Alcoholism addiction is why they do by society. Alcoholism and drug addiction as systemic diseases

In the United States, an average of 90,000 people a year die from alcohol abuse. Yes, there is no typo here.

Every year, everyone's favorite liquor kills more people than terrorists or maniacs. Experts from the Centers for Disease Control say that alcohol is the "honorable" 3rd place in the list of causes of death in the United States.

And scientist David Nutt assures that in Britain alcohol is the main cause of premature death of people under the age of 60 years.

Alcohol abuse leads to the development of serious diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system, putting people's lives at risk. But this is not the only destructive factor. People often die due to accidental poisoning or thoughtless behavior while intoxicated. Not to mention drunk driving.

Alcohol provokes sexual violence

It's no secret that drunk people often commit sexual harassment. In 2004, researchers at Harvard University found that British colleges with a reputation for being "drinking" had more violent crimes.

Experts divided all colleges in Britain into three groups depending on the level of drunkenness. "Little drinkers" were called colleges in which no more than 35% of students drank "in one sitting" more than 5 glasses of strong liquor for two weeks.

In "average drinking" educational institutions, there were from 36% to 50% of such students. Finally, in the colleges with the highest drinking rates, the rate was over 50%.

The researchers concluded that girls in educational institutions with an average or high level of drunkenness are 1.5 times more likely to be raped compared to "light drinkers".

A similar study was conducted in 2013, and the results were about the same.

Back in the 90s, American scientists concluded that approximately 50% of all rape crimes are committed by drunk people. Moreover, almost half of the victims are also in a state of intoxication.

And this is not a reason to say that the victims themselves are to blame. Still, it is the person who committed it who is fully responsible for the rape.

Drinking parents deprive children of a happy childhood

Alcoholic parents don't treat their children well enough. Unfortunately, this is an axiom. In such families, there is often violence, child abuse or neglect of parental responsibilities. Unfortunately, adults do not understand that alcohol abuse not only harms them, but also makes their children's lives a living hell.

Social and mental consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction for adults and adolescents

Alcoholism is enemy No. 1 of modern society. Usually the consequences of alcoholism are divided into two branches.

The first is the bad consequences for the person with alcoholism. Indeed, with prolonged use of alcohol, the work of the main organs in the body is disrupted, the condition of chronic diseases is aggravated, the person begins to degrade.

After all, alcohol not only destroys health, but also entails mental consequences.

The second branch of consequences is social. When a person's alcoholism interferes not only with the addict himself, but also with those around him.

How alcohol affects the human body

When alcohol enters the body, it has a negative effect on human organs, and also exacerbates existing chronic diseases and generally spoils health.

Consequences of alcoholism

Drug addiction and alcoholism are varieties of human behavior associated with the formation of addiction and one way or another based on crime.

Most of the crimes of varying severity are committed against the background of alcohol or drug crimes. Drug addicts commit crimes in search of the next dose and finances for its acquisition.

But, above all, addiction to the use of alcohol and drugs causes great harm to the personality itself. The social consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism are extremely complex and varied.

Their diversity is evidenced by the fact that this problem concerns representatives of all strata of society, regardless of social location, wealth and standard of living.

The social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible and concern both the person himself and the whole society.

Severity of the situation

The problem of alcohol and drug addiction is extremely complex and threatening to the entire nation. Only in Russia alone, according to statistics, there are 10-12 liters of pure ethanol consumption per person. This is due to the wide variety of alcoholic beverages and their availability on sale.

The catastrophic situation of the problem of drunkenness and addiction to drug drugs is clearly indicated by the figures of annual statistics. Unfortunately, they tend to steadily increase. Check out the latest and very sad data from opinion polls.

What does alcoholism lead to?

Alcohol abusers:

  1. Moderate drinkers: 75-80%.
  2. Alcohol abusers: 9-10%.
  3. With a diagnosis of chronic alcoholism: 4-5%.

Drug users:

  1. Occasional drug users: 6 million
  2. Officially addicted: 60-70%.


conducting educational work with personnel

TIME: 50 minutes

VENUE: leisure room

Topic: "June 25 is youth day and international day against drug addiction."


Drunkenness and drug addiction are complex social phenomena. Their complexity and diversity is evidenced by the fact of a stable adherence to alcohol and drugs of various strata and professional groups of the population, people of different social status, and material wealth, educational level, age and gender.

