Read the work of the old woman Izergil in abbreviation. M

The author heard these stories in Bessarabia. The Moldovans with whom he worked dispersed, leaving only the old woman Izergil. “Time bent her in half, her once black eyes were dull and watery. Her dry voice sounded strange, it crunched like an old woman spoke with her bones. Pointing to the shadow from the cloud, the old woman claims that it is Larra walking across the steppe. "He lives for thousands of years, the sun dried up his body, blood and bones, and the wind pulverized them." The old woman tells a tale about how God punished a man for pride. In a distant and rich country lived a tribe of powerful and cheerful people. Once, during a feast, an eagle carried away a beautiful girl. She was not found and soon forgotten about her. She returned twenty years later, exhausted and aged, and brought with her a handsome young man, her son by an eagle. The young man was proud and arrogant: his eyes were cold, he talks to the elders of the tribe as equals, does not want to honor them, because he is one of a kind. Larra goes to a beautiful girl, the daughter of one of the foremen. She pushes him away because she is afraid of her father. The young man beats her, stands with his foot on her chest, and the girl dies. Those around him stand numb for a while, but then they grab him and decide to come up with an execution worthy of a crime. Not a single execution seems worthy to them. Even the mother does not dare to stand up for Larra. Larra is then asked why he killed the girl. He replies that he killed her for pushing him away. The elders object that "for everything that a person takes, he pays with himself: with his mind and strength, sometimes with his life." Larra, on the other hand, considers herself the first on earth and, apart from herself, sees nothing. People doom Larra to freedom and loneliness. Thunder is heard from the sky, the young man becomes immortal. For decades he wandered the earth and finally wanted to die at the hands of man. But people guess about his intentions and do not kill him, but ridicule him. Larra can't commit suicide on his own. Since then, he has been walking around, free, yearning, waiting for death. “He has no life, and death does not smile on him. And there is no place for him among people ... "

A beautiful song is heard from afar. The old woman smiles and begins to talk about herself. In her youth, she wove carpets for whole days, although "like a ray of sunshine, she was alive." And at night she ran to the one she loved. At the age of 15, she met a handsome, tall, black-moustached, cheerful fisherman. There is love between them. But soon Izergil gets bored with the monotony of their relationship (he only "sang and kissed"). She asks her friend to introduce her to the Hutsuls. She introduced him to a red-haired, curly young man, affectionate and hot. (Once he hit her in the face, she bit him on the cheek in response. A hole subsequently formed in this place, and the guy loved it when Izergil kissed him in this hole.) Then both the fisherman and the Hutsul were hanged. Izergil was present at the execution. The fisherman was afraid of death, and the Hutsul joked and smoked a pipe. Izergil also loved the Turk and lived in his harem for a week, but she got bored with women, and she ran away from the Turk with his 16-year-old son to Bulgaria. The boy died "from homesickness or from love." One Bulgarian hit Izergil for her beloved with a knife in the chest. Izergil was treated by a young Polish woman in a convent. The Polish woman was visited by her brother, also a monk. When Izergil recovered, she went with him to Poland. Once he insulted her and she drowned him. It was difficult for Izergil to live in Poland, as she did not know how to do anything. So it goes from man to man. One of them, a pan with a face chopped off in battles, Izergil respected very much, since this man "loved feats." “In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits.” In Poland, Izergil met a handsome nobleman, proud and spoiled by women. Izergil by that time was already 40 years old. He left her, and she realized that she was already old. The gentry went to war with the Russians, Izergil went after him. Having reached the place, she learns that the gentry was captured. Izergil deceives the sentry: she says that her son was captured, that she would only look at him, falls to her knees, knocks the soldier to the ground and strangles him. Izergil saves the gentry and his comrades. The gentry, in gratitude for her salvation, promises to love her. But the proud Izergil pushes him away. The gentry and his friends leave. Izergil starts a family, lives in Bessarabia for 30 years. A year ago, her husband died, and she was left alone.

A cloud rises from the sea, small blue lights flash in the steppe. Izergil says that these are sparks from the burning heart of Danko.

