Smart questions for connoisseurs. Why does even the smallest speck of dust in the eye create a very unpleasant sensation? How long can a person live

We are not looking for answers to which, perhaps, we do not consider them important or simply take them for granted.

For example, have you ever thought about why we smell a specific smell when it rains, or why we cry when we cut onions?

There were logical answers to several such questions.

1. Why do old books have such a smell?

In short, several hundred volatile organic substances give the smell. In 2009, a study was conducted on this topic, the results of which were published in the journal Analytical Chemistry.

According to him, volatile organic substances enter the air from books, and more specifically from the decaying components of which it consists - paper, ink and glue.

2. How are seedless grapes grown?

Most fruits today do not come from seeds, but from cut branches. A small part of the vine or twig is cut, processed and placed in the ground, after which roots and leaves begin to grow from it.

Some seedless grapes do contain seeds, but they are very small. In general, most types of grapes contain seeds, just not all of them form a hard shell that is familiar to us.

3. Why can't we see baby pigeons?

Perhaps because we do not often look into their nests. Pigeons do not leave their nests until they are fully grown. In addition, when the pigeon has grown enough to leave the nest, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from an adult pigeon.

4. Why does it smell so good when it rains?

This scent is called Petrichor. With this name, they decided to designate the smell in the air, which remains after the rain has passed. It was invented by two Australian scientists in 1964.

The term Petrichor was formed from the fusion of the Greek words petra ("stone") and ichor ("ichor" - a liquid flowing in the veins of the Greek mythological gods).

It is worth noting that in the creation of this fragrance, one of the main roles is played by the organic compound geosmin (geosmin - from gr. "smell of the earth"). This organic matter is nothing but a waste product of various microorganisms, including cyanobacteria and actinomycetes.

5. Why do we cry when we cut onions?

When cutting onions, the structure of its tissues is disturbed, cells are torn, which in turn leads to the release of sulfonic acids, which turn into thiopropional dehyde B-oxide He is the one who brings tears.

In addition, these acids condense into the form of thiosulfite, which gives the onion its characteristic smell.

It should be noted that education thiopropional dehyde B-oxide as a result of cutting the onion, it reaches its peak in 30 seconds after the first cut.

Tears are a protective reaction of our body, which begins to produce a weak solution of sulfuric acid.

Our brain "informs" the lacrimal glands that it is time to secrete a large amount of fluid, which should wash away the irritating substance.

The more damaged onion tissues, the more gas is produced and the more fluid the body produces, i.e. more tears.

The reaction of the onion is a kind of defense mechanism against pests.

6. How much gold does a gold ring lose when we wear it?

According to a 2008 study published in the Gold Bulletin, on average, a gold ring loses about 0.12 mg of gold each week.

Chemist Georg Steinhauser, who is the author of the study, writes: "Most of all gold is lost while relaxing on the beach, where the ring is exposed to the abrasive influence of sand."

7. Why does garbage stink more in hot weather than in cold weather?

Most of the garbage consists of organic material - peels from fruits and vegetables, leftover food, etc. This material begins to decompose, releasing an unpleasant odor that signals that it can no longer be eaten.

If the environment is fairly warm, the organic material decomposes faster. In addition, we are less sensitive in cold weather, so when the weather is warmer, the stink of garbage becomes stronger.

8. Why don't penguins fly?

The bird, on the path of evolution, apparently had to choose which skill would be more useful to her: be able to fly well or swim well.

This idea was put forward by scientists whose study was published in 2013 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

According to the study, penguins can't fly because their bodies are more adapted to diving than flying.

"To learn to fly, they need to grow big wings, and to dive betterincrease body size. But if both conditions are met, then flight becomes impossible," explains Robert Ricklefs, study co-author and ornithologist at the University of Missouri in St. Louis.

9. Why is it difficult to sneeze with your eyes open?

It is worth noting first that if you choose to deliberately leave your eyes open when you want to sneeze, they will not come out of their sockets. And even if If this happened, then closed eyelids could not help you to avoid it.

In fact, when we sneeze, we close our eyes simply because the reflex is triggered. When your brain sends the signal to sneeze, part of it tells you to close your eyes.

10. Why do people walk forward and not sideways?

If crabs walk like that, then why don't people do it? Even if we need to go left or right, we still turn around and move forward.

One reason could be the fact that walking sideways uses as much energy as running forward.