The following facts can testify to the seriousness of the problems of drunkenness and drug addiction in our society. At present, Russia consumes per capita 12 liters of absolute alcohol per year (one liter of alcohol contains 2.5 liters of vodka or 25 liters of beer).

According to sociological surveys, 75-80% of the population consume alcohol moderately, 8-10% abuse it, and 4-5% consider it alcoholic.

According to the negative impact on the functioning of the body, alcohol is equated by narcologists with narcotic drugs. Both types of addiction primarily have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Like drug addiction, alcohol addiction leads to:

  • early disability;
  • premature death;
  • accelerated aging of the body;
  • the development of chronic, fatal pathologies.

A social person communicates with his friends and acquaintances, attends cultural events, is actively engaged in labor activities and, possibly, sports. In the life of an addict, all this does not exist.

Drug addicts are completely cut off from the outside world, their main goal is to get another dose. For this dose, they are ready to do almost anything, including an illegal act. Hence - an increased level of crime among drug addicts, theft and robbery.

The drug addict also does not have the opportunity to engage in labor activity. The consequences of drug addiction include the loss of professional skills and, as a result, dismissal. At the same time, a person also does not stay at a new job for a long time due to constant absenteeism.

Gradually, the addicted person’s social circle narrows, with former friends and acquaintances he becomes not very interested, contacts are limited only to interaction with people who supply drugs. As a result, depression and almost complete isolation from society.

When a person is just starting to use drugs, you can see that affective disorders appear. This is the tendency to react inadequately to the world around a person, increased sensitivity, emotional unsteadiness.

Over time, the personal characteristics of a person seem to be washed away, smoothed out, as a result of which all drug addicts acquire a significant similarity with each other.

The addict’s perception of the world completely changes, as he ceases to be wary of the drug and does not even want to listen about the consequences of drug addiction, besides, the person loses self-criticism, a sense of duty, such psychopathic qualities as depression or deceit appear.

Thus, in a psychopathic sense, a person begins to degrade, wasting all his thoughts, strengths and emotions on drugs.

One of the worst consequences of drug addiction is high mortality. On average, people who use drugs live only up to 36 years.

Some people die much sooner. There are actually a lot of reasons: it is an overdose of narcotic substances, and suicide, accidents, violence, accidents, somatic diseases, injuries that are incompatible with life.

Alcoholism affects not only the mental characteristics of a person. Mortality from alcoholism is now a fairly common phenomenon, because alcohol adversely affects the internal organs of a person. The abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to a number of somatic diseases from which a person can die.

Already at the earliest stages of addiction, changes in the mental state of a person are visible, since alcohol negatively affects the nervous system of people:

  • Alcoholic polyneuritis;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • alcoholic epilepsy;
  • alcoholic psychoses - the names speak for themselves.

According to the terminology of the World Health Organization (WHO): drugs are drugs that cause mental or physical (or both) dependence.

Substances that cause alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse can collectively be called narcotic substances, since, despite the difference in the mechanism of action, the course of diseases proceeds quite similarly.

A healthy person who first joins a narcotic dope usually does not experience euphoria. There is a violent reaction of rejection and signs of poisoning: headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness. In addition, there are other reactions that depend both on the specific characteristics of the drug and on individual tolerance. Coughing, palpitations, cold sweats, hallucinations, anxiety and even fear of death may appear, which often turn into oblivion and sleep. However, with subsequent drug use, these phenomena disappear and the first stage of the disease sets in.

Alcohol, nicotine and other addictive substances affect the nervous system in different ways. Nicotine disrupts the functioning of the nerve nodes of the autonomic nervous system, alcohol affects the brain, a number of drugs disrupt the nerve conduction of the diencephalon, etc. But all these substances turn out to be capable of disrupting the work of the emotional centers. In some cases, they cause a state of detachment and tranquility, in others - a state of fun, euphoria, and such a state later becomes a human need.

The second feature of alcohol, drugs and substances that cause substance abuse is that with repeated consumption they can be included in the metabolism. In this case, the metabolism is disturbed. That is why, in the advanced stages of the disease, deprivation of alcohol, a drug, or a substance that led to substance abuse causes severe disorders in the patient, not only mental, but also unbearable bodily headaches, pain in the lower back, spine, and joints. For each substance, these sensations are different, the common thing is that they arise when a person is deprived of the usual potion.

Alcoholism It is a form of chemical addiction that differs from drug addiction in that alcohol is a legal substance. The most important feature of alcoholism is that a sick person cannot come to the conclusion that he needs to completely stop drinking alcohol and never return to it.