Izergil tells a tale. In the old days lived cheerful, strong and courageous people. Alien tribes drove them into the depths of the forests. It was dark there, and fetid fumes rose from the marshes. People died one by one. They decide to leave the forest, but do not know which way to go. From long reflections, people weaken, fear settles in their souls. Many are already ready to go to the enemy and agree to the fate of slaves. But Danko appears and saves everyone alone. Danko was handsome, brave and determined. The tribesmen believe him and follow him. The road turns out to be difficult, people grumble at Danko's youth and inexperience. A thunderstorm starts. Tired people lose heart and in anger and anger begin to reproach Danko. Danko replies that he is leading them, because he has the courage to lead people, and the rest meekly go like a flock of sheep. Furious people decide to kill Danko. “Their nobility was not on the leads, it was impossible for him to expect mercy from them. Then indignation boiled up in his heart, but it went out of pity for people. He loved people and thought that maybe they would die without him.” Danko tears his chest with his hands, rips out his heart and raises it above his head. “It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun. and the whole forest fell silent, lit by this torch of great love for people ... " Danko again calls on people to follow him, shocked people rush forward, "carried away by the wonderful sight of a burning heart." Danko leads people out of the forest, joyfully looks at the free land, laughs proudly, falls and dies. People do not notice his death, only one cautious person, “afraid of something, stepped on his proud heart with his foot. And now it, crumbling into sparks, died out ... "

The author heard these stories in Bessarabia. The Moldovans with whom he worked dispersed, leaving only the old woman Izergil. . Pointing to the shadow from the cloud, the old woman claims that it is Larra walking across the steppe. . The old woman tells a tale about how God punished a man for pride. In a distant and rich country lived a tribe of powerful and cheerful people. Once, during a feast, an eagle carried away a beautiful girl. She was not found and soon forgotten about her. She returned twenty years later, exhausted and aged, and brought with her a handsome young man, her son by an eagle. The young man was proud and arrogant: his eyes were cold, he talks to the elders of the tribe as equals, does not want to honor them, because he is one of a kind. Larra goes to a beautiful girl, the daughter of one of the old, tires. She pushes him away because she is afraid of her father. The young man beats her, stands with his foot on her chest, and the girl dies. The people around stand numb for a while, but then they grab him and decide to come, mother execution, worthy of a crime. Not a single execution seems worthy to them. Even the mother does not dare to stand up for Larra. Larra is then asked why he killed the girl. He replies that he killed her for pushing him away. The elders object that. Larra, on the other hand, considers herself the first on earth and, apart from herself, sees nothing. People doom Larra to freedom and loneliness. Thunder is heard from the sky, the young man becomes immortal. For decades he wandered the earth and finally wanted to die at the hands of man. But people guess about his intentions and do not kill him, but ridicule him. Larra can't commit suicide on his own. Since then, he has been walking around, free, yearning, waiting for death.
2 A beautiful song is heard from afar. The old woman smiles and begins to talk about herself. In her youth, she spent whole days weaving carpets, though. And at night she ran to the one she loved. At the age of 15, she met a handsome, tall, black-moustached, cheerful fisherman. There is love between them. But soon Izergil gets bored with the monotony of their relationship (he only). She asks her friend to introduce her to the Hutsuls. She introduced him to a red-haired, curly young man, affectionate and hot. (Once he hit her in the face, she bit him on the cheek in response. A hole subsequently formed in this place, and the guy loved it when Izergil kissed him in this hole.) Then both the fisherman and the Hutsul were hanged. Izergil was present at the execution. The fisherman was afraid of death, and the Hutsul joked and smoked a pipe. Izergil also loved the Turk and lived in his harem for a week, but she got bored with women, and she ran away from the Turk with his 16-year-old son to Bulgaria. The boy is dead. One Bulgarian struck Izergil in the chest for her beloved Oek. Izergil was treated by a young Polish woman in a convent for women. The Polish woman was visited by her brother, also a monk. When Izergil recovered, she went with him to Poland. Once he insulted her and she drowned him. It was difficult for Izergil to live in Poland, as she did not know how to do anything. So it goes from man to man. One of them, a pan with a face chopped off in battles, Izergil respected very much, as this man. . In Poland, Izergil met a handsome nobleman, proud and spoiled by women. Izergil by that time was already 40 years old. He left her, and she realized that she was already old. The gentry went to war with the Russians, Izergil went after him. Having reached the place, she learns that the gentry was captured. Izergil deceives the sentry: she says that her son was captured, that she would only look at him, falls to her knees, knocks the soldier to the ground and strangles him. Izergil saves the gentry and his comrades. The gentry, in gratitude for her salvation, promises to love her. But the proud Izergil pushes him away. The gentry and his friends leave. Izergil starts a family, lives in Bessarabia for 30 years. A year ago, her husband died, and she was left alone. A cloud rises from the sea, small blue lights flash in the steppe. Izergil says that these are sparks from the burning heart of Danko.