A study published in the journal Biology Letters in 2013 showed that walking sideways requires more energy because a person during this process has to stop after each step in order to take the next step.

11. Why do some people have freckles and others don't?

Freckles contain the pigment melanin. Most freckles are due to the same gene that leads to red hair, MC1R.

The cells in the skin that produce melanin are called melanocytes. MC1R makes a protein that lives on these cells and tells your body what melanin to create.

In darker people, melanocytes are more likely to produce one type of melanin, eumelanin. People who produce more pheomelanin have paler skin and more freckles. By the way, such people do not sunbathe much; in the sun, their skin almost does not change color, since pheomelanin - unlike eumelanin - does not protect a person from ultraviolet rays.

12. Why does even the smallest speck of dust in the eye create a very unpleasant sensation?

Your cornea - the anterior most convex transparent element of the eyeball - has many nerve endings.

If you get dust in your eye and then you start rubbing it, you just rub the dust on the surface of the cornea, which worsens the situation, making the pain worse. You can also inadvertently press hard on a speck of dust, and it will enter the cornea.

Instead of rubbing your eye, try blinking - this helps in most cases.

Let me offer you a dozen seemingly ordinary, but perhaps incomprehensible questions for some. Suddenly you will learn something new for yourself :-)

So, let's go under the cut ...

Where do they put the earth when they dig the subway?

The underground is being dug at a depth of 50-70 meters. The land there is of good quality, so it is used underground in the construction of residential areas or fall asleep in ravines when laying roads. Another thing is digging mines. Earth at a depth of several kilometers has a high concentration of sulfuric acid and ammonia and is capable of killing all living things that come into contact with it for a long time. For its "laundering" create artificial embankments, called waste heaps. The land undergoes reclamation for 20-25 years, and then lives out its life in the same ravines and flower beds.

Do I need to change my passport if a person has undergone plastic surgery?

According to the legislation, one of the points providing for the replacement of a passport is a change in appearance: a sharp weight loss or obesity, a cardinal haircut or a change in hair color and plastic surgery. It’s not always possible to look like your passport photo anyway, and if, in addition, you change the shape of your nose, pump silicone under your sunken cheeks, then this can cause a problem with the law: you will need to carry certificates from a plastic surgery clinic. Therefore, in order to avoid a passport, it is better to change.

Why does X stand for the unknown?

And in the equations, and in the name of the series "X-files", and films XXX-video there is XXX. Back in the 17th century, Rene Descartes took the first three letters of the alphabet to denote constants (A, B, C) and the last three letters to denote variables (X, Y, Z). After Descartes, it so happened historically that X not only became the head of everything unknown, but also added to words to emphasize the special importance or mystery of their meanings.

Do deer, goats and other antlers get headaches after fighting?

There are no concussions in horned animals after fights. Horned animals have a deep adaptation to horns. The skull is designed so that the animal does not experience pain during ritual fights for the female. The horns even help the rams and mountain goats to move: while jumping, they push off the walls with their horns, thus turning the body around. Another thing is a simple headache. It happens in any animals, but this is not connected with the structure of the skull.

Is it possible to determine the gender of the interlocutor by the wording in the sentence?

Now I’ll tell you what to do in a situation where even the location of the stars does not help to identify the gender of the interlocutor. Men usually appeal to logic and facts in their reasoning, while women prefer to back up their thoughts with arguments based on emotions and their own instincts. That is, women are characterized by complete, complete sentences, often stuffed with emotional adjectives (“fantastic”, “extraordinary”) and interjections (“wow!”, “ah”). Men prefer to use more verbs and nouns. And further. If she had not described her dress, you would probably have said that it was “gray”, and not blue-beige, interspersed with pale spots. Describing the color, the girl pays attention to the shade and other details. For fidelity, start a conversation on a narrow topic: neologisms, inventing nicknames and labeling are peculiar to men. especially when they can't remember the name of "that damn thing." I hope my answer to this question helped you, for example, when you communicate via ICQ or doubt the truth of the profile data on Facebook.

Will I survive jumping out of an airplane into the ocean while flying at 1,000 meters?