Alcoholism is a disease of chemical dependence with the same features as drug addiction, and affects all spheres of human essence.

Alcoholism is a disease:

  • 1) primary, i.e. not a symptom or consequence of another disease;
  • 2) progressive;
  • 3) chronic (long-term);
  • 4) incurable;
  • 5) fatal.

The "prelude" of alcoholism is drunkenness - at first moderate, then chronic. At the same time, ethyl alcohol is constantly present in the human body, it is converted in the process of metabolism. Alcohol entering through the digestive tract breaks down to poisonous acetaldehyde and has a devastating effect on cells and organs.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is its denial (denies both the patient and relatives). The disease is incurable, but it is possible to delay its development and improve the condition if the patient is willing to take responsibility for his recovery and change himself.

Alcoholism is caused by the abuse of drinks containing ethyl alcohol. Usually alcohol acts in rather large doses, calculated in tens of grams. Alcohol is primarily a nerve poison, but it also affects other organ systems. It disrupts the permeability of cell membranes, causes a restructuring of enzyme systems, excites or inhibits entire ensembles of nerve cells, disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys. At the level of the whole organism, alcohol affects the function of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, disrupts the regulation of organs and human behavior. Under the influence of alcohol, energy metabolism is also significantly rebuilt. In patients with alcoholism, ethyl alcohol is used as an energy substance, and glucose is processed into fat. Hence the obesity of the heart and adjacent blood vessels. The heart of alcoholics may be large, but weak performance.

Alcohol destroys liver cells, and in fact it produces ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid - the main source of energy in the body), detoxifies (neutralizes) poisons and much more.

Alcohol is especially harmful to a growing body. Those doses that are acceptable for an adult can be fatal for young people. Alcohol intoxication occurs in them more often and faster. With brain damage, irreversible phenomena can occur that can lead to disability and death.

Alcohol abuse leads to personality degradation, makes a person mentally unbalanced. 70% of crimes against a person are committed while intoxicated. These are the most severe social consequences of alcohol dependence.

In recent years, the consumption of low-alcohol drinks and beer has increased significantly. But beer addiction can also lead to serious consequences for a number of reasons. Firstly, beer is made using the so-called artificial (cultural) yeast. And the components of this yeast cause damage to the human brain, lead to oncological diseases - this has been proven by studies by scientists from the USA, Canada, and Germany. Secondly, frequent and excessive consumption of beer leads to fatty liver (medics have an expression - "beer liver"), then there is the accumulation of fats throughout the body, i.e. obesity sets in. These processes are enhanced by leading a sedentary lifestyle, in urban environments.

Addiction- this is a serious disease caused by the abuse of narcotic substances and the acquired pathological dependence of the body on sedative, intoxicating, visionary substances (drugs). And having appeared once, the mechanism of dependence on drugs operates constantly.

After the collapse of the USSR, many of Russia's borders with the former fraternal republics became transparent and conditional. As a result, a flow of drugs poured from Afghanistan through Kazakhstan (the border with Russia is 7,500 km) into Russia. As a result, the mass distribution and use of drugs of all kinds began, which took on the scale of a national disaster.

Drug addiction is a disease. Children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other people to become ill with alcoholism and drug addiction. The presence of heredity proves that in a sick person, in the process of drinking alcohol or drugs, changes occur at the biological level. Drug addiction or alcoholism cannot be cured by simply replacing the drug or alcohol with a drug. In the process of using drugs and alcohol, a person develops a mental defense that prevents him from seeing and correctly explaining what is happening to him.

The main defense against chemical addiction is denial. A sick person himself does not suspect what is happening to him, and even if he wants to stop using drugs, he cannot change what he has no idea about. The main change in the spiritual sphere is the loss of the meaning of life, the emergence of a sense of one's worthlessness. Drug addicts themselves note that drug use in itself becomes the only meaning of life. For them, this is more important than study, work, sex, relationships with loved ones and much more.

Most people who suffer from problems caused by drug use believe that it is enough to stop using them and life will get better. This is where the basic paradox of chemical addiction comes in: to rebuild your life and get well, you have to stay clean and sober, and the damage caused by drug use makes it impossible to live that way. The most common consequences of drug use for physical health are diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, psychosis, epilepsy, etc. Depression, feelings of guilt, impotence, hopelessness, resentment and indignation develop. Spiritual qualities are violated: apathy appears, the loss of the meaning of life, a person begins to feel the hostility of the surrounding world.