Izergil tells a tale. In the old days lived cheerful, strong and courageous people. Alien tribes drove them into the depths of the forests. It was dark there, and fetid fumes rose from the marshes. People died one by one. They decide to leave the forest, but do not know which way to go. From long reflections, people weaken, fear settles in their souls. Many are already ready to go to the enemy and agree to the fate of slaves. But Danko appears and saves everyone alone. Danko was handsome, brave and determined. The tribesmen believe him and follow him. The road turns out to be difficult, people grumble at Danko's youth and inexperience. A thunderstorm starts. Tired people lose heart and in anger and anger begin to reproach Danko. Danko replies that he is leading them, because he has the courage to lead people, and the rest meekly go like a flock of sheep. Furious people decide to kill Danko. . Danko Tears his chest with his hands, rips out his heart and raises it above his head. Danko again urges people to follow him, shocked people rush forward,. Danko leads people out of the forest, joyfully looks at the free land, laughs proudly, falls and dies. People do not notice his death, only one cautious person, Old Woman Izergil, after finishing the story, falls asleep, the author reflects on what he heard.

One evening after the grape harvest, the narrator and the old woman Izergil looked at the silhouettes of people who went to the sea. The old woman told him an amazing story.

There once lived a tribe of people. They went hunting, and after that they had a feast.

During the festivities, an eagle flew in, grabbed and carried away the black-haired girl. They searched for her, but to no avail.
Two decades later, an exhausted girl appeared with the son of an eagle. He was handsome, possessed of an arrogant and proud character. For this tribe drives him away. As he leaves, he kills the elder's daughter.

The people of the tribe tie him up and gather in council to come up with an execution for such a daring act.
They called him Larra, let him go and doomed him to a lonely existence.

Somehow he came to people and tried to kill himself, but he failed to do so.
He lay on the ground, longing was read in his eyes. Since then, he has become like a shadow.
Thus he was punished for his pride, said the old woman, and fell silent.
Then Izergil began to remember her men.

She loved a fisherman, then left him for a Hutsul. Two of these men were hanged by a Romanian. He was avenged and he became impoverished.
The old woman also said that she lived with a Turk, but she was bored there and she ran away with his son to Bulgaria, later he died.

In Bulgaria, she was wounded by a woman out of jealousy. While undergoing treatment in a monastery, she met a monk and went with him to Poland. He often offended her and she threw him into the river.

Then she lived with a Jew and sold herself. There was also a Magyar, he left her, and later they found him killed.

She loved the gentry, he left her. And when he went to war, she saved him from captivity by killing the sentry, but did not want to stay with him.

The old woman got married, her Moldavian husband died and now she lives alone.
Then she told the narrator a story about the brave Danko.

Long ago people lived in the steppe, but others came and drove them into the forest. People began to die, Danko came and led the people behind him to lead them out of the forest. The road was hard, people began to weaken and get angry with him. They wanted to kill him. Then he tore out his heart with his hands and raised it above his head.

People were fascinated by this and followed him again. He led them to the free land and died.
Having told these instructive stories, the old woman got tired and dozed off.

Summary of the Old Woman Izergil according to the chapters of Gorky

Chapter 1

The text of Maxim Gorky's work "Old Woman Izergil" takes the reader to Bessarabia, at a time when Gorky was picking grapes with other workers, enjoyed life in the steppe and was not a famous Soviet writer. One evening he was sitting with an elderly lady in the shade of a vine, at the very time when other grape pickers were bathing in the gentle evening sea. The lady's name was Izergil. It was in the evenings that the old woman Izergil told him her legends. And Maxim Gorky at that moment completely surrendered to the will and imagination of the narrator, because he had never heard anything like it in his life. He was very pleased to listen to the smooth and melodious speech of his interlocutor.