You have no chance to survive. You will enter the water at a speed of 200 km / h and just crash into the waves. Surely you experienced pain when you jumped into the water with your stomach down. So, the larger the area and the higher the falling speed, the stronger the blow will be. However, if we are talking about 200 km / h, even the fact that he will enter the water as a "soldier" will not save you. By the way, when wakeboarders break off the rope and fall, while the athletes fly through the waves like on asphalt, impressive abrasions remain on their bodies.

Why amnesiacs do not forget the language and are able to talk?

The formation of speech occurs in a person up to 6 years. Thus, the speech skill is the core of the personality and is reliably protected: the areas responsible for it are located deep, at the base of the parietal lobe of the brain. In addition, when it comes to speech, the two hemispheres are able to duplicate each other in case of serious injuries. If one hemisphere suffers, the other takes over vital functions, including speech. Memory is located almost on the very surface of the cortex, it is less protected, and therefore is turned off during amnesia. Now doctors can save the patient's brain. True, usually the patient does not remember who he is and what his name is, but some nonsense.

If I tie my hands and apply current to the bar, will I pull myself up more?

If you think that the muscles from the current should contract, then alas, you can’t. A simple pull-up involves at least thirty muscles. If you apply current to each of them in isolation, then a person (theoretically) will be able to pull himself up several times, and then either lose consciousness or survive clinical death, depending on the strength of the electric shock. However, isolating each muscle and attaching electrodes to it will be problematic. And if you just apply current to the crossbar, then all muscles will contract, including antagonists. So the person will just hang, twitching slightly, until they die.

There are connecting rod bears, and there can be connecting rod hedgehogs, are they dangerous?

The friendship of a bear cub and a hedgehog suffering from insomnia, brilliantly shown by Norshtein in the film "Hedgehog in the Fog", turns out to have a scientific basis. Hedgehogs can be rods, that is, suffer from winter insomnia and wander through the forest in search of food. Most often, a close-knit and hungry army of connecting rod hedgehogs, moving needle to needle, invades bear dens or, say, barns, and there, as a rule, falls asleep, cleaning up other people's food supplies. The bear or the owner of the barn remain, thank God, untouched. Of course, unlike bears, hedgehogs do not adapt well to weather changes: if severe frosts suddenly catch nomads, then their chances of survival are zero.

What to do with the eyes so that, like a cat, see in the dark?

It must be admitted that not a single cat will voluntarily agree to give up its eyes for transplantation. And there are no other ways. The fact is that in the retina of the human eye there are visual formations of two types. Some, called cones, perceive the shape and color of objects. Others, rods, also called the twilight vision apparatus, distinguish between light and shadow. So, the sticks contain visual purple (rhodopsin), which decomposes in the light. As soon as darkness envelops us, rhodopsin begins to accumulate and increases the light sensitivity of the eye. The retina of mammals that lead a nocturnal lifestyle (cats are just one of them) consists mainly of rods, and diurnal animals (like humans)) consist of cones. It is impossible to change the ratio of rods and cones in the human retina. If the supernatural abilities of a cat cause someone to envy, incompatible with life, try eating carrots. The carotene contained in it improves night vision by influencing the rate of production of rhodopsin. After the carrot diet, you can certainly learn to find a black cat in a dark room, even if it is not there.

And here's something else interesting for you: for example, and here. Well, remember also The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

1. Does a person experience pain when his head is cut off?
Answer: yes, it does. A medical study conducted in 1983 concluded that no matter how quickly an execution is carried out, several seconds of pain are inevitable when a person loses his head. Even when using the guillotine, which is considered one of the most "humane" means of decapitation, severe pain cannot be avoided, which will last at least 2 to 3 seconds.

2. Why are pineapples so prickly?
The spiky exterior of pineapples seems to contradict the very purpose of the fruit's existence: how can animals get to the sweet pulp that is inside? The fact is that those pineapples that are sold in stores are actually still quite unripe. Animals living in the forests eat pineapples after they are ripe. A ripe pineapple becomes soft, it is already easy to open it, and then the animals eat it. The prickly outer side is found on the fruits of many plants to protect the fruits until they are fully ripe.

3. What are the dimensions of a wormhole?
The mole feeds on worms and other reptiles that enter its underworld. The size of a wormhole depends on how rich in living creatures the land in which the mole lives. Of course, the hole of a mole living under a lush meadow will be much smaller than the hole that a mole will dig that lives in acidic soil. In total, an adult mole can dig a hole, the area of ​​​​which will be more than 7 thousand square meters, building a multi-level network of tunnels, which can have up to 6 levels. The mole digs a hole deep, with various passages and "pantries" in which it stores its prey.
4. If you are wearing black pants or a skirt, does it make your butt look smaller?
Answer: yes, it is. The human eye perceives light colors better, so the outlines of body parts in dark clothes appear smaller in size. The problem is that it only works when you're looking at the person from behind. When you look at him from the side, the butt shows its true size.