The social consequences of drug addiction are the dependence of a drug addict on a drug seller, obtaining money not by labor, and sometimes even by criminal means. The treatment of drug addicts and the maintenance of their sick children is a heavy social burden. Moreover, drug addiction treatment is a long and expensive process.

substance abuse- a disease characterized by a pathological addiction to substances that are not considered as drugs.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, substance abuse (drug addiction) means a state of periodic or chronic intoxication caused by a natural or synthetic substance that is dangerous for the individual and society. This condition is characterized by craving for the substance, a tendency to increase the dose of the substance, and a mental (and sometimes physical) dependence on the effect of the substance.

Drug addiction and substance abuse develop very quickly, growing out of a short-term habit of using mind-altering substances.

There are three main types of consciousness change:

  • 1) illusion. A person begins to perceive reality in an altered way;
  • 2) hallucination. A person begins to get sensations from something that does not really exist. There are visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory hallucinations;
  • 3) rave. This is an incorrect explanation of really occurring events, while false ideas about the structure of the world arise.

According to the type of impact, mind-altering substances are divided into three main groups:

  • 1) stimulants. These are cocaine and amphetamines, a number of medicines, derivatives of ephedrine, caffeine and nicotine, substances used to reduce appetite;
  • 2) antidepressants. These include sedatives and sleeping pills, all opiates (opiates and opioids) and alcohol;
  • 3) hallucinogens. These are LSD (used in the USA when testing on a "lie detector"), marijuana, "ecstasy", ketamine, some medications with side hallucinogenic effects, hallucinogens are also found in some mushrooms and cacti.

The use of any of these substances leads a person to addiction. One of the main causes of drug use and substance abuse, despite the detrimental consequences, is the development of chemical dependence.

Chemical dependence (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco smoking) is a primary, chronic, progressive and often fatal disease with hereditary, psychological and social factors influencing its development.

Substances that change consciousness affect the functioning of the systems of the human body, giving it a level of sensations that does not correspond to reality; when a person falls ill (drug addiction), then the use of drugs becomes not just a desire, but a need, because without drugs the necessary level of comfort is not felt.

The negative phenomena generated by the consumption of alcoholic beverages are fraught with great danger to society. The consumption of alcohol is primarily bad for people's health. Alcohol abuse contributes to the development of somatic and mental diseases, and this is one of the causes of mortality in the population.

The frequency of accidents and injuries among men who drink alcohol is higher than among the entire male population of the country. In alcoholics there is a decrease in working capacity, a deterioration in labor discipline. Drunkenness also causes a high crime rate. Drunk drivers and pedestrians are responsible for most road accidents.

Drug addiction is not less, but rather vice versa, degree than drunkenness accompanies crime, because, firstly, in order to seize drugs or the means to acquire them, drug addicts commit serious and especially serious mercenary and mercenary-violent crimes. Secondly, drug addicts often commit crimes under the direct influence of drugs on the psyche.

The relationship between drug addiction and crime is also manifested in the commission of illegal actions related to illegal drug transactions (manufacturing, storage, sale, purchase).

The study of the medical aspects of drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism allows us to talk about their common legal nature, and, as a result, about the unity of measures to combat these phenomena and prevent them.

Anti-drug propaganda in schools and other educational institutions should be carried out regularly and purposefully. Its main objectives are to warn young people about the harmful effects of drugs and to build drug resistance. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that recently drug traffickers have been trying to accustom young people to drugs by smoking ordinary cigarettes stuffed with narcotic substances. Thus, addiction to drugs goes unnoticed to complete drug addiction.

Medical consequences of drug addiction.

The main effect of taking drugs on the human body is the so-called. “drug intoxication”, but there are also a number of characteristic side effects. In particular, with regular use, they cause addictive- tolerance, which manifests itself in a gradual decrease in the effect of the drug; this forces the addict to take higher and higher doses to achieve the effect. Drugs also cause addiction(“addiction”), which is manifested by a “withdrawal syndrome” or “withdrawal syndrome”, or a psychological craving for repeated drug use

For people who use drugs, the presence of dependence on the drug is characteristic. It is divided into non-psychic and physical addictions. In the course of using a drug, a mental dependence develops first, and then a physical one.

mental addiction It is characterized by a subjective deterioration in the condition with a delay in taking the drug, as well as a feeling of mental uplift, satisfaction when receiving it.

physical addiction due to the fact that regular intake of the substance changes the metabolism in the body of the user. This leads to significant violations of it if it is impossible to use the narcotic drug in a timely manner. As a result, the absence of the drug not only causes discomfort, but leads to disruption of the organs and systems of the body.