So, the first legend that Izergil told Gorky is the legend of Larra. It tells about one land in which people live happily and carefree. One day the people were feasting. In the midst of the fun, an eagle flew in and carried away in its claws the most beautiful girl of this tribe. And this girl became the wife of an eagle and bore him a son, and they lived in impregnable rocks. It so happened that the eagle died. This girl found her tribe twenty years later, but she returned not alone, but with a beautiful and proud son. The girl told the elders about her life with the eagle, and that the eagle could not bear the fact that he was getting old and committed suicide. Then she did not live alone in the rocks and returned to the people. People approved of her act and accepted them into their tribe.

If we talk about the son of an earthly woman and an eagle, then it is worth noting that outwardly he was like everyone else, but his eyes were full of pride. With all his behavior and speeches, he expressed an irreverent attitude towards people, especially old men and girls. This is basically unacceptable behavior. We are People!

The eagle's son decided that everyone should obey his will. Once, during a conversation, the young man tried to hug one of the girls. She showed disobedience, and the eagle's son hit her, so much so that the girl died on the spot from this. Then the wise elders decided to expel the proud man from the tribe.

At this, the gray-haired wise men consulted for a long time and decided that he would be the best punishment for himself. Then they released the boy. The name came up with him Larra, which means outcast. Larra wandered the earth for many years. Death did not accept him. The tribesmen of his mother rejoiced at this fact. Since then, Larra has been wandering the world, but he has no death. This is a punishment for his pride. Now he looks like a shadow.

Chapter 2

The old woman Izergil noticed in a conversation that those who love life sing beautifully. She explains her longevity precisely by the presence of love in her life. She is flattered that she has experienced a lot of love. Then she tells Gorky about her beloved. So different and desirable for Izergil.

Her first young man was Hutsul, a robber who was soon executed. Then the son of a wealthy Turk, a Pole monk drowned by her, a pan with a disfigured face, a Hungarian who left Izergil without permission, a Pole Arkadek - the old woman's swan song.

The old woman talks about love. That I understood the need for a family in the life of every person. And that he has been living in Bessarabia for almost 30 years.

Of course, the abundance of men and their attention in Izergil's life can be condemned, but she was happy with them, and this is the most important thing for any person at any age. No wonder they say: "All ages are submissive to love."

Izergil finished talking about love in her life late, when it began to get dark. Blue sparks became visible in the darkness, and then the old woman told the story of the brave Danko. So the steppe evening turned the course of her story.

Chapter 3

Very, very long ago, brave people lived in the steppe zone. Their tribes were surrounded by impenetrable dark forests. It so happened that foreigners came to their territory and pushed the tribe into a dark thicket. And it was always dark there and there was a swamp nearby. Many strong and proud people died from swamp gas, because they were steppe inhabitants, accustomed to open spaces and winds. They began to think how they should be. They became very scared. So terrible that they were ready to go under the yoke of strangers, just to breathe in their native steppe air. And then Danko began to call on the people to go through the forest in order to regain their native steppe, and with it the desired freedom. He called with him so vividly, the fire of life burned in his eyes so much that his fellow tribesmen believed him and went with him through a gloomy and damp forest.

The path of the tribe was very long and thorny. People were losing faith. One day there was a wild storm. She aggravated the despair of people and they began to blame Danko for all the failures. Then the young man tore his chest, took out his trembling heart, raised it above his head and led the people. The heart shone brightly, that the road could be seen even better than the most powerful lantern. People walked, walked, and here it is, the long-awaited freedom! There is no more forest, and the native steppe is ahead. Danko felt joy from the fact that he led the people to their native expanses. He fell to the ground and died. The people didn't pay attention to it. Only one person from the tribe noticed this. He also saw a heart near Danko's body, stepped on it with his foot, and it went out, because although it was kind, it was proud and rebellious, like his master. The heart broke into blue sparks. But blue sparks now and then appear in the night. Gorky saw them during a conversation with Izergil on a late summer evening.

The night has fallen. Izergil completed her stories. There was silence, so much so that Gorky realized that even nature is able to appreciate the nobility of such a person as Danko.