5. Why does nettle sting so painfully?
Stinging nettle causes such a strong sensation of discomfort when touched on the skin because this plant releases a mixture of 3 chemicals when the delicate hairs on its leaves break down on contact with human skin. Against a burn with these acidic chemicals that are part of the nettle, it is customary to use such a remedy as applying a sorrel leaf to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which releases alkali when it is rubbed against the skin. The effectiveness of this remedy is questionable, some believe that the pain is actually reduced because the cool sorrel leaf cools the skin.

7. Why, if you smear a cut apple with lemon juice, does it not darken?
The answer to this question lies in the cellular structure of the apple. When the knife cuts through the peel, the cells of the apple are destroyed, and the air oxidizes the enzymes of this fruit. The process by which the apple turns brown is intended to aid the healing process of the cells and also make the apple unattractive to animals that would want to eat it. And citric acid, which is contained in a lemon, slows down this process of changing the color of an apple cut.

8. How fat does a person need to get to be bulletproof?
To do this, you would have to become terribly fat. The most common caliber bullet, the 9mm, is capable of penetrating 60cm of human flesh before coming to a complete stop. In addition, even if the bullet were stuck in body fat, the bullet impact would cause serious damage to the internal organs, and the person could die from vascular thrombosis.

9. What animals eat wasps?
Wasps are eaten by birds, skunks, bears, weasels, rats and mice. Wasps and bees are eaten by birds of 133 species, which avoid the bites of these insects by crushing them on the trunk or branches of trees. Badgers dig up wasp nests and eat their contents for food, despite the obvious displeasure and resistance of the inhabitants of the nests. Wasps are also eaten by dragonflies, frogs, moths and beetles. The larvae of some species of wasps taste good when fried in oil.

10. Why didn't nature invent the wheel?
Nature invented it, it's just that it was unnoticed until recently. Microorganisms use round discs for locomotion. Bacteria move with the help of "wheels" - they move by attaching themselves to a "wheel" in the cell membrane. This wheel rotates at tremendous speed (up to 100 revolutions per second) and generates electricity that charges the proteins attached to the cell membrane.

Many people sometimes come up with different, sometimes completely unusual questions, response which they don't know. We bring to your attention a selection of interesting questions and no less interesting answers on them.

1. Are camera and human eye sensitivity comparable?

Expressing the sensitivity of human vision in pixels is difficult. After all, 120 million visual cells in our eyes have different functions - some notice only color, others fix the illumination. We do not describe the visible reality as a set of certain individual pixels, the visual apparatus works systematically together with the brain. But still, scientists were able to make the most rough estimate of the resolution of the human eye - 324 megapixels. If we take into account the ability of peripheral vision - then all 576 megapixels.

2. How do penguins not freeze to ice floes?

Everything is very simple. In principle, freezing to ice is possible only if a layer of water appears between the body and the ice. And in the cold, it is formed only if this very ice is first melted. Penguins, on the other hand, have an amazing feature of blood circulation, in which their paws remain cold. In the lower limbs of this bird, the veins and arteries pass very close, and the venous blood is warmed by the arterial blood. As a result, less icy blood flows from the legs, and venous blood rushes to the paws chilled. This means that the paws remain cool and the ice does not melt.

3. Why is the output "spare"?

This word form remained in the Russian language from the Old Slavonic writing. And the variant of the adjective in -oy completely replaced it by the 20s of the last century. But the old version proved indestructible as a speech cliché and still adorns stencils in official buildings and public transport.

4. Is it possible to reduce the vehicle mileage data when driving in reverse?

No, because it is not the direction of movement that is fixed, but the speed and number of impulses produced by the engine. And no matter where the car moves, the mileage readings will still increase.

5. How did the dollar become a "buck"?

There are many versions of this and they are all interesting. According to one of them, the first American bills are to blame for everything. Their back side was green, for which the securities were called greenbacks (green backs). Later, the same name was assigned to green banknotes. According to another version - all because of deer skins, which were the main currency of the North American Indians. After all, a male deer is called a buck.