Drugs destroy the body, contribute to the emergence of severe chronic diseases, lead to premature old age, disability. The average death rate of people who regularly drink is almost twice as high as that of non-drinkers. Abuse of alcoholic beverages reduces life expectancy by about 20 years. Most often, the human liver, heart and brain get sick from alcoholic poisons. Alcohol intoxication is the cause of 40% of myocardial infarctions.

According to its effect on the body, alcohol is a narcotic substance that primarily affects the central nervous system. A person who is in a state of alcoholic intoxication finds it difficult and slows down the perception of external impressions, their accuracy decreases, the ability to listen to others, monitor the correctness of one's speech, and control one's behavior is lost. Alcohol slows down neuropsychic reactions, which is especially dangerous in cases where the specifics of professional activity require immediate orientation in a difficult situation. Alcohol is especially detrimental to young people. Studies have shown that in adolescence, a stable attraction to alcohol is formed 8 times faster than in an adult, leading to a sharp disorder in the behavior of adolescents, contributing to the manifestation of their aggressiveness. The young man becomes uncontrollable and his behavior unpredictable. First of all, such personal qualities as restraint, politeness, the ability to adapt personal desires to the requirements of the team are lost in him, rudeness, disregard for generally accepted norms of behavior and morality are manifested. A painful craving for alcohol develops and consolidates most quickly with its regular, frequent use. Drunkenness is a danger, a disaster for your society. Drunkards are 35 times more likely to have accidents than other people. About 20% of domestic and 46% of street injuries are associated with the intoxication of the victims. Alcohol leads to a violation of the production process, the rhythm of work, is the cause of equipment downtime and marriage, causes enormous damage. Between drunkenness and crime there is an inextricable fatal connection. According to statistics, 70% of cases of hooliganism, 60% of cases of robbery, 55% of robberies, 50% of rapes are committed while intoxicated. Up to 80% of teenagers who committed crimes were under the influence of alcohol. Due to drunkenness, lately the number of serious crimes has increased 3 times, crimes in combat service have increased 4 times, and the number of deaths while driving vehicles has increased 5 times. Among the committed disciplinary offenses, more than 50% are committed while intoxicated. In terms of social danger, the degree of severity of social consequences, drug addiction occupies one of the first places among other vices inherent in our society. A special danger of narcotics lies in the fact that a person very quickly develops physical and mental attachment to them. So, for example, a painful addiction to morphine occurs literally after the first 10-12 injections, and sometimes even earlier. Systematic drug use quickly leads to physical and mental degradation. A sharp weakening of the will, indifference to one's position are the characteristic features of a drug addict. The development of addiction to drugs is marked by a progressive narrowing of the circle of interests, a quick change of mood, reduced performance, memory impairment and loss of a sense of responsibility. The desire to get drugs crowds out all other motives and interests, often leading to the commission of serious crimes. Quantitative, including economic, assessments of drug addiction are not known even approximately, since it is impossible to calculate the cost of the disease and, most importantly, those accompanying it: crime, premature death, accidents, suicides, family breakups, loss of productivity, detention in hospitals, prisons, social assistance to the sick , their families. It is clear that these losses are enormous and often irreparable for society.

Alcoholism and drug addiction - types of behavior that deviate to a certain extent are associated with crime. A considerable part of criminal acts (crimes against a person, hooliganism, etc.) occurs in a state of intoxication. Drug addicts often turn to crime in search of funds to buy drugs. Drug addiction is associated with criminal drug business: production, storage, distribution and sale of drugs. At the same time, alcoholism and drug addiction in themselves cause damage primarily to their subjects, that is, the alcoholics and drug addicts themselves, while crime harms, first of all, other people or other objects of crime.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that develops as a result of the systematic use of alcoholic beverages. It manifests itself in physical and mental dependence on alcohol, leading to social and psychological degradation of the individual.