Thus, in his romantic work, Maxim Gorky solves many important universal human issues. They touch the eternal, what to do? Who is guilty? Why live? What is freedom?

Picture or drawing Old Woman Izergil

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of The Epic of Gilgamesh

    This work inherently reflects all devotion and fidelity to friendship. Despite many things, it is friendship that can overcome all obstacles and ennoble a person.

  • Summary Just Together Anna Gavalda

    A young woman Camille, having left home after a quarrel with her mother, huddles in a broken attic of a Parisian mansion. The girl has an amazing talent for drawing, but in order to survive, she gets a night job as a cleaner

  • Summary Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh

    In the teaching, Prince Vladimir addresses his descendants, urging them, if not all, to take as an example for themselves, then at least some. The idea to write this appeal was prompted by his meeting with the ambassadors from the brothers on the way to the Volga. He also describes this meeting.

  • Summary of Turgenev Biryuk

    In the forest of the hero, heavy rain catches. The hunter suddenly sees a man - tall and broad-shouldered. It turns out that this is Thomas the forester, about whom the hero has heard. This forester was given the popular nickname Biryuk, which means a lone wolf.

Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" has 3 chapters. We suggest you read the summary of each of them.

Chapter 1

The author heard the stories that will be discussed in Bessarabia. When the work was completed, the Moldavians went to the seashore, and the author stayed with the old woman Izergil. The shadows of the clouds floated across the steppe. Izergil said it was Larra. The author became curious about who it was, and the old woman told him the following legend.

In one beautiful rich country across the sea lived a tribe of people. These mighty people hunted, grazed herds. During one of the feasts, the eagle took the girl. The whole tribe searched for her, but they could not find her, and they forgot about her. After 20 years, the girl returned. She was withered and exhausted. The woman brought with her a strong and handsome young man and announced that she was the wife of an eagle, and this guy was her son. The girl's husband, an eagle, has grown old. When he weakened, he threw himself from a height onto the rocks and died, and the woman returned to the tribe.

The young man's eyes looked proud and cold. He spoke with the elders on an equal footing, did not want to honor them, because he is the only one of his kind, there are no others like him. The tribe replied that he did not belong among them, let him go away. The young man embraced a beautiful girl, the daughter of one of the elders. She pushed him away, because she was afraid of her father's wrath. Then the eagle's son hit her. She fell, the young man stood on her chest, and she died. It was the first time a woman had been killed in public. The young man looked at the assembled proudly. They tied him up and began to think what to do with him. When asked about the reason for such an act, the young man said that the girl pushed him away, and he needed her. Everyone understood how selfish he was, and they became afraid for the young man, because he dooms himself to loneliness. The sage said that punishment is not needed, it is in himself. We decided to let him go.

The young man received the name Larra, which means outcast. He was free and alone, like an eagle, his father. The young man lived alone, laughed at people, stole their cattle and everything he needed. They shot at him, but the arrows did not pierce Larra. For a long time the young man lived alone near people. And then one day he came to them and did not defend himself when they rushed at him. People guessed that he decided to die, and did not kill him, so as not to alleviate the fate of the outcast. Larra hit his head on the ground to die, but he couldn't kill himself. Since then, the son of an eagle has roamed the earth. He became like a shadow. So the man was punished for his pride.

Chapter 2

The old woman Izergil, hearing the singing, asked the author if he had ever heard people sing like that. Only beautiful, life-loving people can sing so well. She began to remember her youth.

Izergil in her youth spent all day weaving carpets. And after work, she went to her beloved. When she was 15, Izergil fell in love with a fisherman, and they spent all the nights together. However, the fisherman soon got tired of her, as he only kissed and sang. Then Izergil met one freedom-loving Hutsul, affectionate and sad, who sometimes fought. Once he hit her, and Izergil bit him on the cheek. There was a dimple, and the Hutsul loved it when she kissed him in this place. The Hutsul and the fisherman, who after some time joined the Hutsuls, were hanged together. They were betrayed by the Romanians, to whom they went to visit. At the Romanian, after the execution, someone burned the mill. Perhaps it was Izergil, although the old woman said that many people did not like the Romanian.

The old woman also remembered the Turk whom she had once loved. He saw Izergil in the market and decided to take her into the harem. Izergil became bored with him, and she fled to Bulgaria with the son of this Turk. He was just a child, and soon withered away.