6. Where do bullfinches fly to in summer?

In fact, they don't fly anywhere at all. These are sedentary birds of coniferous forests. Just in the hungry winter time, they huddle in flocks and raid the nearest settlements. There you can find rowan, for example, or some other goodies. And it is not easy to find a bullfinch in the forest - the bird is quiet, secretive.

7. What is the difference between astronauts and astronauts?

In general, nothing. These are echoes of the Cold War. In the USSR, cosmonauts were so named from the Greek words "cosmos" (peace) and "nauta" (diver, swimmer). In defiance of them in the United States, their travelers were called "star swimmers." In addition, such a name was supposed to symbolize the desire and focus on reaching distant stars. By the way, in the USSR, only those who made at least one flight into orbit were considered cosmonauts. And astronauts are all who started training at NASA.

8. Why is the disease called "mumps"?

With mumps, the parotid gland becomes inflamed, which externally manifests itself in swelling of the face, eyelids and neck. As a result, the patient is somewhat reminiscent of a pig. The only charm of the disease is that after the first time a person receives lifelong immunity. At the same time, boys are twice as likely to get sick than girls.

9. Why do women have better handwriting?

First of all, it's about the speed of development of children. Girls by the time of learning to write and the formation of handwriting are more developed than boys. They absorb information better, besides, girls are more diligent, ready to make more efforts to achieve the goal.

10. Why does the ring finger “suffer” when taking a blood test?

In principle, doctors do not care where to take blood from. It’s just that people use the ring finger in everyday life less than others, it is the least stressed. And, what is most interesting, the nerve endings in the tip of the ring finger are the least.

11. Why are fire buckets shaped like a cone?

Such a design was introduced in the fire department under Peter I. Since 1722, it was useless to steal fire buckets, and the firefighters themselves could not be distracted when extinguishing a fire - after all, a bucket cannot be just thrown away, even temporarily.

Intellectual questions offered to schoolchildren after school hours allow developing the logical thinking of the younger generation. We offer different questions that can be used in the work of the class teacher.

The Importance of Creative Play

Questions for an intellectual quiz with answers offered to high school students contribute to their self-development and self-improvement. Each educational institution in our country has its own special teams of schoolchildren and teachers who take part in various intellectual games.

During joint tournaments, the guys and their mentors not only develop logical thinking, gain new knowledge, but also learn to work in a team.

Intellectual games for high school students

Various intellectual questions for the class team are designed for full-fledged extracurricular activities in grades 9-11. They are aimed not only at specific knowledge, but also at the ingenuity and general erudition of schoolchildren.

The game is an important activity that allows you to develop social communication skills, the emotional environment of the child. Educational games containing intellectual questions give children the opportunity to increase their level of development.

Tournament scenario

The purpose of the event is to develop the cognitive interest of senior students. The teacher creates conditions for the manifestation of children's creative abilities, develops communication skills.

Here are questions for an intellectual game that can be offered to schoolchildren.

Questions for ninth graders

First question. According to folk legends, beings close to humans influenced the formation of writing in Japan and modern hieroglyphs. Who are these beings? (Chickens that have individual paw prints).

Second question. How should Europeans view Arabic miniatures in order to see in them what the Arabs see? (It is customary for Arabs to write from right to left, so you need to use a mirror to appreciate the miniature).

Questions for the intellectual game can be associated with historical facts, art, culture.

Third question. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the cocked hat was a fashionable headdress, it was decorated with feathers and galloon. But they didn’t put it on, but placed it in the left hand, why? (There was a wig on the man's head, so the cocked hat was used only for bows).

Fourth question. What detail of the appearance is missing from the woman depicted by Leonardo da Vinci on his canvas "Mona Lisa"? (She has no eyebrows).

Fifth question. The British and French tried to get the hand of an amazing lady. The conflict turned into a clash between fans, because of which the lady herself suffered. Who is she? (We are talking about the Venus de Milo, whose statue lost its arm as a result of an armed clash between the French and the British).

Six question. What was the name of the lesson in Russia when chocks for wooden spoons were being prepared? (To beat the buckets).

Intellectual questions offered to schoolchildren can be compiled on the basis of the regional component.

Seventh question. What did the Pomors give to newborn babies at birth? (The boy was given a hatchet, and the girl was given a spinning wheel).