Using the classification of the World Health Organization, let's pay attention to three types of consequences of drunkenness and alcoholism:

for the drinker: loss of self-control; aggressiveness; accidents; onset of administrative liability for being drunk in public places; alcohol poisoning; severe diseases of internal organs; disability, in the future - early death or suicide;

for the family: conflicts in the family; failure to fulfill marital, parental and maternal responsibilities; loss of respect material difficulties; intrauterine damage to the fetus; improper upbringing of children; causing harm to their physical and mental health;

for society: violation of public order; traffic accidents; accidents; decreased productivity and absenteeism; economic damage associated with the release of defective products, accidents, medical expenses, law enforcement.

Drunkenness and alcoholism as a mass phenomenon is a serious social problem.

Drug addiction is a powerful factor of social disorganization, a destructive social evil, an exceptionally serious threat to the functioning of the social organism. Drug addiction refers to the use of drugs without the advice of a doctor. Medicine considers drug addiction as a disease characterized by an unruly train to drugs, a need to increase the doses taken, a painful state in case of drug deprivation. The consequence of drug addiction is the destruction of physical and mental health, the degradation of the individual.

Drunkenness and drug addiction are widespread primarily among people whose lives are characterized by labor, domestic and family disorder, lack of social prospects. This is due to the crisis in the economy, unemployment, violations of social justice, alienation of people from state and public affairs, lack of opportunities for leisure activities in a cultural setting. Of great importance are the traditions of the use of alcoholic beverages. Most often, the "baton" of drunkenness is passed on to children in the family. A certain role is played by the desire to disconnect from the difficulties of everyday life, to relax, to experience pleasant sensations.

In the spread of drug addiction, the search for opportunities for self-affirmation, group pressure, and socio-psychological infection play a role. Experts believe that people with an unstable psyche, a low level of intelligence, who are difficult to adapt to social conditions, are more prone to drug addiction.

The fight against drug addiction includes medical care for patients, an explanation of the consequences of drug addiction, legal measures aimed at stopping the drug business. And on the question of how to deal with drunkenness and alcoholism, two opposing points of view have been clashing for many years: one is for the introduction of a “dry law”, a complete ban on alcoholic beverages; the other - for the education of the "cultural use of alcoholic beverages", which excludes its development into drunkenness. What do you think?

Basic concepts

social norms. social control. Deviant behavior.

Crime. Addiction.

Questions for self-examination

1. Give examples of each type of social norm.

2. What is social control?

3. What is the meaning of self-control?

4. What are the causes of deviant behavior?

5. What is the social danger of crime?

6. What are the consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction for the individual, family, society? Can you suggest ways to overcome these shortcomings?

1. In one of the foreign works on the problem of deviant behavior, it is said: "Deviation is a natural part of social life. Dishes, regulations and prohibitions, moral improvement do not reduce deviations, as more stringent norms of behavior arise. Specific deviations may disappear, while others - to appear ... The disappearance of big crimes will lead to increased attention to smaller ones. " Do you agree with the stated point of view? Is it possible to rid society of deviations? Explain your answer.

2. How do you understand the expression of the English historian G.T. Bakla (1821-1862): "Society prepares the crime, the criminal commits it"? Explain it with some example taken from newspapers.

3. Do you agree with the statement of the French playwright J. Racine (1639-1699): "Great crimes are always preceded by small ones. No one has ever seen timid innocence suddenly turn into rampant debauchery"? Justify your answer.

3.3 the issue of combating crime arose a debate.

One point of view: it is necessary to toughen the punishment. Look at Singapore. They caught you with drugs - capital punishment, with illegal weapons, even if you did not use them - too. In some Muslim countries, according to the law, the hand is cut off for theft. And no one has been stealing there for a long time.

Another point of view: the cruelty of punishments will make crime more cruel. The main thing is the inevitability of punishment. If everyone knows that any crime will be solved, crime will drop dramatically. And what do you think about this issue?

Drug addiction and alcoholism are varieties of human behavior associated with the formation of addiction and one way or another based on crime. Most of the crimes of varying severity are committed against the background of alcohol or drug crimes. Drug addicts commit crimes in search of the next dose and finances for its acquisition. And the turnover itself, the distribution of drugs in our country is a criminal offense.

But, above all, addiction to the use of alcohol and drugs causes great harm to the personality itself. The social consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism are extremely complex and varied. Their diversity is evidenced by the fact that this problem concerns representatives of all strata of society, regardless of social location, wealth and standard of living.

The social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible and concern both the person himself and the whole society.

