Soviet sculptor E.V. Vuchetich, depicting a blacksmith forging a sword into a plow, which is installed in front of the UN building in New York.
  • Goof
    Prosak is a drum with teeth in the machine, with which the wool was carded. To fall into a hole meant to be crippled, to lose an arm. Get into trouble - get into trouble, in an awkward position.
  • Knock off pantalik
    Confuse, confuse.
    Pantalik - a distorted Pantelik, a mountain in Attica (Greece) with a stalactite cave and grottoes in which it was easy to get lost.
  • straw widow
    A bundle of straw among Russians, Germans and a number of other peoples served as a symbol of a concluded agreement: marriage or sale. To break the straw meant to break the contract, to disperse. There was also a custom to make a bed for newlyweds on rye sheaves. From straw flowers weaved wedding wreaths. A wreath (from the Sanskrit word "vene" - "bundle", meaning a bunch of hair) was a symbol of marriage.
    If the husband left somewhere for a long time, then they said that the woman remained with one straw, so the expression "straw widow" appeared.
  • dance from the stove
    The expression became popular thanks to the novel by the Russian writer of the XIX century V.A. Sleptsov "Good man". The protagonist of the novel "non-serving nobleman" Sergei Terebenev returns to Russia after a long wandering around Europe. He recalls how he was taught to dance as a child. Serezha started all his movements from the stove, and if he made a mistake, the teacher told him: "Well, go to the stove, start over." Terebenev realized that his life circle was closed: he started from the village, then Moscow, Europe, and, having reached the edge, he again returns to the village, to the stove.
  • Grated roll
    In Russia, kalach is wheat bread in the shape of a castle with a bow. Grated kalach was baked from tough kalach dough, which was kneaded and rubbed for a long time. From here came the proverb "Do not grate, do not mint, there will be no kalach", which in a figurative sense means: "troubles teach a person." And the words "grated kalach" became winged - this is how they say about an experienced person who has seen a lot, who "rubbed between people" a lot.
  • pull the gimp
    Gimp - a very thin, flattened, twisted gold or silver wire used for embroidery. Making a gimp consists in pulling it out. This manual work is tedious and time consuming. Therefore, the expression "pull the gimp" (or "dilute the gimp") in a figurative sense began to mean: to do something monotonous, tedious, causing an unfortunate loss of time.
  • In the middle of nowhere
    In ancient times, glades in dense forests were called kuligs. The pagans considered them bewitched. Later, people settled deep into the forest, looked for kuligi, settled there with the whole family. This is where the expression came from: in the middle of nowhere, that is, very far away.
  • Too
    In Slavic mythology, Chur or Shchur is an ancestor, an ancestor, the god of the hearth - a brownie.
    Initially, "chur" meant: limit, border.
    Hence the exclamation: "Chur", meaning the prohibition to touch something, to go beyond some line, beyond some limit (in spells against "evil spirits", in games, etc.), the requirement to comply with some condition , agreement.
    From the word "mind" the word "too" was born, meaning: go over the "mind", go beyond the limit. “Too much” means too much, excessively, excessively.
  • Sherochka with a masher
    Until the 18th century, women were educated at home. In 1764, the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens was opened in St. Petersburg at the Resurrection Smolny Convent. The daughters of the nobles studied there from 6 to 18 years old. The subjects of study were the law of God, French, arithmetic, drawing, history, geography, literature, dancing, music, various types of housekeeping, as well as subjects of "secular manners". The common address of institute girls to each other was the French ma chere. From these French words came the Russian words "sherochka" and "masherochka", which are currently used to name a couple consisting of two women.
  • trump
    In ancient Russia, the boyars, unlike commoners, sewed a collar embroidered with silver, gold and pearls, which was called a trump card, to the collar of the front caftan. The trump card stuck up imposingly, giving the boyars a proud posture. Walking as a trump card is important to walk, and trump card is to brag about something.