Eighth question. What is the relationship between traditional Japanese netsuke miniature art and Japanese kimono? (Kimonos do not have pockets; objects are attached to the belt with the help of counterbalance trinkets, which are netsuke).

Ninth question. In the 14th-16th centuries, such an outfit was used by men. Since the seventeenth century, it has been made a female element of clothing. Kumashnik, curtain, fur coat, motley - all these are his names. What is this outfit? (Sundress).

Intellectual questions with answers can be created based on historical facts considered by schoolchildren when studying a history course.

Eleventh question. The Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich made an inscription, which later became a Russian proverb. What is this inscription? ("Cause - time, fun - hour").

Twelfth question. The national flag of France has three stripes: blue, white and red. Why is the stripe width used in the ratio 30-33-37? (This proportion gives the effect of visual equality of the flag stripes).

Assignments for high school students

We offer various intellectual questions with answers that can be used when conducting horizontal bars among high school students.

First question. Why do workers in Athens scatter pieces of marble around the Parthenon at night? (To save the temple from destruction by tourists, the authorities go to such a trick).

Second question. How are women's wide skirts and mass extermination of whales related? (In the eighteenth century, skirts retained their volume only with the help of frames, which were created from whalebone).

Intellectual questions for schoolchildren can be chosen with a comic meaning, so that in order to find an answer, the guys show their ingenuity, non-standard thinking.

Third question. Why did the Frenchman Guy de Maupassant dine only at a restaurant located on the Eiffel Tower? (The writer believed that the tower disfigures Paris, did not want to see it).

Fourth question. Why, in the sixteenth century, did ladies wear animal skins on a chain, hanging them from their belts? (Fleas gathered on the skin, which wound up in the folds of a magnificent dress).

Themed Tournaments

Questions for an intellectual quiz the teacher can take in special books, as well as compose them on their own. For example, you can propose several tasks that relate to the calendar.

There is astronomical time, and there is its biological counterpart. What are its units of measurement? (Generations).

What was the significance for our country of the record that appeared in the twelfth century: “January 30, Friday. Before lunch, the day is windy and cold ... ”(This is a fragment of the first weather report, we are talking about the creation of a weather service in Moscow).

The father asked his first-grader son to name the largest last number. The child's answer surprised him greatly. What did the boy say? (31 because that's the largest number of days in a month).

In ancient China, this substance associated with the sea was used as a monetary unit. In ancient Greece, it was an integral part of the warrior's armor, what substance are we talking about? (This is salt).

educational football

Intellectual questions for children help to develop the creative abilities of the younger generation, therefore they are actively used by school teachers in pedagogical activities. Intellectual football can be carried out outside the lessons to develop the general erudition of schoolchildren, team building.

The class is divided into two teams, in which midfielders, attackers, goalkeeper, defenders are chosen. The number of participants is not limited, it depends on how many children you need to include and intellectual activity.

Team attacks are carried out in turn, using three combinations.

The corner option involves the full participation of the team. The judge, in the role of a school teacher, reads the question, and his assistant monitors which team has the fastest answer.

The guys give answers to intellectual questions only after they receive the permission of the judge. The correct answer counts as a goal against the opponent. If the answer is incorrect, the right to attack is transferred to the players of the second team.

A free kick involves the participation of two attackers in the game: midfielders and forwards, as well as three defenders (goalkeeper and defenders). The team independently chooses those guys who will participate in the draw. If in thirty seconds they do not give the correct answer to the referee's question, the right to answer is transferred to the opponent.

Penalty involves the participation of only one player of the team - the goalkeeper. He must give the correct answer to the teacher's question in order to "kick the ball" off the goal.

Questions for intellectual games with answers can be compiled together with the children, parents, and other teachers.

Game "Octopus"

This game will require interesting intellectual questions that involve the development of logical thinking. The teacher can come up with his own rules for the tournament, opportunities for getting extra points, considering how strong teams are entering the game. For example, in addition to the main questions, players may be offered additional tasks, with correct answers to which, the team will be awarded "protective" points. If necessary, participants can always use them so as not to lose the course in the game.

What does Gleb have in the back, and what does Boris have in front? (Letter "b").

Grandmother carried a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs did she carry in the basket? (Not a single one, since the bottom fell along with the eggs.)