The problem of alcohol and drug addiction is extremely complex and threatening to the entire nation. Only in Russia alone, according to statistics, there are 10-12 liters of pure ethanol consumption per person. This is due to the wide variety of alcoholic beverages and their availability on sale.

A liter of pure alcohol (absolute alcohol) contains 25 liters of beer or 2.5 liters of vodka.

The catastrophic situation of the problem of drunkenness and addiction to drug drugs is clearly indicated by the figures of annual statistics. Unfortunately, they tend to steadily increase. Check out the latest and very sad data from opinion polls.

What does alcoholism lead to?

Alcohol abusers:

  1. Moderate drinkers: 75-80%.
  2. Alcohol abusers: 9-10%.
  3. With a diagnosis of chronic alcoholism: 4-5%.

Drug users:

  1. Occasional drug users: 6 million
  2. Officially addicted: 60-70%.

Causes of pathologies

Experts, considering the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction in our country, identify several reasons of a socio-economic nature. It is these situations that become the main culprits for the revelry of deadly misfortune:

  • developed traditions, where alcohol is at the forefront;
  • growth in the sale of alcoholic beverages, their availability and variety;
  • calm and tolerant attitude towards those who drink among the environment;
  • a constant desire to relax without making any special efforts;
  • desire to get away from reality, escape from everyday troubles, problems;
  • lack of conditions for organizing and conducting cultural non-alcoholic leisure;
  • inability to take responsibility and search for the guilty anywhere, but not in oneself;
  • negative living conditions that require the constant intake of some kind of relaxing means.

Social consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism

According to the negative impact on the functioning of the body, alcohol is equated by narcologists with narcotic drugs. Both types of addiction primarily have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.. Like drug addiction, alcohol addiction leads to:

  • early disability;
  • premature death;
  • accelerated aging of the body;
  • the development of chronic, fatal pathologies.

Consequences of drug addiction

Alcohol addiction

In comparison with the non-drinking category of citizens, the death rate among dependent persons is 3-4 times higher. Pathological addiction to alcohol reduces the average life expectancy by 15-20 years. According to medical observations, the human brain, liver and heart suffer most from toxic and poisonous metabolites of ethyl alcohol.

Alcohol intoxication causes severe myocardial infarction. According to statistics, in 45% of cases, a heart attack was diagnosed on the basis of drunkenness.

Social Consequences of Alcoholism

In a person who is under the power of ethanol, speech functions slow down, an adequate perception of the outside world becomes dull. Alcoholics are not able to control their behavioral reactions, perceive external stimuli. They lose the ability to understand and listen to the people around them.

Ethanol significantly stops all neuropsychic reactions. This feature is extremely dangerous if a person is engaged in professional activities that require an increased reaction and work with dangerous mechanisms. Intoxication has already been the cause of many fatal work-related injuries and accidents.. Among them:

  • 20% domestic injuries;
  • 46% of injuries received on the street.

And all this is the fault of the brain drugged by ethanol. According to observations, drunkards are 40 times more likely to be diagnosed with various accidents.

Ethanol is especially harmful to young people. Statistics and studies have shown that alcoholism develops 8 times faster in adolescents. This is due to the immaturity of their body and the sensitivity of the nervous system.

Alcoholism is a severe chronic disease

That is why adolescents who are addicted to alcohol have a high percentage of suicide and behavioral deviations are more pronounced. In alcoholics, such personal qualities as politeness, tact, morality, and the ability to adapt to the environment fade. Disregard for ethics, aggressiveness and inadequacy come to the fore.

Drunkenness is inextricably linked with an increase in crime. According to all the same statistics, on the basis of intoxication, the following are committed:

  • robbery 55%;
  • hooliganism: 70%;
  • rape 50%;
  • robberies 60%.

Of the total number of persons who have committed illegal acts under the influence of alcohol, 80% are teenagers. Due to alcoholism, especially serious crimes are committed 4 times more often. And the total number of deaths in road traffic accidents among drunks is 6 times higher compared to non-drinkers.


In terms of the degree of social danger and the severity of the consequences, drug addiction leads the statistics of other vices that modern society suffers from. Drugs are terrible because they cause rapid addiction and strong mental attachment.

What do drugs lead to?

Regular consumption of narcotic drugs rapidly leads a person to complete mental and physical degradation.

The formation of drug addiction is based on the progressive and rapid narrowing of one's own circle of interests to one single goal - to get and take the next portion of the drug. A person living in a constant drug frenzy is different:

  • sharp mood swings;
  • problems in speech functions;
  • a significant decrease in memory;
  • complete loss of performance;
  • an absolute lack of responsibility.