One Bulgarian woman, avenging her husband or fiancé, wounded her in the chest, and a Polish nun came out of her. Izergil fled from her together with the nun's brother, also a monk. He often offended her. Once, during another quarrel, she grabbed him and threw him into the river.

It was difficult for Izergil in Poland, because cold people lived there. In Bohnia, Izergil bought a Jew who wanted to trade it. She agreed. Rich people went to her, many even went bankrupt because of her. One rich pan sold all his property in order to shower Izergil with gold. But she didn't like him. At this time, she loved another pan who fought against the Turks. He had a cut face. Pan fought for the Greeks simply because of the love of exploits. Probably, this pan was killed during the Polish revolt. Izergil also loved the Magyar, whose body was later found in the field. Someone shot him in the head.

Izergil managed to redeem herself from a Jew, after which she lived in Krakow. Here she liked the young gentry. He wanted her to give herself to him. However, Izergil made it so that the gentry fell in love with her and began to seek her himself. When he succeeded, he immediately abandoned her, and Izergil realized that she had become old. She went for this gentry, who went to fight the Russians. She was told that he had been taken prisoner. Izergil really wanted to see him, so she decided to go to the village where he was. Dressed as a beggar. For a long time, Izergil persuaded the sentry to let her see her son. However, he did not give in, and she had to strangle him. She freed the gentry and three of his friends. He warmly thanked her, but Izergil did not want the love that comes from gratitude, and she pushed the gentry away.

Izergil realized that it was time to have her own house, and went to Galicia, and then to Dobruja, where she lived for 30 years. Her husband, a Moldavian, has already passed away, and she lives alone.

At the end of the second chapter of the story "Izergil" by Gorky, it is said that the old woman noticed blue lights that flashed in the steppe. She told the author that these lights are the sparks of Danko's burning heart. It will be discussed in the next chapter.

Chapter 3

In ancient times there lived brave and cheerful people. Impenetrable forests surrounded these people on three sides, and on the fourth - the steppe. But then tribes appeared, forcing people to go deep into the forest. Darkness and swamps surrounded them. Enemies did not let them out of the forest. People were afraid to go further into the forest, because they did not know what was there and how big the forest was. They did not want to die in battle, because in this case their covenants would die with them. And they decided to stay in the depths of the forest. Sad thoughts exhausted them and made them weak, cowardly. But Danko saved everyone.

He was a young, brave and handsome young man. He led the people through the forest, because he knew that everything in the world has an end. And they trusted him.

The path was not easy, it took a long time to go. The forest became thicker and thicker, and there was less and less strength left. Discontent began among the people. Only Danko, who walked ahead, remained cheerful.

One day a thunderstorm started. People were completely exhausted and lost heart, but they were ashamed of their impotence, so they attacked Danko with anger and anger, reproaching him for not being able to control them. He replied that they themselves followed him, like a flock of sheep, and did not save their strength for a long journey. People got angry and decided to kill their leader.

Danko loved people, and the young man's heart flared up with a desire to save them. People thought that the fire in Danko's eyes was rage, and strengthened their desire to kill him. Then the young man took out his heart from his chest and raised it above his head. Danko's heart burned like the sun. Lighting their way, he led the people on. Finally, the forest parted, and people found themselves in the steppe. Danko laughed proudly, and then fell and died. However, people were absorbed in their joy and did not notice the death of the one who showed them the way. One cautious person saw that Danko's heart was still on fire, and stepped on him with his foot. As it crumbled, it faded away.

Izergil dozed off. It was quiet and dark in the steppe.

Maxim Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil" was written in 1894, and a few months later it first appeared in print in the periodical "Samarskaya Gazeta". The first part was published in No. 80 (dated April 16, 1895), the second - in No. 89 (dated April 23, 1895), the third - in No. 95 (dated April 27, 1895).

The old woman Izergil is the author's interlocutor. The story begins with an old woman talking about her life and the men she once loved. Izergil is sure that life should be able to enjoy, to enjoy it in all possible ways. One of the main joys of life is love, not only sublime, platonic, but, above all, carnal. Without carnal pleasures, without the opportunity to enjoy the body of a loved one, life loses its charm.