When will a person be headless in an apartment? (If he sticks his head out the window).

How does night and day always end? (Soft sign).

What clock shows the correct time twice a day? (Those that are broken).

Which is lighter: a kilogram of copper or cotton wool? (They have the same mass).

Why do you go to the sofa when you plan to sleep? (By gender).

What needs to be done to leave four guys in one boot? (Each of them must remove one boot).

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (If the door is open.)

In what month does the talkative Masha speak the least? (February as it is the shortest month of the year).

Two aspens grew. Each of them had six cones. How many cones are on the trees? (Not a single cone, because aspens do not grow cones).

What happens to a blue scarf if it is immersed in water for ten minutes. (It will get wet).

How can you write the word "mousetrap" using five letters? (Cat).

What is a horse like when it is bought? (Wet).

A bear has none, a crow has two, and a man has one. What it is? (Letter "o").

A flock of birds flew into the grove. They sat on a tree by two, and one remained free. When there was one bird for each village, not a single one remained. How many birds are in the flock, how many trees grew in the grove? (Four birds, three trees).

A grandmother with cabbage was heading to the capital. Two old men met her, each carrying a sack of potatoes. How many people were heading to the capital? (One grandmother went to Moscow).

Such intellectual questions with answers for adults can be used when conducting joint activities with children, for example, during the decade of the family.

Adults approach the search for answers to questions too responsibly, so they often lose to schoolchildren. Unusual intellectual questions for adults is a great option for a break from everyday problems and fuss.

Examples of joke questions

There were three hollows on the birch trees. Each of them has four branches. Each branch has six apples. How many apples are on the tree? (Not a single apple, since apples do not grow on a birch).

Fifty wolves ran, how many tails do they have on their necks? (Tails do not grow on the neck).

From what fabric are sundresses not sewn? (Clothes cannot be made from railroad tracks.)

When are hands used as pronouns? (When they are you-we-you).

What forests do not have big game? (In construction).

Which of the wheels of the car does not rotate while driving? (Spare).

What do drummers and mathematicians use? (Fractions).

What belongs to a person, but is used much more often by other people? (Name).

When is the vehicle moving at the same speed as the train? (When the car is on the platform of this train).

If one egg takes four minutes to boil, how long does it take to boil six eggs? (Same amount of time).

Which flower has a feminine and a masculine gender? (Ivan da Marya).

Indicate five days, without naming numbers and the days themselves. (The day before yesterday, today, yesterday, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow).

Which bird, having lost a letter, becomes the name of the largest European river? (Oriole).

Which city was named after a large bird of prey? (Eagle).

Which woman mastered the aircraft first in the world? (Baba Yaga).

What year is the most food consumed? (In a leap year).

The name of which city is suitable as a filling for delicious buns? (Raisin).

Which month is shorter than the others? (May, it contains only three letters).

What bird does every physicist know? (Pheasant, since it is she who helps to remember the main colors of the spectrum).

Any intellectual tournament held for schoolchildren or adults is aimed at the development of erudition, the formation of team interaction.

Depending on the age characteristics of the participants in the game, the presenter, in the role of which the class teacher can act, selects questions of a certain level of complexity. Each team chooses a captain who maintains discipline, chooses the correct answer from the versions offered by the players.

One move involves answering one question. If the team gives the correct answer, they get a point. If the answer is incorrect, the opponents get the right to answer.

Among those rules that are strictly observed during intellectual tournaments, we note:

  • correctness of the presenter;
  • keeping silence.


Recently, there has been an increase in interest in holding various intellectual games and tournaments not only among adults, but also among schoolchildren. What is the reason for this interest? Serious changes are observed in Russian education. The traditional form of education, aimed at acquiring theoretical knowledge by schoolchildren, was replaced by the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards.

According to the new educational standards, the main emphasis is on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, capable of self-education and self-development.

Logical thinking, which develops when searching for answers to non-standard questions offered at intellectual games and tournaments, has a positive effect on the development of a creative person.

Society sets the task for educational institutions - the formation of the younger generation, able to make independent decisions, be responsible for their actions and deeds.

That is why such attention began to be paid in educational institutions to the organization of intellectual clubs, holding creative games. Those high school students who answer non-standard questions, in addition to acquiring new knowledge and skills, gain experience in working in a team. Those guys who have been trying to find answers to intellectual questions since school life are much more successful than their peers.