Consequences of addiction to drugs

The desire to get a vital dose often leads a drug addict to commit serious crimes. Specialists cannot even assess what economic and social values ​​drug addiction and its consequences lead to. After all, it is simply impossible to calculate and even approximately estimate the number of diseases caused by drugs. And also include here the whole number of consequences that accompany them:

  • crime;
  • job loss;
  • accidents;
  • early mortality;
  • suicidal attempts;
  • breakdown of family relationships;
  • detention in prisons and drug treatment clinics/hospitals.

The social cost of drug addiction is enormous. Keep in mind that this should also include assistance from social services to the sick and their families. The damage that drugs do to society is often irreparable. But what contributes to the spread of drug madness?

Reasons for the formation of drug addiction

Experts, considering and analyzing the problems of addiction, include the following situations among the main culprits that push a person into drug oblivion (by the way, many of them come from early childhood):

  1. Multiple concussions.
  2. Previous addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  3. Existing mental disorders/diseases.
  4. Uncontrolled access to parental finances.
  5. Chronic diseases transferred at an early age.
  6. The presence of alcohol addiction or drug addiction in one of the parents or close relatives.
  7. An incomplete family in which the parent pays little attention to the upbringing of the younger generation.
  8. Too early start of independent life, the desire to get rid of imperious parental care.
  9. Complicated childbirth. This includes long childbirth, the birth of a child with hypoxia, birth trauma.
  10. Indulgence in substance abuse. When toxic poisonous vapors no longer act on the body, a person switches to narcotic drugs.
  11. Connivance of parents and unwillingness to take part in the development of children. Situations are especially dangerous when a child has no sisters or brothers, and he grows up alone.
  12. Incorrect (distorted) ideas of parents about what education should be. This leads to a violation in the child's development and understanding of natural social roles.
  13. Severe, pathologically complicated pregnancy. An important role is played by infectious diseases transferred by the future mother, existing chronic pathologies, and severe toxicosis.

Under the influence of these factors, the human personality is deformed. At the same time, an inadequate assessment of reality and an abnormal system of life values ​​develop at the same time. What the regular consumption of drugs leads to can be seen in the photo of the consequences of drug addiction. These testimonies are horrifying and sometimes irreversible:

Before and after drug use

How is addiction classified?

Narcologists have a certain classification system for the stages of drug addiction formation. This structure is based on the analysis of the following forms of drug addiction:

  1. Social.
  2. Psychic.
  3. Physical.

social dependency. It begins to mature even at the stage when a person is simply among people suffering from drug addiction. At this time, a person only accepts and “trying on” the style of behavior of drug addicts, their attitude to life and drugs, any external attributes of drug existence.

At the stage of social dependence, a person does not yet use, but is already internally ready to become a drug addict and join the already familiar environment.

An important sign of this stage in the development of pathology is the existence of a certain group of people, which pushes the person to start using drugs. A person, following the rules accepted in that environment, becomes a drug addict himself.

mental addiction. This step, leading to the complete degradation of the personality, begins immediately after a person becomes intimately acquainted with any drug. Such a pathology is manifested in an increased desire of the addict to return to that state of joyful euphoria that he experienced while under the influence of a drug substance.

Drugs help a person get rid of emptiness, worries and negative emotions. A person who feels dullness, joylessness in everyday life, tormented by a mass of unresolved problems, seeks to quickly escape into the world of drug euphoria, where there is no place for troubles and problems.

The desire to get rid of the oppression of existing troubles, emotional instability and psychological discomfort is so great that the person is no longer able to refuse further use of the drug.

physical addiction. This stage of the formation of drug addiction develops already against the background of long-term use of drugs. At this stage, the human body is no longer able to function normally without the drug. Drugs are actively involved in metabolic processes and become an integral part of them.

At this stage, the addict gets acquainted with withdrawal. Withdrawal syndrome manifests itself differently for each addict. For some, it passes in a mild and almost imperceptible form, while others suffer from unbearable physical ailments. Features of withdrawal also depend on the type of drug consumed and individual characteristics of the individual.

But the main danger of the social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction lies in the fact that these pathologies have a direct impact on the next generation. What awaits children, youth, what future will they have if these horrific manifestations of modernity are not eradicated? Only complete deliverance from alcoholism and drug addiction will give confidence in the prosperity of our nation.