Legend of Larra

Suddenly, Izergil notices a column of dust on the horizon. This is Larra. Then the old woman tells a terrible legend about a proud man who was ruined by the desire to stand out from his own kind and disrespect for his neighbors.

History of the proud man

Larra's mother was once kidnapped by an eagle. He took the girl to his home. After some time, she returned to her family, bringing with her her son - half a man, half an eagle. The young man inherited the beauty of his mother and the pride of his father. He considers himself the best and disdainful of elders.

Larra tried to take possession of one of the girls, but she refused him, fearing her father's displeasure. Angry, Larra killed the unfortunate. The villagers wanted to execute the young man. However, the punishment from above turned out to be even worse: Larra was cursed, becoming neither alive nor dead.

People abandoned the proud man and expelled him from their society. Left alone, Larra realized how wrong he was. The young man wants to die, but he does not succeed. Since then, for many years, Larra wanders restless, turning into a shadow.

Seeing strange sparks, Izergil says that this is all that remains of the flaming heart of Danko, a man who gave his life for those who were dear to him.

The Danko tribe has lived in the steppe for centuries. But one day the conquerors came and occupied their native land, moving Danko and his fellow tribesmen into the forest. People can't go home, but you can't stay in the forest either - it's too dangerous. The only way out is to move forward. Beyond the forest, another steppe awaits. Danko volunteers to be a guide.

The road was not easy. People died in poisonous swamps, died of hunger, but continued to move forward. In the end, the tribesmen lost faith in their guide and in the fact that they would ever be able to get out of the impenetrable thicket. People decided to kill Danko. Not knowing how else to help them, Danko pulled out a flaming heart from his chest and lit the way for his fellow tribesmen with it. People again believed the guide and again followed him. There were no fewer difficulties. Exhausted, tired wanderers were still dying, but faith no longer left their souls.

The survivors still managed to get out into the steppe. Danko did not have to rejoice along with the others. He fell and died. No one noticed the conductor's death. Only one of the tribesmen discovered the heart, which continued to burn near Danko, and crushed it, as if afraid of something. The heart went out, but the sparks from it can be seen even now, many years after the events described.

Character characteristics

In the image of Larra, the author embodied all anti-human qualities. The origin of the young man is not accidental: he has the appearance of a man, but his behavior is completely asocial. The eagle is a proud, independent bird. It was these character traits that Larra inherited. Pride and independence cannot be called shortcomings. These qualities characterize a brave, self-confident person who is not afraid of difficulties. Each person should know his own worth and not allow others to humiliate him. Pride and independence become vices, going beyond the personality.

Larra tries to win the respect and admiration of her fellow villagers by putting herself above others. In his opinion, he found the easiest and most correct way to honor. The young man's claims are unfounded. He did nothing for which he could be loved or simply respected. Beauty is one of the few virtues of Larra. However, even external attractiveness gradually melts against the backdrop of the ugliness of the soul. Years later, the beautiful body of the son of an eagle turned to dust, revealing a "rotten" essence.

The image of the proud Larra is contrasted in the story with the image of Danko. These characters are not connected in any way, but the author considers it necessary to mention them within the framework of one story. As a result, one character becomes a contrast to another.

Danko is a brave, courageous person who possessed the same character traits as Larra: pride and independence. But unlike the son of an eagle, Danko's best qualities do not cross the boundaries of his personality. He directs them not against his fellow tribesmen, but for their benefit. Danko invites people to show pride and independence in relation to the invaders of their homeland. No need to ask the invaders for mercy. We must find empty land and thereby show our superiority. Danko becomes a conductor not because he considers himself better than others in some way. He sees the despair of his fellow tribesmen and takes care of them, realizing that at least one person must remain who has not lost his composure and hope.

The author regretfully mentions human ingratitude. People were not grateful to their guide already on the path to happiness, despite the fact that Danko did everything for them that was in his power. But even this was not enough. Then the guide gave away the last thing he had - his heart, which became the only source of light in the most difficult days of the journey. Even after the new homeland was found, the tribesmen did not feel gratitude towards their savior. The death of a hero who gave his life for the common good was not noticed. And one of the tribesmen simply destroyed the last thing left of the guide.